1900 Census
Michigan, Sanilac, Argyle
Enumerated 22 Jun 1900
SD 7, ED 113, Sheet 10A, Stamped 10
HH 182-186
Striffler, William Hd W M M7 Mar 1867 Mich Germany Germany Dry Goods Merchant
Striffler, Elizabeth Wf W F M7 4/4 Feb 1869 Germany Germany Germany
Striffler, Ethel M Dtr W F Mar 1894 Mich Mich Germany
Striffler, Daniel Son W M Oct 1895 Mich Mich Germany
Striffler, Roy J Son W M Oct 1897 Mich Mich Germany
Striffler, Ione C Dtr W F Apr 1900 Mich Mich Germany
HH 184-188
Samuel and Pauline Striffler & Family
1910 Census
Not Located
1920 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Elkland
Enumerated 21 January 1920
SD 7 ED 178 Sheet 6A
FM 123-126
Striffler, William D Hd M W 53 M Mich France/German WurtembergGermany/German Farmer
Striffler, Elizabeth Wife F M 50 M 1879 Na 1890 BarvariaGermany/German BavariaGermany/German
Striffler, Daniel Son M W 24 S Mich Mich BavariaGermany/German Laborer
Striffler, Florence Dtr F W 16 S Mich Mich BavariaGermany/German
Striffler, Wilma Dtr F W 14 S Mich Mich BavariaGermany/German
Striffler, Mary Dtr F W 11 S Mich Mich BavariaGermany/German
Striffler, Delmar Son M W 8 S Mich Mich BavariaGermany/German
Fm 124-127
Jaus, John and Maud
Fm 125-128
John A. and Augusta Benkelman
1930 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Elkland Township, Cass City Village
Enumerated April 11, 1930 by Helen Schwaderer
ED 79-4, SD 11 Sheet 4B (bottom) and 5A (top), Stamped 188
Striffler, William D Hd O $1800 M W 64 M 26 Mich Alsace/Germany Germany Salesman Implements
Striffler, Elizabeth Z Wf F W 60 M 23 Germany Germany Germany 1869 Na
Striffler, Daniel Son M W 34 S Mich Mich Germany Painter Decorating (unemployed)
Striffler, Delmar W Son M W 18 S Mich Mich Germany Printer's Devil Newspaper
William F. Striffler Sr., 76, of 6116 Isla St., Melbourne, Fla., died Sunday, Nov. 18, 1979, in the Melbourne Hospital following an extended illness.
Born July 27, 1903 in Economy Borough, son of the late Edward F. and Mary Kindleberger Striffler, he had lived in Economy borough until moving to Florida in 1968; was a retired employee of H.D. Porter Co., Ambridge, retiring in 1968; a member of St. Matthews Lutheran Church, Economy Borough, and was a lifetime member of the Economy Volunteer Fire Department.
Surviving are his widow, Iva Willoughby Striffler; two sons, William F. Jr., Melbourne, and Jack T., Economy Borough; two daughers, Mrs. Norman (Margaret) Kopp, Melbourne, and Mrs. Lillian Sessie, Aliquippa; 14 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Byron (Margaret) Blackford, Ingomar, and Mrs. Alva (Anna) McKinney, Wexford.
He was preceded in death by a son, Harry in 1963, and a brother, Joseph A., in 1975.
Friends are being received today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. in the Kenneth E. Hare Funeral Home, 500 Park Rd., Ambridge, where a service will be conducted Wednesday at 2 p.m., with his pastor, Rev. Charles Shade, officiating.
Interment will take place in Sylvania Hills Memorial Park, Daugherty Township.
The Cass City Chronicle
February 9, 1923
Local Happenings
Page Four
The high school annual is well under way, all plans being nearly complete. The staff...had been organized and working for several months with untiring enthusiasm: Business manager, Grant Pinney; assitant, Nila Burt; editor-in-chief, Bernice Wager; assitants, Wilma Striffler and Lilah Spurgeon...
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, Jun 8, 1923
Page One
Largest Class in H.S. History
The largest class ever to be graduated from the Cass City high school, 17 boys and 26 girls, will be presented with diplomas at the opera house next Thursday evening...the Class Day program included a class history, Irvine Striffler...class prophecy, Wilma Striffler...both were listed as member of the Class of '23
Cass City Chronicle
July 6, 1923
Page Four
Local Items
Miss Wilma Striffler is employed at the millinery shop of Mrs. Julia Gay.
Cass City Chronicle
Sept. 14, 1923
Page Four
Local Items
Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Clark of Caro, accompanied by Miss Wilma Striffler of this place, leave next Monday on a motor trip to California. Taking the Lincoln Highway route, they will camp along the way stopping to visit at the following places: Oriona, St. Louis, Mich., Lake Odessa and Gary, Indiana. They will spend the winter in California, Miss Striffler visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Geo. Southworth at Dinuba.
Cass City Chronicle
Oct. 19, 1923
Page Four
Local Items
A letter recently received by Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Striffler from their daughter, Miss Wilma Striffler, states that the motor party with which Miss Striffler is making a trip to California has advanced as far as Simeron, New Mexico. She also told of climbing to the summit of a mountain and viewing Pike's Peak. It is expected that by the time this paper reaches its readers that the young lady will be nearly to her destination.
Cass City Chronicle
March 27, 1925
Page Four
Local Items
Miss Wilma Striffler, who has been in Dinuba, California for some time, returned to her home her Tuesday.
Cass City Chronicle
August 20, 1926
Page Four
Local Items
Members of the Christian Endeavour gave a farwell party in the basement of the Evangelical church Tuesday evening, in honor of Mrs. Wilma Striffler. After an hour of games, ice cream and frosted cake were served. Mrs. A. A. Ricker, in presenting Miss Striffler with a scarf from C. E. members, commended her for faithfulness and efficiency in church work. Miss Striffler is expected to leave hear next Monday for Los Angeles, California, and later will go to San Luis Obispo, California, where her sister, Mrs. Geo Southworth, resides.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, Oct. 4, 1929
Local Happenings
Page Two
Miss Wilma Striffler left Tuesday morning for Detroit where she visited her sisters, Mrs. William STURM and Miss Mary STRIFFLER, and left there Wednesday to return to her work at San Luis Obispo, California, after a month's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.D. STRIFFLER.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, October 14, 1932
Local Happenings
Page Six
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Striffler, son Delmar, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fry and little daughter of Cass City and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Orr and family of Pigeon spent Sunday at Whip-poor-will Harbor.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, July 6, 1934
Local Happenings
Page Four
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fry and two daughters left Wednesday morning for San Luis Obispo, California, where they will make their home.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, July 7, 1939
Local Happenings
Page Four
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fry and two daughters, Joyce and Jessie, of San Luis Obispo, California, will leave home today to make the trip to Michigan. They expect to spend two months with Mrs. Fry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Striffler, and other relatives here.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, July 28, 1939
Local Happenings
Page Three
Mrs. Robert Fry and children, Joyce and Jessie, of San Luis Obispo, California, Mrs. Ione Sturm of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Striffler returned Thursday from a week's visit at the Orr cottage at Sunshine Beach. Miss Mary Striffler spent the week-end at the W. D. Striffler home in Cass City and returned to Plymouth Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Ione Sturm, of Detroit. Mrs. Sturm has spent a two weeks' vacation with her parents.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, June 6, 1942
Local Happenings
Page Three
Mrs. Robert Fry and daughters, Joyce and Jessie, expect to leave San Luis Obispo, California, about June 9 for Cass City to make their home with Mrs. Fry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Striffler.
Cass City Chronicle
Cass City, Michigan
Thursday, January 22, 1970
Vol. 63, No. 40
Mrs. Wilma Fry dies in Port Huron
Mrs. Wilma S. Fry, 64, succumbed Thursday, Jan. 15, in Port Huron Hospital where she had been a patient one day.
Mrs. Fry, former Cass City Village clerk and treasurer, had made her home in Port Huron for the past four years. Born in Argyle Aug. 9, 1905, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Striffler. She married Robert Fry in California and the couple made their home at San Luis Obispo. He died in 1942 and Mrs. Fry moved to Cass City that year. She was a member of Salem United Methodist Church and Zonita International--a charter member of the Cass City Club. Funeral services were held Saturday, Jan. 17, at Little's Funeral Home with Rev. Ira Wood, pastor of Salem Church, officiating. Burial was in Elkland cemetery.
