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# Person ID Last Name First Name Birth Date Death Date Living note Tree
17601 I42175  Miller  Robert Marcus  15 Aug 1822  26 Feb 1872  In "Newton County Nuggets" (Nortex Press, 1986), Dr. Arthur Miller wrote a 3 page history of the Miller family (p. 195-198).

He stated that in 1849, Rev. Robert Marcus Miller and George Miller brought their families to Texas. Rev. Miller, a Baptist Preacher, his wife, Averilla Elizabeth Hare and their son, James Cason, settled in the Spears Chapel settlement, five miles east of Burkeville. They had six more children before Averilla died. Four Hare families, orginally from South Carolina, also camed to Texas. Thomas Cason Hare and his wife Lucretia were probably the parents of Averilla Hare Miller. They are all bured at Tanner Cemetery, about a mile east of Burkeville.

George Miller had married Mary Owens of Florida, and they settled in the Quicksand community about ten miles southeast of Newton. They had three sons: Hamp, Ike and Burl---all of whom had quick tempers and loved a good fight. By contrast, Rev. Marcus's children were docile and easy going.

A neighbor of the Robert Marcus Miller family was Robert Cousins, born in Virginia. He was married to Sarah Jane Jordan, born in Alabama. They had six children before Robert Cousins died.

Another neighbor was Tom Byerly, he had lost his wife Matilda, so Tom and the widowed Sarah Jane Jordan Cousins were married, haviing one son, Caleb (sic) before Tom Byerly died.

Sarah Jane Jordan Cousins Byerly then married the widowed Rev. Robert Marcus Miller, and they proceeded to have six more children to add to their already large family. 
17602 I43191  Miller  Robert Martin  Abt 1855  Yes, date unknown  Dr. Arthur A. Miller, Jr, writes that his grandfather, Robert Martin Miller "married Rebecca Stevenson in 1878...They are buried in Newton, along with their son, Arthur A. Miller (Sr.)." ("Newton County Nuggets" (Nortex Press, 1986, p. 197).  STR06 
17603 I42169  Miller  Ruth Orlee  26 Jul 1881  4 Dec 1947
name: Ruth O. Woods
death date: 04 Dec 1947
death place: Burkeville, Newton, Texas
gender: Female
race: White
death age: 66 years 5 months 9 days
estimated birth date:
birth date: 26 Jul 1881
birthplace: Newton Co., Texas
marital status: Widowed
spouse's name:
father's name: James C. Miller
father's birthplace: Newton Co., Texas
mother's name: Epsie Cousins
mother's birthplace: Texas
place of residence: Burkeville, Newton, Texas
burial place: Burkeville, Texas
burial date: 05 Dec 1947
additional relatives: X
film number: 2218828
digital film number: 4032242
image number: 3247
reference number: CN 88360
Collection: Ruth O. Woods, "Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976" 
17604 I45356               
17605 I12828  Miller  Sarah  27 Dec 1836  31 Jul 1906  (Research):

Census Listings:

1870 Census
Texas, Sabine County, Beat No. 2, PO Sabine Town
Enumerated 28 July 1870
Page 15 Stamped 14
McDaniel, Sarah 35 F W Farmer 600 400 Mississippi [Second Wife and Widow]
McDaniel, L P 28 M W Farmer SC
McDaniel, Simon S 21 M W Miss
McDaniel, Alexander 15 m W Tx
McDaniel, Rachel C 12 F W Tx
McDaniel, Marry Jane 9 F W Tx 
17606 I43198  Miller  Sarah Susan  8 Jan 1870  Yes, date unknown  Dr. Arthur A. Miller, in "Newton County Nuggets" wrote that Grandmother Sarah's youngest daughter died at the age of seven. Presumably he was referring to Sarah Susan Miller, the only daughter born to her third marriage to Rev. Robert Marcus Miller.  STR06 
17607 I6189               
17608 I43143  Miller  Sheila Ann  8 Sep 1954  Yes, date unknown  Her sister's obituary refers to her as Sheila Shettle.
Name: Sheila Ann Miller
Event Type: Birth
Event Date: 08 Sep 1954
Event Place: Jefferson, Texas
Gender: Female
Father's Name: Willie Emmett Miller
Mother's Name: Verda Mae Curl
Certificate Number:
Collection: Sheila Ann Miller, "Texas, Birth Index, 1903-1997" 
17609 I44154               
17610 I44350  Miller  Simpson Lamar  4 Mar 1881  3 Aug 1962  FindAGrave shows that he married a Blanche on 30 Dec 1909.

Name Simpson Lamar Miller
Event Type Death
Event Date 03 Aug 1962
Event Place Lubbock, Lubbock, Texas, United States
Occupation Grocery Store
Gender Male
Marital Status Married
Birth Date 04 Mar 1881
Birthplace San Augestine, Texas
Father's Name Jacob Simpson Miller
Mother's Name Carolyn Mathews
Informant Mrs S. L. Miller
Certificate Number 57254
GS Film number 2117116
Digital Folder Number 005144788
Image Number 01922

Citing this Record:
"Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 14 Dec 2013), Simpson Lamar Miller, 03 Aug 1962; citing certificate number 57254, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2117116. 
17611 I43192  Miller  Stephen Marion  Abt 1853  Yes, date unknown  Dr. Arthur Miller writes that "The Kerrs are buried in Spears Chapel Cemetery; Steve and most of his children are buried at Sycamore Cemetery." (Newton County Nuggets, (Nortx Press, 1986, p. 197).  STR06 
17612 I42168  Miller  Thomas Alvin  Abt 1886  1 Dec 1960
name: Thomas Alvin Miller
death date: 01 Dec 1960
death place: Newton, Newton, Texas
gender: Male
death age: 74 years
estimated birth date: 1886
birth date:
marital status:
spouse's name:
father's name: James C. Miller
father's birthplace:
mother's name: Epsy Cousins
mother's birthplace:
place of residence:
burial place:
burial date:
additional relatives:
film number: 2116619
digital film number: 4166552
image number: 3114
reference number: CN 74539
Collection: Thomas Alvin Miller, "Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976" 
17613 I35661  Miller  Walter  Abt 1900  Yes, date unknown  Newton Historical Commission, Pauline Hines, Compiler "Newton County Nuggests: A Collection of True Stories By Newton County Folk" (Nortex Press, A Division of Eakin Publications, Inc, Austin, Texas, published in 1986) states that "Walter went on to the El Paso area, where he lived for many years."  STR06 
17614 I43139  Miller  Willie Emmett  9 Jul 1916  2 Dec 1974
Name: Willie Emmett Miller
Event Type: Death
Event Date: 02 Dec 1974
Event Place: Nederland, Jefferson, Texas, United States
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Birth Date: 09 Jul 1916
Birthplace: San Augustine, Texas
Father's Name: John Ernest Miller
Mother's Name: Lizzie Louise Barefield
Certificate Number: 92685
GS Film number: 2243520
Digital Folder Number: 005145956
Image Number: 00700
Collection: Willie Emmett Miller, "Texas, Deaths (New Index, New Images), 1890-1976" 
17615 I5340  Milligan  Evelyn E.  5 Sep 1917  22 Sep 1997  Birth and death dates for Evelyn Morgan per the SSDI.  STR06 
17616 I5341  Milligan  Walter  3 Mar 1886  20 Dec 1970  Cass City Chronicle
Thursday, December 24, 1979
Page Eleven

Walter Milligan dies in Northville

Walter Milligan, 84, a former resident of the community died Sunday, December 20, at Eastlawn Convalescent Home in Northville. He had been a patient there for three months.

Funeral services were scheduled Tuesday afternoon at Little's Funeral Home with Rev. Melvin R. Vender officiating. Burial was to be in Elkland Cemetery.

Mr. Milligan was born in Dunfries, Scotland March 3, 1886, son of the late James and Agnes Milligan. He moved to the Cass City area as a boy. He married Miss Elsie Krapf November 27, 1915, in Cass City. In 1936, he retired from farming and moved from Cass City to Detroit. Mrs. Milligan died in February (sic) 1931.

