"With Dr. Felix Tucker, set up the first hospital in Nacogdoches, their wives being very instrumental in helping the sick in that area." (White and Toole)
According to Geni, Son of Shlomo Savilevics and Etta Devorah Romm
Husband of Anna Savilevics
Father of Mary Smith; Rebecca Smith; Sol Smith; Jack J Smith and Bertha Smith
Brother of Celia Shapiro; Hyman Smith; Simon Smith and Ruchel Minna Levine
One of Rella's children with Yehuda Laib Romm was Etta Devayra Romm, who married Shlomo Zavilevitz (Savilevics) and lived in Kupisik (Kupi?kis '96 "koo-PISH-kis"). Their son Zanvil Zavilevitz (Savilevics) was born in Kupisik and was sent at a young age, probably around 12, to Riga (today, the capital of Latvia) to learn be a capmaker. When Zanvil's apprenticeship ended, he went to live with his grandmother Rella and her second husband in Rakisik. Zanvil's sister, Zlata Zavilevitz (Savilevics), who was also born in Kupisik, also went to live with Rella and Abraham Abramovitz.
Zanvil moved to Baltimore, probably around 1899, and changed his name to Myer Smith. Shortly afterward, he founded the BAYL family society.
In 1910, Myer, his wife Annie, and children Mary, Rebecca, Saul and Bertha were residing on Rogers Ave in Baltimore, wehre Meyer was a grocery store keeper on his own account. Both parents were shown as born in Russia, to Russian parents. They had been married once, for nine years.
When he registered for the draft during World War I, he and his wife Anna were residing at 133 Jackson Place in Baltimore, and he was secretary and treasurer of the Batto Candy & Tobacco Co of Baltimore. He was of medium height and build, with dark brown eyes and partly bald.
In 1920, they still lived on Jackson Streeet, and both were shown as born in Russia, with Yiddish as their native toungue. He was listed as secretary of a candy company. His date of immigration was shown as 1900, and hers as 1889. Both were naturalized citizens.
In 1930, the family was on Brookfield Avenue in Baltimore, and Myer was a Candy Wholesaler.
In 1940, the family was still living on Brookfield Avenue, and 80 year old Rose Rubin, a widow and Myer's mother-in-law was living with them. She was shown as born in Russia. Myer, now widowed, was shown as a salesman. His highest grade completed was Elementary, third grade. All his children still in the home had graduated from High School, with so Sol a college graduate and physician.
He was said to be the founder of the B'nai Abraham and Yehuda Laib Family Society in Baltirmore.
In those days, everybody was a "koptson" but each did what he could to help those still in Europe. Soon, Myer Smith's affinity for leadership began to assert itself. Deeply concerned in the welfare of all his kin, he arranged passage and visas for those who had no means of their own and met the costs with Bank Loans underwritten by himself and a few other interested persons. He was married to Anna RUBIN, and their flat at 117 Front Street, became the Sunday evening rendezvous of the family while he collected five cents a week from as many relatives as could contribute and, in that way, he paid off the loans. His confidante and great friend was Uncle Max Romm, whom he consulted on every matter and whose sound opinion and liberal viewpoint he valued very highly.
By 1904, it was decided that these impromptu, weekly meetings ought to have formal status, and in May of that year, our family held its first called meeting in the home of Yankel and Rocha Nessa Abramson Rubin at 1013? Low Street in Baltimore. From that day on, Baltimore has been the focal point of this Society. There is some variance of opinion as to date, for there are a few who say that the Sunday of Chol-hamoed Pesach, April 1905, was when the Farein was formally organized. Be that as it may, the minutes of January 14, 1934 include the following sentence: "es is dightlich bashtimdt givoren dos unzer Farein is organizert givoren in May 1904." We are told that those who gathered together on that memorable evening were Rocha Nessa and Yankel Rubin, Becky and Max Romm, Celia Smith, Anna and Myer Smith, Albert Schwartzberg, Zacharia Rosen and Rubin Levine. Since no records have been found of those early days, we can only relate what we have learned from those who "remember" and appreciate how satisfying for them was the process of organizing.
1900 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 2
Enumerated 9 Jun 1900
SD 8 ED 69 Sheet 5B
Mrs. McDaniel W Head W F May 1852 48 W 10/8 La Miss Miss Farmer
McDaniel, Maud Dtr W F May 1882 18 S Tx SC La Farm Laborer
McDaniel, Sim R Son W M Feb 1886 14 S Tx Sc La Farm Laborer
McDaniel, Earnest N Son M W Dec 1887 12 S Tx Sc La Farm Laborer
McDaniel, Alma T Dtr W F Feb 1890 10 S Tx Sc La Farm Laborer
Smith, Reubin Nephew W M Nov 1876 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer
1910 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 2
Enumerated 15 Apr 1910
SD 2 ED 132 Sheet 1A
McDaniel, Joann Z Mrs. Head F W 55 Wd 10/7 Tx SC Miss Own Income
McDaniel, Nolan E Son m W 22 S Tx Sc Tx Farmer
Name Zula B Smith
Event Type Birth
Event Date 05 Oct 1915
Event Place Denton, Denton, Texas, United States
Gender: Female
Father's Name Thomas Abe Smith
Mother's Name Lillie Mae Chenoweth
Certificate Number: 41690
Digital Folder Number 004337112
Image Number 00566
Citing this Record:
"Texas, Birth Certificates, 1903-1935," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X2G2-JQW : accessed 22 Nov 2013), Zula B Smith, 1915.
When he registered for the draft during the First World War, he was a resident of Lavaca, Arkansas. His place of birth was listed as Red Land, Oklahoma, and he was employed by his father, Joseph Smitson in Lavaca, Arkansas. His father Joseph was born in Harrison, Arkansas. Ernest was described as having light blue eyes and light brown hair.
1930 Census
Arkansas, Sebastian County, Fort Smith City
Enumerated April 9, 1930
ED 66-38 SD 5 Sheet 5B
Martindale, Head M W 67 M 24 Ala Tenn Tenn Retired
Martindale, Alta Wf F W 64 m 22 Ala Ala Ala
Martindale, Jocie Dtr F W 30 S Ala Ala Ala CommLabore Factory
Smithson, Ernest Head M W 32 M 22 Okla Ark US Foreman Factory
Smithson, Gladis Wf W F W 24 M 14 S Ark Ark Ark
Smithson, May Dtr F W 6 Ark Ok Ala
Smithson, William Son M W S 3 Ark Ok Ala
Mary Agnes Kassik
Mary Agnes Kassik 97, Milligan, widow of Fred, died Sunday (8/17/08) in Lincoln. Born on March 18, 1911 at Milligan, Neb. to Charles & Agnes (Barta) Smrha.
Survivors: son & daughter-in-law, John & Lelith Kassik, Milligan; daughter, Barbara Green, Lincoln; sister, Helen Smrha, Kenmore, N.Y.; four grandchildren; 10 great grandchildren.
Funeral Services 1 p.m. Thursday (8/21/08) at Farm & Son Funeral Home - Kotas Chapel, Milligan. Pastor Karla Sheffy officiating. Graveside Services: Bohemian National Cemetery, Milligan. Visitation beginning Wednesday (8/20/08) 1 p.m. until 8 p.m. at Farmer & Son Funeral Home - Kotas Chapel, Milligan. Memorials to the Hospice of Tabitha & Milligan United Methodist Church.
(Courtesy of Dennis Belohlavy, from the Lincoln Journal Star, August 19, 2008)
Howard, In COLONIAL ANCESTORS points out that Isabella was a shareholder of the Virginia Company in her own right, citing the following land patent "Izabella Perry, wife of William Perry, Gent., 200 acres within the corporation of James City, 20 September 1628, at the South side of the plantation called Pace's Paines granted to herself and her late husband Richard Pace, dec'd, 5 December 1620....East to land granted to her son George Pace...for her own personal adventure being an Ancient planter & the other 100 acres as the devident of Francis Chapman...."
Howard also noted that "in the early part of 1629, in England a suite in Chancery was filed concerning the estate of a man named John Riley, a merchant, of London. In order to get to the bottom of the facts in the case, which had been filed in the High Court of the Admiralty in London, the Court issued a subpoena to Mrs. Isabella Perry to appear before the Court and testify to her knowledge in the matter "Isabell, wife of William Perry, merchant of Virginia, aged 40...(testified as follows)...Last Christmas John Riley of London, merchant, lodged in her husband's house in Virginia and often said he was a partner in trade with William Crowther and Charles Whichcote of London, merchants...When he was in his last sickness, Rily arranged for her husband to mark tobaccos to be sent to John Holland and Rily's mother....." Whether her husband accompanied her to London is a matter of speculation, but I will bet he did, and was taking care of business while she was attending court business. It is possible that their children, George Pace and Henry Perry, also made this voyage there and back, but I doubt it (due to the costs involved)."
Although some Pace researcher's think Isabella married third George Menefie, Howard refutes this theory. He believed that Isabella resided in Charles City County, Virginia, where she had moved to with William Perry in 1633, until her death.
Sheryl Falk sent the following information about her paternal great-grandmother, Anna Shenden Thompson, excerpted from a book Anna wrote about her life:
She writes that her maternal grandmother Hester (Hetty) Lucas (born 1812) was the daughter of Hester Bowen (Boen) and Parker Lucas. She lived with her family in the Eastern part of Virginia at Accomak county. They lived in a fine estate and raised Thoroughbred horses.
Hetty married Lemuel Holloway of Lewes Delaware. They married and lived for quite a time at Ironshire, Maryland. There Mary Ellen Holloway was born Oct. 17, 1845. Mary Ellen grew up and moved to Philadelphia, living with her older sister, Esther Anne Holloway Purnell (or Purcell). Esther's husband accidently shot himself leaving her to rais her children alone.
