He married Elizabeth Wilkins of Franklin County, GA and settled in Hall County, GA, where he was killed on the highway by a traveler in a dispute about a dog--leaving sons Clement and Isaac and an unknown daughter.
Henry married Anna Lenoir of Gwinnett County, and they had 10 girls and 3 boys. See Chapter 38 of Pioneer History of Forsyth County, Georgia, 1981, for details on this family.
His Texas Death Certificate, viewable online at FamilySrarch.org, Texas Deaths 1890-1975, shows that he was a Laborer at a Saw Mill, and married. The informant was Mrs. E.M. Farrell.
32/35 Strickland, Henry S. Head M W 44 M TX TX TX Sawmill Worker
Sally T Wife F
Bertie Dau F W 15 S TX LA LA
Nellie P Dau F W 4 3/12 S TX TX LA
1930 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 1
Enumerated April 28, 1930
ED 202-3 SD 19 Sheet 6A Stamped 28
Strickland, Henry S Head M W 52 M 24 Tx La Ms Log Cutting Lumber Mill
Strickland, Sallie Wf F W 44 M 16 La La Ms
Strickland, Nellie Dtr F W 14 S Tx Tx La
Billington, Lacrecia Mother-in-law F W 72 Wd 18 La Tx La
His actual Texas Death Certificate can be viewed online at FamilySearch.org, Texas Deaths, 1890-1976. His cause of death was listed as "Accidental death by truck, inquest held" and the informant was his father, D. Strickland. His parents were listed as D. Strickland and Zilph Lott, and his usual occupation was that of a painter. At the time of his death he was a resident of Bessmay in Jasper County, Texas. He was buried in San Augustine.
Of Nash, Chowan, Edgecombe and Halifax Counties, North Carolina.
Edgecombe County Deed Book C, page 180:
Jacob STRICKLIN of Edgecombe Co., "planter," to Benjamin BRASWELL of Edgecombe Co., "planter." Dated 17 Feb. 1764. 210 acres on the north bank of Town Creek adj. Moses BAKER. Wit: Simon BRASWELL, John STINSON, James BRASWELL.
Edgecombe County Deed Book C, page 277:
Earl GRANVILLE to Jacob STRICKLAND of Edgecombe Co., Dated 1 May 1762. 480 acres in a fork of Turkey Creek. Wit: Wm. Gibson, Jno. Linton.
Edgecombe County Deed Book C, page 278:
Earl GRANVILLE to Jacob STRICKLAND of Edgecombe Co. Dated 15 Oct. 1761. 530 acres adj. William STRICKLAND and Richard BAILEY on the south side of Tar River and Samuel CARTER and Thomas WOODARD on the north side of the river. Wit: Samuel SWANN, Jno. LINTON.
Edgecombe County Deed Book D, page 134:
William STRICKLAND of Edgecombe Co., to his brother, Jacob STRICKLAND. Dated 20 Feb. 1768. One acre of land on the north side of Tar River...being the land had of Edward MOORE for leave to build a public grist mill; also, one-half interest in the mill. Witness: Edward MOORE, Solomon CARTER
(The four deeds above are from STRICKLAND SCENE, Winter 1980, Vol. 1, No. 1, p8).
Edgecombe County Deed Book D, page 171:
Jacob STRICKLAND of Edgecombe Co., to Mark STRICKLAND. Dated 25 Nov. 1769; 280 acre plantation whereon said Mark then dwelled. Wit: Edward MOORE, Solomon POPE, John TAYLOR.
Edgecombe County Deed Book D, page 17:
Jacob STRICKLAND of Edgecombe Co., to Henry STRICKLAND. Dated 28 Nov. 1769; the 530 acre plantation wheron said Henry then dwelled, lying on both sides of Tar River...being a Granville grant to said Jacob STRICKLAND which was dated 15. Oct 1761. Wit: Edward MOORE, Haray STRICKLAND, John TAYLOR.
(The two deeds above are from STRICKLAND SCENE, Spring 1980, Vol. 1, No. 2, p 27).
There were also two deeds in the Edgecombe County Deed Book D, dated ca 1770, of William Strickland. Both deeds were for land that was adjacent to Jacob Strickland. (Strickland Scene, Spring 1980, Vol 1, No 2, p 27).
WILL: dated 18 day of August, 1788 and recorded May, 1790 Nash Co., NC. In the Name of God Amen, I Jacob STRICKLAND of the county of Nash and State of North Carolina, being of perfect mind and memory blessed be God for it, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following first I recommend my soul to the hands of God that gave it and my body I commit to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named and as for what estate I have it hath pleased God to bless me with I give as followeth:
Item: I give and bequeath to my sun Elisha STRICKLAND all my wearing cloes after my death. I give also to his son Isak Strickland my negro boy called Quan? to him and his heirs for ever after my death.
Item: I give and bequeath sun Jacob STRICKLAND five shillings lawful money. I give also to his son Jacob STRICKLAND a negro man called Robin to him and his heirs forever after my death.
Item: I give and bequeath to my sun Matthew STRICKLAND five shillings lawful money. I give to his daughter Mary STRICKLAND a negro girl named Patt her and her increase to her and her heirs for ever after my death.
Item: I give to sun MARKE Strickland five shillings I also give to his sun Ishmael STRICKLAND a negro man called Harry to him and his heirs forever after my death.
Item: I give and bequeath to my sun Hardy STRICKLAND the plantation and all my land containing 362 acres to him and his heirs forever after my death.
Item: I give and bequeath to my grand sun Theopolus STRICKLAND one negro man named Prince that he hath in possession now.
Item: I give and bequeath to my sun Henry STRICKLAND five shillings after my death and also give to his sun Carrolus STRICKLAND one negro boy called Pompe to him and his heirs forever after my death.
Item: I give and bequeath to my grand daughter Cresy HICKMAN one negro girl called Jude she and her increase to her and her heirs forever after my death.
Item: I give and bequeath to my grand daughter Sarah HICKMAN one feather bed and furniture after my death.
Item: I give and bequeath to my sun Solomon STRICKLAND and my daughter Creesy HICKMAN all the remainder part of my estate unmentioned in the above legacies to be equally divided between them as they can agree after my death.
Item: I hereby nominate and appoint my sun Marke STRICKLAND fully and soly my executors to my last will and testament in manner also my will is that if it should happen that I should die when there was a crop on the ground that Marke STRICKLAND should have full power to devide with Hardy STRICKLAND as my self agreeable to our bargain which is half of everything that is made on the land. In witness whereof I do hereunto set my hand and assign this my last will and testament this 18 day of August, 1788.
Signed, sealed, published, pronounced his
by said Strickland to be his last Jacob X STRICKLAND (Seal) will and testament in presents of us mark
his mark Christopher X TAYLOR
his mark William X Byrd (or Burden)
his mark Nash County May Term 1790
The within will was in open court duly proven in open court by the oath of Edward Nicholson and subscribing witness thereto and on motion ordered to be recorded.
Attest. Wm Hall, C.C
And is registered in obedience to the above order.
Attest. Wm Hall, C.C.
Mariana Matkin wrote that "Of Jacob's children, Jacob Jr, Hardy, Solomon and Lucretia moved to Georgia. In the book, GONE TO GEORGIA, there is a many page run-down of the Strickland family. Solomon and brother Jacob, Jr. were both Revolutionary soldiers. The booklet THE STRICKLAND FAMILY OF GEORGIA GENEALOGY by Fitzhugh and Lee (1939) gives dates of births, deaths, marriages, etc."
Said to have been first been married to a Miss Wilson.
Marianna Matkin of Mt. Pleasant writes: "Solomon Strickland's brother was Jacob Strickland, Jr. Solomon's son Hardy Strickland, Sr. married Jacob Strickland Jr.'s daughter, Pricilla Ann Strickland--first cousins marrying. Jacob Strickland Jr. born 1783 in North Carolina married 1765 in Guilford County Priscilla Taylor (some say Young) and in 1769 he filed for land in Guilford County, N.C. were he was living in 1790. I have a copy of the land grant. He moved to Wilkes County, GA and settled there with his brothers. This Jacob died in Franklin County, GA and his will April 4/October 1804 (I have a copy of this) listed his children: Faith b 12 Aug 1767 married ??? Meyers; Tamar b 13 Oct 1768 m William Gilbert; Isaac b 11 July 1769 d 1851 m 1799 Mary Hargroves; Jacob b 6 May 1772 m Mary Sanders and it is believed 2nd Clarissa Sanders; Mary b 17 Oct 1773 m John Gilbert, a Revolutionary Soldier and after his death Mary married James Allen of Habersham; John and William Gilbert were brothers..marrying sisters was done quite often in those days...travel was by horse or buggy and you didn't meet many eligible ladies. Hardy b 16 Jan 1775 m Susan Pryon; Priscilla m her cousin "Devil" Hardy Strickland and lived in Madison County; Selah or Celia b 11 July 1779 m Robert Young; Henry b 24 December 1781 m Elizabeth Wilkens; Wilson b 14 Jan 1783 m Polly Connelly; Elizabeth b 6 Nov 1785 m John Eubanks; Nancy b 22 Dec 1787 m James Royal or Ryley; Sarah m Berry Vaughan.
