The following information about the family of Bevis O. Newton was written by Mrs. Crissy Newton, and posted on the US Genweb Project for Jefferson Co, Texas:
Bevis O. Newton was born in Newton County, Texas in 1908, the son of Wade and Emma Newton, who were also from Newton County. Mrs. and Mrs. Wade Newton moved to Nederland about 1920, where they operated the Newton Hotel and Rooming House at 1146 Atlanta for many years. Mr. Newton died about ten years later.
Wade and Emma were the parents of two sons, Bevis O. and Harry H. Newton, and two daughters Cecile and Mary Frances, all of whom graduated from Nederland High School. Mary Frances married Johnny Konecny, who was Nederland's coach and history teacher in 1935.
Following graduation from High School, Harry Newton went to work for Sun Oil Company, and he and his wife Merle lived on Spring Street until Harry's death. Bevis Newton worked for Pure Oil Company for about 20 years. He then left the company and followed construction work for another 20 years until he retired.
On December 24, 1935, Bevis Newton married Crissy Kaper, daughter of John and Minnie Kaper of 403 Fifteenth Street in Nederland. Captain John Kaper, an native of Holland, sailed for many years before he joined the Sabine Bar Pilots Association. He and Minnie Kaper resided in Sabine Pass until the 1915 storm drove them to Nederland, where they bought the former house of J. William Barr and where they resided until their deaths.
Bevis and Crissy Newton build their first home at 323 Fifteenth Street, next door to her parents. About 25 years ago, they moved their old home away and built the blond brick home in which Crissy Newton still resides.
Bevis and Crissy Newton were the parents of two sons, Bevis O. Newton, Jr. and John Wade Newton. Bevis Jr died in 1955 of leukemia, a childhood diease that he struggled with for many years. He died at the age of eighteen.
Bevis Newton Sr was a thirty-second degree Mason. After a few years of retirement, he died in 1981, survived by his wife Crissy and son John Wade. As of 1991, his sisters are still living, Cecile in Houston and Mary Frances Konecny in Bryan, Texas.
Deceased members of the Kaper and Bevis Newton families are either interred or entombed at Oak Bluff Memorial Park in Port Neches.
Obituary, as copied from his FindAGrave memorial page created by John Warnke:
Survived by his children, Gail (Shane) Goodwin, Michael (Stevie) Newton, Patrick (Anne) Newton, Linda Newton; siblings, Bobby (Fern) Newton; Tommye Cain; seven grand and a great grandchildren, David Earl Newton, 68, died at the Madison Memorial Hospital in Rexburg of natural causes.
Born in Hutchinson, Kan., to Robert Earl and Cloy Fannie McClanahan Newton, he attended grades schools in Kansas and Oklahoma, graduating from Powell High School, Class of 1955, in Wyoming.
In Oklahoma City, Okla., he married Stella Christensen Jan. 19, 1957. She died Aug. 18, 2005.
Before going to work for the U.S. Postal Service in Oklahoma City, he owned a service station in Wyoming and one in Oklahoma. In 1964, he moved to northern Wyoming and began working on a drilling rig in the oil industry, where he continued to be employed until his retirement in 1995. At that time he became a caregiver for his wife. Besides watching NASCAR, he enjoyed fishing and woodworking.
His wife, his parents a sister and brother-in-law predeceased David.
Bonnie Smith's research indicates that Dorcas Newton, Mrs. R. Morgan, was burried in Oakdale Cemetery, Wilmington, North Carolina, Section G, Lot 20, Ch. Lot 12.
Said to have married Hugh RONEY on 21 Jan 1783. Renee Newman notes that they later can be found in Barnwell, SC, neighbors to Phoebe Newton and her husband William Herrington.
Said to have married around 1801 James BLAND (ca 1772-12 Sep 1818)., a son of William BLAND and Rachel POWELL.
They were said to be the parents of Anna BLAND, who married Enoch ALDERMAN and Isaac Newton BLAND, who married Mary E. ALDERMAN. Enoch and Mary ALDERMAN were siblings, and were also first cousins to Anna and Isaac, being the children of Nancy Ann NEWTON and John ALDERMAN.
According to the Graves Family of America website, the complete list of children was as follows: (1) Dorcan Tabitha m. John BLANTON on 1 Oct 1818; (2) Anna b. 2 May 1802 m. Enoch ALDERMAN on 6 Apr 1823 ; (3) Isaac Newton b. 17 Dec 1803 m Mary ALDERMAN on 1 July 1824 in Duplin Co., NC; (4) Amariah b. 27 Jan 1809 m. Mary J. PAGE; (5) James Thomas b. 30 Dec 1810 m, Dinah ALDERMAN (dtr. of David Alderman and Nancy Morgan); (6) Jemima b. 1811, m. Benjamin ROGERS, son of Reuben Rogers and Christian Alderman; (7) David b. 1812; (8) Mary b. 1813 m. Reuben ROGERS, son of Reuben Rogers and Christian Alderman; (9) Enoch b. 1815; and (10) Timothy, b. 29 May 1818, who m. Adline WARD. emailed that Isaac and Jemima had at least 11 children: Sarah (born 20 Oct 1757), Phoebe, Elizabeth, Mary, Dorcas, Miriam, Jemima, Enoch, Isaac, Esther (born 11 Oct 1779 in New Hanover m James Bland in 1801 in New Hanover NC, died 17 Sept 1854 in Duplin, NC), and Nancy Ann.
The Will of Isaac Newton was abstracted by William L. (Bill) Murphy in GENEALOGICAL ABSTRACTS DUPLIN COUNTY WILLS 1730-1860 (Duplin County Historical Society, Rose Hill, NC, 1982; p. 125).