Anna's father James Coulter Sneden was born in Philadelphia Jan. 18, 1851 at 16th and Pine Street. His parents came to America from Belfast lreland. His father William Sneden started to work as a carpenter but soon began building houses for himself. James Coulter Sneden often spoke of going to Independence Hall when he was 10 years old to see the body of Abraham Lincoln lying in state.
James Coulter and Mary Ellen met at a church social -Pine Street Church (3rd and Pine streets). They were married Oct. 13th, 1881 by the Rev. Adair. My great grandmother, Anna Sneden Thompson was born Sept. 2, 1885. (The baby's name was originally recorded at City Hall as "Ann Jane", however the maternal grandmother did not like that, so they added an "a" to Ann and substituted Sneden for Jane). Grandfather Sneden lived just long enough to see the baby.
The Duncan Banner - May 07, 2009
Vinita Joy Snow Edwards
Oct. 27, 1925 - May 1, 2009
KIRKLAND, Wash. - Vinita Joy Snow Edwards, 83, former longtime resident of Duncan, Okla., died Friday, May 1, 2009, at Evergreen Hospice Facility in Kirkland, Wash. Graveside services will be 1:30 p.m. Friday in Tussy (Okla.) Cemetery. Burial is under direction of Don Grantham Funeral Home of Duncan.Vinita was born Oct. 27, 1925, in Duncan, to Arthur W. and Reva Wilkerson Snow.
She married T.J. Edwards on Jan. 10, 1986, in Ardmore, Okla. He preceded her in death Dec. 10, 1988. She was a homemaker and was a member of Chisholm Trail Church of Christ. She is survived by her daughter, Klyda Gerber of Odom, Texas; two sons: Ed Rains of Shoreline, Wash., and Phillip Payne of Russia; three sisters: Barbara A. Patton, Sharon Jones and Shennell Snow; two brothers: Larry W. Snow and Gaylon K. Snow; six grandchildren and many great-grandchildren.She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband; and three brothers: J.W. Snow, Wendell "Hank" Snow and Gerald C. "Jerry" Snow.
Online condolences may be made at the Grantham Funeral Homes website.
I was not able to locate Fred on either the 1910 or 1920 census. There was a Fred or about the right age living in Barry County in 1920, married to a Floy. It could be that Fred moved to Barry, as he did have cousins in that area.
There is a listing that might be him in 1930 in Isabella County. If this is him, he was not likely the same Fred that lived in Barry County in 1920.
1930 Census Michigan, Isabella County, Nottawa Twp SNYDER, Fred Head R 10 M W 43 M 21 Mich Mich Mich Cook SNYDER, Illma Wife F W 42 M 21 Mich Oh Mich Saleslady SNYDER, Leslie W Son 12 S Mich Mich Mich
11-20-1947 ISABELLA COUNTY TIMES-NEWS, MI; front page: "BLANCHARD MAN IS GUN VICTIM - Killed While Hunting in Mecosta County - With the 1947 deer hunting season only a week old, at least 20 persons had died from gunshots or other causes. One of the victims was Kenneth E. Snyder of Chippewa Lake, well known in Isabella County.
Snyder, whose home is near Blanchard, was killed instantly Saturday when struck by a shotgun slug, fired by another hunter who mistook the victim for a deer. Officers said Snyder was only 10 feet away from the hunter who fired the fatal charge.
4)11-27-1947 ISABELLA COUNTY TIMES-NEWS, MI: "OBITUARY - Kenneth Snyder, 39, died November 15, 1947. He was accidentally killed while hunting.
Funeral services were held Wednesday, November 19, from the Pine River church with burial at the Pine River cemetery.
Mr. Snyder was born November 29, 1907, the son of Carobell McLean and Vernon F. Snyder. His father preceded him in death May 20, 1940. He received his education in the grade and Blanchard high school. He graduated from Greer college, Chicago.
In September of 1942, he enlisted in the Engineers' Maintenance company, serving as a 3rd technical sereant in World War II in seven countries. He was married to Marie Smith of Chippewa Lake April 12, 1943.
Mr. Snyder was employed by the Earl Equipment Company of Detroit as a Diesel Engineer, covering Michigan.
He was affiliated with the Pleasant View Masonic lodge 487 as a Master Mason and was a member of American Legion, Guy Stanton post 240.
Surviving is his wife, his mother, one sister, Mrs. Berece Boyer of Blanchard, and a step-daughter Jean Marie Smith of Chippewa Lake. (Both courtesy LaVonne Bennett).
His Memorial page at FindAGrave has a photo of his military marker, sevice info inscribed as TEC 3 1468 ENGR MAINT CO WORLD WAR II
1920 Federal Census Michigan, Isabella County, Rolland Twp, Dist 212 SNYDER, Lawrence Head M W 23 Mich Pa US Occupation None The above listing MIGHT be for a different person, as Lawrence is also listed with his parents in 1920. The places of birth of his parents are also off.
1930 Federal Census Michigan, Isabella County, Rolland Twp, Dist 17 SNYDER, Lawrence Head 34 M 24 Postmaster Government Mich US Mich SNYDER, Lelah M Wife 28 M 18 Mich Mich Mich SNYDER, Dondea M Dau 8 Mich Mich Mich SNYDER, Laurence A Son 7 Mich Mich Mich
There is a record of an obituary for the son of L.W. Snyder who died January 2, 1924 in the Mt. Pleasant Times, dated January 10, 1924 on page 8, column 4. Buried in Pine River cemetery there is a Richard Eugene SNYDER, born 9-29-1923 and died January 4, 1924. Appears to be the same person, and a son of Lawrence and Lelah. Was he perhaps a twin of Lawrence, who also appears to have been born in 1923?
Pine River Cemetery Records: Snyder Lawrence 77 9/24/1973 3 2 51 I Snyder Lelah Mae 36 1/10/1938 2 2 51 I Lawrence Snyder Mildred 63 5/8/1969 3 2 51 I Lawrence Snyder Richard 3 mos. 1/6/1924 1 2 51 I Lawrence
1-10-1924 MT. PLEASANT TIMES, MI; page 6: "Rolland Center - Our community extends their sympathy to our postmaster, Laurence Snyder and wife because of the death of their baby, Richard, aged three months and one week. He was as well as could be in the evening and the next morning Mrs. Snyder found him dead. He is indeed an angel gone to await his loved ones in the better world." (Courtesy of LaVonne Bennett).
Rolland Township Death and Burials:
Snyder Vernon Franklin 9-11-1884 5/20/1940* Pine River
Snyder Elton 11/30/1911 3/26/1913
Pine River Cemetery Records (also known as Rolland Township, Blanchard Road)
Snyder Carobelle 66 12/31/1953 4 1 22 I
Vernon Snyder Vernon Franklin 55 5/23/1940* 2 1 22 I
Snyder Kenneth E. 39 11/19/1947 3 1 22 I
Vernon Snyder Elton 1 1 22 I Vernon
1910 Census
Michigan, Isabella County, Rolland Twp, Dist 99
SNYDER, Vern 25 M1 2 Mich Oh Mi Farmer
SNYDER, Carria 22 M1 2 2/2 Mich Mich Mich
SNYDER, Kenneth L 2 Mich Mich Mich
SNYDER, Bernice G 2/12 Mich Mich Mich
1920 Census
Michigan, Isabella County, Rolland Twp, Dist 212
SNYDER, Vern M W 35 M Mich Ind Mich Farmer
SNYDER, Cara F W 33 M MIch Mich Mich
SNYDER, Kenneth M W 12 S Mich Mich Mich
SNYDER, Berniece F W 9 S Mich Mich Mich
1930 Census
Michigan, Isabella County, Rolland Twp
SNYDER, Vernon F 45 Mich US US Farmer
SNYDER, Caro B 43 Mich Mich Mich
SNYDER, Kenneth 22 Mich Mich Mich Laborer Road Building
This could be for his obituary, but as a DOB is not listed, it is not known for sure.
Snyder First Name: Will Middle Name/Initial: Maiden Name: Date of Death: 04/20/1947 Birth Date: Spouse: Survived By: Other: Cemetery: Obituary Source: Isabella County Times News Source Information: April 24, 1947; Page 18, Column 3 Obituary File:
(Research):This appears to be William' s family at the time of the 1880 Census:
Solomon SNYDER Self M Male W 44 OH Carpenter PA PA
Rosena SNYDER Wife M Female W 37 OVER THE SEA Keeping House --- ---
William SNYDER Son S Male W 17 IN Farmer OH ---
Mary SNYDER Dau S Female W 15 IN Servant OH ---
Joseph SNYDER Son S Male W 13 IN At School OH ---
Samuel SNYDER Son S Male W 10 IN At School OH ---
Frank SNYDER Son S Male W 8 IN At School OH ---
Annette SNYDER Dau S Female W 6 MI At School OH -
Milo SNYDER Son S Male W 4 MI OH ---
Marion SNYDER Son S Male W 1 MI OH ---
Source Information:
Census Place Odessa, Ionia, Michigan
Family History Library Film 1254584
NA Film Number T9-0584
Page Number 316C
Delma E. Smith, age 92 of Tobias, Nebraska passed away on September 13, 2008 in Fairbury. She was born April 20, 1916 at Tobias the daughter of Joseph and Anna Burda Sobotka.
Survivors include her daughters Carol Shelton and husband Mose of LaBelle, FL., Joyce Patch and husband [Francis] "Mick" of Broken Bow, NE., son Lynn Smith and wife Jean of Tobias, daughter-in-law Carol Smith of Atlantic, IA., 10 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband Maurice Smith, son Darryl Smith*, son-in-law Lyle Ahrens, sisters Olga and Irma and brother Melvin.