Jacob Strickland, Jr - Notes:
It appears that this marriage is based on a preponderance of evidence only. There is a Christopher Taylor that signed as one of the Witnesses to Jacob Strickland, Sr. Will.
On 5/28/2000 Jane Strickland Shelton < UGA1mom @aol.com writes to Strickland List "The Priscilla Taylor Young name for wife of Jacob, Jr. has been going around for years. Arthur Taylor's Will leaves daughters with a Jacob Strickland to take care of. But it does not say Priscilla Strickland or indicate that she was married to a Jacob. The Taylors and the Stricklands lived near each other not only in NC but also in Isle Of Wight, VA. It is reasonable that she may have married Jacob, but I just would like to find a more definitive record. It may be impossible. Bruce Howard, genealogist and Pace descendent thinks Jacob may have married a Pace. I need to do some more research to come to decide if I could agree with that.
WILL: In the name of God Amen. I Jacob Strickland of State of Georgia & Franklin County Planter being weak in Body but of perfect mind & memory thanks be given unto God, calling unto mind the mortality of my Body & knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die do make & ordain this my last Will & Testament that is to Say Principally & first of all, I give and recommend my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God that Gave it and my Body I recommend to the Earth to be buryed in decent Christian Burial, at the discretion of my executors. Nothing doubting but at the General resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God & as touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to Bless me in this Life, I give & dispose of the same in the following manner & form.
First I give and Bequeath to PRISSILLA [sic] MY dearly beloved WIFE the Plantation whereon I lived at my decease with a Negro Fellow named Jeffery & a Winch named Rachel & all my Household Furniture & Plantation Tools during her Life & after her Decease the above all to be sold & an Equal division to be made among my Children, also I give to my well beloved DAUGHTER FAITHEE the sum of one Dollar & to HER TWO DAUGHTERS PRISILLA [sic] & ELIZABETH MYERS the sum of two hundred Dollars each, Next TAMIE [sic] MY SECOND CHILD the sum of one Dollar next ISAAC the sum of one Dollar next JACOB the sum of one Dollar next PRISILLA [sic] the sum of one Dollar next MARY the sum of one Dollar, next HARDIE [sic] the sum of one Dollar, next SELAH the sum of one Dollar next ELIZABETH I bequeath unto her a Negro Girl named Mary & one named Rebekah also four Cows & Calfs & a Feather Bed, next HENRY, I Bequeath unto him a Negro boy named Joe and a Girl named Margaret also Fours & Calfs, Sixteen Head of Cattle & 340 Dollars cash amounting to 500 Dollars to purchase land with. Next WILSON the sum of one dollar & the Bounty of land he at present lives on, also a Negro named Emanuel & a Girl named Milly, next NANCY I bequeath unto her One Negro Girl named Dinah & a boy named Robin also Four Cows & Calfs & a Feather Bed, next SARAH I bequeath unto her a Negro Boy named Abram also four Cows & Calfs & a Feather Bed, So concluds & ordaining. John Gilbert & Hardee [sic] Strickland sole Executors of this my last Will & Testament I do hereby utterly disallow revoke & disannull all & every former Testaments Wills Legaree Bequests Executors __ __[can't read] in any wise before made - & Bequesth ratifing & Confirming this & no other to be my last Will & Testament in witness whereof I have bare into set my Hand & Seal this Fourth Day of April 1804. NB [sic] having emitted Isaac Gilbert my beloved Grandson I hereby Bequeath unto him the sum of three hundred dollars to be laid out in the purchase of a Negro. Signed Sealed & delivered in the presence of us Test. Jab [sic] Goodlett
his John Hodge Jacob X Strickland
mark [Compiler - Kathlynn keyed spelling and punctuation errors exactly as found on a copy, except she capitalized names]
The will is abstracted in STRICKLAND SCENE Vol. 1 No. 1 Winter 1980, p 5.
The book BLOOD KIN Pioneer Chronicles of Upper Georgia Centered in Forsyth County, which was compiled, written and edited by Don L. Shadburn has a chapter concerning the Hardy Strickland family. Page 390 refers to a "Strickland Tree" prepared in October 1893 by one of the Stricklands in Gwinnett County and gives some details on the family of Jacob and Priscilla Strickland.
Married a widow Sanders, Frances (sic) nee Jones, and settled in Madison County, Georgia where he died leaving three sons: Hardy (Chattahoochee Hard), Jacob, and Talbot. Shadburn, Don BLOOD KIN PIONEER CHRONICLES OF UPPER GEORGIA CENTERED IN FORTSYTH COUNTY (1999).
Elbert County Georgia Will Book V2 "1803-1806" page 15
JACOB STRICKLAND S. 1/11/1804 Pr. 6/12/1804
wife: Elizabeth children: "all my lawful born heirs" (not named) exec: "my loving wife, Elizabeth Strickland": William SANDERS; Isaac Strickland
wit: Jacob McELRO; H. Strickland
(Note: Jacob Strickland m. Elizabeth Jones Sanders, widow of Hardy Sanders, on Feb 22, 1798, in Oglethorpe Co., GA.)
Franklin County Ordinary's Minutes 1824-1849, page 68a:
Jacob Strickland S. 11/5/1841 Pr. 1/1842
wife: Clarissa Sons: Isaac, Matthew Talbot; Jacob Sanders; Jesse White daughters: Mary Mahulda; Eliza Caroline; Sarah Jane exec-brother: Hardy Strickland slaves: Tom; Thornton; Marriah; Louisa; Henson; Hiram; Alfred; Jiny; Winney; Martha; Mary; Shambo; Isam; Fanny and her youngest child Missourie wit: Charles Strickland; Hardy Strickland Jr.; William C. Jolly
Mentions: "For the support of my wife, Clarissa, and her two children, and such others of my childre as shall remain with her, I leave in the hands of my executors the following...."
After Jacob's death, Clarissa married Walton Harris, and attorney in Franklin Co, GA in 1845. This Jacob Strickland is BELIEVED to be the son of Jacob and Elizabeth STRICKLAND of Elbert County, Georgia.
1850 Census
Louisiana, St. Helena Parish, Eastern District
Enumerated 7 Sept 1850
Stamped 198
J. B. Strickland 25 M Farmer 5000 La
Martha Strickland 25 F Miss
Cade D Strickland 5 M La
James Strickland 5 M La
Henry Strickland 2 M La
1900 Census
Texas, Sabine County, Pr. 1
Enumerated 14 Jun 1900
SD 8 ED 68 Sheet 5B
Strickland, Jas. Head W M Mar 1868 31 M 1Tx La Miss Farmer
Strickland, Mollie Wife W F Aug 1879 20 M 1 1/1 La La Tex
Strickland, Ara Dau W F 9/12 Aug 1899 S Tx Tx La
Carter, Albert Br-in-law W M 20 Aug 1879 S La La Tx
Carter, Margaret Si-in-law W F July 1899 10 S La La Tx
1910 Census Sabine Co., Texas,
Copied by Mrs. Blanche Toole,
PCT. 1 Hemphill, W. D. McGown, May 9, 1910 -
Strickland, James D., Head MW 42 M1(1st marriage) 11 (years) Farmer Tx (born), La (Father born), Ms.(Mother born)
Strickland, Mary E. Wife FW 27 M1 (1st marriage) 11 (yrs) 6 (children) 6 (children living) La, La, Tx Strickland, Aary B. Dau FW 10 Tx, Tx, La.
Strickland, Mary E. Dau FW 9 Tx, Tx, La.
Strickland, Nay C. Son MW 8 Tx, Tx, La.
Strickland, Willie M. Dau FW 4 Tx, Tx, La.
Strickland, James H. E. Son MW 3 Tx, Tx, La.
Strickland, Edith M. Dau FW 1 6/12 Tx, Tx, La.
Strickland, William F. Father MW 69 M1 48 Farmer La, NC Ms
Strickland, Nancy E. Mother FW 65 M1 48/11/8 Ms, Ms, Ms.
1920 Census
not located
1930 Census
Texas, Sabine County, Justice Precinct 1
Enumerated April 29, 1930 by William H. Davidson
SD 202-3, ED 19th Sheet 9B
Strickland, James D Hd M W 64 M39 Tx La Miss Farmer
Strickland, Mary E. Wife F W 47 M22 La La Tx
Strickland, Lura M Dtr F W 19 S Tx Tx La Laborer Farm
Strickland, Addie Dtr F W 15 S Tx Tx La Laborer Farm
Strickland, Almer B Dtr F W 14 S Tx Tx La Laborer Farm
Strickland, Jimmie L Dtr F W 12 S Tx Tx La
Strickland, Redmon I Son M W 9 S Tx Tx La
ASSUMED this is James H. E(dward) Strickland, and that he was called Ed. I made this assumption because Carl Evan's research shows that Ney Carter and his only brother Ed married two sisters, Nora Humble and Elizabeth Humble.
James H.E. and Ney Carter appear to be the only two sons in the family, therefore it seems that James must have been called Ed, unless Carl Evan's research was incorrect.