Surviving are: two daughters, Mrs. Harold (Joyce) WILLARD of Port Huron and Mrs. Paul (Jessie) BERRIMAN of Ferndale, three grandchildren, one brother, Rev. Roy STRIFFLER of Ohio, and three sisters, Mrs. Ione STURM of Detroit, Mrs. George SOUTHWORTH of Elkton and Mrs. Edward GARDINER of Port Austin.
A photo of his military marker is posted at FindAGrave.
It is inscribed with a Cross, and
James F. Striffler
World War I
Mar 4 1892
26 Jan 1946
Name James Francis Strifler
Event Type Draft Registration
Event Date 1917-1918
Event Place Pottawatomie County, Kansas, United States
Gender Male
Birth Date 04 Mar 1893
Birthplace Blaine, Kansas, United States
Nationality United States
Affiliate Publication Title World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards
Affiliate Publication Number M1509
GS Film number 1643804
Digital Folder Number 005250474
Image Number 03775
Citing this Record:
"United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/K66N-YQD : accessed 20 Oct 2013), James Francis Strifler, 1917-1918; citing Pottawatomie County, Kansas, United States, NARA microfilm publication M1509, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d); FHL microfilm 1643804.
Courtesy of Don Staton, who notes that James was working for the Union Pacific Railroad at the time he registered for the draft
1880 Census
Alexander Stringer Self M M W 40 MS Farmer MS MS
Amanda F. Stringer W M F W 35 MS Keeping House MS MS
A. C. Stringer Dau S F W 2 MS MS MS
E. W. Stringer Dau S F W 4 months MS MS MS
Mary Stringer Mother W F W 73 SC Retired HK --- ---
Elizabeth Entreken Other S F W 19 Ms Works in House MS MS
Marion Martin Other S M B 14 Ms Works on Farm MS MS
Census Place:
Beat 5, Lawrence, Mississippi
FHL Film # 1254653
NA Film # T9-0653
Page Number 309C
1930 Census
Texas, Van Zandt County, JP 3
Enumerated April 11, 1930
ED 234-16 SD 11 Sheet 6B
Stringer, Joseph B Head M W 30 M 23 Tx Tx Tx Teacher Rural School
Stringer, Irma O Wf F W 25 M 18 Tx Tx Tx
Stringer, Geraldine Dtr F W 6 S Tx Tx Tx
Stringer, Bettie J Dtr F W 2 3/12 Tx Tx Tx
Her FindAGrave memorial page, created by Mel and Maintained by Kay Parker McCary, a daughter-in-law, shows that she was a daughter of Henry Abner STRINGER (FAG#84179824) and Permelia Jane MILLS (FAG#84179718).
The Sabine County Reporter
January 15, 1997, Page 8
Claudia Strickland
Claudia Strickland, 91, of Chireno died Friday, Jan. 3, 1997, at Twin Lakes Care Center in San Augustine.
She was a native of Etoile and a longtime resident of the Chireno area. Two years ago, she was named "Citizen of the Week" at the Chireno Jubilee.
Survivors: one daughter, Wilma HALBERT of Beaumont; a son, Orland Strickland of Chireno; five grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were held Jan. 4 at the Cason-Monk-Metcalf Funeral Directors Sunset Chapel in Nacogdoches. Interment was at Lower Chireno Cemtery in Chireno.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, February 2011)
Said to be the daughter of Zachariah Taylor "ZT" Striplig and Theodora "Dora" Love.
Funeral services for Hattie Bob Chance, 94, of Jacksonville, Texas, are scheduled for 11 a.m. Friday, July 18, at Autry Funeral Home. Burial will follow at Resthaven Cemtery in Jacksonville. Mrs. Chance died July 13, 2008 in Jacksonville. She was born May 10, 1914, in Appleby, Texas to William Oliver Strode and Sadie Frazer Strode. She graduated from Nacogdoches High School, and on November 4, 1934, she married James Earl Chance. She was a member of the Grand Lodge of the Ladies Society of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Fireman, the PTA of Berry Elementary, Burbank Jr. High, Jeff Davis High School and Sam Houston High School in Houston, Texas. Mrs. Chance was a member of Second Christian Church. Mrs. Chance was preceded in death by her husband, James Earl Chance in 1969, daughter, Bobbie Earl HEIDE in 1993, sisters, Bessie LAWRANCE, Annie Mae Strode, Jim Addie RUSSELL; and brothers Oliver Strode and C. B. Strode. She is survived by daughter, Paula THOMPSON and Wayne, Crockett, Texas; sons, Charles Chance and Rosemary, Jacksonville, Texas, Edwin Chance and Carol, The Woodlands, Texas, and Billy CHANCE and Teresa, Conroe, Texas; and son-in-law, Peter HEIDE, San Antonio, Texas; sister, Joyce HARRINGTON, Conroe, Txas; and sister-in-law, Reva Strode, Burnet, Texas. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, July 17, and from 10 a.m. until the service begins on Friday, July 18, 2008, at the Autry Funeral Home, Jacksonville. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to The Woodlands Christina Academy, 5800 Academy Way, The Woodlands, Texas or any other charity of your choice...
A farmer at Coventry, Ct. In his later years he removed to Windsor and thence to Southampton. It is recorded that "Aaron Strong" (his son) and "his wife Abigail and son Roswell, warned from Springfield (on account of the Indians) came from Windsor to Southhampton in Aug. 1762, and in Jan. 1763-4, Aaron and wife Rachel warned from Westfield came from Windsor to Southampton." (Dwight, p. 1055).
Married the Rev. Nathaniel CHAUNCEY of Hatfield, Mass., and for 2d husband Dea. Medad POMEROY. (Dwight, Vol. I, page 19).
DISTINGUISHED DESCENDANTS of ABIGAIL STRONG (SFAA, Strong Family Update, Vol. III, pp. xxxi and xxxii). Thornton CHISHOLM, for whom the Chisholm Trail is named, because he drove the first cattle over it.
Benjamin Dwight and the Strong Family Association website use differing dates of birth. In Dwight's book, she is shown as born 24 Feb 1699. The SFAA website shows 3 Dec 1699. I used the SFAA dates since it is more current.
Agnes lived with her grandparents at the time of the 1910 census, her parents in 1920, and with her Uncle Earl Strong at the time of the 1930 census. She was listed as a waitress at a hotel, and divorced. Her daughter, Patty, was four months old at the time.
During the Depression, a Captain in the Salvation Army sent Agnes to be interviewed by Walter Patty. He had a boarding house, and was widowed with several small children, and apparently could not keep housekeepers. The Salvation Army captain thought Agnes was well quailified despite her youth. She was hired, and she and her daughter Peggy moved into an apartment at the boarding house. Over a period of time, Walter and Agnes developed an affinity for each other and were married. He was a good husband, and good father to both his own children and to Peggy, who took his last name.
1910 Census
Oklahoma. Comanche Couty, Strauss Twp
Enumerated 25 Apr 1910
SD --- ED 62 Sheet 5A
Gay, William D Head M W 53 N2 25 Ga SC SC Farmer
Gay, Mela J Wf F W 44 m1 8/7 Miss NC SC Farm Wife
Gay, Getty R Son M W 17 S Tx Ga Miss Helsp on Farm
Gay, Bonnie B Dtr F W 15 S Tx Ga Miss Going School
Gay, Nellie G Dtr F W 11 S Ok Gs Miss
Gay, Effie F Dtr F W 9 S Ok Ga Miss
Gay, Alva M Son M W 5 S Ok Ga Miss
Strong, Agnes I Grddtr F W 3 S Ok Miss Miss
1930 Census
Oklahoma, Grady County, Chandler
Strong, Earl D. Head R 10 M W ww M 23 Ok Oh Tx Laborer Dairy
Strong, Willie J Wife H F w 29 M 19 Tx Ms Ill. None Strong, Joel F Son M w 10 S Ok Ok Tx
Strong, Lee E Son M W 8 S Ok Ok Tx
Strong, Zelma Daug F W 7 S Ok Ok Tx
Strong, Roland Son M W 4 S Ok Ok Tx
Strong, Velma Dau F W 1 3/12 Ok Ok TX
Strong, Agnes I Niece F w 22 D 21 Ok Tx Ms Waitress Hotel
Strong, Peggy L Grandniece F W 4/12 S Ok Ok Ok
Wickliffe Cemetery records indicate: "Memory of/ Albert S. Strong/ Who Died/ May 4th. 1836;/ Aged 8 Years/ & 1 Month./ Son of of James M. & Margaret___ Strong."