He had been a member of the Presbyterian church of Cass City.

Survivors are two daughters, Mrs. Charles (Evelyn) Morgan of Columbus, Ohio and Mrs. Smith (Leanora) Ferguson of Lathrup Village.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, Summer 2007) 
17617 I45790  Milliorn  John T.  18 Sep 1891  21 Mar 1937  When he registered for the draft during World War I, in Stonewall County, Texas, he was shown as farming for J. H. Baldwin in Brandenburg, and supporting his wife and three children. He was of medium heighth and build, with gray eyes and light hair.

His Texas Death certificate shows he was a tie inspector for the railroad, but that he had not worked since June 1934. His parents were listed as L.N.B. Milliorn, born Arkansas and Minnie Edgor, born Texas, and his spouse was listed as Lillie Milliorn. Informant was Florence Duke of 1213 Sullivan Dr, Dallas, Tx.

His FindAGrave Memorial page instead lists his date of birth as 18 Sep 1892. He was showsn as a son of Louis Napoleon and Minnie Edgar Milliorn. He and Lillie Mae were shown as the parents of Travis, Estella, Leona, Marshall, and Terry Helen. He is also linked to a son, Horace Harden Milliorn.

Find A Grave Memorial# 135523465 
17618 I4900  Mills  Andromache "America" "Mackey"  18 Aug 1816  6 Oct 1863  The I.G.I. records her name as Andromache (America) Mills - from this it is assumed she was commonly called, and known as, America.

She was presumably named after one of the finest drawn female characters in Homer's Iliad, Androm'ache; the wife of Hector.

Carol McClaanahan Mikelson/Robin Haake emailed, in November 2020, that Andromache had a sister, Penelope Mills, another name from Homer's Iliad. She had once been told that John Mills was a sea captain, but has not found confirmation of that fact. 
17619 I26432  Mills  Lucy Ann "Lula"  13 Sep 1885  14 Sep 1969  On her FindAGrave memorial page, she is linked to her parents, Perce Mills (FAG#63255642) and Mattie Frances Replogle (FAG# 63255613). She is a sister of Willie Esther Mills McLemore, who was the wife of Benjamin Young McLemore, the younger half brother of Earl.  STR06 
17620 I39190  Mills  Marjorie "Margie" A.  7 Sep 1922  Jan 2005  From FindAGrave:

Birth: Sep. 7, 1922
Sabine County
Texas, USA
Death: Jan., 2005
Texas, USA

Margie (Mills) Anders was born to the union of Clanty Delilah Thomas and Jim B. Mills. She was the fourth of five children.

Margie married Joe Anders on December 30, 1939. To this union six children were born.

She worked most of her life as a nurse starting in San Augustine, later moving to Beaumont to the former Martin De Porres Unit of old Hotel Dieu Hospital. She became a nursing home administrator at Silsbee Convalescent Center for a number of years, and later at Canterbury Villa in Beaumont. She retired there in 1988.

Margie was preceded in death by her parents, husband, Joe Anders, Sr.; sons, Terrell A. Anders and Joe Anders, Jr.

She was survived by two daughters, Joe Ann Dorsett and Barbara Nell Jacobson and husband Bobby; sons Tommy Anders, Jimmy Anders and wife Jackie, Gerald Anders and wife Nancy and David Anders and wife Sandra, one brother, James Mills; thirteen grandchildren and twenty-one great grandchildren.

Services at First Baptist Church in Kountze with Reverend Tony Thornton, officiating. Burial at Old Hardin Cemetery in Kountze.

17621 I41564  Mills  Ozro  13 Jul 1916  6 Jan 1953
name: Ozro Mills
event: Death
event date: 06 Jan 1953
event place: Woodville, Tyler, Texas, United States
gender: Male
marital status: Married
birth date: 13 Jul 1916
birthplace: San Augustine, Texas
usual occupation Theatre Manager Theatre
father's name: C L Mills
mother's name: Ada Graves
Informant Mrs. Pearl Mills (wife)
Cemetery Magnolia Woodville Texas
certificate number: 5574
film number: 2113748
digital folder number: 005145278
image number: 02545
Collection: "Texas, Deaths (New Index, New Images), 1890-1976," Ozro Mills, 1953 
17622 I441  Mills  Rebeckah  30 Apr 1744  20 Sep 1821  The daughter of Thomas Mills and Elizabeth Harrold.  STR06 
17623 I47313               
17624 I46053               
17625 I46299  Mills  Willie Esther  15 Aug 1896  Jun 1984  FindAGrave shows that she first was married to Charley M. Maynard (1892-1918, FAG #63254105) who died of tuberculosis in Gibson County, Tennessee). They also link her to parents, James Perce Mills and Mattie Frances Replogle, who also both have memorials at that website. She was also shown as a sister of Lucy Ann Mills McLemore, the wife of Benjamin's older half brother, Earl McLemore.  STR06 
17626 I23141  Millsap  Elva Ray  1 May 1900  22 Feb 1964  Date of Death provided by Tiffany Layman based on DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS DEATHS 1966  STR06 
17627 I23142  Millsap  Kenneth Murray  7 Dec 1930  Jan 1987  Kenneth Murray Millsap 7 Dec 1930 Male Hopkins Elva Ray Millsap Pearl Elsie Fullen

Tiffany Layman shows that he married Ernestine GARCIA.

Based on the birth record below, might be have been married twice?

Sharon Kaye Millsap 30 Apr 1954 Female Bexar Kenneth Murray Millsap Kathryn Cora Hauk 
17628 I17893               
17629 I8996               
17630 I10150               
17631 I16755  Milstead  Noda "Nodie" Maybell  16 May 1890  16 Dec 1952
Name: Noda Maybell Jones
Death Date: 16 Dec 1952
Death Place: Hemphill, Sabine Co., Texas
Gender: Female
Race: W
Death Age: 62 years 7 months
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 16 May 1890
Birthplace: Texas
Marital Status: Widowed
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Steve Milstead
Father's Birthplace: Texas
Mother's Name:
Mother's Birthplace: Texas
Occupation: Housewife
Place of Residence: Hemphill, Sabine Co., Texas
Cemetery: Hemphill Cemetery
Burial Place: Hemphill, Texas
Burial Date: 18 Dec 1952
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2113746
Digital Film Number: 4167311
Image Number: 2598
Reference Number: 64580
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976 
17632 I19852               
17633 I19851               
17634 I38254  Miner  Genevieve  30 Apr 1917  27 Apr 1916  Genevieve N. Dahl, age 98, formerly of North Bend,
passed away late Wednesday,(April 27th) at Pathfinder Place, Fremont.

Genevieve was born April 30, 1917 to Robert and Cecile (Wilson) Miner near Tecumseh, Nebraska. She grew up on the family farm, attended district 19 Spring Creek School and Tecumseh High School.

On October 2, 1937 she was married to Henry Dahl in Bedford, Iowa. They had a son Robert Denis and a daughter Holly Lynn. They lived in Graf area (east of Tecumseh) until the early 1940's when she and her husband went with his parents (Harry and Margaretha Dahl) to Bennington, Nebraska. They assisted his parents in the operation of their locker plant/grocery store. After a few years they went back to the Tecumseh area where they were involved in farming with her parents, and later on their own. Genevieve was known to have hundreds of geese at a time.

They moved to Colorado in 1958. They raised Shetland ponies and had a business of pony rides for children. In 1959, they moved to Fremont, and in 1963 they moved to North Bend where they owned and operated the sale barn until it burned down. Genevieve had worked as an aid and later as a cook at Birchwood Manor. She also worked at the Bowling Alley and was manager of the Nutrition Site for 8 years. She retired in 1988. She and Henry had Dahl's Discount Store for several years in North Bend. They liked going to auctions.

Genevieve was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star Ruth Chapter #119 in North Bend. She had a great love of family, traveling, casino trips, bingo, shopping, cooking, her Christmas Village set (left up all year), ceramics, teddy bears, and root beer candy.

