Her FindAGrave memorial page, created by Ray & Peggy Holbrooks Pace, shows that she was a daughter of R. A. Wilkerson and Georgia Scarborough.
Name Gladys Wilkerson Mcdaniel
Event Type Death
Event Date 28 Feb 1964
Event Place San Augustine, San Augustine, Texas, United States
Gender Female
Marital Status Married
Birth Date 28 Feb 1910
Birthplace , Texas
Occupation School Teacher
Father's Name R A Wilkerson
Mother's Name Georgia Scarborough
Informant Mrs R. V. Polley
Certificate Number 19218
GS Film number 2117483
Digital Folder Number 005164771
Image Number 01058
Citing this Record:
"Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/K3XN-YMR : accessed 06 Apr 2014), Gladys Wilkerson Mcdaniel, 28 Feb 1964; citing certificate number 19218, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2117483.
Box "W", (looks to be probate records from Grayson Co.) "C.S. Wilkins, deceaced.Michael Pitman, administrator."
"Division of land, 175 acres be for Elizabeth Pitman who was the widow of C.S. Wilkins, and 425 acres to be set aside for *Elizabeth H. Wilkins and Sarah Wilkins who were the only minor heirs of C.S. Wilkins."
"Michael Pitman, petitioner states that C.S. Wilkins departed this life in the Summer of 1853, that he left a wife and two children, and states that recently he (Pitman) married the widow."~~~~~~~
1870 Census
Texas, Grayson County, P.O. Sherman
Enumerated 13 Oct 1870
Page 12
Gentry, J. A. 26 M W Farmer 250 200 Ky
Gentry, Sarah 18 F W Keeps House Ky
Gentry, Calumy 1 M W Tx
Bush, E. H. 21 F Keeps House KY
Bush, Laura 3 F Tx
Tarbert, James 26 M Laborer California
Eloise was a bridesmaid for her sister-in-law, Lois Milkins, who married John's older brother, Kenneth Kaiser, just a few months prior her own wedding. She was listed in the news article reporting that wedding as "Miss Eloise WILKINS of Windsor."
Assumed, but not proven, to be her listing on the SSDI due to her age, state of issue, and location of last benefit.
ELOISE R KAISER 18 Jun 1918 22 Aug 1994 17601 (Lancaster, Lancaster, PA ) (none specified) 376-32-1357 Michigan
Box "W", (looks to be probate records from Grayson Co.) "C.S. Wilkins, deceaced.Michael Pitman, administrator."
"Division of land, 175 acres be for Elizabeth Pitman who was the widow of C.S. Wilkins, and 425 acres to be set aside for Elizabeth H. Wilkins and SARAH WILKINS who were the only minor heirs of C.S. Wilkins."
"Michael Pitman, petitioner states that C.S. Wilkins departed this life in the Summer of 1853, that he left a wife and two children, and states that recently he (Pitman) married the widow."~~~~~~~
Probate of S.A. Gentry, wife of J.A. Gentry
Mills County Texas Vol. 2 Page 38
In the Estate Matter of S. A. Gentry} In the Probate Court Mills County Texas
In chambers; Now comes J.A. Gentry and with respect represents to the Court that his wife S.A. Gentry departed this life on or about the 3rd day of February 1894 in Mills County Texas, that at the time of her death your petitioner and his deceased wife left the following the children surviving her, the issue of their ^ said marriage. Viz(?): D.S. Gentry a male now aged 23 years, A.D. Gentry a male now aged 17 years, Eva Annis Gentry now aged 14 years, a female. That all of said children reside in Mills County Texas. That A. D. Gentry, Eva Annis Gentry with your petitioner is said Mills County Texas that at the time of the death of his said deceased wife that there was a community estate between your petitioner and his deceased wife, the same is situated in Mills County, Texas that said estate consists chiefly of --
Page 39
--Real Estate, but that there is some personal property belonging to said Estate. Petitioner prays that appraisers be appointed to appraise said estate, and that upon hearing hereof that he be appointed Community Administrator of said estate will ever pray ?.
On this 11th day of January of January 1898came on to be heard the application of J.A. Gentry for letters of Community Administration of the estate of his deceased wife S.A. Gentry. And it appearing to the Court that all the matters and things contained in said petition are true, It is therefore ordered and decried by the Court that H. T. White, J.B. Ferguson and C.W. Humphries be and they are hereby appointed appraisers to appraise said estate. And that upon the return of said inventory and appraisement and the filing of the ? required by law the said J.A Gentry is hereby appointed Community Administrator of said Estate.
A.V. Logan Co. Judge
Estate of S. A. Gentry, Deceased } In County Court, Mills Country, Texas
Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of S.A. Gentry deceased, produced before the undersigned appraisers on the 11th day of January A.D. 1898 by J.A. Gentry Community Admin. of the Estate of said S.A. Gentry, deceased.
Community Property
Abst. No. 110 Cal Co School Land 160 acres Value $1250
Abst " 111 " " " " 257 " " $ 514
Abst. " 110 " " " " 89 " " $ 179
Goldthwaite lots, lot 1. 4. 5. 6. 7. & 8 in Blk 14 " $1000
Nine houses and 3 mules Value " $ 295
Fifteen head of cattle Valued " $ 150
Four buggies, one wagon, Valued at total $ 170
Agricultural implements Valued at $ 100
Household goods Valued at $100
total $ 3758.00
We the undersigned appraisers do solemnly swear that the foregoing is a full and fair appraisement of the Estate of J.A. Gentry Community Admin.
