Strong - McLemore History and Ancestry
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# Person ID Last Name First Name Birth Date Death Date Living note Tree
23801 I5102  Walker  T. Ed  Bef 1908  21 Aug 1985  Cova Jean Williams attended his funeral with her Dad.  STR06 
23802 I22779               
23803 I18253  Wall  Christopher  8 Jan 1796  Yes, date unknown  Nancy Stround had a second child, Christopher Wall, also born 8 January 1896 in South Carolina. He also resided in Sabine Parish, marrying a Mrs. Nancy Davis in West Feliciana Parish 22 November 1823. He served in the War of 1812, in the consolidated 10 and 20 regiment, Louisiana Militia. (Casagranda, 1850 Census, 82).  STR06 
23804 I17896  Wall  Daniel  Bef 1867  Yes, date unknown  The son of Travis Marion Wall and Martha Riser. (White and Toole, p 77).  STR06 
23805 I46023  Wall  Lula Ellen  27 Aug 1875  18 Dec 1962  On her FindAGrave memorial page, created by Larry Burwell, she is shown as a daughter of Jessie Frank Wall (b. 21-OCT-1843 in Tennessee, d. 10-MAR-1903), and Sarah C. Hamby(b. 17-OCT-1851 in Booneville, Logan County, Arkansas ( Scott County In 1849 ), d. 16-JUL-1937 in Logan, Arkansas, USA).  STR06 
23806 I46029  Wall  Mattie Elzora  Nov 1869  8 Jun 1936  On her FindAGrave memorial page, created by MillieBelle and maintained by Ken Oliver, she is linked to her parents, Jesse Frank Wall and Sarah Caroline Hamby.  STR06 
23807 I22696               
23808 I46693  Wallace  Deward Arigile  10 Feb 1902  19 Jul 1946  Obituary, as copied from his FindAGrave memorial page, created by Mary Jo:

Funeral services were conducted for Deward Arigile Wallace, 44, of the Proctor community, Saturday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. at the Round Island Church, Rev. L.W Hart, assisted by Rev. Charles West of Athens College, was in charge of the services. Interment was in the City Cemetery, Mutual of Decatur, directing.

Mr. Wallace was found dead in his chair by his wife Friday morning about 7:15.

Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Velma McLemore Wallace, one son, David Alvis Wallace; one daughter, Hazel Irene Wallace; two brothers, S.K. Wallace of Moulton and William M. Wallace of Decatur; four sisters, Mrs. C.W. Austin, Mrs. D.L. Perry, Mrs. Garmon Vaughn and Miss Betty Wallace, all of Moulton.

Pallbearers were the brothers-in-law and nephews of the deceased, Homer and B. McLemore, J.L. Deemer, D.L. Posey, Morris Neal, Austin and Lehman Harris.

Serving as flower girls were nieces and cousins.

Published in The Alabama Courier, Athens, AL, Thursday, July 25, 1946
23809 I445  Wallace  Elizabeth "Betty" C.  Between 1846 and 1848  Yes, date unknown  At the time of the 1880 census, Elizabeth and Pascal Clark were living next door to her mother, Mary (Vardeman) and step-father, Henry White.  STR06 
23810 I37141  Wallace  Evon  12 Mar 1921  19 Dec 1996  The Sabine County Reporter
December 25, 1996, Page 8

Evon Dorsey

Evon Dorsey, 75, of Route 2, Bronson, died Thursday, Dec, 19, 1996, at Memorial Medical Center of East Texas in Lufkin.

Born March 12, 1921, in Sexton, Sabine County, she was a lifelong resident of Sabine County, She was a homemaker and member of First Baptist Church, Bronson.

Survivors, husband, E. G. "Top" Dorsey of Bronson, three sons, James Zeigler and Jerry Zeigler, both of Houston, and Donald Zeigler of Covelo, California; a brother, L. T. Wallace of Hemphill; two grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Saturday at the chapel of Starr Funeral Home Inc. in Hemphill with Bro. Scott Moody and Bro. Clarence Howell officiating. Interment was at Myrtle Springs Cemetery in Geneva.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, February 2011) 
23811 I44536  Wallace  James C. "J C"  4 Dec 1906  9 Feb 1996  (Research):

Census Listings:

1940 Census
Texas, Nacogdoches County, JP 1
Enumerated April 16, 1940
SD 7 ED 174-2 Sheet 17B
Evelyn Street
Wallace, J C Head M W 33 M No H-2 Tx Same Place Truck Driver Lumber Mill
Wallace, Lila Wf F W 28 M No H-1 Tx Same Place
Wallace, Arnold Son M W 5 S No Tx Same Place
Wallace, Nita Jo Dtr F W 2 S Tx Same Place 
23812 I21568               
23813 I29670  Wallace  Lillian  10 Apr 1884  14 Oct 1956  Cass City Chronicle
Friday, October 19, 1956
Page Eight

Lifelong Resident of Area Dies Sunday

Funeral services were held Tuesday at two p.m. in the Douglas Funeral Home for Mrs. William Zinnecker, 72, who died Sunday in Cass City Hospital. Rev. M. R. Vender officiated and burial was in Elkland Cemetery. Mrs. Zinnecker, a lifelong resident of this area, had been ill for over two months.

Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wallace, she was born April 10, 1884, on the farm now owned by Ellwood Eastman and which her parents homesteaded. She was married here October 21, 1902.

Surviving are her husband, five sons, John and Wallace of Cass City, Carl of Detroit, Park of Milwaukee, Wis., and Clark of Deford; seven granchildren, and two sisters, Mrs. Minta Connell of Cass City and Mrs. Effie Neifie of Pontiac.

Mrs. Zinnecker was a member of the Presbyterian Chruch.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, January 2008) 
23814 I448  Wallace  Mary Josephine  23 Feb 1851  24 Oct 1930  A Mary Wallice (sic) was enrolled in the District 6 School in Sabine County in 1854.

At the time of the 1910 census, Josephine was shown as being the mother of 11 children, 10 still living. It therefore appears she was not the mother of three children living with she and Elias at the time of the 1780 census, John (b. 1865) and Sydney Ann (b. 1867) and Felix J. (b. 1868).

At the time of the 1920 Federal census she was living with her youngest daugher and son-in-law, Minnie and Elmer Butler, in San Augustine County.

Her headstone reads: "Come ye blessed - She lived and died a Christian - Beloved - How we miss you."

Obituary follows. Copied from FamilySearch, Public Memory:

In memory of Mrs. Elias Clark, who went away, leaving us for a better world on October 24th 1930. She was born Feb. 23rd 1851. She was married to Elias Clark in 1870. To this union was born eleven children. They are: C.B. Clark, L.T. Clark, J.E. Clark, T.F. Clark, W.E. Clark, Mrs. Agnes Cole, Mrs. Minnie Butler, all of whom are still living. Bruce Clark, Mrs. Anna McLemore, Mrs. Mattie Chandler and Mrs. Ara Anderson, who preceded her in death. There were also three step-children: John Clark, who died in early life, Mrs. J.W. Craig, who is also dead, and Felix Clark, who still survives. She left eighty grandchildren and a host of great grandchildren.
She professed faith in Christ in early life and joined the missionary Baptist Church. She was a charter member the the Antioch Church, and was a faithful and devout Christian.
Dear Mother was kind and true, meeting everyone with a smile. She always bore her trials with patience. It was so hard to give her up, but God's will must be done, not ours. We know it was a joyful hour for her when she heard the Dear Savior saying: "Enter Thou into the joy of the Lord. You have been faithful over a few things and I will make thee ruler over many things."
What more can be said? We know that a life like this can mean only a self sacrifice and loving service with heart and hands. Such a life she performed, not one day but every day, striving to help everyone she could.
Funeral service was held by Eld. E.M. Gentry at Antioch Church and her body was laid to rest in Antioch Cemetery to await the resurrection.
Committee: E.J. McGown, L.H. Chandler and Cora McLemore

Note - This obituary was written in October of 1930 in memory of Mary Josephine Wallace Clark. Antioch Church is the Antioch Missionary Baptist Church in Sabine County, Texas. The cemetery is Gravel Hill Cemetery adjacent to the church property. A copy of the following poem was written below the obituary.

