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# Person ID Last Name First Name Birth Date Death Date Living note Tree
20701 I3208  Scruggs  Jesse Thomas  1 Feb 1799  16 Nov 1882  Information about this family was provided by Irene Walton. She forwarded a copy of a message posted by Leatha A. Betts to the Rootsweb TXSABINE-L relating the Jesse Thomas Scruggs family Bible. This Bible was copied by Blanche Toole on 17 Apr 1970 in the home of Mary Louise Vickers McGown Harvey, from the Jesse T. Scruggs Family Bible, American Bible Society, 1857.

Jesse T. Scruggs was born 1 Feb. 1799 in Virginia
Mary Ann Tolan Mcguire was born 28 June 1818
Finch T. Scruggs was born 14 July 1824 Ala.
Sarah A. Scruggs was born 10 Jan. 1826
Nathaniel T. Scruggs was born 10 Dec 1827
William A. Scruggs was born 21 Mar. 1830
Nancy T. Scruggs was born 31 (sic) Sept 1832
[Note: above children were by first wife, Sarah Thornton, following by second wife Mary Ann Tolan McGuire]
Jesse T. Scruggs was born 18 Mar 1836
Laurence M. Scruggs was born 15 Dec. 1837
Hambleton M. Scruggs was born 1 Jan. 1839
George W. Scruggs was born 20 May 1842
Charles A. Scruggs was born 2 Aug. 1845
Mary Stephenson Scruggs was born 20 Oct 1846, Sabine County, Texas
Angus Griffith Scruggs was born 26 Sept 1851, Sabine County, Texas
Mary Ann Loving was born 13 Mar 1834
[Note: Third wife, daug. of Manuel Walton Loving, widow of George Arnold]
Paralee Scruggs was born 14 Jun 1866
Emer J. Arnold was born 19 Oct 1852, Sabine Co. Texas
Elizabeth T. Arnold was born 24 Apr 1855, Sabine Co. Texas
Martha A. Scruggs was born 20 Jul 1858, Sabine Co. Texas
George B. Scruggs was born 26 November 1861, and died May 6, 1864 age 2 yrs, 5 months, 5 days
Lavelle Harvey was born 15 Feb. 1910
Jewel Harvey was born 11 Oct 1911, Sabine Co. Texas
Luther Bill Harvey was born 28 May 1920
Doris Glynn Harvey was born 22 Jan. 1926
Mary Estelle Harvey was born 10 May 1929
[Note: Children of Perkins Harvey and his first wife]



Jesse T. Scruggs and Mary Ann Tolan McGuire was married on the 2nd say (sic) of April 1835 in the town of Grenada, Mississippi, by Reverand Thomas F. Davidson

Jesse T. Scruggs and Martha A. Arnold was married on the first day of October 1857 in Sabine County, Texas



James M. McGuire, son of L. McGuire departed this life on 3rd day of April at his residence in Haywood Co. Tenn. A.D. 1839

Margaret McGuire, consort of Dr. L. McGuire, departed this life on the 9th day of April 1839 in Sabine County, Texas

Arabella E. Harvey departed this life 16 March 1852, Sabine County

Dr. L. McGuire departed this life 16 September at 20 minutes past 10 o'clock in the evening in Sabine County, Texas 1853

Sabine County, Texas, Finch P. Scruggs departed this life 11 Jan. 1853. His death was accasioned by a fall from a horse, his body was entered on the bank of the Patroon at Dr. McGuire's Burying Ground, there to remain until the morning of the resurrection

Emma J. Arnold departed this life 30 December 1864 Sabine County

Jesse T. Scruggs, Sr. departed this live 16 November 1882 age 83 years, at the house of his oldest child Sarah Harvey in Sabine County, Texas 15 minutes past 3 o'clock in the morning, this note by his youngest son, A.G. Scruggs

Laurence M. Scruggs departed this life Teusday (sic) 15 September 1851 Sabine County, Texas

Jesse T. Scruggs, Jr. departed this life 17 Jul 1860 at his residence in Sabine County, Texas. 24 years of age.

Aprial the 6th day of 1857 a severe frost and freze bitting fruit and maes. Then on the 12th Knight a snow some storm in the snow was some 2 in. deep on the ground recorded Aprial 12th by Jesse T. Scruggs

George W. Scruggs departed this life 29 September 1860 in the State of Virginia in the service of the Southern Confederacy

George B. Scruggs departed this life 6 May 1864 age 2 yrs 5 months and 5 days

Mary A. T. Scruggs, consort of Jesse T. Scruggs departed this life the 4th day of March 1856 in Sabine County, Texas half past one o'clock in the morning, her remains deposited at thr burying ground on Patroon there to remain until the morning of the resurrection 
20702 I12970  Scruggs  Martha A.  20 Jul 1858  Yes, date unknown  White and Toole instead show her as Martha Arnold. They show she married David Greer.  STR06 
20703 I7608  Scruggs  Nancy Emma Jane  25 Sep 1857  21 Jan 1944  She was living with her son Jackson, in Negreet, LA as of the 1930 census. In 1940, she was living with son Wesley, on Fairdale Road in Sabine County.  STR06 
20704 I3212  Scruggs  Nancy Thomas  30 Sep 1833  4 Nov 1919  Biographical information below was copied from her FindAGrave memorial page, created by Sheron Smith-Savage:

Nancy T. Brittain, a native of Alabama, lived with her daughter, Sallie (Mrs. Wesley C. McKee), for 4 years prior to her death. Besides her daughter, a son, George P. Brittain of Center, also survived her.

For more info see obituary, The Champion, November 10, 1920, reprinted in Mildred Cariker Pinkston, Obituaries of Early Pioneers, Shelby County, Texas, Center: Center Printing Co., 1983, I:138

1850 federal census, Sabine, Sabine Co, TX
1870, 1880, 1900, 1920 federal census records, Shelby Co, TX 
20705 I3210  Scruggs  Nathaniel T.  10 Dec 1827  Yes, date unknown  Source: Subject: Re: Eldridge Frank Scruggs

Here is what I have found on Eldridge and Laura Scruggs:

In the 1850 census, Jesse T. Scruggs age 51, and wife Mary A. had 11 children, listed in Sabine Co., TX. One of the children was Nathaniel age 22.

In the 1860 census of Caldwell Co., TX, Nathan Scruggs was 31, Martha was 22, and they had 2 children.

In the 1870 census N.T. Scruggs age 45, Martha (Ross) age 31 and 6 children were listed in Caldwell Co., TX.

In the 1880 census he was listed, age 7, in Caldwell Co., TX, a son of N.T. and Martha Scruggs.

In the 1900 census they are listed in Bexar Co., TX. Eldridge age 27, Laura 26, and children Harvey and Lewis.

In the 1910 census they are listed in Jefferson Co., TX. Eldridge was 37, Laura 36 and the children were Harvey, Louis, Callie, Bernard and Willetta. 
20706 I1226  Scruggs  Sarah Anabella  16 Jan 1826  15 Dec 1913  The State of TEXAS, County of Sabine

Statement of Mrs. Sarah A. Harvey, made at her home in Sabine County, TEXAS
on the 24 day of Jan.A. D. 1913.

My name is Sarah A. Harvey. I was born on the 16th day of January A.D. 1826,
near the town of Florence, in the State of Alabama. I am the daughter of Jesse T.Scruggs
and Susan Thornton Scruggs. My father and mother moved from the State of Alabama,
to Sabine County, Texas, about the year 1836, and settled when we first came to Texas,
near Milam, and resided there about one year. We then moved to Hamilton on the Sabine
River, and lived there not quite one year, and moved fron there and settled on the
McAdams tract or land in Sabine county, and lived there a great many years. I was
married while living on that tract of land to Robert Harvey on August, 10th
1854, and after my marriage; my husband and I moved to the place I now reside on,
where I have lived ever since then, and this place I now reside is about two and
one half miles from the John McAdams tract of land. I knew Lawrence McGuire and his
family for many years. When my father and mother came to Texas about 1836, Lawrence
McGuire, and his family came with them, and all settled in Sabine County. Hambleton
McGuire, so I was told by Lawrence McGuire, came to Texas about one year before we
did, and we found him in Sabine County when we arrived there.