Services will be on Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at 2:30 p.m. at the Tobias Community Church in Tobias with Joyce Heidelk officiating. Visitation will be on Monday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Gerdes-Meyer Funeral Home in Fairbury, on Tuesday from noon until 1:30 p.m. at the church in Tobias. A private family burial at the Tobias Cemetery will precede the 2:30 p.m. public service. Memorials are to the Tobias Rescue Unit and family's choice.
(Gerdes-Meyer Funeral Home Obituaries, courtesy of Dennis Belohlavy)
*Obit for child of Delma (Sobotka) Smith from LJS archives, courtesy of Dennis Belohlavy
Smith - Darryl D., 57, Atlantic, Iowa, died Tuesday (8/6/96) in Kenora, Ontario, Canada. Born, Tobias. Financial planner. Survivors: wife, Carol; sons, Mark, Atlantic, Greg, Omaha; sisters, Joyce Patch, Broken Bow, Carol Shelton, LaBelle, Fla.; brother, Lynn, Tobias; aunts, Marjorie Franck, Audubon, Iowa, Irma Knutsen, Tobias; uncle, Melvin Sobotka, Tobias; mother-in-law, Margaret Svec, Geneva; four grandchildren; nieces, nephews; cousins.
Graveside service: 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Atlantic Catholic Cemetery. Memorial Mass: 10:30 a.m. Saturday, St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church, Atlantic. Prayer service: 6 p.m. today, Roland Funeral Home, Atlantic. Visitation: today, 7-8 p.m., funeral home.
Grace was married first to Mike PLACEK of Swanton. Mike died in Geneva, Nebraska. He and Grace were the parents of Loretta Grace, Mary Ellen and Lonnie Michael PLACEK.
Loretta married Larry RECKLING, and they were the parents of Jeffery, Todd, Tim and Michelle, and made their home in Crete, Nebraska.
Mary Ellen married Elmer HESSHEIMER, and they were the parents of Dana, Lisa and Kimberly. They also lived in Crete, Nebraska.
Lonnie, born July 9, 1960, died in a construction accident on October 25, 1978. He is buried at the Bohemian National Cemetery at Wilber near his father.
Grace taught school for many years, retiring in 1984. She is a member of the Milligan American Legion Auxiliary, Tabor Lodge, Miller Junior Extension club and several teaching organizations. (Milligan, p 355-356).
Grace Helen Kotas was born on February 8, 1925 to Frank and Rose (Bruha) Sobotka. At a young age, the family moved to Wilber, Nebraska, where she attended school. She graduated from high school with a Normal Training degree, which allowed her to be a teacher directly out of high school. Teaching was a passion, and teaching children was her light! She taught in many country schools in Saline County. Later teaching in Denver, Colorado for one year, Sutton, Nebraska and retired from Geneva, Nebraska Public Schools. She was a respected teacher, who after 42 years of inspiring children to learn, working hard to receive her BS and MS, reluctantly retired.
During the summer, if she wasn't attending summer school, she and her girls were gardening, canning vegetables and fruit, or raising, butchering and freezing chickens. In 1943, she met Milo Placek, who was home on leave from the Air Force. They were married on May 25, 1944. The moved back to San Antonio, Texas, where their oldest daughter, Loretta was born. The marriage was a strong union, until Milo died on May 24, 1973.
In 1976, Grace married Joe Kotas of Milligan, Nebraska. She was very active with the American Legion and other community functions. In 2010, Grace began living at Tabitha Crete, where she went to her heavenly home.
She is survived by daughters, Loretta (Larry) Reckling and Mary Hessheimer. Grandchildren: Jeff (Jerri) Reckling, Todd (Karla Brinkman) Reckling, Tim (Kim Snell-Soucie) Reckling, Michelle (Ron) Barak, Dana Hessheimer, Lisa Hessheimer Church and Kim Valentine. 12 great grandsons and 2 great granddaughters. Also, 3 great-great grandsons and 2 great-great granddaughters. Sister-in law, Marie Sukovaty. She was preceded in death by her first husband Milo Placek, second husband Joe Kotas and special friend Stanley Chrastil. Her son Lonnie Michael, and great grandson Zachery Hessheimer Jenkins. Her parents and brothers, Leonard and Frank, sister in law Elsie Sobotka. Cremation has taken place. A Celebration of Grace's life will be held at a later date. Memorials to Tabitha in Crete or Milligan Legion with Kuncl Funeral Home in charge.
1920 Census
Nebraska, Saline County, Olive Precinct
Enumerated 27 and 28 January 1920
SD $ ED 137 Sheet 10A
Sobotka, Joseph A Hd M W 32 M Neb Bohemia/Bohemian Bohemia/
Bohemian Farmer
Sobotka, Annie Wf F W 27 M Nebraska Bohemia/Bohemian Bohemia/Bohemian
Sobotka, Olga Dtr F W 8 S Neb Neb Neb
Sobotka, Irma Dtr F W 5 S Neb Neb Neb
Sobotka, Delma F W 3 9/12 Neb Neb Neb
Sigmund Anthony Solares, a program director for Avondale Shipyards Inc., died Saturday at Oschsner Foundation Hospital after a lengthy illness. He was 51. Mr. Solares was born in New Orleans and lived in Harahan for 13 years. He was employed by Avondale Shipyards for the past 25 years. He studied industrial education at Louisiana State University and served in the Navy during World War II. Mr. Solares was a parishioner of St. Rita's Catholic Church. He is survived by his wife, Vivian Schoenfeld Solares; three daughters, Jessica Demoruelle , Rachel Remke and Vivian Clare Solares, a son, Sigmund Joseph Solares; and a brother, Ramon Solares. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Monday at St. Rita's Catholic Church, 160 Imperial Woods Drive, Harahan. Burial will be in Lake Lawn Park Mausoleum. Lake Lawn Metairie Funeral Home, 5100 Pontchartrain Blvd., is handling arrangements.
The San Augustine Tribune
Thursday, November 16, 2006
A similar obituary was in the November 15, 2006 Sabine County Reporter
Allie Bell Bennett
Funeral services for Allie Bell Bennett, 81, of Hemphill were held at 10 a.m. Saturday, November 11, 2006 at Starr Funeral Home Chapel. Burial followed at Hemphill Cemetery. Bro. Homer Williams and Bro. Eddie Ballard officiated. She died November 9, 2006 at Hemphill Care Center. Allie Bell Bennett was born in Yellowpine on June 2, 1925 to Oscar Eugene SOLLY and Mary Ann TRAVIS Solly. She was a beautician and a member of the Eastern Star, V.F.W. Ladies Auxiliary and East Mayfield Baptist Church. She is survived by her daughters, Peggy Jones EPPS and husband, Joe Dan of Lafayette, La., Wilma Jean WILLIAMS of Hemphill and Susan EZERNACK of husband Timmy of Pineland; brother, Doyle SOLLY and Wife, Mary of Shreveport, La., sister-in-law, Norma Jean SOLLY of Hudson; five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Starr Funeral Home in Hemphill was in charge of arrangements.
1900 Census
Texas, Sabine County, Pr. 3
Enumerated 21 Jun 1900
SD 8 ED 70 Sheet 11A Stamped 128
Solley, Henry J Head W M Apr 1852 48 M 6 Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Solley, Julia Wf W F Feb 1866 34 M 6 3/2 Tx Tx Tx
Solley, Maggie Dau W F Feb 1876 24 S Tx Tx Tx
Solley, Samuel D Son W M Dec 1881 19 S Tx Tx Tx
Solley, Henry Son W M Aug 1883 16 S Tx Tx Tx
Solley, Ernest Son W M Mar 1886 14 S Tx Tx Tx
Solley, Viola Dau W F Nov 1888 11 S Tx Tx Tx
Solley, Eugene Son W M July 1892 & S Tx Tx Tx
Solley, Nellie E Dau W F Feb 1897 3 S Tx Tx Tx
Solley, Arthur T Son W M Mar 1899 1 S Tx Tx Tx
Runnells, W. P??? Boarder W M Feb 1874 26 S T Miss Ala Teach Public School
Louis and Maggie COOPER
Sam and Ada McCLELLAND and family
Military Marker Only: Sgt. US Army WW II Purple Heart
Son of Earnest E. and Dollie E. SOLLY
Obituary, from FindAGrave:
Hollis was a native of Sabine County.Hollis Solly served in the U.S. Army in World War II.Following his service,the couple settled in Hemphill where he served as Sheriff of Sabine County.They latter lived in Orange County,Mathis,Alice and Lufkin where Hollis served as service manager for several automobile dealerships.Later they operated their own business,Solly Vaccination Service in Jasper for several years.
Hollis lived in Jasper for 40 years and was a retired automotive service manager.He was also a retired vocational trades teacher for Bridge City High School.
In loving memory of Hollis Elray Solly age 80 years.He passed away Monday at Lakes Regional Medical Center.
Funeral services was held Wednesday, September 3,1997 at Stringer and Griffin Funeral Home in Jasper
Brother Keith Lee Grand Solly of Lufkin also in this cemetery.
His FindAGrave memorial page, created by Cherry Reynolds Solly, shows him as a son of Henry J Solly by wife Tabitha J. McClelland. However, on Henry James Solly's memorial page, also created by Cherry Reynolds Solly, Sam D. is shown as born to Henry by his first wife, Emma Elizabeth McClelland.
Abraham Solomon was shown as born June 5, 1891 and died October 29, 1973 on both the Social Security Death Index and Find A Grave. The image of his actual application for a Social Security account shows a slightly later year of birth, instead showing he was born on June 5, 1894 in Kovno, Litha (sic). The application was completed on March 15, 1952, showing him as 57 on his last birthday, which would seem to confirm the year of birth as 1894 versus 1891. He listed his parents as Morris Solomon and Sara Jacobs. His occupation was listed as "Self Employed." He was a resident of 2940 Ellicot Drive in Baltimore, where the family was living on the 1930 census.