To that beautiful land we call heaven,
The place where we all want to be
Is a road that leads onward and upward,
And a lone weary traveler we see.
An angel is hastening to open
The pearly gates far and wide,
Bidding this pilgrim welcome,
To the joy on the other side.
Who is the traveler fair angel?
Someone's sister or brother?
Oh, no far greater than these,
'Tis someone's precious mother.
She is a mother old and gray,
And bent with the passing years,
As she toils through sunshine and shadows
And up through the vale of tears.
It has been her lot to be happy.
And then came her saddest hours.
Many a bitter weed she has plucked,
That grew in her lovely flowers.
Oh, dear tired, weary mother,
If we friends and loved ones knew
How thy loving hands have guided us,
And steered us safely through.
author unknown

23815 I447  Wallace  Sophie H.  Abt 1849  Yes, date unknown  Sophia was listed as a one year old at the time of the 1850 Lawrence County, Mississippi census.

However, she was not listed on Schluter's 1860 transcription of the Sabine County, Texas census. Nor was she listed on Toole's 1870 transcription. She was listed as part of the household in Toole & Speight's 1880 transcription however. Why was she missing from the earlier transcriptions? Perhaps the Joseph, age 12, who was listed only in 1860 actually should have been shown as Sophie. And in 1870, perhaps she was shown as Josephin 
23816 I444  Wallace  Thompson "Finn"  Abt 1818  Between 1851 and 1854  (Research):In looking for the first husband of Mary Etta VARDEMAN, I was found the following family that was a near perfect match. The names, ages and birthplaces for Maretta, Elizabeth and Sophia match their later census listings in Sabine County, Texas. I looked at every WALLACE and WALLIS family that was indexed in Mississippi in 1850 by They were in Lawrence County, Mississippi, which is located in the southwestern portion of the state, nearby to Pike and Amite counties.

1850 Federal Census Mississippi, Lawrence County:

Wallis, Thomson 32 M W Farmer $50 Miss
Wallis, Maretta 29 F W Miss
Wallis, Elizabeth 3 F W Miss
Wallis, Sophia 1 F W Miss

I am assuming this is the correct family for the time being. More information should be gathered to either prove or disprove this assumption.

Other Wallis's in Lawrence County in 1850 include:
Wallis, James A 27 M W Farmer Miss
Wallis, Nancy W 18 F W Miss
Wallis, Sarah M 1 F W Miss

Wallis, Thomson Sr.62 M W Farmer 350 So Car
Wallis, C?ary 62 F W Ga
Wallis, Clementina 22 F W Miss
Wallis, Martin 21 M W Miss
Collins, Centhia 18 F W La?

23817 I36846               
23818 I45422  Waller  Emma B.  3 Nov 1884  25 Feb 1980  Her Texas Death Certificate showed her as a daughter of W. H. Waller and Katie McClelland. She was a resident of Hemphill, although she died at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Beaumont. The informant was Mrs. Harry Kellam.  STR06 
23819 I8379  Wallter  Anna Barbara  Bef 1704  15 Apr 1742  BonnieMargaret shows her as a daughter of Balthasar Wallter, a citizen of Pl?derhausen (p. 50).  STR06 
23820 I2270  Walpole  Sarah Caroline  1831  Aft 1870  She was said to have married first Josiah M. CHAMBERS, on 29 Dec 1845, second Orville Lee THURMOND, and third David Ford, on 6 July 1859.  STR06 
23821 I19688               
23822 I30284  Walters  Myrtle Olene  20 Jun 1914  9 Jan 1998  Cass City Chronicle
Wednesday, January 14, 1998
Page Nine


Myrtle Helwig

Myrtle O. Helwig, 83, of Cass City, died Friday, Jan. 9. 1998, at Hills and Dales General Hospital, Cass City.

Born June 20, 1914, in Cass City, she was the daughter of James Wesley and Eleanor (Lounsbury) Walters. She married Clark E. Helwig April 15, 1939, in Cass City. He died May 10, 1989.

A seamtress in her home for many years, she was a member of the United Methodist Church of Cass City.

Surviving are 7 grandchildren, Jeffrey FINKBEINER of Cass City, Susan (Finkbeiner) KADY of Gagetown, Jon (Rosemary) FINKBEINER, James FINKBEINER (Tina Dubay), Donald FINKBEINER, Sally E. FINKBEINER and Sharon FINKBEINER, all of Cass City; four great-grandchildren; a son-in-law, Donald H. FINKBEINER of Cass City; a half-sister, Margaret McCLOREY of Cass City; a sister-in-law, Gloria PEDDIE, and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by a son, William HELWIG; a daughter, Judy FINKBEINER; a granddaughter, Dawn FINKBEINER; grandson, Clark FINKBEINER, and 4 brothers, Stanley and Wesley WALTERS and Wayne and Dean PEDDIE.

Funeral services were held Monday at the United Methodist Church of Cass City with the Rev. Philip Rice officiating.

Interment was in Elkland Township Cemetery, Cass City.

Memorials may be made to the United Methodist Church of Cass City Building Fund.

Little & Kranz Funeral Home, Cass City, was in charge of arrangements.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, February 2008) 
23823 I22831               
23824 I42643  Walton  Andrew Jackson  29 Apr 1879  5 May 1945
name: Andrew Jackson Walton
death date: 05 May 1945
death place: Dallas, Dallas, Texas
gender: Male
race: White
death age: 66 years 6 days
estimated birth date:
birth date: 29 Apr 1879
birthplace: San Augustine, Texas
marital status: Widowed
spouse's name:
father's name: William Walton
father's birthplace: Miss.
mother's name: Nancy Kimball
mother's birthplace: Miss.
occupation: School Caretaker
place of residence: Dallas, Dallas, Texas
burial place: Coleman, Texas
burial date: 06 May 1945
additional relatives: X
film number: 2137916
digital film number: 4029689
image number: 2408
reference number: cn 20018
Collection: Andrew Jackson Walton, "Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976" 
23825 I42643  Walton  Andrew Jackson  29 Apr 1879  5 May 1945  (Research):

Census Listings:

1930 Census
Texas, Coleman County, JP 1
Enumerated April 30, 1930
ED 242-3 SD 14 Sheet 12B
Walton, Andrew J Head M W 50 m 2022 Tx Miss MissFarmer
Walton, Eula Wf F W 46 m 16 Tx Ala Ark
Walton, Modell Dtr F W 15 S Tx Tx Tx
Walton, Francis Dtr F W 8 S Tx Tx Tx
Walton, Margie Dtr F W 7 S Tx Tx Tx
23826 I40721  Walton  Jewel B.  8 Jun 1911  Yes, date unknown  John W. Clark writes that he was employed by the Arabian Oil Company and lived in Englewood, New Jersey.  STR06 
23827 I40720  Walton  John Alexander  Abt 1890  Yes, date unknown  (Research):

Census Listings:

1930 Census
Texas, Hudspeth County, JP #2, Fort Hancock
Enumerated 11 Apr 1930
ED 115-20 SD 20 Sheet 10B
State Highway #80
Walton, John Hd m W 40 Wd Ok US Tx Pumper Railroad
Walton, Jewel Son m W 18 S Tx Ok Tx Truck Driver Gas Station
Walton, Vivian Dtr F W 16 S Tx Ok Tx
Walton, Leslie Son M W 14 S Tx Ok Tx
Walton, Adell Dtr F W 9 S Tx Ok Tx
Clark, Olan Head M W 24 m 17 Tx Tx Ark Salesman Grocery Store
Clark, Annie May Wf F W 25 M 18 Tx Austria Ala
Clark, Duane Son M W 4 S Tx Tx Tx
Clark, Betty June Dtr F W 1 S Tx Tx Tx 
23828 I45457  Walton  Lonnie Love  3 Mar 1922  27 Oct 2014  Lonnie Love McGown, 92, of Milam, passed away Monday evening in the Dogwood Trails Manor in Woodville, Texas. She was born in Sabine County to J.U. and Fannie Fussell Walton. Lonnie was a member of the Geneva Baptist Church in Geneva, Texas.

