When he enlisted for the World War I draft, he was farming in Hattiesburg, and listed his nearest relative as Ellen McLemore, his mother. He was described as Tall, Slender and with blue eyes and dark hair.
1910 Census
Mississippi, Forrest County, Beat 2
Enumerated 14 May 1910 by Luther M. Cox
SD 6 ED 15 Sheet 26A Stamped 163
McLemore, Scott E.V. Hd M W 29 W Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Ellen Mother F W 65 Wd 8/7 Miss Unk Miss
1920 Census
Mississippi, Forrest County, Beat 2
Enumerated 21 and 22 January 1920 by Eugene V. Ford
SD 6 ED 15 Sheet 11B
HH 204-204 Nathan and Florence LEE
HH 207-207 Abram Napolean and Josephine McLEMORE
HH 209-209 (Bottom of page)
McLemore, Scott E.V. M W 41 M Miss Miss Miss Farmer
HH 209-209 (Top of Sheet 12A, stamped 152)
McLemore, Lula L Wife F W 28 M Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Hattie M Dtr F W 8 S Miss Miss Miss [Maybe stepdaughter?]
HH 210-210
LEE, Nathan (Jr.) and Vinnie
1930 Census
Mississippi, Forrest County, Beat 2
Enumerated April 25, 1930 by Mrs. Clayton Allen
ED 18-9 SD 11 Sheet 21 B
McLemore, Scott E. Hd M W 53 M 30 Miss Miss Miss Farmer
McLemore, Lula Wife H F W 43 M 20 Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Hattie Dtr F W 19 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Beutua Son M W 10 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Estelle Dtr F W 6 S Miss Miss Miss
1930 Census
Texas, El Paso, JP 1, El Paso City
Enumerated April 14, 1930
ED 71-26 SD 20 Sheet 6A Stamped 88
Myrtle Ave
McLemore, Sherdie B Hd Rent 25 M W 30 M 27 Tx Tx La Motorman Electric Railway
McLemore, Gladys Wf F W 32 M 29 Tn Tn Ky
McLemore, Virginia Dtr F W 2 2/12 S Tx Tx Tn
This appears to be his listing at the time of the 1910 Fede
ral Census
Texas, Hunt County, ED 132
Enumerated 31 April 1910
SD? ED 132 Stamped 204
McLemon, Sydney Head M W 42 M 19 Tenn Tenn Tenn Occupation: None
McLemon, Monnie Wife F W 40 M1 19 2/1 Tex Mo Tx Occupation: None
McLemore, Roy Sn M 17 S Tx Tenn Tx Occupation: None
He was listed in the 1941 Cumberland County, NC City Directory as Sidney McLEMORE (Inez E.) Emp Rankin & Brown (Plywood Mfg...212 Williams St) R. Rd 1 Godwin (Courtesy Robert McLemore Butler) Robert Butler instead shows his place of death as Pearces Mill, Cumberland County, NC.
Sim applied for a social security account number on November 25, 1936. At that time, he was living at Roseland Park, Picayune, Mississippi, and employed by the Goodyear Yellow Pine Co. of Picayune. He was listed as age 32, born December 13, 1903 in Pervis, Mississippi, to Wiliam W. McLemore and Eliza Elizabeth Parker. His Find A Grave Memorial page insteas shows him as born 13 Dec 1902.
His brother John, also an employee of Goodyear Yellow Pine, applied for a Social Security account just three days after Sim.
In 1930, two of Stella's three sisters were living with their mother, along with their own children. Also in the home was another 5 year old granddaughter, Wilma J. MOORE. Perhaps this was a daughter of Stella's or Carrie's?
Name Stella Mclemore Doerner
Titles and Terms
Event Type Death
Event Date 18 Jun 1949
Event Place Plaquemine, Iberville, Louisiana
Gender Female
Age 56
Race (Original) White
Birth Year (Estimated) 1893
Birthplace Hattersburg, Mississippi
Father's Name Walter Mclemore
Father's Titles and Terms
Mother's Name Mary Lee
Mother's Titles and Terms
Spouse's Name
Spouse's Titles and Terms
Certificate Number 7145
GS Film number 1418363
Digital Folder Number 004215552
Image Number 01210
Citing this Record:
"Louisiana, Deaths Index, 1850-1875, 1894-1956," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/FSBT-FXB : accessed 25 Sep 2014), Stella Mclemore Doerner, 18 Jun 1949; citing Plaquemine, Iberville, Louisiana, certificate number 7145, State Archives, Baton Rouge; FHL microfilm 1418363.