Kovno was a governorate of Russia, and is known as Kaunas, the second largest city in present day Lithuania. Prior to the Second World War, Kaunas, like many cities in eastern Europe, had a significant Jewish population. According to the Russian census of 1897, Jews numbered 25,500, 35.3% of the total of 73,500. The population was recorded as 25.8% Russian, 22.7% Polish, 6.6% Lithuanian. They established numerous schuls and synagogues, and were important for centuries to the culture and business of the city. His birth place on FindAGrave was also shown as Kaunas City Municipality, Kaunas, Lithuania,
Abraham enlisted in the US Military during World War I, and the U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File also has his date of birth shown as June 5, 1891. Abraham's date of enlistment was September 20, 1917, and he was released on May 29, 1919.
In the April, 2017 issues of the Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin, Number 8, Cantor Robbie Solomon wrote that "Nothing is strong in my memory of children here in Baltimore than the large family Seders at my grandmother Tillie's house. I can still see my grandfather, Abraham Solomon, sitting at one end of the table reading the Haggadah aloud in Hebrew in his quiet voice, as the rest of us took turns reading it in English and singing the songs intermittently. I was convinced as a young boy that "Zaide", as we called him, was translating our words to God so they would carry more weight...It occurred to me recently that 2017 marks the 110-year anniversary of my grandfather's arrival at Ellis Island, escaping the oppressive regime of Czarist Russia."
Robbie further recalled that as the oldest grandchild of Abraham and Tillie, and his job was to entertain his younger cousins, mainly doing simple magic tricks and playing other silly games, or belting out some of the fancier solos from the service. He further noted his own father was called "Double Zadie"....and that he and his wire Helen were proud to fly down from Boston to Baltimore with their new granddaughter, Luciana Rose, to spend time with their Baltimore family.
Geni shows Abraham as the son of Fiva and Deenah Solomon, and brother of Monash Menasha Solomon, Gitel Feldman, Chope Horowitz, Rose Blass, Riva Moshenzick, Morris Solomon, Esther Burke and Bela Solomon. Note this does not match the names on Abraham's application for a Social Security account, although those names may have been anglicized, so this should be researched further.Or perhaps the Abraham listed on Geni, father of a Morris Solomon, is the grandfather of the Abraham Solomon who married Tillie Levine and resided in Baltimore.
1920 Census
New Jersey, Warren County, Hackettstown
Enumerated 10 Jan 1920
SD 6 ED 155 Sheet 8A
High Street
Solomon, Abrham Head M W 29 M 1907 Na 1920 Russia/Russian Russia/Russian Russia/Russian Retail Merchant Fruit
Solomon, Tillie Wf F W 23 M 1900 Na 1920 Russia/Russian Russia/Russian Russia/Russian
1930 Census
Maryland, Baltimore City, Ward 16 Block 41
Enumerated 4 Apr 1930
ED 4508 SD 4 Sheet 4B
Ellicot Drive
Solomon, Abrham Head O 9000 M W 35 M 24 Russia Russia Russia Russian Owner Grocery Store
Solomon, Tillie Wf F W 33 M 22 Russia Russia Russia Russian
Solomon, Marvin Son M W 9 S NJ Russia Russia
Solomon, Jack Son M W 6 S Maryland Russia Russia
Solomon, Garrison Son M W 3 8/12 S Maryland Russia Russia
Solomon, Leonard Son M W 3 8/12 S Maryland Russia Russia
Here ends Enumeration Block 41
1940 Census
Maryland, Baltimore City, Ward 16, Block 57
Enumerated April 18, 1940
SD 7 ED 4-518 Sheet 15B
Ellicot Drive
2940-345-Owned Home Value 8,000
Solomon, Abraham Head M W 46 M Highest level of school 4 Russia Na Owner Grocery Store
Solomon, Tillie Wife F W 43 M Highest level of school 6 Russia Na Asst Mngr Grocery Store
Solomon, Marvin B Son M W 19 S Attended School College-1 New Jersey Bottle Cutter Master, Grocery Store
Solomon, Jack Son M W 16 S Attended School High School-3 Maryland Salesman Grocery Store
Solomon, Garrison Son M W 13 S Attended School Grade 6 Maryland
Solomon, Leonard Son M W 13 S Attended School Grade 7 Maryland
On Tuesday April 27, 2004, GARRISON "Garry" SOLOMON; beloved husband of Phyllis Solomon (nee Sartoph); loving father of Michele Walters, Fran Stern and Caryn Solomon and the late Larry Solomon and Susan Earle; devoted brother of Marvin, Jack and Leonard Solomon; loving grandfather of Danielle Solomon, Corey and Adam Walters, and Shannon and Taylor Stern. Services at SOL LEVINSON AND BROS INC., 8900 Reisterstown Road at Mt. Wilson Lane, on Thursday, April 29 at 2 P.M. Interment (Anshe Emunah) Aitz Chaim Congregation Cemetery, 3901 Washington Blvd. In lieu of flowers, contributions in his memory may be directed to the Kidney Foundation of Maryland or the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Maryland Chapter. Family in mourning at 3703 Cassen Road, Randallstown (21133).
The National Jewish Welfare Board, Bureau of War Records, had an index card for the Solomon Family of 2940 Ellicot Drive, Baltimore. All four sons were serving in the Military, Marvin B, age 25, Navy; Jack, age 21, Army; and Leonard and Garrison, both 18, were both in the Navy as well.
Married twice. He was an executive in the insurance industry up until the time of his retirement.
On May 12, 2012, Jack Solomon , beloved husband of Helene Solomon (nee Needle); beloved father of Sandi (Rick) Popowitz, Kenneth (Laura) Solomon, Susan Land, Jay (Lorain) Land, Stefani (Frank) Davies; devoted brother of Marvin and Leonard Solomon and the late Garrison Solomon; loving grandfather of Brian Popowitz, Stacey Popowitz, Katelyn Solomon and Hannah Solomon.
Funeral services and interment will be held at Anshe Emunah Aitz Chaim Cemetery, 3901 Washington Blvd. on Tuesday, May 15, at 12 noon. Please omit flowers. Contributions in his memory may be sent to Mildred Mindell Cancer Fund, 17 Branchwood Court, Baltimore, MD 21208. The family will be receiving at Embassy Suites at BWI Airport, 1300 Concourse Dr., Linthicum, MD 21090, Tuesday only and continuing at 3104 Lightfoot Dr., Baltimore, MD 21208, Wednesday only. Arrangements by SOL LEVINSON & BROS., INC.
Published in Baltimore Sun on May 14, 2012
The National Jewish Welfare Board, Bureau of War Records, had an index card for the Solomon Family of 2940 Ellicot Drive, Baltimore. All four sons were serving in the Military, Marvin B, age 25, Navy; Jack, age 21, Army; and Leonard and Garrison, both 18, were both in the Navy as well.
SOLOMON , Leonard On July 20, 2013, Leonard Solomon ; beloved husband of Sylvia Solomon (nee Schiff); devoted father of Bruce J. (Marlene) Solomon, Stuart (Leslye) Solomon, and Sharon Solomon (Pat Pattison); loving brother of Marvin Solomon and the late Jack Solomon and Garry Solomon; dear brother-in-law of Harriett, Helene, and Phyllis Solomon, and Howard (Barbara) Schiff; cherished grandfather of Barry Solomon, Allison (David) Parsons, Gregory (Casie) Solomon, Andrea Solomon, and Stephanie Solomon; adored great grandfather of Gabriel Solomon.
Services at SOL LEVINSON & BROS., INC., 8900 Reisterstown Road, at Mount Wilson Lane on Tuesday, July 23, at 1 pm. Interment Beth Tfiloh Cemetery - 5800 Windsor Mill Road. Please omit flowers. Contributions in his memory may be sent to Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah, 7000 Rockland Hills Drive, Baltimore, MD 21209. In mourning at 3021 Fallstaff Rd, Unit 105B (The Towers), Baltimore, MD 21209.
sollevinson.com - See more at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/baltimoresun/obituary.aspx?pid=165979935#sthash.eAW9I4BK.dpuf
The National Jewish Welfare Board, Bureau of War Records, had an index card for the Solomon Family of 2940 Ellicot Drive, Baltimore. All four sons were serving in the Military, Marvin B, age 25, Navy; Jack, age 21, Army; and Leonard and Garrison, both 18, were both in the Navy as well.
Marvin B. Solomon, of Baltimore, Maryland, passed away on Friday, March 19th, 2021 at the age of 100. He is survived by his children, Robbie (Helen) Solomon, Marsha Solomon (Mary Thomey), Abbie (Gary) Bass, and Jeff Rosensweig (Sheryl Spector); grandchildren, Samuel (Kristy Errera) Solomon, Byron Solomon, Ben Bass, Sophie Bass, Mariah Rosensweig, and Carmie Rosensweig; and great-grandchildren, Nicolas, Leo, and Luciana Solomon. Marvin was predeceased by his wives, Shirley Solomon (nee Potash) and Harriette Solomon (nee Weinstein); and his parents, Tillie and Abraham Solomon.
Marvin Solomon was a man of great courage and fortitude, who during his long life enhanced the lives of hundreds of people. His military service, the many people he found jobs for through the Pratt Employment Agency, his long leadership in the Chatham Club, and the years of volunteering down at Baltimore Harbor were among his many great contributions.
A virtual funeral will be held on Monday, March 22, at 12 pm. Please omit flowers. Contributions in his memory may be sent to ALS Association, 7507 Standish Place, Rockville, MD 20855. Please see Levinson's website for virtual shiva details.
Listed in the University of Maryland, College Park, Terrapin Yearbook, 1942, as having received a B. S. in International Relations. He was also shown as a member of the Farm Economics Club and Intramurals
Ancestry.com. U.S., Select Military Registers, 1862-1985 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2013. This collection was indexed by Ancestry World Archives Project contributors. shows that Marvin B. Solomon, born August 1920, was listed in the Commissioned Officers, Cadets, Midshipmen, and Warrant Officers of the United States Naval Reserve, with a "military date" of 2 Dec 1942.
