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# Person ID Last Name First Name Birth Date Death Date Living note Tree
20601 I3526               
20602 I17723  Schopf  Elisabeth  26 Feb 1908  Nov 1989  SISTER E SCHOPF 26 Feb 1908 Nov 1989 99204 (Spokane, Spokane, WA ) (none specified) 531-52-9660 Washington  STR06 
20603 I13854  Schopf  Floyd Wayne  13 Aug 1925  15 Jun 1989  Was employed by the Bozeman Canning Company in Mt. Vernon, Washington at age 16, when he applied for his Social Security number. This application is also the source for his mothers maiden name.

Unable to locate a copy of his obituary. 
20604 I34671  Schopf  Frances Gertrude  16 Dec 1915    I, Frances Gertrude, was the seventh of eight children born
to Mary and Joseph Schopf in Spokane, WA, on December 16, 1915, the
blizzardiest night of the year. The doctor couldn't even get out. A neighbor
lady was there to help my mom. My first three years of school were at the
Adams grade school, then Sacred Heart where I graduated in 1929. High
school was at Marycliff and college at Holy Names in Spokane and Maryhurst
in Portland, Oregon. In the 1930's, jobs were scarce so I went to comptometer
school. Finally, I got a job working for a contractor building the Navy Supply
Depot in the valley.

December 7, 1941 and we were at war. The fall of l942 a visiting Navy
recruiting team was in Spokane so I went to see them and joined them. Cedar
Falls for boot camp, Bloomington, Indiana for Storekeeping School, Memphis,
TN, and at NAS, Hilo, Hawaii until the end of the war.

On February 13, 1943 we sailed from San Francisco out under the Golden Gate
Bridge headed for Hawaii. Since it was wartime, we went blacked-out. The
first three nights the sky was overcast so the green phosphorescent lights in
the water made the sea unbelievably beautiful, like emeralds on water. We
were on the converted Lurliner. Instead of private staterooms we had threedeep
bunks. I was glad to be in a bottom one. We were happy to have Navy
raincoats with liners. The further we went the warmer it got; by Sunday
morning when we arrived it was very warm. The band was out to meet us.
Our group of 60 was the last to be assigned.

The officer in charge said she couldn't tell us where we were going, only that it
rained a lot. She was right. Hilo is one of the rainiest places, but the soil is
black as coal and is never muddy. It rained at least every day. I was assigned
to the supply department and was in charge of one-third of the Quonset huts
for receiving and storing all of our supplies. I didn't think it was funny when a
tarantula came in with one of our shipments. When they finally dropped a
case of shoes on it, I was relieved.
The day the war ended we were restricted to quarters for safety's sake, but they
opened the beer hall. We had signed up for the duration and six months, but
they sent us home as fast as they could and so ended one of the most exciting
times in my life. 
20605 I13847  Schopf  George Christian  13 Mar 1883  17 Sep 1954  According to Jay Ingalls, he was married with two children.

Was this one of his daughters? He would have been age 52 at her birth. Perhaps a granddaughter?

Betty C. Turner Betty C. Turner, 65, born December 18, 1935, to George and Viola Schopf, passed away March 12, 2001. Preceded in death by her mother and father; sister, Rosie; and precious granddaughter, Tatianna.

Survived by her loving husband, Leslie of 43 years; four sons, Dan, Jeff (Lori), Ron (Rhonda, beloved friend and "daughter"), Ken; grandchildren, Christie, Tracy, Sarah, Savannah, Jason and Alex, and numerous nieces and nephews.

Betty was devoted to her family and loved her grandchildren whom she called her little angels. They now call her their big angel. She will be greatly missed by all who loved her.

Funeral services Friday, March 16, 2001 at 12:30 p.m. at Evergreen Funeral Home and Cemetery, 4504 Broadway, Everett, Wash.

Viewing prior to the service beginning at 9:00 a.m.

This notice was published: Friday, March 16, 2001. (The Herald of Everett, Washington: online edition) 
20606 I34663  Schopf  George Edward  Abt 1880  Yes, date unknown  (Research):Census Listings:

1930 Census
Oregon, Multnomah, Portland City, Elec Pr 199
Enumerated April 2, 1930
ED 26-163 SD 3 Sheet 1B
East 9th Street
Schopf George E Hd Own $4000 M W 50 M 23 Bavaria Bavaria Ba
varia German 1895 Na Truck Driver Fuel Co
Schopf, Josephine Wf F W 48 M 21 Austria Austria Rumania German 1886 Na Core Maker Steel Foundry
Schopf, George Jr. Son M W 24 S Canada English Bavaria Austria German 1914 Na Packer Furniture Mfg Plant
Schopf, Joseph Son M W 17 S Canada English Bavaria Austria German 1914 Na
Schopf, Theodore Son M W 14 S Oregon Bavaria Austria
Schopf, Helen Dtr F W 11 S Oregon Bavaria Austria
Schopf, Edward Son M W 10 S Oregon Bavaria Austria
Schopf, Josephine Dtr F W 6 S Oregon Bavaria Austria 
20607 I17729  Schopf  George J.  1874  12 Nov 1948  Tacoma News Tribune Sunday, November 14, 1948pg A 10

George Schopf

George J. Schopf, 74, a retired tailor living at 3609 East E. St, died Friday in a local hospital. Born in Suabia, Germany he came to the United States 57 years ago (circa 1891) and to Pierce County in 1901. He was a member of the East Tacoma Odd Fellows Lodge.

Two sisters, Mrs. Pauline Dietrich and Mrs. Emma Schwenkel of Dunkirk, NY survive.

Buckley-King will announce the services. 
20608 I17729  Schopf  George J.  1874  12 Nov 1948  (Research):Census Listings:

Washington, Pierce, Twp 27-143, Tacoma, Ward 4
Schopf, George J Hed O !600 M W 55 S Wuerttenberg Germany G
ermany German 1892 Tailor Tailor Shop 
20609 I18594  Schopf  George John  12 Nov 1905  Dec 1971  His application for a social security account was filed on November 27, 1936. At that time, he was a resident of Portland, Oregon, and working for the Electric Steel Foundry on NW 24th Avenue and York. He listed his parents as George Edward Schopf and Josephine Fastner, and his place of birth as Lampman, Sask., Canada.

ASSUMJED to be the same George John Schopf of Oregon who was the father of Betty Carol Schopf. 
20610 I13260  Schopf  Johann Jacob  9 Apr 1844  Aft Aug 1896  Sometime prior to 1870, Jacob Schopf married Margaret Irwin of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. They can be found living with her family at the time of the 1870 census.

Chelisgpayne Township, Milton Post Office, enumerated August, 1870
Irwin, Joseph age 42 M W Farm Laborer $100 of Personal Property born PA
Irwin, Jeanette age 36 F W Keeping House born PA
Irwin, Louisa age 11 F W at home born PA
Irwin, John age 6 M W at home born PA
Irwin, Robert age 4 M W at home born PA
Lewis, Elijah age 70 M W father-in-law born PA
Shaoff, Jacob age 22 M W farm laborer born Bavaria father and mother of foreign birth Shaoff, Margaret age 18 F W wife born PA

The following 1880 census information was located on the Familysearch CD's.

Census Place:Eveline, Charlevoix, Michigan
Source:FHL Film 1254576 National Archives Film T9-0576
Page 32B
Jacob SCHOFF Self M M W 36 MI (sic) Occ:Farmer Fa: -- -Mo: ---
Margreet SCHOFF Wife F M W 27 PA Occ:Keeping House Fa: PA Mo: PA
Jane SCHOFF Dau F S W 9 PA Occ: At Home Fa: PA Mo: PA
Hanah SCHOFF Dau F S W 7 PA Occ: At HomeFa: PA Mo: PA
Rose SCHOFF Dau F S W 4 OH Occ: At Home Fa: PA Mo: PA
Jacob SCHOFF Son M S W 2 OH Occ:At Home Fa: PA Mo: PA

His great-grandson and namesake, Jake Schopf of Kirkland, Washington, writes that Jacob "Jake left the family one day on the train to find work in Charlevoix, Michigan. He never returned." Jacob left to search for work around the same general time period as the sinking of the Champlain (more details about this accident appear in a Bob Miles re-write of an article in the Charlevoix Journal on June 23, 1887). J.M. Ingalls, also a descendant, speculates that Jake Schopf may have perished in this accident. It is also possible, based on prior health problems as reported by his family, that he may have suffered from a heart attack while searching for work.

According to Mae Schopf Ingalls, Jacob's family were heirs to the estate of Maria Schopf nee Zimmerman, deceased 23 June 1953 in Gerlingen, Germany. (These papers, containing a list of heirs as of 1962, were prepared by Ackermann of Hoerner-Bank gmbh Heilbronn a-n, Lohtorstrasse 26, Telefon 3428 und 3493, Telegramm-adresse: Hoernerbank Heilbronneckar). 
20611 I10499  Schopf  John Jacob  28 Apr 1878  8 Oct 1951  Jake Schopf writes that his grandfather "grew up in Michigan and became involved in logging. He followed the trees west to Washington He worked his way up the career ladder until he became Mill Superintendent of the Day Lumber Company of Big Lake, Washington. At that time it was the largest mill in Western Washington."

EVERETT HERALD 10 October 1951

John J. Schopf

John Jacob (Jake) Schopf, 73, of 3405 Colby Avenue, died at his home Monday evening after an extended illness. Mr. Schopf was born in Ohio, April 28, 1878, and had resided in Everett for the past sixteen years. He was an employee of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company and a member of the Calvary Baptist Church. Surviving him are his widow, Grace at home; one son John J. Schopf at home; one daughter Mrs. Audrey L. Ackmann of Portland, Ore., one brother (sic), George Schopf of Michigan; one sister, Mrs. Mae Ingalls of Ellsworth, Mich.; one granddaughter, Nancy Lucas and one great granddaughter, Linda K. Lucas. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Chapel of the Solie Funeral Home. The Rev. William Sloan of the Calvary Baptist Church will officiate. Interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery. 
20612 I10499  Schopf  John Jacob  28 Apr 1878  8 Oct 1951  (Research):
Census Listings:

1900 Census
Michigan, Emmet County, Egleston Twp
Vol 20, ED 85, Sheet 4, Line 85
Schoff, John J W Apr 1878 age 22 born Ohio
Enumerated with Simon J. Workings
Relationship Boarder

1910 Census
Not located

1920 Census
Washington, Whatcom County, Bellingham, ED #229
2106 Lake Street
Schopf, John J Head R -- M W 40 M Ohio Germany (German) P
A Superintendent Lumber Company
Schopf, Violet Wife -- -- F W 38 M Canada (English) Canada (English)
Schopf, Audrey Dtr -- -- F W 12 S Washington Ohio Canada (English)
Schopf, August Brtr -- -- M W 30 S Mich. Germany (German) PA Millwright Lumber Company

1930 Census
Washington, Skagit County, West Clear Lake Township, ED 67, Page 2B
Schopf, John J Head 51 Ohio Germany Pennsylvania
Schopf, Grace M Wife 36 Mass Canada Eng. Canada Eng.
Poole, Irvine D Nephew 3 4/12 Wash Mass. British Canada
Poole, Jennette M-in-Law 67 Canada Scotland Ireland 
20613 I10499  Schopf  John Jacob  28 Apr 1878  8 Oct 1951  (Medical):Generalized Arteriosclerosis Senility Wm. J. Wagner, MD Med Den Bldg Everett  STR06 
20614 I3522  Schopf  John Jacob  16 Nov 1931  31 Jul 2005  In 1986, Philip Schopf reported that his parents were Jake and Isabelle Schopf, and that they were Baptist missionaries living in Taguaginitia De Norte, Brasil. Philip said he was the second born of their four sons. He indicated that both his parents were around age 62 in 1988.

