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# Person ID Last Name First Name Birth Date Death Date Living note Tree
23401 I6787  Traywick  John  Abt 1795  Abt 1848  John and his brother Gibson migrated to Tennessee from North Carolina in the late 1820's.

1830 Census, Carroll County, Tennessee pg 75 John Traywick, 1 male 30-40; 1 female 20-30

1840 Census, Carroll County, Tennessee pg 43 John Trawig 2 males 0-5, 2 males 5-10, 1 male 30-40 (females missing from this extraction??)

(Extract by Beverly Hudock, courtesy of Lynell Cordell)

23402 I6808  Traywick  John Gideon  Abt 1836  Yes, date unknown  Came to Van Buren, Arkansas in 1860 with other family members. He was a Confederate soldier, a private in Company C, 10th regiment, Arkansas Infantry, the same unit his brother George served in. John is listed as a Confederate veteran at the Carroll County, Tennessee internet site, which means he survived the war.  STR06 
23403 I7990  Traywick  Lunsford  1760  1809  Received land in the division of his father's estate, 1801, and also received land in the division of Abner's Traywick's estate, 1808. Lunsford and his family were living in Georgia as early as 10 March 1800, at which time Lunsford conveyed 220 acres of land (granted him Francis Traywick) in Wilkes County, to John McGinty (Wilkes County Deeds, Book Y, p 507)

Lunsford and his wife lived in Clarke County, Georgia where he died in 1809. Lunsford Traywick of Clarke Co, Mitchell's district, lottery #131, section 13, drew land in Baldwin County, Georgia 1806 Georgia Land Lotteries. Lunsford died in 1809 and among the buyers at the sale of his estate were: Martha Trawick, Robert Trawick, Allen Trawick, Spencer Trawick, Mrs. Trawick, Hugh Neister, John Ramey, Caleb Arthur, George Carter, and others. Robert Trawick was administrator of the estate. Returns for the estate include the following:

1810 Cash Paid

Uriah Humphrey for note $138.77 Burwell Trawick $6 Thomas Stephens, Esq. $29.85 Hugh Trawick $6 Allen Trawick $31.50 John Smith C O C $4.75 Doctor Neisler $42.43 and others

1815 Returns on Estate of Lunsford Traweek

Paid Spencer Trawick Paid Martha Trawick Paid Wm. B. Cole, Guardian

1817 Returns of Estate of Lunsford Traweek

Paid Wm. B. Cole guardian for Burwell and Hughes Trawick $72.16 Paid Martha Trawick, guardian for Elizabeth and Nancy Trawick $66.85 Paid Spencer Trawick $8.50...

Sworn to in open Court Nov. 2, 1818, by Robert Trawick, who make settlement of his administration and obtained dismission of the future administration of said estate. John H. Lowe, Clerk, Book H, p 213.

By 1830, Martha and her children, several of them married, moved to Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

(Above courtesy of Lynell Cordell)

Sam Lenaeus,, supplied the following additional information about this family:

1820 Clarke County Census Trawick Martha 109 pg107.txt 10 | Martha Trawick | 0 1 0 0 0 0 | 0 1 0 0 1 | 0 | 2 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 | 0 1 (Martha Seger born 1760 Germany)

1821 Capitan Browns District Kinney, John 80 & 80 acres originally granted to Few joining Trawick, Clarke County, Oconee headwaters.

1823 Clarke County, GA Tax Digest Capt. Gahagan's Dist Athens Weir, Samuel 120 & 160 acres orig granted to Duke & Trawick joining Kinney, Clarke Co, Oconee headwaters. (Weir married a daughter of James Kenny & Sarah Alexander)

Lunsford Trawick is noted in the 1805 Sarepta minutes as a licensed preacher, the only Crooked Creek member named as a minister prior to 1837. It seems likely, given that the church had only 34 members at the time, that Trawick served as pastor in 1805, though this is unconfirmed. Trawick moved his membership to Mars Hill near Watkinsville in 1807 and died two years later. This seems to indicate that he may be buried in the Mars Hill cemetery, but if so his grave is unmarked. Trawick's daughter Esther married Johnson Freeman, and the couple are listed on the 1850 Crooked Creek church roll. Of note to local residents is the fact that longtime piano teacher Miss Montine Head of Jefferson was a direct descendant of Lunsford Trawick through Johnson and Esther Freeman. 
23404 I7994  Traywick  Otheniel  Abt 1772  Abt 1862  Tuscaloosa County Deeds Book E, 18 October 1821 Othneil Traweek to George Trawick for $100 W 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sect T 19 R 11 W Sarah Traweek, wife...signed by mark Book H, 25 October 1831 page 352 George Traweek to Othneil Traweek for $100 W 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sect T 19 R 11 W  STR06 
23405 I7979  Traywick  Othneil  1738  1801  Married 1) ??? Fiveash and 2) Martha Bethea.  STR06 
23406 I7987  Traywick  Rebecca  1754  Yes, date unknown  Two months after Robert Trawick bought land in Wake County, James Watson entered 640 acres of vacant land in Wake County, lying on the north side of Neuse River and the south side of Farmers Cree, joining Col. John Hinton's land on Neuse River (entry 272, 9 May 1778). On January 17, 1779, James Watson conveyed to John Hinton Sr 555 acres on Poplar Creek, part of which had been given to Watson by Robert Trawick. (Book Q of deeds, pg. 112). In Deed Book R, pg. 10, and in 1801-2, we learn that David Hinton received land from James Watson and Rebekka, his wife, land granted Robert Traywick, dec'd by State, and drewn in lot #7 by James Watson and Rebekka in the division of said Trawicks land, 19 May 1801.

James Watson in the 1790 census of Wake County has 1 male 16 years and upward, including heads of families; 3 males under 16 years, and 4 females including heads of families. If these are all members of Watson's family, we can assume that the three boys and three girls range in age from 14 or 12 years to 2 years, thus arriving at Watson's approximate date of marriage.

From the 1800 census of Wake County, we learn that James Watson had the following numbers: males, 1, 1-10 years; males, 1, 10-16 years; males, 1, 16-20 years; males, 1, over 45 years (James born before 1755); females, 3, 1-10 years; females, 1, 10-16 years; females, 1, 16-26 years; females, 1. over 45 years (Rebecca born before 1755) (Courtesy Lynell Cordell. She cites "TRAYWICK FAMILY IN AMERICA" by Cora Trawick Prince, Evely Traweek Dixon and Rulon N. Smithson) 
23407 I6792  Traywick  Robert  1729  Abt Sep 1800  Robert Traywick died intestate about September 1800. On 12 Sept 1800 inventory was made of the estate and in May term of Wake County Court 1801, his land was divided: His widow, Moore Traywick, Edward Hocut and wife (daughter of Robert), daughter Aschur Traywick, heirs of John Traywick, dec'd Robert, Otneil, Whitmel (Whitman) Eason and wife, (daughter of Robert), Lunsford, son, Senuel, son, Berimom (Berryman) son. Returned and ordered to be recorded May term 1801. (Wills and Inventory Book F, pg 260) (Courtesy of Lynell Cordell)  STR06 
23408 I6806  Traywick  Rufus L.  Nov 1833  Abt 1910  Rufus was born during an auspicious month. On November 13, 1833, between midnight and dawn, thousands of meteors showered the sky over North America. To the native peoples of the land, it appeared that the stars were falling out of the heavens. Some thought it was the judgment day. Others called it "The Night the Stars Fell".

A young girl who was a slave at the time of the event said "Somebody in the quarters started yellin' in the middle of the night to come out and to look up at the sky. We went outside and there they was a fallin' everywhere! Big stars coming down real close to the groun' and just before they hit the ground they would burn up! We was all scared. Some O'the folks was screamin' and some was prayin' we all made so much noise, the white folk came out to see what was happenin'. They looked up and then they got scared too."

The celestial phenomenon called "the most impressive and awesome display ever recorded" was, in fact, the Leonids meteor shower seen in one of its most impressive years. Viewers witnessed 50,000 to 150,000 meteors per hour, only equaled by the November 17, 1966 display, when the Leonid shower brought 150,000 meteors per hour. Debris from the comet Temple-Tuttle that orbits the sun every 33 years causes the shower.