H.T. White } appraisers
C.W. Humphries
J.B. Ferguson
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 11th day of January A.D. 1898.
A.V. Logan
County Judge
Page 40 (right edge was cut off during printing)
In the Estate Matters }
of S. A. Gentry deceased. }
In the Probate Court. Mills Co. Texas In Cha?
The State of Texas }
County of Mills } Know all men by these presents that we J. A. Gentry as principal and H. T. White - - - as sureties do hereby acknowledge ourselves jointly an d severally bound unto A. V. Logan, County Judge of Mills County, Texas, or his successor in office, in the Sum of Three Thousand Seven hundred and fifty-eight dollar conditioned that the above bounden J.A. Gentry Principal who has been appointed Community Administrator of the Estate of S. A. Gentry, deceased will faithfully administer such Community Estate and ? over one half the surplus thereof after the payment of the Debts, with which the whole of said property is properly chargeable to such person or persons as shall be entitled to receive the same.
Witness our hand this the 13th day of January 1898
J.A. Gentry, Principal
B. F. Geeslin, Surety
H. T White, Surety
The foregoing bond examined and approved this January 15th 1898
Name: James Gipson Wilkinson
Death Date: 13 Jul 1956
Death Place: San Augustine, San Augustine, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: w
Death Age: 87 years 9 months 27 days
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 16 Sep 1868
Birthplace: Clayton, Al
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: J.H. Wilkinson
Father's Birthplace: Al
Mother's Name: Sarah Ann Bridger
Mother's Birthplace: Ga
Occupation: Farmer
Place of Residence: San Augustine, San Augustine, TX
Cemetery: Liberty Hill
Burial Place: San Augustine, Tx
Burial Date: 15 Sep 1956
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2114768
Digital Film Number: 4165140
Image Number: 1223
Reference Number: 38683
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
1900 Census
Texas, San Augustine County, Pr 1, San Augustine
Enumerated 13 and 14 June 1900
SD 267 ED 73 Sheet 6A Stamped 168
Wilkinson, J. G Head M M Sept 1863 37 m 9 Ala Ala Ga Farmer
Wilkinson, E. J Wife W F Nov 1872 M 9 3/3 Tx Unk Unk
Wilkinson, Euguene Son W M Apr 1892 8 Tx Ala Tx
Wilkinson, Minnie Lee Dtr W F Aug 1894 5 S Tx Ala Tx*
Wilkinson, Emma Dtr W F Aug 1898 1 S Tx Ala Tx
*Laura Buckmaster shows her as a daughter of J. G. Wilkinson and Eliza Josephine Malone, and that she married, around 1920, Early William VERDELL of San Augustine County, Texas
Name: Johnny E. Wilkinson
Death Date: 25 Oct 1956
Death Place: Rural 5, Bexar, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: white
Death Age: 64 years 6 months 1 day
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 24 Apr 1892
Birthplace: Texas
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: J.G. Wilkinson
Father's Birthplace: Alabama
Mother's Name: Josephine Malone
Mother's Birthplace: Texas
Occupation: Minister And Insurance
Place of Residence: San Augustine, San Augustine, Texas
Cemetery: San Augustine, Tex.
Burial Place: San Augustine, Tex.
Burial Date: 25 Oct 1956
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2114935
Digital Film Number: 4167327
Image Number: 379
Reference Number: 51564
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
Name: Mary Ella Hawthorne
Death Date: 03 Oct 1970
Death Place: Beaumont, Jefferson, Texas
Gender: Female
Death Age: 85 years
Estimated Birth Date: 1885
Birth Date: July 5, 1885
Birthplace: Newton County, Texas
Marital Status:
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Austin Wilkinson
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Mary Hughes
Mother's Birthplace:
Informant: J. C. Hawthorne, Jr.
Place of Residence: 901 S. Margaret Kirbyville, Texas
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2218909
Digital Film Number: 4169111
Image Number: 684
Reference Number:
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
Dr. Milton Wilkinson, age 91, of Round Rock, Texas, died Sunday, March 28, 2010, at Cornerstone Hospital in Austin.
He was born October 13, 1918, to Eugene and Letha (Mitchell) Wilkinson and served in the U.S. Air Force during World War II where he retired as a First Lieutenant. He was a former State Representative where he served for two terms and also served as an International Good Will Ambassador for President Lyndon B. Johnson.
Dr. Wilkinson previously served as pastor of Aaron Place Baptist Church in San Antonio, Keatchie Baptist Church, and Delhi Baptist Church in Rosanky, Texas, and also performed missionary work in Far East Guam. He was also a Mason and Shriner for over 50 years.
In 1971 he was listed in the Community Leaders of America. He served as superintendent of Leggett Independent School District as well as high school principal in Zavalla, Texas. Dr. Wilkinson held a Bachelor of Science Degree, Doctor of Divinity Degree, and a Doctor of Philosophy Degree.
Survivors: his wife, Loretta Wilkinson of Round Rock; sons, Wayne Wilkinson and wife Julie of Ruidoso, New Mexico, George Wilkinson of Tyler, Clifton [Eugene] Wilkinson and wife Connie of Center, Nick Wilkinson of Asheville, North Carolina, and Tim [Timothy Paul] Wilkinson of Destin, Florida; sisters, Tommie Mae Lott Melton and husband Ottis of San Augustine and Doris Fuller Williams and husband Waylon of Bronson; and a host of grandchildren, great-grandchildren; nieces; and nephews.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Bonnie [Loraine] Hope Wilkinson; and a daughter, Phyllis [Arnelle] Wilkinson Blackburn.