(Research):The SONES lineage in Marion County Mississippi runs directly to Henry SOANE, JR - a Burgess in the Virginia House of Burgesses from 1652-1661 and Speaker of the House of Burgesses in 1660-1661. Thomas JEFFERSON, SR was born in 1653 in Curles, James River, Henrico, Virginia. He died in 1697 in Henrico Co., VA. He married Mary BRANCH in 1677 in Curles, James River, Henrico, Virginia. Mary BRANCH was born about 1660 in Henrico County, Virginia. She died after Nov 1700 in Henrico County, Virginia. Their children were Thomas JEFFERSON, JR who was born in 1677 and died on 18 Feb 1731; Martha JEFFERSON was born about 1679 in Henrico, Virginia; Mary JEFFERSON was born in 1679 in Henrico, Virginia. Of special interest to the SONES researcher, Colonel Peter JEFFERSON (1708-1757), son of Captain Thomas JEFFERSON, JR (1677-18 Feb 1731) and Mary FIELD (1680-1715) married Jane RANDOLPH (1720-1776). They were the parents of Thomas JEFFERSON (1743-1826), who became the third President of the United States. Thomas JEFFERSON's Great-Great Grandparents were Henry and Judith (FULLER) SOANE. The Marion County, Mississippi Sones families are relatives of, but not descendents of President Thomas JEFFERSONTo better understand the connection, among Henry and Judith SOANE's decendants, Judith SOANE (1646-1703), first married Henry RANDOLPH (1623-1673) and secondly (marr 21 Oct 1678 Chickahominy, VA) to Peter FIELD (1647-1707). Mary FIELD (1679-1715), their daughter married Thomas JEFFERSON, JR (1679-1730), Sheriff of Henrico County, Virginia and son of Thomas JEFFERSON, SR (died 1697) and Mary (Martha) BRANCH.
AKA Katrina or Mary. The daughter of Veronika URBAN and Frank SOPR, she was born in Prague, Bohemia and came to the United States at the age of 18 with her sister and brother-in-law, Anna and Vaclav KOCA. The sailed on the ship "Ohio" from Bremen, and arrived in Baltimore, Maryland on September 27, 1872. They settled first in Braidwood, Illinois, moving to Glengary Township, Fillmore County, Nebraska in 1874. (Milligan, p 276).
Name Florence Katherine Mathews
Event Type Death
Event Date 29 Aug 1969
Event Place Cotulla, La Salle, Texas, United States
Gender Female
Marital Status Widowed
Birth Date 19 Jul 1884
Birthplace , Arkansas
Father's Name Jasper James Sossaman
Mother's Name Nancy Elizabeth Hester
Certificate Number 93730
GS Film number 2218516
Digital Folder Number 005145023
Image Number 00039
Citing this Record:
"Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/K39N-YXX : accessed 31 Dec 2013), Florence Katherine Mathews, 29 Aug 1969; citing certificate number 93730, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2218516.
Obituary, from FindAGrave:
Services for Mrs. Florence Kathrine Mathews, 85 of Dilley, who died Friday, will be at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Assembly of God Church in Dilley. Burial will be in the Millett Cemetery under direction of Hearn Funeral Home. Mrs. Mathews had lived in the Dilley-Millett area since 1905. Survivors include 2 sons, Jack W. Mathews, Payson, Arizona and Marvin L. Mathews, Cotulla; 2 daughters, Mrs. Edna Dollar and Mrs. Jewel Brown both of Dilley; two brothers, 8 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.
Becky Asif notes that his occupation on the 1930 census was listed as "Contractor, Roads & Streets." She also indicates that he died wihile on a trip in Indiana.
Alice did private duty nursing during Bill's law school days. She also was Obstetrics Supervisor at Rush Memorial Hospital for 12 years. She retired from nursing in 1962. She was an R.N. in Colorado, Nebraska and Indiana.
Angela V. Howes, 93, of Chesterfield, Mo., and formerly of Hannibal, Mo., died at 1 a.m. Tuesday, March 6, 2012, at St. Luke's Hospital in Chesterfield.
Funeral services will be at 1 p.m. Friday, March 9, at the James O'Donnell Funeral Home in Hannibal. Pastor Tom Day will officiate. Burial will be at Grand View Burial Park in Hannibal.
Visitation will be from noon until the time of services Friday at the James O'Donnell Funeral Home.
Mrs. Howes was born Nov. 23, 1918, in Milligan, Neb., to Fred and Mary Soukup.
She was married to Albert Howes and he preceded her in death.
Survivors include three children, Sharon Kay Bush of Ballwin, Mo., Robert Stewart (Ann) of New London, Mo., Charles Howes (Vicki) of Manchester, Mo.; grandchildren, Greg Stewart, Gary Stewart (Melissa), Cindy Bovelle, Matt Howes (Jamie) Mandy Kempter (Tony), Ashley Howes; several great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews and special friend, Daisy Hamilton.
She is preceded in death by two sisters, Irene Lavender, Rose Jameson; and two grandchildren, Mike Bauman and Stephanie Bauman.
Mrs. Howes was a volunteer with the Head Start Program. She retired from Crown Shoe Factory as a laborer and previously worked as a housekeeper at the Holiday Inn. Mrs. Howes loved to play cards and search puzzles. She enjoyed horses and loved the color purple. Mrs. Howes was a Christian by faith.
Memorial contributions may be made to Jeanna Babyak Scholarship Fund in care of the James O'Donnell Funeral Home.
Pallbearers will be Greg Stewart, Gary Stewart, Matt Howes, Tony Kempter and Andy Babyak.
Online condolences may be made at www.jamesodonnellfuneralhome.com
From the Familysearch 1880 United States Census and Nationa
l Index
Census Place:Douglas, Saunders, Nebraska Source:FHL Film 1254756 National Archives Film T9-0756 Page 37 RelationSexMarrRaceAgeBirthplace Anton SOCOOPSelfMMW29BOHEMIA Occ:FarmerFa: BOHEMIAMo: BOHEMIA Rosy SOCOOPWifeFMW25BOHEMIA Occ:Keeps HouseFa: BOHEMIAMo: BOHEMIA
1900 Census
Nebraska, Saunders County, Morse Bluff Precinct & Village
Enumerated 11 Jun 1900
SD 4 ED 128 Sheet 6B
Soukup, Anton Hd W M Jan 1851 49 M@26 Bohemia Bohemia Bohemia 1868 32 Na Farmer
Soukup, Rosa Wf W F Oct 1854 Oct 1854 45 M@26 6/6 Bohemia Bohemia Bohemia 1870 40
Soukup, Joseph Son W M May 1877 23 M 8/12 0/0 Neb Bohemia Bohemia Farm Laborer
Soukup, Milie Dtr W F Apr 1888 20 S Neb Bohemia Bohemia
Soukup, Frank Son W M Apr 1882 18 S Neb Bohemia Bohemia Farm Laborer
Soukup, Lillie Dtr W F Jan 1885 15 S Neb Bohemia Bohemia At School
Soukup, Annie Dtr W F May 1889 11 Neb Bohemia Bohemia At School
Soukup, Anton Son W M Mar 1892 8 Neb Bohemia Bohemia
Soukup, Mary Dtr-in-Law W F Jul 1880 20 M 8/12 0/0 Neb Bohemia Bohemia
(Medical):Had the above condition for about two years prior to this death. Was treated by his physician from August 1908 until his death in March 1910.
Petr Zakovec emailed, in December 2014, that he had found the wedding record of Anton and Mary, and that Antonin was a "blacksmith journeyman from Plasy no.15, son of Josef Soukup, shoemaker from Plasy no.15 and Teresie, born Hyke?ov?, from Babiny no. 19"
Anton Soukup and family can first be found in Braidwood, Illinois, later moving to Nebraska to homestead.
"Most of the Czechs in this vicinity (Saunders County, Nebraska) were obliged to go elsewhere to earn a living. Many originally came (in this country) from around Braidwood, Illinois, where they had worked in mines. So back there they went for the winter season, or to Omaha (and in either case they went to Omaha afoot), leaving their wives to take care of the children and homesteads. Mrs. Frank Hines (living at date of writing) remembers when her husband left for Braidwood and two weeks later their son Frank was born. There was no alternative, they had to live."
Source: As noted at http://www.rootsweb.com/~neethnic/czechs/cz-pg97a.html
When Anton's son, Frank died in in 1933, the informant for the death certificate (Harry Soukup, a grandson of Anton) erroneously stated that Frank's father was also named Frank Soukup.
CZECH NATIONAL CEMETERY (also known as Killian Cemetery) located in Bohemian township in the NE 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec 23 Township 17, Range 5E of Saunders County, Nebraska.
Recorded on April 12, 1977 and completed on April 15, 1977 by Clarabelle Mares 1722 E 19 Fremont, Nebraska and assisted by Kathrine Petersen. Cemetery in very good condition. Working from front to back in rows.
Marie Soukup 1813 - 1885
Antonin Soukup 1814 - 1898
It appears, however, that a widowed 83 year old Mary Soukup was listed in the household of her daughter and son-in-law, the VIRKA's, at the time of the 1900 census, so her date of death must have actually been shortly after that census.
1870 Federal Census
Illinois, Will County, Reed Township,
Braidwood Post office (page 57)
Sycopp, Antoin 50 M W C. Miner Bohemia
Sycopp Mary 44 F W Bohemia
Sycopp Frank 18 M W Coal Miner Bohemia
Sycopp Antoine 22 MW " Bohemia
Sycopp Fannie 9 F W At home Bohemia
It appears that most of the inhabitants of Braidwood were coal miners. Although there were many miners from the east coast of the United States, most of them were immigrants, predominately from Ireland, Wales, Germany, Belgium and Bohemia.