390. NEWTON, ISAAC (CR.035.801.9/a-358) 19 Nov 1798-Jan Term 1799 sons ENOCH & ISAAC all my Lands Devided as followeth Beginning at the run of the Swamp he now lives on Crossing through the part of the plantation call'd the long field to the Back line All below this line to be ENOCH's and all above to be ISAAC's; son ISAAC Negroe Grace and her first child that shal live to be one Month to ENOCH, the second child that shall live to be one Month old to my dau. ESHER And her third Child that shall live to be one Month old to my dau. Ann; dau. ESTHER one feather Bed and firneture; son ENOCH one Mare Colt; all the hogs and Sheep to be equally divided between ENOCH and ISAAC, ENOCH to have one third of my stock of Cattle and ISAAC have the other two thirds of the Cattle and the mare and young horse; all my household furniture Equally devided among my four youngest children [not named]; plantation tools Equally devided between my sons ENOCH and ISAAC; And as for those of My Children that have married I leave to them the following sums and no more Except my Blessing SARAH ALDERMAN Five Shillings, PHEBE HERRING (sic) five shillings, MARY WILLIAMS five shillings, ELIZABETH BONEY five shillings, DORCAS MORGAN five shillings, the heirs of my two daus. Deceased MIRIAM JAMES and JEMIMA WILSON five Shillings each; wife JEMIMA my house plantation and all the above mentioned Estate during her widowhood. extrs: Aaron WILLIAMS, Enoch NEWTON wit: David ALDERMAN, Daniel ALDERMAN, Thomas (his mark) LANEAR Signed: Isaac (his mark) NEWTON
Complete Will
In the name of God Amen - I Isaac Newton of the County of Duplin Calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men over to die, do make and ordain this my last will and Testament, that is to say, First of all 2 constitute and ordain Aaron Williams and Enoch Newton Executors of this my last will and Testament and as touching my world Estate. 2 give and despose of the same in the following form and manner first 2 give and bequath unto my two sons, Enoch and Isaac Newton's all my land divided as followeth Beginning at a Black Gum and maple at the run of the swamp he now lives on running then S 17 wt 100 poles Crossing through the part of the plantation call'd the long filed to a stake thence S. 10 R out to the Back line all below the line to be Enoch Newtons and all above to be Isaac Newtons, and should either of these my sons died without a lawful begoten heir then and all that case all there my land to fall erst and remain to the other son that do still survive. In the next place 2 give and bequeth unto my son Isaac Newton my Negroe girl called Grace and that her first child that shall live to be one month old be may son Enoch Newton. And that her second child that shall live to be one month old be my daughter Esher Newtons. And that her third child that shall live to be one month old be my Daughter Ann Newtons. I also give and bequath to my Daughter Ann Newton our feather bed and furniture. I also give to my son Enoch Newton our mare colt and all the hogs and sheep to be equally equally divided between Enoch Newton and Isaac Newton-and that Enoch Newton have one third of my stock of Cattle and Isaac Newton have the other two thirds of the cattle and that the mare and young horse be my son Isaac Newton. And that all my house hold furniture be Equally divided among by four youngest children and that all my plantation tools be Equally divided between my two sons Enoch and Isaac Newton and as for those of my children that have married I leave to them the following sums and no more Except my Blessings. To sarah ALDERMAN, Five shillings. To Phebe HERRING TINE five shillings. To Elizabeth RONEY five shillings. To Dorcas MORGAN five shillings. To the heirs of my two daughters Decasd, Miriam JAMES and Jemima WILSON, five shillings each, that is five shillings to the heirs of Mariam and five shillings to the heirs of Jemima. Excepting and reserving unto my beloved wife Jemima Newton my house plantation and all of the above mentioned Estate during her widowhood. In witness whereof 2 have hereunto set my hand and seal this nineteenth day of November One Thousand Severn Hundred and ninety Eight. Signed Sealed published and pronounced by the said Isaac Newton his last will and testament in the presents of us who in his prents and in presents of Each other have hereunto subscribed our names:
David Alderman, Daniel Alderman, Thomas (his mark) Lanear
Isaac (his mark) Newton (seal)
State of Carolina
Duplin County
January Term 1799
There was the within will proved in open court the dec form of Law by the Oath of Daniel Alderman and Thomas Lanier two of the Subscribing witnesses thereto and at the same time Aaron Williams and Enoch Newton the Executors names in the said will came before the court and Qualified as such according to teh Law Ordered that letters issued accordingly,.
Test Wm. Dickson C.C.
According to the Graves Family Association website, he m. Lois Jones, d. before Jan. 1787. He served in the militia in the Rev. War. After Jacob's death, Lois m (2) Joseph Williams, Sr., in 1791 in Duplin Co., NC.
The Sanford genealogy incorrectly calls Phebe Newton the daughter of Joseph Newton; she was the daughter of Jonah Newtown and Phebe Platt. The error is based upon a misinterpretation of a deed: "All the children united in a deed conveying their rights in the estate and lands of Joseph Newton, late of Milford, Feb. 10, 1808, to Jonah Newton (Milford Land Record 24:363 & 561)." Joseph Newton, who died at Milford 11 November 1807, was Phebe's brother, not her father, and the Jonah Newton to whom the land was transferred was probably her other brother.
Most show her as married, in error, to William HERRING. Renee Newman emailed, on October 19, 2012, that "The will of Isaac Newton has been transcribed wrong. It ia available online through Will Book A page 358 and the daughter is Phebe Herringtine, not Herring. I suppose since these were handwritten later and put in alpha order the person didn't understand that there were Herringtine's and Herring's in Duplin but they left "tine" off the transcript completely, even though it is clearly there. Her husband was William Herringtine of Duplin/Sampson and they sold their Sampson land in 1784 and moved beside the Newton's in New Hanover (Isaac witnessed their deeds there). They moved to Barnwell, SC and Hugh Roney and wife Elizabeth Newton, were their neighbors. I can go from there. Willaim was presumed to die in Perry County, MS but did not, he lived on and remarried and died in Desoto County, Ms. I have just found this recently. Researchers of this William have "lost" his wife and presume he was from a Herrington family in Craven County. They had sons Isaac, Enoch, daughter Jemima and a grandson Isaac N Stephens----"
Renee added that she was "a researcher/descendant of the Herrington family of Duplin/Sampson. Willaim and James Herrendine/Herringtine/Herrington, probably sons of Peter Herrendine of Duplin (land later in Sampson but granted in Duplin 1759)."
1930 Census
Oklahoma, Hughes County, Jacobs Twp, Holdenville, Ward Three
Enumerated April 10, 1930
ED 32-16 SD 11 Sheet 9A Stamped 131
Dewitt and Mamie Moore family
Newton, Robert E Head R 30 M W 25 M 22 Ok Ark Ark Laborer Oil Fields
Newton, Cloy Wf F W 24 M 21 Tx US US
Newton, Bobbie J Son m W 1 8/12 Ok Ok Tx
According to the Graves Family Association website, he m. Sarah Lee. He was a Baptist preacher, serving as pastor of Wells' Chapel Baptist Church which was organized in 1756 (among the first missionary Baptist churches in Duplin Co., NC). He served in this capacity until his death about 1783 during the Rev. War. Until 1835, the church was called Bull Tail Meeting House, probably because of nearby Bull Tail Creek.