Funeral services are set for 10:00 a.m. Saturday, April 3, at Mangum Funeral Home chapel in Center with Bro. J.R. "Bob" Gwin officiating. Interment will follow at Liberty Hill Cemetery in San Augustine with military rites under the auspices of Barksdale Air Force Base.
Visitation will be held Friday, April 2, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Mangum Funeral Home.
Services are under the direction of Mangum Funeral Home in Center. Online obituary and guestbook posted at www.mangumfuneralhome.com
Also published in The San Augustine Tribune, Thursday, April 1, 2010, p. 11
Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, April 7, 2010, Page 16
Laura Buckmaster shows her as a daughter of J. G. Wilkinson and Eliza Josephine Malone, and that she married, around 1920, Early William VERDELL of San Augustine County, Texas
Mrs. Tommie Lott Melton, age 96, of San Augustine, Texas, passed away Saturday, January 30, 2021, at Doctors Regional Hospital in Corpus Christi, Texas.
Mrs. Melton was born January 10, 1925, in San Augustine, Texas, to parents Eugene Wilkinson and Letha Mae (Mitchell) Wilkinson. She was a longtime faithful member of Liberty Hill Baptist Church, where she served in many capacities, including youth leader. She enjoyed playing the piano and writing poetry. Mrs. Melton also held membership in the Order of the Eastern Star for a number of years.
She retired from San Augustine Elementary School as a teacher. Mrs. Melton received her bachelors degree from Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas. Upon retirement, she had taught over 30 years, including parochial school and the public school system.
Her survivors include her husband, Ottis Melton of San Augustine, Texas; children, Myra McGough and husband Roger McGough Sr. of Humble, Texas, Johnny Lott of San Augustine, Texas, and Jeanne McDonald of San Augustine, Texas; a sister, Doris Williams of Magnolia, Texas; 16 grandchildren; and a host of great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her husband, J.B. Lott; her parents, Eugene and Letha Wilkinson; a son, James Boyce Lott; and her brother, Milton Wilkinson.
Funeral services have been planned for 11:00 a.m. Saturday, February 6, 2021, at Wyman Roberts Memorial Chapel with Pastor Frank Holrath officiating. Interment will follow at Liberty Hill Cemetery, located on Highway 147 North in San Augustine, Texas.
Visitation will be held from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Friday, February 5, 2021, at Wyman Roberts Funeral Home, located at 316 W. Columbia Street in San Augustine, Texas.
Visit www.WymanRobertsFuneralHome.com for memories and condolences.
Services are under the direction of Wyman Roberts Funeral Home in San Augustine, Texas.
Downloaded from Wyman Roberts Funeral Home, also published in The Sabine County Reporter, February 17, 2021, page 4
Id#: 0392051 Name: Will, Edward H. Date: Jan 9 1943 Source: Source unknown; Cleveland Necrology File, Reel #086. Notes: Will: Edward H., beloved husband of Mary (nee Jirousek), father of Mabel Jeglie, Ethel Buch (deceased), Edward and Beatrice, and grandfather, entered into rest Jan. 7. Remains at Vodrazka Funeral Home, 3315 E. 55th st. Funeral from St. John's Evangelieal and Reformed Church, E. 55 and Magnet ave., Saturday, Jan. 9, at 3 p. m. Friends invited. W. E. Jirousek, funeral director, in charge.
1920 Federal Census
Ohio, Cuyahoga County, Cleveland Wd 14, ED 272
Will Edward H Hd M W 44 M 1882 Na 1901 Russia/German Russia/German Russia/German Foreman, Can Factory
Will, Mary T Wf F 38 M Ohio Bohemia/Bohemian Bohemia/Bohemian Clerk, City
Will, Mabel W Dtr F W 17 S Ohio Russia/German Bohemia/Bohemian
Will, Ethel Dtr F W 15 S Ohio Russia/German Bohemia/Bohemian
Will, Edward Son M W 13 S Ohio Russia/German Bohemia/Bohemian
Will, Beatrice Dtr F W 9 S Ohio Russia/German Bohemia/Bohemian
Jirousek, Fred Brother-in-law M W 44 Wd Ohio Bohemia/Bohemian Bohemia/Bohemian Tailor, Custom
Volume 20 of the STRIFFLER-BENKELMAN BROADCAST, dated September 2, 1957, reported that Harold D. Willard was graduated from Wayne State University on January 25, 1957, with a B.S. Degree in Education. He had continued at the University doing his graduate work, and was going to be an instructor at the University in 1958-1959.
Cass City Chronicle
Thursday, October 24, 1968
Last Rites today for Hal Willard
Funeral services for Harold D. "Hal" Willard, 36, who succumbed Monday from heart disease will be held Thursday at 11 a.m. at Smith Funeral Home in Port Huron.
Willard is a former resident of Cass City and was a star athlete at Cass City High School where he played end in football and was a member of the basketball team. Although still a young man, Willard had achieved athletic prominence and was widely known across Michigan.
He was a quarterback at Wayne State in 1954-55-56 and later served as coach and on the faculty at Wayne for 10 years.
He left WSU because of sports de-emphasis to become head football coach at Port Huron High School for two years. He was appointed athletic director by Port Huron Board of Education in July 1967, the post he held at the time of his death.