Lawrence McGuire's family when we moved to Texas consisted of his wife, a son
named Hambleton B. McGuire, and two daughters: one named Mary, the other named Arabella.
Lawrence McGuire was married one time, and by his said wife he had the above children.
My mother was Susan Thornton Scruggs, died after we came to Texas, and my father,
Jesse T.Scruggs, married Mary McGuire one of the two sisters of Hambleton McGuire.
My husband, Robert Harvey, had been married once before I married him, and his first
wife was Arabella McGuire, a sister of Hambleton McGuire, and a daughter of Lawrence
McGuire, as above stated.

Lawrence McGuire died in Sabine County, Texas, about year A.D. 1855, and he was
buried in the McGuire burial ground on the John McAdams survey in Sabine County.;
his first wife died prior to his death, and is buried in the same burial ground near
him. At the time of his death, Lawrence McGurie left surviving him; his son, Hambleton
B. NcGuire, who was a practicing physician; and his daughter Mary McGuire, who married
my father; and the children of Arabella, who was my husbands first wife, who was the
daughter of Lawrence McGuire as above stated. Hy husband, Robert Harvey, as the guardian
of his children by Arabella McGuire, his first wife.

Lawrence McGuire, at the time of his death was the Owner of a one-half interest
in a tract of about twelve hundred and eighty acres (128O), a part of the John McAdams
survey, in Sabine County, which he purchased, together with his son, Hambleton McGuire;
from John McAdams about the year 1848. He also owned some negroes, and had some money.
After his death, a division was made of his estate among his heirs, and Hambleton
McGuire was given as his part of the estate the interest owned by Lawrence McGuire
in the John McAdams survey in Sabine County, Texas; Mary Scruggs, nee McGuire, my
step-mother, received two negroes as her portion of the estate, and
the children of Arabella Harvey, nee McGuire, received cash as their portion of the
estate, and this money was paid to my husband Robert Harvey, who was guardian of said
children, and their father.

Hambleton McGuire after he received as his portion of the estate owned by his father
in the John McAdams survey, sold the land about the year 1861 to J. H. Burroughs.
Hambleton B. McGuire was frequently at our house, and was there just prior to the
time he sold his land to J.M. Burroughs, and was talking with my father, and he stated
to him that he was going to sell the land to said Burroughs. He was there a short
while after this, and stated that he had sold all the John McAdams survey to J. M.
Borroughs, and that he had also sold said Borroughs a Negro woman named Hannah.

J. M. Burroughs at that time was living on a tract of land adjoining the John
McAdams survey, and after the purchase of the John McAdams tract from Hambleton McGuire,
as stated above, he cultivated a large portion of the said McAdams survey, and had it
cultivated for about forty years, and at all times claimed it as his own. J.M. Burroughs
was an attorney at law, and Was ummarried.

This statement is made in the prescence of T. G. Minton, who signs my name hereto
at my request for the reason that on account of extreme age, 1 am unable to write,
and also in the presence of Docia Harvey, wife of Perkins Harvey, and in the presence
of W.C.Ramsey.

Witness my hand at home, on this day 24th of June A.D. 1913.

(signed) Sarah A. Harvey

Sworn to and SUbSCribed before me at the home of Sarah A. Harvey

in Sabine County, Texas on this the 24th day of January, A.D. 1913.

T.G. Minton, J.P. TX official

Notary Public in and for Sabine Co., Texas


Docia Harvey

W.C. Ramsey

Filed for record Jan.27, 1913

Recorded in Deed Book no. 5, at pages 678 and 679.

(Sent via email by Irene Walton on 23 March 2006. Irene's email address at the time was: The email attachment was a word document titled 
20707 I42775  Scudday  Allie  9 Jun 1886  26 Jul 1955
Name: Allie Graham Cramer
Event Date: 26 Jul 1955
Event Place: Corpus Christi, Nueces, Texas
Gender: Female
Race (Original): White
Age (Formatted): 69 years 1 month 17 days
Birth Year (Estimated):
Birth Date: 09 Jun 1886
Birthplace: Texas
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: John Scudday
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name:
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Housewife
Residence Place: Corpus Christi, Nueces, Texas
Cemetery (Original): Memory Gardens
Burial Place: Corpus Christi, Texas
Burial Date: 28 Jul 1955
Informant's Name (Original): X
GS Film number: 2114442
Digital Folder Number: 4165438
Image Number: 2552
Reference ID: v X cn 35738
Collection: Allie Graham Cramer, "Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976" 
20708 I8326  Scurlock  Daisy  Bef 1897    The daughter of John Scurlock and Maud Noble.  STR06 
20709 I43920  Seals  Emma Evelyn  27 Apr 1910  4 Dec 1973  Tombstone inscription "Her life was like a rose"  STR06 
20710 I14013               
20711 I19941  Seaton  Mildred E. "Minnie"  28 Feb 1894  17 Oct 1969  Minnie Payne 73, Succumbs In Maryland (Mildred [Millie] Ellen Payne)

Duncan Banner, October 19, 1969 Pg. ? Transcribed by C. R. Strong 11-29-2003

MARLOW (Special)) - Mrs. Minnie Payne, 75, former long-time Marlow resident, died Saturday in Baltimore, Md.
Born Feb. 28, 1894, in Kentucky, Mrs. Payne lived most of her life in Marlow. She moved to Baltimore about 10 years ago, shortly after her husband, Lee Payne, died.
She is survived by a son, John Earl of Delmar, Del.; five grandchildren; and two sisters, Mrs. Arthur Tullos and Mrs. Maude Rice, both of Marlow.
Graveside service will be in Marlow Cemetery at 2 p.m. Tuesday with the Rev. Franklin George, pastor of the Marlow United Methodist Church, officiating.

NOTE Headstone in Marlow Cemetery, Sect 10 Blk 9 (Lot 9), States b. 2-28-1894 d. 10-17-1969 
20712 I25490  Seavers  Augustus C.  Abt 1835  Yes, date unknown  B. J. Harris shows his full name as Augustus Clinton SEAVERS, on a note on the 1860 census image on, where the last name is spelled as Cephus. In 1850, a Clinton Seavers, also born ca 1834 in Tennessee can be found in Davidson County, TN in the home of Fielding and Nancy SEAVERS.  STR06 
20713 I25490  Seavers  Augustus C.  Abt 1835  Yes, date unknown  (Research):
Census Listings:

1860 Census
Tennessee, Carroll County, ED 1, PO Lavinia
Enumerated 13 Jun 1860
Page 8
Giles McLemore 60 M Farmer 5611 500 NC
Priscilla 27 F Tenn
A. C. Cephus 25 M Tenn
Elizabeth Cephus 23 F Tenn
Nancy B Cephus 3 F Tenn
Elizabeth Cephus 2 F Tenn
Francis Cephus 1 F Tenn 
20714 I35545  Seay  Ocy Harrison  1 Sep 1897  5 Oct 1948  When he registered for the Draft during World War I, he was farming on Rt. 7 in Canton, Texas. He listed his date and place of birth as Oct 20, 1894 in Conral, Texas, and was shown as a resident of Van Zandt, Texas. He described himself as married and the father of one child. As no children are listed with the couple on the 1920 census, it would appear that the child died at a young age. He was shown as of medium build, with blue eyes and brown hair. The form was completed on June 5, 1917.

Find A Grave records show son Douglas Seay did indeed die in 1918, at the age of only 18 months. As no other children are listed with the couple on the 1930 or 1940 census, he may have been there only child.