Obituary found in the Youngstown Vindicator, Monday, 10/28/1912, page 3
Mrs. Alice M. Cutting
Mrs. Alice M. Cuting, wife of Royal S. Cutting, dies at the family residence, 1015 Mount Pleasant street, Sunday at 10 p.m. from pneumonia. She had been ill only a few days and coming suddenly as it did her death was a very severe shock to the family and friends.
Mrs. Cutting whose maiden name was Alice Strong, was born in 1865 in Bristolville where she grew up and was married twenty-eight years ago to Royal Cutting, who survives with the following children: Glen Cutting, Mrs. James Shipp, and Alberta Cutting, all of Youngstown. There are also three brothers, Frank Strong, Chardon, O., Charles Strong, Dorset, O., and Fred Strong of Gary, Ind.
Mrs. Cutting had resided in Youngstown for a number of years and was member of the Epworth M. E. church. During her residence here she had gained the friendship of many people who highly respected her and regret her passing, and who sympathize with the family in the loss of a devoted wife and mother.
Funeral services will be held in the residence Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Thursday at 9:30 a.m. the remains will be taken to Bristolville where services will be held from the M. E. church at 12 o'clock. Interment will be made in the Bristolville cemetery. (Courtesy of WIlliam Billig).
Alvin STRONG Self M Male W 45 OH R.R.Conduct Lucy STRONG Wife M Female W 37 NY Keeping Hou Source Information:
Census Place East Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio
Family History Library Film 1255009
NA Film Number T9-1009
Page Number 108B
Neither the first name of her husband, nor Anna's maiden name is known. The Strong head of household's in Champaign County, Illinois in 1840 were as follows: Cyrus, John, Hiram, Orange and Ambers.
Married to William G. KALT. Belonged to the First Reformed Church, and is buried in the Horne Cemetery. They were the parents of Wilma KALT (William Daley).
Benjamin Dwight notes that he was still living (in 1871) in Vesper, Onondaga County, New York. He had been in Vesper since 1814, previously living in Tully, also in Onondaga County. (Vol. I, p. 194).
(Research):1850 New York, Onondaga County, Tully
Ansel STRONG 60 M Farmer $4000 Con
Hannah STRONG 43 F NY
Carlos STRONG 6 M NY
Asenath Let. STRONG 2 F NY
Bridget LUBY 24 F Ireland
1860 New York, Onondaga County, Tully, Vesper P.O. 16 Jun 1860
Ansel STRONG 70 Farmer $4000 $800 Con
Hannah N STRONG 52 Housekeeper NY
William W STRONG 19 Laborer NY
Peter C STRONG 17 Laborer NY
Acenith STRONG 12 NY
Muriah L STRONG 10 NY
1870 New York, Onondaga County, Tully, Otisco P.O.
Ansel STRONG 81 Farmer $5600 $1000 Conn Hannah STRONG 64 Keeping House NY
Carlos STRONG 26 $300 NY
Ansel may have moved to the Nebraska territories shortly after June 1860 to live with his Uncle Hezikiah. If this is indeed the same Ansel, he worked as a mail carrier in the Nebraska Territories. Possibly for the Pony Express?
If he did move to Nebraska, it appears he was back in Wisconsin by the time of the 1870 census. At that time, a 31 year old Ansel Strong, married to a 28 year old Rosina, was living in Hebron, Jefferson County, Wisconsin. They were the parents of Carrie, age 4, and Reuben, age 1. All four members of the family were listed as being born in Wisconsin. The same family can be found again in 1880, as follows:
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Ansel STRONG Self M Male W 41 WIS Farmer N.Y. N. Rosina STRONG Wife M Female W 38 WIS Housekeeper GER GER Carrie M. STRONG Dau S Female W 14 WIS At School N.Y. GER Reuben A. STRONG Son S Male W 11 WIS At School N.Y. GER Source Information:
Census Place Hebron, Jefferson, Wisconsin
Family History Library Film 1255430
NA Film Number T9-1430
Page Number 62D
Though Dwight lists him as Anson, he might actually have been named Ansel after his father. It also appears that he remained single, and moved between states working as a farm laborer.
He was still in Onondago County at the time of the 1850 census where he was listed by the census enumerator as 18 year old Ansel STRONG, a laborer, living in the home of Franklin WHEELER in Otisco.
In 1860, there is a 28 year old Anson STRONG, a farm laborer born in New York, and living in the home of Serjeant HUNKINS of New Berlin, Waukesha County, Wisconsin.
In 1870, there is a 36 year old Ansel STRONG, a laborer born in New York, living in the home of Anderson SHARP in Neosho, Morris County, Kansa
And in 1880, there is a 48 year old Ansel STRONG, a Farm Hand who was living in Neosho, Morris County, Kansas. He was listed as born in New York, with his father born in Connecticut and his mother born in New York. He was living in the home of Alexander Watson.
Asahel Strong (1715-1776) was a patriot of Torrington where he died. Asahel Strong jr., (1750-1831), served in the Connecticut Light Horse. He was born in Torrington, Conn. ; died in Peru, N.Y.
Asahel jr married Martha Barber. Their child Theodosia Strong 1781-1858 married Phineas Bateman Olcott 1775-1845 Clinton County NY. I'm still working on getting info on my older generations but the younger ones are well proved. If you want email and I'll give you access to the tree I'm building at ancestry.com
d#: 0350924
Name: Strong, Asaph C.
Date: June 6, 1884
Source: Cemetery record; Cleveland Necrology File, Reel #078.
Notes: Strong- Wednesday, June 4, at 10:45 a. m., Asaph C. Strong, aged 57 years. Funeral Friday, June 6, at 3 p. m. from 841 Doan st. Burial private. 1826-1884. East Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio.
1860 Census
Ohio, Cuyahoga County, Euclid, page 806
Strong, Aceph C. 33 m Farmer Ohio
Strong, Harriett 32 f Ohio
Strong, Edgar C. 8 M Ohio
Strong, Judsen E 5 m Ohio
1870 Census
Ohio, Cuyahoga County, East Cleveland
Enumerated 7 Jun 1870
Stamped 280
Strong, Asa 45 M 2 Baggage Master $--- $500 Ohio
Strong, Lucy 41 F W Keeping House Ohio [Second wife, based on her later obituary]
Strong, Judson 15 M W At School Ohio
Strong, Hattie 8 F W Ohio (Probably namesake daughter of first wife???)
Fuller, Miriam 40 F W Milliner Ohio
Married Oct. 15, 1867, Horace ROWLAND, a farmer in Tully, N.Y. (Dwight, Vol. I, p. 194). Lois Patterson, in her VAN PATTEN FAMILY HISTORY, shows she married (1) unknown and had a daughter who was brought up by Alice's husband's family (2) Horace ROWLAND, father of her children, and (3) William NEUMAN.
According to his enlistment records, Augustus was a Private in Co. G, 4th Texas Infantry during the Spanish American War. As he was only 19 years old at the time of his enlistment, R. B. Strong had to sign his consent. This consent was given at Sulphur Springs, Texas on the 5th of July, 1898. It was noted that he had been a resident of Sulphur Springs, Texas for 2 years. This was witnessed by Frank Bridgeman. At the time of his enrollment, Augustus was 19 years, 9 months old, 5'4 inches tall, and weighed 126 pounds stripped, light complexion, grey eyes, light hair. He had a scar above his left knee. He was born in Farmersville, Collin County, Texas. His occupation was listed as farmer. The Roll show that he mustered in on July 22, 1898 in Houston, Texas, presumably at Camp Tom Ball (in the Heights area of Houston).
According to the company muster rolls, he was present in Weatherford, Texas for the periods ending August 31, 1898; October, 1898; December, 1898, and he mustered out on March 10, 1899 in Camp Mosby, San Antonio, Texas. Camp Mosby was located at the Jockey Club grounds, a bicycle and horse race track, along River Avenue in San Antonio. The golf clubhouse at Brackenridge Park replaced the Jockey Club building in 1923. The camp was in the vicinity of the golf clubhouse.
It appears Augustus was never sent outside of the country. On November 30, 1901 in Acme, Texas, he received an additional $8.84 for compensation for being mustered into the United States service for the war with Spain.