1900 Census
Illinois, Menard, Greenview Precinct
Enumerated 15 Jun 1900
SD 11 ED 72 Sheet 13B
280-280 (278-278)
Newston, Benjamin Head W M Apr 1874 26 S Ill Norway Norway Farmer
Newston, Andrew Brotehr W M Apr 1876 24 S Ill Norway Norway Farmer
Newston, Henry Father W M Jun 1827 72 M 44 Norway Norway Norway 1853 47 Landlord
Newston, Emma Motehr W F Apr 1833 67 M 44 9/8 Norway Norway Norway 1854 46
Bettie Sister W F Apr 1871 19 S Ill Norway Norway Norway
281-281 (279-279)
McLemore, Mary Head W F Jan 1857 43 Wd 1/1 Ill Norway Norway Farmer
McLemore, Anna Dtr F W Jun 1885 14 S Ill Ill Ill
1910 Census
Illinois, Logan County, Corwin Twp, Middleton Village
Enumerated 24 Apr 1910
SD 8 ED 55 Sheet 7B
Dorgan, Frank W Head M W 32 M1 0 Ill Ireland Irish Ireland Own Income
Dorgan, Mary A Wf F W 24 m1 0 1/1 Ill Ill Ill
McLemore, Mary Head F W 56 Wd 2/1 Ill Norway Norway Own Income
1920 Census
Ilinois, Logan County, Corwin Twp, Middletown Village
Enumerated 13 January 1920
SD 68 ED 58 Sheet 8B
Anson Street
McLemore, Mary Head F W 62 Wd Ill Norway Norway Occupation: None
Dorgan, Walter F Head M W 42 M Ill Ireland Irish Ireland Irish Occupation None
Dorgan, Anna M Wf F W 34 M Ill Ill Ill
Dorgan, Francis J Son M W 9 S Ill Ill Ill
1930 Census
Illinois, Logan County, Corwin Twp, Middletown Village
Enumerated 22 Apr 1930
ED 54-7 SD 18 Sheet 4B
Anson Road
Dorgan, Frank Head O 2200 W M 53 M 32 Ill Irish Free State Irish Free State Occupation: None (Farmer Retired was written, and then crossed through)
Dorgan, Mary A Wf F W 44 M 24 Ill Ill Ill
Dorgan, Joseph Son M W 20 S Ill Ill Ill
McLemore, Mary Head F W Wd Ill Norway Norway Occupation: None
The United States Obituary Collection on shows him as a son of Frank Nichols and Rose Mohler Nichols. His siblings were listed as Beulah, Marvin, Kenneth and Jim. Children were shown as Kay and Tom Hassler of Columbus and Karen and Richard Jantzi of Fairmont, and Rose Ann Nichols.
Rosemary Hollis shows her as a daughter of Edmond Nichols and Rachel UNKNOWN (possibly Tolber or McNutt). On FindAGrave she is referenced as Gemima Nelson-Nichols.
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Lazarus NICHOLS Self M Male W 54 MS Farmer MS MS
Louisa NICHOLS Wife M Female W 46 TX Keeps House GA MS
Elisha NICHOLS Son S Male W 16 TX Farm Labor
Eliza NICHOLS Dau S Female W 16 TX Goes To School MS TX
Jennie NICHOLS Dau S Female W 10 TX Goes To School MS TX
Letitia NICHOLS Dau S Female W 8 TX Goes To School MS TX
Della NICHOLS Dau S Female W 5 TX MS TX
Della HEARN Other S Female W 15 TX Cook Laundress MS MS
Lawrence BLOUNT Other S Male W 16 TX Cattle Driver MS MS
Ovin DOW Other S Male W 24 TX Farm Laborer MS MS
Source Information:
Census Place Precinct 2, De Witt, Texas
Family History Library Film 1255299
NA Film Number T9-1299
Page Number 417D
A transcription of "The McLemore Family Bible, 1822-1859 owned by Hillis Fry McLemore of Jackson, MS and contributed by Fairy B. McLemore Edwards of Canyon Lake, Texas, shows on page 3:
Polly Nicholson, wife of Abraham McLemore and
daughter of James Nicholson and Elizabeth Woodrough
his wife, was born 28th of February 1772
(The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ translated
out of the original Greek and with the former translations dilligently
compared and revised, and Canne's Marginal References. Stereotyped
by James Conner New York. By J. Emory and R. Waugh for
the Methodist Episcopal Church at the Conference Office, 14 Crosby
Street. J. Collord, Printer. 1829 )
Originally published in The Tennessee Genealogical Magazine, "ANSEARCHIN' " News (The Tennesse Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 111249, Memphis, TN 38111-1249, Vol. 42, No. 2, Summer, 1996), p. 38.
GILMER - Memorial services for Joe Carroll Nickelbur Jr., 32, of Gilmer will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, April 25, 2004, at Grubbs-Loyd Funeral Home Chapel in Gilmer with the Rev. Madison Caffey officiating. Mr. Nickelbur passed away Monday, April 19, 2004, in Upshur County. Born March 9, 1972, in Longview to Joe Carroll Sr. and Judy Loden Nickelbur and was of the Baptist denomination.
Mr. Nickelbur is survived by his mother, Judy Nickelbur of Gilmer; his wife, Angela Nickelbur of Gilmer; his brothers, Jasper Nickelbur of Silsbee and Eddie Joe Nickelbur of Lufkin; his sisters and brothers-in-law, Judy and Kenneth Barrett of Diana and Joyce and Tony Spencer of Silsbee; and numerous aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins. He was preceded in death by his father.
His Find A Grave memorial pages notes that he was a son of Andreas and Katherine Moll/Mull Nickert, his father dying in Germany. He married Margaret Helwig in Erie County, NY in 1875, and was the father of Lydia Nickert Brown.
The following notes were copied from his FindAGrave memorial page created by Anne Scamardo:
Son of Ralph Nicosia and Rosalia Lillian Montanio Nicosia.