Lonnie married Billie T. McGown on March 24th, 1938, and celebrated their 76th anniversary before Billie passed away on June 24, 2014. The four months she lived on this earth without her precious husband, she was looking forward to this day when she would be with him again. Billie had left instructions for their two daughters to take care of their mother, and they were by her side when she left for Heaven to be with their dad.

Lonnie was preceded in death by her parents, her husband, her sister Myrtle Walton Poole and her great granddaughter Colleen McInnerney. She is survived by her daughters Merle Davis and her husband Charles of Woodville, Joyce Lowery and her husband John of Jasper, her niece Donna White and her husband Mike of Katy, Texas, five grandchildren, eleven great grandchildren and one great-great granddaughter.

Funeral services will be at 2:00PM, Wednesday, October 29, 2014, in the Starr Funeral Home Chapel, 510 Starr St., Hemphill, Texas. The family will welcome friends in the Chapel one hour before service time. Burial will follow in the McGown Cemetery, Milam, Texas.

Copied from the Starr Funeral Home website
Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, November 5, 2014, Page 9 
23829 I42646  Walton  O. V.  7 Aug 1908  12 Jul 1920
name: O. V. Walton
death date: 13 Jul 1920
death place: Brownwood, Brown, Texas
gender: Female
race: white
death age: 12 years
estimated birth date:
birth date: 07 Aug 1908
birthplace: San Augustine Co, Texas
marital status: Single
spouse's name:
father's name: Andrew J. Walton
father's birthplace: San Augustine Co, Texas
mother's name: Eula Baldree
mother's birthplace: Texas
occupation: Student
place of residence:
burial place: Tickham, Texas
burial date: 13 Jul 1920
additional relatives: X
film number: 2073789
digital film number: 4024457
image number: 2267
reference number: cn 21728
Collection: O. V. Walton, "Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976" 
23830 I46819  Walton  Tassie Alice  10 Nov 1914  19 Dec 1993  The Texas Birth Certificate of her eldest son, Carl Henry, shows her as Tassie Alice Walton, born in Broaddus, Texas.  STR06 
23831 I42645  Walton  Vena  12 Nov 1903  24 Oct 1973  FindAGrave indicates her husband was named Clyde Jasper "Ted" Bell. A photo of their double headstone is shown.
name: Vena Bell
event: Death
event date: 24 Oct 1973
event place: 4340 Potomac, University Park, Dallas, Texas, United States
gender: Female
marital status: Widowed
birth date: 12 Nov 1903
birthplace: San Augustino, Texas
father's name: Andrew Jackson Walton
mother's name: Eula Elizabeth Baldree
Occupation Sales Lady Real Estate
certificate number: 92581
film number: 2242950
digital folder number: 005145900
image number: 00195
Collection: Vena Bell, "Texas, Deaths (New Index, New Images), 1890-1976" 
23832 I42644  Walton  Wilma  16 Jun 1902  31 Oct 1923
name: Wima Walton
event: Death
event date: 31 Oct 1923
event place: Coleman, Coleman, Texas, United States
gender: Female
marital status: Single
birth date: 16 Jun 1902
birthplace: , Texas
father's name: A J Walton
mother's name: Eula Baldru
occupation help around the home
certificate number: 28767
film number: 2074922
digital folder number: 005145632
image number: 00048
Collection: Wima Walton, "Texas, Deaths (New Index, New Images), 1890-1976" 
23833 I15620  Walton  Winnie  Abt 1821  Aft 1861  A Rebecca Walton, relationship not listed, was living with Winnie and William McDaniel at the time of the 1850 Sabine County, Texas census.

Dry Creek Baptist Church Minutes:

Mar 1846: Recieved Winney McDaniel by experience. Note: Winney McDaniel was the wife of William Watson McDaniel, brother of Charity. Shortly before 1850 they moved to MS and then to Sabine Co, Texas where Levi McDaniel also moved. 
23834 I3011               
23835 I14521  Wanek  Frank J.  Abt 1895  Yes, date unknown  (Research):
Census Listings:

1930 Census
Nebraska, Saline County, Wilber
Enumerated April 12, 1930
ED 76-24 SD 11 Sheet 4B
Wanek, Frank J Head M W 35 M 25 Ne Czech Czech Farmer
Wanek, Anna C Wf F W 37 m 27 Neb Germany Czech
Wanek, Mary A Dtr F W 4 S Neb Neb Neb
Wanek, Rose M Dtr F W 2 S Neb Neb Neb

23836 I14497  Wanek  Maryanne Catherine  9 Aug 1925  12 Aug 1981  Last Rites Held for Mrs. Soukup

Maryanne Catherine Soukup was born to Frank J. Wanek and Anna Kersenbrock on August 9, 1925, at Wilber, Nebraska, and passed away on August 12, 1981, at Lincoln Nebraska at the age of 56 years and three days.

She graduated from Wilber high school with the class of 1944 after which she attended business school in Lincoln. In 1946 she was emplyed by the Fairmont Food Company at Crete after which she tookd employment with the Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company as a comptrometer operator until her marriage.

On April 15, 1952, she was united in marriage to Arnold H. Soukup at St. Weceslaus church in Wilber by Reverend Jerome Pokorny, joining her husband in farming.

In the fall of 1959, they retired from the farm and moved to Milligan where both were employed. Maryanne worked at Kottas Pharmacy and for M. Stastny while he was associated with the Production Credit Company. In July of 1961 she began a career with the postal Service in July of 1981 (sic).

Maryanne was a member of the St. Wenceslaus church and past president of the Altar Society, past president of the Americal Legion H.S.S.K. Post Ladies Auxiliary, treasurer to the Milligan Public Library and to the Saline Center Lodge No. 389.

Maryanne was preceded in death by her parents. She is survived by her husband Arnold H. of Lincoln; sister Rosemarie Hannon and her husband James of Friend; nephew Michael of Wilber, Steven and wife Judy of Lincoln, and niece Judy of Friend.

Funeral services were conducted Friday, August 14, 10:00 am at St. Wenceslaus chruch with Msfr. J.J. Ingenhorst. Graveside services were at 1:30 pm with Msgr. 
23837 I14523  Wanek  Rosemarie  24 Jan 1930  18 Dec 2010  She was said to have married James HANNON.

Dennis Belohlavy indicated a notice of her upcoming Eightieth birthday was published in the Crete (NE) News on January 20, 2010.


Rosemarie Hannon, passed away on Saturday, December 18th, 2010 at Bryan LGH West. She was born to Anna C. (Kersenbrock) and Frank J. Wanek on January 24, 1930 in Wilber. A graduate of Wilber High School in 1948. She married James H. Hannon on May 13th, 1952 and to this union three children were born; Michael, Steve, and Judy. Rosemarie was a co-owner of the Greentop and also was employed for many years at Warren Memorial Hospital.