At the time of the 1900 Census, Augustus was living in the 81st District of Duke Township, Greer County, Oklahoma, with 22 year old John Garren of Missouri, a Farmer. 21 year old Augustus was listed as John's "Partner," presumably a co-owner of the farm. Henry Garren, age 45 and John's father, was listed as a Farm Laborer. He was married to Mary Gertrude Gay in nearby Cotton County in 1906.
In 1910, Augustus was listed as a "Hired Man" in the home of A.G. Gowan in the 61st District of Beaver Township, Comanche County, Oklahoma. He was listed as age 30, Married, and born in the United States. His wife, 23 year old Mary Strong, was a Patient in the Oklahoma Hospital for the Insane in Norman, Cleveland County, Oklahoma. She was listed as the mother of one child, still living. Their three year old daughter, Agnes, was living with her grandparents in the 62 District of Straws Twp, Comanche County, Oklahoma.
By 1920, Augustus and Mary were living together again, with their daughter Agnes. They were in Chickasha, Grady County, Oklahoma. The family was listed as follows: 1022 Penn. Avenue Strong, A.H. Head M W 41 M Tx Tx Tx Boiler Maker Railroad Shop Strong, Mary Wife F w 32 M Mississippi Alabama Mississippi Strong, Agnes Dau F w 12 S Ok Tx Miss
The house listed immediately preceding theirs was that of his brother, Claude.
After Gus was divorced, he lived with Rolla Strong in Portales, New Mexico around December, 1925. He and Rolla later moved to Clovis, New Mexico.
In 1930, Augustus could not be located on the census index. He was likely in New Mexico or Colorada, where he and Rolla had a ranch near Craig. Mary was listed as a patient at the Oklahoma State Hospital in Woodward, Oklahoma. Agnes, a waitress, and her four-month old daughter, Peggy, were living with her Uncle Earl in Chandler, Grady, Oklahoma.
By 1942, Gus and Rolla had moved to Porterville, California, where they lived nearby their brother Earl Strong.
From the California Death Index:
His death certificate indicates that he was a self employed rancher, a veteran of the Spanish American War, and a widower. He died at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Livermore, Alameda County, and had been in Alameda County for 185 days prior to his death, presumably a resident of the Veterans Hospital. He had lived in California for two years prior to his death, and his last usual address was 395 Elta Vista Dr in Porterville. He was buried at the Golden Gate National Cemetery in San Bruno, California.
Charles R. Strong of Edinburg called his uncle Barney on March 24, 2005 to ask him what his given name was. Barney said it was "Something strange" that he had never liked much, so he had always gone by Barney. Both Robert Strong and Viola Weaver confirmed this. In his mother's obiturary, he was listed as "Branyard," so he presumably was named Brainerd in honor of his grandfather, Ralph Brainerd and great-grandfather David Brainerd. He was a veteran of World War II, later working as a welder.
Funeral services for Barney Frank Strong, 96, of Gainesville are set for 10 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 6, 2011 at the Grand Avenue Baptist Church, with the Rev. Bill Black officiating.
Burial will follow with military honors in Fairview Cemetery, under the direction of the Geo. J. Carroll & Son Funeral Home.
Barney went to be with the Lord Monday, Jan. 3, 2011 at his residence.
Barney was born in Prague, Okla. to Walter and Bessie (sic) Strong. He enlisted in the United States Army in 1942 and served in the Burma India Theater during World War II and then was honorably discharged in 1946. He married Violet Stanley on Jan. 27, 1946 in Lawton, Okla. and then moved to Gainesville in 1951. Barney was the owner of Strong's Welding Service for many years and a member of Grand Avenue Baptist Church for over 50 years. He loved to play golf, fish and most of all play dominoes at the Stanford House.
Barney is survived by his daughter, Jeanie and her husband Harry Gootas; son, Benny and his wife Pam Strong; grandchildren, Chris and his wife Amy Kuhn, Todd and his wife Julianne Kuhn, Juli and her husband Phil Metzler, Jennifer Barna, Alyssa Strong and Amber Strong; 13 great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.
Barney was preceded in death by his parents; wife; brothers, Homer, Jack and Bob Strong, Cecil Lewis and Roy West and sister, Viola Weaver.
Pallbearers will be grandsons, Chris and Todd Kuhn and Phil Metzler; great-grandson, Ty Kuhn and nephews, Charles and Tommy Lewis.
The family will receive friends and loved ones this evening, Jan. 5, 2011 from 7 to 8 p.m. at the funeral home.
Memorial contributions may be made to Home Hospice of Cooke County.
A weaver, resided at E. Guilford, Ct., with Selah MURRAY, whose wife, Ann BRADLEY, was probably a connection of Nathan BRADLEY, his father-in-law. Benjamin was a bachelor and left his property to the Murrays. He is described as "an intelligent man of quiet behavior." He was deputy of Guilford (Oct., 1730, May, 1731).
Benjamin Dwight list's him as "a farmer in Middle Haddam, Ct., where he d. about 1818, aged 58." (Dwight, p 193).
Benjamin STRONG, brother of Josiah jr. and Joshua, was born February 15, 1759, married November 27, 1782, Susannah TROWBRIDGE, and settled in Middle Haddam, where he died about 1818. His children were: Reuben, born October 6, 1783, and Benjamin, born 1785, both lost at sea November 19, 1809, when sailing to Norfolk, Virginia; Susan, who married Oliver ACKLEY; Ansel, who married Hannah STOCKING; Rhoda, who married Alfred HUBBARD, and Lovina, who married Chauncey B. BULKLEY. Braddock Strong resided on the homestead, and filled various offices at profit and trust in the gift of his fellow townsmen, dying September 30, 1878, nearly 79 years of age, universally respected.
From The History of Middlesex County 1635-1885
J. H. Beers & Co, 36 Versey Street, New York
Pages 198-217
The Early Settlers and Their Descendants, Part 2
(transcribed by Janece Streig)
1850 Federal Census
Wisconsin, Winnebago County, Clayton
26 July 1850
Benjamin STRONG 32 Farmer 1200 NY
Sophia STRONG 27 NY
Benjamin F. STRONG 5 Wisc
The adjoining home is that of Alfred HUBBARD and Rhoda STRO
1860 Federal Census
Wisconsin, Winnebago County, Clayton, Weenah P.O.
26 July 1860
Benjamin STRONG 42 Farmer 2100 1000 NY
Franklin STRONG 14 Wisc
Julia STRONG 8 Wisc
George STRONG 5 Wisc
Mary STRONG 33 New York
It APPEARS that Sophia died sometime after 1850, most likely sometime after 1855 when George was born. It also noteworthy that there is now a seven year old Sylvester STRONG listed. The relationship between George and Mary STRONG, age 33, is not known. She might be a second wife, or might be a relative that came to help him with his children. It is unusual that she is listed last in the household, and not immediately following his listing.
1870 Federal Census
Wisconsin, Winnebago County, Clayton, Winchester P.O.
18 June 1870
Benjamin STRONG 52 Farmer 2200 600 NY
Eliza STRONG 47 Keeping House NY
Sylvester F. STRONG 17 Works on Farm WI
Geo. STRONG 15 Works on Farm WI
Charles STRONG 11 At School Wi
It appears that Benjamin was remarried to Eliza, most likely prior to the birth of Charles Strong. However, if Charles is actually 11, then both Eliza and Charles should have been listed in Benjamin's household at the time of the 1860 census. Perhaps Charles is a stepson. It is also interesting that 17 year old Sylvester Strong was missing from the 1860 census. He was either inadvertantly left off that census, or he might actually also be a son of Eliza from a prior marriage, and a stepson to Benjamin.