Texas Death Certificate:

Name: Ocy Harrison Seay
Death Date: 06 Oct 1948
Death Place: Augusta, Houston, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: White
Death Age: 53 years 11 months 15 days
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 20 Oct 1894
Birthplace: Montgomery Co.
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: W.H. Seay
Father's Birthplace: Hardin Co., Tenn.
Mother's Name: Mrs. W.H. Seay
Mother's Birthplace: Hardin Co., Tenn.
Occupation: Farmer & Rancher
Place of Residence: Rt #1, Augusta, Houston, Tex. (8 years)
Cemetery: Energy
Burial Place: Texas
Burial Date: 07 Oct 1948
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2218967
Digital Film Number: 4031451
Image Number: 518
Reference Number: cn 43903
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976 
20715 I35545  Seay  Ocy Harrison  1 Sep 1897  5 Oct 1948  (Research):

Census Listings:

1920 Census
Texas, Houston County, JP 1
Enumerated 5 Feb 1920
SD 7 ED 71 Sheet 2B
Seay O H Hd M W 25 M Tx Tn Tn Farmer
Seay, B E Wf F W 21 M Tx Tx Tx
W. H. and E. J. Seay Family

1930 Census
Texas, Nacogdoches County, Nacogdoches
Enumerated 8 Apr 1930
ED 174-01 SD 12 Sheet 8B
189 199
Seay Acy H Hd R $15 M W 34 M 20 Tx Tn Tn Engineer Stationary
Seay, Bertha E Wf F W 31 M 17 Tx La Il 
20716 I35545  Seay  Ocy Harrison  1 Sep 1897  5 Oct 1948  (Medical):See attached sources.  STR06 
20717 I16256  Sebree  Uriel  Bef 1798  Yes, date unknown  Major.  STR06 
20718 I41242  Sechrist  Rebecca  Abt 1794  1894  (Research):

Census Listings:

1850 Census
Pennsylvania, Adams County, Berwick Twp
Enumerated 12 Sep 1850
Rebecca Baugher 56 F Farmer 1,000 Pa
Gideon Baugher 19 M Pa
Lewis Baugher 12 M Pa
Catharine Baugher 15 F Pa 
20719 I45114  Sedweek  Ephraim  2 Jun 1863  24 Feb 1948  (Research):

Census Listings

1900 Census
Michigan, Oakland County, Orion Village
Enumerated 4 Jun 1900
SD 6 ED 95 Sheet 3A
Sedweek, Ephraim Head W M Jun 1863 36 M 10 Canada England Canada 1889 11 Minister
Sedweek, Effie Wf W F oct 1865 34 M 10 1/1 Canada Canada Scotland 1889 11
Sedweek, Edna M Dtr W F Aug 1896 s S Ill Canada Canada 
20720 I37011               
20721 I4201  Seeger  Andrew J.  16 Nov 1893  3 Jul 1959  Cass City Chronicle
Thursday, July 9, 1959

Andrew J. Seeger Dies Suddenly

Funeral services were held Tuesday, 2 p.m., at Little's Funeral Home for Andrew J. Seeger, who died suddenly July 3.

Mr. Seeger was born in Greenleaf township Nov. 16, 1893, son of the late Andrew J. and Mary Christ Seeger.

In March 1918, he married Miss Elizabeth Gracey in Detroit. She died in 1937.

He married Mrs. Alma Krahling in Detroit in 1939 and moved from Greenleaf township to Cass City in 1940. He has lived here ever since.

He is survived by his wife; one daughter, Sharon; a sister, Mrs. Blake Sackett, Detroit and one brother, Mr. Albert Seeger, Pontiac.

Rev. S.R. Wurtz officiated and burial was in Elkland Cemetery.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, August 2008) 
20722 I4201  Seeger  Andrew J.  16 Nov 1893  3 Jul 1959  (Research):
Census Listings:

1920 Census
Michigan, Sanilac County, Greenleaf Twp
Enumerated January 13 and 14, 1920
SD 7? ED 107 Sheet 4A
Fm 78-78
Seeger, Andrew Hd M W 26 M Mich NY NY Farmer
Seeger, Bessie L Wf F W 25 M Canada English Canada English Ireland English
Seeger, Albert Brother M W 30 S Mich NY NY Farmer
Van Allen, Archie Hired Help M W 15 S Mich Mich Mich Laborer Farm

1930 Census
Michigan, Sanilac County, Greenleaf Twp
Enumerated April 10, 1930
ED 76-18 SD 11 Sheet 4A Stamped 141
Seeger, Andrew Hd M W 36 M 26 Mich NY NY Farmer General Farm
Seeger, Bessie Wf F W 35 M 25 Canada English Canada English Canada English
Seeger, Albert Brother M W 40 S Mich NY NY Farm Laborer 
20723 I32394               
20724 I48456  Sefrna  Barbara Ann  8 Sep 1953  19 May 2023  Barbara Ann Elznic, 70 of Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska passed away Friday, May 19, 2023 at Methodist Fremont Health. She was born September 8, 1952 in Biloxi, Mississippi to Marvin F. and Betty (Stasney*) Sefrna.

Barb was raised in Hebron, NE and was a 1970 graduate of Hebron High School. She married Robert Elznic August 14, 1971 in Hebron. They lived in several communities including Lincoln, Alliance, Wilbur and the last 7 years they have been in Cedar Bluffs.

Barb loved sports, the Huskers, and took great pride in that she could hold her own talking sports with the guys. She loved spending time with her grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her parents; infant son, Ryan Lee Elznic; and brother Marvin J. Sefrna.

Barb is survived by her husband, Bob of Cedar Bluffs' daughter, Tiffany (Jonathan) Beukelman of Sioux Falls, SD; son, Nate (Heidi) Elznic and 8 grandchildren.

Memorial Service will be 10:30 A.M., Saturday, June 3, 2023 at Moser Memorial Chapel in FREMONT. Visitation will be from 9:30 to 10:30 A.M., prior to the service on Saturday. Everyone is invited to wear your Husker gear in honor of Barb.

Private interment will be at the Wilbur Czech Cemetery in Wilber, NE at a later date.

Online condolences may be left at

Moser Memorial Chapel, 200 W. Main St. Cedar Bluffs, NE 68015 402-628-3445.

(Courtesy Dennis Belohlavy)

*Dennis emailed, on May 21, 2023, that Betty STASTNEY, shown as Barbara's mother above, is not correct. Betty was born a FILIP. Her parents were James Ralph "Jim" FILIP and Julia Rose SLADEK. James died in 1950 and Julia second married Jaroslav "Jerry" STASTNY (note the correct spelling of STASTNY). I would suspect that's where the alternative surname is coming from but Barbara was 18 when her mom remarried so I doubt she was adopted and if so I have found no documentation to that effect. By the way Stastny in Czech means "happy" as in Stastny Novy Rok (Happy New Year). 
20725 I6118  Segar  John  Bef 1746  Yes, date unknown  Married to Esther.  STR06 
20726 I10044  Segrest  Jacob  26 Nov 1808  4 Jul 1870  On the 1860 Tyler County, TX census, he is shown as Jacob Secrist.  STR06 
20727 I48331  Seibert  Alexander  Abt 1906  Yes, date unknown  Ohio Marriage records show him as a son of Gottlieb and Eva Siebert  STR06 
20728 I47279  Seigel  Deborah  5 Jun 1942  13 Dec 1976  Her headstone was engraved with "Beloved Daughter, Dorothy Seigel Parker"  STR06 
20729 I21712  Seitz  Johanna Friederika  15 Feb 1837  18 Jul 1905  Kathy Brandt Bonnell shows her as a daughter of Christian Friedrich Seitz and Anna Barbara Betz.  STR06 
20730 I9244  Sekimotto  Robert Alan  19 Jun 1954  11 Jan 2000  R ALAN SEKIMOTTO 19 Jun 1954 11 Jan 2000 (V) 78758 (Austin, Travis, TX) (none specified) 458-17-1828 Texas

Their was an Alan Sekimotto, pictured, who graduated from "The American School of Lima, Peru Colegio Franklin D. Roosevelt" in 1972. 
20731 I25178  Self  Allen D.  Bef 1839  Yes, date unknown  Melba Gene instead shows his name as John Albert Allen Self.  STR06 
20732 I18910  Self  David Washington  Bef 1833  Yes, date unknown  The History of Sabine Parish, Louisiana (author John Belisle, The Sabien Banner Press, 1912) states that "in 1860 the white population of Sabine Parish numbers about four thousant, and there were less than two thousand slaves. There were few really wealthy people in the parish, and many owned not more than one of two slaves. the owners of six or more in 1861 included D. W. Self. 
20733 I46470  Self  James Stanley  31 Jan 1944  11 May 1999  The Texas Birth Index shows he was born to Levi Ward Self and Vivian Juanita Hancock.