He spent his childhood in Tennessee, and didn't go to Arkansas in 1860 with his brothers and sisters. He moved there after his second marriage, to a Nancy, sometime after 1880. Family stories say that he served in the CSA, but the records have not been found to substantiate this. He supposedly lost a finger during the war. Rufus must have been either a minister or a Justice of the Peace, as he was able to perform marriage ceremonies. (Source: Betty Curry of Muskogee, OK; Courtesy of Lynell Cordell)

About 1904, Rufus's wife Nancy was in the kitchen of their home near Gravesville, Arkansas. Having just churned, she ladled the butter onto a dish and was working the remaining milk out of the butter with a large spoon. At that moment, a tornado ripped off the roof of the house, leaving only the walls standing. The entire interior of the ruined, roofless home was littered with debris from the storm, then drenched with rain. Nancy surveyed the damage and commented "I'll swan. My butter's ruined!" (Source: K.L. Trawick) 
23409 I46620  Treadway  Laura Ellen  11 Nov 1872  25 Mar 1961  Her FindAGrave memorial page, created by Carmian, links her to her parents, William Walter Treadway (1845-1926) and Martha A. Spangler (1848-1881).  STR06 
23410 I25009  Treadwell  Martha  16 Mar 1643  3 Mar 1738  Said to be the daughter of Thomas Treadwell and Mary Taylor. (Six, Wierschke Families & More). Other sources show her instead as a daughter of Thomas Treadwell and Sarah Titcomb. (Descendants of Robert Cross).  STR06 
23411 I1984               
23412 I19731  Trkal  Barbora  13 Oct 1843  16 Nov 1911  The daughter of Anna CECRDLE and Vaclav TRKAL, and granddaughter of Vaclav CECRDLE.  STR06 
23413 I1651  Trowbridge  Adeline Regina  27 Dec 1821  28 Dec 1912  She is shown on the "Sprouse Family - VA, OH, IL" tree at RootsWeb's WorldConnect as being a daughter of Herman TROWBRIDGE of Fairfield, Ct and Abigail Comfort PRITCHARD of Milford, Ct. This tree also shows that on 15 Mar 1838 she married John Burns Brown in Adams County, IL.  STR06 
23414 I1651  Trowbridge  Adeline Regina  27 Dec 1821  28 Dec 1912  (Research):

Census Listings:

Copied from "Sprouse Family - VA, OH, IL" tree at RootsWeb's WorldConnect

1870 Census
Illinois, Knox County, Galesburg
Browne, Adaline 48 keeps house 3000 1000 Ohio
Hiram 24 painter Illinois
Heale 18 painter Illinois
William 15 bookbinder Illinois
joseph 13 at school Illinois
Harriet 11 at school Illinois
Durfee, Edward 48 engineer
White, Charles 32 fireman
Wood, John 23 fireman
Bartlett, William 24 engineer
Bullet, William 25 engineer
Wood, Thomas 30 engineer
Fisher, Walter 29 engineer
Washburn, William 23 brakeman
Hanely, Benjamin 25 brakeman
Bump, Isaac 24 brakeman
Clay, John 26 brakeman
Sommers, Thomas 20 brakeman

1880 Census
Texas, Montague County
Hiram Brown 32 laborer IL MA OH
Adaline wife 28 keeps house MO OH KY
Adaline Brown mother Wid. 58 teaches school OH NY MA
Hattie dau 5 MO IL MO
Addie dau 9m TX IL MO
23415 I19288  Trowbridge  Susan  Abt 1758  Abt 1843  Benjamin Dwight cites her father as being from Colchester. (Dwight, p 193).  STR06 
23416 I13067  Trower  Laura Samuella  19 Jul 1935  23 Dec 1999  Obituary from The Saginaw News Dec 25, 1999 Sat (C15)

Stroebel, Mrs. Laura,
Saginaw, Michigan.

Passed away Thursday December 23, 1999 at Covenant Medical Center - Cooper. Age 64 years. Laura Trower was born in Cheboygan, Michigan to the late OK and Crystal (Braden) Trower. She married Richard H. Stroebel June 30, 1956 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He survives her. In 1978 Laura and her husband established Stroebels of Saginaw which she built into a very successful "small business" in the community. She was dedicated to serving customers in her own unique way making everyone feel special. She was a member of Holy Cross and served on various boards and sang in its choir, taught second grade for two years. She served as a Girl Scout leader, having inspired many young girls to be future leaders in their church and communities. ??? one line illegible ??? (surviving are) Richard are four daughters and their spouses, Joanna and Bob Atkinson, St. Charles, Kate Stroebel Carriacou, Grenada; Amy and Tony DeGrazia, Ann Arbor; Nancy and Mitch Steiner, Dacona, Co; four granddaughters, Rebekah Jessica, Angella and Crystal, four brothers and one sister, Guy, Art, Ted, John Trower and Mary Ann Sundin, several nieces and nephews.

Funeral service will take place 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, December 28, 1999 at Holy Cross Ev. Lutheran Church, 600 Court St. Pastor Timothy J. Loewe will officiate with burial in Holy Cross Cemetery. Family and friends are welcome to visit at the Wakeman Funeral Home, Inc. on Monday from 2:00 to 9:00 p.m. and on Tuesday from 10:00 a.m. until time of service. Memorials may be given to Holy Cross Ev. Lutheran Church or the Saginaw Children's Zoo Carousel."

(Courtesy of Kelly Eddy) 
23417 I13061  Trower  O. K.  30 Jul 1898    The son of John Wesley Trower and Alice Ann Ingram.  STR06 
23418 I23651  Trudeau  Frank  Bef 1922  Between 1941 and 1945  Paratrooper, killed in action during World War II  STR06 
23419 I42836  Truitt  Atlas  18 Aug 1896  14 May 1963  The 1910 Shelby County, Texas census shows she was the eldest daughter of Alfred and Ella Truitt. Her younger siblings were Willie, Marshie, Helton, Buster and Pauline.  STR06 
23420 I6444  Truitt  Hazel  14 Jul 1912  4 Jan 1985  She was the daughter of Jesse H. Truitt and Victoria Campbell.

The Duncan Banner: Hazel T. Gentry

Hazel T. Gentry, 72, 2104 Birch died Friday in an Oklahoma City hospital following a long illness. Service will be at 10:30 a.m. Monday in the Westside Church of Christ with Jon Hosch officiating Burial will be in the Duncan Cemetery under the direction of the Don Grantham Funeral Home.

She was born July 14, 1912, in Alma and was a lifelong resident of Stephens County. She retired in 1977 after 20 years with TG&Y and was a member of the Westside Church of Christ. She married Elmer F. Gentry on Sept. 22, 1928, in Duncan. He preceded her in death in Duncan on March 30, 1964. Survivors include a son, Don Gentry of Phoenix, Ariz. ; a daughter, Juanell Leard of Oklahoma City; a brother, Albert Truitt of Miami,OK; two sisters, Jean Sims of Oneana, Ala., and Bertha Taylor of Eureka, Calif.; and seven grandchildren.

Bearers will be Sam Stovall, Don Douglas, Charles Bentley, Kenneth Nunley, Levi Matlack and Wayne Eden.

(Transcription courtesy of Lynell Cordell) 
23421 I12187  Trumbull  Marian  Abt 1807  Aft 1880  In 1870 and 1880, she was living in the home of her son Morris Smith in Ionia County, Michigan.  STR06 
23422 I1167               
23423 I18522               
23424 I28687  Tucker  Keziah  Abt 1844  Yes, date unknown  Melba Gene McLemore shows that she was married first to Elijah POWERS, who died during the Civil War. After her second husband, Edward Milton Heflin died, she married Epps Ashton.  STR06 
23425 I28687  Tucker  Keziah  Abt 1844  Yes, date unknown  (Research):Census Information:


Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Oc
cupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Casiah HEFLIN Self W Female W 36 MS Keeping House GA GA
Gilbert HEFLIN Son S Male W 11 AR Works On Farm --- MS
Thos. PAURIS Son S Male W 17 AR Works On Farm AR MS
Source Information:
Census Place Cane Creek, Lincoln, Arkansas
Family History Library Film 1254049 NA Film Number T9-0049
Page Number 74C

Melba Gene McLemore writes that 17 year old Thomas is Thomas Poweres, from Keziah's first marriage to Elijah Powers in 1860. Melba further notes that Keziah will marry Epps Ashton in August 1880.

1910 United States Federal Census

Name: Kizzie J Ashton
[Kezzia J Ashton]
Age in 1910: 66
Estimated birth year: abt 1844
Birthplace: Mississippi
Relation to Head of House: Mother
Father's Birth Place: Georgia
Mother's Birth Place: Georgia
Home in 1910: Justice Precinct 2, Ellis, Texas
Marital Status: Widowed
Race: White
Gender: Female

Household Members:
Name Age
Thomas E Powers 47
John M Powers 22
Arthur J Powers 19
Kizzie J Ashton 66

1920 United States Federal Census
about Kizzie Ashton Jr
Name: Kizzie Ashton Jr
[Kizzie J Ashton Jr]
Home in 1920: Justice Precinct 3, Henderson, Texas
Age: 77 years
Estimated birth year: abt 1843
Birthplace: Mississippi
Relation to Head of House: Grandmother, Grandma (Grandmother)
Father's Birth Place: Mississippi
Mother's Birth Place: Mississippi
Marital Status: Widow
Race: White
Sex: Female
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Image: 249

Household Members:
Name Age
Arthur J Powris 28
Nannie L Powris 24
Raymond R Powris 2 1/12
Tarlton P Powris 1 1/12
Kizzie Ashton 77

1930 United States Federal Census
about E Ashton
Name: E Ashton
Home in 1930: Waco, McLennan, Texas
Age: 75
Estimated birth year: abt 1855
Birthplace: Mississippi
Relation to Head of House: Father

Household Members:

Pame Sarris ( PARRIS ) 32
Angelina Sarris 32
Leslie Lester 18
E Ashton 75 
23426 I6693  Tucker  Mary Ann  10 Jun 1818  2 Jun 1864  Barbara Yancey Dore shows her as a daughter of James Tucker and Mary Richie.  STR06 
23427 I45183               
23428 I4323  Tucker  Mit A.  Abt 1831  Yes, date unknown  (Research):

Census Listings:

1870 Census
Texas, Limestone County, Dist 48 West Texas, P O Box Eutaw
Enumerated 10 Jun 1870
Page 16
Tucker, Mit A 40 M W Planter 18535 12135 Jt
Tucker, Lucrecia 36 F W Keeping house Ala
Tucker, Martha A 10 F W At home Tx
Tucker, James A 8 M S At Home Texas
Tucker, Newman 1 M W At Home Tx
McGrew, Wm T 15 M W Farm Laborer Tx
McGrew, Betty T 13 F W At School Tx
Kirk, Septhny 26 M W Clerk M.O. 
23429 I17591  Tucker  Sarah "Sally"  25 Mar 1859  May 1921  The sister of Andrew Tucker of Sabinetown. (White and Toole, p 54).  STR06 
23430 I14688               
23431 I47870  Tucker  Xuella  30 Apr 1937  9 Mar 2021  Xuella (Tucker) Pavelka was born on April 30, 1937 to Lige and Sadie Tucker in McIntosh County, Oklahoma and passed away March 9, 2021 in Lincoln, Nebraska. She is survived by her children: Denise (Richard) Leonard, Rodney Pavelka, Deborah Wilcoxson, Brian (Shari) Pavelka, Steven Pavelka, Kenneth (Jan) Pavelka; siblings: Dewyane (Connie) Tucker, Priscilla (Merle) Mudd, 15 grandchildren, 20 great grandchildren, 2 great-great grandchildren. Xuella is preceded in death by her husband Donald Pavelka, grandson Justin Pavelka and her parents Lige and Sadie Tucker.