In a brief biographical sketch of his father, Jake Schopf, Jr., writes that "Jake was a stand out athlete at Everett High School, where he lettered in Football, Basketball, Baseball and Track. He was offered full scholarships in football and baseball at several colleges but chose instead to attend a small Bible college in Los Angeles, California to prepare to be a missionary." He received his bachelor's degree from Los Angeles Baptist Theological Seminary.

Jake later wrote that his father "was born again and called to the ministry at age twelve through the ministry of John R. Rice. The day of his conversion he, along with some friends, went throughout Everett inviting people to come to the evangelistic services. As a young man at Calvary Baptist Church his heart was touched by the missionaries who filled the pulpit and taught Sunday School. Jake was a leader in the youth was during this time that he first got to know the one who would become the love of his life, Isabelle Gates."

For over 40 years Jake and Isabelle served the Lord in various parts of Brazil; Ceara, Belem in Para, Sao Jose in Sao Paolo, and Brasilla. He retired from the foreign field to be Western Representative of Baptist Mid-Missions. Around 1992, Jake retired again and wound up first as interim pastor, and later as senior pastor, of First Baptist Church of Soap Lake, Washington. 
20615 I3522  Schopf  John Jacob  16 Nov 1931  31 Jul 2005  (Medical):Diagnosed with Esophageal cancer in October, 2004.  STR06 
20616 I3524               
20617 I20577               
20618 I13850  Schopf  John S.  Abt 1885  Yes, date unknown  On the Fourteenth Cenus of the United States (1920), a John S. Schopf and family is found in Ferry County, Washington.

State: Washington County: Ferry E.D.: 50 #16-16 Schopf, John S., Head, M, W,35 (Born ca 1885) POB: Indiana Parents POB (M/F): Indiana, Indiana Occupation: Farmer Schopf, Mae,Wife F,W,40 POB: Indiana Parents POB (M/F): Indiana, Indiana Schopf, Eva M, Daughter, F,W,8 POB: Washington Parents POB (M/F): Indiana, Indiana Attended School

Ferry County, Washington, was created from Stevens County on February 8, 1899. Republic is the county seat. Ferry County encompasses 2,313 square miles, the ninth biggest county in the state. It extends from the international boundary line with Canada, on the north, to the Columbia River on the south, and from the Columbia and Kettle Rivers on the east, to Okanogan County on the west. The United States census of 1900 gave Ferry County a population of 4,562; by 1903 this had increased to 4,646. In 1990, the population was 6,295. The 1998 state of Washington Yearbook gave the county an estimated population of 7,300.

(Source of the above information

It is possible, but not likely, that he is one of the six children (as per the 1900 census) of John Jacob and Margaret (Irwin) Schopf. It was very common for all the sons in German families to be given the first name of Johann/John, and to be called by their middle names. However, if his age on the census is accurate, he would have been born between George and May, but born in Indiana whereas they were both born in Michigan. I also noted that he showed both parents as born in Indiana, which is not correct for either John Jacob or Margaret Irwin. He was not listed as a son of Margaret Schopf on the 1900 census, however, and at age 15 would *probably* still been at home, especially as his 17 year old brother George was still at home. However, the obituary of Margaret Schopf did show she was both the mother of a son named J.J. (John Jacob?) and a son named John. Need to follow up further. 
20619 I17724  Schopf  Joseph  Abt 1878  Yes, date unknown  Preston Wright, on his "All Families combined" tree at WorldConnect, shows that Joseph was born in Patfulu, Hungary (now Podersdorf, Austria) and died in 1963 in Spokane. He was buried at Holy Cross Cemetery in Spokane. 
20620 I17724  Schopf  Joseph  Abt 1878  Yes, date unknown  (Research):
Census Listings:

1920 Census
Washington, Spokane County, Austin Precinct, Spokane City
Enumerated 9 Jan 1920
SD 54 ED 172 Sheet 1B
Schoff, Joseph Hd M W 42 M 1903 Na 1910 Austria-Hungary/Ger
man x 3 Fruit Wrangler Fruit Stand
Schoff, Mary Wf F W 40 1903 Austria-Hungary/German x 3
Schoff, Mary Dtr F W 14 S Dakota Austria-Hungary/German Austria-Hungary/German
Schoff, Anna Dtr F W 12 S Dakota Austria-Hungary/German Austria-Hungary/German
Schoff, Elizabeth Dtr F W 11 S Dakota Austria-Hungary/German Austria-Hungary/German
Schoff, Joseph Son M W 10 S Dakota Austria-Hungary/German Austria-Hungary/German
Schoff, Veronica Dtr F W 9 S Dakota Austria-Hungary/German Austria-Hungary/German
Schoff, Laurence Son M W 8 S Dakota Austria-Hungary/German Austria-Hungary/German
Schoff, Frances Dtr F W 4 1/12 Washington Dakota Austria-Hungary/German Austria-Hungary/German

1930 Census
Washington, Spokane County, Spokane City, Block 1032
Enumerated April 15, 1930
ED 32-106 SD 5 Sheet 37 A Stamped 152
East Eighteenth
Schopf, Joseph Hd O 2500 M W 51 M24 Austria Austria Austria German Janitor School
Schopf, Mary Wf F W 47 M@0 Austria Austria Austria German
Schopf, Anna Dtr F W 23 S No Dakota Austria Austria Teacher
Schopf, Joseph Son M W 20 S No Dakota Austria Austria Laborer Farm
Schopf, Lawrence SOn M W 18 S No Dakota Austria Austria
Schopf, Frances Dtr F W 14 S Washington Austria Austria
Schopf, Marguerit Dtr F W 6 S Washington Austria Austria 
20621 I4847  Schopf  Katie "Annie"  Abt 1883  1945  Possibly born in Southarm Township, Charlevoix County, Michigan. Said to have married William BURLEY (1867-1941) on 16 Apr 1940 in East Jordan, Charlevoix County, Michigan.  STR06 
20622 I34670  Schopf  Lawrence J. "Larry"  4 Mar 1912  17 Dec 2008  Lawrence (Larry) J. Schopf, 96, passed away peacefully on Wednesday, December 17th, 2008. Larry was born to Mary and Joseph Schopf on March 4th, 1912 in Mandan, North Dakota. In 1913, the family moved to Spokane, WA. He graduated from Gonzaga Prep High School in 1930, and moved to Seattle, where he joined the Civilian Conservation Corps, working with the Forestry Service and in the construction of Ross Dam.

In 1934, Larry entered the Marine Corps, was discharged in 1938, and re-enlisted in 1942, during WWII, where he served in the Pacific Theatre as an Artillery Platoon Sergeant until the end of the war. After the war, Larry returned to Spokane were he began working for the Federal Government. In 1952, he married his wife Shirley and moved to Hauser Lake, Idaho, where he built a log home for his family. The Idaho life allowed him to fulfill his dream of gardening, fishing, hunting, and country living. Upon the closure of the Naval Supply Depot in Spokane, Larry was reassigned to the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station, where he worked as a firefighter. He and his family moved to Mt. Vernon in 1960.

Although Larry retired in 1971 from the Naval Air Station he remained active in his retirement. He went on to work for 20 years at the Moose Lodge, where he was a lifetime member. In 1992, in Larry's words, "I retired for good." Larry was active in his church, Immaculate Conception, volunteered in the St. Vincent de Paul Society for many years, and was a lifetime member of the Knights of Columbus. Larry lived by the motto "Once a Marine always a Marine", through his involvement in the Marine Corps League of Skagit County, in which he was honored as the oldest Marine in the League. Larry was always willing to help anyone in need, particularly his neighbors in Park Village where he and his wife have lived for the past 31 years. He enjoyed an active life of travel, gardening, fishing and camping. His greatest pleasure was spending time with his family.

He leaves behind his wife, of 56 years, Shirley Schopf; three daughters and son-in-laws, Leigh (Barry) Hayes of Lynnwood, Janice Walsh (Mark Moellendorf) of Gig Harbor and Laurie (Steve) Akers of Everett; his grandchildren, Bryan Hayes, Darren Hayes, Tracy Benson, Catherine Nash, Sarah Kinnear, and Ty Akers; eight great-grandchildren, many nieces and nephews, and one sister, Francis Schopf.

He is preceded in death by his parents, Mary and Joseph Schopf, one brother Joseph Schopf; and five sisters, Sr. Elisabeth Schopf, SNJM, Mary Mott, Ann Harris, Veronica Sweeney, and Marguerite Kehoe.

Larry lived a full life. His kindness and generosity will be greatly missed by family and friends. A Vigil Service will be held at Immaculate Conception Church at 7:00 P. M., December 26, 2008. A Funeral Mass will be held at Immaculate Conception Church, Saturday December 27, 2008 11:00 A.M., Mt. Vernon. Arrangements are under the care of Kern Funeral Home.

Memorials may be made to Skagit Valley Hospital Foundation, P.O. Box 1376, Mt.Vernon, WA 98273; Immaculate Conception Regional School Endowment Fund, 1321 E. Division St. Mt.Vernon, WA 98273or a Charity of your choice. 
20623 I34674  Schopf  Marguerite H.  3 Jul 1923  20 Aug 2000  MARGUERITE H KEHOE 03 Jul 1923 20 Aug 2000 (V) 98020 (Edmonds, Snohomish, WA ) (none specified) 533-20-6823 Washington  STR06 
20624 I34676  Schopf  Mary  Abt 1906  Yes, date unknown  This appears to be her listing on the SSDI.

MARY C MOTT 18 Feb 1905 03 Feb 1997 (P) 98837 (Moses Lake, Grant, WA ) (none specified) 532-50-2131 Washington

However, there is another, younger Mary Mott that died in Spokane that could possibly ber her, assuming her census age might be off by 7 years or so

MARY A MOTT 6 Nov 1912 1 Apr 2005 Spokane, Spokane, WA (none specified) 533-12-5887 Washington 
20625 I20579               
20626 I3516  Schopf  Philip Craig  19 Apr 1958  8 Feb 1994  Philip was said to be a very intelligent man who loved to read. He reported that he had attended the Universidad de Para in Brasil. He had been previously married, having two sons by his first wife.

He was a staff sargeant in the Air Force, working with computers. He enlisted in Everett, Washington on March 14, 1980. His goal was to become a Chief Master Sargeant. He was sent on duty assignments to South America, Korea, and the Phillipines.

He was at the 314th Air Division, Det 1 (PACAF), Yongsan Army Garrison, Seoul, Korea. He served as the primary interface between USAF users of the Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS) in Korea and the Joint Command Directorate that maintains the WWMCCS equipment and computer programs. He was considered to have excellent technical knowledgee, and to be a key player at the Tango Command Post in establishing effective WWMCCS utilization. He also developed a level of fluency in the Korean language through self study. 
20627 I3525               
20628 I20496               
20629 I34675  Schopf  Veronica A.  27 Dec 1910  20 Jul 2007  VERONICA A SWEENEY 27 Dec 1910 20 Jul 2007 (V) 99206 (Spokane, Spokane, WA ) (none specified) 532-52-2192 Washington  STR06 
20630 I5870  Schram  Sarah A.  Abt 1833  13 Jan 1862  FindAGrave shows that she was a daughter of William SCHRAM and Ann McCullough SMITH Schram.  STR06 
20631 I39713  Schram  William  15 Mar 1809  15 Apr 1871  Shown on FindAGrave as a son of Isaac Chauncy Schram and Rebecca Smith.  STR06 
20632 I39713  Schram  William  15 Mar 1809  15 Apr 1871  (Research):

Census Listings:

1850 Census
Ohio, Lake County, Willoughby Dist 85
20 Oct 1850
William SCRAM 40 M Farmer 2500 NY
Ann SCRAM 41 F O.
Drusilla SCRAM 19 F O.
Sarah A. SCRAM 17 F O.
Harriet E. SCRAM 14 F O.
Wothren ? SCRAM M O.
Samuel R. SCRAM 1 M O. 
20633 I4592  Schriner  Mamie M.  12 Jun 1886  6 Jul 1955  Dean Cramer shows her as a daughter of John Schriner and Emmaline Ruhlman.