Obituary, as copied from his FindAGrave memorial page, created by David Sifford:

Services for Stan Self, 55, of Floydada will be at 10 a.m. Friday in Englunds Funeral Service Chapel with Jack Gordon, minister of the Church of Christ, officiating.

Burial will be in Englewood Cemetery.

Self died Tuesday, May 11, 1999, in University Medical Center.

He was born Jan. 31, 1944, in Slaton. He graduated from Petersburg High School in 1963. He graduated from Henderson County College, while on a football scholarship. He also attended Stephen F. Austin University. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps during the Vietnam War, and he received two Purple Hearts. He was a fireman with the Longview Fire Department, and he was on the Rescue & SCUBA squad. He retired from the U.S. Marine Corps and the U.S. Postal Service, having been a city letter carrier for eight years in Floydada.

National Cemetery Administration. U.S. Veterans Gravesites, ca.1775-2006 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2006. also shows him as born 31 Jan 1944 and died 11 May 1999.
20734 I29372               
20735 I18911  Self  William  7 Oct 1796  Aft 1840  William Self...the son of William Isaac Self born ca 1775 in Prince Edward County, Virginia and Dicey Vaughn born ca 1775 in Bedford County, Virginia. William and Dicey married January 21, 1795 in Bedford County, Virginia. The traveled to Mississippi where William Isaac Self died ca 1846 in Hancock County. William (the son) traveled from Pike County, Mississippi to St. Helena Parish, Louisiana shortly after the death of his wife, Virginia in 1839.  STR06 
20736 I18921  Self  William Franklin  Abt 1842  Aft 1861  (Research):He died as a result of the Civil War.  STR06 
20737 I44056  Self  William Jefferson  2 Jan 1879  7 Apr 1966  FindAGrave shows him as a son of Flavius Elias SELF and Sarah Alice SALTER, who both also have memorials on FindAGrave.  STR06 
20738 I9283  Sellers  Lorine  15 May 1894  11 Nov 1958  Shown of FindAGrave as a daughter of John Avant Sellers and Martha Ann Griner. Her brother, was George Henry Sellers, and was shown to have married Emma Luvenia Powell, also a Morgan descendant.  STR06 
20739 I46373  Sellers  Ramsey  22 Dec 1898  1 Oct 1965  His Texas Death certificate lists his usual residence as Lake Charles, LA, but he died an the Veteran's Administration Hospital in Temple. He was a veteran of World War II, and his occupation was listed as laborer. He was also shown as "Never Married." His body was removed to Lake Charles for burial, but the name of cemetery was shown as 'unknown.'  STR06 
20740 I41836  Selman  Lula Tennessee  19 Apr 1877  21 Jan 1963
name: Lula T Williams
event: Death
event date: 21 Jan 1963
event place: , Angelina, Texas, United States
gender: Female
marital status: Widowed
birth date: 19 Apr 1877
birthplace: Zavalla, Texas
father's name: Henry Selman
mother's name: Jane Stevens
informant Mrs. B. T. Williams
Cemetery Fielders
certificate number: 00017
film number: 2117173
digital folder number: 005144783
image number: 02553
Collection: "Texas, Deaths (New Index, New Images), 1890-1976," Lula T Williams, 1963 
20741 I34471  Selman  Willie Fern  8 Aug 1907  17 Nov 1977  John W. Clark shows her as a daughter of Jim SELMAN and Elizabeth STEVENS.  STR06 
20742 I4760  Selveria  Julia  24 Sep 1920  6 Jun 1980  The California Death Index on Rootsweb shows her mother's maiden name as LANDRY, and her father's last name as SELVERIA. She was born in California, and died in Los Angeles County at the age of 59.  STR06 
20743 I26607  Semmes  Mary E.  2 Aug 1843  29 Jul 1917  See attached sources.  STR06 
20744 I24849  Semmler  Daisy  Sep 1880  Yes, date unknown  (Research):
Census Information:

1920 Census
Texas, Guadalupe County, Seguin, 3rd Ward
Enumerated 3 Jan 1920 by L.E. Meyer
SD 14, ED 140 Sheet 3A
Dietz, Will Hd M 42 M Tx Germany US Merchant Market?
Dietz, Daisie Wf F 40 M Tx Germany Tx
Dietz, Loyd Son M 13 S Tx Tx Tx
Dietz, Gladys Dtr F 11 S Tx Tx Tx
Dietz, Ruby Dtr F 8 S Tx Tx Tx
Dietz, Ramond Son M 6 S Tx Tx Tx
Dietz, Willie Son M 1 4/12 S Tx Tx Tx
Semmler, Julius Father-in-law M 66 Germany Germany Germany
Ramon, Franco Boarder M 19 Mexico Mexico Mexico Farm Laborer 
20745 I24784  Semmler  Julius Henry  Dec 1853  Yes, date unknown  (Research):

Census Information

1900 Census
Texas, Guadalupe County, JP 7, ED 71
Enumerated 1 Jun 1900 by W. R. Campbell
SD 13, ED 71, Sheet 1A, Stamped 340
Simler, Julius Hd W M Dec 1853 46 M 22 Germany Germany Germany 1853 Farmer
Simler, Maggie Wf W F Nov 1857 42 M 22 7/6 Tx Germany La.
Simler, Henry/Heinz? Son W M Dec 1878 21 Tx Germany Tx
Simler, Daisy Dtr F Sept 1880 19 Tx Germany Tx
Simler, Auther Son W M Aug 1885 14 Tx Germany Tx
Simler, Maggie Dtr W F July 1887 12 Tx Germany Tx
Simler, Bonnie Dtr W F Jan 1892 7 Tx Germany Tx
Simler, Johnie Son W M Oct 1897 Tx Germany Tx

1910 Census
Texas, Guadalupe County, JP 7
Enumerated 26 Apr 1910 by Theodore Hoffman
SD 15, ED 60, Sheet 9A
Semmler, Julius Hd W 56 M1 32 Germany Germany Germany 1855 Farmer
Semmler, Margaret Wf W 52 M1 32 7/6 Tx Germany US Farm Laborer
Semmler, Maggie Dtr W 21 Tx Germany Tx Farm Laborer
Semmler, Bonnie Dtr w 17 Tx Germany Tx Farm Laborer
Semmler, Johnnie Son W 13 Tx Germany Tx Farm Laborer

1920 Census
Texas, Guadalupe County, Seguin, 3rd Ward
Enumerated 3 Jan 1920 by L.E. Meyer
SD 14, ED 140 Sheet 3A
Dietz, Will Hd M 42 M Tx Germany US Merchant Market?
Dietz, Daisie Wf F 40 M Tx Germany Tx
Dietz, Loyd Son M 13 S Tx Tx Tx
Dietz, Gladys Dtr F 11 S Tx Tx Tx
Dietz, Ruby Dtr F 8 S Tx Tx Tx
Dietz, Ramond Son M 6 S Tx Tx Tx
Dietz, Willie Son M 1 4/12 S Tx Tx Tx
Semmler, Julius Father-in-law M 66 Germany Germany Germany
Ramon, Franco Boarder M 19 Mexico Mexico Mexico Farm Laborer 
20746 I13043  Senter  Cornelius  23 Nov 1825  16 Dec 1908  Several online trees show his first wife as Maria Bair or Bayne, and further show them as the parents of Adelbert J. Senter, born 6 Aug 1849 in New York.