Courtesy of Dennis Belohlavy 
23432 I13358  Tuggle  Otto Franklin  6 May 1905  3 Dec 1987  Helena Soukup Parker shows a much earlier date of death than the SSDI, indicating that he died 4 Dec 1957.  STR06 
23433 I25657               
23434 I33372               
23435 I33370               
23436 I33369               
23437 I33358  Tulloch  Woodrow Ruben Wilson  8 Oct 1926  6 Nov 2000  Woodrow's son, Brian Tulloch, writes that according to his tombstone, his father died on November 6, 2000. The tombstone also indicated he was born in 1926, even though the family genealogy records had shown the year of birth as 1925. Brian considers the tombstone to likely be more accurate. Woodrow died in Sault Ste. Marie. He had battled lung cancer for a few years. The cancer was the result of asbestosis.  STR06 
23438 I30577  Tuma  Minnie  5 Mar 1910  14 Jan 2004  Dennis Belohlavy shows her as the daughter of Joseph C. Tuma and Anna Mach.  STR06 
23439 I39750  Tunk  Carl Leon  14 Oct 1941  17 Mar 2011  Carl L. Tunk, 69, of Amboy, died Thursday, March 17, 2011, in his home.

Funeral services were on Monday, March 21, 2011, beginning with a 10 a.m., prayer service in the Mihm-Jones Funeral Home followed by a 10:30 a.m., Mass of Christian Burial at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Amboy. Burial followed in St. Patrick Cemetery in Amboy. Visitation was on Sunday from 2 to 8 p.m., with the Rosary at 7:30 p.m, at the Funeral Home.

Mr. Tunk was born Oct. 14, 1941, in St. Charles, the son of Walter and Florence (Stone) Tunk. He married Maryann Johnson on June 13, 1964 in Wheaton.

Survivors include his wife of Amboy; children Michael (Brenda) Platacis of California, Alex (Hilda) Platacis of Texas, Kevin (Lindsay) Tunk of Shabbona, Peter (Linda) Tunk of Warrenville, Rita (Robert) Villasenor of Warrenville, Katy (Robert) Newman of North Aurora, Susan (Michael Gibbs) Tunk of Greene, Maine, Rachel (Dean) Duke of Joliet, Rebecca (Homer) Warren of Joliet, Janet (Michael) Smith of Joliet, Carl Laurence (Jessica Lemmer) Tunk of Amboy, Monica (Christopher) Carter of Amboy, Marykaren Tunk of Amboy, Sarah (Corey Henkel) Tunk of Amboy, Andrew (Courtney Sanchez) Tunk of Amboy; 34 grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; two sisters, Janet Spinner of Arizona, Carol (Dan) O'Brien of Gurnee; two brothers, Walter Tunk of Earlville, and Frederick (Nancy) Tunk of Villa Park.

He was preceded in death by his parents; and two sons, Russell and Patrick.

He had been an artist for the Chicago Tribune, a diesel mechanic, farmer, and most recently had worked for Amboy NAPA.

He was a member of St. Patrick Catholic Church where he was a member of the choir.

He enjoyed gardening.

Condolences may be sent online at

23440 I36873               
23441 I48194  Turek  Frank Joseph  28 Jul 1910  20 Oct 1978  Frank J. Turek, son of Frank J. Turek and Bessie Mlazovsky Turek was born on July 28, 1910, at Omaha, Neb.

When he was a small boy, his family moved to a farm in Saline County where he attended country school and helped with the farming. His leisure hours were spent hunting, fishing and trapping.

Upon graduation from Milligan high school in 1928, he went to work for the Biba Engineering Co. of Geneva. In later years he would remember fondly the 18 years he spent working for Biba Engineering with his brother, John, grading roads in and around the sandhills of western Nebraska.

Following the death of his father, he returned to farming with his mother and brother, Emil on a farm four and one-half miles west of Milligan.

At the onset of World War II, he volunteered his services in the U.S. Army, and was attached to the Armored Division at Fort Knox, Ky., as a gunnery instructor to enlisted officers.

He went overseas with the 20th Tank Battalion and saw action in France and Germany. He was honorably discharged from Fort Levenworth, Kas., and again pursued his career in farming with his brother, Emil.

Frank was united in marriage to Helen Beranek on January 6, 1947, and to this union were born two children, Lois and Frank III. He was a loving father and husband.

During this time he collected many antiques and he spent his leisure time from farming restoring them.

Due to health problems, he retired from farming and was employed at the Youth Development Center in Geneva as a stationary engineer until his retirement in 1975.

His retirement years were spent enjoying his grandson, Zak; gardening and fishing on the Nebraska lakes with his wife, Helen.

On September 22, 1978, he was admitted to Warren memorial Hospital in Friend and was later transferred to Lincoln General Hospital where he passed away on October 20, 1978.

Frank was preceded in death by his parents and is survived by his wife, Helen; children, Mr. and Mrs. Alan (Lois) Johnson of Milligan and son, Frank J. of Lincoln; and grandson, Zak of Milligan; brother, John K. of Geneva, George of Friend, Emil of Milligan and Joe of Geneva; sisters, Mrs. Dallas (Lucille) Lindsey of Morrow Bay, Cal., Mrs. Jack (Rosemarie) Parisot of Omaha and Mrs. Lloyd (Emilye) Hendryx of Tucson, Ariz.; and many nieces and nephews.

Funeral services were conducted from the Farmer & Son Funeral Home, Kotas Chapel, in Milligan on Monday, October 23, 1978, at 10:30 a.m., with Rev. Woodrow W. Wilson officiating. Interment with military graveside services was held at the Bohemian National Cemetery in Milligan.

The Nebraska Signal November 2nd, 1978 page 20.
Contributor: M. Jensen Seggerman #47078678


Downloaded from Find A Grave 
23442 I48195  Turek  Frank Joseph  7 Mar 1958  30 Nov 2022  Obituary for Frank J. Turek III

A Graveside Committal of Ashes for Frank will be held on Thursday, December 15, 2022 at 1:30 p.m. at the Bohemian National Cemetery in Milligan, Nebraska.

Kim Dunker will preside over the Graveside Service.

Frank Joseph Turek III was born to Frank Joseph Turek Jr. and Helen Viola (Beranek) Turek on March 7, 1958 at the Friend Hospital in Friend, Nebraska. He passed away on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 at the Fillmore County Hospital at the age of 64 years, 8 months and 23 days. He was one of 2 children born in the family.

After a hard start, Frankie, as he was affectionately known, became a healthy little boy who was full of energy. As he became older, he enjoyed riding his bicycle all over Milligan with his friends, usually followed by his faithful dog, Fido. Frankie graduated with the Milligan High School class of 1976. He enjoyed playing football in his high school days.

After high school, Frankie was employed by Biba Engineering, Kawasaki of Lincoln, Timpte Trailer, and finally Kassik Milling in Milligan, Nebraska. Dean always said that Frankie was "one hell of a welder." He was eventually forced into early retirement for health reasons. After his retirement, Frankie enjoyed and appreciated a hog roast put on by the community of Milligan to help him with his medical expenses.

Frankie was married to Diane Wickwire and he loved her children, Amanda, Elaine & Jason, as his own. He and Diane were later divorced and in Frankie's later years he found companionship with his old friend, Julie Pimental. She was a constant friend for him for many years. They had much fun together and especially enjoyed a trip to Florida with Julie's sister and brother-in-law, attending Daytona Bike Week, the Lynyrd Skynyrd Bar, and watching a space shuttle launch as they viewed from Cocoa Beach.

Frankie loved all sports especially football and baseball. He was an avid Husker and Chicago Cubs Fan. He even took his beloved mother, whom he called 'Hubbard' to a Cubs game with several of his good friends. Frank also enjoyed listening to his radio, especially his polka music and rock 'n roll. When Frankie got his dish network tv he was excited to be able to watch all of his favorite sporting events and T.V. shows including Gunsmoke, Big Valley, Cheyenne, and various old movies. When Frankie was unable to drive, he was always ready to go on a road trip with anyone to any place, just to get out of the house.