Willard was the fourth member of his family to die of heart disease at a comparatively young age.
Friends and associates have established a scholarship fund for the education of two children in the family and contributions in memory of Willard may be sent to Dr. Gerald S. DeGrow, superintendant of Schools, Port Huron.
Willard had received his BS and Master's degree from WSU and did post-graduate work at the University of Michigan. He was a member of the Omicron Delta Kappa, a national honor fraternity.
His wife is the former Joyce Fry of Cass City, who lives with their two children, Mark and Julie Ann, at 5294 Locustwood Ave, Port Huron.
Also surviving are two brothers, Harvey Willard and Louis Williard, both of Milford.
Burial will be in a Port Huron cemetery.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, June 2012)
1850 Federal Census Texas, Cooke County, Gainesville (page 238) #264-272 Wm. Wilbourn age 40 M farmer $480 $223 Ga. Unable to read or write Rosella " age 30 F Ohio John W. " age 6 M Texas Wm. M. " age 4 M Texas Cyrus F. " age 1 M Texas
Texas, Wood County, JP 6 SD 3 ED 122 Sheet 8A
Enumerated 23 April 1910
Quitman Road
HH 117-119
Williams, Alex Head M W 36 Married for 15 years Tx US Ga Farmer
Williams, Rosa Wf F W 32 Married for 15 years Tx US US
Williams, Cora Dtr F W 12 Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer
Williams, Ruby Dtr F W 6 Tx Tx Tx
Williams, Roy Son M W 2 Tx Tx Tx
Williams, Estie Dt F W 3 months Tx Tx Tx
Betty Pritchett writes that " Her father was John Williams of Davidson County, Tennessee. She had one son before she died. His name was Atkins Jefferson McLemore (1801-1849)"
Name: Bessie Edman Clark
Death Date: 02 Nov 1942
Death Place: Yellowpine, Sabine, Texas
Gender: Female
Race: white
Death Age: 60 years 4 months 7 days
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 18 Jun 1882
Birthplace: Sabine Co., Texas
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: G. H. Williams
Father's Birthplace: No Data
Mother's Name: Ollie Ferguson
Mother's Birthplace: Sabine Co., Texas
Occupation: Housewife
Place of Residence: Yellowpine, Sabine Co., Texas
Burial Place: Fairmount, Texas
Burial Date: 03 Nov 1942
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2137185
Digital Film Number: 4136000
Image Number: 3252
Reference Number: cn 51047
Collection: Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976
Bradley "Brad" Caleb Williams, 24, died Saturday afternoon, March 27, 2010. Brad was born in Jasper and had lived in Hemphill all his life. He was a welder for Pipeline Union 798 and was a member of the First Baptist Church, Hemphill, TX.
Brad is survived by his son Bradley Chase Williams of Pineland, his mother and step-father Rhonda and Roger Griffin of Hemphill, his father Gary Williams of Hemphill, grandparents, Melvin and Patty Dean Williams of Hemphill, Pat and Faye Leone of Hemphill, Tom and Jean Griffin of Bridge City, TX, and Gene Sepulvado of Shreveport, LA. Brad is also survived by his sister and her husband Kelli and Carl Beall, Jr. of Hemphill, his step-sister and her husband Raygon and Garrett Gibbs of Nederland and his nephew Landon Gibbs of Nederland. Brad was preceded in death by his grandfather Clyde Leone.
Visitation will be from 3:00 pm until 9:00 pm Monday, March 29, 2010, in the Starr Funeral Home, 510 Starr St., Hemphill, TX.
Funeral services will be at 11:00 am, Tuesday, March 30, 2010, in the Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, Gravelhill Rd., Hemphill, TX. Burial will follow in the Gravelhill Cemetery under the direction of Starr Funeral Home.
Also published in the March 31, 2010 issue of the Sabine County Reporter, Page 11
Also published in The San Augustine Tribune, Thursday, April 1, 2010, p. 11
Name: Cleo Mclemore
Death Date: 14 Aug 1946
Death Place: Dallas, Dallas, Texas
Gender: Female
Race: White
Death Age: 59 years 1 month 13 days
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 01 Jul 1887
Birthplace: Van Zandt, Texas
Marital Status: Widowed
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Fern Williams
Father's Birthplace: Ala.
Mother's Name: Margaret Anna Standord
Mother's Birthplace: Ala.
Occupation: Owner Beauty Shop
Place of Residence: Dallas, Dallas, Texas
Cemetery: Grove Hill Cemetery
Burial Place: Dallas, Texas
Burial Date: 15 Aug 1946
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2218379
Digital Film Number: 4030562
Image Number: 3058
Reference Number: cn 35731
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
Her Texas Death Certificate shows she died at the age of 15 years, 10 months. Her occupation was shown as housewife. She died of Meningitis. Her parents were shown as Alex Williams, born San Augustine, and Rose Alewine, born in Limestone County, Texas. The informant was her father, Alex, os Lindale, Texas. Cora's last name at death was Lunday.
David Waylon Williams, 82, went home to be with the Lord on July 15, 2017. He passed away peacefully in his home with his wife and children by his side. He was born October 24, 1934 in Bronson, Texas. Waylon retired from Champion Paper Mill in Pasadena, Texas and moved back to Bronson to live on his little piece of heaven on Earth. He was a member of Liberty Hill Baptist Church in San Augustine, Texas. He loved to hunt, do crossword puzzles, play 42 and beat his son, Butch, in Scrabble. He was always riding his horse or 4-wheeler, or looking for something to "piddle" with outside. He loved his family, friends, and especially his hunting buddies.