Name: James K. Strickland
Death Date: 07 Jun 1955
Death Place: Dodge, Walker, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: White
Death Age: 77 years 5 months 27 days
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 17 Dec 1878
Birthplace: Texas
Marital Status: Divorced
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: John Strickland
Father's Birthplace: Texas
Mother's Name: Bettie Cannon
Mother's Birthplace: Texas
Place of Residence: Dodge, Walker, Texas
Cemetery: Center Hill Cemetery
Burial Place: Dodge, Texas
Burial Date: 08 Jun 1955
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2114441
Digital Film Number: 4165520
Image Number: 1472
Reference Number: cn31302
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
1900 Census
Alabama, Franklin County, Pleasant Site Beat No. 4
Enumerated 19 Jun 1900
SD 6 ED 21 Sheet 9A
Strickland, James R Haed W M Nov 1869 30 m 8 Ala Lal Ala Farmer
Strickland, Mattie M Wf W F Nov 1876 23 m 8 5/2 Ala Ala Ala
Strickland, James R Son W M Jly 1894 5 S Ala Ala Ala
Strickland, Samuel A W M Feb 1896 4 S Ala Ala Ala
From the JERUSALEM CHURCH CHURCH BOOK, Mississippi Territory of Amite, 29 Feb 1812
This church was located near the present town of Gillsburg. Organized 29 Feb 1812, when Mississippi was Indian Territory. The transcription is courtesy of Mrs. Alva McEwen, McComb, Mississippi.
June 1837: Received by experience: James, Cade, Theodosia Strickland Aug 1837: Cade Strickland, moderator (Note: due to ages, this appears to be James's brother and not son) Aug 1838: Cade Strickland, deacon, treasurer May 1839: Letters of dismission given to Cade & James Strickland
Jimmy Hugh Strickland, age 66, died in his home Friday, Feb. 17, 2006 in Pt. Neches. Jimmy Strickland was born on Dec. 22, 1939 in Sabine County, Texas. He has lived in Pt. Neches since 1962 and was owner-operator of S & W Iron Works in Nederland, Texas. He is survived by: one son, Jim Strickland of Pineland, TX; two brothers, Carter of Strickland, Jr., and Ted Strickland both of Hemphill, TX; three sisters, Frances Ferguson of Hemphill, TX, Helen Murray of LaPorte, TX, and Irene McDaniel of Houston, TX; two grandchildren, Justin and Robin Duck. Memorial services will be held at 10:00 a.m. in the Starr Funeral Home Chapel, 511 Starr St. Hemphill, TX on Friday, Feb. 24, 2006. Starr Funeral Home Hemphill, TX 75948 (409) 787-3331
From Anne S. Wise (mwise@prodigy.net), per her research of deeds of Madison County, Georgia:
28 Oct 1813 Madison Co, GA
...Know ye that the said Barsheba Strickland for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which I bear unto my beloved child Milledge Gilbert Strickland and for *** other good causes have given and granted unto Milledge Gilbert Strickland a certain negro boy called known by the name of Jack which boy was given me by my beloved father, Solomon Strickland....
Barsheba (X her mark) Strickland 28 oct 1813 Test: Allen Daniel, Charles Sorrels, Elisha Johnson
Rocky Strickland (rockyIII@aol.com) replied that according to his undocumented information, Barsheba Strickland had an illegitimate son John Millidge Strickland born 21 July 1811 in Butts County, GA and died 17 Oct 1895 in Carroll County, GA
Not listed on the 1860 Federal census in the household of his parents, Ansel B. Strickland and Mary "Polly" Braswell. However, even though the census appears to have been taked on July 5, 1860, and John Monroe was born in June 1860, the instructions for the 1860 census indicate that: "The name of every person whose usual place of abode on the 1st day of June, 1860, was in this family," insert the name of every free person in each family, of every age, including the names of those temporarily absent on a journey, visit, or for the purposes of education, as well as those that were at home on that day. The name of any member of a family who may have died since the 1st day of June is to be entered and the person described as if living, but THE NAME OF ANY PERSON BORN SINCE THE FIRST DAY OF JUNE IS TO BE OMITTED. The names are to be written beginning with the father and mother, or, if either or both be dead, begin with some other ostensible head of the family, to be followed, as far as practicable, with the name of the oldest child residing at home, then the next oldest, and so on to the youngest, then the other inmates, lodgers, and boarders, laborers, domestics, and servants."
He is listed, however, with his mother and older brothers on the 1870 Federal Census of Clarke County, Georgia.
1900 Census
Georgia, Walton County, Mountain District
Enumerated 26 Jun 1900
SD 8 ED 104 Sheet 16A Stamped 177
Strickland, John M Head W M Jun 1860 39 Wd Ga Ga Ga Farmer
Strickland, Franklin J. Son W M Dec 1888 11 S Ga Ga Ga Farm Laborer
Strickland, J?osie A Dtr W F Mch 1891 9 S Ga Ga Ga
Strickland, Grover C. W M Apr 1893 (sic) 7 S Ga Ga Ga
Hinesley, Eula StepDtr W F Oct 1883 16 S Ga Ga Ga Farm Laborer
Strickland, John Son W M Sept 1886 13 S Ga Ga Ga Farm Laborer
Of Northampton, North Carolina. Father of XXXX, father of Thomas; Exum; Rachel; Abigail; Olive. (Strickland-L-Rootsweb.com Email from Strick19@aol.com dated 8 Sept 2001)
Joseph Strickland married Frances Brown (maybe the daughter of Dr. Samuel Brown, but I haven't checked that out). (This Joseph is the son of Matthew, Jr. and Ann Bracewell).
Date that will was made in Nash County was March 4, 1779. Probated in April Court, 1781. (died between March 4, 1779 and April Court, 1781, probably in Nash Co, NC.)
Will in Nash Co NC Page 17 Mar 4, 1779 - April Court 1781. Sons: Jesse; David; Daughters: Patience; Mary; Elizabeth Gr Sons: Marmaduke Mason - 100 Acres whereon I live; Burwell Strickland Ex: Sons David Strickland and Ralph Mason (son-in-law). Wit. Dun. Lamon, Arch. Lamon, Mary Lamon
Inventory by Ralph Mason exr., May 5, 1781
Marmaduke Mason was grandson of Joseph Strickland (last will and testament 8/3/1797 of Burrell Strickland). (Nash County Will Book I, p. 17).
Jesse 1726 married a Radford David 1728 married Elizabeth Hunt Patience 1729 Elizabeth 1730 married Ralph Mason and had Marmaduke Mason and others Mary 1731 Joseph Jr married Mary (?)(not mentioned in will so this child is
ELIZABETH STRICKLAND, born in Nash Co. NC, married RALPH MASON, born about 1723 in Bertie Co., NC
Ralph and Elizabeth's children: William, James, Martha, Ranson, Isaac, Elizabeth, Obedience, Rebecca and Temperence and Marmaduke (?)
Her tombstone indicates she died at the age of 10. As she was shown as age 7 on the 1860 Federal census, it appears that she was born circa 1853 and died circa 1863.
He appears to be the son of George and Mary STRICKLAND of Williamson County, Texas. At the time of the 1900 census, they are shown as the parents of five children, the eldest being their son, Kerney A. STRICKLAND, born in July 1892. George STRICKLAND was born in Texas in July 1870, with his father born in S. Carolina and his mother born in Mississippi. Mary was born in Texas in August, 1873, with both her parents being Texans.
Name: Kerney Albert Strickland
Gender: Male
Baptism/Christening Date:
Baptism/Christening Place:
Birth Date: 30 Jul 1892
Birthplace: Florence, Williamson, Texas
Death Date:
Name Note:
Father's Name: George Albert Strickland
Father's Birthplace:
Father's Age:
Mother's Name: Mary Louisa Griggs
Mother's Birthplace:
Mother's Age:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C73103-2
System Origin: Texas-ODM
Source Film Number: 1578184
Reference Number:
Collection: Texas, Births and Christenings, 1840-1981
1930 Census
Nebraska, Arthur County, Thune Precinct
Enumerated April 3, 1930
ED 3-8 SD 4 Sheet 1B
Strickland, Kerney Head M W 37 M 32 Tx Tx Tx Labor Ranching
Strickland, Blanch Wf F W 25 m 21 NE NE NE
Strickland, Clarene Dtr F W 4 S NE Tx NE
Strickland, Aliene Dtr F W 2 S NE Tx NE
1860 Census
Georgia, Madison County, P. O. Danielsville
Enumerated 21 July 1860
Page 213
Kinchen Struckland 80 M Farmer $5000 $7540 NC
Sarah H Strickland 75 F Virginia
Melie [Willie] 16 M Farmer Ga
Frank? M. Strickland 33 M $--- $2475 Carpenter Ga
On March 29, 2011, Melanie Powers emailed that "Descendants of Kinchen Milton Strickland: first wife, Mary Baker, children were Mary, Wilson, Willis, Lou Amy, Lucinda, Benoni, Sarah Adeline, Henry Elizabeth, Kinchen Milton, and Elisha, and with second wife, Sarah Branch, one son, William F. Strickland.
If you would like more information, please contact me at the above email. I would be delighted to submit dates, etc.
L.C. Strickland Crouch, 90, of Humble died February 6, 1998. Mrs. Crouch was a native and former resident of Sabine County. She was employed by Leonard's Department Store for 18 years and was a charter member of Advent Presbyterian Church in Aldine. She was the daughter of the late Dee and Zilphia (sic) Strickland.
Survivors: daughters, Billie Sue Krause of Huntsville and Juanita Packard of Okemos, MI, seven grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren, 5 great great grandchildren, and several brothers and sisters.