Finally, this is the household at the time of the 1880 Census:
Benjamin STRONG Self M Male W 62 NY Farmer CT CT
Eliza. A. STRONG Wife M Female W 56 NY Keeping House NY MA
Charles A. STRONG Son S Male W 20 WI R.R. Laborer NY NY
Source Information: Census Place Clayton, Winnebago, Wisconsin
Family History Library Film 1255452 NA Film Number T9-1452 Page Number 28B
1870 Census
Wisconsin, Outagamie County, Town of Black Creek, P O Binghamton
Enumerated 18 July 1870
Page 1 Stamped 401
Strong, B F 25 M Farmer $800 $45 Wisc
Strong, M. J. 20 F Keeping House Ohio
Storng, N. S. 7/12 F Wis
Manly, O M 21 M Farmer $600 $-- Ohio
1880 Census
Wisconsin, Outagamie County, City of Seymour
Page 33 SD 4 ED 131
Enumerated 24 Jun 1880
Stamped 310A
Main St
Strong, Benj F W m 34 Homepa. Phisician Wis NY NY
Strong, Martha W F 31 Wf Keeping House Oh NY NY
Strong, Sophia W F 10 Dtr At home Wis Wis Ohio
Strong, Fred W M 2 Son Wis Wis Ohio
Burt was listed as Berthodne on the 1900 Texas census. His descendants were unfamiliar with the origin or accuracy of that name, having always known him simply as Burt. Burt lived in Duncan at the time of his father's death in 1929.
While examining records in Collin County, Texas, Charles Strong located probate records of R.B. Strong, Guardian, Estate of Burton R. Strong, et al. It was in Vol A3, P656-666. The records indicate that "R.B. Strong, guardian of the estate of Burton R. Strong, Claud E. Strong, Raleigh J. Strong, Earl E. Strong, Ernest R. Strong, would respectfully show to the court that it is necessary to sell the real estate of said wards for the education and maintenance of said minors, for this that all of the personal property belonging to said estate has been sold, and the proceeds thereof, and insufficient there for, and he refers to the sworn exhibit hereto attached and made part of this application. He further show that the real estate desired to be sold belonging to each minor is described as follows; the one-eighty eighth (1/88) undivided interest of each of said minors in and to the following tracts of land-----situated in Collin County Texas part of the L.B. Outlaw survey-----First tract---part of that portion set apart to and known as the widows share in the N.E. Corner of the 1000 acre tract sold by S.M. & W.H. Horton to A.K., J.L., and M.B. Morrow and described as follows....Second tract---Being also a part of said 1000 acre tract out of the L.B. Outlaw survey...." R.B. (Ralph) had applied for the Letters, Guardinship on 3 October 1908.
The guardianship detailed above pertained just to the minor children of R.B. Strong, and did not include Augustus, Walter, or Lee. Presumably they were above the age 18 and inherited their 1/88 share of land outright. Additional land records located by Charles Strong show that the land in question appears to have been originally purchased by Mash and Eliza Hall in 1862 in Collin County.
I was not able to locate him at the time of the 1910 Census.
At the time of the 1920 Census, he was living with his wife and daughter in the 167 District of Chickasha, Grady County, Oklahoma.
The 1930 Census for Duncan, Stephens County, Oklahoma, King Township, lists the family as follows:
Strong, Burt Head Rents $15/monthly Not on Farm M W 39 Married age 26 Texas Ohio Texas Mechanic Employed Not a veteran
____, Lucy wife F W 31 M 18 Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee
____, Mildred daughter F W 11 S In School Oklahoma Texas Tennessee
1920 Census1920 Census
Oklahoma, Grady County, Chickasha
Enumerated 26 Jan 1920
SD 64 ED 167 Sheet 9A
315 North Ninth Street
Strong, B. R. Hd M W 30 M Tx Oh Mo Machinist Railroad Shop
Strong, Lucy Wf F W 21 M Tn Tn Tn
Strong, Mildred Dtr F W 1 9/12 S Ok Tx Tn
Married 1850 Margaret HULSE (dau. of Oliver W. HULSE). no children; a farmer in Borodino, Onondaga Co., N.Y. (Dwight, Vol. I, p 194).
At the time of the 1860 census, on June 20, 1860, they were living with her family in Spafford, Onondaga County, N.Y: 637-89 Oliver HULSE 61 Laborer $100 NY Nancy HULSE 60 NY Jane HULSE 15 NY Mehitible HULSE 13 NY Theresa HULSE 7 NY Margaret STRONG 29 NY Charles STRONG 29 NY
They were still living with her family in Spafford (Otisco P.O.) on July 20, 1870 59-64 HULSE Oliver 70 Farm Laborer NY HULSE, Maria 67 Keeping House NY HULSE, Mary 19 NY STRONG, Charles 40 Farm Laborer NY STRONG, Margaret 41 NY STRONG, Charles 8 NY
And although Dwight wrote that they had no children, there was Henry Strong, their was a child listed with them at the time of the both the 1870 and 1880 census, and in 1880 it was indicated he was their son. It appears he was called Charles in 1870 and Henry in 1880, but as he was the same age, it is likely the same person.
New York, Onondaga County, Borodino, District 1 FHL Film 1254906 NA Film # T9-0906 Page # 315A
Chas. STRONG Self M Male W 50 NY Farm Laborer MA MA Margeret STRONG Wife M Female W 51 NY Keeping House NY NY Henry STRONG Son S Male W 18 NY Farm Laborer NY NY
Charles was not listed on the 1860 census, although he was shown as age 11 in 1870. He most likely was born shortly after the 1860 census was taken, or simply missed by the enumerator. He is mentioned by name in the 1894 probate records of Leanora Strong's estate, and also in the obituary of his sister Alice in 1912, so he was alive until at least that date. In Alice's obituary, he was shown as of Dorset, Ohio.
There is a 20 year old Charles Strong, born in Ohio with parents born in NY and OH, working as a single Farm Laborer in the home of David FRANCIS in Piermont, Ashtabula, OH at the time of the 1880 Federal Census. There was NOT a Charles Strong in Ashtabula in the index for the 1870 index, ten years earlier, so it is possible, so this is likely his listing in 1880. He was not found in the census indexes for 1900 or thereafter, however.
There was a Charles Strong, born in Ohio ca. 1858 that was living in or around Champaign County, Illinois from 1880 through his death in 1930. That Charles Strong, however is not David B. Strong's son. His death certificate shows that he was born in Toledo, Ohio and that his father was Frederick Silas Strong.
This is NOT the Charles A. Strong, born ca. 1859, who was listed in the David Brainerd Strong home on the 1870 census of Trumbull County, Ohio. According to his death certificate, he was the son of Frederick STRONG and Marion FREEMAN.
County of Champaign Township of Urbana, Standard Certificate of Death Charles Frederick Strong RFD #1, Mahomet, Illinois Male White Married DOB 1 May 1858 Toledo, Ohio Age 72 years 2 months 7 days Farmer Retired 15 years Father Frederick Silas Strong born in Wakeman, , Ohio Mother Marion L. Freeman birthplace unknown Informant Alice D. Strong Filed July 8, 1930 Date of Death 7 July 1930 Cause of Death Carcinoma of stomach duration of 1 year contributory cause Exhaustion 20 days Signed S.W. Shurtz Burial Riverside July 9, 1930 Champaign, Illinois Undertaker E.W. Morrison
This is how his family was listed at the time of the 1870 Ohio census:
Ohio, Lucas, Toledo, Ward 7 STRONG, Frederick age 42 Carpenter 2000 200 New York STRONG, Marion 35 Keeping House New York STRONG, Charles 12 Ohio STRONG, Hattie 7 Ohio
I can NOT locate Frederick, Marion or Hattie at the time of the 1880 census at www.familysearch.com.
Charles, however, appears to have already moved to Illinois, and is listed as follows in 1880:
A. O. HOWELL Self M Male W 60 OH Tile Manufacturer NJ --- R. W. HOWELL Wife M Female W 61 NY Keeping House CT CT L. H. HOWELL Dau S Female W 20 IL At Home OH NY Carrie B. HOWELL Dau S Female W 18 IL At Ho Chas. STRONG Other S Male W 22 OH Works In Tile Yard OH OH Source Information:
Census Place Urbana, Champaign, Illinois
Family History Library Film 1254180
NA Film Number T9-0180
Page Number 409D
At the time of the 1900 census, he had moved to Condit, Champaign County, Illinois. His family is listed as follows:
Charles F. STRONG May 1858 age 42 M11 Oh Oh Oh Farmer Alice L. STRONG Oct 1863 age 37 M11 1/1 Il Ky Oh Fredrick R. Apr 1896 age 4 S Il Oh Il
In 1910, 52 year old Charles F. Strong, still married to Alice can be located in Harmon, Lee County, Illinois. The same couple can be found in 1920 back in Champaign County, but now in Newcomb. Charles is listed as age 71 on this census.