First wife, Jennie Cuccio. After her death (1924) he married Rose Scanio. After Rose's death (1943) he remarried Gladys McGown.
1900 Census
Michigan, Saginaw County, Buena Vista Twp
Enumerated 6 Jun 1900
SD 8 ED 28 Sheet 4B
Neindorf, George Head M M Dec 1878 21 m1 Mich Germany Germany SawMill L
Neindorf, Julia Wf W F Dec 1878 21 M 1 0/0 Mich Ohio Germany
1910 Census
Michigan, Saginaw County, Saginaw Ward 1
Enumerated 23 A[r 1910
SD 8 ED 47 Ward 1 Sheet 13A
Farewell Street
Niendorf, George Head M W 21 m1 10 Mich Germany/German Germany/German Switchman Railroad
Niendorf, Julia Wf F W 32 m1 10 2/2 Mich Ohio Germany/German Dressmaker
Niendorf, Glen Son M W 8 S Mich Mich Mich Student
Niendorf, Rosmont Dtr F W 4 S Mich Mich Mich
She married a Williams. According to the STRIFFLER-BENKELMAN BROADCAST, Volume 19, published on September 3, 1956, she worked for the Sonotone Hearing Aid Company, with her own office in the Pontiac State Bank Building.
He died in the Loma Linda Sanitarium. Jake was the second of seven children, the oldest boy in the family. He attended Plainview Academy and joined the Adventist Church while there. He spent his working career managing Adventist Hospitals in Iowa, Maryland, and California.
A registered nurse, she graduated in 1944 from the Washington Sanitarium and Hospital in Takoma Park, Maryland, where her father was on the facility. She and her husband were without issue. She died at age 74 of breast cancer.
Lola Carrie (Niewedde) Schildt was born near Seward, Nebraska on May 2, 1925 to Arthur Niewedde and Amanda (Luebbe) Niewedde. She was baptized into the Christian faith on May 31, 1925 and confirmed on April 2, 1939 at Zion Lutheran Church in Garland, Nebraska by Pastor T. Joeckel. Lola attended parochial school at Zion, Garland and Middle Creek, Seward.
Lola was married to Raymond Schildt on December 22, 1945 at the home of her grandparents by Pastor Marting of Immanuel Middle Creek Church. She and Raymond were long time members of Immanuel Middle Creek. Lola was a member of Immanuel Ladies Aid and L.W.M.L. She was also a member of Pleasant Dale Legion Auxiliary. Lola enjoyed gardening, baking and sewing. She cooked many meals for friends and family. Lola was blessed with almost 100 years of life in this world and almost 69 years of marriage to Raymond before his death in 2014.
Lola passed away on February 7, 2025 at the age of 99. She was preceded in death by her husband, parents, two brothers, Dale and Dean Niewedde and one sister, Lois Vollstedt. She is survived by her daughters, Delta (Dan) Kovar of Seward, Nebraska, Margaret (Russell) Krieser of Lincoln, Nebraska, Lana (Randy) Capek of Tobias, Nebraska and Joan (Orville) Pearson of Seward, Nebraska; 11 grandchildren, Dale Kovar, Darin (Kamile) Kovar, Daneen Kovar (Mark Craig), Sara (Karl) Koelling, Aaron Krieser, LaDawn (Dana) Sperling, Patrick Capek (Michelle Deprez), Tamara (Brandon) Cutler, Ryan (Jennifer) Pearson, Jared (Emilie) Pearson, Cole (Stephanie) Pearson; 13 great grandchildren, Mason, Bailee and Miles Kovar, Vincent and Vanessa Koelling, Paul and Jane Krieser, Logan and Alyssa Capek, Brett and Claire Cutler and Jackson and Carter Pearson.
February 14, 2025
3:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Volzke Funeral Home
Funeral Service:
February 15, 2025
10:30 AM
Immanuel Lutheran Church - Middle Creek
Rural Seward
Seward, NE 68434
February 15, 2025
Immanuel Lutheran
Downloaded from Volzke Funeral Home, courtesy of Dennis Belohlavy
Said to be the daughter of Charles Niles and Mary Teadt. Her age per Dorothy Ball is significantly different from what is shown on the 1930 census, where she is shown as the same age as her husband, born ca 1899.
Cass City Chronicle
Wednesday, August 8, 1990
Page 5
Eleanor Dillman
Former long-time area resident, Eleanor (Nique) Dillman, 82, died July 29 in Zephyrhills, Florida.
She was born June 24, 1908, in Shabbona the daughter of Otto and Ida (Striffler) NIQUE.
She graduated from Cass City High School in 1925 and from Michigan State College (University) in 1929 in the field of Chemistry. It was there that she became a member of the Alpha Tau chapter of Sigma Kappa, and continued her membership for over 50 years.
She taught chemistry at the Women's Medical College in Philadelphia before her marriage to George A. Dillman June 14, 1934. The couple resided in Cass City for 35 years. Mrs. Dillman taught math and algebra in the Cass City Public schools.
The Dillmans were active members of the Evangelical United Brethren Church (Salem United Methodist). After moving to Florida in 1974, they became members of the First United Methodist Church and charter members of Trinity United Methodist of Zephyrhills.
Mrs. Dillman is survived by a son, Richard Dillman and family of Saginaw, and a daughter Marjorie STEIN and family of Hudson, Fla.
Interment was at Chapel Hill Gardens in Dade City, Fla.
A memorial service will be held in Cass City. The date and time are to be announced.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, Winter 2007)
The Cass City area lost one of its pioneer residents Monday when Otto Nique died at this home after a month's illness.
Mr. Nique moved to the area in 1894 from Mt. Clemens. He was born in Mr. Clemens February 26, 1881, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nique.
He married the former Miss Ida Striffler in Cass City June 14, 1905. He operated a hardware store in Shabbona and Decker for 43 years. He retired in 1946 and moved to Cass City in 1953. The couple celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary in 1955.
Mr. Nique was a life member of Decker Lodge No. 470 F&AM and a member of the Order of the Easter Star No. 488. He was the Decker postmaster for over 20 years.
Surviving, besides his wife, are: a daughter, Mrs. George (Elnore) DILLMAN of Cass City; five brothers, Harvey of Oxford, Clarence of Lake Orion, A.L. Nique of Lapeer, Ralph of Livonia and Park of Pontiac, and two grandchildren.