Funeral services were held February 9 at the chapel of Rosewood Funeral Home in Humble with Gene Marion officiating. Interment followed at the Rosewood Memorial Park.
Published In The Sabine County Reporter, March 11, 1998
76, died Wednesday, October 11, 2006, at her home in Lancaster, Calif. Born in Hemphill, Texas on January 16, 1930, Ms. Duval lived in California for the last 48 years. She enjoyed refinishing antique furniture, playing cards, trips to Las Vegas and visiting her family in Texas and Louisiana. Survivors include her 2 daughters, Mickey Wilson of Lancaster, and Sheila Jackson of Palmdale; brother, Claude Strickland of Hemphill, Texas, sister, Faye Gibbs of Hillister, Texas, 6 grandchildren, Heather, Joyce, Deidre, Nicholas, April, and Paige; 3 great-grandchildren, Alyssa, Corryn, and Madison;
Lisa Joan Strickland, 31, of Orange died Tuesday, Jan 4, 2000, in Jasper. She was born Sept. 19, 1968, and had been a longtime resident of the Orange area. She was a nurse's aide. Survivors: father, Carter Strickland, Jr. of Orange; mother Betty Strickland of Orange; daughter Ashley Strickland of Orange, brothers, Carter Strickland III of Orange and Danny Strickland of Hemphill; and a sister, Sharon Edgar of Hemphill. Graveside rites were held on Jan 6 at Plainview Cemetery near Pineland with Bro. Tommy Long and Bro. Vance Purtell officiating. Starr Funeral Homes, Inc., Hemphill directors.
Lura Strickland Eicke died July 11, 2005 at Tomball Regional Hospital. Mrs. Eicke was born Oct. 26, 1910 in Hemphill and was 94-years-old at the time of her death. She had lived in Bronson for many years before moving to Tomball almost 15 years ago. She was preceded in death by her husband, W. B. "Will" Eicke. Mrs. Eicke is survived by four sons, W.B. "Bud" Eicke Jr and wife Deloris of Bay City, Cecil Eicke and wife Margie of Richmond, Col., George Eicke ans wife Annette of San Antonio, and Paul Eicke of Houston, two daughters, Louise CHILDS and husband Henry of Vidor and Emily McCLINTON and husband Herman of Tomball, and a brother I.T. Strickland of Kirbyville. Funeral services are set for 10 a.m. today (Wednesday) at the chapel of Starr Funeral Home Inc. Interment will follow at Bronson Cemetery. Arrangements are being handled by Starr Funeral Home Inc. in Hemphill.
Marianne Matkin of Mt. Pleasant, Texas writes that:
"In the 1850 Jackson Co, Georgia census, page 17 we find Madison Strickland age 38 farmer worth $4,000 born Georgia wife Harriet age 38, Daniel W. age 14, Mary P age 9, Emily I age 4, all born Georgia.
In the Jackson Co, Georgia 1860 census, page 64 or 221 we find Madison Strickland 47 farmer worth $19,000, Harriet age 48, Mary age 19, George E. Dedwley age 24 farm laborer worth $5,000, Emily I Dedwley 15 all born Georgia. There are some errors here: it shows Madison and Harriet married within the year, but it was George E. Deadwyler and Mary who were married on 22 Feb 1860. Also, Emily I was not a Deadwyler but a Strickland.
The 1870 Jackson Co, Georgia census page 402 gives us Madison Strickland age 55 farmer worth $9,500 born Georgia, wife Harriet age 56, born Georgia with a black cook.
In the 1880 Jackson County, GA census page 643, Millers District we find Madison Strickland age 67, farming born Georgia, parents born North Carolina. Wife Harriett age 68 keeping house born Georgia. Father born London, England (A big surprise, no wonder I haven't been able to find him in the Revolution), mother born Georgia."
Marianne also has a copy of the will of Madison Strickland Jackson Co, GA dated 25 July 1877, proved 6 October 1890.
Obituary, copied from her FindAGrave Memorial page:
Maggie Wilburn, 91, of Buna died Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2000, at Buna Nursing Home.
Funeral will be at 11 a.m. Friday at E. E. Stringer Funeral Home in Buna with burial at Antioch Cemetery. Visitation will begin at 5 p.m. today at the funeral home.
A native of Hemphill, she lived in Buna 43 years and was a retired grocery clerk.
Survivors include her daughter, ?? "Lynn?? Oliver of Buna; sisters, Nannie Watson and Meadie Williams, both of Kirbyville; two grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; and two great great-grandchildren.
1850 Census
North Carolina, Johnston County, District 11
Enumerated 6 Nov 1850
Stamped 77
Hartley Strickland 25 M Farmer $125 NC
Katherine Strickland 22 F NC
Willie Strickland 3 M NC
Right Strickland 1 M NC
Jacob STRICKLAND of Edgecombe Co., to Mark STRICKLAND. Dated 25 Nov. 1769; 280 acre plantation whereon said Mark then dwelled. Wit: Edward MOORE, Solomon POPE, John TAYLOR.
(STRICKLAND SCENE, Spring 1980, Vol. 1, No. 2, p 27).
In the book Genealogical Abstract from the Georgia Journal (Milledgeville) Newspaper 1809-1840, Volume One, 1809-1818, page 358, Issue of February 8, 1815 we find: "Died on Wednesday evening the 25th inst. in Franklin County, Mrs. Mary Allen, wife of Captain James Allen, after a lingering parturition. In the death of this amiable woman, a husband has lost an affectionate wife (made more so by his absence in defense of his country) to her children a tender mother....
(Courtesy of Marianne Matkin)
Sharon Holland provided to me some interesting information recently re: the children of Jacob and Priscillia Strickland originally of Guilford County, NC:
"5. Mary was born October 17, 1773, and married John Gilbert, brother to William, and settled in Franklin County Georgia where he died. She then married James Allen and moved to Habersham County Georgia where she died leaving 5 Gilbert children named: Bill, Jim, Betsy, John, and Nancy, and three Allen children namely Thomps, Bob, and Henry."
Online trees also show Mary and James as the mother of David, Thomps, John and Harriet, without citing sources.
The children of William and Mary Strickland Carter can be proven, in part, by gifts that were made to them by their family. The below listed DEED OF GIFT was made by Solomon Strickland (son of Solomon and Amy Strickland) to his sisters children, ath the approximate time of his departure from the Jackson-Elbert County area that later became Madison County, GA. It was contributed to the STRICKLAND SCENE newsletter (Vol 4, No 4, Fourth Quarter 1983) by Lily Carter Thurman:
Georgia Jackson County
Know all men by these presents that I SOLOMON STRICKLAND for & in consideration of the Natural love & affection which I have & bear toward my two nephews REDMON CARTER & WILLIAM CARTER, & my two Nieces UNITY & BETSY CARTER, sons & daughters of WILLIAM & MARY CARTER, have given and granted unto the said REDMON, WILLIAM, UNITY & BETSY the following property to-wit: three Cows & yearlings, five feather beds & furniture, bedsteads & Cover, eleven head of hogs, one Cuppoard, twelve pewter plates, two decanters, one Coffee mill, one earthern dish, two tables, seven chairs, two Cotton Wheels, one pot, one Oven, all which property is now in the possession of their Mother, MARY CARTER, which said property I the said SOLOMON STRICKLAND do warrant & forever defend from the Claim of any person or persons unto them the said REDMON, WILLIAM, UNITY & BETSY, they & their heirs and assigns forever, In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand & Seal this third day of January 1807.
Recorded the 3rd Jany. 1807, EDW. ADAMS, Clk.
(Editor's Note: On Jan 12, 1805, Solomon & Ezekiel Strickland (brothers) witnessed the Will of Robert Beavers whose son was the above REUBEN BEAVERS. Solomon & Ezekiel were sons of Solomon and Amy Pace Strickland.)
Ms. Carter Thurman also contributed the following deed to the STRICKLAND SCENE newsletter (Vol 7, No 4, Fourth Quarter 1986). This deed was recorded some 20 years later related to a gift by Mary herself to her oldest grandchild:
The State of Mississippi Lawrence County
To all whom may see these presents Greetings. I Mary (Strickland) Carter in and for the love and Esteem which I have for my Grandchild Nancy Stricklin {The eldest daughter of Noah Strickland and Mary Carter Strickland born in 1826} I do hereby give and bequethe the following property and its increase to the said Nancy Stricklin five head of cattle consisting of two cows and calves and one heefer 1 feather bed and Stead and furniture one mare. The aforesaid property I do declare by the presents that after my death to be in the rights and title of the said Nancy Stricklin her hairs and assigns forever in testimony of this being my last will and Testament I have hereunto set my name and affixed my seal this 13th day of June in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Six and of the Independance of the United States of America the Forty ninth and Fiftyth and in the presents of these witnesses. her
Mary (x) Carter
Atteste R. A. Hargis
Mary (X) Stricklin
The State of Mississippi Lawrence County
Personally appeared before me the undersigned Justice of the peace for said county the that she signed and sealed this within deed on the day and year herein mentioned as her act and deed and Also appeared Mary Stricklin one of the subscribing witnesses to the annexed deed who being first duly sworn deposeth and saith that she saw the above named Mary Carter sign and seal the within deed and that she saw the other subscribing witness sign the same in the presence of the said Mary Carter This Given under my hand and seal this 14th day of June 1826
Instead shown as Effie May CLOUD on the Texas Birth Index listing of Shirly Ruth Campbell, born 6 May 1936 in Sabine County, TX to father Erie Walker Campbell?