She inherited the "Homestead Acres" in 1992. It is the original Robert Dew homestead. Henry and Genevieve moved to Pathfinder Place in Fremont at the end of 2010. The celebrated their 74th anniversary on Oct. 2, 2011, and Henry passed away 3 weeks later.

She was preceded in death by her husband Henry, parents Robert and Cecile Miner, and infant son Larry, and son-in-law Richard Wennstedt. She is survived by her son Robert Denis (and wife Sharon) Dahl of St. Paul, NE, daughter Holly (and husband Dave) Henrickson of Dodge, NE. Also there are 3 grandchildren, Jill Dahl of Grand Island. Ryan (and wife Brienna) Zakovec and Brent (and wife Brook) Zakovec, all of Morse Bluff, NE, and 5 great grandchildren, Haley, Ashtynn, Dustin, Kinsley, and Grayden. And a brother-in-law Carrol (and wife Dorothy) Dahl of Fresno, CA., and sister-in-law Marjorie Misfeldt of Hays, Kansas, and several nieces and nephews.

Services will be at the Ludvigsen Mortuary Chapel in Fremont on Monday (May 2, 2016) at 2 PM. The committal will follow in Memorial Cemetery. Memorials may be directed to the family for distribution. Visitation will be on Sunday from 2 to 6 PM.

Courtesy of Dennis Belohlavy 
17635 I22798               
17636 I1114  Mitchell  Addie Mae  27 Mar 1919  19 May 1997  San Augustine Tribune 22 May 1997 page 11

Addie Mae Mitchell Fussell Dies in Arizona

Addie Mae Mitchell Fussell, born March 27, 1919 in Rosevine, Texas died May 19, 1997 in Buckeye, Arizona. Her husband, Johnnie Fussell preceded her in death.

She is survived by two children, James Fussell of Boise, Idaho and Johnnie Mae Pennington of Pine, Arizona; 10 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild, three sisters, Opal Richardson of Salinas, California, Kathryn Hart of Bedford, Texas; and Dorris White of Dyesburg, Tenn.; two brothers, Luther (Rudy) Mitchell of San Augustine, Theron Mitchell of Roseburg, Oregon and 13 nieces and nephews.

Interment was in Buckeye, Arizona. 
17637 I43707  Mitchell  Albert W.  29 May 1881  18 Nov 1947  At the time of the 1880 federal census, he was enumerated with his 17 year old wife Cassie A, and Alice McGree (37) and Parish McGee (age 4), in Sabine County. FindAGrave shows he shares a double tombstone with (third wife) Ollie I. Mitchell.

Name Albert Mitchell
Event Type Death
Event Date 18 Nov 1947
Event Place Fairdale, Sabine, Texas, United States
Gender Male
Marital Status Married
Birth Date 29 May 1881
Birthplace Sabine, Texas
Father's Name William Mitchell
Mother's Name Jane Johnson
Certificate Number 48006
GS Film number 2218732
Digital Folder Number 005145032
Image Number 02314

Citing this Record:
"Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 22 Sep 2013), Albert Mitchell, 1947. 
17638 I43707  Mitchell  Albert W.  29 May 1881  18 Nov 1947  (Research):

Census Listings:

1910 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 1
Enumerated 27 Apr 1910
SD 2 ED 131 Sheet 9A
Hemphill and Brookeland Road
Mitchell, Albert W Head M W 29 m2 2 Tx la Tx Farmer
Mitchell, Almeda Wf F W 22 m2 2 7/4 Tx Tx Tx
Mitchell, Mabrie A Son M W 5/12 S Tx Tx Tx
Mitchell. Ova L Son M W 8 S Tx Tx Tx Laborer Farm
Mitchell, Conley A Son M W 6 S Tx Tx Tx Laborer Farm
Mitchell, Louis A Son m W 3 S Tx Tx Tx
Willis, Ollie Stpdtr F W 15 S Tx Tx Tx

1920 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 7
Enumerated 6 Jan 1920
SD 326 ED 169 Sheet 3B
Fairdale and Delma Road
Mitchell, Albert W Head M W 39 M Tx La Tx Farmer
Mitchell, Almeta Wife F W 44 M Tx Tx Tx
Mitchell, Oba L Son M W 17 Tx Tx Tx Fireman Locomotive
Mitchell, Lewis Son M W 13 Tx Tx Tx
Mitchell, Mabris Son M W 10 Tx Tx Tx
Mitchell, Noweida Dtr F W 4 4/12 S Tx Tx Tx
Willis, Ollie StpDtr F W 25 S Tx Tx Tx
Willis, Ollie 
17639 I17731  Mitchell  Alma Elizabeth  28 Aug 1878  28 Oct 1943  Name: Alma Elizabeth Sutton
Death Date: 28 Oct 1943
Death Place: Hemphill, Sabine, Texas
Gender: Female
Death Age: 65 years 2 months 8 days
Estimated Birth Date: 1878
Birth Date:
Marital Status:
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Robert Mitchell
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Mrs. A. R. Cade
Mother's Birthplace:
Place of Residence:
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2137588
Digital Film Number: 4117973
Image Number: 2366
Reference Number: cn 48474
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
17640 I22354  Mitchell  Anna Julia  23 Jul 1873  20 Jun 1934
Name: Anna Julia Clark
Death Date: 20 Jun 1934
Death Place: Jacksonville, Cherokee, Texas
Gender: Female
Race: white
Death Age: 60 years 10 months 27 days
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 23 Jul 1873
Birthplace: Texas
Marital Status: Widowed
Spouse's Name: Felix Clark
Father's Name: H.W. Mitchel [Henry White Mitchell]
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Paula F. Sanderlin [Palmira Jane Sanderlin/Danderlin?]
Mother's Birthplace: Tenn.
Occupation: Retired Housewife
Place of Residence:
Cemetery: Reide Cem.
Burial Place:
Burial Date: 21 Jun 1934
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2116052
Digital Film Number: 4166205
Image Number: 3019
Reference Number: CN 26363
Collection: Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976 
17641 I38824  Mitchell  Arnold O. "Mitch"  2 Mar 1932  2 Dec 2011  Arnold "Mitch" Mitchell
March 2, 1932 - December 2, 2011

A. O. "Mitch" Mitchell, 79, of Hamshire died Friday, December 2, 2011, at Baptist Hospital in Beaumont.

Mitch had lived in the Hamshire area since 1959, and was a self-employed paint contractor.

Mitch is survived by his wife, Virginia Mitchell of Hamshire; daughters, Anna Cappadona and her husband, Roy of Bridge City, Sheryl Roehl and her husband, Kenneth of Victoria, and Lisa Lovett and her husband, David O'Quinn of Beaumont; grandchildren, Kendall and Kevin Roehl, Brad and Nikki Dearbonne, and Ross and Debra Cappadona; great grandchildren, Kolton Roehl, Tyler Winckler, Camdyn Simmons, Shelby Picou, Brady Dearbonne, Braleigh Dearbonne, Caroline Snow, and Griffin Snow; brother, Duane Mitchell and his wife, Bobbie of Hemphill; and special family friend, Jackie Harris.

His funeral service will be 10:00 a.m. Monday, December 5, 2011, at Broussard's, 134 West Buccaneer in Winnie with burial to follow at Fairview Cemetery. A gathering of family and friends will be Sunday, December 4, 2011, 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at Broussard's.

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Hamshire Volunteer Fire Department, P. O. Box 153, Hamshire, Texas 77622.

17642 I37284  Mitchell  Arthur Lee  16 May 1923  4 Mar 2011  Arthur Lee Mitchell

Arthur Lee Mitchell, 87, longtime resident of San Augustine County, passed from this life late Friday, March 4, 2011, in San Augustine.

Mitchell was born to Jenny (Harvey) Mitchell and William Lee Mitchell on May 16, 1923, in San Augustine County. He was a television repairman, and had served in the U.S. Army/Air during World War II. He was a member of the First Baptist Church.
Funeral services were held on Monday, March 7, in the First Baptist Church in San Augustine. Interment followed in the Macune Cemetery, in San Augustine County. Bro. Chet Hensley and Bro. Gerald Wayne Sowell officiated.