Mr. Nique was at Little's Funeral Home until noon today (Thursday). Final rites were to be held at 8 p.m. today at the Evangelical United Brethren Church, Rev. S.R. Wurtz officiating.
Commital services will be under the auspices of Decker Lodge No. 479 F&AM. Burial will be in Elkland Cemetery.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, Summer 2007)
On her Texas Death Certificate, viewable online at, Texas Deaths, 1890-1976, she is shown as a daughter of Jacky Nixon and Nellie Rushing. The informant is her husband, Mr. Hoyt Fullen.
FindAGrave instead shows her as Gracie Mixon Fullen.
Harry Noble writes that she graduated from San Augustine High School in 1945 and went on to earn a bachelor's degree from Stephen F. Austin. She had three children, two girls and a boy, six grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren (as of March, 2008), and is retired from Human Resources in the Protective Services division.
Funeral services for Daniel Greer Noble, 65, of Silsbee will be 2:00 pm Saturday December 10, 2016 at Farmer Funeral Home. Visitation will be Friday from 5:00 pm until 8:00 pm at the funeral home.
Mr. Noble passed away Monday December 5, 2016 at his residence.
He was born November 10, 1951 in Shreveport and was a longtime resident of Silsbee. Mr. Noble was retired from K.T. Maintenance where he worked as a welder.
Daniel is preceded in death by his mother M. Jean Noble.
Survivors include father Harry P. Noble Jr. of College Station; step-mother Kelly Noble of College Station; son Troy Manning and wife Sabrina of Silsbee; daughters Autumn Noble and Anabeth Lowe both of Silsbee; brothers Alan Noble and wife Michelle of Manvel, TX, Dave Noble and wife Deborah of Cleveland; sister Madelyn Galloway and husband Donald of Iola, TX; two nieces, thirteen grandchildren and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins.
Harry P. Noble, Sr., when he was a young man in his early twenties, moved ot Wichita Falls, Texas to make his fortune. While working a short period for his uncles in Noble Hardware, he met and married Maizie C. VINCENT. Like many young couples they soon started a family. Their first child was a girl and they named her Della Laverne. Another daughter was born and they name her Bobbie Lou. Then on December 6, 1929 their first son was born and they named him Harry P. Noble, Jr. Meanwhile, Harry Sr. a native of San Augustine and Sabine Counties, had borrowed money and opened his own business, a small radio shop....By the winter of 1934 the (great economic) depression had such a stranglehold on the economy, Harry Sr. had to close his radio shop. Since he owned a 270 acre farm in San Augustine County, he and Maizie decided to move to East Texas and ride out the depression there. On March 31, 1935, Laverne's tenth birthday, the family crowded into their small Ford car with all their earthly possessions and began the 380 mile trip to Robert S. and Della Noble's house in the northwestern part of Sabine County. They arrived at 11 a.m. the next day. The family's dog, Ginger, had ridden on the running boards all the way...Dad worked at a number of jobs to keep us fed. He had slaughtered, butchered and sold beef; developed and operated a cream route that extended all the way to Hemphill, and opened a radio repair shop. By 1938 a branch of the REA had headquarted in San Augustine (and) electrical lines were being constructed and houses wired for electricity. That's when Dad and I appeared in attics across the countryside wiring houses.
Three Retired Native Sons Join Ranks of Rotarians-At last Wednesday's noon meeting, Rotary Club President Charles Bradberry welcomed three new members into the group and presented to them member information packets. All have returned in the past few years to their home town after careers in surveying, merchandising and data management.They have remained active in retirement and are taking part in local affairs. Pictured are Bobby Legrand, Burnice Blackstock and HARRY NOBLE. (San Augustine Tribune, Thursday, March 29, 2007).
Mr. Harry Polk Noble, Jr., age 90, departed from this life surrounded by family on Friday, March 13, 2020, in College Station, Texas.
Harry was born December 6, 1929, in Wichita Falls, Texas, to Maizie Vincent and Harry Polk Noble, Sr. A fifth generation Texan, Harry's childhood was centered in the San Augustine, Rosevine, and Ford's Corner areas. After graduating from San Augustine High School, Harry honorably served in the United States Army during the Korean War as a Corporal in the 19th Combat Engineers. He later graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and earned a Master of Business Administration Degree from the University of Houston. Harry later retired in San Augustine after a long career in information analysis systems, which included work at NASA, the University of Houston, and Lamar University.
A devoted father and family man, Harry suffered with Parkinson's disease. He was a steadfast pillar to those around him. Harry loved to share stories of history and humor. A dedicated writer and historian, he provided weekly articles to the San Augustine Tribune and various magazines. He also wrote and published multiple books. Harry found significance and humor in the ordinary everyday historic and modern life; and enjoyed sharing it with others.
Harry was preceded in death by his parents; wife, Madelyn "Jean" (Cartwright) Noble; sisters, Laverne (Noble) Mathews and Bobbie Lou (Noble) Thompson; and a son, Daniel Greer Noble.
He is survived by his wife, LaVaughn "Kelly" (Oates) Noble of College Station; brother, David Noble and his wife Mary Ann (Lacy) of San Augustine; his sons, Robert Alan Noble and wife Michelle (Pearce-Dove) of Manvel, and George David "Dave" Noble and wife Deborah (Killingsworth) of Cleveland; and daughter, Madelyn Ann (Noble) Galloway and husband Donald of Iola. He is also survived by six grandchildren, Autumn Noble, Anabeth (Noble) Hall, Rylee Galloway, Avery Galloway, Joe Penn, and Troy Manning; and 13 great-grandchildren.
A graveside service is set for 11:00 a.m. Saturday, March 21, 2020, at McMahan's Chapel Cemetery near Geneva, Texas, in Sabine County.
Visitation will be held from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Saturday, March 21, 2020, at Wyman Roberts Funeral Home, located at 316 W. Columbia Street in San Augustine, Texas.
In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made to McMahan's Chapel (2240 McMahan Chapel Road, Bronson, TX 75930); Parkinson's Foundation; or the National Wounded Warriors aka Disabled Sports Eastern Sierra, P.O. Box 7275, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546.
Downloaded from Wyman Roberts Funeral Home
Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, April 1, 2020, Page 7
At the time of the 1900 San Augustine County, Census, they were enumerated as follows:
ED 74, #170-170
Noble, Ike M Head W M Feb 1861 39 M 9 Texas Miss Texas Saw Milling and ???