From FindAGrave:

Mrs. Mamie M. Cramer, wife of George A. Cramer, died in Hanover Hospital on July 6, 1955, from a stroke suffered several weeks previously.Her age was 69 years and 24 days.

While in the Glenville area, for many years she was an active member of St. Jacob's Church, and one of the pioneers of the Lutheran Missionary Society. Moving to Hanover, she became a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, where she continued her activities.
Surviving besides her husband are two sons, Maurice Cramer of Texas, and Elwood Cramer of Hanover; two foster daughters; several grandchildren; and two sisters; Mrs. Morris Zumbrum and Mrs. Gertie Rohrbaugh.

Her pastor, Rev. Paul Foulk, officiated at her funeral on July 9 at the Bucher Funeral Home, Hanover, assisted by your pastor, and Rev. Morris Zumbrum, a nephew. Burial was in Stone Church Cemetery.

My Church by Rev. Kenneth S. Ehrhart
20634 I43515  Schrock  Gladys  9 Jul 1920  29 Jul 2013  ST. PAUL - Gladys M. Nichols, 93, of St. Paul died Monday, July 29, 2013, at Brookefield Park in St. Paul.

Graveside services will be at 10:30 a.m. Friday at the Bohemian Cemetery in Wilber.
There will be no visitation. Mrs. Nichols was cremated. Jacobsen-Greenway Funeral Home in St. Paul is in charge of arrangements.

Mrs. Nichols was born July 9, 1920, in Shickley to Sam and Alma (Wertz) Schrock.
She was preceded in death by her husbands, Lumir Havel and Don Nichols; and infant daughter, Joanne Havel.

Survivors of the immediate family include a son, Richard Havel of Grand Island; two daughters and sons-in-law, Karen and Dick Jantzi of Fairmont and Kay and Tom Hassler of Columbus; a stepson, Frank Nichols of Utica; three grandchildren; two stepgrandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild.
Gladys was one of three children in the family. She was united in marriage to Lumir J. Havel on May 27, 1941, in Kimball. To this union four children were born. Her husband, Lumir died on May 28, 1960.

Gladys worked hard at various jobs throughout her life. She cleaned houses, served as a waitress at Mumby's Cafe and the Tower Cafe in Fairmont, managed the Fairmont American Legion Club, and worked as a waitress at the Hilltop Cafe in Geneva.

On Nov. 22, 1972, Gladys was married to Donald E. Nichols in Geneva. The couple lived in St. Paul for their married life. Her husband Don died on April 6, 2013.

Gladys was a lifetime member of 61 years of the American Legion Auxiliary 21 in Fairmont. She was raised in the First Congregation Faith in Exeter.

She was also preceded in death by her parents; a grandson, Shane Jantzi; and sisters, Bernice Burmood and Doris Roberts.

Memorials are suggested to the family's choice.

Condolences for Gladys may be left at

?/u?(Courtesy of Dennis Belohlavy, published in the 31 July 2013 Grand Island Independent) 
20635 I13323  Schroder  Alfred John  11 Jun 1934  2 Jan 2025  Alfred John Schroder

June 11, 1934 - January 2, 2025

Alfred was born at Palmyra Ne and passed away in Larned, KS.

Alfred enlisted in the Army in 1955 and was stationed in Germany for 2 years. He met and married Jacquelin Soukup in 1960, raising 2 sons and 1 daughter on the farm south of Eagle. Alfred farmed part-time and worked and retired from Goodyear after 30 years of service.

He was a member of Immanuel Lutheran in Eagle for the majority of his lifetime and is a current member of Messiah Lutheran. He loved fixing things and telling stories of his time in the Army and talking politics.

He is survived by sons, Brett (Deb) Schroder, Bartt (Sue) Schroder, & daughter Amy (Arlan) Kettelhake, grandchildren, Jason (Katie) Schroder, Ethan Schroder, Janae Schroder, Carson (Courtney) Kettelhake, Wyatt Schroder. Great-grandchildren, Noah, Mady, Ben, Daisy, sister in laws Karen Soukup & Marlene Schroder, nieces, and nephews.

Preceded in death by his parents, wife Jacquelin, brother Arnold & nieces, Jody & Deb.

Memorial Service will be held on January 18, 2025 at Messiah Lutheran Church, 1800 S. 84th St in Lincoln, NE at 11:00 a.m. with lunch to follow.

Memorials may be donated to the family for future designation.

From the 09 Jan 2025 "Lincoln Journal Star" (Courtesy Dennis Belohlavy) 
20636 I47604  Schropfer  Jess Gustav  27 May 1923  14 Jan 2016  Jess Gustav Schropfer, 92, passed away on Friday, January 14, 2016 at the Fairview Manor in Fairmont, Nebraska. He was born to William J. and Marie A. (Tischer) Schropfer on May 27, 1923 on the family farm near Ohiowa, Nebraska.

Jess attended country school and later Ohiowa High School, where he graduated in 1940. Jess served in the Army Counter Intelligence Corps from February 1, 1946 to April 1947. He was to be trained as a spy, and was stationed in Dundalk, Maryland.

On August 8, 1948, Jess married Georgia Michl. They had four children. Jess farmed near Ohiowa with his brother Louis, and later with his sons Ron and Roger. He served on the Ohiowa school board, and was past president of the board.

Jess was a member of American Legion Post #193 in Ohiowa, and served on the Franklin Township board. He was also a member of St. John's Lutheran Church in Ohiowa.

Jess loved to play baseball. He was the pitcher on the Tobias town team in the 1940's, and he played in pick-up games with his family his whole life. During a family reunion in July 2015, he had his final at bat at the age of 92. Jess also loved to play cards, and spent many gatherings playing five point pitch with family and friends,

Jess was not much of a talker; he just did what was right. He quietly lived his life as an example to those who knew and loved him, and demonstrated by his actions the virtues of hard work, thrift, loyalty and honesty.

Jess was preceded in death by: his parents, William and Marie Schropfer; and his brother and sister-in-law, Reinhart and Marge Schropfer.

He is survived by: his wife, Georgia Schropfer, brother and sister-in-law Louis and Darlene Schropfer; son, Duane Schropfer; and son and daughter-in-law Ron and Georgia Schropfer; daughter and son-in-law Carol and Bill Woodward; son and daughter-in-law Roger and Carrie Schropfer; grandchildren, Bill Schropfer and his fianc? Amanda Haumont, Ann and Kerry Holmstrom, Jon and Dawn Schropfer, Ben and Trina Schropfer. Cari and Andres Casas, Eric and Holli Woodward, Amanda Woodward and her fianc? Ben Owen, Justin Britton and his fianc? Laura McKinley, Brandon and Amber Hartsock; great-grandchildren; nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.

Funeral services for Jess were held on Monday, January 18, 2016 at St. John's Lutheran Church in Ohiowa, Nebraska. Military Graveside services will follow the funeral, and they will be held in the Ohiowa Public Cemetery.

Obituary information from Farmer and Son Funeral Home.

(Copied from FindAGrave) 
20637 I20320  Schropfer  Minnie  28 Jan 1881  27 Jun 1964  The daughter of Andreus SCHROPFER and Faustina NUN. Minnie was picked up by a neighbor at school on the day of the famous Blizzard of 1888. It was her first night away from home, and she cried all night. The 1910 census showed her as the mother of 4 children, three of whom were still living (Milligan, p 334).  STR06 
20638 I14877  Schultz  Frank  Bef 1862  18 Jul 1931  He was the second son of Josef and Marie Schultz nee Buchar, a family of eleven children, born in Zahajske Lhoty [Zalesni Lhota] Okres Jilemic, Kraj, Jicin, Bohemia about 40 miles northeast of Praha. He served in the German Army for six years listed as Franz Scholz. (Milligan, p. 477). Kathleen Peterson notes that their last name was listed as Scholz in Nebraska records, and that he farmed the E/2 of the NW/4, section 35-16N-5E, Chester Precinct, Saunders County, NE. This 80 acres was bought in 1883 for $1000 and sold in 1890 to Mary Kaspar for $2675. This farm was apparently originally owned by (Frank's brother?) Joseph Scholz (Sulc/Schultz?) and wife Maria. 
20639 I8190  Schultz  Harry F.  10 Aug 1878  30 Mar 1931  1920 Census Indiana, La Porte, Michigan City, District #155 201 1/2-59-70 Schutz (sic), Harry 41 Indiana Indiana Germany
" , Anna 32 Wisc Germany Germany
" , Juanita 9 Indiana Indiana Wisconsin
" , Victor 7 Indiana Indiana Wisconsin

1930 Census Indiana, La Porte, Michigan City, District 27 411-169-178 Schultz, Harry F age 52 Married at 29 Indiana Indiana Germany Machinist Power House Schultz, Anna age 43 Married at 21 Wisconsin Germany Germany Laundress Private Houses Schultz, Victor age 17 Single Indiana Indiana Wisconsin


Harry E. Schultz, age 52, 411 Dixon Street, died at St. Anthony's hospital at 6 o'clock Monday evening after a lingering illness. Death was pronounced due to diabetes.

Born Aug. 10, 1878, in LaPorte, Ind. the son of Charles and Louise (TROY) SCHULTZ. Harry E. Schultz came to Michigan City early in his youth. For the past 12 years he has been employed as a machinist at the Hays Corp.

On July 25, 1908, he was married to Anna MACHALLECK in Michigan City. Besides the widow, a son Victor Schultz, living at home, and a daughter Mrs. Ralph GAST of Laporte; three sisters, Miss Linda SCHULTZ of LaPorte, Mrs. James DEVOE of Weberville, Mich. and Mrs. Stewart BADGER of LaPorte; three brothers, Fred SCHULTZ of Battle Creek, Michigan, and Benjamin and Julius SCHULTZ of LaPorte, and one grandson, survive him.

Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock in the Hummer mortuary. The Rev. Donald C. Ford, pastor of the First Christian Church will officiated.

Friends may call at the Hummer mortuary Wednesday evening and Thursday.

Interment will be in the Greenwood Cemetery.

Source: Schultz, Harry E. Mar 31, 1931 Mich City Evening Disp pg 2 col 4 
20640 I5486  Schultz  Juanita  31 Aug 1910  4 Feb 1965  Juanita E. Biederstadt, 54, 1314 Tennessee St., died yesterday at St. Anthony Hospital after an illness of six months.

Funeral service will be at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Root Funeral Home with with Dr. Frederick E. Schoenbohm, paster of St. Paul Lutheran Church, officiating. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home.

Mrs. Biederstadt was born here Aug. 31, 1910, the daughter of the late Harry C. and Anna Machalleck Schultz. On July 23, 1942, she was married to George Biederstadt, who survives. She was a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church.

Also surviving are two sons, George H. Biederstadt Jr., and Roger Gast, both of this city; three step-sons, Capt. Richard Biederstadt, Michigan City Fire Department, Robert and Donald Biederstadt, all of this city; 10 grandchildren; one great-grand-child; one uncle and two aunts. A brother, Victor Schultz, died in 1962.