Survivors include: his wife, Maurine Mitchell of San Augustine; daughter, Sanda and her husband, Craig Akin of Tyler; grandchildren, Nicholas Akin, and Traci, Geoffrey Heath Akin; great-grandchild, Colton Akin; special friends, Becky and Randy Michalec of San Augustine; and numerous nieces and nephews.

He was preceded in death by his parents; daughter, Cynthia Mitchell; brothers, Andrews, Luther, Rushing, and Elbert; sisters, Evie Windham, Luverna Watson, and Lois Kendrick.

Pallbearers were Nicholas Akin, Heath Akin, Randy Michalec, Whit Michalec, Allen Mitchell, Scott Hook, and Jeff Akin. Honorary pallbearers: Deacons of First Baptist Church and nephews.

Services were under the direction of Wyman Roberts Funeral Home in San Augustine. Online condolences may be posted at
17643 I34280  Mitchell  Billie Joe  24 Sep 1938  3 Jan 2011  The Sabine County Reporter
January 12, 2011, Page 12

Billie Fuller Horn

Mrs. Billie Fuller Horn, 72, of San Augustine, passed from life on Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2011, in San Augustine.

Mrs. Horn was born to Cordie Mae (Elliott) Mitchell and Andrew Jackson Mitchell on Sept. 24, 1938, in San Augustine County. She was employed as a store owner and worked part time for the U. S. Postal Service carrying mail. She was a member of the Baptist Church.

Funeral services were held Wednesday, Jan. 5, in the Wyman Roberts Memorial Chapel in San Augustine. Interment followed in the Goat Hill Family Cemetery in San Augustine County. Officiating was Bro. Gaylon Eddings, Jr. and Bro. Sonny Scarborough.

Those left to cherish her memory: daughter, Vicky Gross and her husband, David of San Augustine, and Delena Stroud and her husband, Kenny of Huntington; sons, Ricky Bennefield and his wife, Clara, Randy Bennefield and his wife, Kitty, Doug Fuller, and Larry Fuller and his wife, Betsy Fuller, all of San Augustine, and Andy Fuller and his wife, Stacy of the Tebo community in Sabine County; 20 grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; four nieces and various friends.

Pallbearers were Aaron Fuller, Cole Fuller, Brad Hight, Heath Fuller, Tyler Mosley, Jason Mosley, Rick Ramsey, and Brian Metteauer.

Services were under the direction of Wyman Roberts Funeral Home in San Augustine.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, January 2011) 
17644 I31981               
17645 I1119               
17646 I44812  Mitchell  Charles Ronald "Mohawk"  9 Mar 1956  17 Feb 2014  Copied from the FindAGrave memorial page created by Kay Parker McCary. Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, February 19, 2014, page 12.

Ronnie "Mohawk" Mitchell ,57 of Pineland, Tx. died at his home on Monday February 17, 2014.

Funeral services will be held on Wednesday February 19, 2014 at Shultz Funeral Home of Jasper at 2:00 p.m. with interment to follow at the Bethany Chapel Cemetery in Pineland, TX. The family will greet friends at Shultz Funeral Home in Jasper on Tuesday evening from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.

A native of San Augustine, Texas and a lifelong resident of Pineland, a former employee of CB & I Construction, a long time employee of Temple in Pineland, Texas, he is survived by his wife Barbara Mitchell of Pineland, son Stephen & wife Carla Clark of Hemphill, a daughter Ginger Connor of Enid, Oklahoma, a brother Robert Mitchell, sisters Susan Conn of Bronson, Texas and Liz Duffie of Hemphill, Texas, as well as several grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by his stepson Jeff Clark.

Condolences can be posted at Services under the direction of Shultz Funeral Home & Crematory of Jasper (409) 384-3243.
17647 I38825               
17648 I35468               
17649 I38823  Mitchell  Duane Conley  Abt 1939  13 Jan 2012  Duane Conley Mitchell, 73, died Friday evening in the Nacogdoches Memorial Hospital. He was born in Hemphill to Conley and Attice Grace Gooch Mitchell. After retiring as a E7 in the U.S. Air Force he moved back to Hemphill in 2003. Duane was a veteran of Vietnam and a member of the Air Force Stray Goose International. Duane was also a 32nd degree Mason.

He is survived by his wife Bobbie Mitchell of Hemphill, his daughters Stephanie Post and Valarie Maze (sic-Maez) of California, his step-sons; Jay and David Jones. He is also survived by two brother-in-laws, his sister-in-law, grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his son, brother and sister.

Funeral services will be at 2:00PM, Saturday, January 21, 2012, in the Starr Funeral Home Chapel with visitation beginning at 10:00AM, Saturday, until service time. 
17650 I38427  Mitchell  Eudora  Aft 1886  Yes, date unknown  The DAR reports that "problems have been discovered with at least one perviously verified paper" as they received a letter stating that the applicant was adopted, therefore the possibility exists that the lineage for this lineage may no longer meet the requirements for membership in the NSDAR. Eudora filed for membership in the DAR on April 8, 1933 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  STR06 
17651 I37286  Mitchell  Evie O.  Abt 1910  Yes, date unknown  (Research):Married a WINDHAM.  STR06 
17652 I25976  Mitchell  Fannie Maligne  Abt Jan 1885  1 Sep 1973  Name: Fannie Maligne Anders
Death Date: 01 Sep 1973
Death Place: San Augustine, San Augustine, Texas
Gender: Female
Death Age: 88 years
Estimated Birth Date: 1885
Birth Date:
Marital Status:
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Joe Mitchell
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Susan Drawhorn
Mother's Birthplace:
Place of Residence:
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2242913
Digital Film Number: 4167952
Image Number: 218
Reference Number: 211
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
17653 I45809  Mitchell  George Keith  31 Oct 1913  15 Aug 1988  He is shown on his FindAGrave memorial page, created by William Perhealth, as a son of Alexander Mitchell and Mary Corder. Both also have memorial pages on that website as well. 
17654 I38851               
17655 I25970  Mitchell  Howard  29 Dec 1923  11 May 2016  Howard Mitchell, 92, of San Augustine, passed away Wednesday, May 11, 2016, in San Augustine.

Howard was born to May (Hines) Mitchell and Lon Mitchell on December 29, 1923, in San Augustine County, Texas. He was retired from the Texas Forest Service being involved in Land Management and Serving also as a Fire Fighter. He was a member of the Southern Baptist Church.

Those who are left to cherish his memory include; His loving wife, Rachael Mitchell of San Augustine; Daughter, Margaret Johnson and her husband, Bobby of Nacogdoches; Son, Steve Mitchell and his wife, Sheila of Saginaw; His beloved grandchildren, Jason Johnson and his wife, Amanda of Nacogdoches; Jennifer Johnson Enos and her husband, Christopher of Nacogdoches and Travis Mitchell of Saginaw, Texas; her great-grandchildren, Austin Johnson, Blake Johnson, and Ryan Enos all from Nacogdoches. Along with numerous nieces and nephews, cousins and friends.

He is preceded in death by his parents, May and Lon Mitchell; Sister, Ruth Rawson; Brothers, Edward Mitchell; Maurice Mitchell, Joe Mitchell and Charles Mitchell .

Funeral Services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, May 14, 2016, in the Wyman Roberts Memorial Chapel, with Bro. Frank Holrath officiating. Interment will follow in the Liberty Hill Cemetery in San Augustine County, Texas. Visitation will be Friday evening, May 13, 2016, from the hours of 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Wyman Roberts Funeral Home, 316 West Columbia Street, San Augustine, Texas 75972.

Copied from the Wyman Roberts Funeral Home website
Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, May 18, 2016, Page 10 
17656 I38822  Mitchell  James Conley  6 Feb 1904  4 Oct 1971  Laura Buckmaster shows him as a son of Albert W. MITCHELL.