Noble, Nannie Wife W F Apr 1869 31 M 9 4/4 Tx Ga Miss
Noble, Thomas SOn W M Feb 1892 8 Tx Tx Tx
Noble, Arthur Son W M APr 1893 7 Tx Tx Tx
Noble, Leonard Son W M Jun 1896 4 Tx Tx Tx
Noble, J.O. Son W M Jul 1899 11/12 Tx Tx Tx
Name: Robert Scurlock Noble
Death Date: 10 Aug 1951
Death Place: Rural Prect. 1, San Augustine County, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: White
Death Age: 85 years 5 months 14 days
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 26 Feb 1866
Birthplace: Sabine County, Texas
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Isiac Noble
Father's Birthplace: Texas
Mother's Name: Frances Scurlock
Mother's Birthplace: Texas
Occupation: Farmer
Place of Residence: Rural Prect. 1 San Augustine County, Texas
Cemetery: McMahan
Burial Place: San Augustine, Texas
Burial Date: 12 Aug 1951
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2074777
Digital Film Number: 4167210
Image Number: 1453
Reference Number: 43653
Collection: Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976
1870 US Mortality Schedules
Source New Data Base
Noble, William L.
Age: 26
Gender: M
Occupation: Farmer
Death Date: April, 1870
Death Location: Sabine, Texas
Cause: Brain Inflammation
Birth Location: Texas
Above information courtesy of Debra LaMel (TX), Alta Mitchem Durden (SC), and Sandy Arnold Carr (LA).
Irma Marie Havel was born to James Nohava and Agnes (Sredl) Nohava on November 16, 1915, at Milligan, Nebraska and passed away August 2, 2013, at Friend Manor in Friend, Nebraska at the age of 97 years, 8 months and 17 days. She was one of three children in the family.
Irma was born at the farm home 2 ? miles east of Milligan, Nebraska. She attended country school at Triumph District #83 and graduated the 8th grade and then attended the Milligan High School and Graduated in 1934. After graduation she worked at the Milligan Drug Store for a while and did some substitute teaching. She did house work in Omaha, Lincoln, Wilber and also at the Geneva Hotel.
Irma was married to Ernest J. Havel of Milligan, Nebraska, on December 12, 1940 at Belleville, Kansas and to this union two children were born. She and Ernest lived on a farm for 31 years. They moved into Milligan in 1977. Irma worked in Suda's Tavern for a number of years and also work in Ron's Tavern for a total of 35 years.
While on the farm she raised a lot of chickens, ducks and geese. After they moved to town she and Ernie traveled a lot, she has been to 48 states, Nova Scotia, Canada and Mexico. When she was 79 years old she took her first airplane trip and flew to the Czech Republic with the Leonard Becwar tour. She enjoyed her grandchildren and all her great grandchildren.
Irma embroidered and quilted over 100 baby quilts in the last 10 years. She also embroidered quilt tops for quilt raffles for Hospital Auxiliary. Irma loved to play Bingo and win prizes to give to her great grandchildren.
Irma was preceded in death by her parents; Agnes & James Nohava, husband; Ernest, grandson; Brad Allan Milton, sister; Alma Hromadka, brother; Millard Nohava and a great grandson; Samuel Havel.
She is survived by a son Gaylen & wife Barbara Havel of Lincoln, NE and daughter Sandra & husband Harvey Milton of Friend, NE, grandchildren; Brent & wife Amy Milton, Clint & wife Kim Havel, Rachel & husband Greg Vanderbeek, Holly & husband Dr. Justin Westengaard and Abby & husband Jeremy Wilhelm, great grandchildren; Logan Milton & wife Kristen, Bailey Milton, Sydny, Piper, Leah Havel, Claire, Will Sophie Vanderbeek, Ryann Westengaard, Alex and Lainey Wilhelm. Nieces Debbie Gregory, Diane Jansky and Judy Filipi and nephew Rodney Havel.
Funeral services were conducted from Farmer & Son Funeral Home-Kotas Chapel in Milligan, Nebraska on Tuesday, August 6, 2013 with Rev. Kenneth Leischner officiating. Guitarist & Vocalist Dr. John Westengaard sang the song "Home". Casket bearers were Brent Milton, Clint Havel, Greg Vanderbeek, Dr. Justin Westengaard, Jeremy Wilhelm and Logan Milton. Inurnment will be in the Bohemian National Cemetery. Memorials to the Milligan Fire Department or Milligan United Methodist Church building fund. Arrangements by Farmer & Son Funeral Home-Kotas Chapel, Milligan, Nebraska
An actual copy of his death certificate can be seen at, Texas Deaths, 1890-1976. He is shown as the son of D. F. Nolen and Emma Butler, and as divorced.
She MAY have been married first to William SIBLEY. At the time of the 1850 Federal Census, 32 year old Matilda, born in Alabama was listed in the household of 50 year old Wm. Sibley, born in Ga. Six children were listed in the home with them, including a four year old Robert. At the time of the 1860 census, Matilda is listed with James Campbell and a 16 year old Robert Shull/(Sibley?)/
His occupation in 1900 was Laborer, Timber Mill. His widowed mother, Mary, was living with he and Julia. She was born in 1849 in Texas, and listed as the mother of four children in total, with him apparently being her only surviving child. In 1920, he was listed as a farmer.
1900 Census, Texas, Jasper, JP 3, ED 29
Norsworthy, Archie Hd W M Julu 1877 La Tx Tx
Norsworthy, Julia Wife W F Apr 1876 24 M2 1/1 Tx Tx Fl
Norsworthy, Charlie Son W M Feb 1899 1 Tx Tx Tx
Norsworthy, Mary A. Mother W F Nar 1849 51 Wd 4/1 Tx Tx Tx
Morgan, Henry Boarder W M Feb 1879 21 S Tx Tx Tx
Smith, M??? Boarder W M Feb 1881 19 Tx Tx Tx
Couldn't locate 1910 census
1920 Census
Texas, Jasper, JP 3, ED 75
Norsworthy, Jack Hd M W 44 M Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Norsworthy, Julia Wf F W 43 M Tx Ga Fl
Norsworthy, Henry Son M W 20 S Tx Tx Tx Mechanic
Norsworhty, Gertie Dtr F W 18 S Tx Tx
Norsworthy, Spicie Dt F W 15 Tx Tx
Norsworthy, Jennie Dtr F W 13 S Tx Tx Tx
Norsworthy, Archie So M W 12 S Tx Tx
His death certificate showed him as the son of Joseph Eli Norsworthy and Ella Ansley. He was shows as employed by Lumberman Construction, and it was indicated he was buried in Port Neches, Texas.