(Biederstadt, Juanita Friday, Feb 5, 1965 Mich City News Disp pg 6 col 1) 
20641 I45969  Schultz  Marcel "Marty" O.  27 Oct 1894  2 Nov 1975  Ohio Soldiers in WW I, 1917-1918 shows that Marcel Schultz enlisted on 1 Apr 1918 in Cleveland, and further notes Co E 33 Infantry to 26 June 1918; Co D Battalion United States Guards to Discharge Private, first class 1 Aug 1918. Honorable discharge 8 Jan 1919.

Cleveland Public Library
Cleveland Necrology File
Id#: 0712908
Name: Schultz, Marcel O. (Marty)
Date: ?
Source: Source unknown; Cleveland Necrology File, Reel #153.
Notes: Schultz. Marcel O. Schultz (Marty), beloved husband of Eleanor (nee Jirousek), dear father of Marvin R. and Marcella Sopenski, grandfather of three, great-grandfather of one. Services Wednesday, Nov. 5 at St. John Nepomucene. Church at 11 a.m. Friends may call at Bican Brothers Funeral Home, 5215 Fleet Ave. Tuesday 2-4 And 7-9 P.M.

20642 I45969  Schultz  Marcel "Marty" O.  27 Oct 1894  2 Nov 1975  (Research):

Census Listings:

1930 Federal Census:
Ohio, Cuyahoga County, Cleveland (Districts 1-250), ED 218, East 52nd
Jirousek, Frank 58 M @ 19 Oh Czech Czech Not employed
Jirousek, Stella 36 (sic) M @21 Oh Czech Czech Seamtress Factory
Shultz, Marcel Son in Law 35 Oh Germany Germany Machinist Shop
Schultz, Eleanor Dtr 32 Oh Oh Oh
Schultz, Marvin Son 9 Oh Oh Oh
Schultz, Marcella Dtr 7 Oh Oh Oh 
20643 I45971  Schultz  Marcella Eleanor  1 Jan 1923  14 Apr 2008  Kay Rybak shows that she married Eugene J. SOPENSKI, and that they were the parents of Timothy.  STR06 
20644 I45970  Schultz  Marvin Robert  23 Sep 1920  1 Apr 1990  Shown in the obituary of his father as Marvin R. Schultz.

There is an Ohio Death Certificate for a Marvin Robert Schultz (23 Sept 1920-1 Apr 1990) which shows he was in the apparel industry, working as a textile showing machine operator. This appears to be the son of Marcel and Eleanora, but as parents names are not shown on the Ancestry transcription of this certificate, this should be verified through other sources. 
20645 I5487  Schultz  Victor  23 Apr 1912  19 Oct 1961  The following two articles appeared in the October 20, 1961 Michigan City (Indiana) News Dispatch:


Victor C. Schultz, 49, R. R. 2, Box 91, was fatally injured in a one car accident in Trail Creek at 4:50 yesterday afternoon.

Schultz became the 31st person to die in LaPorte County traffic fatalities this year and the seventh this month.

Police said Schultz suffered a crushed chest when the front bumper of his car land on him after he had been thrown out.

Before Schultz was tossed from the vehicle, it knocked down a Nothern Indiana Public Service Co., utility pole and lines. Much of the area was temporarilty withought electrical power part of the evening as a result of the accident.

The crash was heard and sparks from the felled wires (were) observed several blocks from the accident scene--E. Michigan Street just west of Warnke Road. The mishap occured just a few feet outside Michigan City's limits. At the location, the center of Michigan Street is the boundary line between Trail Creek and Michigan City.

Patrolman Jack Wilson of the Michigan City police department investigated the accident. He said Schultz's eastbound auto went off the right side of the highway, travelled about 25 feet, knocked down the utility pole, traveled another 50 feet, rolled over throwing the driver out, and came to a rest on its wheels facing the highway.

The read of the car was on an incline, police said, and the front bumper pinned the driver to the ground. He could not be removed until a tow truck arrived and the bumper was lifted off him.

Schultz was pronounced dead on arrival at Doctors Hospital.

The victim was the father of three boys and one girl. One of his sons came upon the accident and was a witness to the attempted rescue operatio

The county's fatality toll for 1961 is rapidly approaching the total for 1960 at the same date. At this time last year, 33 persons had been killed in county traffice accidents.

With 19 days elapsed, October already has equalled the total for the previous worth traffic month in the county---August when seven persons were killed. More than half to the county's traffice fatalities for 1961---16 of them----have occurred since August 1.


Funeral services for Victor Charles Schultz, 49, R.R. 3, Box 91, who was injured fatally in an auto accident on Michigan Road last evening, will be at 3 p.m. tomorrow at hte Carlisle Funeral Home with the Rev. Paul Baker, assistant pastor at the First Methodist Church, officiating. Burial will be in the Greenwood Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home this evening.

Mr. Schultz was born here April 23, 1912, the son of Henry F. and Anna Machalleck Schultz. On Aug. 29, 1952, in Chicago, he was married to Bernice Grieger, who survives.

Also surviving are a son, Craig, and a daughter, Sharon, both of this city, and two sons, Victor and Keith, both of Pasedena, California, and a sister, Mrs. Juanita Biederstadt of this city. His mother died March 12 of this year.

Mr. Schultz was a member of St. Joseph Young men's Society. 
20646 I48140  Schulze  Elaine Jean  24 Mar 1936  3 Dec 2016  Elaine Jean Harkrider, 80, passed away on December 3, 2016 in Nacogdoches, Texas. Mrs. Harkrider was born on March 24, 1936, the daughter of Edwin Henry Fredrick Schulze and Rose Martha Henneman Schulze. A Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, December 17, 2016 at 2:00 PM at Laird Funeral Home with Bro. Robert Harkrider officiating.

Elaine graduated from East High School in Denver, Colorado, and then attended Abilene Christian College where she met the love of her life, David Harkrider. They married December 14, 1954 and spent a wonderful 53 years together until his passing in 2009. She was a member of the Church of Christ and taught Sunday School her entire life.

Her passion was her family. We called her Mamaw. Everybody did. Because that's who she was - Mamaw. Mamaw loved the Lord. She loved the Lord and his work. And she loved her family. She had three children, but she counted five, including the two daughters she gained through marriage. She had six grandchildren, again, nine, adding three more through marriage. Then came her eight great-grandchildren. She was so proud of all her children and felt comfort to know they were all striving to be faithful to the Lord.

She moved to Nacogdoches three short months ago, after living in Colorado for most of her life, and while she loved every minute of it, she said that her next move would be to heaven. In those few months, she touched the lives of many through her kindness, her gentleness, her sincere interest in others ??" something the family has always known but takes comfort in knowing others saw her the same way. We have fond memories of her card playing ability. Hand and foot was a favorite holiday tradition. She could keep us laughing with her coy way of being the sweet, poor old grandmother when in fact she was pretty sharp in her play. Her pantry would be stocked with special cookies and treats for her grandchildren. Spoiling them was a job she took serious. She thought she could talk her way out of anything. Once, she took her favorite hand lotion and almost caused us to miss the plane because she was adamant the TSA agent should let her keep it! She smiled and acted surprised every year as she looked in her stocking and found a bag of cough drops! She played Cinderella in the kitchen, would go to all the ball games, loved secret Taco Bell stops, loved going on road trips - after she got there. Of course, she had to "help" the driver the whole way up and down the mountain! Her silly side demonstrated in the orange pumpkin dress she wore at Halloween ??" there are so many fond memories we all have and share. These will get us through this sad time and be cherished for a lifetime. "You know who you are, and you know what you can do," she would say to her grandchildren. We will miss her phone calls, and seeing her rocking on the porch with our Papaw. Mamaw and Papaw were a great pair. She took care of him, and him her. Papaw called her 'Mother Fear" but he would reassure her that everything would work out. But above all, Mamaw loved the Lord. She devoted herself to her bible studies and spoke often of His wondrous Word. Her life was one of a righteous, faithful woman ??" one in which stood as an example to both young and old. We will miss seeing her rock on the porch with a bible in her hand and Dewey at her feet.

She will be missed, more than any words can express. But she's been working her whole life for this, for Heaven, and now she is home. She is with Papaw and with her Creator, and He is taking care of her. We love and miss you, Mamaw. Mrs. Harkrider is survived by her sons, John David Harkrider and wife, Jenell of Nacogdoches, and Paul David Harkrider and wife, Jana of Cypress, Tx.; Daughter, Wendy Lee Harkrider of Nacogdoches; Brother, Dr. Paul Schulze and wife, Marilyn of Stephenville, Tx; Father-In-Law, J.D. Harkrider of Nacogdoches; Grandchildren, Ross David Harkrider, James David Harkrider, Conrad David Harkrider, Colin David Harkrider, Jordan David Harkrider and Sydney D Harkrider; Great-grandchildren, Beaux David Harkrider, Emmett James Harkrider, Chase Donald Harkrider, Brooklynn Kate Harkrider, Layna Claire Harkrider, Nora Belle Harkrider, Hensley Blou Harkrider, and Denver Craig Harkrider. She was preceded in death by her husband, David Rawson Harkrider, her parents, and one brother, Dr. Donald Edwin Schulze. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to The National Multiple Sclerosis Society 8111 North Stadium Drive #100 Houston, Texas 77054.

The Harkrider family is being served by Laird Funeral Home. To convey condolences or sign an online register, please visit 
20647 I21727  Schw?gler  Johann Peter  Abt 1700  Yes, date unknown  BonnieMargaret Jacob's indicates, on page 19 of her 1981 unpublished manuscript, that the origin of the name Schw?gler translates from the German as "flute playing shepherd"  STR06 
20648 I17203  Schw?gler  Louise Elisabetha  10 Apr 1844  Yes, date unknown  Marjory Schwegler Battel states that she married John George Schanifels.  STR06 
20649 I41251  Schwab  Anna Elisabetha  4 Dec 1728  Yes, date unknown  Said to be a daughter of Johann George Schwab and Anna Maria Keydel. Last name also shown as SWOPE. She was said to have died ca 1790.  STR06 
20650 I48484  Schwab  Louisa LaVonne  4 Sep 1927  20 Jun 2023  Obituary for Louisa L. Manning

A Funeral Service for Louisa will be held on Friday, June 23, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. at Exeter United Methodist Church in Exeter, Nebraska. Pastor Murry Johnston will preside over the Funeral Service.

A Graveside Service will be held in the Exeter Cemetery following the Funeral Service.

Public visitation will be on Thursday from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. with family present from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Farmer & Son Funeral Home in Geneva.

Memorials are suggested to the Exeter or Geneva United Methodist Churches, Exeter American Legion, Exeter Area Community Foundation, or the Exeter/Milligan Public Schools Foundation.

Louisa LaVonne (Schwab) Manning was born on September 4, 1927, to John Oran and Margaret Elizabeth (Myers) Schwab at her parents' home two miles west of Exeter, Nebraska. She died at Heritage Crossings in Geneva on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at the age of 95 years, 9 months, and 16 days.

Her grandfather, Philip Schwab, homesteaded across the road in 1871. Some of the history of her Grandma Melissa Whitaker Schwab's family is on the monument in front of the Fillmore County Courthouse.

When asked as a small child what her name was, Louisa said something that sounded like "Wee-wee," and her Dad never called her anything else. Her favorite place was outside or being in the barn with her dog, "Ernie." She continued to enjoy dogs all of her life.

Louisa attended rural school District 91 through the fourth grade and Exeter Public School where she graduated with the class of 1944. She enrolled in classes at Nebraska Wesleyan University in Lincoln and pledged Alpha Gamma Delta as a sophomore.

Louisa took the bus to work at the Havelock Goodyear plant the summer of 1945 working to cover WWII B-24 bombers' fuel tanks with seven layers of rubber to protect them from bullets. The tanks were bigger than caskets. She was a real "Rosie the Riveter!"