Visitation is Monday, July 17, from 5pm to 7pm and the funeral services will be held on Tuesday, July 18, at 11 a.m. at Wyman Roberts Funeral Home in San Augustine, Texas. He will be laid to rest at Bronson Cemetery after the services.
He leaves behind his beloved wife of 14 years, Doris Williams and his sister, Sherry. He is survived by his four children: daughters, Gaylen Adams and spouse Richard, Lori Barfield and spouse Danny, Lissa Gibson and spouse Rusty, and son David Williams, Jr. and spouse Charlyn; 2 stepdaughters, Angelia Fuller and Kim Fuller, and stepson, Jeffrey Fuller. He has 12 grandsons, 1 granddaughter, and 14 great grandchildren, along with numerous cousins, nieces and nephews.
The family extends a special thanks to Dana and Marilyn from CIMA Hospice for their loving care and kindness.
Copied from the Wyman Roberts Funeral Home website
Also published in the Sabine County Reporter, July 26, 2017, Page 5
Her Find A Grave memorial page shows she was the fourth of five children of Robert Franklin Williams, by his second wife, Jane Shelley. She grew up in Pageland, S.C.
Mr. Don Douglas "Dink" Williams, age 85, passed away Thursday, April 8, 2021, in Conyers, Georgia.
He was born October 20, 1935, in Sabine County, Texas, to parents Sarah Jane (Horton) and Dink Douglas Williams and spent his growing years around Bronson, Texas. Dink and his family lived in the Lumberton, Texas, area for several years and he worked for Santa Fe Railroad. After retirement he and Bettie moved to the Beechwood/Fairmount community on Toledo Bend near Hemphill, Texas, where they made their home until relocating to Georgia with family.
Dink joined the Centerview Baptist Church in his younger years and was active with Yellowpine-Macedonia Baptist Church during the past several years living in Sabine County.
He proudly served his country as a veteran and was a faithful participant with the O.P. Pate Memorial American Legion Unit 197 in Hemphill.
His survivors include his wife, Bettie June (Easley) Williams; a son, Alan Williams and wife Rebekah; grandchildren, James and Krystal Whatley, Nathaniel Ryan Whatley, Megan Williams and Glen Channey, Mycah and Juan Esparza, Manda and Tyler Reese, and Nico Pittman; and great-grandchildren, Shaelyn, Luke, and Chasten Whatley, Nathan and Nicole Miller, Lyla and Landon Reese, and Cesia and Candace Esparza.
In addition to his parents, Dink was preceded in death by his daughter, Donna Elizabeth Duplechin, in 1996.
Funeral services are set for 2:00 p.m. Thursday, April 15, 2021, at Yellowpine-Macedonia Baptist Church, located at the intersection of Hwy. 87 and FM 2343 in the Yellowpine community (Sabine County), with Pastor T. A. Lane officiating. Interment will follow at the Centerview Cemetery, located at 1000 Centerview Road, Pineland, Texas.
Visitation will be held from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 14, 2021, at Wyman Roberts Funeral Home, located at 316 W. Columbia Street in San Augustine, Texas.
Visit www.WymanRobertsFuneralHome.com for memories and condolences.
Services are under the direction of Wyman Roberts Funeral Home in San Augustine, Texas.
Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, April 14, 2021, page 4
Donna Elizabeth Duplechin, 42, of Mauriceville died at 11:26 p.m. Saturday, July 13, 1996, at her residence after an illness.
Born Dec. 21, 1953, she had lived in Mauriceville 16 years and was a former resident of Lumberton. Mrs. Duplechin was a self-employed artist.
Survivors: husband, Randal Duplechin of Mauriceville; parents, Don D. and Bettie (Easley) Williams of Fairmount; two sons, James Thomas Whatley of Silsbee and Nathaniel Ryan Whatley of Hemphill; two daughters, Tammy Elizabeth Miller of Mauriceville and Becky Duplechin of Houston; two grandchildren, Nathan Miller and Nicole Miller, both of Mauriceville; and a brother, Alan Williams of Beaumont.
Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the chapel of Starr Funeral Home Inc. in Hemphill with Bro. Wesley L. Pate officiating. Interment was at Centerview Cemetery near Pineland.
Published in The Sabine County Reporter, July 17, 1996, Page 12
Could this be the Emma Williams, age 34 born in Georgia, who was living in the home of John T. and Mary F. (Bragg) Williams at the time of the 1910 Sabine County, Texas, federal census?
The Sabine County Reporter
October 11, 2006
Eula Veronica Williams Wiggins
Eula Veronica Wiggins was born July 29, 1916, in Sabine County and passed away Thursday, Sept. 28, 2006 at 10:46 a.m. at Colonial Pines Care Center in San Augustine. Services were held on Monday, Oct. 2, at Starr Funeral Chapel in Hemphill with Bro. Rick Martinez of New Hope Baptist Church officiating. Burial followed at New Hope Cemetery. She was preceded in death by her beloved husband of 63 years, Arnie R. Wiggins.
She was the daughter of Henry David and Ida (CHAMBERS) WILLIAMS who also preceded her in death along with sisters Iva and Juanita and brothers Jack, Melvin and Sam. She was a lifelong resident of Sabine County working along side her husband in business for many years. She was a member of First Baptist Church of Hemphill. She was active in church and civic functions, always ready to give a helping hand when and whenever needed. She was affectionately known as "Honey" by those who loved her. She was an outstanding homemaker, loving wife, mother and grandmother. She was also a wonderful cook, always making special dishes everyone loved and no one ever left home hungry.