Charles STRONG Self M Male W 49 OH Civil Engi
neer CT CT
Elizabeth STRONG Wife M Female W 42 OH Keeping House ENG OH
Harry STRONG Son S Male W 22 OH At College OH OH
Sophia E. STRONG Dau S Female W 19 MO At School
Addie STRONG Dau S Female W 16 OH At School OH OH
Charlie H. STRONG Son S Male W 8 OH OH OH
Ruth STRONG Dau S Female W 9M OH OH OH
Maggie HICKY Other S Female W 22 IRE Servant IRE
Louise BINEHOWER Other S Female W 29 GER Servant GER GER
William TEMPLE Other S Male W 26 KY Servant KY KY
Source Information:
Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio
Family History Library Film 1255008
NA Film Number T9-1008
Page Number 136B
Charles was born in the midst of the Depression, and vividly remembers the financial struggle faced by his impoverished parents. In the summers, Charles was usually sent to stay on the farm owned by his great-grandparents, James and Zada Gentry. Charles remembers Zada as a tiny woman, and a good cook. She often remarked, after he devoured her meals, "Charles, you must be hollow to your toes."
Charles eventually rebelled against his father's stringent demands. In a bid for independence, he dropped out of school for in the eighth grade, staying out late most nights or not coming home for days at a time.
His parents sent him to Oklahoma City, to live with his Aunts Fay and Lois, who shared a home. His grandmother, Bessie Payne, lived there with her daughters as well. Charles slept in a cot in the back room. He remembers his grandmother having a Chocolate Hostess Cupcake waiting for him each day when he returned from school. Charles graduated from the 8th grade at Holy Angels Parochical School in Oklahoma City on May 25, 1947. After his graduation, he enrolled in the Oklahoma National Guard. He added two years to his age so he would be eligible to enlist. He was 5'8" and 138 pounds, and told the unit he was age 17, not 15. After seven months of duty, on June 4, 1948, he was honorably discharged as a Private. The reason for his discharge was listed as "Business Interference"
Charles returned home to Duncan to attend High School. He later dropped out of High School as well, and went to work at a bakery. He developed a lifelong aversion to most baked goods, remembering the overwhelming smell. Charles finally realized that education, was the best way to escape poverty, so he returned to school. He graduated from Duncan High School in May, 1952, along with his younger brother Bill.
Charles and Bill both enrolled at Oklahoma A&M (now OSU) in Stillwater. Charles borrowed money from his Aunt Lois to pay for his freshman year, and then was drafted into the U.S. Army during the Korean conflict. He received a medical discharge due to a chronic skin condition which made it impossible for him to wear combat boots. After his brief military service, he returned to OSU and used the GI bill to pay for the remainder of his education. He was original a Chemistry major, but changed to business and accounting due to these same skin allergies.
A Feb. 7, 1956 article in the student paper reported that "Charles Strong, arts and sciences junior from Duncan, was named president of the Newman club Sunday evening during the election of the 1956 officers. Strong, a chemistry major, replaces Stan Prochaska, agriculture journalism senior from Enid, as proxy of the organization of Catholic students. He had been vice president and one time co-chairman of the membership committee. Ed Wakeen, OIT student from Massachusetts was elected vice president...(also from Massachusetts) Joe Hayden was elected treasurer...Beverly Kirchmeyer from Ponca City was elected secretary. Continuing as chaplin.....will be Rev. Joseph Dillon, assistant pastor of the St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Stillwater."
Being president allowed Charles to live in the Newman club, further helping him with financing his education. It was also through the Newman club that Charles met his wife, Pat, a fellow student at OSU.
Charles received his B.S. degree in May, 1959 with a major in accounting and minor in economics. His first job was as an instructor of accounting and economics at Bloomsburg State College in Pennsylvania. He was there for one year, after which time he went to work as an auditor for a public accounting firm in Tulsa. After two years in public accounting, he worked as an auditor for two years at Halliburton in Duncan, Oklahoma. He received his CPA certificate (#1659) from the State of Oklahoma in 1963. Charles went back to OSU, and received his M.S in accounting in May, 1964.
Later, he went on to obtain his Ph.D. from the University of Alabama (May, 1972, Major in Industrial Relations with minors in Economics and Finance). It was at the married student housing at the University of Alabama that the Strong's started their lifelong friendship with JF and Earlene Burney.
While working on his Ph.D., the Strong's moved between small college's in Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas at which Charles had short term teaching assistantships. He was an instructor at OSU, the University of Alabama, Mississippi State College for Women, University of Texas at El Paso, and the University of Montevallo (in Alabama).
Charles looked a bit like Henry Kissinger (Secretary of State under Richard Nixon). Once, while on a business trip, he was in a bar in Washington D.C. He heard a whispered conversation between two people, who were hotly debating whether or not he was indeed Dr. Kissinger. When the waitress came up to ask if he wanted a refill, he drolly answered, in his Kissingerian best, "Yah."
In May, 1973, Charles was offered a position in the Accounting Department of Pan American University in Edinburg, Texas. He also received his Texas CPA Certificate (No. 12,595) in January, 1974.
While in the Rio Grande Valley, Charles became an avid bird watcher and member of the National Audobon Society. He participated in many bird censuses. He also enjoyed sailing.
Dr. Strong later became a full professor at Pan American. He taught mainly accounting classes, although towards the end of his career he began to teach in the management department. He retired in December, 1997. During his tenure at Pan Am, he served on numerous committees, was a N.A.S.A. Faculty Intern at the Johnson Space Center during the summer of 1974, and served as a visiting professor at Incarnate Word College in San Antonio. He also did the accounting, taxes, and financial planning for a corporate client in Edinburg. Charles retired from Pan American in December 1997.
Charles is a voracious reader, and is especially interested in nature and history. In the late 1990's he and his brother Bill made several trips to Europe to visit their cousin Pete Kubik and to visit various battle sites of World War II. He also became interested in Genealogy, and began travelling throughout the southwest, visiting courthouses in search of land records and also interviewing family members.
He is an enrolled member of the Chickasaw nation, as was his maternal grandfather, Thomas Payne. He is also a Mason.
A graduate of Western Reserve University. (Upton, Harriet Taylor A TWENTIETH CENTURY HISTORY OF TRUMBULL COUNTY, OHIO: The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1909, Vol. II, p 69).
In 1910, he was living with his older brother, Harry at a boarding house in Cleveland.
At the time of the 1920 census, he was married and living in Boston, Mass.
46 Park Vale Avenue #146-601 Strong, Clarence A Head Rent 37 M Ohio Ohio England/English Salesman Lamps Strong, Rose L Wife 40 M 1890 1896 Switzerland/French Germany/German Switzerland/French Strong, Nadine R Dau 13 S Ohio Ohio Switzerland/French
Clarence may not be the father of 13 year old Nadine, as he was listed as being single on the 1910 census & was living with his brother. Nadine may instead be his stepdaughter. It is not currently known what happened to Rose and Nadine after Clarence died.
Name: Strong, Clarence A. Date: June 3, 1923 Source: Source unknown; Cleveland Necrology File, Reel #078. Notes: Strong-Clarence A. Suddenly in Roston (sic), June 3, Clarence A. Strong of Boston, Masc., age 41 years. Funeral services at Boston Monday, June 4, and burial at Warren, O., Wednesday, June 6.
Apparently, Claude moved to Colorado, leaving his wife and children in Oklahoma, sometime in the 1930's, and lived there until his 1942 death. His exact whereabouts during this time period were unknown. His son Ralph, of Clinton, Oklahoma stated to Charles Strong (of Edinburg, Texas) that he saw Claude for a moment, he thinks in Anadarko, Oklahoma while he was driving an ambulance for the Civilian Conservation Corps.
This appears as if it could be Claude's listing at the time of the 1930 census, despite the slight discrepency in the way his name was listed. He was shown as a veteran of World War I, which Charles Strong of Edinburg, Texas does not remember. This may or may not be the correct person, and/or the correct veteran information.
Colorado, Mesa County, Grand Junction, District 15
STRONG, C. Luther E. Lodger M W 36 S Texas Texas Missouri Manager Movie Theatre Veteran WW
His wife and children were not located in the 1930 census index, but presumably were still in Oklahoma.
Claude E. Strong, Greystone rancher, died at the Solandt hospital in Hayden, March 18, following a serious illness of about two months.
He was admitted to the hospital January 23. A ruptured stomach, combined with other ailments was given as the cause of death.