Should verify that Mary Effie Strickland did indeed marry Era/Erie W. Campbell, as shown by Carl Evans.
FindAGrave has a photo of her headstone, which features her picture and is also inscribed "She was the sunshine of our home - Age 53 yrd. 4 mo. 3 days"
In an article entitled "TWO MATTHEW STRICKLANDS", written by L.C. Strickland and published in STRICKLAND SCENE Vol 3, No 2, Second Quarter 1982, the author notes:
"Much of the previously published information regarding the Strickland family is not supported by sufficient evidence. Principally that of the Worth S. Ray Research Collection, 975 DAR, Vol 31, page 16, which states that "Matthew Strickland, Sr. who married Elizabeth Loreen, of Liverpool, England and came to Maryland in 1679 on the HERRON. August 4, 1699 his land was divided between his sons."
The land division between the sons of Mathew Strickland, referred to above, occured in Isle of Wight County, Virginia, and is published by John Bennett Boddie in his book, SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY, VIRGINIA, and has the following paragraph taken from the County Deed Book I: "Mathew Strickland and William Strickland, sons of Mathew Strickland, deceased, have made a division of their lands. Mathew gives his brother, Samuel Strickland, 150 acres and his brother, John Strickland, 150 acres and to his brothers, William and Joseph, 150 acres apiece, 4 August 1699. Barbaby Mackinney, Thomas Marks."
Secondly, upon examination of the document mentioned in the first paragraph of this article from the Worth S. Ray Collection, it will be observed that one person came on the Heron in the year 1678, that six persons came on the Heron in the year of 1679, and two persons, namely a Matthew Strickland and Elizabeth Loreen, came on the GLOBE in the year of 1680. Also note that this warrant granted to John Tanner, Merchant, four hundred and fifty acres of land to him for the importation of the named persons in the document. Consequently, these persons came under bond, or at the expense of someone else; namely, John Tanner.
In a second document, which may be found in the Calvert County, Maryland, Testamentary Proceedings, Vol 16, pages 30 and 31, the following is recorded: Thomas Greenfield came into Court November 1691, Calvert County, Maryland, and requested Letters of Administration of goods and possessions of Mathew Strickland, late of Calvert County, deceased, who died intestate. Whereupon this Thomas Greenfield was directed to give an inventory accounting within three months.
At this point, I introduce evidence which I believe supports the theory that another Mathew Strickland, at an earlier date, 1678, was already on the scene in the Isle of Wight County, Virginia, involved in receiving a land grant of 902 acres of land for the transportation of 18 persons; date of this document 26 September 1678, recorded in Patent Book No. 6, page 653. Then again, this same Mathew Strickland received 1,803 acres of land for the transportation of 36 persons, Book No. 7, page 20, dated 20 April 1680. I must acknowledge at this point that we have not determined how and precisely the date this Mathew Strickland came to this land. Here is a question I pose at this time, would a person place himself in bond to travel to this land during the Colonial Period when he had the means to pay for the transportation of 54 persons?
To summarize, based upon date and documentation currently available, one would have to conclude that the Matthew Strickland of Calvert County, Maryland, whose possessions were inventoried by Thomas Greenfield, as directed by the November 1691 Court, died prior to this date. Also, I would point out that these are all of the records on the Strickland Family that are located in the Hall Records, Annapolis, Maryland, according to the authorities there, and that these documents do not reveal any heirs of of this Matthew Strickland. It cannot be concluded that he did or did not have heirs. There is no documentation to indicate that he did or did not have wife or children. Many records were destroyed by fire in Calvert County, in 1882. It is my opinion that the Matthew Strickland of Calvert County, Maryland and the Mathew Strickland of Isle of Wight County, Virginia were different men. It is reported in GONE TO GEORGIA by William C. Stewart that Mathew Strickland Sr, Isle of Wight County, Virginia, died 1696, which would have been five years after the death of the Maryland Matthew Strickland.
Matthew Strickland Land Records:
Situate in a Forke between the second and third swamp of the main Blackwater. Strickland, Mathew - patent 26 Sept 1687 - IoW VA - 902 Ac (PB6 pg 653)
To all &c whereas &c now know ye that I the said Henr: Jefferys Esq ____ __ __ Governr: &c give and grant unto Mathew Strickland nine hundred & two acres of land lying in ye Isle of Wight County between ye maine swamp of Ring sale & ye beavor dame swamp? begining at a pine by ye side of ye maine swamp be?ing ??e of Wm Collins hos corner tree & soe running N E 30 Poles to a Pine then N: 280 poles to a red aoke by ye beavor dame then downeth ye swamp as? it falleth into Ring sale then up ye main swamp to ye first station The said land being due by and for ye transportation of Eighteene %sons &c To have & to hold &c to be held &c yeilding & paying provided &c dated ye 26th septbr 1687 Ja: Lee Rich: Mathew Mary Lee Richd: F??? Richd: Strickland Tho Poo?e Wm Bla?? Tho: Campion Wm Genly ??? T?ylor Wm ????? 5 times ----- ----- Wm Howell Tho M????h Wm Sy????E? -
Land partition between the sons of Matthew and Elizabeth Strickland of Isle of Wight: (Courtesy of Mary B Curtis, MryBCurtis@aol.com. Posted at Strickland-l@rootsweb.com)
To all X pian persons whom these present shall come. Matt Strickland and William Strickland, sons of Mathew Strickland, late deceased, have made, concluded, and agreed for a division between them and either of them, and their heirs for ever. Decided and bounded as followeth, I the said Mathew Strickland does give andmake over my whole right and title for me and my heirs unto him and his heirs forever, a piece of land where on my father lived on beginning at the mouth of the horse swamp, SOS running up the horse swamp to the Gum Branch \ ------ running up the said Branch to Coll. Pitts line SOS running the line unto the Plantation whereon the said Matt Stricklnad dec'd dwelt now all the land above the for mentioned Branch joining unto ------------Plantation and also all the land that lieth on the South side of the Horse Swamp. Now I the said Mathew Strickland dose give one hundred and fifty acres of Land at the Old Plantation unto my Brother Jno. Strickland and his heirs for ever never to go out of the name of ye Stricklands. Also ye said Mathew Strickland, does gives one hundred and fifty acres of land unto my brother, SamStrickland and his heirs forever not to go out of the name. ? lying at the head of the Watery Branch joining upon Arthur Whitehead, now all the rest of the land above the formentioned Branch and only the South side of the Horse Swamp --------said Mat Strickland does give unto my brother, William Strickland and his heirs, and also -------Mathew Stricklnad ----give unto my brother Joseph Strickland one hunded and fifty acres of land lying upon Blackwater between my Plantation and the line of ME or Mr. Woodwards being on the ----in my own ---according to the Division Bounds after ------- me and my brother William Stricklnad, ------- ----- to have his -----according to the Division Bounds after ------between me and my brother. William Strickland, ---- ----- to have his ----- according to his ------- ----- to have his ------ according to his ------all ----- and -----of---- ----- if ----- ----- of me Should defraud them or either(any?) of them ---- and defrauded shallforfit his own part according to these articles to him or them that shall be defrauded ----- ----- ----- and the aforesaid 150 acres lands to him or them unto John Strickland, his heirs shall not ----- or defrraud a ----- sails of a piece of land joining upon the Black Pond at the head of the Horse Swamp bargained, and sold from me, Will Strickland unto Arthur Whitehead as a witness of hands and Seal this 9 day Aug. in the year of our Lord God 1699. Signed Mat "M" Strickland Will "W" Strickland Wit. by Barnaby Mackinney, acknowledged at a Levey Case ----for ye Isle of Wiight co., Va. by Mathew Strickland and Wm. Davidson. Wm. Davidson - for 2050 good macht. 150 acres on Blackwater (from a patent 22 Sept. 1682, 10 upon River, 12 upon land of Wm. Mays ----
Below is the Last Will and Testament of Matthew Strickland, courtesy of Jane Shelton of Lafeyette, Georgia as posted on the Strickland-L@rootsweb.com (her email address is: UGA1mom@aol.com).