After moving to Colonial Pines Care Center in August 2003, she was active in all the activities there, participating in all church activities, taking trips, a member of "Red Hat Ladies" and was a top bingo player. She has such a zest for life, never meeting a stranger and was loved by all. She is survived by her daughter, Teresa of Hemphill and Ohio; her son, Jim of Longview, her granddaughter, Lynne HAYGOOD KANE and husband Tom of Ohio and Vermont, great-grandchildren, Ben of Erie, PA, Alex of Hillsboro, Ohio, Dana of Anchorage, Alaska, and Richard of Chandon, Ohio; and two sisters, Evelyn "Dot" BRAGG of Milam and Wanda CARPENTER and her husband, Wayne of Jasper. Also surviving are many nieces and nephews, other family members and many close and loving friends. She will be forever missed and loved by all who knew her.
Pallbearers were Benjamin DAVIS, Rodney BRAGG, Tom KANE, Lynne KANE, Ronnie CARPENTER, Johnny GUNN, and Cary CLARK. Honorary pallbearers were Doug HAYGOOD, Floyd WIGGINS, Dr. Prabhaker GUNIGANTI, and Dr. Jeffrey A. WATSON. Memorials may be made to Colonial Pines at 12023 FM 1277, San Augustine, Texas 75972.
Evelyn Marie Bragg, 92, died Friday night in the Shelby Regional Medical Center in Center, Texas. She was born in the Isla community near Milam, Texas, to Henry D and Ida Chambers Williams. Living in Milam all her life, she retired from Tyson Industries and was a member of the New Hope Baptist Church, Milam, Texas.
Mrs. Bragg is survived by her sons; Jerry D. Williams* of Crestview, Fl., Rodney Bragg of Huxley, TX., her daughters; Linda Adams* of Pt. Arthur, Martha Hager of Milam, Pansy Gray of Nacogdoches and Dorthy West of Silsbee, 19 grandchildren, 30 great grandchildren and 3 great great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband David "Dot" Bragg, her sons; Sonny Bragg, Donnie Bragg and Ronny Bragg, her grandsons; Randy Sowell and Thad Bragg Smith.
Visitation will be from 4:00PM until 9:00PM, Monday, Feb. 25, 2013, in the Starr Funeral Home, 510 Starr St., Hemphill, Texas. Funeral services will be at 10:00AM, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, in the Starr Funeral Home Chapel. Burial will follow in the New Hope Cemetery, Milam, Texas.
Copied from the Starr Funeral Home website
Also published in the Sabine County Reporter, February 27, 2013, page 12
Gloria Crowell passed from this life peacefully during her sleep on Sunday June 23, 2024.
Gloria was born August 20, 1934, to Andrew and "Miss Winnie" Williams in Fairdale, Texas. She was married to Bill Crowell September 29, 1952, and they had celebrated 71 years of marriage. She and Bill were devout Christians and attended Hillcrest Baptist Church in Jasper.
Gloria lived her entire life in East Texas where she spent many years working at Mary Dickerson Hospital. She loved to be around people which fueled her desire to hold a job well past retirement age. She was the driver behind her and Bill remodeling several homes during their years together. Her abundance of energy was used for remodeling, interior decorating, and making her yard beautiful with numerous flowerbeds of various flowers and plants.
She loved family gatherings and sponsored numerous ones, whether at her home in Jasper or at her "second home" in Eureka, Texas, where Philip let her decorate to heart's content. She loved decorating homes and did so at every opportunity. Her children learned that you didn't attempt to sit in the dark because the chair or sofa may have moved since you last sat there.
She was the devoted wife of Bill Crowell who preceded her in death on January 15, 2024. She was also preceded in death by Randy, one sister, Hazel Cudd, and a sister-in-law, Faye, her son, Troy, and her husband, Gene Pridgen.
She is survived by Philip, Pam, one grandson, Clay and his wife, Kathy, nephews, Mike Cudd, David and Jeff Harper and Buddy Crowell, the Cudd nieces, Karen, Ramona, & Peggy, the Harper nieces, Jessica and DeeDee and Phyliss Crowell.
Memories and condolences may be shared at Starr Funeral Home. Downloaded from their website
Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, June 26, 2024, Page 4
Could she be the daughter of Lewis Williams? "Lewis and Daniel were in the Civil War. In Dec of 1869, the Lewis, Daniel, and Hillary Judge Williams families came to Texas. At the same time Henry Y. Smith, the Brownings, Greers, Daniel Cordray, and no doubt, many other Georgians transfered themselves to Texas and settled in the Redlands of Sabine County. Lewis S. Williams was a surveyor and farmer."