Mr. Strong had been a resident of Greystone for the past two years.
He was born October 30, 1891, in Collin county, Texas. He was raised in Oklahoma and lived there until he came to Moffat County to make his home with two of his brothers.
He was married November 20, 1915, in Bureau (sic) County, Oklahoma, but had been separated from his wife for some time.
He is survived by two daughters, Dorothy Powell, of Carter, Okla., and Ruby Smith, of Albuquerque, N. M.; two sons, Walter of Willa, Okla., and Ralph of Clinton, Okla.; two grandsons and one grand daughter; six brothers, Augustus and Rolla J. of Greystone, B. R. of Chickasha, Okla., W. W. of Lawton, Okla., E. E., who resides in California, and E. R. who lives in the state of Washington.
Funeral services were held at the Baptist church here, Sunday afternoon at 1:30 with the Rev. Roy Walker in charge of the service.
Interment was in Fairview Cemetery under direction of I. J. Robacker.
From Craig (Moffat County) Colorado Empire Courier, Vol. 52. #1 Page 1, March 25, 1942
NOTES by Charles Richard Strong, a Grand Nephew of Claude. This information obtained in July 2000 in Craig, Colorado.
Through a library search in Craig, it was discovered that uncle Claude was buried in the old Fairview section of the town cemetery. Records show he was placed in section F (Fairview) lot 53. It was the South half of that lot. There is no head stone or marker of any kind.
The local Funeral home helped me find this section. The North half contains the remains of Emma and John Easley. Claude is east of a Morris Family plot and next to the West Road.
Peggy Patty Baker of Yukon, Oklahoma (Grand Daughter of Augustus Homer Strong) was in Craig and the ranch when she was a young lady. She said the "busted gut" was probably peritonitis. The ranch is at least 60 miles over rough mountain roads to Craig.
Claude spent from January 23 to March 18th (54 days) in the Hospital. This long stay may have caused Rolla to sell part of his ranch to pay for hospital and burial of Claude. In July 1942, he sold about 70.65 acres of land out of the original 635.65 acres. Note that in April 1948, Rolla Changed the title to ranch to himself and Gus as joint tenancy and survivorship. Rolla and Gus sold the ranch of 560 acres to a R. F. Brown on May 10, 1956.
1920 Census
Oklahoma, Grady County, Chickasha
Enumerated 26 Jan 1920
SD 64 ED 167-168 Sheet 8B
219 North 10th Street
Strong, C.E. Head M W 28 Tx Tx Tx Section Hand Railway
Strong, Della Wife F W 21 M Missouri TN Missouri
Strong, Ralph Son M W 2 8/12 Ok Tx Missouri
Strong, Ruby Dau F W 7/12 Ok Tx Missouri
1011 Penn. Avenue
Strong, A.H. Head M W 41 M Tx Tx Tx Boiler Maker Railroad S
Strong, Mary Wife F w 32 M Mississippi Alabama Mississippi
Strong, Agnes Dau F w 12 S Ok Tx Miss
1900 Census
Wisconsin, Milwaukee County, Town of Greenfield
Enumerated 9 Jun 1900
SD 4 ED 5 Sheet 7A
Myron and Mary Strong Family
Strong, Coley Head W M Sept 1850 50 D Wisc NY NY Farmer
Strong, Emily P Dtr W F Feb 1876 24 S Mich Wisc Canada Eng
Strong, William A Son W M Jun 1879 20 S Mich Wisc Canada Eng Laborer
McCreery, Rex I Nephew W M Jan 1881 19 S Mich Oh Wisc ??? Writer
Baldwin, W Orla Boarder W F Jan 1890 10 S Mich Canada E Canade E In School
Bowers, Belle L Boarder W F Oct 1874 25 S Wisc NY Wisc Seamtress
(Research):A biography of Hezekiah Strong indicated that their were five (5) children in the "parental family," whereas Benjamin Dwight lists only four sons. It appears the fifth child was daughter Cordelia, listed as a descendant by Robert Strong, the historian of the Strong Family Association of America.
1870 CENSUS Ohio, Portage, Atwater
STRONG, David age 41 Running saw mill Ohio
STRONG, Sarah age 38 Keeping house Ohio
STRONG, Henry age 12 Ohio
STRONG, Carrie age 11 Ohio
STRONG, Jessie age 9 Ohio
STRONG, Emma age 3 Ohio
1880 CENSUS Ohio, Cuyahoga, Cleveland
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Sarah STRONG Self W Female W 48 OH CT CT
Henry STRONG Son S Male W 23 OH R. R. Clerk OH OH
Caroline STRONG Dau S Female W 21 OH OH OH
Jessie STRONG Dau S Female W 19 OH OH OH
Emma STRONG Dau S Female W 13 OH At School OH OH
John STRONG Son S Male W 8 OH OH OH
1900 CENSUS Ohio, Cuyahoga, Cleveland, Dist 101
975 South Logan Avenue
MILLER, Carrie Head Apr 1859 Wd 1/1 Oh Oh Oh Dressmaker
MILLER, Franklin son Feb 1890 Single Oh Oh Oh At school
STRONG, Sarah Mother June 1832 Wd 5/5 Oh Ct Ct
STRONG, Jessie Sister Jan 1861Single Oh Oh Oh Saleswoman, notions
STRONG, John Brother Feb 1872 Single Oh Oh Oh Clerk
He was married three times, to Thankful LOOMIS, Abigail PHELPS, and Zilpah DAVIS. His children were all by his first marriage. He was a farmer at Bolton, Ct., and for 65 years deacon inthe Congregational Church. He removed from Windsor to Bolton about 1730--living some three miles from the centre of the town on the road to Buckingham. (Dwight, pp 39, 40).
This was the ancestor of one of the participants in the Strong DNA Study with whom Thomas Anthony Strong of San Antonio, Texas had a high resolutions DNA match on the 25 Marker Test.
Deacon David Strong dob 5 Dec 1704, Windsor, CT? dod 25 Jan 1801, Bolton, CT
Ebenezer Strong (Dwight Ref. #447-8) dob 01May1750, Bolton, CT? dod 03Nov1824, Bolton, CT?
Daniel Strong dob 18Nov1786 Bolton, CT? dod 01Mar1870 Bolton, CT?
Nathan Morgan Strong dob 24Mar1829 Bolton, CT dod 02May1911,Vernon, CT
Norman Hollister Strong dob 26Apr1857, Glastonbury, CT dod 29Dec1911, Vernon CT
Carol Strong Nelson (NELSONCRLS@aol.com) emailed that : "My Dad is Norman Randall Strong, 86, the participant in the test (kit #6811). I am the one who encouraged him to take the test, and I guess, the family genealogist.
It appears that your line did alot of moving westward, while mine stayed put! The house here in Vernon was built by my gggrandfather, Nathan Morgan Strong in 1878. He wanted to move to Ohio after living in about twelve other homes here in town. His wife, Abbie Louise Hollister, refused to move again, and thus the homestead and farm was built. She called the shots having inherited a modest sum from her father, a Glastonbury, CT native."
"a farmer in Bristolville, O., m. Betsey KAGY." (Dwight, p 194).
There was not a David Strong listed as paying personal property taxes in Trumbull from 1822-1834. A William STRONG was on this list, beginning in 1829, but his relationship to David is not known.
William, born ca 1790 in Massachussetts, is listed on the 1850 Trumbull County census. He is married to a Polly, born ca 1905 in Ohio, and they are the parents of Eliza (20), Electa (18), James (16), Tyrza Ann (8), Allen (7), and Milo (4), all born in Ohio.
David B. Strong registered a Cattle Marking June 25, 1841: Crop of right ear and hole in same.
On an 1841 plat of Bristol, David Strong's land was adjacent to land owned by the KAGY, ECKSTINE, and MAYHEW families. He appears to have owned the same plat of land from 1841 through 1890. On the 1900 plat of Bristol, it appears that this land had been transferred to Austin E. ULRICH.
Jan 1, 1846, indenture of apprenticeship between John REEL, David B. STRONG and Leah CLAY, age 9. John REEL, guardian of Leah CLAY, does bind Leah CLAY unto David B. STRONG until she reaches the age of 18, to learn the trade of housekeeping. Upon expiration of apprenticeship, David will provide Leah CLAY with a new bible, at least two suits of common wearing apparel, one cow, one bed, and one spinning wheel. (Historical Collections of Bristol Township, Bristolville, Ohio Thomas J. Kachur 1989, p. 72, xerox copies provided by the Trumbull County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society).