(Presented at a court held for Isle of Wight County, Oct. 25, 1730 Will Book 3, p. 224)
I Mathew Strickland being very sick & weak but in perfect memory blessed be God and do remembring the mortality of my Body do Give and Bestow of what worldly Goods God hath been pleased to Endow me with in This Manner following viz First I bequeath my Soul to God who gave it and my Body to be buried in a decent mannor according to the Discretion of my Executors Item I give unto my son John Strickland one Hundred Acres of Land more or less beginning at a maple a corner Tree so running to a Place called the Green Pond from the Green Pond running across the Neck to the Swamp. I say unto my son John Strickland and his heirs for ever lawfully Begotten of his Body And for want of such Heirs then to the next heirs of the Family --------never to go out of the Name of the Family. Item I give unto my Son William the Land of the East Side of the Swamp I say unto my son William Strickland and to the Heirs of his Body lawfully Begotten. And for want of such heirs then to the next Heir of the Family never to go out of the Name. Item I give unto my son Sampson Strickland my my now dwelling Plantation and the Land thereunto containing One hundred and Fifty Acres. I say unto my son Sampson Strickland and to the Heirs of his Body lawfully begotten and for want of such Heirs then to the next Heirs of the Family never to go out of the Name. Item I give unto my son Mathew Strickland one Grey Mare with one Eye two years old. Item I give unto my Son Jacob Strickland one young Horse bay aged a year anad upwards ----- Item I give unto my son John Strickland one dark Bay Mare aged Three Years old branded upon the shoulder with James Bryant brand Branded by Edward Chrittey and Abraham Dew ---- Item I give unto my Son William Strickland one Gray Mare aged Three Years Old and upward. Item I give unto my Son Sampson Strickland one Bay Mare with a Star in her Forehead. Item I give unto my Daughter Sarah Strickland one Black Mare with her Ears cropt and her Colt if she has one --- Item I give unto my daughter Ann Strickland one Stone Horse branded with two C C one open at the upper part and the other at the under I Give unto my daughter Elizabeth Strickland One Black Mare with a crop in one Ear taken off Item I give unto my daughter Jane Strickland one Bay Mare branded on the Buttock with two S S Item I give unto my Daughter Ann Strickland One Bed Blankett & Sheet already received two Dishes and one Plate already received Item I give unto my Son Mathew Strickland four Steers to be sold for the Families use. I say unto my Son Mathew Strickland
Item I give unto my Son Joseph Strickland Two two years Old Heifers one of them with a Calf by her Side and the other has not. I say unto my Son Joseph Strickland Item I give unto my eldest Son a Sorrell Horse a Stone Horse to purchase Land for them and Jacob with a barren cow to purchase Land for them. Item I give unto my Sons John, William & Sampson Strickland a two years Old heifer a piece
I say unto my Sons John William and Sampson. Item I give unto my Son Mathew Strickland two ---years old ?????
Item I leave my two Eldest Sons in charge with their Brothers cattle and their Increase to take care of them.
Item I give unto my Son Joseph Strickland a Feather Bed and Furniture and a pot two Dishes and a plate and half a Dozen of Spoons. Item I give unto my loving Wife all the rest of my moveable Estate during her life for widdowhood. I say unto my Loving Wife Ann Strickland excepting one cow and Calf to my Daughter Eliz Strickland and leaving my wife and Son Joseph Strickland Executors of this my last Will and Testament Dated the 14th of July 1730.
The last will & Testament of Arthur Taylor Mathew Strickland Testator Witness Joseph I Strickland his marks his Mathew Cooper Mathew TTT Strickland
At a Court held for Isle of Wight County
the 25th day of October 1730 ------ The Last Will and Testament of Mathew Strickland Deceased was presented in Court by Anne Strickland Executrix and being aproved by the Oaths of the Witnesses is admitted to Record
Test James Ingles Clk Court
Record enter
WILL BOOK VOL.3 1726-1733 PAGES 224-225
The mark of Joseph listed as a witness looks like a capital I with a li across the middle parallel with the top and bottom crossings. Each cro piece at the top and bottom have little marks at the ends.
The mark of Mathew as signed looks like 3 Ts touching at the top cross pieces.
The Estate appraisal is shown below, courtesy of Ronnie D. Wheeless (Ronnie.D.Wheeless@saic.com) posted to the STRICKLAND-L@rootsweb.com)
On July 26, 1731, the estate of Mathew Strickland was appraised to have a value of 107.7.7 pounds, by Robert Crocker, John (I) Cain, and Robert Buryman: 10 cows and calves, barren cow, 11 steers, 6 heifers, 5 year old heifers, bull, gray horse, bay horse, sorrel horse, slave man, 14 sheep, 6 sows and pigs, 3 barren sows, some shoats, boar, brass spice mortar, candle stick, 5 pewter basins, 31 ? pounds of pewter, small dish, 10 plates, 12 ? pounds of old pewter, some spoons, box iron and heaters, spit, 3 juggs, 6 bottles, jar, skillet, frying pan; pails, trays, tubs some old tubes; old cart and wheels, stock lock, sickle, 2 axes, 2 hoes, pair of mill stones; 4 old barrels; hammer, pair of steel yards, augur, some shoe tools, 4 old drawing knives, old handsaw, 148 pounds of pot iron, 2 parcels of old iron; looking glass, old table, 9 chairs, 4 feather beds and furnishings, 2blankets, 2 chests, 2 old chests, old couch, woolen wheel; gold ring, old sword, gun, 2 old saddles and bridles.
Funeral services for Maudie Strickland Curl, 77, of Kirbyville were held Monday, June 20, at Stringer Funeral Home chapel in Kirbyville. Interment was at Zion Hill Cemetery in Jasper County.
She was a native of Hemphill and a longtime Kirbyville resident.
Survivors: son, Jerry Curl of Kirbyville; three grandsons; and sisters Meadie Williams and Nannie Watson, both of Kirbyville and Maggie Wilburn of Buna.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, December 2008)
The Sabine County Reporter
January 28, 2009, Page 11
Miriam Amason
Funeral services for Miriam Amason, 92, of Jasper were held Monday, Jan. 26, 2009 at Stringer and Griffin Funeral Home in Jasper, with burial at Bethel Church Cemetery in Pineland.
Mrs. Amason died Jan. 23, 2009 at Jasper Nursing & Rehabilitation in Jasper. A native of Sabine County and longtime area resident, she was a retired nurse.
Survivors: daughters, Doylene Gary and husband Pete of Jasper and Gail Payne and husband David of Wooden; brother, Darwin Strickland and wife Iliva of Greenbrier, AR; 12 grandchildren, 25 great grandchildren, special friends Betty and George Patillo; many nieces and nephews, as well as a host of friends. She is also survived by her extended family, the residents and staff of Jasper Nursing & Rehab Annex.
She was preceded in death by her husband of 34 years, Buster Amason; her sons Dwain and Bobby Amason; one daughter-in-law, Juniata Amason; her mother and father and 10 siblings.
Memorials can be made to: Lake Area Hospice, 254 Ethel St., Jasper, TX 75961 or Bishop Chapel Church parking lot fund c/o Rodney Pickering, Rt. 1, Box 557, Jasper, TX 75951.
Services were under the direction of Stringer & Griffin Funeral Home of Jasper.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, February 2009)
The Nancy, dau of Solomon and Amy, in my opinion did not marry. Solom made no mention of her children in the deed of gift only of the slaves he had given her earlier and stated that Nance wished her bro. Ephrium to have the slaves. The Nancy who m. Edward Harrell was the dau of Devil Hardy (granddaughter of AMy and Solomon). Nancy was the sister of my ggrandfather. Her descendents have clear connection of her to Hardy and Priscilla. Clare on the STRICKLAND-L list is her descendent.
The (other) Nancy, (who was) dau of Solomon and Amy, in my opinion did not marry. Solomon made no mention of her children in the deed of gift only of the slaves he had given her earlier and stated that Nance wished her bro. Ephrium to have the slaves. The Nancy who m. Edward HARRELL was the dau of Devil Hardy (granddaughter of Amy and Solomon). Nancy was the sister of my ggrandfather. Her descendents have clear connection of her to Hardy and Priscilla. Clare on the STRICKLAND-L list is her descendent.
Nancy Adams, 62, of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, died Monday, July 18, 1994, at Heritage Manor in Baton Rouge.
Funeral services were held Thursday at the Forest Lawn Funeral Home chapel in Beaumont. Interment followed at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Beaumont.
She was a native of Hemphill.
Survivors: husband, Charles Adams of Baton Rouge; mother, Eula Mae Williams of Hillister, daughters, Nancy Sharlene Kimbrough of Baton Rouge and Frankie Jean Hanks of China, Texas; a step-son, Drake Adams of Roswell, Georgia; step-daugher, Laura Millisok of Atlanta, Georgia; Sisters Faye Gibbs of Hillister and Laverne Duvall of California; a brother, Claude Joe Strickland of Bronson; seven grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
Published in The Sabine County Reporter, August 3, 1994, page 10
E. Russ Williams, Jr., c1966, p. 31 NOTE (Patricia Ezell): In LA, Succession Records are the equivalent of Probate Records.
File S-4, 1848 (Mrs. Nancy Strickland, wife of Grant R. Taylor)
Dec 11, 1848. The petition of Grant R. Taylor states that his wife, Nancy Strickland, died recently, leaving three children: Edmond, Rutha, and Nancy ( a minor). He requested that he be confirmed and sworn as tutor to the children. He is appointed.
Dec. 11, 1848. Rutha Raborn, wife of Quincy Raborn, of Amite County, MS. Her mother, Nancy Taylor, died Aug 26, 1847 and left certain slaves as her separate property.
Dec 23, 1848. Inventory: 6 slaves. They were partitioned.
File T-3 James C. Taylor, 1849
August 30, 1849. C.D. Strickland states that he has been appointed Supt. of Public Schools in the place of James C. Taylor, deceased, who had in his possession a variety of books and papers belonging to the office of superintendent.
(NOTE: The inventory detailed a number of books as a part of a law library including Milton's PARADISE LOST, Cooper's VIRGIL, ELEMENTS OF ASTRONOMY, CAESAR CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHY...)