Louisa received her teaching certificate in 1946 and taught fourth grade in Sutton, Nebr. for one year. She had 20 students and remembered many of their names more than 70 years later. Louisa traveled to New York State the summer of 1947 to visit Schwab relatives and the graves of ancestors.

Louisa was baptized and confirmed by Rev. Samuel Beechner at the Exeter Methodist Church on April 9, 1939, in the same class as her future husband, Richard Manning. They were married in an 8:00 p.m. ceremony on Fri., November 14, 1947, at the church. A wedding dance followed in Burress on the snowy and sleety night.

The couple lived on the "Abbott" place east of the Fairmont Airfield without electricity, plumbing or telephone. They moved into Dick's parents' home next to the Manning Grain Company headquarters in Burress in Nov. 1953 and then into the house they built in the east "suburbs" of Burress in May 1960.

Louisa loved her home and family and enjoyed caring for their large garden and lawn, sewing, and canning. Her wedding memory album showed that her greatest ambition was "to be a good cook." Dick said he taught Louisa how to make grilled cheese sandwiches, but it was noted that she baked her first pie, an apple, for her folks' 30th anniversary three weeks after their wedding to serve with the rabbit that Dick had shot. Family and friends were beneficiaries of Louisa's great meals and baking: cloverleaf and cinnamon rolls, breads, kolaches, cookies, pies, and many angel food birthday cakes with seven-minute frosting. Her frozen sweet corn was priceless.

Louisa was a long-time member of the Exeter and Geneva UMW and American Legion Auxiliary Post #218, serving in various offices. She was a past member of the Exeter Women's Club. Since building their home and moving to Geneva in March 1992, Louisa had volunteered for Save for American at the elementary school, at the Red Cross Bloodmobile, and at Heritage Crossings. Louisa and Dick enjoyed delivering Meals on Wheels together. They established the Richard and Louisa Manning Scholarship Fund in 2008 to benefit Exeter-Milligan and Fillmore Central graduates attending a University of Nebraska school. They also made gifts in 2009 to the Nebraska and Exeter Area Community Foundations.

In later years, Louisa and Dick continued to enjoy their new home, computers, reading, tending their flowers and garden, and attending their grandchildren's activities and events. They traveled extensively. Some of their trips were by small plane piloted by Dick, including to Las Vegas and Canada. Louisa and Dick celebrated their 50th anniversary on Nov. 9, 1997, with a buffet dinner at Chances R Restaurant in York and their 60th anniversary and 80th birthdays with an open house buffet at Stone Creek in McCool Junction on November 17, 2007.

Dick died on October 13, 2011, following surgery in October of 2010, and Louisa could no longer care for her home and yard. She moved just down "J" St. to her Heritage Crossings assisted-living apartment on June 10, 2013. Her dear friend there was Dick's cousin, Jim Biba. Louisa moved to skilled nursing on November 18, 2015.

Louisa was preceded in death by her parents and brothers, Philip and Waverly (infant); husband, Richard; and daughter-in-law, Roxanne Manning.

She leaves to cherish memories and gratitude for her life her children Jim of Lincoln; Mary Jane (Ken) Havick of Omaha; Margie (Chris) Hayes of Osceola; Scott of Omaha, and Don (Joan), of Burress; eleven grandchildren Leslie (Pat) Huggins, Kirk (Elisha) Havick, Amy (Justin) Mollak, Kara (Brad) Geelan, Jena (Jeff) Depue, Austin and Landon (Jamie) Hayes, Megan and Madeline Manning, Rachel (Robert) Powell, Jr., and Shane Manning; fifteen great-grandchildren Brooks, Brynn, and Blake Havick, Nora, Levi, and Rio Depue, Elle, Luke, and Gavin Mollak, Maggie, Kora, and Kylie Geelan, Benjamin Powell, and Layla and Maxwell Hayes. Also surviving are many cherished nieces, nephews, cousins, and other relatives and friends and neighbors, including members of the Burress Belles group.

Louisa's message to all who knew her: "Thanks for being a player in my life. I've been very lucky!"

Mark 14:8: "She has done what she could."

(Courtesy of Dennis Belohlavy, Farmer & Son Funeral Home) 
20651 I35131               
20652 I4209  Schwegler  Alma Fern  8 Sep 1920  30 Sep 1965  Cass City Chronicle
Cass City, Michigan, Sept. 15, 1920
Page Four
Local Items

Alma Fern is the name given to the baby girl who arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Schwegler on September 8.

Attended the rural Wright School, located in Elkland Township on mile east and two miles north of Cass City on the southeast corner of Schwegler and Reed roads. A picture of the Wright School Girls-1931, shows Dorothy Deneen, Ruth Tuckey, Betty McCallum, Fern Schwegler, Helen Joos, Kathleen McCallum, Leila Battel (teacher), Marie Deneen, Alice Buehrly, Marjory Schwegler. Wright School Boys-1931, Lawrence Holik, Leon Holik, Keith Buehrly, Russell Ellis, Russell Striffler, James Tuckey, Calvin Helwig, Fred Withey, Clinton Law, Henry Hulbert. (The Way it Was, The Cass City Area Historical Society, Vol 7, July 2002, Number 4).

The Striffler-Benkelman Broadcast, Vol. 7, September 4, 1944, noted that Fern Schwegler, Cadet Nurse at Hurley Hospital Flint, was set to graduate in Feb. 1945. As of the September 3, 1945 issue (Vol. 8), it was reported that she had graduated and was in essential nursing in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, the home of the atomic bomb. Vol. 9 of this same periodical reported that she was again employed at Oak Ridge, Tenn., and for three months prior to that she was at Big Spring, Texas, Hospital.

Cass City Chronicle
Thursday, October 7, 1965
Page Seven

Mrs. Philo Howe, 45 Dies in Tennessee

Mrs. Philo Howe, 45, died Wednesday, September 29, in Oak Ridge Hospital, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

The former Fern SCHWEGLER, she was born September 8, 1920, at Cass City. She was graduated from Cass City High School in 1938 and from Hurley Hospital School of Nursing in 1945. She entered government service with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission as a registered nurse at Oak Ridge Hospital.

She was married to Philo E. Howe of Charlevoix, Michigan March 20, 1948, in Oak Ridge and lived in that vicinity until her death.

Mrs. Howe is survived by her husband and two daughters, Patricia Fern, 12, and Diane Lee, 10. She also leaves her mother, Mrs. B.A. SCHWEGLER, and two sisters, Mrs. J.F. KLEIN, of Port Huron and Mrs. Arthur BATTEL of Cass City.

Funeral services were held October 2 in Martins Funeral Chapel at Oak Ridge. Rev. Ray Buchanan of Solway Baptist Church officiated and interment was in Oak Ridge Memorial Park.

Cass City Chronicle
October 7, 1965
Cass City Area Social and Personal News
Page 3

Mrs. B.A. SCHWEGLER, Mrs. Arthur BATTEL, Mr. and Mrs. J.F. KLEIN of Port Huron and Mrs. Andrew Schwegler of Lansing attended the funeral of Mrs. Philo HOWE in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Saturday.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, Spring 2007)

Maggie Battel Bethel indicates that she died of brain cancer. 
20653 I883  Schwegler  Andreas "Andrew"  9 Jan 1849  25 Dec 1899  Cass City Chronicle
Cass City, Michigan
Friday, December 29, 1899
Page 1

A Good Man Gone

Mr. Andrew Schwegler, died at his home in the township on Christmas Day. His demise was the result of heart trouble which was greatly aggravated by a severe injury received about two years ago.

Mr. Schwegler was born in Germany January 9, 1849. In the year 18?? he imigrated to this country and located for a few years in Alton, New York, where his brother Jo?? resided. In 1874, Mr. Schwegler came to Cass City, and a few months later was united in marriage with Louisa BENKELMAN, who survives him. Besides his widow five children are left to mourn his loss. One child has preceded him to that better land beyond. Mr. Schwegler has been a resident of this township for the past twenty-five years and was one of the most industrious and succesful farmers in the county. The present homestead is the result of hard work and wise management.

Mr. Schwegler was a member of the Evangelical Church and held various positions of trust during his connections with the society. He was a man of genial nature, beloved in his home circle, and had left a host of friends to whom his sudden death has come as a severe blow. His death was a victorious one. He spoke of it in a matter of fact way for several days before he passed away. He retained his consciousness up to the last moment, and finally at 8 o'clock, on the day when God proclaimed peace and good will to all men, his spirit left the mortal body and went to that eternal rest where all hardships of life forever cease.

The transcription of his tombstone reads:

Schwegler, Andrew, b. 1849, d. 1900, father 
20654 I5970  Schwegler  Andrew Francis  9 Feb 1910  31 Aug 1975  He and his brother Edward jointly operated a home Dairy Farm in Charlotte for a time, selling their operations in 1952, according to the STRIFFLER-BENKELMAN BROADCAST.

Cass City Chronicle
September 4, 1975

Andrew Schwegler, 65, dies at Manistee

Andrew Schwegler, 65, a former Cass City resident, died Sunday in Manistee Hospital following a long illness.

He was born February 8, 1910, in Cass City, son of William and Alice Ross Schwegler.

He was an employee of Westinghouse and lived in Lansing a number of years before retiring four years ago and moving to Manistee.

He married Isabel Clough, August 1, 1931.

He is survived by his widow, one daughter, Mrs. Donald Bannecker (sic) of Richmond, Indiana, and four grandchildren. A brother, Edward, preceded him in death.

A memorial service was held Wednesday at Onekama Congregational church.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, 2007) 
20655 I12754  Schwegler  Benjamin Adam  15 Feb 1886  27 May 1961  At the time of the 1910 Census, Benjamin was the head of household in a home consisting of himself, his widowed mother, and his younger sister, Catherine.

The Striffler-Benkelman Broadcast, Vol. 7, September 4, 1944, noted that the Schwegler Brothers, William and Benjamin have sold their farms in Elkland township. Ben has bought a home in Cass City, and will shortly move there. Williams expects to join his sons, Andrew and Edward, in Charlotte.

Cass City Chronicle
June 1, 1961

Mrs. Arthur Battel's father, Benjamin, passed away Saturday evening, after a long illness.

Cass City Chronicle
June 8, 1961
Page 6

Schwegler Services Held Here May 31

Funeral services for Benjamin A. Schwegler, 75, were held May 31 in the Douglas Funeral Home, Rev. S. R. Wurtz, pastor of Salem Evangelical UB Church of which Mr. Schwegler was a member for many years, officiated and burial was in Elkland cemetery. Mr. Schwegler, in poor health for sometime, died in his home on Pine Street May 27.

Son of the late Andrew and Louisa Schwegler, he was born in Elkland township February 14, 1886. He married Miss Lena Mark at Cass City May 11, 1915. Seventeen years ago Mr. Schwegler retired from farming and they moved into Cass City.

Survivors are his wife; three daughters, Mrs. J. F. KLEIN (Mildred) of Port Huron, Mrs. Arthur BATTEL (Marjorie) of Cass City and Mrs. P.E. HOWE (Fern) of Oak Ridge, Tenn.; 11 grandchildren, and two sisters, Mrs. Charles GREGOR of Ontario and Mrs. Orton KLINKMAN of Decker.