His date of death on these trees is shown as 10=903 or 26 Dec 1908. The 1908 date of death shows that Barry County Death Records, on microfilm at the Hastings Public Library, Barry County, Michigan as the source of this information. 
20747 I33895  Sepulvado  Alexander L.  Abt 1891  Yes, date unknown  Jan Currier ( shows that he was a son of Joseph Jacob Sepulvado and Rose Jane Lafitte of Zwolle, LA.  STR06 
20748 I33895  Sepulvado  Alexander L.  Abt 1891  Yes, date unknown  (Research):Census Listings:

1920 Census
Loisiana, Sabine Parish, Ward 5
Manuel Ebarb
Sepulvado, Alex L Hd M W 29 M La Ls La Farmer
Sepulvado, Rose Wf F W 26 M La La La
Sepulvado, Rena Ma Dtr F W 5 S La La La
Sepulvado, Willard Son M W 3 S La La La
Sepulvado, Linez Dtr F W 2 S La La La
Sepulvado, George

1930 Census
Louisiana, Sabine Parish, Police Jury Ward 5, Bayou Scie
Enumerated 28 Apr 1930
ED 43-11 SD 4 Sheet 16B
Sepulvado, Alex L Hd M Mex 40 M@23 La La La Farmer
Sepulvado, Rosia Wf F Mex 37 M@20 La La La
Sepulvado, Renna M Dtr F Mex 17 S La La La
Sepulvado, Williard Son M Mex 12 S La La La
Sepulvado, Linez Dtr F Mex 13 S La La La
Sepulvado, Bernard Son M MEx 11 S La La La
Sepulvado, Addie Dtr F Mex 9 S La La La
Sepulvado, Elton Son M Mex 7 S La La La
Sepulvado, Joe Son M Mex 5 S La La La
Sepulvado, Annie M Dtr F Mex 10/12 S La La La 
20749 I33874  Sepulvado  Calvin Lee  4 Jul 1957  23 Jun 1995  The Sabine County Reporter
June 28, 1995, Page 8

Calvin Sepulvado

Calvin Lee Sepulvado, 37, of Six Mile Community, Hemphill, died at 4:15 p.m. Friday, June 23, 1995, in a traffic accident in Yellowpine.

Born July 4, 1957, he was a lifelong resident of Sabine County and a U. S. Army veteran. Sepulvado was a construction concrete finisher with C. C. C. Group Inc.

Survivors: wife, Jessica Ann Sepulvado; a daughter, Jessica Anne Sepulvado; a son Dallas Lee Sepulvado; parents, Elton Sepulvado and Martha Young Sepulvado; sisters, Janice Sepulvado and Jo Ann Bragg; and brothers, Ray Sepulvado, Gary Sepulvado; Dennis Sepulvado, and David Sepulvado, all of Hemphill.

Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Tuesday at the chapel of Starr Funeral Home Inc in Hemphill with Bro. Richarl L. Smith and Bro. W. Clarence Howell officiating. Interment followed at Hemphill City Cemetery.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, May 2009) 
20750 I33872  Sepulvado  Elton Matthew  14 Jul 1924  5 Oct 2002  He is the son of Alexander Sepulvado and Rose Ebarb.

His tombstone indicates he was a veteran of World War II. 
20751 I33886  Sepulvado  Janice Delane  1 May 1963  30 Apr 2017  Janice Delene Sepulvado, age 53 of Elkmont, Alabama, passed away Sunday, April 30, 2017 in Huntsville, Alabama.

Janice was born May 1, 1963 in Hemphill, Texas to Elton and Martha Young Sepulvado.

She worked in the medical field and enjoyed spending time spoiling her grandchildren.

Janice is survived by her daughter, Amberlie Sepulvado of Town Creek, Alabama, brothers, Ray Sepulvado of Hemphill, Texas, Gary Sepulvado of Hemphill, Texas, Dennis Sepulvado of Pineland, Texas and David Sepulvado and wife Tana of Hemphill, Texas, sister, JoAnn Bragg of Pineland, Texas and grandchildren, Nevaeh Sepulvado and Kaylyn Tippett of Town Creek, Alabama.

She was preceded in death by her parents and her brother, Calvin Lee Sepulvado.

Funeral services will be held at 2pm, Thursday, May 4, 2017 at Starr Funeral Home Chapel, 510 Starr Street in Hemphill, Texas.

Visitation will be held from 5~8pm Wednesday, May 3, 2017 at Starr Funeral Home.

Copied from her FindAGrave memorial page
Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, May 10, 2017, Page 5 
20752 I35197               
20753 I4754               
20754 I45863  Sessoms  Carrie  16 Jun 1880  7 Jan 1964  (Research):Death Certificate, copied from her FindAGrave memorial page:

name: Carrie Sessoms Mc Lemore
event: Death
event date: 07 Jan 1964
event place: Clinton, Sampson, North Carolina
burial date: 08 Jan 1964
burial place: Roseboro, Nc
cemetery: Horne Family
residence: Roseboro, Sampson, NC
street address: Bryan Apts. West St
gender: Female
death age: 83
marital status: Widowed
race: White
occupation: Domestic
birth date: 16 Jun 1880
birthplace: Nc
mother: Ellen Sessoms
spouse: Frank Mc Lemore 
20755 I31838  Sessoms  Margaret Emma "Maggie"  9 Feb 1869  19 Dec 1956  From Robert McLemore Butler's notes: Sampson County, NC Died Roseboro, NC 19 Dec 1956 Margaret Emaline McLemore b. 9 Feb 1861 F John Elson Sessoms M Penny Fisher Spouse OSCAR BERNICE S(sic) McLEMORE Bk 44 p 251.  STR06 
20756 I6239  Sessums  Beatrix  18 Nov 1888  11 Jan 1934  Her Texas Death Certificate showed that she was married to W. P. McClanahan at the time of her death, and working as a Hotel Operator. Her parents were listed as G. W. SESSON and Alice Elbridge. The informant was her son, Klein McClanahan. Although she died in Dallas, she was a resident of Gladewater, Texas.  STR06 
20757 I8369               
20758 I31591               
20759 I16313               
20760 I16316               
20761 I39716  Seyboth  Friedrich "Fred"  Feb 1852  10 Sep 1934  (Research):

Census Listings:

1900 Census
Pennsylvania, Butler County, Cranberry Twp
Enumerated 14 Jun 1900
SD 19 ED 69 Sheets 9A and 9B Stamped 300
Seyboth, Frederick Head W M Feb 1851 49 m 25 Germany Germany Germany 1873 27 Na Farmer
Seyboth, Sophia Wf W F Feb 1850 50 M 25 9/9 NY Germany Germany
Seyboth, William Son W M July 1881 18 S NY Germany NY Farm Laborer
Seyboth, Albert A Son W M Dec 1883 16 S NY Germany NY Farm Laborer
Seyboth, Logan J Grandson M W Dec 1895 4 S Pa Pa Pa

1910 Census
Pennsylvania, Beaver County, New Sewickley Twp
Enumerated 18 Apr 1910
SD 21 ED 46 Sheet 3B
Seyboth, Fred Head M W 58 m1 31 Germany Germany Germany Farmer
Seyboth, Sophia Wf M W m2 31 11/9 NY NY NY
Seyboth, William Son M W 28 m1 4 NY Germany NY
Seyboth, Susan DtrinLaw F W 24 m1 4 2/2 Pa Pa Pa
Seyboth, Cora Grddtr F W 3 S Pa Pa Pa
Seyboth, Nora Grdtr F W 3 S Pa Pa Pa
Seyboth, Logan Grandson M W 13 S Pa Pa Pa

1920 Census
Pennsylvania, Beaver County, New Sewickley
Enumerated 10 Jan 1920
SD 22 ED 61 Sheet 3B
Seyboth, Fred Head M W 68 M Germany German Germany German Germany German
Seyboth, Sophie Wf F W 78 M NY Germany German Germany German
Seyboth, Albert Head M W 36 M NY Germany German NY Farmer
Seyboth, Cora Wf F W 33 M Pa Pa Pa
Seyboth, Wilmer Son M W 11 S Pa Pa Pa
Seyboth, Orin Son M W 10 S Pa Pa Pa
Seyboth, Blanche Dtr F W 4 9/12 S Pa Pa Pa

1930 Census
Pennsylvania, Beaver County, New Sewickley
Enumerated April 4, 1930
ED 4-81 SD 7 Sheet 3B
Seyboth, Frederick Head M W 78 Wd Germany Germany Germany Farmer 1873 Na

20762 I48563  Seymour  Warren Virgil  15 Nov 1920  7 Nov 2014  Beaumont Enterprise? 14 Nov. 2014

Warren V. Seymour 1920-2014 Deacon Warren V. Seymour Sr., age 93, of Leakey, Texas went to be with his Lord and Savior on Friday, November 7, 2014. He was born on November 20, 1920, in Beaumont, Texas to Lawrence and Celevone (Leger) Seymour. Warren joined the United States Naval Air Force during WWII where he became a bombardier and was Reservist during the Korean conflict.