The census listing for him in 1860 appears to have been either V.R. or N.R. It was probably actually supposed to be S.R., as on the 1880 census he was listed as Stephen McLemore, Brother, in the home of his younger brother, Miles Columbus McLemore.
1880 Census
Columbus McLemore Self M Male W 24 Ar Farming
Emmie McLemore Wife M Female W 20 Ar Keeping House
Ellie McLemore Dtr S Female W 2 months Ark Ark Ark
Stephen McLemore Brother S Male W 26 Ar Farm Hand
Elishie McLemore Cousin S Male W 20 Ar Farm Hand
Source Information:
Choctaw, Lincoln County, Alabama
Family History Library Film 1254049
NA Film Number T9-0049
Page 32C
James McKinney writes that Sterling paid taxes on 200 acres of land on Skaggs Creek as early as 1806, and may have been there earlier. McKinney also writes that in April 1805, William Bethuram (sic), a neighbor of Sterling's, married a Sarah McLemore. It is not known if this was Sterlings' youngest sister, Sally, or a daughter of Sterling's.
James McKinney adds that the land Sterling paid taxes on was on James Thompson's 4266 acre landgrant. Sterling did not have a deed to the property. In April 1807 James Kincaid bought the entire landgrant from Thompson's heirs. Sterling was present and was a witness, when the deed was made.
Paul Williams, noted, however that In a book dealing with Rockcastle (Kentucky) Pioneers it mentions a William Bethurum marrying a MARY McLemore in 1805 not Sarah/Sally---and that per another article dated 14 Oct 1987 "Family Research Manager" Loren C. Beougher of Raytown, MO cited "William Bethurum marriage to Mary McLemore 5 Apr 1805, Pulaski Co., KY"-- William is son of Benjamin -- Paul also noticed that one of the siblings of William & Mary [his name is Allen] also was shown as married to a McLemore.
Melba Gene McLemore shows that on the 1782 Surry County, NC Tax List he had no land, one horse, and a total taxable valuation of 6 pounds. She further indicated that the Feb. 1786 NC State Census for Surry County lists Sterlin, over 21, with a wife and two sons a two daughters. On February 25, 1787, he witnessed a deed for his father, in the Surry County Deed Book D:20. He is also indexed in the 1799 Deed Book G:113, Ephraim McLemore, deceased to Sterling McLemore.
1790 Census
North Carolina, Randolph County
Roll M637_7 Page 100 Image 0174
737 McLemore Sterling 1 3 3
873 McLemore Wright 1
Melba also provided a copy of his Estate Probate Records, from Fayette County, Kentucky, August 1815. The actual scanned images are in the documents section of this file.
Rebecca & Joel McElmore Act. and Adm.
In account current with the Estate of Sterling McElmore
To amount of sale of goods and chattles of the Estate $245.46; To cash paid by John Lewis 8.00; To (cash paid by) Richard Alsom 2.00; to (cash paid by) Rueben Cave/Carr 23.00; to (cash paid by) Sheriff of Fayette County 50.00; by balance 7.44; (Total Amount) $335.90 By cash paid H. Atchison $6.12; by (cash paid) A. Campbell 2.50; by (cash paid) J.P. Rucker 15.25; by (cash paid) Sterling McLemore, Jr. 6.87 1/2; by (cash paid) Aron McLemore 9.00; by (cash paid) Stephen Torry(sp?) 22.63; by (cash paid) Thos. Walker 31.71; by (cash paid) John Webber 19.00; by cash funeral expenses S. McL. Dec'd 16.87 1/2; by amt due M. Lewis U. ??? 9.74; by paid Joel McLemore 168.62 By service rendered on Administration 25.00; by cash paid Attorney 2.50 (which totals) $335.90 by Ballance Overpaid $7.44 In pursuance of an order of the July County Court we the subscribers have made the settlement with Rebecca & Joel McLemore administratrix & administrator of the Estate of Sterling McLemore Dec'd which settlement ??? above drawn. (Signed by) Thos. D. Miller, Jas. Headly, and J. Bucker.