Relatives and friends who came to attend the funeral included: Mrs. James McDONALD of Puslinch, Ont., and Douglas McDONALD of Hamilton, Ont.; Mrs. Williams SCHWEGLER of Charlottte; Mrs. Edward SCHWEGLER and daughter Kay Ann of Coopersville; Andrew SCHWEGLER of Lansing; Mr. and Mrs. Owen DARLING; Mrs. Orton KLINKMAN, Charles KLINKMAN and James DARLING of Decker; Mr. and Mrs. Donald DALE and Mr. and Mrs. Roy AGAR of Marlette; Mr. and Mrs. Don DARLING of Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Archie MARK of Flushing; Mrs. G. F. LENZNER and Mrs. Clarence LACKOWSKI of Bad Axe, and Mrs. Roy E. TAYLOR of Bay City.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, Spring 2007) 
20656 I12754  Schwegler  Benjamin Adam  15 Feb 1886  27 May 1961  (Research):

Census Listings:

1920 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Elkland Twp
Enumerated 15 and 16 Jan 1920
SD 7 ED 178 Sheet 3A Stamped 99
Schwegler, William Head m W 40 M Mich Germany/German NY/German Farmer
Schwegler, Alice Wf F W 35 M 1890 Na 1905 Candad English Scotland English Canada English
Schwegler, Andrew Son m W 9 S Mich Mich Canada/English
Schwegler, Edward Son M W 8 S Mich Mich Canada/English
Schwegler, Benjamin head m W 33 M Mich Germany/German NY/German
Schwegler, Magdlene Wf F W27 M Mich Canada/English Mich/English
Schwegler, Mildred Dtr F W 3 2/12 S Mich Mich Mich
Schwegler, Marjory Dtr F W 1 8/12 S Mich Mich Mich

1930 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Elkland Twp
Enumerated April 14, 1930
ED 79-12 SD 11 Sheets 6B and 7A
Schwegler, Benjamin Head M W 44 m 29 Mich Germany NY Farmer Gen Farm
Schwegler, Lena Wf F W 38 M 23 Mich Canada English Mich
Schwegler, Mildred M Dtr F W 12 S Mich Mich Mich
Schwegler, Marjory M Dtr F W 11 S Mich Mich Mich
Schwegler, Alma F Dtr F W 8 S Mich Mich Mich 
20657 I12002  Schwegler  Catherine "Kate"  8 Jun 1893  21 Apr 1962  Cass City Chronicle
April 26, 1962

Final Services Held for Mrs. Klinkman

Final services were held Tuesday at the Decker Methodist Church for Mrs. Catherine Klinkman, 68, Lamotte township. Mrs. Klinkman died Saturday, April 21, at the Marlette Community Hospital after a brief illness.

Born Jun 8, 1833 (sic), in Cass City, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew SCHWEGLER.

She married Orton Klinkman on March 11, 1914 in Caro. The couple moved to a farm southeast of Decker. Mr. Klinkman died October 12, 1961.

Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Roy AGAR, and Mrs. Donald DALE, both of Marlette, and Mrs. Vyron BEUTLER, Pontiac, and two sons, Wilfred Klinkman, Smiths Creek, Michigan, and Charles Klinkman, Decker. Also surviving are 11 grandchildren.

Rev. Joseph Shaw, Decker Methodist Church, and Rev. Lester Nelson, Pilgrim Holiness Church, Kingston, officiated at the services. Interment was in Elkland Cemetery, Cass City. 
20658 I5969  Schwegler  Edward William  20 Oct 1911  24 Feb 1957  The SSDI had his year of birth as 1911, whereas Art Peck had 1913.

The Striffler-Benkelman Broadcast, Vol. 5, September 1, 1941, noted that Pvt. Edward W. Schwegler, stationed at Camp Polk, Louisiana, has been hospitalized for the past several weeks. Vol. 7 of this same publication, dated September 4, 1944, noted that he had been honorably discharged from the armed services sometime prior to that date. Volume 17 of the Broadcast, published on September 6, 1954, reported that he had bought a hardware business in Coopersville last fall and his family had moved there.

Cass City Chronicle
March 1, 1957

Edward Schwegler Dies at Coopersville

Edward Schwegler, 45, of Coopersville died Sunday night in a Coopersville hospital to which he had been admitted that day. Mr. Schwegler was a native of Cass City, where he lived until 1944.

Son of Mrs. Alice Schwegler, now of Charlotte, and the late William Schwegler, he was born on the farm now owned by John Zinnecker. He attended the Bird School and was graduated from Cass City High School.

While living in Cass City, he was employed at the Farm Produce office and was a member of Salem Evangelical United Brethren church.

He operated a dairy store in Charlotte after leaving Cass City and entered the hardware business in Coopersville three years ago.

Mr. Schwegler is survived by his wife, Olive, seven year old daughter, Kay Ann; his mother, and a brother, Andrew Schwegler of Lansing.

Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at Coopersville.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, 2007) 
20659 I4183               
20660 I3027  Schwegler  Johannes "John"  27 Aug 1834  13 Feb 1901  When his passport was issued in W?rttemberg, he was described as 6/2' tall, slender, with a round face, healthy skin, blond hair and eyebrows, green eyes, full cheeks, and a large nose, with good teeth and straight legs. (Jacobs, p. 149).

Tri-County Chronicle
Vol. 2, No. 41
Cass City, Michigan
Friday, February 22, 1901

John Schwegler's Burial

The last tributed of respect was give to the late John Schwegler last Saturday afternoon at the Evangelical church, where a simple but impressive service was conducted by the pastor, F. Klump, who was assisted by Rev. G.J. Kirn, presiding elder of Flint District.

The fact that the grim reaper Death is fast thinning out the male ranks in the local Evangelical society made an unusual impression during the funeral service of Mr. Schwegler. His death was caused by typhoid pneumonia and the same composure which characterized his life was uppermost during the days of suffering and dissolution. John Schwegler was born in Germany in the year 1834. At the age of 20 he immigrated to this country and resided for many years in the state of New York. In 1881 he came to Cass City where he has lived ever since. Mr. Schwegler was highly esteemed by all who knew him. He was a man of few words but ever conscientious and honorable in all his dealings. He leaves a widow, one sister and many other relatives.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, Summer 2007) 
20661 I3027  Schwegler  Johannes "John"  27 Aug 1834  13 Feb 1901  (Research):Census Information:

1880 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Cass City
Page 25, SD 3, ED 400, Stamped 101A
Enumerated 18 June 1880

Schwegler, John W M 46 Laborer W?rttemberg W?rttemberg W?rt
Schwegler, Catherine W F 41 Wife Keeping House W?rttemberg W?rttemberg W?rttemberg 
20662 I4177               
20663 I11998  Schwegler  Laura  30 May 1878  24 Dec 1961  Cass City Chronicle
Friday, May 19, 1911
Page Four
Local Items

Mrs. Charles Gregor of Crieff, Ontario, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Louisa Schwegler, and other relatives and friends here.

In the same column it was noted that Louisa had undergone an operation at Pleasant Home hospital the prior week, and was improving quite rapidly.

Cass City Chronicle
Friday, May 12, 1916
Page Four
Local Items

Mrs. Louisa Schwegler and Mrs. M. M. Schwegler went to Crieff, Ont., Thursday to spend a few weeks with the former's daughter, Mrs. Charles Gregor.

Cass City Chronicle
Thursday, December 28, 1961
Page Four

Mrs. Gregor, 83, Dies in Ontario

Funeral services were to have been held Wednesday at 2 p.m. for Mrs. Laura Gregor, 83, of Puslinch, Ont. Mrs. Gregor died Sunday at her home in Puslinch.

The former Laura Schwegler, she was the wife of Charles Wesley Gregor. The Gregors would have celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary Christmas Day.

Those surviving, besides her husband, are a daughter, Mrs. James (Donelda) McDonald of Puslinch, two sons, Gordon of Hespeler, Ontario and Lincoln of Whitby, Ontario, and a sister, Mrs. Orton KLINKMAN of Decker. The late Ben Schwegler was her brother.

The services were at the Geo. Wall Funeral Home in Guelph and burial was in Crown Cemetery, Puslinch, Ontario. 
20664 I12033  Schwegler  Marjory Magdalene  26 Apr 1918  20 Apr 2008  Attended the rural Wright School, located in Elkland Township on mile east and two miles north of Cass City on the southeast corner of Schwegler and Reed roads. A picture of the Wright School Girls-1931, shows Dorothy Deneen, Ruth Tuckey, Betty McCallum, Fern Schwegler, Helen Joos, Kathleen McCallum, Leila Battel (teacher), Marie Deneen, Alice Buehrly, Marjory Schwegler. Wright School Boys-1931, Lawrence Holik, Leon Holik, Keith Buehrly, Russell Ellis, Russell Striffler, James Tuckey, Calvin Helwig, Fred Withey, Clinton Law, Henry Hulbert. (The Way it Was, The Cass City Area Historical Society, Vol 7, July 2002, Number 4).

Marjory Battel was one of the cousins of BonnieMargaret Jacobs who searched their Bibles and records and picture collections to provide information for her 1981 manuscipt about the history of the Benkelman family. She and her daughter, Maggie, also identified people in the old family photos of numerous cousins, many of which are displayed on this website.


Marjory M. Battel, 89, of Cass City, died peacefully with her family by her side Sunday, April 20, 2008 in her home following a short illness. She was born April 26, 1918 at home in Elkland Township to Benjamin and JoAnna Magdalene (Mark) Schwegler. She married Arthur William Battel November 19, 1942 in the Cass City Evangelical United Brethren Church. He died December 2, 2006.

Marjory graduated from Cass City High School in 1937 as Salutatorian of her class. She enjoyed gardening. Marjory loved to read and was a very active member of Fraser Presbyterian Church. She was a Youth Fellowship Leader, Sunday School Teacher and 4H Leader. Marjory was a very giving, humble person. She served others and led by her example, asking not for acknowledgement. She loved to bake and cook, preparing food for her family and friends.

Marjory is survived by her children: John (Reba) Battel of Dandridge, TN, Mark (Diane) Battel of Cass City, Margaret (Richard) Bethel of Belmont; grandchildren: Michael (Andrea) Battel, Philip (Charise) Battel, Christopher (Kara) Battel, Robert (Sue) Battel, Brenda Battel, Daniel Bethel; great granddaughters: Laura, Elaina, Carla, Addy, Dori, Ella; great grandsons: Fisher and Andrew John; several nieces and nephews; special cousin, Sharon Fox. She is preceded in death by her sisters: Mildred Klein and Fern Howe.

Funeral service held 11:00 a.m. Thursday, April 24, 2008 in Kranz Funeral Home Cass City with Rev. David Blackburn of Fraser Presbyterian Church officiating. Interment will take place in Elkland Township Cemetery, Cass City. Pallbearers for Mrs. Battel: Michael Battel, Christopher Battel, Robert Battel, Brenda Battel, Daniel Bethel and Andrew Klein. Memorials may be made to the Fraser Presbyterian Church.. Family and friends may share memories, prayers and stories with the family at

Visitation: 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday 10 to 11 a.m. Thursday before the service
Arrangements by Kranz Funeral Home, Cass City, Michigan Debra L. Kranz - 989-872-2195

(Courtesy of Lorraine Smith Benkelman)

Maggie Battel Bethel indicates that she died of pancreatic cancer.

An Imitation of Christ
Scripture and message
Written and Delivered by Daniel Bethel, Grandson


Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honor preferring one another. Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer; Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality.

Bless them which persecute you; bless, and curse not. Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits. Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath; for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thrist, give him drink; for in doing so thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

And that ye study to be quiet and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you; That ye may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that ye may have lack of nothing.


The theme of this message is, "an imitation of Christ". That is who Marjory was. The first Scripture, Romans 12: 9-21, was selected by Marjory for this occasion. The Scripture describes the way Christians are called to live and Marjory sought to obey it. The second Scripture, 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 is a Scripture that Marjory read when she was younger and deeply defined her life an important crossroads. Allow me to tell you the story in brief:

As many of you might know, Marjory was salutatorian of her high school class. And even if you didn't know that, you probably know she was an extremely intelligent. After high school Marjory was awarded a scholarship to attend college by a local church group. At first, Marjory accepted. However, there was a series of devastating fires in the community and left several families in dire need and homeless. The victims of the fires came to the church asking for financial assistance but the church could not help because the money was already promised to Marjory for her scholarship. When Marjory learned of the need in the community she returned the money to the church instructing them to give it to the victims of the fire. She never went to college.