He retired to Leakey, Texas, after 32 years as the Head of Research at Mobil Chemical Company. He became a Deacon of St. Raymond Catholic Church, was a very caring and kind person and will be missed by all.

He was preceded in death by lifelong sweetheart and loving wife, L. Arnell Seymour; and his son, Warren V. Seymour Jr.

Services will be held Saturday, November 15, 2014, 11 a.m., at St. Raymond Catholic Church in Leakey, Texas. Interment will follow in the Leakey Floral Cemetery in Leakey, Texas.

Betty Simon Veillon
Copied from Find A Grave Memorial ID 114684335 
20763 I48170  Shafer  Arlene Catherine  27 Apr 1926  17 Aug 2005  Arlene Catherine Noble, 79, Raymond, died Wednesday (8/17/05) in Milford. Born, Malcolm, (4/27/26) to Alva and Catherine (Speidel) Shafer. Homemaker.

Family members include: daughters, son-in-law, Laury and Jerry Hostetler, Raymond, Sherry Burklund, Lincoln; grandchildren, Scott, Chad, Nicole; great grandchildren, Austin Becwar, Jordan Becwar, Larin Frazier; niece, Elaine Tweton; nephew, Donald Piening; stepgrandchildren, Ashley Hostetler, Amber Seitz; stepgreat-granddaughter, Kailey Seitz. Preceded in death by: husband, Cleon; daughter, Sandra Becwar; parents; sisters, Mildred Powell, Gladys Piening.

Services: 1 p.m. Monday, Roper and Sons Funeral Services, 4300 O St. The Rev. Dr. Robert Chitwood. Visitation: 2-9 p.m. Sunday, with family 2-4 p.m., funeral home. Memorials: American Cancer Society, 5733 S. 34th St., Suite 500, Lincoln 68516; family. Condolences or personal reflections may be left at:

Published by Lincoln Journal Star from Aug. 18 to Aug. 19, 2005.

(Courtesy of Dennis Belohlavy) 
20764 I12599  Shaffer  John E.  Abt 1879  Yes, date unknown  (Research):

Census Listings:

1940 Census
Pennsylvania, York County, Manheim
Enumerated April 17, 1940
ED 22 SD 67-57 Sheet 7A
Shaffer, John E Head m W 61 M Pa Same House Farmer
Shaffer, Alice K Wf F W 54 M Pa Sam House
Cramer, Mary N Mother-in-law F W 85 W Pa Same House 
20765 I42468  Shaffner  Alice A.  Apr 1856  16 Jan 1924  Said to be a daughter of William and Mary Shaffner Seneca County, Ohio. Listed in their household at the time of the 1870 and 1880 census.
name: Alice Cramer
titles & terms (original):
titles & terms (standardized):
death date: 16 Jan 1924
death place: Kissimmee, Osceola, Florida
gender: Female
race (original): White
race (expanded): White
death age: 67y 8m 19d
estimated birth year:
birth date: 27 Apr 1856
birthplace: Ohio
marital status: Married
spouse's name: Charles Cramer
spouse's titles & terms (original):
spouse's titles & terms (standardized):
father's name: Wm. Shaffner
father's titles & terms (original):
father's titles & terms (standardized):
father's birthplace: Penn.
mother's name: Mary Coffman
mother's titles & terms (original):
mother's titles & terms (standardized):
mother's birthplace: Penn.
occupation: Housewife
street address:
place of residence:
burial place: Fostoria, Ohio
burial date: 16 Jan 1924
funeral home:
additional relatives: X
film number: 2116302
reference number: "1021" F#987
Collection: Alice Cramer, "Florida, Deaths, 1877-1939" 
20766 I6752  Shaffner  Martin  22 Jan 1787  17 Sep 1870  Settled in Crawford County, Ohio in 1829; both members of the Methodist Episcopal church. At the time of the 1850 census, a Martin and Rebecsa Schaffner were living next to Ann Shaffner and John Cramer in Bloom Township, Seneca County, Ohio. FindAGrave notes that "he became somewhat of a legendary person in the Shaffner genealogy, often noted for his "three wives and 21 children." In fact, he was widowed three times and married four times. He is also known to have had more than 125 grandchildren, many of whom were born after his death, even though he lived to be 83. He also had more than 300 great-grandchildren. "  STR06 
20767 I45823  Shake  Joseph D.  9 May 1914  Yes, date unknown  His marriage license shows he was a son of Charley Shake and Caroline Courter.  STR06 
20768 I46427  Shambaugh  Phyllis Elaine  16 Nov 1937  24 Apr 1973  Her Texas Death Certificate shows that she was a School Teacher, and only 35 when she died. Her usual residence was Avalon, Ellis County, Texas. She died at FM 55 and Chambers creek, due to an "accidental drowning in water trying to save daughter." She was married, and the informant was her husband, James R. Worsham.  STR06 
20769 I46422  Shambaugh  Russell Clark  31 Aug 1902  13 Aug 1971  His FindAGrave memorial page, created by Carmelita Andrews Rhodes, contained the following biographical information:

Burial: 15 Aug 1971, Gipson Funeral Home Directors
Age: 69 yrs 11 days
Born in Boonville, Iowa
Resided in Lufkin, TX for 23 years
Occupation: Insurance Salesman
Father: William Edwin Shambaugh
Mother: Carrie Newlon 
20770 I33169  Shamberger  Anastasia "Charlotte"  26 Dec 1869  25 Nov 1956  Jane Zimmerman writes that she was born in Stachesried, Bavaria, and immigrated in 1886. She was the daughter of Franz and Maria Schamberger.  STR06 
20771 I39951  Shands  Ruth  2 Feb 1919  4 Feb 1997  From FindAGrave:

Birth: Feb. 2, 1919
Motley County
Texas, USA
Death: Feb. 4, 1997
Mineral Wells
Palo Pinto County
Texas, USA

father: Nathan Frank Shands; mother: Maude Ethel Rattan; spouses: (1) Jessie Cecil McLemore; md. 6 Nov 1938 in Waco, McLennan, TX; (2) James Barto (Bart) Henderson; md. 27 Nov 1965 in Mineral Wells, Palo Pinto, TX

Ruth Henderson, 78, of Mineral Wells

Services for Ruth Henderson, 78, of Mineral Wells will be at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 8 at the Baum-Carlock-Bumgardner Chapel with burial in the Sturdivant Cemetery in Parker County. Rev. Raymond Shands witll officiate with Baum-Carlock-Bumgardner Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.

Mrs. Henderson died Tuesday, Feb. 4, 1997 at a local nursing home. She was born in White Flat, TX on Feb. 2, 1919 to Nathan Frank and Maude Ethel Rattan Shands. She lived in Mineral Wells as an infant and during her school years. Mrs. Henderson then moved away and returned in 1962.

She worked at the Mineral Wells tax office in 1965, then at the Palo Pinto County appraisal office where she worked until her retirement in 1986. Mrs. Henderson was a member of the Parker Street Baptist Church.

Survivors include her son Don McLemore of Boulder, CO; grandchildren Heather McLemore of Spokane, WA and Chris Millard of Oklahoma City, OK; sisters Rebecca Foster of Abilene and Rowena McDonald of Azle; and numerous nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews including special great-niece Janet Colvin of Santo. She was preceded in death by her first husband Cecil McLemore in May 1962 and her second husband Bart Henderson in March 1984.

Pallbearers will be Eddie Foster, Richard Foster, David Foster, Archie Woods, Kenneth Long, Phil Colvin, Bernie Lopez and Kenneth R. Long.