James C. Mitchell
death date 14 Oct 1971
death place Beaumont, Jefferson, Texas
gender Male
death age 67 years
estimated birth date 1904
birth date:
marital status:
spouse's name:
father's name Albert Mitchell
father's birthplace:
mother's name Cassie McGee
mother's birthplace:
place of residence:
burial place:
burial date:
additional relatives:
film number 2223435
digital film number 4169948
image number 3013
reference number 73823 
17657 I47399               
17658 I1169  Mitchell  Joe  3 Jan 1851  4 Mar 1934  Name: Joe Mitchell
Death Date: 04 Mar 1934
Death Place: San Augustine, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: White
Death Age: 83 years 2 months 1 day
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 03 Jan 1851
Birthplace: Georgia
Marital Status: Widowed
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: J.J. Mitchell
Father's Birthplace: Georgia
Mother's Name:
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Farmer
Place of Residence:
Cemetery: City Cemetery
Burial Place:
Burial Date: 05 Mar 1934
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2115988
Digital Film Number: 4165961
Image Number: 1794
Reference Number: cn 14903
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
17659 I25971  Mitchell  Joe  4 May 1922  27 Apr 1991  He shares a double headstone with Joyce Verlyn. Her date of birth was 23 Aug 1930, and no date of death had yet been inscribed. He also had a military marker, engraved with a cross and "Joe Mitchell, Sgt US Army, World War II, May 3, 1922, Apr 27, 1991."  STR06 
17660 I25967  Mitchell  Joe Lon  12 Jan 1891  1 Jan 1966  Name: Joe Lon Mitchell
Death Date: 01 Jan 1966
Death Place: San Augustine Hospital, San Augustine, San Augustine Co., Texas
Gender: Male
Race: w
Death Age: 74 years 11 months 17 days
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 14 Jan 1891
Birthplace: Texas
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Joe Mitchell
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Susan Drawhorn
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Farmer
Place of Residence: Precinct 1, San Augustine, Texas
Cemetery: Liberty Hill Cemetery
Burial Place: San Augustine County, Texas
Burial Date: 03 Jan 1966
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2117922
Digital Film Number: 4028272
Image Number: 2360
Reference Number: cn04918
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
17661 I9576               
17662 I1118  Mitchell  John Winship  25 Aug 1947  13 Jul 1999  "Judge John Mitchell Dies On Mexico Vacation"...SAN AUGUSTINE TRIBUNE Vol XC, San Augustine, Texas Thursday July 15, 1999 (page 1)

State District Judge John W. Mitchell, who grew up in the shadow of County Courthouse and the State Capitol, died in a swimming accident Tuesday afternoon while vacationing on the West Coast of Mexico.

Judge Mitchell, of San Augustine, the sitting Judge of the 273rd District Court, which serves San Augustine, Sabine and Shelby Counties, and his family were vacationing at a popular Mexico West Coast resort when the accident occurred. They were accompanied by two friends of their teen-age children.

Funeral arrangements are pending at the Wyman Roberts Funeral Home in San Augustine. It was not known at mid-day Wednesday when his body would be released from Mexico.

Judge Mitchell's brother, District Attorney Charles Mitchell, and Mrs. Mitchell, were enroute to Dallas DFW Airport Wednesday afternoon to meet Judge Mitchell's family, who were flying home and were returning to San Augustine Wednesday night.

Funeral plans will be announced from Wyman Roberts Funeral Home.

Judge Mitchell was born into a family of jurists and statesmen. His grandfather, Judge W. C. Ramsey was County Judge and District Judge. His uncle, and former law partner Gov. Ben Ramsey was Lieutenant Governor of the State longer than any other man at that time, and served as State Representative, State Senator and Railroad Commissioner in a career covering nearly 50 years.

Judge Mitchell was a graduate of San Augustine High School (Note: he was Valedictorian in 1965), graduate of the University of Texas School of Law (1972), practiced law with his uncles, Ben Ramsey and C.S. Ramsey, succeeded his uncle C.S. Ramsey as San Augustine City Attorney, was appointed and later elected County Attorney; was appointed to the State District Judgeship 273rd District to succeed Judge J.L. Smith of San Augustine and has been elected to two successive terms on the State bench.

Judge Mitchell's Court sat for regular semi-annual terms in the three counties jurisdiction, and held numerous special settings in each county.

In addition to his full load as a jurist, Judge Mitchell was a devoted family man, devoting much time to his children at school and extra-curricular activities, and was devotedly attentive to his aging parents, Lou Ramsey Mitchell and the late Rudy Mitchell. He was supporter of the 4-H and FFA and FHA programs and was a visible buyer at the annual (auction).

In a follow-up article dated Thursday, July 22, the Tribune reported that: "Funeral services for Judge Mitchell were held Saturday, July 17 at 11:00 o'clock at Christ Church Episcopal in San Augustine with burial in the San Augustine City Cemetery, Father Reginald Milburn Church's (conducting) services for the burial of the dead. Some 100 family and friends gathered inside the historic church building while over 500 friends gathered on the shaded lawn for the services. The Texas Department of Public Safety provided an Honor Guard for the services and they were joined by local and visiting police officers, sheriff's officers and officials from the three counties of the 273rd District. A flag folding ritual by the DPS team at the Cemetery presented the Casket Covering Texas Flag to Judge Mitchell's mother, Lurette Ramsey Mitchell at the end of the service. Judge Mitchell is survived by his wife, Lucy Meyer Mitchell; son Jody Mitchell, daughter Ginny Mitchell all of San Augustine.......

Pallbearers were family members, Pierre M. Stine, Ben S. Ramsey, Gray B. Jolink, William C. Ramsey, C. Fred Meyer, John P. Seale, Kenneth B. Meyer, Joseph F. Meyer IV. Honorary Pallbearers were the Go-Texan Committee, of which he formerly served as Ambassador, Mike Adams, Vic Ettridge, Roger Holt, Billy Archer, Jamie Doherty, Dan Fussel, Jack Nichols, Norrell Thomas, Richard Hardy, Rod McLerran, Jimmy C. Morris, "Raggy" Stripling.

Judge Mitchell's service to the County and State is varied, and he served the Democratic Party as County Party Chairman for eight years, 1978 through 1985, an elective party office. He served the City of San Augustine for 16 years as city attorney, 1973 through 1989 and served the County of San Augustine as County Attorney for three years (1989-1992) before being appointed to the State District Court bench (in September 1992. He was) elected as the Democratic Candidate in 1994 and 1998. "

This article included other professional and civic organizations that Judge Mitchell was active in, too numerous to list. It also included 15 or so pictures related to Judge Mitchell, highlighting his judicial and civic activism. A related article entitled "You're a Young Old Timer....if You Remember" pointed out that "too often we take those we see every day for granted and I'm afraid that's what we did to John Mitchell. I'm afraid we saw him every day and failed to recognize his greatness..." Finally, a related pictorial shows the various buildings around San Augustine that flew their flags at half-mast on the day of the funeral in Judge Mitchell's honor.

The announcement of Judge's Mitchell's accidental death was at around the same time as the announcement of the death of John F. Kennedy, Jr. in a plane crash off Martha's Vineyard. 
17663 I569  Mitchell  Johnnie Leroy  28 Sep 1920  27 Jul 1923  Accidentally backed over by a car when he was four years old.  STR06 
17664 I13763  Mitchell  Joseph E.  16 Feb 1883  5 Apr 1951  His tombstone is a triple, shared with both of his parents.  STR06 
17665 I38848               
17666 I31972               
17667 I28217  Mitchell  Laura Mae  22 May 1902  30 May 1973  John W. Clark shows her as a daughter of Richard Yarbrough and Laura Ellen MITCHELL.  STR06 
17668 I1165  Mitchell  Letha Mae  30 Sep 1897  7 Oct 1996  SAN AUGUSTINE TRIBUNE 10 October 1996 page 1


Funeral services for 99 year old Letha Mitchell Wilkinson will be held today at 2:00 o'clock at the Liberty Hill Baptist Church.

Mrs. Wilkinson died late Monday, at the San Augustine Memorial Medical Center after suffering a heart attack 10 days before. Her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren celebrated her 99th birthday at her bedside on September 30.

Funeral services will be conducted by Rev. J.R. Bob Gwin, Rev. Lous Dane and her son Dr. Milton D. Wilkinson.