As I thought about this story and about Marjory I began to see the imitation of Christ - both intentional and unintentional in her life. I would like first to share the, perhaps, unintentional.

Christ and Marjory were both very intelligent people. They had opportunities to use that intelligence to advance themselves. Christ could have easily gone to Jerusalem, studied with and astounded the great teachers of His day - as early as the age of 12 but He chose to stay in His community. Likewise Marjory could have gone on to have higher education and accomplished who-knows-what. But she chose to stay in her community. Christ and Marjory saw needs in their communities and humbly sought to fulfill them. For approximately 20 years or more Christ learned the family trade of carpentry and worked hard to use this sustain his family and help others in need. Much the same way, Marjory married, learned the Battel family trade of maple syrup and farming, and worked hard at both. Finally, as noted before Christ and Marjory were both very intelligent people but neither had great schooling. In fact, when Jesus first started his ministry those who knew Him were astounded by His knowledge and wisdom. Christ was filled with the Holy Spirit which guided Him though His life and teachings but I do not believe that Christ just automatically knew the Scriptures He quoted. During his 30 years He very likely went to his synagogue, read, and learned the Holy Scriptures on His own initiative. Marjory did much the same. After turning down the scholarship Marjory made a commitment to learn all that she could. Not only did she educate herself in the Bible but in may other areas of subjects. Both Christ and Marjory did not begrudge what they did not have but rejoiced and took advantage of what they did have.

Yet that is not all to be said because Marjory very much intentionally lived as an imitation of Christ. The passage of Romans describes the actions of the Christian life. Now as a human being Marjory was not perfect; like all of us she had sins to be forgiven and imperfections to overcome. But that is not what we focus on when think of her. We think about her service, her unconditional love, her humility, her wisdom, and so on. And those we will miss the most. Yet I want to make an audacious claim. The awe-inspiring and admirable acts of service and character were not inherent in Marjory. She was simply not born like that. Those are merely fruits of her greatest accomplishment - the one we should respect the most. Marjory Battel's greatest accomplishment was her daily submission and obedience to Christ her Lord. What we will miss most about Marjory Battel is Christ in Marjory Battel. In a world where Christ is hard to see and often misrepresented, Marjory's submission shined the Person of Christ like a lighthouse on a dark and stormy night - and we were all drawn to it. The Apostle Paul describes it as such in his letter to the Galatians 2:20, "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me."

And finally, here is Gospel, here is Good News for us today. What we loved most about Marjory Battel does not pass with Marjory Battel. Christ lives and therefore we live and can choose to live the beautiful and powerful life of Christ as Marjory did. What we feel we have lost, can be found once again. If are but willing to submit and obey Christ as much as we can, even as Marjory imperfectly did, we fill find that the wounds received in her departure can be healed and that Marjory's life is also our life for it all is One Life found in Christ. 
20665 I12000  Schwegler  Mary  29 Sep 1881  2 Nov 1933  The October 3, 1924 issue of The Cass City Chronicle, page 4, column 4, noted in Local Items that "Mrs. Benjamin Schwegler and Mrs. Fred Jaus entertained a number of relatives and friends at the home of the latter Wednesday evening in honor of their niece, Miss Donelda Gregor of Puslinch, Ont., who was visting...the time was passed pleasantly in vocal and instrumental music and games after which refreshments, including a weenie roast, were served." In the August 26, 1927 issue of the same paper, also in Local Items, it was noted that "Miss Laura Jaus returned Wednesday evening from a ten-day visit with her Aunt at Puslinch, Canada. Her cousin, Miss Donelda Gregor, returned with her and will spend a few weeks with relatives here."

Cass City Chronicle
Volume 28, Numbe 30
Friday, November 3, 1933

Sudden Death of Mrs. Fred Jaus
The community was shocked Thursday morning by the news of the death of Mrs. Fred Jaus at her home on East Main St. Mr. Jaus suffered a paralytic stroke directly after arising yesterday morning and passed away four hours later. She had been in her usual health. The funeral service will be conducted Saturday afternoon at two o'clock at the family residence by Rev. G.A. Spitler, pastor of the Evangelical church, and interment will be made in Elkland cemetery. 
20666 I12032  Schwegler  Mildred "Mid" Mary  29 Oct 1916  8 Apr 1976  Cass City Chronicle
April 15, 1976

Mrs. Klein dies April 8

Mrs. Joseph (Mildred) KLEIN, 59, of Port Huron, formerly of Cass City, died Thursday, April 8, in Port Huron after a long illness.

She was born October 29, 1916, in Cass City, and had been a resident of Port Huron since 1953.

She attended schools in Cass City and graduated from the Bay City Business College. Mrs. Klein was employed at Petroland Bottle Gas Company for 13 years until her illness.

She married Joseph KLEIN February 9, 1942 in Bowling Green, Ohio.

Survivors include her husband; two daughters, Mrs. Mary P. MIEKSZLYN of Marysville and Mrs. Fern L. HYSLOP of St. Clair; four sons, Jack of Pittsburgh, Pa.; James of Port Huron, Robert of Brunswick, Ga.; and Andrew of Lexington; her mother, Mrs. Joanna SCHWEGLER of Cass City, one sisters, Mrs. Marjory BATTEL of Cass City, and nine grandchildren.

The funeral was held Saturday at the Karrer-Simpson Funeral Home with Rev. Douglas A. Trebilcock of First United Methodist Church officiating.

Burial was in Elkland cemetery.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, Spring 2007)

Maggie Battel Bethel indicates that she died of ovarian cancer. 
20667 I11997  Schwegler  Samuel  26 Apr 1875  3 Feb 1886  Maggie Battel Bethel writes that her "Mother and Grandma always told the sad story of Sam and Louisa. He died of a horse kick to the head, and Louisa was pregnant with Ben at the time and about to deliver. She took the death of Samuel very, very hard and grieved the little boy. When she had the new baby boy, she felt guilty and could not look him in the face without bursting into tears, so when they would bring the baby to her to nurse, she would cover him with a blanket. This obviously was eventually resolved, but was a family story shared between the mothers in the family."
20668 I11999  Schwegler  William John  29 Aug 1879  22 Jan 1950  The Michigan Birth Index instead has his date of birth listed as 30 August 1879.

Cass City Chronicle
Friday, May 30, 1913

Mr. and Mrs. William Schwegler and sons, Andrew and Edward, Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Nash jr and daughter, Elizabeth, and Mrs. David Ross spent Sunday at the Ostrander home in Ellington.

The Striffler-Benkelman Broadcast, Vol. 7, September 4, 1944, noted that the Schwegler Brothers, William and Benjamin have sold their farms in Elkland township. Ben has bought a home in Cass City, and will shortly move there. Williams expects to join his sons, Andrew and Edward, in Charlotte.

Cass City Chronicle
Friday, January 27, 1950
Vol. 44, Num. 40, Page 1

Deceased Lived 65 Years on the Same Farm Where He Was Born

Wm. J. Schwegler, former resident of Elkland Township, died Sunday morning at 11 o'clock int he Hayes-Green-Beach Hospital in Charlotte, Michigan, where he had been a patient nearly one week.

Mr. Schwegler, son of the late Andrew and Louisa Schwegler, was born August 29, 1879, on a farm on the North Schwegler road and lived there until November, 1944, when he and his wife moved to Charlotte after selling their farm to John Zinnecker, the present owner.

On September 3, 1908, he was united in marriage with Miss Alice J. Ross.

While he lived in Elkland Township he served several terms on the school board of the Bird School district and was a member of the Farm Produce Co. board of directors.

During his residence in this vicinity he was a member of the local Evangelical United Brethren Church and served on the church trustee board for 35 years during which time he was president of the board a number of terms. He also served this church in the capacity of Sunday School superintendent, class leader and Sunday School teacher for a number of years.

At the time of his death, he was a member of the Charlotte Methodist Church and the Charlotte Grange.

He leaves to mourn their loss his widow; two sons, Andrew F. and Edward W., both of Charlotte; and two granddaughters, Joann, of Berea, Ohio, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Schwegler, and Kay Ann, baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. (sic) Schwegler; two sisters, Mrs. Chas. Gregore of Puslinch, Ont., and Mrs. Orton Klinkman of Decker; and a brother, Benjamin A. Schwegler of Cass City.

Funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. Ray Gilliam, pastor of the Charlotte Methodist Church, at the Burkland Chapel of Tuesday afternoon. Interment was in Maple Hill cemetery, Charlotte.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong) 
20669 I11999  Schwegler  William John  29 Aug 1879  22 Jan 1950  (Research):
Census Information:

1910 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Elkland Twp
Enumerated 19 and 20 April 1910 by John A. Benkelman
SD 8 ED 112 Sheet 2A
Schwegler, Benj. Hd M W 24 S Mich Germany NY Farmer
Schwegler, Louisa Mother F W 57 Wd 6/5 NY Germany Germany Own Income
Schwegler, Catherine Sister F w 17 S Mich Germany NY
Schwegler, William J Hd M W 30 M1 Mich Germany NY
Schwegler, Alice Wf F W 26 M1 1/1 Canada/Gaelic Canada/Gaelic Canada/Gaelic
Schwegler, Andrew Son M W 2/12 S Mich Mich Canada/Gaelic
Crocker, Henry Hired Man M W 26 S Mich Ohio Germany Laborer Farm

1920 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Elkland Twp
Enumerated 15 and 16 Jan 1920
SD 7 ED 178 Sheet 3A Stamped 99
Schwegler, William Head m W 40 M Mich Germany/German NY/German Farmer
Schwegler, Alice Wf F W 35 M 1890 Na 1905 Candad English Scotland English Canada English
Schwegler, Andrew Son m W 9 S Mich Mich Canada/English
Schwegler, Edward Son M W 8 S Mich Mich Canada/English
Schwegler, Benjamin head m W 33 M Mich Germany/German NY/German
Schwegler, Magdlene Wf F W27 M Mich Canada/English Mich/English
Schwegler, Mildred Dtr F W 3 2/12 S Mich Mich Mich
Schwegler, Marjory Dtr F W 1 8/12 S Mich Mich Mich 
20670 I48279               
20671 I17458  Scoggins  Nancy  Bef 1795  Abt 1833  FIRST GENERATION KNOWN BLASSINGAME W.HARVEY OF SAN AUGUSTINE CO., TEXAS By Joyce P. Hervey

Sometime after Sept. 15, 1817 (Nancy {Scoggins} & John Jones Bowie made purchases of property on that date from the sale of the estate of Jonas Scoggins) and before Sept. 11, 1818, Blassingame W. Harvey married Nancy (Scoggins) Bowie, widow of John Jones Bowie. On Sept. 11, 1818, "Nancy Harvey bought 3 lots in the town of Harrisonburg, and on Apr. 21, 1820, in Ouachita Parish, LA, Blassingame W. Harvey and wife Nancy Harvey, 'wife of the said Blassingame W. Harvey' for the sum of sixteen hundred and seventy-five dollars, sold to John J. Harvey 320 acres of the Scoggins old place, in Catahoula Parish, LA, also three town lots in Harrisonburg. The next day, John J. Harvey purchased of Nancy and Blassingame Harvey, two negro slaves, cattle, hogs, two horses, a yoke of oxen, a cart, and all their kitchen and household furniture."