Frankie had a twinkle in his eye, and he was truly one of a kind. Some would say he was a Milligan Legend with his booming voice and never-ending love of Rock 'n Roll music. He had a heart of gold, loved his animals, enjoyed a good party, strumming the guitar, and riding his Harley. He also had a passion for vegetable gardening. Hours were spent weeding the garden and tipping a couple cold ones in the process.

Frankie moved to Ohiowa in 2009 and resided there until his passing. While living in Ohiowa, he found part time employment with B.J. Mussman running the road grader and maintaining township roads in Franklin and Belle Prairie Township. In the fall, he would work the grader for many local farmers repairing the farm fields for spring planting. Frankie continued doing this job until a fall made it impossible for him to continue working.

When Frankie's health started to fail, he took it in stride and lived his life to the fullest until the end.

Frank was preceded in death by his parents Frank Jr. and Helen Turek.

He is survived by his sister Sara Lois Scott; nephew Zak Scott; close friends Julie Pimental, Cathy Meyer, and Sharon Elznic; 3 step children Amanda, Elaine and Jason; his loving dog Buddy; and numerous cousins and friends.

From Farmer & Son Funeral Home website

Courtesy of Dennis Belohlavy 
23443 I9816  Turner  Albert  30 Dec 1888  21 Jan 1969  A digital image of his actual Texas Death certificate is viewable online at, Texas Deaths, 1890-1976. At the time of death he was marrieed and with a home address of 272 Park Street in Jasper. His occupation was listed as Retired, Public Office, and his parents were shown as I.C. Turner and Rebecca E. Bean. The informant was his wife, Mrs. Albert Turner.  STR06 
23444 I9816  Turner  Albert  30 Dec 1888  21 Jan 1969  (Medical):See attached sources.  STR06 
23445 I9721  Turner  Andrew Jackson  21 Aug 1871  1 Mar 1943  John Turner writes that he was married three times, to Jeanette Louise Sanders, Eulalie Tullis and Bessie Hamilton.  STR06 
23446 I30447  Turner  Andrew Jackson  14 Sep 1905  12 Feb 1975  John Turner writes he and his wife had two daughters.  STR06 
23447 I44914  Turner  Cherry  Abt 1839  Yes, date unknown  Said to have married Mahlon C. WRIGHT on 20 Dec 1860 Edgefield County, SC.  STR06 
23448 I642               
23449 I557               
23450 I10010  Turner  Fannie E.  Oct 1886  Yes, date unknown  She married a Brown.  STR06 
23451 I23356               
23452 I9477  Turner  Isaac Campbell  30 Nov 1854  12 Mar 1908  Member of Woodmen of the World (Source: Tombstone).  STR06 
23453 I556  Turner  Keith Belton  5 Apr 1937  3 Dec 1988  Name: Keith Belton Turner Date of Birth: 5 Apr 1937 Gender: Male Birth County: San Augustine Mother's Name: Edith Pauline Willey Roll Number: 1937_0008  STR06 
23454 I9345  Turner  Ludie  17 Feb 1896  21 Nov 1980  Hawthorne, Ludie Turner
Nov. 24, 1980
KIRBYVILLE ? Ludie Turner Hawthorne, 84, of Kirbyville died at 7 a.m. Monday at Schlesinger Geriatric Center in Beaumont. Funeral will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Central Baptist Church with burial in Zion Hill Cemetery under the direction of Causey?s E.E. Stringer Funeral Home in Kirbyville. She was a lifelong resident of Jasper County. Survivors include three daughters, Aline Kelley of Beaumont, and Martha V. Morgan and Marcelle Conlin, both of Orange; four sons, Polk Hawthorne Jr. of Silsbee, Carroll Hawthorne of Fort Worth, Amos Hawthorne of Lufkin, and Hollis Hawthorne of Gladewater, Texas; 23 grandchildren; 24 great-grandchildren; and four great-great grandchildren. 
23455 I8560  Turner  Madison  14 May 1824  16 Oct 1902  Middle initial shown as both A and L.

23456 I9474  Turner  Mittie Gertrude  28 Mar 1891  5 Aug 1970  Obituary (Source: United States Gen Web Page, Jasper County, Texas; The Orange Leader 5 August 1970)

Roganville. Funeral services for Mrs. Mittie Hawthorne, 79, of Roganville, will be tomorrow at 2 pm in Zion Hill Baptist Church. Rev. Elmos Withers, pastor of the Antioch Primitive Baptist Church, will officiate. He will be assisted by Rev. Jessie Thomas, a Baptist minister.

Burial will be in the church cemetery under the direction of Causey's Stringer Funeral Home of Kirbyville. Pallbearers will be grandsons, Hugh Beaver, Harvie Hawthorne, Ronnie Hawthorne, Douglas Hawthorne, Max Lee Hawthorne, Kerry Hawthorne, Robert Armitage and Dennis Hawthorne.

The body was moved to the Hawthorne home today at 2 pm and will remain there until tomorrow at 1 pm when it will be moved to the church. She died today about 2 am in Jasper Hospital following a long illness.

She was a native of Jasper County and had lived all her life in Jasper County. She was a member of the Antioch Primitive Baptist Church.

Survivors include 6 sons, Elliott Hawthorne of Port Neches, Guy Hawthorne of Goodrich, Edward Hawthorne and S.C. Hawthorne, both of Vidor, Eston Hawthorne of Bridge City and Arthur Jack Hawthorne of Kirbyville; 4 daughters, Mrs. Perry Spillers of Lake Jackson, Mrs. Bruce Sheffield of Kirbyville, Mrs. Edgar Morgan of Orange and Mrs. Roger Armitage of Gibson, LA; one sister Mrs. Polk Hawthorne of Roganville; 27 grandchildren; and 18 great grandchildren.

Her headstone was inscribed "Thy Life was Beauty, Truth, Goodness, and Love." 
23457 I16108  Turner  Sarah  Abt 1808  20 Dec 1840  Death- 4th quarter 1840, Bristol-St. Catherine's House, London, Civil Registration Records. She was the daughter of John Turner and Mary Lamb.  STR06 
23458 I17488  Turner  William A.  Abt 1796  Aft 1860  (Research):
Census Listings

1850 Census
South Carolina, Edgefield District, The District
Enumerated 30 Jul 1850
William A. Turner 54 M Farmer 1500 SC SC
Absola Turner 47 F Farmer SC SC
George Turner 21 M Farmer SC SC
Jefferson Turner 20 M Farmer SC SC
Malachi Turner 18 M Farmer SC SC
Milledge Turner 16 M Farmer SC SC
Lucinda Turner 14 F SC SC
Cherry Turner 11 F SC SC
Savannah Turner 8 F SC SC
Jackson I Owdom 34 M Carpenter SC

1860 Census
South Carolina, Edgefield District, Saluda Regiment, PO Fruit Hill
Enumerated 1 Jun 1860
Page 1
M A Turner 27 F Sewing 150 SC
W W Turner 4 M SC
Mar. Matthews and family
W. A. Turner 64 M Farmer 1710 668 SC
A P C Turner 57 F SC
Cherry Turner 21 F SC
Savannah Turner 18 F SC
23459 I641               
23460 I10007  Turner  William Hyram  17 Feb 1877  12 Jan 1952  "Obituary--William Hyram Turner" BEAUMONT ENTERPRISES (1952) Kirbyville, Texas, January 13 (Spl)--William Hyram Turner Sr., 74, was found dead in bed at his home in Kirbyville early Sunday morning. He apparently died of a heart attack, an attending physician said. he was a native and lifelong resident of Jasper County. He had lived in Kirbyville for many years. Funeral services are incomplete pending communication with the son in Japan and will be announced by E.E. Stringer Funeral home of Kirbyville. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Janie Turner of Kirbyville; three sons, James D. Turner of Beaumont, William S. Turner of Kirbyville, and Hiram Turner Jr. with the army in Japan; two daughters, Mrs. Martha G. George of Kirbyville, Mrs. Edith Rollins of Beaumont; two sisters, Mrs. Phoebe Boyett and Mrs. Fanny Brown, both of Kirbyville; one brother, Matt Turner of Kirbyville, 11 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.  STR06 
23461 I12863  Turner  Zadoc Ledar  Abt 1789  Yes, date unknown  It is possible though not proven that Zadoc Turner is descended from Zadock Turner of Maryland. This Zadock Turner died in Hancock County, Georgia ca 1820. (Casagranda, 1850 Census, 80).  STR06 
23462 I18120  Turnley  James T.  Bef 1846  Yes, date unknown  He had been previously married to a Louisa and had three children. (Casagranda, 1850 Census, 77).  STR06 
23463 I44443  Turnley  Mildred Martha "Mattie" L.  4 Sep 1857  19 Feb 1942  At the time of the 1930 federal census, the widowed Mattie Maxey was living with her son and daughter-in-law, Wesley and Vessie Maxey, in Bayou Scie.  STR06 
23464 I45966  Turnovska  Anastasia "Stazie" "Stella"  Sep 1871  1 Mar 1958  She was living with her daughter and son-in-law in Cleveland as of the 1940 census, and listed as widowed.