From the Familysearch 1880 United States Census and National Index. This MAY be the listing for the same couple, but there are some differences that would need to be accounted for.
Census Place:Douglas, Saunders, Nebraska Source:FHL Film 1254756 National Archives Film T9-0756 Page 37 RelationSexMarrRaceAgeBirthplace
Anton Saml. SOCOOP Self M M W 75 BOHEMIA Occ:Too Old To Work Fa: BOHEMIA Mo: BOHEMIA
Notice the dramatic change in age between 1870 and 1880. It appears that the ages listed in 1870 may have been off, as the 1880 ages more closely match their years of birth according to their tombstones.
A direct male descendant volunteered to have his DNA tested
. The results can be found at www.ysearch.org, under the user ID #J7DYD. The FamilyTreeDNA Kit number is 69508.
The members of R1b are believed to be the descendants of the first modern humans who entered Europe about 35,000-40,000 years ago. Those R1b forebearers were the people who painted the beautiful art in the caves in Spain and France. They were the contemporaries (and perhaps exterminators) of the European Neanderthals. R1b is the most common Y haplogroup in Europe - more than half of men of European descent belong to R1b. Fourteen of the 30 most common haplotypes in the YSTR.org database are typical of R1b.
Arnold Harry Soukup, son of Harry and Mary (Stejskal) Soukup was born March 27, 1919 near Milligan. He passed away on June 22, 1998 in Lincoln, at the age of 79.
He grew up on the farm with his parents and attended rural school and one year of high school in Geneva. After one year of school he had to stay home to help with the farming. He farmed until June 1944, when he was called to serve in the Army. he served in the European-African-Middle East Theater of operations during WW II. He was discharged in May, 1946.
Upon returning from military service he continued farming with his parents.
He was united in marriage to Maryanne Wanek on April 15, 1952. They farmed until the fall of 1959 when they moved to Milligan and Arnold took employment with the Farmers's Coop Company. He worked there until retirement in 1981. During this time he volunteered as a Fire Fighter. After Maryanne passed away on August 2, 1981, he moved to Lincoln.
He was united in marriage to Tillie Engel on August 24, 1990. Tillie blessed him with a large step family that he enjoyed. He especially enjoyed the two great-grandsons that always gave him a helping hand.
He was a member of the Friend United Church of Christ.
Arnold and Tillie loved to travel to see relatives and to take bus tours to Czech functions. He was proud of his Czech heritage and especially enjoyed the music.
He took great pride in his lawn and garden, always keeping things neat. Arnold was a member of the Milligan WFLA Lodge #3909, Nebraska Czechs of Lincoln, BPOE #3909 in Crete, a life-time member of VFW 7102 in Geneva, and a very active and proud member of the American Legion Post #240 in Milligan. He served as mayor of Milligan at one time.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Maryanne; parents, Harry and Mary Stejskal Soukup; brother, Elmer, and niece Nancy Soukup.
He is survived by his wife, Tille, of Dorchester; stepson and spouse, Dennis and Tammy Engel of Altas, Oklahoma; stepdaughters and spouses, Darlene and David Rasplicka of Friend, Beverly and Jon Cawley of Seattle, Washington, Linda Hardin, Muscatine, Iowa; brother and sister in law Ray and Betty Soukup of Lincoln, sister, Rubye Prokup of Lincoln; sisters in law and brother in law, Rosemarie Hannon, Crete; Ella Vagrt, Paul, Idaho; Alvie and Clarence "Bud" Hoffman, Beaver Crossing; Joe Ladman, Dorchester; eight step grandchildren; two step great-grandsons; nieces and nephews.
His memorial service was held at 10:30 am on Saturday, June 27 at the Friend United Church of Christ, with the Rev. Robert Brauninger officiating. The flag presentation ceremony was conducted on Monday, June 29, at Lincoln Memorial Park Cemetery.
The family suggested that memorials be given to the American Legion Post #240, Milligan, or the Dorchester Volunteer Rescue Squad.
Lincoln Memorial Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements.
We would like to thank everyone who remembered with love, prayer, flowers, memorial gifts, cards, food, telephone calls and any other act of kindness shown us during the loss of our loved one, Arnie Soukup. Special thanks to Dorchester Rescue Unit, Dr. McKeeman and Hospital staff, Bryan Memorial Hospital staff and doctors, Milligan Legion, Rev. Bob Brauninger, Friend USS Women's Fellowship, and Dorchester Legion Auxiliary. May God Bless you all. FAMILY OF ARNIE SOUKUP
(Undated, unreferenced copy of obituary and card of thanks)
Betty Ann (Soukup) Smetana was born March 13, 1923 on the family farm northeast of Milligan to James and Anna (Svehla) Soukup. On September 23, 2013, she passed away at the age of 90 years, 6 months, and 10 days at the Exeter Care Center. She was one of three children in the family.
Betty attended Praire Queen District 48 Country School through the eighth grade and graduated high school in Milligan with the Class of 1940. Betty's dad took her and her sister Geri to Tabor Hall to a polka dance, where she met Fritz Smetana, and after a short courtship they were married in Marysville, Kansas on December 20,1941. After marriage they lived on several farms and settling for several years on the Evelyn Clark Farm.
In 1989, they bought a house in Milligan, in which they were very proud of. This was the first time they had running water and telephone. Betty was a hard worker all her life. On the farm she raised chickens, mowed the lawn and did a lot of baking. She was step for step with Fritz on the farm helping wherever she could. She was very much involved in the farming operation even after Fritz's passing, and renting of the farm, she would drive out to the farm and inspect the planting, spraying and harvesting. She had a prime seat at her kitchen window during harvest watching the farmers bring in grain. Before Fritz's passing they enjoyed going to polka dances especially at Pleasant Hill on Sunday evening. Betty also enjoyed going to Ron's Tavern drinking coffee and visiting with her friends. After her sister Geri's health began to decline she unselfishly took care of her, and when Geri entered the Exeter Care Center, Betty would go visit her every week and maybe twice a week to take Geri some goodies. Betty celebrated her 90th birthday on March 13, 2013 with a surprise birthday party at Ron's Tavern with her friends. She said it was her best birthday ever.
Betty was preceded in death by an infant sister Dorothy, her parents and parents-in-law, husband, Fritz and brother-in-law Rudy Oliva. She is survived by sister, Geraldine Oliva of the Exeter Care Center, Nephews, Arlan and Eileen Oliva of Scottsdale, AZ, Dennis and Donna Oliva of Milligan, NE, Lambert and Delores Slepicka of Wilber, NE, nieces, Charlotte Sullivan of Norfolk, NE, Evelyn Kantor of Lincoln, NE, great niece, Lindsey and Shane Stone of Hastings, NE, great nephews, Colten and Nathan Oliva both of Milligan, NE and several cousins and host of friends.
Funeral services 2 p.m., Thursday, at the Farmer & Son Funeral Home-Kotas Chapel in Milligan, NE. Visitation from 1 p.m. until 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Kotas Chapel in Milligan. Memorials to Milligan Rescue Unit in lieu of flowers. Burial in the Bohemian National Cemetery.
Condolences www.farmerandsons.com
(Courtesy of Dennis Belohlavy)
Elmer Louis Soukup, son of Harry and Mary (Stejskal) Soukup, was born May 1, 1921, near Milligan. He passed away December 15,1982, in Lincoln.
He grew up with his parents on the farm and attended school at Milligan after which he took up the auto mechanic trade at Bors Ford Motor Company learning the trade by apprenticeship.
In August 1942 he enlisted inthe U.S. Army Ordinance Department. After training in the U.S. and Canada he was sent overseas to the European Theatre of Operations being involved in the D-Day operations June 6, 1944. He was discharged October 19, 1945, serving a total of three years and two months.
Elmer was a member of Amercan Legion H.S.S.K. Post 240 at Milligan, The Geneva V.F.W. post and Svatopluk Z.C.B.J. Lodge76 at Milligan.
After returning from military service he went back to his auto mechanic trade with his former employer Bors-Bulin Ford Motor Company in Milligan.
On September 5, 1946, he was united in marriage to Jeanette (Grote) Messinger. To this union were born two children, Mary Kaye and John.
In 1955 he secured employment at O'Shea Rogers Ford Motor Company after which he took over the operation of his own service station. For the past 23 years he was employed by the F.D. Wilson Auto Parts Company. He enjoyed his work and took pride in an occasional tinker on some of his client's cars.
Elmer was an avid gardener and greatly enjoyed the company of his neighbors who had much respect for him.
He also took great pride in his many hobbies and enjoyed listening to Czech music.
He was preceded in death by his father, Harry Soukup.
Left to mourn his passing are his wife, Jeanette, daughter and son-in-law, Mary Kaye and Mike McDonald; son and daughter-in-law, John and Mary Soukup; nine grandchildren; mother, Mary Soukup; two brothers, Arnold H. and Ray; and one sister, Rubye Prokop.
CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to everyone who offered kind assistance and sympathy at the time of the death of Elmer Soukup. THE SOUKUP FAMILY
Evan James Soukup, Heavenborn, Saturday, August 13, 2011.
Survived by parents, James and Liz Soukup of Lincoln; grandparents, Greg and Linda Soukup of Lincoln, Joyce and Jim Campbell of Lincoln; uncle and aunt, Frank and Kim Soukup of Lincoln; aunt and uncle, Mark and Nichole Bogen of Bennet; uncles, Brian Campbell of Lincoln, Cody Cambell of Lincoln; great grandmothers, cousins and other family. Preceded in death by grandfather, James Bogen, and great grandfathers.
Service: 3 p.m. Wednesday, August 17, 2011, Lincoln Memorial Funeral Home, 6800 South 14th St., Lincoln. Interment Lincoln Memorial Park. Memorials in care of the family.