Survivors include Michael of Dallas, and his children: David, Darin, and Michelle; Steve and wife Judy of York and their children: Scott, Sarah, and Kate; Judy and husband Dean Crawford of Friend and their children: Kiley and husband Tom and Jessica. Great grandchildren are Jacob Peters and Oliver Lee Palmertree. Preceded in death by her parents, sister and brother-in-law: Maryanne and Arnold Soukup, grandson: Mark Crawford.

Memorial Services: Wednesday, 2 pm, Kuncl Funeral Home, Crete. Interment: Sacred Heart Cemetery. Visitation: Tuesday, 5 to 8 pm, funeral home. Family greeting friends from 6 to 8 pm. Memorials in care of the family. Arrangements by Kuncl Funeral Home.

(Courtesy of Dennis Belohlavy)
23838 I4169  Wankan  Zelda Rae  16 Dec 1916  2 May 1999  San Augustine Tribune
Thursday, May 6, 1999


Zelda Lynch, 83, of San Augustine died May 2, 1999 at Memorial Medical Center in San Augustine.

Funeral services were held Monday, May 3, 1999 at 2:00 p.m. at Wyman Roberts Funeral Home with burial at Liberty Hill Memorial Gardens.

Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Rayford Sharpton.

Mrs. Lynch worked for several years in sales at San Augustine Drug Co. She was a gifted needle worker and specialized in heirloom quilts. She was the wife of the late Arch Lynch.

A native of Brady community in Shelby County, she lived in San Augustine many years and was a member of the Baptist Church.

Survivors include her son, Darnell Lynch of San Augustine, sisters, Altonia Sharpton and Trudie Leach, both of San Augustine; granchildren Laura Lynch Barbre of Arlington; and Kevin Lynch of San Augustine; and three great-granchildren.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, May 2011) 
23839 I31640  Ward  Daniel Price  Abt 1813  Abt 1860  (Research):Census Information:

1850 Census
Tennessee, Lincoln County, Sub. 2
Enumerated 16 November 1850
Stamped 69
Daniel P. Ward 38 M Far Ten
Elizabeth Ward 35 F Ren
William Ward 8 M Ten
Letitia Ward 7 F Ten
Margaret Ward 3 F Ten
James N Ward 1 M Ten
E.C. Ward 36 M Far $1,000 Ten
Mary Ward 28 F Ten
Nancy Ward 10 F Ten
John Ward 9 M Ten
Elizabeth Ward 8 F Ten
Martha Ward 6 F Ten
Mary Ward 4 F Ten
Rosannah Ward 3 F Ten
Minerva Ward 1 F Ten 
23840 I31650  Ward  Eleven  Aft 1834  Yes, date unknown  Noveda Metzger writes that "Levin or Eleven/Eliven Ward. Nothing is known of him - in the 1868 papers, it said that he left home about 25 years."  STR06 
23841 I31642  Ward  Erasmus Columbus  4 Jun 1815  5 Nov 1891  (Research):Census Information:

1850 Census
Tennessee, Lincoln County, Sub. 2
Enumerated 16 November 1850
Stamped 69
Daniel P. Ward 38 M Far Ten
Elizabeth Ward 35 F Ren
William Ward 8 M Ten
Letitia Ward 7 F Ten
Margaret Ward 3 F Ten
James N Ward 1 M Ten
E.C. Ward 36 M Far $1,000 Ten
Mary Ward 28 F Ten
Nancy Ward 10 F Ten
John Ward 9 M Ten
Elizabeth Ward 8 F Ten
Martha Ward 6 F Ten
Mary Ward 4 F Ten
Rosannah Ward 3 F Ten
Minerva Ward 1 F Ten 
23842 I36879               
23843 I25257               
23844 I31653  Ward  Louisa  Abt 1838  Yes, date unknown  Noveda Metzger writes that "Louisa Ward b. c1838 (census) TN. In Flintville Cemetery, Lincoln County TN is a Louisa Ward d. 17 Feb 1918, no age given. Might be this one."  STR06 
23845 I31638  Ward  Noah  Between 1781 and 1784  Abt 1854  Noveda Metzger emailed that "Noah was in Lincoln County as early as 1820, as mentioned in the 1820 Lincoln County TN Census. A deed of conveyance from Wm. Hammock to Noah Ward for 50 acres of land was ordered to be certified Monday, January 17,1820.

He is in the 1840 Lincoln County Tn census. In the 1850 Census, sub division 2, household 807, Noah, 63, Sarah 53, Noah 17, Elizabeth 14 and Louesa are listed.

In 1868, E. C. (Erasmus Columbus) Ward, Daniel P(rice) Ward, Wm. Steed and wife Jincey Emeline, and Noah Ward, all of Lincoln County, and S. J. McLemore and wife Nancy Mary Ann (sic), and Louisa Ward of Coffee County TN vs. Defendants Wm. Ward who resided in Mississippi, James Womack and wife Elizabeth of Illinois, and Eliven Ward a non-resident in parts unknown. (Note the possible mistake of S. J. McLemore & wife Nancy Mary Ann) - later in the petition "about the year 1854 Noah Ward ---departed this life intestate----his only heirs at law: E. C. Ward, Daniel P. Ward, Jincey Emeline who intermarried with Wm. Steed, Noah Ward, Margaret J. who intermarried with S. J. McLamore, Nancy Mary Ann who intermarried with Albert Speck, Louisa Ward, William Ward, Elizabeth who intermarried with James Wommack and Eleven Ward.

Sarah, Noah's wife is in the 1860 Coffee County TN (Tullahoma) census, household 900 with Louisa and possibly the same again in household 988 - again with Louisa, but a William Moore, 73, b. KY is with them." 
23846 I31638  Ward  Noah  Between 1781 and 1784  Abt 1854  (Research):Census Listings:

1850 Census
Tennessee, Lincoln County, Subdivision 2
Enumerated 25 October 1850
Stamped 91
Noah Ward 63 M Far. $400 NC
Sarah Ward 53 F NC
Noah Ward 17 M Far. Tenn
Elizabeth Ward 14 F Tenn
Louisa Ward 12 F Tenn 
23847 I31648  Ward  Noah C.  Abt 1833  Yes, date unknown  Noveda Metzger writes that "Noah C. Ward, b. c1833 (census) Lincoln County, died after 1854 and before 1868 (think it was probably closer to 1854, but haven't found a gravesite). He married Anna Brown on 29 November 1854 in Lincoln County."  STR06 
23848 I25530  Ward  Richard  Bef 1797  Apr 1850  Martha Hunt emailed, in February 2012, that ": Richard Ward's parents were Richard Ward,Sr. and Ann Nelms Ward (b. 1756). After Richard Ward, Sr., died Ann Nelms Ward married George C. Booth, Sr. They moved to Rutherford County, Tennessee.

Richard and Elizabeth Ward remained in Franklin County, NC and lived on the land that Abraham McLemore gave them shortly after their marriage."

Sherry Butler Ward emailed, in October 2013, that they were the parents of Ben Ward of Hallsville, Texas. Her husband, Nathan Carter Ward, is a direct descendant of this family.