Melba lists the inventory of his estate, dated 17 May 1814, as follows:
1 Cupboard 13.00
One Bureau 13.00
One Dining Table 5.00
One Chest 3.00
One Table 1.50
11 chairs, some without bottoms 3.00
One bed and furniture & bedstead 14.00
One do 16.00
One do 14.00
3 Coverlids 9.00
One bed & underbed 8.00
One lot of knives and forks 3.50
Cupboard ware 5.00
2 pewter dishes and spoons 2.00
One womans saddle and small bridle 5.00
One dutch over 1.25
One pot and pothooks?? 1.50
One pott rack 2.00
One small pot & hooks 0.50
One pair of shovel and ??? 2.00
One small churn 0.25
One Shado??shade?? 1.25
2 cotten wheels 3.00
One Hachell? 1.75
One ritrh? 2.50
One Loom & Packing 7.50
2 Water Partes? 0.75
One Jack S??? 7.00
4 barrels 1.50
One Grindstone 2.00
One logg chain 2.00
One plow and strechers 7.00
One cuting bo??? 3.00
Two Halter Horns and a pair of Harns 1.50
Bridles & Hip Strap 1.75
Carpenter Tools 7.50
3 Sickels 0.50
One trow 1.00
One rasp 1.00
One lot of old irons 1.75
2 pair of cotten cards 1.00
One flat iron ??? & nippers?? 0.75
One bell and currecombe?? 0.75
Wood 1.75
One plow cl?? and swing?? 4.00
Two hoes 1.50
One Bay Horse 40.00
One do do 20.00
One Bay Mare 25.00
4 Sheep 6.00
6 Hoggs 7.00
One Red Cow calf & Bell 11.00
One do do do 6.00
One Brown Yearling 3.00
One lot of old books 1.75
One bound duo> on Reuben?? Cave?? 23.50
Total Amount 356.75/100
Thomas D. Miller, James Healey??, James P. Rucker Compliers
Wedo here by acknowledge the atwo appraisement to be true and correct this 13 day of February 1815 Rebeccah x McElmore her Mark
Joel McElmore
Fayette County
Name: S G Mclemore
Age in 1860: 25
Birthplace: Mississippi
Home in 1860: Not Stated, East Feliciana, Louisiana
Gender: Male
Head of Household: H H Nicholls
Insane Alsylum Patient
Post Office: Jackson
Age: 64, Male, Race: WHITE, Born: MS
Series: T623 Roll: 564 Page: 225
May have instead been born in Kentucky. His middle initial has been shown as both "C" and as "J."
The following articles, concerning the death of Sterling McLemore, are courtesy of Melba Gene McLemore:
The Village Messenger
Vol. I, Number XXXIX, December 3, 1823:
Fayetteville, Tennessee (Lincoln County)
Distressing Accident
Capt. Stirling C. M'LEMORE, of this county, was last evening dangerously wounded by the accidental discharge of a rifle. While sitting upon the fence with his gun upon his knees, it slipped, when on catching it suddenly and drawing the muzzle toward him it fired at half bent. The ball, we are informed by the surgeon, entered a little below the left breast, passed the cavity and lodged in the point of his left shoulder...He was living this morning, but his life is considered to be in imminent danger.
The Village Messenger
Vol. I, Number XL, December 10, 1823:
Fayetteville, Tennessee (Lincoln County)
DIED, Last night, at his residence in this county, Capt. Sterling C. M'LEMORE, age 33. His death was occasioned by a wound from the accidental discharge of a rifle on the 2nd instant, as mentioned in this paper of the 3d-He was a worthy and industrious citizen-a man much esteemed, and whose death will be lamented by a numerous circle of friends and acquantance. His remains, we are informed, will be interred tomorrow at 10 o'clock, with Masonic honors.
The Village Messenger
Vol. I, Number XLIX, February 11, 1824:
Fayetteville, Tennessee (Lincoln County)
We are requested to inform the public that the Rev. Mr. M'MAHAN is expected to preach a funeral sermon at the late residence of Capt. S. C. M'LEMORE, on Wednesday the 25th inst.
Admr's Sale
Will be sold to the highest bidder, on Wednesday 31st of March, at the late residence of Capt. Sterling C., dec'd all the personal Estate of the decedent, consisting of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Household and Kitchen Furniture, Farming utensils and other articles too tedious to mention. A credit of twelve months will be given, the purchaser giving bond and approved security.
WILLIAM MOORE, Administrators
Feb. 28, 1824
He was on the 1820 Lincoln County, Tennesse census.