David's first wife, Betsy, died on June 15, 1851
David Strong married Leanora A. Sherman one month after Betsy died, on July 15, 1851 in Ashtabula County. The fact that he had four small motherless children at home was likely the reason for the brief courtship.
By the time of the 1870 census, David's three oldest boys had moved away from home. Daughter Ella had died. Ralph, who would have only been around 12 years old, was working on the farm of his Uncle Hezekiah B. Strong in Nebraska, and since 11 year old Charles had not been listed on the 1860 census, he most likely was only age 9 or 10.
David and Leanora were divorced after the 1870 census, but remarried prior to the census of 1880.
David and Leanora died within weeks of each other in early 1894, as can be seen from the brief obituary below from the "Historical Collections of Bristol Township, Bristolville, Ohio" by Thomas J. Kachur, 1989, p. 209, xerox copies provided by the Trumbull County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society:
STRONG, David B., m. Mrs. Leanora A. (Sherman) STRONG Mar 16, 1876. Leanora was the step-mother of H.A. Strong of Warren. David d. Mar. 30, 1894, and she d. Apr 8, 1894.
David Strong, an old pioneer of Bristol, died at his home, Friday, March 30. Funeral services were held Sunday. The relatives of the deceased desire, through the columns of the DEMOCRAT to extend their earnest thanks to the friends and neighbors who so kindly leant their assistance during Mr. Strong's sickness and death. The choir has their special gratitude for their part rendered in the funeral service. (Courtesy of William Billig).
The Strong Estates were probated in Trumbull County, Ohio (Estates no. 1060 and 1065).
David's personal goods and chattel were appraised on April 17, 1894, and determined to be worth $96.20. His estate consisted of 1 Bay Mare, 1 Bay Colt, 1 Buggy, 1 Cow, 18 Chickens, Wood, 1 old sleigh and wagon, 1 set of old bobbs, contents of blacksmith shop, a tool chest with tools, household furniture and potatoes. When these items were sold, $127.06 was raised. $59 was used to pay A.E. Miner for David's Casket and Burial Robe, with the balance being used to pay debts incurred in settling the estate.
Rhodene Frederick also found a reference to the probate proceedings in 1892 in nearby Geauga County for a David B. Strong. Copies of these records indicate this was another David B. Strong, a resident of Huntsburgh Township, and husband of Dorcas Strong. Their children were listed as Mrs. Mary E. Johnson and Ms.? S. Johnson.
(David was a farmer, with $800 in property)
District 143?, Bristol Township
Enumerated on 22 August 1850
Strong, David B age: 31 born: NY
Strong, Betsy Ann age 31 born: VA
Strong, John A age 8 born: Trumbull Co, OH Attended School
Strong, George age 6 born: Trumbull Co, OH Attended School
Strong, Henry age 4 born: Trumbull Co, OH Attended School
Strong, Hannah age 2 born: Trumbull Co, OH
Trumbull County Bristol Township
Enumerated on 24 August 1860
Strong, David age 40 M Farmer born in NY
Strong, Leonora age 28 F born in Ohio
Strong, John age 18 M Printers Apprentice born Ohio
Strong, George age 16 M born Ohio Attended School Strong, H
enry age 14 M born Ohio Attended School
Strong, Francis age 7 M born Ohio Attended Schol
Strong, Ella age 4 F born Ohio
Strong, Ralph age 2 M born Ohio
Strong, Mary age 12 F born Ohio Attended School (Shown as Hannah on the 1850 census)
Trumbull County
Film Roll #1271 Page #45:
Bristol Township,
Enumerated 4 August 1870
STRONG David B 52 m NY Farmer
(RP $2800, PP $825)
STRONG Leanora A 40 f OH Keeping House
STRONG Frank A 17 m OH At Store?
STRONG Charles A 11 m OH At School
STRONG Fred A 9 m OH At School
STRONG Alice M 5 f OH At School
Trumbull County
Daniel (sic) B. STRONG Self M Male W 66 NY Farmer CT CT
Lenora STRONG Wife M Female W 48 OH MA MA
Allie M. STRONG Dau S Female W 15 OH NY OH
Source Information:
Census Place Bristol, Trumbull, Ohio
Family History Library Film 1255070
NA Film Number T9-1070
Page Number 38B
Trumbull County, Ohio Directory, 1889-90
D. B. Strong
Bristolville Bristol OH
Obituary, copied from her FindAGrave memorial page created by J&G Sanders:
Dorothy was born in Brinkman, Oklahoma. She grew up in the Granite and Carter area. She married William Donald Powell who preceded her in death in 1960. She later married Luther Hickman in Gainesville, Texas on June 12, 1962. He preceded her in death December 30, 2005. She moved to Sulphur in 1971 and worked for B. L. Owens Furniture. She was a member of the Abundant Life Church.
She was preceded in death by her parents Jess [stepfather] & Della Wall, 2 brothers and 1 sister, 3 step-sisters.
Survivors: Sons: Donald Powell of Sulphur, Richard Lee Powell of Abilene, Texas 3 Grandchildren and 3 Great Grandchildren.
Memorial Services: Tuesday March 13 at 1:00 PM at the Abundant Life Church.
Per the 1900 Texas Census, his middle initial was J, and he was born in Texas. However, according to his descendants, his middle name was Everett. They also list his place of birth as Indian Territory. At the time of the 1910 Federal Census, twelve year-old Earl was living in Comanche County, Oklahoma, and enumerated with Levi and Sarah Hoskins as a foster child. His father, Ralph, was living in New Mexico at the time, with his new wife and his younger brother Ernest. One of Earl's daughters told Charles Strong that Earl disliked his new stepmother, whom he called "the old lady" and ran away from New Mexico. The relationship, if any, between the Strong family and Levi Hoskins is unknown.
At the time of the 1930 Census, Earl and his wife, along with their five children, were living in Chandler, Grady County, Oklahoma. Living with them, as well, was his niece, Agnes Strong, and her four month old daughter, Peggy Lynn.
California Death Index:
His death certificate listed him as the son of Ralph Strong and Ellie Hall. It was shown, in error, that they were from Illinois. It was also stated that for the prior 50 years he had been self-employed in the Agriculture business. His address was shown as 2125 South Prospect, Porterville, California. The informant was Velma Powell, his daughter, and she was shown as having the same address.
1930 Census
Oklahoma, Grady County, Chandler
Strong, Earl D. Head R 10 M W ww M 23 Ok Oh Tx Laborer Dair
Strong, Willie J Wife H F w 29 M 19 Tx Ms Ill. None Strong, Joel F Son M w 10 S Ok Ok Tx
Strong, Lee E Son M W 8 S Ok Ok Tx
Strong, Zelma Daug F W 7 S Ok Ok Tx
Strong, Roland Son M W 4 S Ok Ok Tx
Strong, Velma Dau F W 1 3/12 Ok Ok TX
Strong, Agnes I Niece F w 22 D 21 Ok Tx Ms Waitress Hotel
Strong, Peggy L Grandniece F W 4/12 S Ok Ok Ok
Strong Family Association of America Homepage (http://www.geocities.com/sfaapage)
They are the second great-grandparents of Gov. Caleb STRONG (1744-1819), who was one of the first senators from the state of Massachusetts, as well as being elected Governor of this state in 1800
They are the fourth great-grandparents of Sarah DELANO, the mother of Franklin Delano ROOSEVELT (1882-1945), the 32nd President of the United States
A 13 year old Edwin Strong was living in the home of Stephen and Laurie HARKNESS, of Lyme Township, Huron County, Ohio in 1850. If Rebecca died in 1835, he may have been too young to have been her son.
At the 1850 Federal Census, a 12 year old Edwin and 10 year old Ellen Strong were also living in Lyme Township, Huron County, Ohio. They were listed with Loran and Olive BUGBEE, ages 40 and 33, respectively, both born in New York. Edwin and Ellen were both born in Ohio. As Edwin's mother was said to have died in 1835, and the 12 year old Edwin on the census would have been born in 1838, it appears they are different individuals.
A farmer in Coventry and Sharon, Ct., and finally in Ashland, Greene County, New York (1785-1805), where he owned a large tract of land. He was killed by the kick of a horse.