23849 I31654  Ward  William C.  Abt 1841  Yes, date unknown  Noveda Metzger writes that "William C. Ward, b. c1841 Lincoln Co. TN. [There are two William C's and both married Sarah's, both born c1841. If I can ever get them sorted out I will be happy!!!! The second William C. is William Carrel Ward, son of Daniel Price - above. Think this one went to Scott County AR (Boles)."  STR06 
23850 I45784  Warden  Hazel B.  Abt 1927  Yes, date unknown  She married a SEAGO.  STR06 
23851 I45475  Warden  Helen Lourene  5 Sep 1922  2 Apr 2010  Obituary, copied from her FindAGrave memorial page created by Ray and Peggy Holbrooks Pace:

Helen Lourene McGraw, 87, of Buna, Texas, died Friday, April 2, 2010, at her residence.

Mrs. McGraw was a former longtime resident of Pineland, Texas.

Survivors: three sons, Shelton McGraw and wife Mary of Evadale, Texas, Allen McGraw and wife Ramonda of Carthage, Texas, and Mark McGraw of Buna, Texas; one daughter, Linda Gravis and husband Johnny of Evadale, Texas; two sisters, Katherine McDaniel of Mauriceville, Texas, and Dwanda McCroskey of Rosevine, Texas; two brothers, Donald Warden and J.D. Warden, both of Roganville, Texas; 17 grandchildren; 29 great-grandchildren; and seven great-great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Sim McGraw; a son, Loy McGraw; and a daughter, Mona McGraw.

Funeral services are set for 10:00 a.m. Monday, April 5, at New Beginnings Church in Evadale, Texas. Interment will follow at Mt. Sinai Cemetery in Sabine County, Texas.

Visitation will be held Sunday, April 4, from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the funeral home.
23852 I45781  Warden  J. D. "Jake"  2 Apr 1936  26 Aug 2014  J.D. "Jake" Warden, 78, of Kirbyville, died in his home Tuesday evening. He was born in Fairdale, Texas, to Jesse D. and Katie McGee Warden. J.D. graduated from Hemphill High School in 1954, then served in the U.S. Army in Korea after the Korean War. J.D. or "Jake" as he was known by his co-workers retired as supervisor for United States Steel and was a member of Boiler Makers Union Local 587. He belonged to and was a deacon of the Beechgrove Missionary Baptist Church. He moved to Kirbyville seventeen years ago coming from Orange, Texas.

J.D. is survived by his wife of fifty-six years, Leona Warden of Kirbyville, his daughter Leisa Lewis and her husband Wesley of Orange, his brother Donald Warden and his wife Cookie of Kirbyville, his sisters; Kathryn McDaniel Smith and her husband Gale of Mauriceville, Dwanda White McCroskey and her husband Glenn of Hemphill, and his grandson Jarred Lewis. He was preceded in death by his parents, his sisters; Helen McGraw, Hazel Seago, Jessie Low, Tressie Loudon and his brother Norris Warden.

Visitation will be from 5:00PM until 8:00PM, Thursday, August 28, 2014, in the Starr Funeral Home, 510 Starr St., Hemphill, Texas. Funeral services will be at 11:00AM, Friday, August 29, 2014, in the Starr Funeral Home Chapel. Burial will follow in the Mt. Sinai Cemetery in the Fairmount community near Hemphill.

Copied from the Starr Funeral Home website
Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, September 3, 2014, Page 12 
23853 I45780  Warden  Jesse D.  28 Aug 1900  13 Sep 1981  His Texas Death Certificate shows him "Jesse D. (only) Warden" and lists him as a son of John Warden and Alice Rice. In 1930, a cousin, Earnest Rice was a boarder with his family in Newton County, Texas. His occupation was shown as farmer, and he was a resident of rural route 1, Pineland, Texas. He died in Orange, Texas, due to natural causes, as a consequence of cancer. His surviving spouse was listed as Katie Mae McGee, the informant on the certificate listed as J. D. Warden.  STR06 
23854 I45780  Warden  Jesse D.  28 Aug 1900  13 Sep 1981  (Research):

Census Listings:

1930 Census
Texas, Newton County, JP 3
Enumerated 9 April 1930
ED 176-4 SD 19 Sheet 1B
Warden, Jessie D Head M W 29 M 21 La La La Foreman Piling Manuf.
Warden, Mary R Wf F W 26 M 18 La La La
Warden, Helen Dtr F W 6 S La La La
Warden, Norris Son M W 4 S La La La
Warden, Hazel B Dtr F W 3 S La La La
Warden, Jessie May Dtr F W 6/12 Tx La La
Rice, Earnest Cousin M W 18 S La La La Piling Manuf.
Denman, Sam Boarder M W M 22 La La La Pealer Piling Manuf. 
23855 I45785  Warden  Jessie Mae  Abt 1929  Yes, date unknown  She married a LOW.  STR06 
23856 I37239               
23857 I45786  Warden  Tressie Jewel  Abt 1932  Yes, date unknown  She married a LOUDON.  STR06 
23858 I16533  Ware  Gincey  10 Oct 1798  3 Jun 1876  The daughter of Edward Ware and Sally Thurmond.  STR06 
23859 I1150  Ware  Henry  Bef 1784  Yes, date unknown  In the Pace Society of America quartertly bulletin, No. 132, dated June 2000, Jane Shelton Strickland writes that Henry Ware was the great grandson of another son of Solomon, Barnabus. Melinda and Henry's daughter, Elizabeth, married James Long. They were the parents of Dr. Crawford Long.

Marianna Matking writes that "In the book HISTORICAL NOTES ON JACKSON COUNTY, GEORGIA by Elrod (p 178) we find Dr. Crawford Long discoverd the anesthetic process of sulphuric ether and used it in the first painless surgery. Crawford Long's mother was Elizabeth Ware Long, a Virginian of Scotch-Irish ancestry. Her maternal grandfather was Solomon Strickland." 
23860 I17361  Ware  James E.  Abt 1838  Yes, date unknown  At the time of the 1860 census, he had personal property worth $300. In 1870, his real property is valued at $500 and personal property at $575.  STR06 
23861 I45903  Ware  Jane  Abt 1818  Yes, date unknown  Last name also shown as WARD?  STR06 
23862 I4463  Ware  Luther  Aft 1892  Yes, date unknown  Cova Jean Williams met this man on several occasions when she was with her grandfather. He ran a little country store in Woodbine TX. They would stop there when we went to the Dye Cemetery.  STR06 
23863 I1346  Ware  Phillip  Bef 1793  Yes, date unknown  The son of Edward Ware.  STR06 
23864 I32635               
23865 I19184  Warner  Benjamin  30 Sep 1698  Apr 1772  He was a Doctor, and was the son of Dr. Ephraim WARNER.  STR06 
23866 I45391  Warner  Brose Ennis  16 Mar 1906  2 Sep 1971  His FindAGrave memorial page, created by Ray and Peggy Holbrooks Pace, shows him as a son of Johnnie Pettis Warner (FAG #13520130) and Mary Jane "Pinkie" Dickerson (FAG #13520131).  STR06 
23867 I29078  Warner  Catherine  14 Jan 1851  4 Jan 1917  The transcription of her tombstone lists her first name as "Katherine," but it appears as "Catherine" in all other sources.

Cass City Chronicle
January 5, 1917

Mrs. Geo Helwig Dead
Mrs. George Helwig died at her home 2 1/2 miles east of Cass City on Thursday morning, Jan. 4. She was taken ill last Saturday night. Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at one o'clock at the residence and at two o'clock at the Evangelical church.