Burial will be in the Liberty Hill Cemetery under direction of the Wyman Roberts Funeral Home in San Augustine.

Mrs. Wilkinson was born September 30, 1897, in San Augustine County and has spent most of her life as a resident of the County. She was a daughter of the late Joe and Susan Drawhorn Mitchell. She was a homemaker and enjoyed her gift of "making things grow." She and her sister, the late Della Hines, prided themselves in their gardening success, and she was known throughout the area for her ability to memorize and recite poetry up to a few years ago.

Mrs. Wilkinson was a long time member of the Liberty Hill Baptist Church and was a member of the Eastern Star.

Survivors include daughters, Doris Jean Fuller of Geneva in Sabine County and Tommie Mae Lott Kovar of San Augustine; and son Dr. Milton D. Wilkinson of Center; 12 grandchildren; 18 great grandchildren and six great-great-grandchildren.

Pallbearers were Sam Hattman, Clifford McDonald, Roger McGough, John Mitchell, Nay Smith, Rodney Horn.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong)

An abbreviated version of this obituary was also published in THE SABINE COUNTY REPORTER, October 16, 1996, page 12 
17669 I1109  Mitchell  Luther Burton "Rudy"  31 Jan 1908  19 Aug 1998  Obituary from the SAN AUGUSTINE TRIBUNE dated 27 August 1998 (page 1)

Funeral Services for Rudy Mitchell

Luther Burton (Rudy) Mitchell, 91, died Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at Twin Lakes Care Center in San Augustine. Funeral services were held Friday, August 21 at Christ Church Episcopal with Rev. Earl Sheffield officiating. Burial was in the San Augustine City cemetery, with Wyman Roberts Funeral Home in charge of the arrangements.

Mr. Mitchell was born in Sabine County on January 31, 1907, son of Jesse James Mitchell and Mary Beulah Fuller Mitchell. After graduating from San Augustine Hight School, he briefly attended the University of Texas. Before returning home to work, he was married to Emma Lurette Ramsey Mitchell on December 16, 1933.

He served in the United States Army during World War II, and was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, as well as the Sons of the Republic of Texas. Many years ago he was a cotton buyer in the county. As a cattleman and timber grower, Mr. Mitchell was active in the Soil and Water Conservation Service for over 40 years and was Chairman of the Board for many years. He was a member of Christ Church Episcopal in San Augustine, where he served in various capacities for over 50 years.

Rudy never met a stranger and he loved to dance. His last waltz was with Lurette, his bride of 64 years, on his 90th birthday.

Survivors include his wife, Lurette Mitchell; his sons and daughters-in-law, John and Lucy Mitchell and Charles and Barbara Mitchell; and his grandchildren, Jody, Ginny, and Janie Mitchell, all of San Augustine. He was survived by one brother Theron Mitchell of Roseburg, Oregon, and three sisters, Kathryn Hart of Bedford, Texas, Opal Richardson of Salinas, California, and Dorris White of Dyersburg, Tennessee. One brother, Troy Mitchell, and two sisters, Ruby Baggett and Addie Mae Fussell, preceded him in death.

Pallbearers were dear friends Stone Haynes and George Martin, grandson Jody Mitchell, cousin Manse (Buzzy) Mitchell, and nephews Ron Mitchell, Ben S. Ramsey, William C. Ramsey, and Pierre M. Stine.

Memorials may be made to Christ Episcopal Church, P.O. Box 85, San Augustine, Texas 75972. 
17670 I37285  Mitchell  Luverna  Abt 1908  Yes, date unknown  Married a WATSON.  STR06 
17671 I25977  Mitchell  Maggie Ona  Abt Nov 1889  13 Sep 1973  Name: Maggie Ona Anders
Death Date: 13 Sep 1973
Death Place: Texas
Gender: Female
Death Age: 85 years
Estimated Birth Date: 1888
Birth Date:
Marital Status:
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Joe Mitchell
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Susan Drawhorn
Mother's Birthplace:
Place of Residence:
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2242915
Digital Film Number: 4168752
Image Number: 1508
Reference Number: 1517
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
17672 I13764  Mitchell  Manse  Abt 1887  Yes, date unknown  The Sabine County Reporter
October 8, 1996, page 4
Back in Time
Ten Years Ago-1986
Manse Mitchell celebrated his 99th Birthday 
17673 I6347  Mitchell  Martha Joanna "Anna"  17 Nov 1877  27 Jul 1971  Name: Martha Joanna Oliver
Death Date: 27 Jul 1971
Death Place: San Augustine, San Augustine, Texas
Gender: Female
Death Age: 96 years
Estimated Birth Date: 1875
Birth Date:
Marital Status:
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Joe Mitchell
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Suzan Drawhorn
Mother's Birthplace:
Place of Residence:
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2223291
Digital Film Number: 4169333
Image Number: 273
Reference Number: 51856
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
17674 I25972  Mitchell  Mary Jane  24 Oct 1875  7 Jun 1957  Name: Mary Jane Walton
Death Date: 07 Jun 1957
Death Place: Center, Shelby, Texas
Gender: Female
Race: white
Death Age: 82 years
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 24 Oct 1875
Birthplace: Texas
Marital Status: Widowed
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Joe Mitchel
Father's Birthplace: Ga
Mother's Name: Susan Drawhorn
Mother's Birthplace: Texas
Place of Residence: Center, Shelby, Texas
Cemetery: Myrtle Springs Cemetary
Burial Place: Sabine, Texas
Burial Date:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2135738
Digital Film Number: 4163633
Image Number: 1593
Reference Number: cn 33764
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
17675 I37289  Mitchell  Mary Lois  Abt 1916  Yes, date unknown  Married a KENDRICK.  STR06 
17676 I25969  Mitchell  Maurice  18 Oct 1927  9 Aug 2004  Sabine County Reporter
August 18, 2004

Maurice Mitchell

Maurice Mitchell, 76, of Milam died Monday, Aug. 9, 2004, at Medical Center Hospital in Nacogdoches. Mitchell was born Oct. 18, 1927, in San Augustine as a son of the late Mae (HINES) and Lon Mitchell and was a longtime resident of Beaumont before retiring to the Milam area in 1955. He was a retired officer with the Beaumont Police Department and U.S. Marshal's office and served in the U.S. Army. He was a member of the First Baptist Church, Hemphill, and V. F. W. Post. Survivors: wife, Iris Mitchell of Milam; son, Robert Mitchell of Lumberton; daughter, Karen Mitchell of Austin; brother, Howard Mitchell of San Augustine; sister, Ruth RAWSON of San Augustine; grandchildren, Leta, Jessica, Ross and Aaron; and great-grandchildren, Emily and Malorie. Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. Thursday at First Baptist Church, Hemphill, with Pastor Fred Raney officiating. Interment followed at Liberty Hill Cemetery in San Augustine County. Starr Funeral Home Inc. of Hemphill, directors. 
17677 I38852  Mitchell  Mona Elaine  21 Jan 1957  10 Feb 2015  Mona Elaine Harvey, 58, of Bronson, passed away Tuesday morning in the Lufkin Memorial Hospital. She was born in Hemphill to Red and Ruby Mitchell and has lived in Sabine County all her life. Mona had worked as a Certified Nurses Assistant but spent most of her time being a loving wife and mother. She was a member of the Bethany Missionary Baptist Church in the Plainview Community.

Mona is survived by her husband Everett Harvey of Bronson, her son Shawn Harvey of Pineland, her daughters; Melissa Greenwood and husband Todd of Brookeland, Carissa Golden and husband Taylor of Pineland, her grandchildren; Talissa, Ethan, Rainie, Maci, Graci, Laci, her brothers; Ricky Mitchell of Pineland, Mickey Mitchell and his wife Dianne of Hemphill, Roger Mitchell and his wife Robin of Center, Timothy Mitchell and his wife Tammy of Milam, her sisters; Kathy Spears and husband Blue of Hemphill, Glenda Whiteside of New Braunfels, Texas. Mona is preceded in death by an infant son Shane Harvey, her parents, and sister Wilma Allen.