Linked on FindAGrave to Lehue George Haley (1901-1950). On the SSDI she is listed as Nannie M. WATSON, with a date of death of 4 Mar 2004. Her last residence was Springhill, Louisiana.
Curtis (sic) Jr. Strickland 6 Apr 1931 Male Sabine Curtis Strictland (sic) Nora Humble
Carter Strickland, Jr., 87, of Hemphill, Texas passed away at his residence Tuesday, May 1, 2018.
Carter was born April 6, 1931 in Hemphill to Carter Strickland, Sr. and Nora Humble Strickland. He was a United States Army Veteran. He worked as an Operations Manager in the trucking industry.
Carter is survived by his son, Buddy Strickland of Orange, Texas; daughter, Sharon Edgar and husband, George, of Hemphill, Texas; sisters, Frances Ferguson and husband, Nolan, of Hemphill, Texas and Helen Murray of Houston, Texas; grandchildren, Stormy Strickland, Rainy Strickland, Ashley Strickland, Stephanie Wilkerson, Charlie Strickland, Sheila Strickland, Emy Weaver, Jody Broach, and Clay Bell; 19 great grandchildren, six great-great grandchildren, and his loving caretaker, Bea Parrie.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Betty Jean Strickland; daughter, Lisa Jean Strickland; son, Danny Strickland; brothers, Ted Strickland, Frankie Strickland, and Jimmy Hugh Strickland, and sisters, Elnora Fuller and Irene McDaniel.
Visitation will be from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Thursday, May 3, 2018 at Starr Funeral Home, 510 Starr St., Hemphill, Texas.
Funeral services will be held at 10:00 a.m. Friday, May 4, 2018 in Starr Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Charles Moody officiating.
Burial will follow services in Plainview Cemetery, FM 1 & FM 2024, Pineland, Texas.
Online book signing and condolences can be made at starrfuneralhome.com.
Downloaded from Starr Funeral Home
Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, May 9, 2018, Page 5
Listed as Willie C(arter)? on the 1910 Sabine County Census.
CARTER STRICKLAND 24 Mar 1902 Oct 1964 75948 (Hemphill, Sabine, TX) (none specified) 450-03-0426 Texas
Name: Nay Carter Strickland
Death Date: 26 Oct 1964
Death Place: Hemphill, Sabine, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: W
Death Age: 62 years
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 24 Mar 1902
Birthplace: Texas
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: U
Father's Name: Jim Strickland
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Mollie Carter
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Minister
Place of Residence: Hemphill, Sabine, Texas
Cemetery: Plainview Cemetery
Burial Place: Hemphill, Texas
Burial Date: 28 Oct 1964
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2117652
Digital Film Number: 4028389
Image Number: 857
Reference Number: cn72838
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
In a Query posted in the STRICKLAND SCENE newsletter (Vol. 3, No 2, Second Quarter 1982), "Lily Carter Thurman states that Noah Strickland was born in North Carolina ca 1801. Tradition says that he left with hog-drovers when he was sixteen and came to Mississippi." Her query was as to the identity of his parents.
The family is listed in Kathy Casagranda's SABINE PARISH THE 1850 CENSUS WITH ADDED FAMILY INFORMATION as follows:
Noah 49 M Farmer North Carolina
Mary 41 F Georgia
Nancy 24 F Mississippi
David 19 M Mississippi
Redmon 15 M Mississippi
John 11 M Louisiana
James 8 M Louisiana
Will 8 M Louisiana
Martha 5 F Louisiana
Elizabeth 5 F Louisiana
Nina/[Una] 3 F Louisiana
Mathew 8/12 M Louisiana
Casagranda writes that "Noah Stephenson Strickland was born in Nash County, NC to Henry Strickland and RUTH THOMPSON.....Noah married MARY ELIZABETH CARTER daughter of WILLIAM CARTER and MARY E (Cotton) STRICKLAND."
This does not appear to be correct, as he was born in North Carolina, and the other children of Henry and Ruth Thompson Strickland were born in Georgia.
Noah Strickland's family is listed in Helen Gomer Schluter's 1860 CENSUS OF SABINE COUNTY, TEXAS WITH CIVIL WAR RECORDS as:
Noah 59 M NC Farmer $675
Mary (Carter) 57 F Ga
Nancy 34 F Miss
John H 21 M LA
James W 17 M LA
William L 17 M La
Martha J 15 F LA
Elizabeth J 15 F LA
Anny C (Unice?) 13 F LA
Mathew (Noah) 10 M LA
In SABINE COUNTY HISTORICAL SKETCHES AND GENEALOGICAL RECORDS, it is noted that Noah and his family came to Sabine County, Texas in 1860 and paid state and county taxes in 1861. The book added that the Noah Strickland served in the Civil War, but took the measles after being mustered out and died in Mississippi. (White and Toole, p 59).
The book, OLD TIMERS OF SABINE COUNTY, TEXAS by Virgie Speights (S. Malone Printers, San Augustine, Texas c 1983), says "Noah and "Polly" Strickland had four daughters, Nancy, Martha, Jane and Sarah, and three sons Bill, John and Matt" (p 54). The census lists 6 sons, where as Old Timers only lists 3. Perhaps three sons died as young men, or moved away from home too early for the younger generation to remember. Also, could Jane and Sarah be the middle names of the daughters actually listed on the census? Later in OLD TIMERS it is stated that "(Noah and Polly Strickland's) six children were John Strickland (Dee's father), Bill Strickland, Matt, Jane, Martha and Unice."
Leatha Betts says she has Noah Stephenson Strickland b.c. 1801- 1803 (1850 census states he was 49, born in North Carolina) married c. 1825, to Mary Elizabeth Carter b. 1807 Jackson Co. Georgia (1850 Census) and mentioned in Jackson Co. Ga. Deed book D as receiving household items for estate of Solomon Strickland. Her research indicates that the Noah that settled in the Sabine River area is the son of Noah Strickland, Sr. b.c. 1759 Nash Co. N. Car. and Elizabeth Dew of Nash Co. North Carolina, son of Henry Strickland b.c. 1735 Nash Co. N. Car. (d. 1796, Madison Co. Ga.,He left will in Georgia, listed in Ga. Pioneers, Vol. 6....)
This is supported by the following email from JJudyJam@aol.com on 26 April 2001:
Noah Strickland, son of Henry and Mary Hickman Strickland left a will dated 21 Oct 1809. Proven Nash Co August 1813. In the will he leaves to his son Noah (listed last in the will ,the youngest?): That I give to my son Noah Strickland a certain piece of land beginning at a corner Hickory in Thomas Carter's line and along Carter's line to the river, and down said river to the old spring, then along William Dew Strickland's line to the beginning; also 1 tract of land on both sides of the road containing 80 acres joining Thomas Carter and Roland Williams' lines; and 300 acres of land lying on both sides of Turkey Creek joining Hardy Stricklands and Benjamin Rice's line; also 3 Negroes named Willie, Zaney, and Kinchen; and 1 feather bed and furniture, Noah appointed William Buntin and Henry Adkins as Executors. This was however challenged apparently by Noah's wife (sic-s/b daughter) Mary and son in Law Henry Atkinson from Minute Books Nash CO By Tim Rackley (from excerpts) August Court 1813 - #740 A paper writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Noah Strickland was offered for probate by Wiliam Buntin and Henry Atkins Jr, the Executors therein named, and the Same being opposed by Elisabeth Strickland, Henry Atkinson & Mary his wife, Bolling Strickland, and by Edward, Noah, & William Dew Strickland, which three last are infants under Twenty one years of age to whom Elisabeth Strickland is appointed Guardian pro hac vice. It is ordered that a jury be impaneled to try whether the paper writing do Contain the last will & Testament of the Said Noah Strickland. Nash Co Minutes Vol . VII, p 62) 1816, NASH CO NC Land Division of Noah Strickland, Feb. term 1816: Heirs: Elizabeth Strickland Henry Atkinson and wife Boling Strickland Edward Strickland Noah Strickland II William D. Strickland (Nash Co Kin p 58 (Nash Co Will Book 1 p 277)
From "Early Records of Nash Co, NC 1777-1859" page 248:
STRICKLAND, NOAH inventory by Admrs., November 18, 1813, included 20 Negroes. The widow, Elizabeth Strickland, was given a year's allowance. Sale held September 9, 1813, with Elizabeth Strickland principal buyer. Her dower lands were directed to be laid off, August 1813. A sale of Noah Strickland property was held by Henry Atkinson, admr. January 11, 1820.
STRICKLAND, NOAH JR. inventory and sale by Bolen Strickland, admr., December 13, 1820.
MAY 11, 1824, NASH CO NC Bolen Strickland, admn for estate of Noah Strickland, Jr. deceased, bill of sale to Edward Strickland May 11, 1824 (Kinfolk 112)
From these last 3 citings it appears that Noah and Elizabeth's son , Noah II may have died after the land division in 1816 but before December of 1820. Leatha Betts notes that the "Jr." could still be refering to the above inventory...or someone could have transcribed Sr. incorrectly....since the date was one month prior to the settlement outright for Elizabeth. Or this could refer to yet another Noah. Judy noted she was leaning toward this fellow as Bolen in Extr and Edward is buying (from Noah Sr will the lands adjoin) Sorry this is so long, I am still learning what is meaningful and what is not. I am still working on the thought that Noah's wife Elizabeth was dau of Edward Moore. Noah's Daughter Mary named a child Alsey Moore Atkinson and Noah's son William Dew named a daughter Sally Moore Strickland. The name game is a good hint but the Moore name could just be from any generation. Elizabeth was named as Moore in her father Edward Moore's 1783 will and was called Elizabeth Strickland in the estate settlement in 1789.