Cass City Chronicle
January 12, 1917

Mrs. George Helwig
Funeral Services Were Held in Evangelical Church Sunday

The Evangelical Church was crowded Sunday afternoon by the many relatives and friends who were present at attend the funeral of Mrs. George Helwig, whose sudden death after four days illness was briefly mentioned in last week's Chronicle. Rev. S. Cormany, the pastor, was in charge of the service and preached the sermon. He was assisted by Rev. C.E. Boone. Interment was made in Elkland Cemetery. Mrs. George Helwig (nee Warner) was born in Lancaster, N.Y. January 14, 1851, where she spent her early life and was married to George W. Helwig on February 10, 1870. To this union 10 children were born all of whom are living. They are Mrs. Grant McCONNELL, Mrs. George BARTLE, Mrs. Samuel JAUS, Mrs, Harvey KLINKMAN, Mrs. Clare SPURGEON, Edward and Samuel Helwig, all of Cass City, Mrs, William COOPER of Flint, and Miss Minnie and George Helwig, both of Lancaster, N.Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Helwig moved to Cass City in the year of 1881 and settled on a farm 2 1/2 miles east of Cass City where they have resided and where Mrs. Helwig's death occured Thursday morning, January 4. She leaves to mourn her sad death her husband, 10 children, 11 grandchildren, four brother and two sisters. The brothers are Michael, Frederick, John and Samuel WARNER, and the sisters are Mrs. Philip MOOK and Mrs. George FISCHBACK all of Lancaster, N.Y. One sister preceded her in death. 
23868 I34208  Warner  Clara  23 Aug 1904  24 Apr 1988  Kay Parker McCary, on her annotated transcription of Sabine County's Myrtle Spring's cemetery, shows that her tombstone was inscribed:

We miss you darling but we know that you rest with God (Double with Elzie Burton Smith) 
23869 I42259  Warner  Dud Ernest "Dudley"  5 Oct 1871  20 Sep 1937
name: Dud Ernest Warner
death date: 20 Sep 1937
death place: Beaumont, Jefferson, Texas
gender: Male
death age: 65 years 11 months 15 days
estimated birth date:
birth date: 05 Oct 1871
birthplace: San Augustin, Texas
marital status: Married
spouse's name: Candis Warner
father's name: John Warner
father's birthplace: Ga.
mother's name: Julia Belste (Beloti)
mother's birthplace: Mississippi
occupation: Farming
place of residence: Bronson, Texas
burial place: Bronson, Texas
burial date: 21 Sep 1937
additional relatives:
film number: 2117298
digital film number: 4166735
image number: 2408
reference number: P 2431 CN 46597
Collection: Dud Ernest Warner, "Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976"

His FindAGrave memorial page is linked to his parents and four siblings, and also has a photo. 
23870 I42259  Warner  Dud Ernest "Dudley"  5 Oct 1871  20 Sep 1937  (Research):

Census Listings:

1910 Census
Texas, San Augustine County, JP 4
Enumerated 28 Apr 1910
SD 2 ED 141 Sheet 7B
Warner, Dudley Head M W 38 m1 16 Tx Tn Miss Farmer
Warner, Candis S Wf W F 33 m1 16 6/6 Tx Tx Tx
Warner, Lara L Dtr F W 15 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer
Warner, Eula S Dtr F W 13 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer
Warner, Madie J Dtr F W 10 S Tx Tx Tx
Warner, Milton E Son M W 7 S Tx Tx Tx
Warner, Clara L Dtr F W 4 S Tx Tx Tx
Warner, Byron W Son M W 2 S Tx Tx Tx

1920 Census
Texas, San Augustine County, JP 4
Enumerated 30 Jan 1920
SD 326 ED 179 Sheet 9A
Warner, Dudley Head M W 48 M Tx La Tn Farmer
Warner, Candis Wf W F 43 M Tx Tx Tx
Warner, E Ula Dtr F W 23 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer
Warner, Clara F W 15 S Tx Tx Tx
Warner, Byron W Son M W 12 S Tx Tx Tx
Warner, Orem Son M W 9 S Tx Tx Tx
Warner, D. S. Son M W 7 S Tx Tx Tx
Warner, Wilbur Son M W 4 S Tx Tx Tx
Warner, Dudley S Uncle M W 78 M La SC Miss Farm Laborer
Warner, Bell Aunt F W 78 M Tn Tn Tn 
23871 I42261  Warner  Eula Selena  14 Aug 1896  17 Mar 1978
name: Eula Selena Warner
titles & terms:
event: Death
event date: 17 Mar 1978
event place: Nacogdoches, Nacogdoches, Texas, United States
gender: Female
age: 81
estimated birth year: 1897
birthdate August 16, 1896, San Augustine County, Texas
father: D E Warner
father's titles & terms:
mother: Candis Cousins
mother's titles & terms:
Informant Mrs. Madie Honeycutt (Sister)
certificate number: 22398
digital folder number: 004862146
image number: 00419
Collection: Eula Selena Warner, "Texas, Deaths, 1977-1986" 
23872 I23331  Warner  Ida Atherine  4 Nov 1943  14 Nov 2024  Ida "Ann" Atherine Tatom, of Pineland, Texas, passed away at the age of 81 on November 14, 2024, in Tyler, Texas. Born on November 4, 1943, in Lufkin, Texas, to Lawrence Elmer Warner and Ida Atherine "Jean" Crager Warner, Ann was a native of Diboll, Texas, and a long-standing resident of Sabine County for more than 50 years.

Ann dedicated many years of her life as a paraprofessional at Jasper ISD, where she touched the lives of numerous students and colleagues. A member of Bethany Missionary Baptist Church, her faith and commitment to her community were unwavering.

Ann Tatom was a woman of many things, she was a wife, mother, grandmother, friend, avid traveler, gardener, and loved animals. To know Ann was to know that she loved her kids and she loved her grandkids more than anything thing in the world and she had seen a lot of it with her favorite place being in Hawaii. At any point in time, you would find her chasing a grandkid to a school event, out in her garden, cooking in her kitchen, or drinking a big cup of coffee out on her porch as a small pleasure in life.

Everyone knew not to interrupt her when watching Mr. Tom Selleck on TV during Blue Bloods, Elvis was the king, and to proceed with caution if you heard Murder, She Wrote playing in the background. If you were to talk to Ann, you would know just how proud she was of her kids and how well they have raised their families to be good people teaching them to be kind and help those in need something she did frequently when working in the public education system and seeing kids from all backgrounds. Ann pushed her kids and her grandkids to be the best they could be if that meant to learn a trade or a college education so that they could take care of themselves and leave the world a better place than they found it.

She leaves behind a her loving family, son, Cecil "Gooter" Tatom of Pineland; daughters, Shelia Lowe, Frances Clark and husband, Franklin, and April McCauley and husband, Chris, all of Pineland; sister, Shirley Dobbs of Hemphill; sisters-in-law, Elizabeth Henry of Homer, Texas, and Carolyn Henry of Lufkin; grandchildren, Cary Lowe and wife, Jordan, Jerrod Oliver and wife, Beth, of Pearland, Liz Dorris, Christopher Clark and wife, Diana, Mary Clark Boehme and husband, Maxx, Sandra Clark, Melinda Clark, Ivy Jacob Clark, Melanie McCauley, Kaitlin McCauley, and Tristan McCauley; great-grandchildren, Gus Dorris, Payton Hranicky, Charlie Dorris, Haven Box, Hadley Lowe, Justin Oliver, Robert Clark, and Zoey Clark and her sweet dog, Angel, that was her companion in her later years.

She gained her own set of angel wings and was reunited with her loved ones in heaven including her husband, Cecil Tatom; parents, Lawrence Warner and Jean Henry; stepfather, Lonnie Burl Henry; daughter, Melanie Jean Tatom; and brothers, Marvin Henry and Robert Henry, along with many other family members.

Visitation will be held from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. on Friday, November 22, 2024, at Starr Funeral Home, 510 Starr Street, Hemphill, Texas.
Funeral services will begin at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, November 23, 2024, in the Starr Funeral Home Chapel, officiated by Bro. Joe Bennett and Bro. Jim Bennett.