Id#: 0561433 Name: Jirousek, Anastasia Date: Mar 3 1958 Source: Source unknown; Cleveland Necrology File, Reel #121. Notes: Jirousek, Anastasia (nee Turnoyskt) of 3663 E. 52nd St., beloved wife of the late Frank, dearest mother of Joseph, Eleanor Schulty (sic), sister of Rose Pekarek grandmother great-grandmother; great-great-grandmother, Saturday. Family will receive friends at Biean Bros. Funeral Home, 5215 Fleet Ave. Services Tuesday, Maren 4, at St. John Nepemucene Churco, at 9:30 a. m.
23465 I31165  Tuttle  Albert  15 Apr 1846  Yes, date unknown  He was in the slate business in Fair Haven, Vermont.  STR06 
23466 I30759  Tuttle  Albert Sanford  21 Jun 1817  16 Dec 1855  He owned a retail store in Hackettstown, New Jersey.  STR06 
23467 I35174  Tuttle  Carl  17 Feb 1925  13 Aug 1999  SSCI:

CARL TUTTLE 17 Feb 1925 13 Aug 1999 (V) 68359 (Friend, Saline, NE ) (none specified) 712-12-7271 Long-time or retired railroad workers
23468 I14710               
23469 I34959               
23470 I34957  Tyler  Homer Woodrow  26 Feb 1913  1 May 1992  HOMER W TYLER 26 Feb 1913 01 May 1992 77664 (Warren, Tyler, TX ) (none specified) 427-10-1040 Mississippi
23471 I34960               
23472 I34958               
23473 I2609  Tyner  Arthur Pearce  Bef 1762  Yes, date unknown  Per affidavit of Richard Eugene Blackburn (courtesy of Mary Frances Smith Fisher, by way of Rozier Dedwylder), John Tyner was the son of Pearce Tyner, who lived in Orangeburgh District, SC and recorded a "gift deed" there on the date of 2 April 1801, in which he named John and Sarah as his loving son and daughter. Thsi deed is said to be on record at the Marion County, Mississippi courthouse.

Wayne Page ( emailed, on June 21, 2008, that Sarah Tyner was the daughter of Arthur Pearce Tyner and Elizabeth Richardson.

23474 I1712  Tyner  Frances  Abt 1768  15 Jul 1853  She might have instead been born in North Carolina. Per affidavit of Richard Eugene Blackburn (courtesy of Mary Frances Smith Fisher, by way of Rozier Dedwylder), she was a sister of Sarah Tyner who married Robert Lott who was murdered at his home on Black Creek by the Copeland Gang in 1844. Mary Frances Smith Fisher notes that her father might be Benjamin Tyner.

Blanche Toole of Sabine County instead shows her maiden name as IRVINE. This may simply have been speculation based on son Armstrong Irvine Blackburn's middle name.

Mary Frances Fisher Smith had in her notes, from Dr. Johnie L. Reeves of Austin, the following obituary:

The Gonzalez Inquirer
Gonzalez, Texas
16 July 1853, page. 3, Col. 1
Microfilm, The Eugene C. Barker Texas History Center, Austin, Texas

Died after a prolonged illness, on the 15th inst., at the residence of Col. W. Means, Mrs. FRANCES BLACKBURN, age 93 years.

She emigrated to east Texas in 1843, thence to western Texas in '49. She was a warm and devoted Christian, having been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church 45 years, during which time she was the subject of many and severe trials, all of which she bore with Christian meekness and resignation. She was indeed, and in truth a help-mate for her husband, he being a minister of the Gospel, also a member of the Masonic Fraternity. She ever manifested a deep interest in the salvation of the souls of her fellow beings. She was an affectionate mother, always endevouring to train her children in the way they should go, and instilling into their minds the principles of the Divine Word. She left a number of relatives and friends to mourn her loss, but they mourn not as those having no hope.

Dr. Reeves notes that if the age of death (93) is correct, Frances should have been born ca 1760 versus 1768, as previously supposed. 
23475 I1712  Tyner  Frances  Abt 1768  15 Jul 1853  (Research):
Census Listings:

1850 Census
Texas, Dewitt County,
Enumerated 11 Sept 1850
William Means 40 M Farmer $10,000 Ga
Francis Means 39 F Miss
Ferdinand B. Means 19 M La
Margaret L. Means 17 F Tx
Sarah F. Means 13 F Tx
Napolean F. Means 11 M Tx
William B. Means 9 M Tx
Francis Blackburn 82 F SC

23476 I1712  Tyner  Frances  Abt 1768  15 Jul 1853  (Medical):The child of a direct female descendant of Frances Tyner (Elizabeth Blackburn>Caroline McGrew>Jane Allen>Viola Fullen>Nina Fuller>son Tom McLemore) had their mtDNA analyzed, and it was predicted as H, with only one difference from the Cambridge Reference Sequence, 16519C, which is a fast moving marker. Mitochondrial haplogroup H is a predominantly European haplogroup that participated in a population expansion beginning approximately 20,000 years ago. Today, about 30% of all mitochondrial lineages in Europe are classified as haplogroup H. It is rather uniformly distributed throughout Europe suggesting a major role in the peopling of Europe, and descendant lineages of the original haplogroup H appear in the Near East as a result of migration. Future work will better resolve the distribution and historical characteristics of this haplogroup.

On her Clan Helena website, Amelia Reimer writes that, "Whether just by chance or by the guiding hand of natural selection we do not know, but Helena's clan has grown to become the most widespread and successful of the Seven Daughters of Eve. Her children have reached every shore, settled every forest and crossed every mountain range. Helena's descendants can be found from the Alps in the South to the Scottish Highlands and the Norwegian fjords in the North, and as far east as the Urals and the Russian steppes. Helena was born about 20,000 years ago on the strip of land that joins France and Spain, near what is now Perpignan. She belonged to a family of hunters, who harvested the rich oyster beds in the lagoons of the Carmargue to supplement their diet of meat. Helena's clan arrived in Europe from the Middle East, pushing their way along the Mediterranean, constrained to the narrow strip of land that was still habitable. Not long after she was born, the glaciers that covered the Pyrenees, which Helena could see on a clear day only thirty miles from her camp, began to draw back as, little by little, the summers grew warmer. Some of her clan moved south of the mountains, up the valley of the Ebro to the West to reach the lands of the Basque, where they remain to this day. The most adventurous of her children took advantage of the climatic improvements and journeyed ever northwards to join the great movement of hunters across the plains of France. We know that they reached England around 12,000 years ago because DNA recovered from a young male skeleton found in Gough's Cave in Somerset shows that he too belonged to the clan of Helena. [Same cave as Cheddar Man, but 3,000 years older.] "
23477 I2525  Tyner  John  Bef 1782  Aft 1860  Per affidavit of Richard Eugene Blackburn (courtesy of Mary Frances Smith Fisher, by way of Rozier Dedwylder), Richard had in his possession a deed written by John Tyner on 25 August 1847, in which he made gifts to his six children named as Sarah Elizabeth Blackburn, Mary Ann Hammond, Amanda Robert Tyner, Henry Arthur Tyner, James Marion Tyner and Mary Elizabeth Tyner. Mary Frances Smith Fisher believes that Mary Elizabeth is actually his wife, and not a daughter. She has been unable to locate this original deed to verify.  STR06 
23478 I2106  Tyner  Sarah  Abt 1775  Aft 1843  In Richard Eugene Blackburn's affidavit, he states that Sarah Tyner was the sister of Frances Tyner who was the wife of Gabriel Blackburn, and that she died in Columbia ans was buried in the graveyard on the farm. Mary Frances Smith Fisher believes her father to be Benjamin Tyner.  STR06 
23479 I46680  Tyre  Madge "Billie" Elise  Abt 1930  25 Mar 2016  Madge "Billie" Elise Arney, 86, of Hemphill, passed away Friday morning in the Nacogdoches Medical Center, Nacogdoches, Texas. Billie was born in Carthage, Texas, to Clyde Hershal and Annie Clair Gholston Tyre. She graduated from Carthage High School in 1947, and married James Rodney Arney on January 3, 1948. She and James moved to Hemphill and owned and operated Arney's Concrete. Billie was a member of Southside Baptist Church in Carthage and later a member of First Baptist Church in Hemphill. Billie was also a member the Hemphill Chapter of the Eastern Star.

Billie is survived by her sons Rick Arney and Steve Arney, both of Hemphill, three grandchildren, four great grandchildren, and a number of nieces and nephews. She is preceded in death by her parents, her husband James Rodney Arney, her sons Keith and Michael Arney, and a beloved granddaughter Allison Michelle Arney, her sister Elouise Davis and brother Robert W. Develin.

Visitation will be from 5:00PM until 8:00PM, Sunday, March 27, 2016, in the Starr Funeral Home, 510 Starr St., Hemphill, Texas. Graveside services will be at 2:00PM, Monday, March 28, 2016, in the Hemphill Cemetery, Hemphill, Texas.

Memorial contributions to the First Baptist Church in Hemphill or to a charity of your choosing would be greatly appreciated by the family.

(Copied from the Starr Funeral Home website)
Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, March 30, 2016, page 10 
23480 I37917  Tyre  William  Abt 1869  Yes, date unknown  Shown as William McLemore on the 1880 census, but family members saw this was Lon Charles McLemore's older half brother, born to Betty Young during her first marriage.

Family reasearcher Charles McLemore found, on the 1870 Lafayette County, Mississippi census a Betty Tyer, 20, with a son, listed a B. Tyer, age 1, living with her sister, Mrs. B. W. Dacus.