1910 Census
Texas, Shelby County, Timpson, ED 154
Norsworthy, Archie L Hd M W 28 M1 3 Tx Miss Ga Laborer Saw Mill
Norsworthy, Naoma Wf F W 17 M1 3 2/2 Tx Tx Ky
Norsworthy, A.Q. Son M W 2 S Tx Tx Tx
Norsworthy, Lorna D Dtr F W 11/12 S Tx Tx Tx
At the time of the 1920 census, he appears to have been widowed, and moved back in with his parents:
1920 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 8
ED 172
Norsworthy, J.E. Hd M W 62 M Al Al Al Farmer
Norsworthy, Ella Wife F W 63 N Ga Ga Ga
Norsworthy, A.L. Son M W 37 Wd Al Al Ga
Norsworthy, Ruby Dtr F w 20 S Tx Al Ga
Norsworthy, A.L. Grandson 13 S Tx Al Tx
Norsworthy, Leona Granddaughter F W 10 S Tx Al Tx
Aysley, J.S. Bro in Law M W 79 Wd Ga Ga Ga
By 1930, he had remarried, and had two new children:
1930 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP No. 8
Enumerated April 25, 1930
ED 202-11 SD 17 Sheet 6B
Norsworthy, Archie L Hd O M W 48 M Tx Ga Al
Norsworthy, Sallie W F W 37 Tx Tx Tx
Norsworthy, Archie O Son M W 8 S Tx Tx Tx
Norsworthy, Peggie G Dtr F W 3 S Tx Tx Tx
1930 Census
Jasper County, Kirbyville, ED 7
Bevil, Dave Hd 45 M@19 Tx Tx Tx Carpenter Odd Jobs
Bevil, Pearl Wife 43 M@17 Tx Tx Tx Bevil, D.P. Son 21 S Tx Tx Tx Gravel Loader, Highway
Bevil, Adrian Son 17 S Tx Tx Tx Waiter
Bevil, Aubrey Son 6 S Tx Tx Tx
Norsworthy, Henry Hd 31 M@28 Tx Tx Tx Carpenter Oil Refinery
Norsworthy, Gertrude Wife 24 M@21 Tx Tx Tx
Norsworthy, Charles H Son 2 6/12 New Mexico Tx Tx
Norsworthy, Billie David Son 7/12 Tx Tx Tx
Bevil, Mary Mother 78 Tx Tx La
1900 US Federal Census
Texas, Shelby, JP 7, ED 93
Norsworthy, Joseph E Hd W M Jany 1854 (sic) 46 M 21 Al Mn A
l Farmer
Norsworthy, Ella T Wf W F Feb 1855 45 M 21 9/7 Ga Ga Ga
Norsworthy, Claudius M Son W M Sept 1879 20 S Al Al Ga
Norsworthy, Archy L Son W M Nov 1881 18 S Al Al Ga
Norsworthy, Queen A Dtr W F May 1885 15 Al Al Ga
Norsworthy, Louisia E Dtr W F Apr 1887 13 S Tx Al Ga
Norsworthy, Emma T Dtr W F July 1890 9 Tx Al Ga
Norsworthy, Joe Dtr W M Jan 1896 2 Tx Al Ga
Norsworthy, Ruby R Dtr W F Oct 1988 8/12 Tx Al Ga
Not located
1920 Census
Texas Sabine JP 8 ED 172
Norsworthy, J.E. Hd M W 62 M Al Al Al Farmer
Norsworthy, Ella Wife F W 63 N Ga Ga Ga
Norsworthy, A.L. Son M W 37 Wd Al Al Ga
Norsworthy, Ruby Dtr F w 20 S Tx Al Ga
Norsworthy, A.L. Grandson 13 S Tx Al Tx
Norsworthy, Leona Granddaughter F W 10 S Tx Al Tx
Aysley, J.S. Bro in Law M W 79 Wd Ga Ga Ga
Boyett, Spicey Norsworthy
Dec. 28, 1984
Funeral for Spicey Norsworthy Boyett, 79, of Vidor was held at 2 p.m. December 30 at Causey's E.E. Stringer Funeral Home Chapel in Kirbyville with burial in Magnolia Springs Cemetery. She died Wednesday at her home after an illness. A native of Kirbyville, she lived in Vidor one year. Survivors include three daughters, Martha Webb of Dallas, Lorraine Adams of Crossett, Arkansas, and Cora Page of Vidor; two sons, Rev. Archie Boyett of Houston and Donald E. Boyett of Florida; a sister, Gertrude Tomme of Waco; a brother, Archie Norsworthy of Lufkin; 12 grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.
Flora Jane Norton was born in Mohaska County, Iowa near the town of Oskaloose, on June 8, 1855 being 73 years, 10 months and 4 days of age at her death, April 12 1929. She was united in marriage to William Riley Phenis, near Madison, Kan., on July 3, 1873 and to this union six children were born, three having preceded her in their infancy to that better world. The other three being Mrs. Ethel McWethy, Mrs. Orpha Thomas, and Evart C. Phenis. Besides these three children she leaves one brother, Charles R. Norton of Madison, Kan., one sister, Mrs. Elnora Lyman, of Emporoa, Kan.; eight grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, a number of relatives and a host of friends to mourn her loss.
Her husband, William Riley Phenis, departed this life on May 26, 1909, just twenty years ago.They both united with the Christian church at Guthrie, Okla., thirty-five years ago, and were both charter members of the Christian churches at Perkins and Agra, Okla.
She lived a faithful Christian life, always devoting her time and strength to the welfare of others, forgetting herself in doing good to them.
She expressed herself as being ready to go and longed to meet her husband and loved ones over there.
The funeral sermon was preached in the Christian church in Ripley by Evangelist J.W. Garner to a crowded house, after which her mortal remains were laid to rest in the Ripley cemetery.
Life came to a close on Wednesday, July 26, 2023 at Houston Methodist Hospital in Baytown, Texas for Patsy Clark.