Burial will follow at Plainview Cemetery.

Starr Funeral Home in Hemphill, Texas, is assisting the Tatom family during this time. Ann's life was a testament to her deep love for her family and community, and she will be profoundly missed by all who knew her.

Memories and condolences can be made at, downloaded from their website

Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, November 20, 2024, Page 4 
23873 I25925               
23874 I42262  Warner  Madie J.  Abt 1900  Yes, date unknown  Appears to have married a HONEYCUTT, as Madie Honeycutt, sister, was the informant on the Texas Death Certificate of Eula Warner of Nacogdoches.  STR06 
23875 I25926  Warner  Thomas "Tommy" Burl  19 Aug 1948  24 Jul 2004  Sabine County Reporter
July 28, 2004

Thomas Burl Warner, Jr.

Thomas Burl Warner, Jr., 55, of San Augustine died Saturday, July 24, 2004, at his residence. Warner was born Aug. 19, 1948 in Jasper and was a longtime resident of the San Augustine area. He was a member of the Harmony Missionary Baptist Church and was employed in the wood products industry. Survivors: wife Janet Coulter Warner of San Augustine; mother Faye Easley Warner House of Hemphill; a sister June Fuller of Rosevine; and brothers, Robert Warner of Houston and Marcus Paul Warner of Columbus. Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. Monday at Wyman Roberts Memorial Chapel in San Augustine with Bro. Skipper Eberlan officiating. Interment followed at Old Salem Cemetery, in Shelby County 
23876 I42268  Warner  Wilber  16 Mar 1915  Yes, date unknown
name: Warner
event: Birth
event date: 16 Mar 1915
event place: Goldthwaite, Mills, Texas, United States
gender: Male
father: D E Warner
mother: Candis Cousins
Residence Pleasant Grove
Father occupation farmer
certificate number: 11751
digital folder number: 004220686
image number: 00793
Collection: Warner, "Texas, Birth Certificates, 1903-1935" 
23877 I46269  Warner  William Byron  11 Jan 1945  26 Sep 2015  William Byron Warner, Jr., 70, of Milam, died Saturday afternoon in the Vitas Hospice Facility, Shenandoah, Texas. Bill was born in Center, Texas, to Byron and Monnie Lou Vickers Warner. Milam has been his home all his life except for time spent overseas as a supervisor in petroleum production. Bill was a Vietnam Veteran, serving in the U.S. Air Force, and a member of the New Hope Baptist Church, Milam, Texas.

Cremation under the direction of Starr Funeral Home, no services are scheduled.

The Sabine County Reporter, October 7, 2015, Page 9 
23878 I38996  Warren  Annie Lee  24 Jun 1895  22 Apr 1990  Biography from FindAGrave

Annie Lee Warren Roberts, philanthropist and historical preservationist, was born in Terrell, Texas, in 1895, the only child of Annie (Cartwright) and state Senator Robert Lee Warren. Following graduation from high school in Terrell, Annie Lee attended Gunston Hall Women's College in Washington, D.C., and Monticello College in Geoffrey, Illinois. On May 15, 1920, she married Terrell native Summerfield G. Roberts, a fifth-generation Texan who was just beginning a business career in Dallas. As the couple prospered financially through his banking, oil, and real estate dealings, they jointly pursued interests that improved the cultural, social, and literary life of Dallas and Texas. Mrs. Roberts worked diligently to improve the plight of homeless pets and captive wildlife as well as to protect the animals in the wild. In 1984 she was a recipient of the Founders medal for extraordinary service to animals. In 1988, in association with the Animal Protection Institute and United Animal Nations-USA, she founded the Annie Lee Roberts Emergency Animal Rescue Service fund. She received the award for excellence for extraordinary achievement in animal rescue in 1988 and was the recipient of the animal philanthropist of the year award from the Animal Protection Institute in 1989. Her civic memberships included Daughters of the American Revolution, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Daughters of the Republic of Texas, and the Dallas Garden Club. Preserving Texas history was an ardent interest she shared with her husband; in 1948 they established, through the Sons of the Republic of Texas, the Summerfield G. Roberts Award for the best work of history on early Texas. For her role in the creation of this monetary award, Mrs. Roberts subsequently was elected an honorary member of the Sons of the Republic of Texas. She and her husband also were responsible for numerous artistic and literary gifts to the Hall of State in Dallas and the State Library and Archives Building in Austin. Later in her life, following the death of her husband in 1970, she established the Summerlee Foundation to provide funding for the protection of animals and the study and preservation of Texas history. In its efforts to preserve the state's history, the foundation underwrote the work of the Summerlee Commission, which in 1991 completed a comprehensive study of the status of teaching, studying and preserving Texas history. Annie Lee Warren Roberts died at her Dallas home on April 22, 1990, at the age of ninety-four, and was buried in Hillcrest Mausoleum in Dallas. She and her husband had no children. [bio info from] 
23879 I40727               
23880 I2898  Warren  Fannie E.  23 Jul 1884  20 Dec 1969  Wynema McGrew writes that she died of a heart attack in her home in Vernal, and her service was held at the Kingsbury Congregational Church.  STR06 
23881 I21272  Warren  Helen  Abt 1527    The daughter of Richard WARREN and Alice JENWAY. Her death was recorded at St. Leonard, N/E Chapel, London, England. She and Johnhad four children, Robert, John, Aves, and Elizabeth. (  STR06 
23882 I2893  Warren  Henderson "Stump"  9 Jun 1858  6 Sep 1925  Per "The Southern McGrews Grew" they had eight children. They lived in Goliad Co, Baylor Co, and Cottle Co. TX. He was a fence maker and farmer. He also ran a hotel in Swearengin for a period of time.

They last lived in O'Donnell, Texas and both were buried in the Paducah cemetery in Paducah, Cottle Co, Texas.
Name: H. Warren
Death Date: 06 Sep 1925
Death Place: Cottle County, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: white
Death Age: 67 years 2 months 27 days
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 09 Jun 1858
Birthplace: Goliad Co., Tex
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Joseph Warren
Father's Birthplace: Florida
Mother's Name: Eliza Castles [Cassels]
Mother's Birthplace: Mississippi
Occupation: Farmer
Place of Residence:
Cemetery: Paducah City Cemetery
Burial Place:
Burial Date: 07 Sep 1925
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2113923
Digital Film Number: 4167320
Image Number: 3186
Reference Number: cn 32010
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976 
23883 I2902  Warren  Jessie Opelia  27 May 1893  19 Jul 1966  From FindAGrave:

Jessie was the daughter of Henderson Warren and Elizabeth Maddox. Jessie married Charlie Williams and they had three children: Ophelia, Emma Elizabeth, and Verna Williams. The family lived most of their life on a farm near Kirkland Texas. Daughter Emma graduated from Kirkland High School in 1939. The other daughters died young.
23884 I2899  Warren  Joseph Benjamin "Cap"  30 May 1887  28 Jan 1955  Wynema McGrew writes that he was one of the few surviving old-time cowhands of the Waggoner Ranch, where he worked for 13 years as a chuck wagon cook. A colorful character, he was featured in newspaper and magazine articles about the passing of the West, including the Saturday Evening Post. He was a member of the Baptist Faith.  STR06 
23885 I13441               
23886 I2900  Warren  Mabel  4 Nov 1889  28 Dec 1975  She was characterized by her family as stern but loving, very strong willed, and a jack of all trades and master of many.