Visitation will be from 11:00AM, Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015, in the Starr Funeral Home, 510 Starr St., Hemphill, Texas, until 12:30PM. Graveside services will follow at 1:00PM, Thursday, in the Bronson Cemetery, Bronson, Texas.

Copied from Starr Funeral Home website
Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, February 18, 2015, Page 9
17678 I6320  Mitchell  Reba Leavelle  22 Sep 1935  23 Feb 1999  Reba L. Gentry, born Sept. 22 1935 in Duncan to Edwin D. and Grace Koonce Mitchell, died Feb. 23 1999 in Presbyterian Hospital in Oklahoma City. She married L. Harold Gentry in Wichita Falls TX Aug. 18 1956. She retired from Halliburton's. She was a member of the Eastside Church of Christ. Survivors include her husband of the home, sons Brant Gentry and Blane Gentry of Duncan, a brother Don and Rosemary Mitchell of Moore and two sisters Corine and Roy Burch and Faye and Raymond Towell all of Duncan. She was preceded in death by a brother Granville Mitchell and a sister Bernadine Burch. Burial was in the Duncan Cemetery.

(Source: USGEBWEB page, Stephens County, Oklahoma) 
17679 I16355  Mitchell  Richard Frank  14 Nov 1876  Yes, date unknown  Frank Mitchell was a witness to the wedding of Ralph and Mary (Stockbridge) Strong.  STR06 
17680 I17734  Mitchell  Robert J.  1839  1900  Hughey P. Mitchell, b in Fla. in 1803, d in Newton County, Texas Ap 27, 1862. He moved to Texas prior to 1845, and settled on the Brazos, but later moved to The Survey, in Newton County, where he rec.'d a land grant. He and his wife Elizabeth were the parents of Robert J. Mitchell (1839-1900) who m Amelia Cade. Robert Mitchell also lived on The Survey, and served Newton County as Tax Assessor for several years (White and Toole, p 67). Newton County Historical Committee, "Glimpses of Newton County History," (Nortex Press, Burnet, Texas, c. 1982) has a similar biography, noting that Robert J. Mitchell, the third son of Hughey P. , married Amelia Cade. He served as tax assessor of Newton County. He was a cripple all his life because of a still leg. Siblings of Robert were William A., Thomas J., and Mary, along with one other daughter who was not listed. (pp. 146-147)  STR06 
17681 I1111  Mitchell  Ruby  27 Aug 1913  5 Jul 1994  San Augustine Tribune
Thursday, May 26, 1932, Vol. XXIV, Number 9

School Term Brought to Successful Close

Thursday night at the high school auditorium the commencement exercises were attended by a large crowd....diplomas were presented by R. V. Greer, superintendent of the local schools to the following candidates:Randolph Hankla, Charles S. McMillan, Willys G. Blount, Sam Henry Williams, Lois Marie Thompson, A. C. Everett, Evon McLemore, Willie Mae Stevenphson, Geneva Stallings. Earl McEachern, Hoyt J. Alford, Sidney Westbrook, Allene Stewart, Ruby Mitchill, Mildred Whitton, Clifford Childers, Bonnie Partin, Zelma Soward, Alran Hays, James Bridges, Helen Alford and Early Needham.

San Augustine Tribune
7 July 1994

Funeral Set Monday for Ruby Mitchell Baggett

Funeral services for Ruby Mitchell Baggett of Salinas, California will be held Monday morning, July 11, 1994 at the Northminister Presbyterian Church in Salinas.

Mrs. Baggett, a San Augustine native, died on Tuesday, July 5 after a lenghty illness. She was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Mitchell of San Augustine.

Burial will be in the Queen of Heaven Cemetery under direction of the Strubal & Laporte Funeral Home in Salinas.

Mrs. Baggett was reared in San Augustine, graduated from San Augustine High School in 1932, lived in California for over 50 years and was retired from teaching in the Salanis School system. She was married to Lawrence Baggett who preceded her in death.

Local survivors include a brother, L.B. Rudy Mitchell and nephews, Judge John Mitchell and District Attorney Charles Mitchell.

Other survivors are; a son Mark Baggett and a daughter, Lana Scott , both of Salinas, brother, Theron Mitchell of Roseburg, Oregon; and four sisters, Opal Richardson of Salinas, Addie Mae Fussell of Buckeye, Arizona; Catherine Hart of Bedford, Texas, and Doris White of Dyesburg, Tenn.

Mrs. Baggett was well known in San Augustine and visited relatives here regularly. 
17682 I10314  Mitchell  Ruth  3 Mar 1917  30 Sep 2008  The San Augustine Tribune
Thursday, October 2, 2008, Page 10

Ruth M. Rawson

Ruth M. Rawson, 91, of San Augustine died Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2008, at Memorial Medical Center in San Augustine.

Mrs. Rawson was born March 3, 1917, to J. Lon and May Mitchell in San Augustine. She was preceded in death by her husband, Eugene B. Rawson, Jr.; brothers, Charles Mitchell, Joe Mitchell, Edward Mitchell and Maurice Mitchell. She is survived by one brother, Howard Mitchell and his wife Rachel of San Augustine; sisters-in-law, Iris Mitchell of Milam and Martha Mitchell of Pineland; one brother-in-law, Frank Rawson and his wife, Jan of Orange, Texas; and many nieces and nephews.

Mrs. Rawson retired from West Orange-Cove Consolidated School District in Orange, Texas, after 45 years of teaching. Her teaching career began at White Rock and Chinquapin Schools in San Augustine County. She and her husband moved to Orange in 1944 where she continued to teach in the Orange School District. Mrs. Rawson received her B.A. degree from Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas, and her M.A. degree from the University of Houston where she also did graduate work. She held teachers, elementary, high school, supervisory and superintendente certificates and was a member of all state and national organizations and lifetime P.T.A. member. Mrs. Rawson also served as Orange County Supervisor for several years at Mauriceville, Orangefield, and Bridge City Schools and was instrumental in the formation of the Early Childhood and Kindergarten programs in the Orange School District. She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church in Orange where she served as Church School Superintendent and was an Elder. She was active in the Retired Teachers Associaton and the Kiwanas Club. The Kiwanas presented her with their highest award, the George F. Hixson Award, for the work she did in that organization.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the American Cancer Association.

Graveside services will be held at 11:00 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 2, at Liberty Hill Cemetery in Sau Augustine with Dr. Sam Wyman officiating.

Obituary can be viewed online and condolences may be left at

Services are under the direction of Wyman Roberts Funeral Home in San Augustine.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, October 2008)

A nearly identical version of this obituary was published in the October 8, 2008 SABINE COUNTY REPORTER. 
17683 I9578               
17684 I10954               
17685 I47400  Mitchell  Tommy Wayne  19 Nov 1955  5 Feb 2009  Obituary, copied from his FindAGrave memorial page:

Tommy Wayne Mitchell, 53, of Kirbyville died Thursday, Feb. 5, 2009 at his home. Funeral services will be 2:00 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 8, at Adams EE Stringer Funeral Home in Kirbyville with burial at Zion Hill Cemetery. Visitation will be from 5:00- 8:00 p.m. Saturday at the funeral home. A native and life long resident of Kirbyville, he was a scaffold builder. He is survived by his parents, Ruby and Tom Mitchell of Kirbyville; a sister, Linda Crane and husband Aubrey of Kirbyville; and 2 nephews, Bradford Lee Crane and wife Julie and Derek Lynn Crane. 
17686 I25975  Mitchell  William Lee "Bill"  4 Feb 1882  26 Nov 1960  Name: William Lee Mitchell
Death Date: 26 Nov 1960
Death Place: San Augustine, San Augustine, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: White
Death Age: 78 years 9 months 22 days
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 04 Feb 1882
Birthplace: Texas
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Joe Mitchell
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Sue Drawhorn
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Farmer
Place of Residence: San Augustine, San Augustine, Texas
Cemetery: City Cemetery
Burial Place: San Augustine, Texas
Burial Date: 27 Nov 1960
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2116620
Digital Film Number: 4166553
Image Number: 123
Reference Number: 75012
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
17687 I25975  Mitchell  William Lee "Bill"  4 Feb 1882  26 Nov 1960  (Research):

Census Listings:

1920 Census
Texas, San Augustine County, JP 1
Enumerated 17 and 19 January 1920
Sd 326 ED 175 Sheet 2A
Mitchell, William L Head M W 37 M Tx Farmer General Farm
Mitchell, Jennie Wf F W 31 M Tx
Mitchell, Luvenia Dtr F W 12 S Tx
Mitchell, Andrew J Son M W 8 S Tx
Mitchell, William R Son M W 6 S Tx
Mitchell, Mary L Dtr F W 3 7/12 S Tx
Mitchell, Luther Son M W 5/12 S Tx
17688 I38849  Mitchell  Wilma Faye  24 Aug 1953  25 Jul 2014  Mrs. Wilma Faye (Mitchell) Allen, age 60, of San Augustine, passed from this life on Friday, July 25, 2014, in Lufkin, after a extended illness.