One further observation. I believe the Bolen Strickland that married Martha Trignith 12 March 1835 was not the son of Noah and Elizabeth. He and Martha are on in the 1850 census with a slew of children ages 13 on down and an older Trigneth/Trigler female. His age is given at 34 making him born years after Noah's will. Any thoughts, help, corrections or gentle disagreement welcome
Judy Moore Welch who is still trying to be a Strickland and still believing that Mark Stricklands dau married the son of Edward Moore.
An email from Cindy Ranucci to STRICKLAND-L@rootsweb.com on April 26, 2001 related to this family reads:
According to information given to me by my great aunt, Noah, son of Richard Benjamin Strickland Sr. (son of Henry Strickland and Mary Hickman) went to California after first landing in Tishomingo Co, MS with two of his brothers (Richard Benjamin Jr. and Benjamin Perry). My information states he died in California about 1870; however, the birthdate I have for this Noah is about 1820.
1880 Census
Georgia, Madison County, Nowhere 383 District
Enumerated 11 Jun 1880
Page 11 SD 2 ED 72
Strickland, P H W m 72 Farmer Ga NC Va
Strickland, L W F 60 Wf Keeping House Ga SC SC
Strickland, Jackson W M 17 Son Ga Ga Ga
Strickland, W W M 27 Farmer Ga La/Ga? Ga/La?
Strickland, Nancy W F 18 Wf Keeping House Georgia Ga Ga
Strickland, L M W F 5 Dtr Georgia Ga Ga
Prentice Strickland, 64, died Saturday, Dec. 4, 2004, at his residence in Jasper County. Strickland was former owner of Strickland Auto Sales in Jasper and then retired as jail administrator for Jasper County Jail. Prior to owning his own dealership, he had been employed by the Byerly-Coker Motor Company. Survivors: his wife of 24 years, Nelda Gilley Strickland of Jasper, to who he was married Dec. 3, 1970; a son and daughter-in-law, Mike and Dee Strickland; daughters and sons-in-law, Becky and Charlie MORGAN and Kim and Lucky FLOYD; eight grandchildren; and a great-granddaughter. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Forest Oaks Funeral Home chapel in Jasper. Interment followed at Evergreen Memorial Cemetery. Services were under the direction of Forest Oaks Funeral Home of Jasper.
Many researchers show her as being born in North Carolina. Richard Chapman instead has her place of birth as Franklin County, Georgia
Marianna Matkin of Mt. Pleasant writes: "Solomon Strickland's brother was Jacob Strickland, Jr. Solomon's son Hardy Strickland, Sr. married Jacob Strickland Jr.'s daughter, Pricilla Ann Strickland--first cousins marrying. Jacob Strickland Jr. born 1783 in North Carolina married 1765 in Guilford County Priscilla Taylor (some say Young) and in 1769 he filed for land in Guilford County, N.C. were he was living in 1790. I have a copy of the land grant. He moved to Wilkes County, GA and settled there with his brothers. This Jacob died in Franklin County, GA and his will April 4/October 1804 (I have a copy of this) listed his children: Faith b 12 Aug 1767 married ??? Meyers; Tamar b 13 Oct 1768 m William Gilbert; Isaac b 11 July 1769 d 1851 m 1799 Mary Hargroves; Jacob b 6 May 1772 m Mary Sanders and it is believed 2nd Clarissa Sanders; Mary b 17 Oct 1773 m John Gilbert, a Revolutionary Soldier and after his death Mary married James Allen of Habersham; John and William Gilbert were brothers..marrying sisters was done quite often in those days...travel was by horse or buggy and you didn't meet many eligible ladies. Hardy b 16 Jan 1775 m Susan Pryon; Priscilla m her cousin "Devil" Hardy Strickland and lived in Madison County; Selah or Celia b 11 July 1779 m Robert Young; Henry b 24 December 1781 m Elizabeth Wilkens; Wilson b 14 Jan 1783 m Polly Connelly; Elizabeth b 6 Nov 1785 m John Eubanks; Nancy b 22 Dec 1787 m James Royal or Ryley; Sarah m Berry Vaugha
CAUTION, Not all researchers show Hardy "Devil" Strickland's wife as Priscilla Strickland. Some list her as Priscilla Taylor, and others as Priscilla Young. In his book, PACE OUR COLONIAL ANCESTORS, Bruce Howard argues that she was actually Priscilla Pace, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Pace and a sister to Solomon Strickland's wife, Amy Pace. (p. 146).
I.T. Strickland, 89, died in the Avalon Place Nursing Home, Kirbyville, TX, after an illness. I.T. Strickland was born in Hemphill, TX, to the late Jim and Mollie Strickland where he lived all his life. I.T. was a retired truckdriver in the logging industry and a member of the Hemphill Church of God.
Mr. Strickland is survived by his wife Louise Strickland of Hemphill, his son Marvin Strickland and his wife Sue of Buna, his daughter Melba Ellis and her husband Bobby of Tulsa, OK, seven grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his son Larry Strickland.
Visitation will be Monday, May 3, 2010, at 8:00 am until service time at 10:00 am in the Starr Funeral Home Chapel, 510 Starr ST. Hemphill, TX. Burial will follow in the Springhill Cemetery near Hemphill.
Services are under the direction of Starr Funeral Home, 510 Starr Street, Hemphill TX 75948.
Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, May 5, 2010, page 11
Also published in the San Augustine Tribune, May 6, 2010, page 10
1850 Census
Georgia, Madison County, Subdivision 56
Richard Strickland 67 M Miller $200 North Carolina
Lucretia Strickland 64 F Virginia
Bennett P Strickland 25 M Farmer Ga
Nancy Fann 36 F Ga
Margaret Fann 6 F Ga
Shown as a son of Charles Pinckney Strickland (1894-1963) and Susie Barber Collins (1898-1991)
Robert L. Strickland was born in Tyrone, Ok. where his father, C.P. was superintendent of schools. Later, they moved to Alvin, Texas, to Troup, Texas and back to Alvin. He attended Hardin-Simmons University until he joined the Air Force early in WWII. He served at the flight school in Liberal, Ks. as a B-24 mechanic and in New York State as a helicopter mechanic. After WWII, Bob finished his bachelor's degree at Sam Houston State Univ. in Huntsville. There, at the Baptist Student Union, he met his wife-to-be Mary Ann Wood. They were married in August 1950 soon after Bob graduated. They attended Southern Seminary in Ky. but returned to Texas to begin a family. Bob worked for a time at Dow Chemical in Freeport while they resided in Alvin and Angleton. Bob returned to his job as a camp counselor at the Salesmanship Club camp for boys near Dallas. He contracted polio in 1953. He spent about a year in the hospital in Dallas and rehab at the V.A. in Houston. He was completely paralyzed from the waist down, had little arm strength but was blessed with good use of his hands. He did the course work for a Masters degree in psychology at the Univ. of Houston but decided that being a stay-at-home dad was his calling. With his strong hands, he built radios and stereos, pottery, painted, made jewelry and cut gemstones. He was a great father. He was outgoing and devout in his faith. His passion was teaching his men's Sunday School class at Gulf Meadows Baptist Church. He served his church as a deacon and teacher. He died in 1988 after a short illness.
From OLDTIMERS OF SABINE COUNTY, TEXAS "In 1906 he was married to Mrs. Essie Strickland O'Riley, a widow with three children. To this union was born five sons. His wife was a good Christian woman and the children were brought up in the church, but he could not feel the conviction of saving grace until his mother died. His wife rejoiced but when he felt the call to preach, about 2 am one morning, and told his wife about it when she was making breakfast, he opened his Bible and began preaching.. she burned the meat and bread. Strickland has been preaching for years up and down the East Texas area has an unshakeable faith and believes in faith healing, citing as examples his recovery from TB and his wife's from cancer, after the doctors had given up on them....The Strickland's are a handsome, dignified couple, and thoroughly enjoy telling of the early trials of his ministry and the struggle to rear their 8 children on a minister's intermittent stipend. "The Lord always provided!" was Brother Bobs's prompt answer to any problem. "I recall once when I was preaching in Nacogdoches, the larder was completely empty and Essie was fretting something awful. I prayed and sure enough, an old colored man delivered a load of groceries." Born near Bronson, Rev. and Mrs. Strickland were second cousins. They attended the one room, three month session schools. "I spent two sessions in the Blue Back Speller before I graduated to a reader, slate, and pencil" recalls Strickland. A lady by the name of Evans was their first teacher, with Miss Jennie Oliphint a later teacher. Later schooling was at Newton with Professor Jim Sharpe as teacher; then there was a year each at Burkville, Jasper, Hemphill, and Timpson. Strickland grew up in a religious home with revival meetings and grove prayer meetings a regular part of his childhood. He worked for Jim Toole at Hemphill in his store, then went to Bronson when his father opened a grocery store and cafe. There he got in with the wrong crowd and lived a wicked life for several years.... The oldest Strickland son died in 1962."