Source: Ancestry.com
Lincoln Evening Journal, Monday Dec. 19, 1966
Det. Frank Harry 53, 4201 G, died Friday. Detective was with Lincoln police force 10 years. Born Mulligan, Lincoln resident 25 years, lifetime state resident. Member Elks Lodge 80. Survivors: wife, Bernice; sons: Allen, Glenn, and Gregory, all of Lincoln; mother Mrs. Mary Soukup of Crete; sisters: Mrs. Alice Marshall of Rushville, Ind., Mrs. Pauline Brt of Elkins, Ark., Mrs. Marie Sysel of Crete, Mrs. Rose Duba of Western, Mrs. Wilma Huppert of Chula Vista, CA, Mrs. Irma Dineen of Lincoln. Services 10am Tues at Our Savior's Lutheran 40th & C. Pastor Soren S. Kaldahl. Burial at Bohemian National, Mulligan. Pallbearers: Harland Huppert, Wallace Brt Jr., James R. Dineen, William Marshall Jr., Roger LaPage, Meri Hesser. Honorary pallbears: Lincoln Police Dept.
The article below is from the "Annual Report of the Police Department, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1966," Compliments of Joseph T. Carroll Chief of Police
Found online:
In Memoriam
Frank H. Soukup
Slain in the Line of Duty December 16, 1966
Detective Frank Soukup was slain in a gun battle at a local motel while questioning some out-of-town suspects in a bogus check operation. Two of the gunmen were fatally wounded in the exchange of shots between the investingating officers and the suspects, one of them felled by shots fired by Detective Soukup after he was mortally wounded. It was later determined that the shots which killed the officer were fired by Donald W. Rodgers, one of the gunmen killed. Detective Soukup was the first officer in the history of the Lincoln Police Department to be slain in the line of duty.
Frank Soukup was 53 years of age and had been a member of the Lincoln Police Department for ten years. In November of 1966 he was awarded the People and Law Award sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce. Frank was an outstanding police officer, completely dedicated to his chosen profession of law enforcement. His survivors include his widow and three sons.
In the book HISTORY OF MILLIGAN NEBRASKA 1888-1988 it is noted that
"...moved to Junction City, Oklahoma, where they homesteaded and in 1909 returned to Milligan where they farmed for a number of years. F.R. managed different businesses during his lifetime among them being manager of the Jicha Central Hall and tavern. After Joseph Jica Sr. passed away, R. R. and Edward Janousek managed the place together for sometime. He also worked in the Herman Stastny tavern.
In 1921, he moved from the farm southwest of Milligan and purchased Alois Petracek dry goods and grocery store, which he and his wife managed. Later he sold the store.
After the Farmer's Co-operative Company was organized, F.R. Soukup and his son, Frank, were among some of the employees. At the second annual stockholders meeting, a livestock shippers association was organized and F.R was hired to take charge of this new association. At one time the Farmers Co-op Elevator shipped livestock to market for the owner. F.R. was in charge of the livestock department. F.R. and Edward Cudly also managed the Farmer Co-op at one time."
According to his application for a Social Security Number, Frank was employed by Stastny & Vasina in MIlligan in 1940. His SS-5 also indicated that his Middle Initial, R, was just that. He did not have an actual middle name. SSN 507-18-6921.
CZECH NATIONAL CEMETERY (also known as Killian Cemetery) located in Bohemian township in the NE 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec 23 Township 17, Range 5E of Saunders County, Nebraska.
Recorded on April 12, 1977 and completed on April 15, 1977 by Clarabelle Mares 1722 E 19 Fremont, Nebraska and assisted by Kathrine Petersen. Cemetery in very good condition. Working from front to back in rows.
Frantisek, son of Anton & R L Soukup 8 Aug 1880 6 yr 4 mo 28 days
1900 Census
Nebraska, Saline County, Atlanta Precinct, ED 104
SOAKUP, Frank Hd W M Feb 1850 50 M M 24 Bohemia Bohemia Bohemia 1884 16 Naturalized Farmer
SOAKUP, Rosa Wife W R Jan 1857 Bohemia Bohemia Bohemia Mother of 8 Children/7 still living
SOAKUP, Frank Son W M July 1876 23 S Bohemia Bohemia Bohema 1884 16 Naturalized Farm Laborer
SOAKUP, Mike Son W M Jun 1878 20 S Bohemia Bohemia Bohemia Farm Laborer
SOAKUP, John Son W M May 1882 18 S Bohemia Bohemia Bohemia Farm Labor
SOAKUP, Albert Son W M May 1884 16 S Nebraska Bohemia Bohemia Farm Labor
SOAKUP, Fred Son W M Jan 1887 13 S Nebraska Bohemia Bohemia Farm Labor
SOAKUP, Jim Son W M May 1890 10 S Nebraska Bohemia Bohemia At School
SOAKUP, Emo Son W M May 1892 8 S Nebraska Bohemia Bohemia At School
1910 Census
Nebraska, Saline County, Atlanta Precinct
SOUKUP, Frank Hd M W 60 M1 36 Aust Bohemia Aust Bohemia Aust Bohemia Farmer
SOUKUP, Rosie Wf F W 53 M1 36 Mother of 9 Children/8 Still Living Aust Bohemia Aust Bohemia Aust Bohemia
SOUKUP, Joseph Son M W 20 S Nebraska Aust Bohemia Aust Bohemia Farm
SOUKUP, James Son M W 20 S Nebraska Aust Bohemia Aust Bohemia Farm
SOUKUP, Emil Son M W 18 S Nebraska Aust Bohemia Aust Bohemia Teacher
According to the SSDI, there was a Frank Soukup born on 26 April 1882 who died in February 1969 in Nebraska. His Social Security Number was 505-68-7343.
According to the ship manifest of the S.S. Bremen, Frank M. Soukup traveled to America with his half-brother John Zakovec, John's wife Josefa, and their two daughters. The North German Lloyd steamship arrived at the Port of New York on May 1, 1869.
"Most of the Czechs... (who later settled in Nebraska) were obliged to go elsewhere (first) to earn a living. Many originally came (in this country) from around Braidwood, Illinois, where they had worked in mines." (homesteads.http://www.rootsweb.com/~neethnic/czechs/cz-pg97a.html)
The following obituary is transcribed from an undated clipping, newspaper not known
Frank Soukup
The ravages of time, creeping unrelentlessly on, gathered in its arms Wednesday, March 15, 1933, Frank Soukup, who had been preparing for the journey. He had lived his allotted time and more. His days of activityhad long since ceased so he was patiently waitingfor the dend to come when he might fold his arms in peace and pass into eternal sleep.
Frank Soukup was born in Koryto, okres (town) Kralovice, kraj (county) Plzen in Czechoslovakia, July 4, 1852. He came to this country along with his parents as a seventeen-year-old lad, first to Braidwood, Ill., to find work in the coal mines. From there he came to Nebraska, settling in Saunders County. At the age of twenty-two he married Anna Beznoska near what is now Morse Bluffs. In 1892 they moved to Fillmore county and purchased the farm now owned by Mrs. Antonie Krisl and Vaclav Capek. He later engaged in business here and in 1903 moved to Junction City, Ok., where his wife died.
About seven years ago he returned here and since then made his home with his son Harry. It is a happy thought that his baby son should care for the father, even as the father once cared for the baby son. He was perfectly happy and contented here. He had lived a generous life, too generous for his own good, and accepted with a spirit of generosity the events and circumstances which crowned the closing days of his career.
The deceased leaves surviving, five sons, Edward, Frank, Joe Harry and Will and two daughters, Lily Eret of Prague, Oklahoma and Anna Hooker of Baird, Tex, two sisters, Veronike Virkova and Anna Hines (Note: this is his half-sister, Anna Zakovec Hines) of Morse Bluffs, twenty seven grandchildren and ten great grandchildren. Services were held at the home of his son Harry Saturday afternoon, being in charge of Rabi Z.C.B.J. of which organization he was a member and the body was laid to rest in the Bohemian national cemetery. The deceased passed away at the age of 80 years, 8 months, and 4 days. (End)
According to Helena Soukup Parker, Frank farmed while in Saunders County, as well as operating a hotel and saloon. After his wife died, he lived with his son, Harry. Later he lived with his daughter Lillian Eret and later still with his son Alois Soukup in Prague, Oklahoma. At the time of his death, he was again living with Harry, who was the informant for his death certificate.
The information on the Soukup family is primarily from information graciously supplied by Helena Soukup Parker of Idyllwild, California. It has been supplemented by various census records and newspaper notices from Oklahoma as transcribed by Charles R. Strong. Additionally, information has been obtained from the book HISTORY OF MILLIGAN NEBRASKA 1888-1988 compiled by the Milligan Centennial History Book Committee and printed by Walsworth Publishing Co, Marceline, Missouri.
On Frank's certificate of death (completed by his son Harry), his parents are shown as Frank Soukup and Barbara Hines. This contradicts the more complete information provided by Nancy Soukup that showed Frank was the son of Antonin and Marie Soukup.