Patsy was born on March 19, 1942 in Nacogdoches, Texas to Freddie Eugene and Ida Bell (Johnson) Norton. The family moved to Vidor, Texas when she was three months old. There she started the first grade, finishing at Vidor High School in 1960. In 1957, she received her Cosmetology License and worked as a Beautician for 53 years.
She moved to Hemphill in 1986, where she met and married Thomas H. "Tommy" Clark on April 4, 1987. She owned and operated Patsy's Beauty Shop in the Six Mile area and was a member of Camp Springs Baptist Church. She had served as church clerk for East Mayfield Baptist Church from 2007-2013 and was an Endowed member of The Order of the Eastern Star in Hemphill #375 where she served as Worthy Matron 1995-1996. She also served as Worthy Matron in Bronson #337 1999-2000. She was a life member of the Auxiliary to the Veteran of Foreign Wars of the United States Post 1051 and secretary of the Fairmount Cemetery Association.
Patsy was preceded in death by her husband of 35 years, Tommy Clark; mother, Ida Bell (Johnson) Norton and father, Freddie Eugene Norton; brother, Doyle Eugene Norton; sisters, Shirley McLain and Cecile Webb; nephew, David Norton; grandson, Jason Williams; and grand-daughter, Ashley Nicole Ener.
Patsy leaves to cherish her memory, her three sons, Wilton Steele Netterville, Jr. and wife, Johanna, of Vidor, Rebel Wayne Netterville and wife, Lisa, of Anahuac and Harold Clark and wife, Debi, of St. Cloud, FL; one daughter, Tammy Ener and husband, Nathan, of Hemphill; seven grandchildren, Erin Howell and husband, Will, of Highland, Justin Netterville, Cody Netterville and wife, Megan, of Hankamer, Tyler Neterville and wife, Hillary, of Kirbyville, Jeff Williamson of St. Cloud, Chelsea Ener and Nathan Ryan Ener of Hemphill; 12 great grandchildren, Vivy Ann and Bryce, Justin, Jr., Jeslynn, Jentri, Cooper Wayne, Tyson, Brody Mack, Wyatt, Melza, Haley, Elizabeth and Jacob; brother, Robert Lewis Norton and wife, Linda, of Broaddus; sister-in-law, Carolyn Clark of Port Arthur; and brother-in-law, Glen Dale Cark of Childster, AR. Patsy also leaves behind a host of nieces, nephews, other relatives and many friends.
Visitation will be held from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, August 2, 2023 at Starr Funeral Home, 510 Starr Street, Hemphill, Texas 75948.
Funeral services will begin at 10:00 a.m. Thursday, August 3, 2023 in Starr Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Russell Bryan officiating and with Easter Star Chapter #375 and Ladies Auxiliary Post 1051 performing final rites.
Burial will follow services in Fairmount Cemetery, Hwy 87S, Hemphill, Texas with Justin Netterville, Tyler Netterville, Cody Netterville, Justin Netterville, Jr. and Ronny Butler serving as pallbearers.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Patsy's name to Camp Springs Baptist Church, P. O. Box 787, Hemphill, Texas 75948.
Memories and condolences can be made at
Downloaded from Starr Funeral Home
Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, August 2, 2023, page 4
She was a twin. Jeanine Baber writes that her parents were George A. Norwood and Georgia Standridge, and they lived in Altus, Oklahoma. Her listing at, Texas Deaths, 1890-1976 confirms this, showing her parents as George Norwood and Georgia Ann Standrich. The informant on her death certificate was Lillian Hamilton.
John Norwood notes her DOD as 1798. I think this is in error:
1) Some sources show her as married in Oct. 1790, and that she was the mother of 10 children prior to her death. This would be more than a child a year. She may have been married earlier than 1790, however.
2) Her youngest three sons, and one daughter, were born in or after 1798 according to census records.
3) Her brother, John Norwood, died in 1798. Perhaps their records were confused.
Veteran of the American Revolution. There is apparently some debate whether it was this John Norwood, or another one, who rose to the rank of General. He married twice, his first wife's name is unknown. They had one son, Samuel Norwood b bef 1775 in Abbeville District, South Carolina and d 1830 Jackson County, Alabama. His second wife was Jane PICKENS and they had five children: John, Andrew, Daniel, William and Theophilus.
Funeral services for Mittie "Lena" Dickerson, 76, of San Augustine were held at 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 19, 1994, at the Wyman Roberts Funeral Chapel in San Augustine. Interment was at LIberty Hill Memorial Gardens.
She died Thursday, Nov. 17, at St. Luke's Hospital in Houston.
Mrs. Dickerson was a native and longtime resident of San Augustine County. She was a self-employed upholsterer.
Survivors: her husband, Joe Dickerson of San Augustine; four daughters, Mabel Birdwell of Carthage, Barbara Dickerson, Mary Lou Alford, and Jody Shutter; both of San Augustine; two brothers, R. C. Norwood of San Augustine and Naaman Parker of Beaumont; 14 grandchildren; and ten great-grandchildren.
Published in The San Augustine Tribune, December 7, 1994, Page 12
Abstracts of Old Ninety-Six and Abbeville District Wills and Bonds?b?
?/b?Compiled by Willie Pauline Young
Liberty, SC
Copyright 1950 by Pauline Young & Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas Jr. , Reprinted 2004
Southern Historical Press, Greenville SC
Will dated 16 Nov. 1789 in 96 Dist. Prov. 5 Oct 1790. Exrs: Adam Crain Jones, Esq., Jas. Watts. Wit: Adam Crain Jones Jr., John Jones, John Langreds. Wife, Elizabeth Norwood. Chn: John, Thos., Blakely, Wm. Robt., Jos., Theophilus Norwood, Elizabeth PORTER, Agnes WATTS, Mary WATTS. Gr. chn: Saml., John, Richard Norwood, sons of Theophilus Norwood. "Owned land in Pendleton Co."
Rootsweb's WorldConnect Project: Family Tree of Bill Norwood has information regarding 18 more Norwood generations. He noted that it was speculative in connection with Samuel Norwood, so I have not included it. This information can be viewed at his tree.
Abstracts of Old Ninety-Six and Abbeville District Wills and Bonds?b?
?/b?Compiled by Willie Pauline Young
Liberty, SC
Copyright 1950 by Pauline Young & Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas Jr. , Reprinted 2004
Southern Historical Press, Greenville SC