23887 I40726               
23888 I40725  Warren  Oscar Dewey  1 Feb 1899  25 Mar 1988  (Research):

Census Listings:

1930 Census
Texas, Cherokee County, JP 3
Enumerated April 8, 1030
ED 37-22 Sd 12 Sheet 3A Stamped 136
Warren, Oscar D head M W 31 M 20 Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Warren, Eula A Wf F W 28 M 17 Tx Tx Tx
Warren, Oscar D Jr Son m W 8 S Tx Tx Tx
Warren, Dewey M Son m W 5 S Tx Tx Tx 
23889 I38997  Warren  Robert Lee  29 Sep 1865  24 Mar 1952  Obituary and death certificate information from FindAGrave:

Robert Lee Warren, 86, of 4241 Lorraine, Dallas attorney, real estate developer and former State Senator, died at his home Monday. Born in Harrison County, he came to Terrell when he was fifteen years old and practiced law in that city for forty years. Warren moved to Dallas in 1920, where he was engaged in the practice of civil law and also as a developer of residential real estate additions. He served three terms in the Texas State Senate from Terrell, being first elected in 1914. He attended private schools in Harrison County and also in Terrell. He developed the Urbandale and the Ruthmede additions and also built homes in other sections of the city. He was a thirty-second-degree Mason and a member of the Shrine. Warren is survived by his wife and a daughter, Mrs. Summerfield G. Roberts, both of Dallas, and a sister, Mrs. Sue Warren Nuckolls of San Antonio. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday at the residence with Dean Gerald G. Moore of St. Matthew's Episcopal Cathedral officiating. Entombment will be in Hillcrest Mausoleum. Dallas Morning News, March 25, 1952
. . . . . . . . . .
From his Texas certificate of death
Name: Robert Lee Warren
Death Date: 24 Mar 1952
Death Place: Residence, Highland Park, Dallas, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: white
Death Age: 86 years 5 months 25 days
Birth Date: 29 Sep 1865
Birthplace: Texas
Marital Status: Married
Father's Name: William Warren
Father's Birthplace: Miss.
Mother's Name: Elizabeth E. Waskom
Mother's Birthplace: Miss.
Occupation: Real Estate & Inv.
Place of Residence: 4241 Lorraine, Highland Park, Dallas, Texas
Cemetery: Hillcrest Mausoleum
Burial Place: Dallas, Texas
Burial Date: 26 Mar 1952
Informant: Summerfield G. Roberts 
23890 I15548  Warriner  Elizabeth  Bef 1646  7 Jun 1684  Said, by Linda Olds, to be the daughter of William and Alice WARRINER.

Admitted to the Windsor Church in August 1666. 
23891 I35553  Waters  Pallie Margaret  27 Jul 1898  5 Dec 1971  Name: Pallie Margaret Jergins
Death Date: 05 Dec 1971
Death Place: Grand Prairie, Tarrant, Texas, United States
Gender: Female
Race: White
Death Age: 73 years
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 27 Jul 1898
Marital Status:
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Charles Walters
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Margaret Mclemore
Mother's Birthplace:
Place of Residence:
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2223504
Digital Film Number: 4005462
Image Number: 00946
Reference Number: 92112
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
23892 I35554  Waters  Tellie  24 Feb 1900  4 Sep 1972  Name: Tellie Walters Phillips
Death Date: 04 Sep 1972
Death Place: Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas
Gender: Female
Race: White
Death Age: 72 years
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 24 Feb 1900
Birthplace: Canton, Texas
Marital Status: Widowed
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Charles Walters
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Margaret Mclemore
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Housewife
Place of Residence: Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas
Cemetery: Laurel Land Cemetery
Burial Place: Fort Worth, Texas
Burial Date: 06 Sep 1972
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2223986
Digital Film Number: 4169329
Image Number: 2057
Reference Number: cn70540
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
23893 I35554  Waters  Tellie  24 Feb 1900  4 Sep 1972  (Medical):See attached sources.  STR06 
23894 I35597  Watkins  Betty Lee  26 Jan 1920  17 Dec 1976  Name: Betty Lee Mclemore
Death Date: 17 Dec 1976
Death Place: Tyler, Smith, Texas, United States
Gender: Female
Race: White
Death Age: 56 years
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 26 Jan 1920
Birthplace: Van Zandt County Texas
Marital Status:
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: William Bradley Watkins
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Stacey Lavada Knowles
Mother's Birthplace:
Place of Residence:
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2243986
Digital Film Number: 4005516
Image Number: 03221
Reference Number: 96558
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
23895 I15651  Watkins  Critton "Crit B." Barnett  7 Dec 1891  4 Jan 1956  His Texas Death Certificate shows that he was a son of Crit Watkins and Ellen Click. He worked as a Farmer.  STR06 
23896 I18326  Watkins  Daniel S.  Abt 1822  Yes, date unknown  By 1880, he is living in Nacogdoches County. (Casagranda, 1850 Census, 87).  STR06 
23897 I516  Watkins  Drucilla C.  30 Jul 1829  Aft Jun 1860  Joseph William Watkins was born in Georgia and died in Sabine County ca 1838. He and his wife Drucilla were the parents of Drucilla Watkins, b 30 July 1829, in Coahuila-Texas and d after 1860, m James E. White ca 1847. (White and Toole, p 67). However, Scott Watkins doesn't think this is correct. In December, 2010 he emailed that:

"Green Berry's younger brother Alfred L, only had two daughters and no sons. The oldest daughter was Mary Ann, who married Amon P. Morris and her younger sister Drucilla Cordelia who married 1) White and 2) Partin. Both Mary Ann(s) are used back in forth between the family lines as well as William W. and Nancy. I started out to prove I was a descendant of Alfred L., only to find out I belong with Green Berry instead."

The 1840 Natchitoches Parish census shows:
J. B. Watkins 0111001000000 222001000000 1 3 1
A. L. Watkins 0000010000000 002001000000
The J. is a G. (census writers?) Both brothers are on the same page, just 10 lines apart. J. B. has 4 males and 7 females. A. L. has 1 male and 3 females. Later census shows Alfred with the same numbers and Green Berry with another daughter.
23898 I18322  Watkins  Green Berry  Abt 1798  Yes, date unknown  In December, 2010, Scott Watkins ( emailed that "Green Berry's younger brother Alfred L, only had two daughters and no sons. The oldest daughter was Mary Ann, who married Amon P. Morris and her younger sister Drucilla Cordelia who married 1) White and 2) Partin. Both Mary Ann(s) are used back in forth between the family lines as well as William W. and Nancy. I started out to prove I was a descendant of Alfred L., only to find out I belong with Green Berry instead."

The 1840 Natchitoches Parish census shows:
J. B. Watkins 0111001000000 222001000000 1 3 1
A. L. Watkins 0000010000000 002001000000
The J. is a G. (census writers?) Both brothers are on the same page, just 10 lines apart. J. B. has 4 males and 7 females. A. L. has 1 male and 3 females. Later census shows Alfred with the same numbers and Green Berry with another daughter.

23899 I18322  Watkins  Green Berry  Abt 1798  Yes, date unknown  (Research):

Census Listings:

Louisiana, Sabine Parish, P. O. Many
Enumerated 27 Jun 1860
Page 35
G. B. Watkins 60 M Farmer 500 675 Ga
Elizabeth Watkins 58 F NC
Susan Watkins 21 F La
Amanda Watkins 20 F La
23900 I18321  Watkins  Jane  Nov 1830  Yes, date unknown  At the time of the 1900 census, she was living with her son-in-law and daughter, William and Amanda Cook, and their 11 children in Negreet, Louisiana. She was shown as a 69 year old widow, born in Texas with her parents born in Georgia and Tennessee, and as the mother of 3 children in total, only one of them still living.  STR06 

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