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Report: Weegschaal

         Description: Personen, geboren in het astrologische teken Weegschaal (Libra): 24.9.-23.10.
Individuals born in astrological sign libra: 24 SEP - 23 OCT Weegschaal 23 september - 23 oktober Ik verenig
Afspraken en kontrakten
Heerser Venus;
- zegt iets over de manier waarop je in staat bent liefde te geven of te ontvangen,
- hoe je tegendelen verenigt en in hoeverre je bereid bent water bij de wijn te doen

Libra is the Cardinal-Air sign. Librans accomplish things because they intellectually evaluate what needs to be done, and then they charm others into cooperating with them to achieve the goal. By unselfishly sharing the success of accomplishment with those who assisted, Librans continue to engender the cooperative efforts of others. They have to learn how to deal with confrontations. Fear of hurting others or avoidance of hostile situations can keep them from pursuing their goals.

Matches 2801 to 2804 of 2804  » Comma-delimited CSV file

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# Person ID Last Name First Name Birth Date Birth Place Tree Living
2801 I32819  Zelenka  Justina  7 Oct 1886  Fillmore County, Nebraska   STR06 
2802 I32814  Zelenka  Ludmilla  17 Oct 1872  Fillmore County, Nebraska   STR06 
2803 I4873  Zinnecker  Jean Marie  24 Sep 1936  Long Beach, Los Angeles County, California   STR06 
2804 I32332             

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