Wilma was born to Ruby Francis (Lott) Mitchell and Othel Wright Mitchell on August 24, 1953, in Pineland, Texas. She was employed as Dietary Supervisor for the San Augustine Independent School District.

Funeral Services will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, July 27, 2014, in the Wyman Roberts Memorial Chapel, with Charles Moody officiating. Interment will be in the Liberty Hill Cemetery in San Augustine County, Texas. Visitation will be from the hours of 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday, July 26, 2014, at the Wyman Roberts Funeral Home, 316 West Columbia Street, San Augustine, Texas 75972

Those who are left to cherish her memory include, Her Loving Husband, Claborne Allen of San Augustine; Sons and Daughters-in-law, Chad and Crystal Allen of Martinsville and Ray and Stephanie Allen of Humble; Her grandchildren, Lindsay Allen of Lakes Charles, Louisiana; Shane Allen; Molly Allen and McKinley Allen, all of Martinsville; Sisters, Kathy Spears and her husband, LeRoy of Hemphill; Glenda Mitchell of New Braunfels and Mona Harvey and her husband, Everett of Pineland; Brothers, Rickey Mitchell of Hemphill; Mickey Mitchell and his wife, Diane of Hemphill; Timothy Mitchell and his wife, Tammy of Milam, and Roger Mitchell and his wife, Robin of Hemphill, along with numerous nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.

She is preceded in death by her beloved parents, Ruby Francis (Lott) Mitchell and Othel Wright Mitchell.

Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, July 30, 2014, Page 11 
17689 I25831  Mitchem  James Nathaniel  Bef 1852  Yes, date unknown  Hi
I am looking for anyone connected to Powell W Fuller b SC abt 1816 his wifes name is Sarah R and she was born abt 1815/1816 VA
There children
1) Lou Ann E b abt 1836 KY married Manuel Walton Loving

2) Elisabeth/Eliza Jane b 12-28-1851 d 5-5-1933 Terrell Hunt Co Tx married 1st William Levi Noble before 1870 and had one child William Levi Noble Jr b abt 1869(was living in Dallas Tx in 1930) and 2nd married James Nathaniel Mitchem in ?b?Sabineco Tx 9-12-1872 had 3 children
Vadda Mitchem, James B (died 1916) and Lula (married a Robert Shacklett Tobin and moved to Los Angeles CA) Robert and Lula are buried in Hollywood Cem in Los Angelos CA

3) Rachael b abt 1857 ?b?SabineCo Tx married John Harris last known in Henderson Co Tx 1880

WE are from the Mitchem side of this marriage of James Nathniel Mitchem.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Debra LaMel
We have been looking for a long time for her maiden name and found it today.

Posted to:

March 26, 2004 
17690 I35619  Mixon  Dorothy Neill  27 Jun 1923  Oct 1973  Her Find a Grave memorial page shows her as a daughter of James Tilmon MIXON and Myrtle Lou Williams.  STR06 
17691 I36494  Mixon  Ida  26 Oct 1870  21 Jan 1943
Name: Ida Mixon Chance
Death Date: 21 Jan 1943
Death Place: Dallas, Dallas, Texas
Gender: Female
Race: White
Death Age: 72 years 2 months 25 days
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 26 Oct 1870
Birthplace: Tyler Co., Texas
Marital Status: Divorced
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Lofton Mixon
Father's Birthplace: Miss.
Mother's Name: Unknown
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Housewife
Place of Residence: Dallas, Dallas, Texas
Cemetery: Laurel Land Cem.
Burial Place: Dallas, Texas
Burial Date: 22 Jan 1943
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2137247
Digital Film Number: 4030118
Image Number: 2591
Reference Number: cn 1362
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976 
17692 I25691  Mobley  Kryen Lane  13 Apr 2002  7 May 2004  Sabine County Reporter
May 12, 2004

Kyren Lane Mobley

Kyren Lane Mobley, two-year old son of Chance Parker MOBLEY and LaSha Denell WHITE MOBLEY of Brookeland, died 2:16 p.m. Friday, May 7, 2004 in an auto/pedestrian accident on FM 705 South. He was born April 13, 2002. Survivors, in addition to his parents: a brother, Cameren Steel MOBLEY of Brookeland; grandparents, Curtis and Brenda WHITE of Broaddus, Angelia MOBELY of Pineland, Darlene and Michael WILLIAMSON of Rosevine, and Robert FELTS of Burkeville; great-grandparents, Bertie Mae HARRISON of Plainview Community, Sherry MOBLEY of Brookeland, and Viola JENKINS; aunts Britney FORSE of Broaddus and Cadie HYDEN; and uncles, Lance MOBLEY of Pineland, Dustin WHITE of California, and Timothy FORSE of Delaware. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Monday at the chapel of Starr Funeral Home Inc in Hemphill with Bro. William Barth and Bro. Danny Bentsen officiating. Interment followed at Plainview Cemetery in the Plainview community. 
17693 I27913               
17694 I35137  Money  Aaron Lynn  23 Jul 1957  11 Mar 1979  Aaron was a student at Lamar University in Beaumont. He died in a car accident.  STR06 
17695 I9446  Money  Lerma  29 Jul 1911  15 May 2003  At the time of the 1940 federal census, he was living in Jefferson County, Texas with his parents, William and Mollie Money, all three members of his family being shown as born in Alabama. His father was an Oil Field worker, and and 19 year old Lerma was listed as "Laborer, Odd Jobs." It was noted in the left margin of the enumeration that "All land owned by Oil companies and leased to householders. Land retn $2 per month. Buildings owned by Householders or rented by fomer residents. Route 4, East Side SP Ky Spindle Top Oil Fields."

He has a military marker at his gravesite, showing he was a "M Sgt US Army, World War II" 
17696 I37257               
17697 I28091               
17698 I43006  Monroe  Lula Florence  17 Sep 1916  1 Sep 2007  From FindAGrave:

Lula Florence Crouch, of Bend, died Saturday of natural causes. She was 90.

Private services will be held.

Mrs. Crouch was born Sept. 17, 1916, in Lufkin, Texas, the daughter of James Monroe and Zora Allen. She married Edward Crouch on June 6, 1945, in Lufkin.

Mrs. Crouch was the owner of Crouch Candy Co., Cascade Furniture and Upholstery and Coffee and Co. She enjoyed quilting, cooking, travel, music and spending time with family.

Survivors include three daughters, Dorothy Olsen, Ann Gladden and Patsy Roome, all of Bend; a sister, Molly Reid, of Lufkin; seven grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her husband and three brothers.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Bend High School Alumni Fund.

Niswonger-Reynolds FuneralHome is in charge of arrange-ments.

Source: Bend Bulletin 
17699 I20190               
17700 I34628  Montes  Catherine "Kathleen"  Feb 1882  11 Feb 1919  FindAGrave indicates she was first buried at the Prado Cemetery on family property of the Woden Road but was later moved to Sunset Memorial Cemetery. She is also shown as a daughter of Nancy MONTEX (1847-1913).  STR06 

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