1900 Census
Texas, Sabine County, Pr. 5
Enumerated 13 Jun 1900
SD 8 ED 72 Sheet 14A Stamped 154
Chambers, Jack Head W M Mar 1856 44 M 24 Ga Ga Ga Farmer
Chambers, Mary Wf Q D Awpr 1858 41 M 24 14/10 Tx Ga Miss
Chambers, John Son W M Apr 1887 13 S Tx Ga Tx Attending School
Chambers, Benjamin F Son W M May 1890 10 S Tx Ga Tx Attending School
Chambers, Ira D Son W M Jun 1893 6 S Tx Ga Tx Attending School
Chambers, Rosana Dtr W F Mar 1895 5 S Tx Ga Tx
Chambers, Nannie R Dtr W F Mar 1897 3 S Tx Ga Tx
Chambers, Cora Dtr W F Mar 1900 2/12 S Tx Ga Tx
Williams, Henry D Son-in-law W M Feb 1873 27 M 0 Ga Ga Ga Farmer
Williams, Ida Daug W F Sept 1883 16 M 0 0/0 Tx Ga Tx
1910 Census
Texas, Sabine County, Just Precinct 4
Enumerated 28 Apr 1910
SD 2 ED 134 Sheet 7B
Williams, Henry D Hd M W 37 M1 10 Ga SC Ga Farmer
Williams, Ida Wife F W 26 M1 10 5/4 Tx Ga Tx Farm Laborer
Williams, Henry M Son M W 8 S Tx Ga Tx Farm Laborer
Williams, Iva V Dtr F W 6 S Tx Ga Tx
Williams, Anna M Dtr F W 2 S Tx Ga Tx
Williams, Samuel D Son M W 7/12 S Tx Ga Tx
1920 Census
not located
1930 Census
Texas, Sabine County, Justice Precinct 4
Enumerated April 29, 1930 by Jacob A. Watson
ED 202-6 SD 19 Sheet 10B
Williams, Henry D Hd M W 56 M 26 Tx SC Ga Farmer
Williams, Ida V Wf F W 46 m16 Tx Ga Tx
Williams, Sam Son M W 21 S Tx Tx Tx Log Cutter
Williams, Eula Dtr F W 13 S Tx Tx Tx
Williams, Eveline Dtr F W 9 S Tx Tx Tx
Williams, Wanda Dtr F W 5 S Tx Tx Tx
Jones, Nathan Boarder M W 40 S La La La Farmer
Name Hollis Buford Williams
Event Type Birth
Event Date 29 Aug 1912
Event Place Farmers Branch, Dallas, Texas, United States
Gender Male
Father's Name James B Williams
Mother's Name Jennie Smith
Certificate Number 26684
Digital Folder Number 004127129
Image Number 00088
Citing this Record:
"Texas, Birth Certificates, 1903-1935," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X2BW-PWL : accessed 24 Nov 2013), Hollis Buford Williams, 1912.
(Research):At the time of the 1910 census, Ida Chambers Williams indicated she was the mother of 5 children in total, only four of whom were still living. Based on this response, and that fact that these were the only adult Williams buried at New Hope near Jack A. Williams, it is assumed he is the child of Ida's that died young.
Name James Benjamin Williams
Event Type Draft Registration
Event Date 1917-1918
Event Place Tarrant County, Texas, United States
Gender Male
Birth Date 22 Jun 1873
Birthplace , , United States
Nationality United States
Affiliate Publication Title World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards
Affiliate Publication Number M1509
GS Film number 1983672
Digital Folder Number 005153644
Image Number 01843
Citing this Record:
"United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/KZX1-8KG : accessed 24 Nov 2013), James Benjamin Williams, 1917-1918; citing Tarrant County, Texas, United States, NARA microfilm publication M1509, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d); FHL microfilm 1983672.
1910 Census
Texas, Dallas County, JP 2
Enumerated 21 and 22 Apr 1910
SD 5 ED 80 Sheet 4B
Williams, James B Head m W 36 M1 Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Williams, Jennie Wf F W 31 m1 15 8/6 Ky Ky Ky
Williams, Elsie Dtr F W 7 S Tx Tx Ky
Williams, Millard Son M W 12 S Tx Tx Ky Farm Laborer Home Farm
Williams, Robert Son m W 8 S Tx Tx Ky Farm Laborer
Williams, Lois Son M W 4 S Tx Tx Ky
Williams, Dora (sic) L Dtr F W 2 S Tx Tx Ky
Williams, Bert Son m W 4/12 S Tx Tx Ky
1930 Census
Texas, Tarrant County, Fort Worth City, Pr. 4
Enumerated 14 Apr 1930
ED 220-71 SD 9 Sheet 41A Stamped 263
27 St
Williams, James B Head O 2300 M W 56 M 21 Tx ??? Ky Laundry Home Laundry
Williams Jann A Wf F W51 M 16 Ky Ky Ky
Williams, Elsie Dtr F W 27 S Tx Tx Ky Labor Poultry House
Williams, Thomas B Son M W 20 S Tx Tx Ky Grease maker Oil Refinery
Williams, J B Jr Son M W 19 S Tx Tx Ky Labor Rox factory
Williams, Hollis Son M W 17 S Tx Tx Ky Labor rox factory
Williams, Marie E/L Dtr F W 16 S Tx Tx Ky
Williams, Sallie E Dtr F W 13 S Tx Tx Ky
Williams, David R Son m W 8 S Tx Tx Ky
Name James Benjamin Williams
Event Type Death
Event Date 06 Feb 1974
Event Place Richland Hills, Tarrant, Texas, United States
Gender Male
Marital Status Widowed
Birth Date 12 Feb 1911
Birthplace , Texas
Father's Name James Benjamin Williams
Mother's Name Jane Ann Smith
Certificate Number 13348
GS Film number 2243039
Digital Folder Number 005145947
Image Number 01176
Citing this Record:
"Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/K3XM-SG1 : accessed 24 Nov 2013), James Benjamin Williams, 06 Feb 1974; citing certificate number 13348, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2243039.