"On Oct. 24, 1820, John J. Harvey 'for the love and esteem which he bears toward his sister-in-law, Nancy Scoggins, Widow Bowie, now the wife of Blassingame W. Harvey, brother of the declarent ... ' John J. gave all the property (lots not mentioned) back to Nancy."

Why would John J. Harvey buy his brother's property and then six months later give it all back to his brother's wife? Perhaps the answer is that Blassingame Harvey was preparing to leave his wife and his brother felt responsible for providing for her. According to tradition in the Harvey family of LA, "Blassingame W. Harvey 'ran off to Texas, leaving Nancy penniless in Ouachita Parish, and she m. his brother'." No marriage records are available to substantiate that the marriage occurred.

In 1830, Nancy was in Catahoula Parish, LA, where she was listed as head of the household on the 1830 census. She died in 1833, but no public record listing her heirs has been found. 
20672 I31760               
20673 I40319  Scott  Clara Isabell  25 Mar 1893  Abt 1971  She was a daughter of Seymour Atwood SCOTT and Clara Isabell BLEVINS. She was married first to Arthur Lee CURTIS.  STR06 
20674 I1262  Scott  Emily Ann  20 Mar 1832  10 Jan 1862  Said to be a daughter of John and Martha Scott.  STR06 
20675 I33549  Scott  Ethel Lee  28 Jul 1905  19 Jan 1995  Ethel applied for a Social Security Account on February 28, 1965, while a resident of Houston, Texas, with 9014 Richland Drive being her mailing address. She was 59 years old at the time, and reported that she was born on July 28, 1905 in Nacogdoches, Texas to Laura Lee Scott and John P. Scott.

The Sabine County Reporter
January 25, 1995, Page 10

Ethel Lee Bennett

Funeral services for Ethel Lee Bennett, 89, of Houston were held Saturday, Jan. 21, 1995, at Grace Missionary Baptist Church in Houston with Bro. Charles Swilling officiating. Interment followed with graveside rites at Gravel Hill Cemetery, Sabine County. Arrangements were made by Brookside Funeral Home's Eastex Freeway location in Houston.

She died Thursday, Jan. 19.

Mrs. Bennett was born July 28, 1905, in Sabine County (sic), and was a long time resident of the area before moving to Houston several years ago. She was preceded in death by her husband, William Earl Bennett.

Survivors: daughters and sons-in-law, Earline and John D. Conn of Houston and Neva and John R. Conn of New Caney; a son, Paul Bennett of Deer Park; eight grandchildren, 19 great-grandchildren, a great-great grandson; and nieces and nephews, including a cherished niece, Linda Lout.

Pallbearers were grandsons.

Gravel Hill Cemetery Transcription

Bennett, Ethel L.
28 July 1905
19 Jan 1995
(Double with Wm Earl Bennett)

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong) 
20676 I43876  Scott  Evelyn  22 Sep 1931  11 Jul 2012  Obituary, From FindAGrave

Mrs. Evelyn "Polly" Scott Martindale, of Florence, passed away Wednesday, July 11, 2012.

The visitation will be at Elkins Funeral Home Friday from 6:00 p.m.until 8:00 p.m. and on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. The funeral service will follow at 1:00 p.m. in the Elkins Funeral Home Chapel with Glenn Richardson officiating. Burial will follow in the Peck Cemetery.

Mrs. Martindale was preceded in death by her husband George Raymon Martindale. She had been a resident of Wellington Place of the Shoals for four years and enjoyed her friends and activities there.

She is survived by a son Ronald Martindale of Highland, Illinois; grandchildren Wesley Scott Martindale (Lorien) of Highland, Illinois and Amy Lynn Martindale (Quinn) of St. Louis, Missouri; a great-grandchild Jordan Scott Harvey; a brother Lenual Scott of Tuscumbia; a special friend Johnnie Harmon (Les); nieces Carolyn Wilkinson (Jerry), Linda Wesbrooks and Peggy Swann (Mike); nephews Larry Martindale (Barbara), Glenn Richardson (Beverly), Gene Quillen and Roger Quillen.

Family members will serve as pallbearers.

The family extends special thanks to Dr. Terry True, the staff of Wellington Place, Hospice of North Alabama-Russellville, Gentiva Home Health (Mid South), J.W. Sommer Rehab and Tom Minetree.

NOTE: FindAGrave also has memorial pages for her parents, Rufus and Minnie Scott. 
20677 I5682  Scott  Florence  Jul 1889  Nov 1951  A beautiful woman with a rose-petal complexion. A cosmetic company, Francis Denny, paid her salary for a year to prevent her working for the competition. She didn't have to do anything. She was quite clear in her mind that her features owed nothing to cosmetics-she considered her regular drinks of iced water to be the secret.

She later had one breast removed. When she was ill young Lewis Adair Payne was called into her room for the purpose of being told that he came from a good family and he was never to forget it. Lewis lived in her home for a time.

She married Ray Hard. He had invented some sort of oil field tool.

After Florence died it is believed that a set of beautiful Japanese hand-painted Noritake plates belonging to her was given to Lewis Adair Payne. They are now in the collection of Penny Ethlen Payne. 
20678 I47071  Scott  Garlin  30 Apr 1914  19 Dec 1990  On his Find A Grave memorial page, a photo of his military marker is shown, indicating he served in the US Army. He is linked to parents, John Peter Scott and Laura Lea Weeks.  STR06 
20679 I5687  Scott  H. Claude  Jan 1886  Abt 1955  He married, when he was past sixty, a plain country girl with a hammerlock on reality. She was much younger than he was. (Informant: Lewis Adair Payne).  STR06 
20680 I20516  Scott  Harriet Wesley  25 Nov 1859  7 Aug 1951  From Western New York.  STR06 
20681 I20516  Scott  Harriet Wesley  25 Nov 1859  7 Aug 1951  (Medical):Cerebral Sclerosis  STR06 
20682 I21857  Scott  Ichabod H.  Abt 1780  Aft 1860  1840 Census New York, Saint Lawrence County, Madrid Ichabod H. Scott 1-0-0-2-0-0-0-0-1//0-0-0-0-1-0-0-1

At the time of the 1850 census, he and Sarah were living with a 12 year old Samuel C. COVEY, born in Massachusetts.

Could this be the Ichabod Scott born 17 Mar 1780 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont to Aaron SCOTT? (Source: Trees & Communities) 
20683 I5678  Scott  Irene  Oct 1894  Yes, date unknown  Died young of T.B.  STR06 
20684 I34161               
20685 I37368  Scott  Josephine "Josie"  28 Oct 1882  19 Sep 1962  Name: Josie Allen
Gender: Female
Burial Date: 19 Sep 1962
Burial Place: Lampasas, Texas
Death Date: 19 Sep 1962
Death Place: Evant, Coryell, Texas
Age: 79
Birth Date: 28 Oct 1882
Birthplace: Lampasas
Occupation: Housewife
Race: White
Marital Status: Widowed
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: L.R. Scott
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Margaret Scott
Mother's Birthplace:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: B00011-2
System Origin: Texas-EASy
Source Film Number: 1902084
Reference Number: 4279
Collection: Texas Deaths and Burials, 1903-1973
20686 I5680  Scott  Lindsey A.  Oct 1890  Yes, date unknown  Never married. He horse jockeyed for Sam Payne.  STR06 
20687 I34385               
20688 I5684  Scott  Marie  Abt 1902  Abt 1955  A family genealogist, she did a lot of work on the Marshalls. In 1915, she compiled a single page handwritten family group sheet titled "Grand Father Marshall Family" from data presumably supplied by her mother, Lula Payne. The original is in the possession of Margaret Lou Rounds (Mrs. Clark) of Fort Worth. Her husband gave her a copy of Brook Payne's book when it was published in the 1930's.  STR06 
20689 I21313  Scott  Martha  Aft 1710  Yes, date unknown  Daughter of Joseph SCOTT and sister of Abigail, wife of Ephraim's brother Aaron. (Pane-Joyce Genealogy).  STR06 
20690 I27015               
20691 I864  Scott  Olive Porter  18 Dec 1907  23 Oct 1996  She was first married to a Thompson.  STR06 
20692 I5679  Scott  Orville  May 1887  Yes, date unknown  In Lewis Adair Payne's Personal Journal he wrote on March 16, 1936 "I went up to see Orville who is near death and promised [his brother] Claude to return and keep him company while he watched over him. Suppered at Uncle Frank's [Gentry] and then back to be with Claude. Homer Strong [married to Anna Laura Payne] was there too and stayed until nearly 1 am. Claude and I not to bed until 2:30. He gave me money to eat breakfast one." On March 23 he followed up with a related entry "Saw Claude who says that Orville is much better considering."

Later in life, Lewis told Kenneth Harvey that Orville 'was a terrible talker' and that he never married. 
20693 I30497               
20694 I42449               
20695 I20548  Scott  Samuel  Abt 1825  Yes, date unknown  The family was listed as follows on the 1860 St. Lawrence County, New York census:

231-231 Scott, Samuel 36 Farmer $100 New York Scott, Anna 33 Housekeeper Canada Scott, Amanda 9 New York Scott, Alexander 2 New York Scott, Harrieta 7/12 New York Scott, Ichabod H 80 Farmer $1500 Vermont Scott, Sarah 80 Connecticut

The family was listed as follows on the 1870 Chickasaw County, Iowa census:

35-34 Scott, Samuel 45 M W House Carpenter $100 $65 New York Scott, Brittania 26 F W Housekeeper Canada Scott, Harriett 10 F W At School New York Scott, Frank 9 M WAt School Minnesota Scott, Ellen 4 F W At Home New York <---Probably the dtr of 2nd wife, Brittania Scott, Amanda 4 F W At Home New York <----Probably the dtr of 2nd wife, Brittania

And in 1880 Iowa Chickasaw Stapleton ED 123 Scott Samuel W M 55 Carpenter New York Vermont Conneticut Scott, Brittana W F 36 Wife Keeping House Canada Canada Canada Scott, Frank W M 18 Son At home Minnesota Vermont (sic) Canada Scott, Amanda W F 12 Dtr At Home Minnesota Vermont (sic) Canada 
20696 I43449               
20697 I43439  Scroggins  Kase Warren  11 Jul 2013  12 Jul 2013  Kase Warren Scroggins

Kase was welcomed into this world by his parents, Emily Brooke McLemore and Justace Shaiyenne Scroggins, at 4:52 p.m. on July 11, 2013.

In the early hours of July 12, 2013, he was welcomed to Heavens' gates. His parents were blessed to finally meet him and spend what little time they were allowed.

Kase is survived by his loving parents, Emily Brooke McLemore and Justace Shaiyenne Scroggins; grandparents, Varron & Rae Janette McLemore and Phyllis LaRue; uncles Vincent McLemore and Cody Lyons, all of Nacogdoches, Texas, as well as a multiple of great aunts and uncles, and second and third cousins who will always love and miss him.

In Memorium handout prepared by Laird Funeral Home, Nacogdoches 
20698 I1957  Scruggs  Charles A.  2 Aug 1845  15 Feb 1863  Died in the service of the Southern Confederacy.  STR06 
20699 I3209  Scruggs  Finch P.  14 Jul 1824  11 Jan 1853  Taken from Jesse Thomas Scruggs, Sr. Family Bible, as transcribed by Kay Parker McCary on his FindAGrave memorial page.

Sabine County, Texas, Finch P. Scruggs departed this life 11 Jan. 1853. His death was accasioned by a fall from a horse, his body is enterred on the bank of the Patroon at Dr. McGuire's Burying Ground, there to remain until the morning of the resurrection. 
20700 I3216  Scruggs  George W.  20 May 1842  29 Sep 1860  Died in the service fo the Southern Confederacy.  STR06 

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