23481 I37917  Tyre  William  Abt 1869  Yes, date unknown  (Research):

Census Listings:

1910 Census
Tennessee, Gibson County, Civil District 1
Enumerated 22 Apr 1910
SD 9 ED 22 Sheet 6B
McLemore, William Head M W 33 M 24 Tn Tn Tn Farmer
McLemore, Annie E Wf F W 32 m1 24 2/0 Tn Tn Tn 
23482 I31632  Tyree  Amanda "Manda" "Mandy" Jane  25 Dec 1861  25 Jun 1960  Paul Williams writes that she was the half sister to William Tyree, who married Amanda's sister-in-law, Sarah Jane McLemore.

Source Name: Princeton Clarion Democrat
Repository: Princeton Public Library - Genealogy
Author: Publisher:
Repository: Princeton Public Library - Genealogy 130 S. Hart Street Princeton, IN - 47670 (812) 385-4464
Citation Detail: Micro film year 1960
Date: Monday, June 27, 1960 - Pg 8

Notes: Amanda was really 98 years and six months of age - error on newspaper

Actual text:
Mrs. Amanda McLemore

Mrs. Amanda Jane McLemore, age 99 years and six months, died Sunday at 7:30 a.m. at Church Nursing Home in Princeton following a lingering illness. Mrs. McLemore was born on Dec. 25, 1860 in Virginia. She had resided in Baldwin Heights and Princeton most of her lifetime, moving here from English, Ind. She was a charter member of Bethel Memorial Church. Her husband, William McLemore, preceded her in death. He passed away in 1940. Survivors include 3 sons, John of Evansville Lee and James of Oakland City; 4 daughters Mrs. Mary Clark of Princeton, Mrs. Cynthia Daugherty of Valley Station, Ky., Mrs. Susie Cockram of Palm Beach, Fla., and Mrs. Louise Boswell, of Bensonville, Ill. - one half brother William Tyree of Princeton; one half sister Mrs. Carolyn Coomer of Princeton several nieces and nephews; 21 grandchildren 36 great grandchildren, 40 great great gandchildren and 20 great great great grandchildren, leaving a total of 125 living descendants. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Wright & Kendall Funeral Home with the Rev. John E. Whitten and the Rev. Armand Calvert officiating. Burial will follow in Maple Hill Cemetery. Mrs. McLemore is now at Wright & Kendall Funeral Home where friends may call after 2 p.m. today. 
23483 I31736  Tyree  Caroline  27 Aug 1896  3 Jul 1965  Repository: Princeton Public Library - Genealogy 130 S. Hart Street Princeton, IN - 47670 (812) 385-4464
Detail:Micro film year 1965 Date:Monday, July 5, 1965

Notes:Possible discrepancy in year of birth.

Actual text: Carrie Coomer Princeton--Mrs. Carrie Coomer, 66, passed away at 10 P.M. Saturday at St. Mary's Hospital in Evansville after a serious illness of 3 weeks. She was born in Crawford County on Aug. 28, 1898 and has resided in Princeton for the past 52 years. She is survived by 2 daughters, Mrs. Lincoln Wagner and Mrs. Rosalie Satterfield, both of Princeton; 4 sons, Charles, Dale, Carl and Bill Coomer all of Princeton; 2 brothers William Tyree of Francisco and Jesse Tyree of Oakland City; 30 grandchildren and 31 great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 2 P.M. Tuesday at Colvin Chapel with the Rev. Frank Reed officiating. Burial will follow in the I.O.O.F. Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home today.

(Courtesy of Paul Williams) 
23484 I31737  Tyree  Charles  Mar 1898  15 Feb 1917  Paul Williams said his death record can be found recorded Bk H-40 Pg 15 of Gipson County, and that Charles died from TB.  STR06 
23485 I32736  Tyree  David M.  20 Oct 1884  19 Aug 1958  Paul Williams reported he changed his name to "George Strong" and writes that "his obit does not mention anything about Tyree just that he was born IN plus had been in Fresno a good many years (his 2nd wife died abt month later 1958) also obit does not mention any brothers/sisters....funeral home has that also plus his fathers name William...did find this subject 1930ce Marin Co, it lists that his parents were born in VA and KY."  STR06 
23486 I32469  Tyree  Dorcas  14 Aug 1873  6 Apr 1956  Commonwealth Journal 110-112 E. Mt. Vernon St. Somerset, KY 42501 (606) 678-8191

Detail:Obituary Collection Date:6 Apr 1956

Actual text:Mrs. Dorcus Smith, 82, of Burnside, died last Friday at the Somerset City Hospital. Mrs. Smith was born Aug. 14, 1873 in Rockcastle County but spent most of her life in this county. At an early age she united with the Nazarene Church and remained a faithful member of that church until her death. Mrs. Smith is survived by 3 daughters, Mrs. Mattie Smith, Mrs. Mae Beatty, and Mrs. Iva Maude Richardson, all of Burnside; 2 sons Marshall Smith, Burnside and Captain Al Smith, Florida. She is also survived by 3 brothers, Bill Tyree, Jess Tyree, and David Tyree; 3 sisters Mrs. Lou Sowders, Mrs. Mandy McLemore, and Mrs. Caroline Coomer; 11 grandchildren, 14 gret-grandchildren, and 2 great-great-grand- children. Funeral services were held Sunday in the Burnside Methodist Church, the Rev. Bruce James officiating. Burial was in the Burnside cemetery.

(Courtesy of Paul Williams) 
23487 I31734  Tyree  Emma  26 Dec 1891  8 May 1947  Name:Princeton Clarion News Repository:Princeton Public Library - Genealogy
Name:Princeton Clarion News Author: Publisher: Call Number: Notes: REFN: Repository:Princeton Public Library - Genealogy 130 S. Hart Street Princeton, IN - 47670 (812) 385-4464 Citation
Detail:Micro film year 1947 Date:Thursday, May 8, 1947

Notes:Obit mentions David Tyree aka George Strong

Actual text:*Mrs. Emma Adkins Dies at Francisco* Francisco, May 8--Mrs Emma Adkins, 55, died at 10 A.M. this morning at her home in Francisco after an illness of 12 years. She was born in Crawford County Dec. 26, 1891, and has resided in Francisco since 1915. Surviving are the husband William R. Adkins; a son William Harold of Indianapolis; 3 daughters, Mrs. Ruby Harbison of Gary, Mrs. Ida Bilderback and Mrs. Gladys Davis of Oakland City; 3 brothers, Jess Tyree of Oakland City, Bill Tyree of Princeton, and DAVID of California; 2 sisters, Mrs. Caroline Coomer of Princeton, and Mrs. Lucy Dunn of Marengo; and 13 grandchildren. She was a member of the Francisco Methodist Church where funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30. Burial will be in the I.O.O.F cemetery in Francisco. The body will be removed from the Lamb & Son Funeral Home in Oakland City to the residence in Frncisco friday afternoon.

(Courtesy of Paul Williams) 
23488 I32466  Tyree  James  26 Sep 1866  30 Mar 1954  Commonwealth Journal 110-112 E. Mt. Vernon St. Somerset, KY 42501 (606) 678-8191

Citation Detail: Obituary Collection Date: 30 Mar 1954

Notes: Possible discrepancy in date of birth. Surname of mother misspelled in obituary.

Actual text: James Tyree, 85, retired Pulaski County farmer, died at his home in Pulaski March 30 following an illness of 4 years. The son of William and Ellen Fugus (sic), he was born in Rockcastle County Sept. 26, 1868. He married Miss Jessie Bishop who died a few years later. He later married Miss Amanda DeBord who survives him. Mr. Tyree made his home in this county 55 years ago and lived here the remainder of his life. He was a devout member of the Pulaski Church of Christ for many years. A devoted hsband and father , he dedicated his life to the welfare and happiness of his family. His many friends are saddened by his death. Mr. Tyree is survived by his wife;3 daughters Mrs. Nell Younger, Mrs. Mae Todd, and Mrs. Blossie Dobbs;3 sons Joe, Charles and Walter Tyree;3 sisters, Mrs. Darcus Smith, Burnside Mrs. Manda McMoore (sic and Mrs. Lou Sowders both of Princeton, Ind.; and 7 half-brothers and sisters. Funeral services were held Saturday at the Pulaski Church of Christ, the Rev. Harold Savely officiating. Burial was in the Etna cemetery (Courtesy of Paul Williams) 
23489 I32709  Tyree  Jesse  19 Jun 1881  21 Jun 1975  Repository:Princeton Public Library - Genealogy 130 S. Hart Street Princeton, IN - 47670 (812) 385-4464
Detail:Micro film year 1975
Date:Monday, June 23, 1975 Pg. 10

Actual text: Jesse Tyree

Jesse Tyree,94, died at 6a.m. Saturday at Good Samartian Nursing Home in Oakland City. Tyree was born on June 19, 1881 in Crawford County and had resided in the Francisco area all of his life. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Agnes Stewart, Wheeling; 3 sons, Howard, Princeton; Noah, Francisco, and Dick, Oakland City; one brother William Tyree Oakland City; 19 grandchildren, 32 great-grandchildren and several gret-great grandchildren. Services were held at 10 a.m. Monday at Colvin Chapel with the Rev. Jack Gowen officiating. Burial was in I.O.O.F. cemetery in Francisco.