The Sabine County Reporter
December 20, 1995, Page 10
Rushing Williams
James Rushing Williams, 68, of Milam died at 11:05 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 16, 1995, at Hemphill Care Center.
A longtime resident of the Milam area, he was born April 14, 1927, in Shelby County as son of the late James William and Nancy (Hatton) Williams. Williams, a U. S. Army veteran of World War II, was a retired millwright at Temple-Inland Pineland Operations and a member of Camp Springs Baptist Church.
Survivors: wife, Hattie Williams of Milam; two daughters, Brenda Horton of Hemphill and Debbie Smith of Jasper; two sons, Ronnie Williams of Milam and Jimbo Williams of Center; 13 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the chapel of Starr Funeral Home Inc. in Hemphill with Bro. W. Clarence Howell and Bro. Vance R. Purtell officiating. Interment was at Gravelhill Cemetery in Sabine County.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, June 2009)
John Williams was an ordained Minister of the Gospel, with the Primitive Baptist Faith. He was among those that founded and constituted Corinth Primitive Baptist Church. He and his descendants have and still are faithfully serving this Bethal spot. Elder John Williams served Corinth until his death in 1900. the church is located 4/10 mile east of the Lee, Florida exit off Interstate 10.
His FindAGrave memorial page, created by Ray and Peggy Holbrooks Pace, shows he was a son of Walter Frankline Williams and Willie Mae Knight. A photo of his double headstone with wife Murrel, and of a military marker, are shown. The military marker was embossed with a cross and"
John Beeman Williams
US Army
World War II
Oct 15, 1916-Feb 10, 2000
1910 Census
Texas, Sabine, JP 4
Enumerated 21 Apr 1910
SD 2 ED 134 Sheet 3B
Williams, John T Head M W 43 M1 7 Tx Tx US Farmer
Williams, Mary F Wf F W 23 m1 7 Tx Fl Tx
Williams, Camer A Son M W 6 S Tx Ga Tx
Williams, Fred T Son M W 4 S Tx Ga Tx
Williams, Henry B Son M W 3 S Tx Ga Tx
Williams, Vera L Dtr F W 1 S Tx Ga Tx
Williams, Emma Sister F W 34 S Ala SC Ga
Bragg, Lorena Mother in-law F W 43 Wd 10/9 Tx Ga Ga Farmer
Bragg, Ola Sister-in-law F W 22 S Tx Fl Tx Farm Laborer
Bragg, Cary Brother-in-law m W 13 S Tx Fl Tx Farm Laborer
Bragg, Martha A Sister-in-law F W 10 S Tx Fl Tx Farm Laborer
Bragg, Ramon Brother-in-law M W 7 S Tx Fl Tx Farm Laborer
Bragg, Clara A Sister-in-law F W 4 S Tx Fl Tx
Julia Emily McLemore, 88, of Kirbyville died Monday, March 11, 1996, at Avalon Place.
She was a retired school teacher with 51 years service.
Survivors: five nieces, Bobbin Housman of Kirbyville, Phyllis Perkins of Corsiciana, Sue Vaughan of Longview, Jeannette Hoefar of Pasadena, and Bobbie Jean Streetman of Hunsboro, Alabama.
Graveside rites were held Wednesday at Home Cemetery. Arrangements were handled by Forest Oaks Funeral Home in Jasper.
Published in The Sabine County Reporter, March 20, 1996, Page 11
"Lewis and Daniel [Williams] were in the Civil War. In Dec of 1869, the Lewis, Daniel, and Hillary Judge Williams families came to Texas. At the same time Henry Y. Smith, the Brownings, Greers, Daniel Cordray, and no doubt, many other Georgians transfered themselves to Texas and settled in the Redlands of Sabine County. Lewis S. Williams was a surveyor and farmer."
Mrs. Lucette Neal Boyett, age 97, was born July 8, 1915, in San Augustine, Texas to the late John and Kate (Meador) Williams. She passed away in a local nursing home in San Augustine on January 27, 2013.
Mrs. Boyett was a member of the First United Methodist Church in San Augustine. For 40 years she was the owner of a "Country Store" near her home.
She will be dearly missed by her sons and daughters-in-law George and Geneva Neal of Newton, Texas, Billy and Sue Neal of Nederland, Texas; step-son Charles and Carol Boyett of San Augustine; grandchildren Danny Neal, Pam and Steve Rogers, Keith and Laurie Neal, Kristi and Kirby Hood, Cindi and Todd Bordelon; great-grandchildren Kortney and Jake Romero, Dustin and Tina Hood, Eric Neal, Erin Neal, Alli Bordelon, Jace Bordelon, Matt Rogers, Megan Rogers and Michael Rogers; great-great-grandchild Diesel Romero; along with numerous nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her husbands Arvie Neal and C.L. Boyett.
Funeral services will be Wednesday, January 30, 2013, 2:00 P.M., Wyman Roberts Memorial Chapel, San Augustine, with Bro. Randy Mills officiating. Visitation will begin at 11:00 A.M. until service time on Wednesday, January 30th. Burial will be in the Chapel Hill Cemetery, San Augustine County, Texas. Pallbearers will be Eric Neal, Dustin Hood, Kirby Hood, Todd Bordelon, Steve Rogers, Matt Rogers, David Williams, Jake Romero. Honorary pallbearers are Jase Bordelon and Michael Rogers.
(Courtesy of Wyman Roberts Funeral Home Time For Memory Website)
Print edition published in
January 30, 2013, Page 7