Baum-Carlock-Bumgardner Funeral Home - obituary

1. Funeral record of husband.
2. Obituary, "Mineral Wells Index," 5 Feb 1997.
3. Personal knowledge of self. 
20772 I11615  Shaner  Melthia Lorinda  27 Jul 1869  Yes, date unknown  She later married William Clement CHERINGTON.  STR06 
20773 I47260  Shapiro  Benjamin  Between 1882 and 1884  1 Feb 1940  Said to be the son of Mordechai Laib "Mas Louis" Shapiro and Rucha Nessa Shapior. His given name was Dov Ber Shapiro. He and his wife Celia were said to be cousins. His grandson, Philip Shapiro states that his father, Solomon Shapiro, was a nephew of Myer Smith/Zanvil Savilevics, one of the founders of the B'nai Abraham and Yehuda Laib Family Society.

On the 1910 Federal Census, Benjamin and Cilie were living on Pierce Street in Baltimore. Both were shown as born in Russia, with their native tongue Yiddish. They both were working at a Grocery store.He was shown as immigrating in 1904, and Cilie in 1900. They had been married nine months.

On May 17, 1911, Benjamin Shapiro filed a petition for naturalization in the District of Maryland. He was shown as residing at 255 S. Eden St, Baltimore. He stated he was born 15 Oct 1883 in Kammyes, Russia, and emigrated to the U.S. from Bremen, Germany on the November 26, 1903 aboard the "Hannover". He declared his intention to become a U.S. citizen on October 2, 1905 in Harrisburg, PA. His occupation was grocer, and his wife was shown as Ceillie Shapiro, born in Kupisock, Russia. He also stated he had one child, daughter Ruth, born June 22, 1910 in Baltimore. Witnesses to his application were Myer Smith, also a grocer and the brother of Celia, and Jacob Rubin, a retired grocer. Jacob was the father of Myer Smith's wife, Anna. Both Myer and Jacob were residents of Baltimore, Myer's address being 304 East Street, and Jacob residing at 637 Evan Street.

In 1920, the family were still in Baltimore, on N. Chester Street, and he was shown as a proprietor of a Dry Goods Store. They has three daughters, Ruth, Edith and Mary.

A Benjamin Shapiro, age 35 and born September 25, 1883 registered for the draft during World War I as a resident of Baltimore, his residence and grocery store both located at 1013 1/2 Low Street. His nearest relative was Cecelia Shapiro of the same address. He was of Medium Height and build, with brown eyes and dark brown hair.

A Benjamin and Celia Shapiro also share a burial plot at the Anshe Neisen Cemetery, Rosedale, Baltimore County, Maryland. However, the birth date for Benjamin differs, instead being shown as 18 Oct 1882, with a date of death of 10 Feb 1940. Celia's date of birth was listed as 15 May 1881, and death was 3 July 1969.

Due to the similar names, but conflicting birthdates, more research should be done to determine the birth and death date of Benjamin and Celia.

Philip S. Shapiro emailed, in July 2020 that "I am the son of Dr. Solomon Shapiro and the grandson of Benjamin Shapiro, who was known in Lithuania as Dov Ber Shapiro. Before emigrating, he attended the Telshe Yeshiva in Telsiai / Telz, Lithuania. Benjamin's father was Mordechai Laib Shapiro, who was also from Kamai / Kamajai, Lithuania. He also emigrated to the United States, where he was known as Max Louis Shapiro, and was buried at the same cemetery as the rest of the family. I can provide more information." 
20774 I47275  Shapiro  Edith  6 Oct 1911  17 Oct 1975  Married a Seigel.  STR06 
20775 I47282  Shapiro  Hinda Ann  28 Jan 1954  14 Jun 1991  Her headstone is engraved Hinda Ann (Shapiro) Gordon, with her name in English and Hebrew. It is also inscribed "Wife and Mother, Dedicated to G_D and Family."

Obituary from the Baltimore Sun

Hinda A. Shapiro Gordon, a pharmacist at the Lansdowne Rite Aid, died Friday at Sinai Hospital from complications of a blood disorder. She was 37.

Services were held yesterday at the Levinson funeral establishment.

A lifelong resident of Baltimore, Mrs. Gordon graduated in 1977 from the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy and had practiced at the Lansdowne Rite Aid since then.

She attended Beth Tfiloh Day School, Pimlico Junior High School, Northwestern Senior High School and the high school division of what is now the Baltimore Hebrew University.

Mrs. Gordon was a member of the Suburban Orthodox Congregation and the Bnai Abraham and Yehuda Laib Family Society.

She is survived by her husband, Stephen J. Gordon; two sons, Adam Joseph and Jeffrey Benjamin; her mother, Mildred K. Shapiro; a sister, Judith M. Auerbach, all of Baltimore; two brothers, former state Del. David B. Shapiro of Baltimore and Philip S. Shapiro of Guilderland, N.Y., and many nieces and nephews.

Her father, Dr. Solomon Shapiro, for many years the chief of psychology at the Baltimore Veterans Administration Hospital, died in 1989.

The family suggested memorial donations to the Shapiro Scholar-in-Residence Program of the Suburban Orthodox Congregation, 7504 Seven Mile Lane, Baltimore 21208. 
20776 I47276  Shapiro  Miriam "Mary"  4 Apr 1916  15 Apr 1991  Married a Cohen.  STR06 
20777 I47274  Shapiro  Ruth  22 Jun 1910  16 Apr 1999  Married a Reinberg.

Her heastone was engraved with Ruth S. Reinberg, in English and Hebrew, with the added inscription "Loyal to her family near & far"

Ruth Shapiro Reinberg,
headed family society.

Ruth Shapiro Reinberg, president of a family society that assisted in the emigration and resettlement of Lithuanian Jewish relatives in the United States and other countries, died of heart failure Friday at the Jewish Convalescent Home in Pikesville. She was 88.

Born in Baltimore on Pierce Street, where her parents operated a grocery store, she attended public schools and later helped her parents operate a dry goods store in the 500 block of N. Chester St. Before her 1969 marriage to Sol Reinberg, proprietor of a kosher bakery in Northwest Baltimore, she worked in the accounting office of the Davidson Transfer and Storage Co. After her husband died in 1976, she ran the bakery for more than a year.

Mrs. Reinberg was a longtime member of Suburban Orthodox Congregation, Beth Tfiloh Congregation and other Jewish organizations in Baltimore.

She was also an avid world traveler who enjoyed visiting fellow members of the B'nai Abraham and Yehuda Laib Family Society, an organization founded in 1901 by an uncle to assist in the emigration of relatives to the United States, South Africa, Palestine and South America. Mrs. Reinberg, who wrote a history of the society, was its president from 1950 to 1952 and co-president from 1987 until her death.

She is survived by a sister-in-law, Mildred K. Shapiro of Baltimore; five nieces and nephews; and many great-nieces and great-nephews.

Services will be held at noon today at Sol Levinson & Bros., 8900 Reisterstown Road in Pikesville.

Baltimore Sun 
20778 I47277  Shapiro  Solomon  6 Jul 1920  7 Jan 1989  Solomon Shapiro registered for the draft during World War II. He was a student at the State Teachers College at the time. Nearest relative was listed as Celia Shapiro. He was 5'8 inches tall, weighed 133 pounds, with brown eyes and hair and a ruddy complexion.

The obituary of his daughter, Hinda Shapiro Gordon, states that her father, " Dr. Solomon Shapiro, for many years was the chief of psychology at the Baltimore Veterans Administration Hospital, died in 1989."

20779 I31872               
20780 I31871               
20781 I31870               
20782 I15691  Sharp  John Lynch  18 Nov 1906  28 Aug 2000  John L. Sharp, 93, of San Augustine died Monday, August 28, 2000, at Memorial Medical Center in San Augustine. Sharp, born Nov 18, 1906, in San Augustine County as a son of the late Mollie (Polk) and Benjamin Franklin Sharp, was a farmer and a U.S. Army Air Force veteran. He was a member of the Memorial Presbyterian Chruch and a life member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Survivors: wife, Sarah [corrected from Sharon] Sharp of San Augustine; daughters and sons-in-law, Sarah Elizabeth and Walter Garasic of Kilgore and Jeananne and Stan Elkins of Lampasas; sons and daughers-in-law, John and Anna Sharp of San Augustine and Pat and Rhonda Sharp of Killeen; and eight grandchildren. Graveside rites were held Aug. 30 at the Thomas Cemetery in San Augustine County with Bro. Neal Nichols officiating. Wyman Roberts Funeral Chapel of San Augustine, directors.  STR06 
20783 I24298               
20784 I47795  Sharpton  Maxine  27 May 1919  30 Sep 2006  Mrs. Maxine Bickham, 87, of San Augustine passed away September 30, 2006 at Twin Lakes Care Center. Services will be at First Baptist Church, Deweyville with the Rev. Damon Bickham, and Brother Brad Bickham officiating. Burial will follow at King's Cemetery in Deweyville.