From the Familysearch 1880 United States Census and National Index
Census Place:Douglas, Saunders, Nebraska
Source:FHL Film 1254756 National Archives Film T9-0756 Page 37 RelationSexMarrRaceAgeBirthplace
At the time of the 1900 census, they were in Fillmore County, Nebraska:
Soukup, Frank Head W M Jul 1852 47 M 26 Bohemia Bohemia Bohemia 1870
Soukup, Anna Wife W F Nov 1860 30 F m 26 9/9 Bohema Bohemia Bohemia 1867
Soukup, Edward Son W M July 1875 24 S Nebraska Bohemia Bohemia Farm Labor
Soukup, Joseph Son W M May 1879 21 S Nebraska Bohemia Bohemia Farm Labor
Soukup, Mary Dtr W F May 1872 18 S Nebraska Bohemia Bohemia Housework
Soukup, Tessia Dtr W F Jun 1887 12 S Nebraska Bohemia Bohemia At School
Soukup, Harry Son W M Oct 1889 10 S Nebraska Bohemia Bohemia At School
Soukup, Anna Dtr W F Apr 1892 8 S Nebraska Bohemia Bohemia At School
Soukup, Louis Son W M Dec 1894 5 S Nebraska Bohemia Bohemia
On the 1910 Comanchee County Oklahoma Federal Census, the family is listed as follows:
Soukup, Frank, Head, Age 59, Widowed, Birthplace Bohemia (also his parent's birthplace), Employee in General Farmer, Speaks English, Rents, R&W
Soukup, Harry, Son, age 20, Birthplace Nebraska, Parents born in Bohemia,Farmer,
working on his own account, Speaks English, R&W, Survivor of Union or CSA
Soukup, Annie, Daughter, Age 18, Born Nebraska, Parents born in Bohemia, R&W
Soukup, Louie, Son, Age 15, Born Nebraska, Parents born in Bohemia, R&W)
Soukup, Willie, Son, Age 8, Born Nebraska, Parents born in Bohemia, R&
attended school during the year
The Soukup's lived two houses from Frank and Bessie Beznoska. Frank was a nephew of Anna Soukup's. They also lived next door to Joseph and Annie Placitz, ages 70 & 59, both born in Bohemia, relationship, if any, unknown.
Obituary for Glen J. Soukup
A Funeral Service for Glen will be held on Tuesday, March 8, 2022 at 11:30 a.m. at Farmer & Son Funeral Home - Kotas Chapel in Milligan, Nebraska with Pastor Larry Gouin presiding.
Visitation will be held on Monday, March 7, 2022 from 4:00 p.m until 7:00 p.m. with the family present during that time at Farmer & Son Funeral Home - Kotas Chapel in Milligan, Nebraska.
Graveside Services will be conducted following the funeral service in the Bohemian National Cemetery in Milligan, Nebraska.
Memorials are to be directed to the family to be designated at a later date.
To view the Livestream Video you can go to Farmer & Son Funeral Home's Facebook Page or in your search engine type @friendlyfuneraldirectors and click the link to Farmer & Son or click this link https://www.facebook.com/friendlyfuneraldirectors/Funeral and it should direct you to our Facebook Page.
Glen Soukup, passed away on Tuesday March 1st, 2022, at home. Glen was born to Frank and Allene Soukup on Feb. 1st, 1942, in Lincoln, Nebraska. He attended Lincoln Public Schools, graduating from Lincoln High School in 1959. He then attended the University of Nebraska obtaining his undergraduate degree and was an esteemed member of the Golden Key Society. Glen then continued his education at the University of Nebraska College of Law earning a Juris Doctorate of Law in 1967. He was proud to have worked for Nebraska Governor James Exon's administration as Director of the State Technical Assistance Agency for several years. He then went on to pursue personal business ventures.
Glen was a lifelong resident of Lincoln, spending a good portion of time at his fishing cabin/summer home, also known as "The Castle in the Canyon" located at Decker's, Colorado. Some of his favorite times were spent enjoying his specialty "Mountain Margaritas" and red beers, or a jack and coke on the upper deck. He loved watching the hummingbirds and afternoon showers from his canyon view veranda, evenings with Trudy breathing in the fresh mountain air, and all times spent with his favorite Golden Retriever, Dylan. Glen will be fondly remembered by family and friends for generously hosting so many at his beloved cabin, and for always sharing the beautiful sights the Colorado mountains had to offer.
In earlier years he and his daughter Nicholle enjoyed spending time at his mother's farms near Crete and Wilber, experiencing nature and farm life while embracing their Czech culture with family. During the last few years though his health began to fail he did his best to maintain close relationships with family and friends and enjoyed many games of cards while partaking in a few adult beverages.
Glen was preceded in death by his father Frank H. Soukup, mother Allene B. Tesar, brother Kenneth J. Tesar, sister-in-law Linda S. Soukup, and the best dog ever Dylan "Doolittle" Soukup.
Glen is survived by daughter Nicholle Soukup of Norfolk, granddaughter Haleigh Kappel of Lincoln. grandson Holden Soukup of Central City, and great grandson Trace Reynolds of Lincoln. Brother Allen (Janice) Soukup, nephew Kelsey Soukup all of Lincoln, and niece Jessica (Michael) Zmek of Archer. Sister Jo Ann (Steve) Kroll, nephew Peter Kroll, and nephew Jeremiah (Megan) Kroll all of Lincoln. Brother Gregory Soukup, nephew Frank (Kim) Soukup, and nephew James (Liz) Soukup all of Lincoln. Sister in law Marianne Tesar of Crete, niece Ashley Tesar of Lincoln, and niece Whitney (Ryan) Peterson of Palmer, MN. Long time special friend Trudy Townley of Lincoln. He is also survived by many great nephews and nieces, cousins- many of whom were like siblings to him, his church family at Four Square church, and of course many dear friends.
The Glen Soukup family would like to extend a very heartfelt, and appreciative THANK YOU to all whom helped Glen in recent years. Being very strong in his faith Glen would always say "the good Lord will take care of me", we may all now rest assured that has been done.
(Irma) attended Milligan High School, graduating with the class of 1934 as valedictorian. She taught in rural schools for three years after graduation. In 1937 her parents bought a filling station and beer joint in Crete. Irma helped her father there for a short time, then moved to Lincoln where she was employed at Golds. (Milligan, p 259)
Jacquelin J Schroder was born, 5/1/1935 in Fairbury, Ne. to James & Geraldine (Butt) Soukup of Western, Ne. She passed away on 5/29/2021.
She is survived by husband Alfred, sons Bartt (Sue) of Dewitt, Ne, Brett (Debra), Hastings, Ne and Daughter Amy (Arlan) of Larned, Ks. Grandchildren: Jason (Katie), Janae, Ethan, Wyatt and Carson (Courtney). Great-Grandchildren: Noah, Maddie, Ben.
Services will be held on 6/2/2021 at 11:00 at Messiah Lutheran at 1800 S. 84th St. Lincoln, NE
1930 Federal Census
Nebraska, Saline, Atlanta ED 1
Soukup, James Hd M W 39 M 33 Nebraska Czeck Czeck Farmer
Soukup, Anna Wife F W 30 M 24 Nebraska Czeck Czeck
Soukup, Geraldine Dtr F W 8 S Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska
Soukup, Betty Ann Dtr F W 7 S Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska
Jaroslav Harry Soukup, son of Frank and Anna (Beznoska) Soukup, was born October 18, 1889 at Prague, Nebraska.
He passed away at Warren Memorial hospital at Friend, Nebraska, at the age of 86 years, 3 months and 22 days. He was baptized in the Catholic church at Prague on November 17, 1889.
As a small child the family moved to Milligan, where they lived for a time. At the age of 10 the family moved to Lawton, Oklahoma to homestead. As a youngster, Harry worked in the cotton fields with the family. He spoke of the times he had there of the Indian neighbors that were some of his best friends.
At the age of 21 he decided to move back to Nebraska. He and a friend, Tom Hardwick, managed to get together a horse, a mule and a wagon which they used for transportation to get them back to his home state. Starting out from Lawton, the trip took them over two weeks to travel some 450 miles.
Upon arrival he worked as a farm hand for his brother, Joe. Then in the fall of 1915 he engaged in farming for himself.
On December 21, 1915, he united in marriage to Mary E. Stejskal at Geneva.
He was active in local organizations in his younger years serving on the District 67 School Board, Glengary township road overseer, Farmers Co-op Board of Directors, also serving capacities in the Z.C.B.J. and the Milligan Auditorium. He was a long-time member of Svatopluk Czech Lodge No. 76.
In 1956 he retired and moved to Milligan. He enjoyed his family and they in turn enjoyed him. December 21, 1975, he was deeply touched by having the family help him and his wife observe their 60th wedding anniversary in their new home in Wilber.
Surviving are his wife, Mary; sons, Arnold and wife, Maryanne, of Milligan, Elmer and wife, Jeanette, Ray and wife Betty, of Lincoln; and daughter, Mrs. Edward (Ruby) Prokop and husband, Edward, of Wilber; one sister, Lillie Eret, of Prague, Oklahoma; six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren, and a host of nieces, nephews and friends.
He was preceded in death by his parents; brothers, Edward, Frank R., Joseph M., Louis and William; and sisters, Mary Kassik, Tessie Strong, and Anna Hooker; and one granddaughter, Nancy Soukup.
Services were held Wednesday, February 11, 1976, at 2 pm at Farmer and Son Funeral Home--Kotas Chapel in Milligan.
Rev. Homer Clements was the officiating clergyman. Mrs. Albert Naimon was the organist with selections "In the Garden" and "Kazdy Nese Svij Kriz" by Mrs. Leslie Skrivanek and Mrs. Joseph Capek.
The pallbearers were grandsons, John Soukup, Richard Prokop, Tim Hester, Michael McDonald and Adolph Vacek. Interment was in the Bohemian National cemetery at Milligan.
We gratefully acknowledge the help give us, the food brought in, the messages of sympathy, the floral offerings and the memorials at the time or our bereavement. Your kindness is deeply appreciated. THE FAMILY OF HARRY SOUKUP
1930 Census
Nebraska, Fillmore County, Liberty Twp
Enumerated April 14, 1930
ED 30-21 SD 11 Sheet 4B
Soukup, Joseph J Head M W 40 M 26 Neb Czech Czech Farmer
Soukup, Mary Wf F W 42 m 28 Neb Czech Czech
Soukup, Viola J Dtr F W 13 S Neb Neb Neb
Soukup, Leo J Son M W 6 S Neb Neb Neb
Macku, Frances Mother-in-law F W 78 Wd 21 Czech Czech Czech Language Czech 1886 Na