(Courtesy of Paul Williams) 
23490 I32463  Tyree  John Freeman  11 Aug 1860  16 May 1935  John Tyree Dies at Burnside
Prominent Citizen of the County Passes Away on May 16th

Burnside, KY., May 22--Thursday morning, May 16, Mr. John Freeman Tyree suffered a heart attack and passed away at his home. Mr. Tyree was 74 years old and had been a resident of Burnside for more than 50 years. He was a charter member of the Baptist Church and for many years a deacon. he was a highly respected citizen and merchant and served on the City Council for several years. he leaves to mourn his passing his wife, Mrs. Mary Tyree; four daughters, Mrs. Allie Applegate of Cincinnati; Mrs. Britt Cruse of Somerset; Mrs. Nora Cope, of Waynesboro, Indiana, and Mrs. Wagie Singleton of Burnside; three sons, Frank Tyree of Cincinnati; Clarence Tyree, Wheeling, W. Va., and J.R. Tyree, of Burnside. Also several sisters and brothers, grandchildren, nieces and nephews. All of the children attended the funeral except Mrs. Cope, who was ill. One sister, Mrs. Dorcas Smith, of Burnside, and one brother, Mr. James Tyree, of Waynesburg, were present at the funeral, the other being prevented by illness. Some of the out-of-town relatives and friends who attended the funeral were: Mr. Britt Cruse, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cruse, Miss Ruth Cruse, Eugene and Ralph Cruse, of Somerset; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar DeBord and Mr. Luther DeBord of Princeton, Ind,; Miss Elizabeth Beatty, Cincinnati; Mrs. Lucille B. Smith and daughter, Christine, of Stearns; Mrs. Jess Bates, Monticello; Mrs. Kate Singleton, Eubank; Mr. and Mrs. Randall, Mr. and Mrs. Hargis, Miss Georgia Hargis, Mrs. James Isaacs, Mrs. W.W. McAlpin, Miss Fayrine McAlpin, of Somerset; Mrs. Roy Gover, of Bronston. The funeral was conducted at the Baptist Church by Rev. W.W. McAlpin, assisted by Rev. Andrew Taylor. Burial was at the Burnside Cemetery. The many friends of Mr. Tyree and his family deepley sympathized with the bereaved.

(Clipping courtesy of Paul Williams) 
23491 I32463  Tyree  John Freeman  11 Aug 1860  16 May 1935  (Research):Census Listings:

1900 Census
Kentucy, Pulaski County, Point Precinct, Burnside
Enumerated 6 June 1900
SD 11 ED 118 Sheet 5A Stamped 279
103-103 (crossed through)
Tyree, Freeman Hd W M Aug 1860 39 M17 Va Va Va Lumberman
Tyree, Mary M W F Jany 1860 40 M 17 9/9 Ky Ky Ky
Tyree, Nora L Dtr W F Aug 1884 15 S Ky Va Ky
Tyree, Virgie M Dtr W F Jun 1886 13 S Ky Va Ky
Tyree, Edna A Dtr W F Aug 1888 11 S Ky Va Ky
Tyree, Allie V. Dtr W F Feb 1890 10 S Ky Va Ky
Tyree, Frank L. Son W M July 1891 8 S Ky Va Ky
Tyree, Owsley W M Son W M Apr 1892 7 S Ky Va Ky
Tyree, Wagie Dtr W F Oct 1895 4 S Ky Va Ky
Tyree, Vessaline Dtr W F Oct 1897 2 S Ky Va Ky

1910 Census
Kentucky, Pulaski County, Science Hill
Enumerated 3 May 1910
SD 11 ED 193 Sheet 12B
Tyree, John F Hd M W 49 m1 29 Va Va Va Grader Lumber
Tyree, Mary M Wf F W 50 m1 29 11/8 Ky Ky Ky
Tryee, Nora L Dtr F W 25 S Ky Va Ky
Tryee, Frank L Son M W 19 S Ky Va Ky Farm Laborer Home Farm
Tyree, Owsley Son M W 17 S Ky Va Ky Farm Laborer Home Farm
Tyree, Wagie Dtr F W 14 S Ky va Ky
Tyree, Clarence Son M W 9 S Ky Va Ky
Tyree, John R Son M W 5 S Ky Va Ky 
23492 I32225  Tyree  Louise  29 Jun 1868  5 Jun 1957  Charles Sterling Owens shows differing parents, in error, for Louise Tyree. He instead shows her as the daughter of William R. Tyree and Rhonda Ann Henderson.

However, according to Paul Williams, The Princeton, Gibson County, Indiana death record for Louisa Tyree Sowder (Bk H48, Pg 121) shows her father as William Tyree and her mother as Ellen Forgy. Paul Williams also supplied the following copy of Louise's obituary:

Name: Princeton Daily Democrat
Repository: Princeton Public Library - Genealogy
130 S. Hart Street Princeton, IN - 47670 (812) 385-4464
Detail:Micro film year 1967
Date:Thursday, June 6, 1967

Notes:Possible discrepancy year of birth
Note: Obit mentions stepbrothers BUT does not mention stepsister Caroline Coomer

Actual text: Mrs. Lelu Sowder, 88, died at 3:15 P.M. Wednesday at the home of a daughter Mrs. Fannie Wallace of Princeton. She had been ill for the past 3 months. Other survivors include 2 sons, Thomas of Princeton and Samuel J. of Indianapolis, 3 other daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth McLemore of Oakland City, Mrs. Pearl Cox and Mrs. Thelma Lemmons both of Princeton; a sister Mrs. Amanda McLemore of Princeton; 2 step- bothers, Jesse and William Tyree of Princeton 22 grandchildren and 31 great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 P.M. Saturday in the Wright & Kendall Funeral Home by the Rev. Allan Vine. Burial will be in the Maple Hill cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home after 7 P.M. Thursday. 
23493 I31637  Tyree  Lucy  5 Apr 1879  12 Jul 1948  Called Sarah A. on the 1880 census?

Name:Marengo Messenger - Published Weekly
Repository:Crawford County Public Library
Name:Marengo Messenger - Published Weekly
Author: Publisher:
Call Number: Notes: REFN: Repository:Crawford County Public Library 203 Indiana Ave. English, IN 47118 (812) 338-2606

Detail:Microfilm year 1948
Date:Friday, July 16, 1948 Pg. 1

Notes:Obituary does not mention any sisters and or brothers. Possible discrepancy in age given at time of death - age 73 would have made her born in 1875 whereas reality 1879. Obituary also appears as is in Crawford Democrat Daily - Published Weekly 16 July 1948 Pg. 1.

Actual text:

Mrs. Dunn Dies

Funeral services for Mrs. Lucy Dunn, 73, were held Tuesday at the Green Funeral Home in Marengo, with the Rev. William Glosson in charge. Burial was in Goodman cemetery. Survivors include her husband, John Dunn 3 daughters and 2 sons by a former marriage.

(Courtesy of Paul Williams) 
23494 I31637  Tyree  Lucy  5 Apr 1879  12 Jul 1948  (Research):Census Listings:

1900 Census
Indiana, Crawford County, Sterling Twp
Enumerated 21 Jun 1900
SD 3, ED 31 Sheet 11A
Harper, George W Hd W M Aug 1843 56 M 1 Ind NC Ky
Harper, Lucy Wf W F Mar 1880 M 1 1/1 Ind Va Ky
Harper, Denis Son W M May 1900 S 0/12 Ind Ind Ind

1910 Census
Indiana, Crawford County, Liberty Twp
Enumerated 2 May 1910
SD 3 SD 30 Sheet 13A
Jenkins, Jerry Hd M W 53 M2 8 Ind Ind Ind Farmer
Jenkins, Lucy Wf F W 41 M2 8 7/4 Ind Ind Ind
Jenkins, Ettie F Son M W 21 S Ind Ind Ind Laborer Farm
Jenkins, Arvill Son M W 19 S Ind Ind Ind Laborer Farm
Harper, Denny Stepson M W 11 S Ind Ind Ind
Jenkins, Willie/Wilber? Son M W 6 S Ind Ind Ind
Jenkins, Laurence (sic) Son M W 5 S Ind Ind Ind

1920 Census
Indiana, Crawford County, Liberty Twp
Enumerated 12 and 13 January
SD 3 ED 29 Sheet 9A
Vandergraph, Lucy Hd F W 40 Wd Ind Ky Ky Washwoman
Jenkins, Zora Dr F W 4 2/12 S Ind Ind Ind

1930 Census
Indiana, Crawford County, Liberty Township
Enumerated April 16, 1930
ED 13-7 SD 13 Sheet 4A Stamped 186
Dunn, John Hd M W 53 M 21 Ind Ind Ind Laborer Saw Mill
Dunn, Lucy Wf F W 54 M 20 Ind Ind Ind
Jenkins, Zora Dtr F W 14 S Ind Ind Ind 
23495 I32468  Tyree  Mack  13 Aug 1871  13 Sep 1949  Name: Princeton Clarion News
Repository: Princeton Public Library - Genealogy 130 S. Hart Street Princeton, IN - 47670 (812) 385-4464
Citation Detail: Micro film year 1949
Date: Wednesday, September 14, 1949 Notes:

Actual text: *Deaths-Funerals* Mack Tyree

Mack Tyree, 82, retired employee of the Southern Railway, died about 8:40 a.m. Tuesday at his home in Francisco after an illness of some 6 months. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Francsico General Baptist church with Rev. Loren Shafer and Rev. Ned Sutton officiating. Burial will be in the Francisco I.O.O.F. cemetery. Surviving are 4 sisters, Mrs. Mattie McLemore and Mrs. Lula Sanders, both of Princeton and Mrs. Mary Debord of Francisco and Mrs. Darcus Smith of Burnside, KY; a half-sister, Caroline Coomer, of Princeton; 3 brothers, Jesse of Francisco, and William & David of Princeton. Mr. Tyree was born at Rockcastle, KY, but had lived in Gibson county for the past 34 years. Mr. Tyree is at the Colvin & Son funeral home where friends may call

(Courtesy of Paul Williams) 
23496 I32468  Tyree  Mack  13 Aug 1871  13 Sep 1949  (Research):Census Listings:

1910 Census
Indiana, Crawford County, Sterling Township
Enumerated 23 and 25 day of April 1910
SD 3 ED 35 Sheet 4B
McLemore, Wright and Sarah
Tyre, Mack Hd M W 40 M1 Ind Ky Ky
Tyre, Jose Wife F W 36 m1 1 7/4 Ind Ind Ind
Tyre, Clyde F Son M W 1 x/12 S Ind Ind Ind
Curless, Raymond R Stepson m W 15 S Ind Ind Ind
Curless, Elma O Stepdtr F W 13 S Ind Ind Ind
Curless, Stella V Stepdtr F W 9 S Ind Ind Ind 
23497 I32465  Tyree  Mary Anne  14 Jan 1864  13 Dec 1953  Name:Princeton Daily Democrat

Repository:Princeton Public Library - Genealogy

Name:Princeton Daily Democrat 130 S. Hart Street Princeton, IN - 47670 (812) 385-4464

Detail:Micro film year 1952

Date:Sunday, December 14, 1952

Notes:Obit mentions Dave Tyree aka George Strong

Actual text: Mrs. Mary Ann DeBord, 88, died about 6:25 A.M. Saturday at the home of her daughter Mrs. Frank Perlow of Francisco. Surviving in addition to Mrs. Perlow are 2 other daughters, Mrs. James Hix and Mrs. Ida Curless of Princeton; 6 sons Frank, Luther, and Harvey, all of Francisco and Oscar and Fred of Francisco and Jess of Terre Haute. 4 sisters, Mrs. Will McLemore of Louisville, KY; Mrs. J. Souders of Princeton, Mrs. Dorcus Smith of Burnside, KY, and Mrs. Other Coomer of Princeton; 4 brothers, James Tyree of Pulaski, KY, Jess Tyree of Oakland City, William of Princeton, and DAVE of Long Beach, CA; 35 grandchildren and 2 great-great grandchildren. Mrs. DeBord has lived in Princeton and Francisco most of her life time and attended the General Baptist Church of Francisco. Funeral services will be held Monday at 2P.M. at the General Baptist Church in Francisco with Rev. John L. Magness and Rev. Bennie Hodge officiating. Burial will be in the Francisco IOOF cemetery. Mrs. DeBord is at the Colvin & Son funeral home where friends may call after 3 P. M. Sunday.

(Courtesy of Paul Williams) 
23498 I31763  Tyree  Nancy  20 Oct 1885  2 Apr 1939  Obituary (Courtesy of Paul Williams)

Name:Crawford County Democrat - Published Weekly
Repository:Crawford County Public Library
CitationDetail:Microfilm year 1939
Date:Thursday, April 13, 1939 Pg 2

Obituary does not mention any of her stepbrothers nor stepsisters. Obituary also confirms that her parents had 10 children. Obituary - newspaper error ? - has incorrect marriage date, should be August 6, 1903, see Bk G Pg 517 Crawford Co., IN

Mrs. Nancy Satterfield

Mt. Sterling --Nancy Tyree, daughter of William and Sarah Tyree, was born October 20, 1885, and died April 2, 1939, at the age of 53 years, 5 months and 13 days. She was married to Florence Satterfield, September 6, 1903. To this union six children were born, Luetta Jenkins, Bessie Allen, Dorothy Sturgeon, Jefferson, Russell and Clara Bell Satterfield. Nancy was of a family of ten children. Her sisters were Lucy Dunn, Dessie Hicks, Emma Adkins, and Caroline Cumer. Her brothers were Jesse, Dave, William, Ollie, and Charles Tyree. In her youth she united with the Christian church and she always held true to this faith. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Tyree; 2 brothers, Ollie and Charles Tyree; a sister Dessie Hicks, and a grandchild Olive Allen, have preceded her. She leaves her husband, six children, Luetta Jenkins of Hunter, Ark.; Bessie Allen of Tower; Dorothy Sturgeon of English, Route 1; Clara Belle, Jefferson, and Russell Satterfield, of Marengo; 3 sisters, Emma Adkins of Frisco; Caroline Coomer of Princeton; Lucy Dunn of Marengo; 3 brothers Dave Tyree address unknown; William Tyree of Princeton, and Jesse Tyree of Frisco. She also leaves 16 grandchildren and 1 great- grandchild. Funeral services were held April 4 at Mt. Sterling with the Rev. William Glosson in charge. 
23499 I31763  Tyree  Nancy  20 Oct 1885  2 Apr 1939  (Research):
Census Listings:

1910 Census
Indiana, Crawford County, Sterling Twp
Enumerated 28 and 29 April 1910
SD 3 ED 35 Sheet 6A Stamped 101
Greenfield and Dortha Satterfield
Satterfield, Florence Head M W 30 M2 7 Ind Ind Ind Farmer
Satterfield, Nancy E Wife F W 23 M1 7 3/3 Ind Va Kentucky
Satterfield, Lou E Dtr F W 6 S Ind Ind Ind
Satterfield, Bessie Dtr F W 4 S Ind Ind Ind
Satterfield, William H Son M W 1 10/12 Ind Ind Ind

1920 Census
Indiana, Crawford County, Sterling Twp
Enumerated 2 and 3 January 1920
SD 3 ED 34 Sheet 1B
Edman and Rosa Satterfield
Satterfield, Florence Head M W 38 M Ind Ind Ind Farming
Sattefield, Nancy E Wife F W 35 M Ind Ind Va
Satterfield, Luetti F Dtr F W 16 Ind Ind Ind
Satterfield, Bessie Dtr F W 14 Ind Ind Ind
Satterfield, William J. Son M W 11 Ind Ind Ind
Satterfield, Zada D Dtr F W 8 Ind Ind Ind
Satterfield, Russel Son M W 6 Ind Ind Ind

1930 Census
Indiana, Crawford County, Whiskey Run Township
Enumerated April 22, 1930
ED 13-14 SD 13 Sheet 7B
Satterfield, Florence Head M W 50 M 24 Ind Ind Ind Farmer
Satterfield, Nancy Wife F W 48 M 22 Ind Ind Ind
Satterfield, Jefferson Son M W 22 S Ind Ind Ind Laborer General Farm
Satterfield, Russell Son M W 17 S Ind Ind Ind Laborer General Farm
Satterfield, Clarabella Dtr F W 6 S Ind Ind Ind 
23500 I31735  Tyree  Oliver "Ollie"  10 Oct 1892  2 Dec 1933  Paul Williams states he married Eskel Dunn, a sister to John Dunn, the fourth husband of Lucy Tryee, Oliver's eldest sister. Both Eskel and John cited their parents as Andrew Dunn and Nettie Denton.

Name:Crawford County Democrat - Published Weekly
Author: Publisher:
Call Number: Notes: REFN:
Repository:Crawford County Public Library 203 Indiana Ave. English, IN 47118 (812) 338-2606
Detail:Micro film year 1933
Date:Thursday, December 7, 1933 Pg. 2
Notes:Note: newspaper appears to have erred in original amount of brothers and sisters; this includes given name of one sister; married to Coomer. It is then reversed in paragraph 3. Obituary also does not mention any step- brothers nor stepsisters. Possible discrepancy [newspaper err?] on day of birth; marriage record shows 10 Oct 1893 other sources show Oct 1892 excluding WWI draft registration showing 10 Sept 1892

Actual text:

Ollie Tyree, Marengo

Funeral services were held for Ollie Tyree, 40, Sunday afternoon at the Goodman Ridge Christian church, in charge of the Rev. W. E. Glosson. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Tyree died Saturday at his home near Marengo after a long illness. He is survived by his wife, a daughter, 2 sons, 3 sisters, Mrs. Emma Coomer of Francisco; Mrs. Florence Satterfield and Mrs. John Dunn of near Marengo; 2 brothers, William and Jesse Tyree. Mr. Tyree was born October 19, 1893 and died December 2, 1933. He married Eskel Dunn, August 15, 1915. To this union 5 childen were born, two of whom preceded him in death. Surviving are the widow Eskel; 2 sons Alvin, 17, and Raymond, 8; a daughter, Elise, 16, all at home; 3 brothers, Jesse Tyree of Oakland City, William Tyree of Princeton, and David Tyree whereabouts unknown; 4 sisters, Mrs. William Adkins of Francisco, Ind., Mrs. Arthur Coomer of Princeton; Mrs. Florence Satterfield of English; Mrs. John Dunn of Marengo. He confessed his faith in Christ and was baptised several months ago.

(Courtesy of Paul Williams) 

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