(Copied from her FindAGrave Memorial page) 
20785 I41167  Shattles  Frances "Fannie" A.  Abt 1841  Yes, date unknown  Her last name is instead shown as BOMAN on the death certificate of son Absalom. Most other sources show this as SHATTLES, including, where she is listed as a daughter of George Shattles and Lucinda Canaday.

Death certificates of several of her other children confirm the name SHATTLES. 
20786 I5282  Shaw  Charles  1876  1941  Members of Toomer family say he was a riverboat gambler and gave them worry when he visited. Also have been told he married and farmed in Delhi.  STR06 
20787 I5392  Shaw  Curtis Onan  31 Aug 1897  7 May 1960  Name: Curtis Onan Shaw
Death Date: 07 May 1960
Death Place: Decatur, Wise County, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: White
Death Age: 62 years
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 31 Aug 1897
Birthplace: Claburne, Texas, Usa
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Mrs. Vera Brown Shaw
Father's Name: James Matthew Shaw
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Bonnie Lee Turner
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Carpenter
Place of Residence: Decatur, Wise, Texas
Cemetery: Pleasant Grove Cemetery
Burial Place: Decatur, Texas
Burial Date: 09 May 1960
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2116267
Digital Film Number: 4166548
Image Number: 2052
Reference Number: 33298
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
20788 I28937  Shaw  Dilla Dillo  12 Sep 1884  23 Jun 1974  Her middle name might instead be Dorcas.

She died in an auto accident. The social security death index instead lists her year of birth as 1885, and date of death as Jan 1974. It appears that the news article relating to the Keaton and Dillo Wright family reunion, from which her birth and death date were taken, would be more accurate. Her last residence on the SSDI was Rochester, Haskell County, Texas. 
20789 I24519               
20790 I5277  Shaw  Mary Lulu  1866    When her mother died, she went to live with Emma Belle. In 1930 she was living with Franklin in Duncan? She died in State Hospital in Norman.  STR06 
20791 I37563  Shaw  Richard Lee  9 Jan 1925  10 Jul 2010  COLUMBUS - Memorial services for Richard Lee Shaw, age 85 of Columbus, will be held on Saturday, July 24th at 2:30 p.m. at the Svoboda Funeral Home North Chapel in Schuyler. Visitation will begin one hour prior to the service.

Richard was born Jan. 9, 1925, at Sargent, to Arthur C. and Helen (Crane) Shaw. He attended rural school and Sagrent High School. On April 19, 1952, he married Verna Lee Anderson in Omaha. They lived in Omaha until 1996 when they moved to Linwood and in 2009 they moved to Columbus. Dick worked as a heavy equipment operator and loved to garden. Dick died July 10, 2010, at Meridian Gardens Assisted Living Center in Columbus.
Richard is survived by his wife, Verna Lee of Columbus; five children, Matthew Shaw of Beatrice, Range Shaw of Phoenix, Bowman (Florence) Shaw of Chicago, Julia Ann Marie Shaw Bartels (Don) of Boston, John (Christa) Shaw of Portland, Ore.; six grandchildren, Cole, Camron, Taylor, Andrew, Laura and Emma; one brother, Charles (Denise) Shaw of Craig; many nieces and nephews and a host of friends.

He is preceded in death by brothers, Jack and Robert and sister, Betty.

(Courtesy of Dennis Belohlavy) 
20792 I36450               
20793 I5272  Shaw  William Arthur  1822  19 Mar 1906  Father MORGAN b. NC fought British un Rev. war 1775-1783 Mother SHAW??  STR06 
20794 I5268  Shaw  William Franklin  14 Feb 1861  14 Jul 1951  Buried Sec 3 Bk 21 Lot 28 sp2.  STR06 
20795 I29367  Shawver  Lee Elias Holman  15 Jan 1897  27 Jul 1960  When he registered for the draft during World War I in Jack County, Texas, he was living in Perrin, Texas, and working for E. J. Shawver of the same location. Nearest relative was listed as Boston Shawver, also of Perrin. He was of medium build and heighth, with black hair and eyes.

His Texas Death Certificate shows he was married, and a son of M. B. Shawver and Ruth Holman, and his usual occupation was farming. Informant was his wife, Mrs. Carrie Shawver. 
20796 I29367  Shawver  Lee Elias Holman  15 Jan 1897  27 Jul 1960  (Research):

Census Information:

1930 Census
Texas, Young County, Pr 4
ED 252 SD 3 Sheet 6B
Shawver, Holman Hd M W 33 M 31 Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Shawver, Carrie E Wf F W 28 M 26 Tx Tx Tx
Shawver, Boston Father 62 Wd 25 Tx Va Mo

1940 Census
Texas, Baylor County, JP 2
Enumerated 10 Apr 1940
SD 13 ED 12-4 Sheet 3A
Shawver, Lee H HEad M W 43 M No 8 Tx same place No occupation shown, out of work 24 weeks
Shawver, Carrie Wf F W 38 M No 6 Tx same place 
20797 I9491  Sheffield  Bruce Robert  9 Jun 1902  17 Sep 1980  Obituary (from an undated clipping from the KIRBYVILLE BANNER)

Funeral services will be under the direction of Causey E.E. Stringer Funeral Home. Masonic rites will follow in the Friendship Cemetery. Mr. Sheffield died at 8:45 pm Wednesday, September 17, in Jasper Memorial Hospital after an illness. He was a native and lifelong resident of Roganville. He was retired from Kirby Lumber Company, he was a member and deacon at North Bonami Missionary Baptist Church and a member of Nathan Corley Masonic Lodge #195, AF&AM in Kirbyville. He is survived by his wife, Olinie Hawthorne Sheffield of Roganville; two sons, James E. Sheffield of Lumberton and Hugh Beaver of Kirbyville; one brother, Rev. Bob E. Sheffield of Huntsville; two sisters, Esther Behannon and Lena Burnett both of Roganville; 15 grandchildren, three great grandchildren. 
20798 I31832  Sheffield  John Henry  20 Aug 1839  13 Apr 1928  (Research):Wanda Davis, on, notes that he "enlisted as a Pvt. in CSA/Civil War out of Madison Co. TX, Co. K, 16th Texas Infantry(Flournoy's) John H. m. Harriet Nancy KING (1847 Walker Co. TX--1904 Madison Co. TX)."  STR06 
20799 I4223  Shelander  Birdie Louise  12 Nov 1889  12 Oct 1955  Calvert Cemetery transcription:

Drury, Birdie Louise Shelander 11-12-1889 10-12-1955 h John Ira "Dock" Drury Sr. 
20800 I102  Shelden  Charles Robert "Bob"  27 Sep 1912  Mar 1980  CHARLES SHELDEN 27 Sep 1912 Mar 1980 85712 (Tucson, Pima, AZ) 85712 (Tucson, Pima, AZ) 309-09-1198 Indiana

From his completed Form SS-5 "U.S. Social Security Act Application for Account Number"

Charles Robert Shelden 6312 Harision Street Hammond, Indiana


Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corp. P.O. Box 750 Whiting, Indiana

He was age 24, and born on Sept. 27, 1912 in Shelby, Richland County, Ohio.


Charles Chaplin Shelden (Charles Chaplin is typed and Shelden is written in by hand) Lula Anne White

Date of Application Nov. 25, 1936

Bob had been previously married, and had children from that prior marriage. After Ilo died, he was remarried for a third time in Clark County, Nebraska, to Mary Hoover McMinds on 7 Jan 1975. 

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