Sterling C. McLemore 2-0-0-1-1-0|3-0-1-0-0|0-2
Two Males under Ten,
One Male 16-26
One Male 26-45 (Sterling)
Three Females under Ten
One Female 16-25 (Martha Patsy Whitaker McLemore)
(Two people involved in agriculture)
1830 Census
Tennessee, Lincoln County
Listing for his Widow and Family
Martha McLamore
His middle name is listed by some as Columbus, but Coy McLemore instead shows his middle name as Cornelius. Melba Gene McLemore has located land transactions of Sterling McLemore's on record at the Little Rock land office dating to early 1860.
Died as a result of the Civil War, in a field hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas. He and his brother, Rufus, who both enlisted in the 26th Arkansas Infantry on the same day as Sterling, died in the same hospital just a few days apart. Their older brother, John, had died three months previously, also after being hospitalized in Little Rock.
1860 Census
Arkansas, Jefferson County, Bartholomew Twp, Post Office Pine Bluff
Page 10 (handwritten)
S.C. McLemore 27 M Farmer
E.M. McLemore 24 F Alabama
H.E. McLemore 2 F Arkansas
M.J. McLemore 3/12 F Arkansas
Brothers Rufus and John are in the same census, on pages 1 and 3
1870 Census
Arkansas, Drew County, Mill Creek Twp, P.O. Branchmill
Enumerated 24 Aug 1870
Page 13, Stamped 638
McLamore, Mary 34 F W Keeping House $--- $50 Alabama
McLamore, Harriet 13 F W At Home Arkansas
By 1900, Elvira Mary had remarried, and she and her second husband Charles NEWMAN are living in Owen, Lincoln County, Arkansas with her granddaughter, Maggie McLemore, born 1891.
Melba Gene McLemore shows his year of birth as 1899. The SSDI instead shows his date of birth as 14 July 1900. The year inscribed on his headstone, presumed to be correct, is 1898.
1930 Census
Arkansas, Lincoln County, Owen
Enumerated April 2, 1930
ED 40-19 SD 10 Sheet 1B
McLemore, Sterling Hd M W 29 M@17 Ark Ark Ark Laborer Miss Fuel Corp
McLemore, Elma Wf F W 26 M@14 Ark Ark Ark
McLemore, Freddie Mae Dtr F W 10 S Ark Ark Ark
McLemore, P. D. Son M WS 8 S Ark Ark Ark
McLemore, Alton Son M W 5 S Ark Ark Ark
McLemore, Felix Son M W 2 S Ark Ark Ark
McLemore, Willie Dtr F W 6/12 S Ark Ark Ark
S. J. McLemore, a pioneer of Tullahoma, was born in Lincoln County, Tenn., December 29, 1822, and is the son of S. J. (sic) and Martha (Whitaker) McLemore, natives of North Carolina. The father died in 1825 and the mother in 1880. Our subject reared on the farm, remained there until his marriage to Margaret J. Ward in 1841, when he removed to Nashville and entered the produce business. In 1851 he came to Tullahoma. He sold goods until the civil war and after the close of the same entered the livery business. In 1876 he began merchandising, continuing at that until January, 1886. His wife died in 1881. In 1883 he married Ruthea J. Gross, a native of McMinnville. By his first wife our subject has six children: William H., John C., S. J., Lamyra, Henrietta and Laura. Our subject is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and his wife of the Christian Church. He is a member of Tullahoma Lodge, No. 101, I. O. O. F., of which he is the only surviving charter member. He has served several times as mayor and alderman of Tullahoma. He is a Democrat.
From the Biographical Appendix to Goodspeed's 1887 History of Coffee County (Tennessee), transcribed by Jan McFarlin in 1999
1850 Federal Census
Tennessee, Davidson County
Enumerated 1 October 1850
Sterling McLemore 28 M Grocer Ten
Margaret McLemore 25 F Ten
William McLemore 7 M Ten
Christopher McLemore 3 M Ten
1860 Federal Census
Tennessee, Coffee County, Tullahoma
Enumerated 12 July 1860
Page 126
SJ McLemore 37 M Merchant $1950 $3000 Tenn
Margarett McLemore 36 F Domestic Tenn
William McLemore 17 M Student Tenn
Christopher McLemore 12 M Tenn
Florence McLemore 10 F Tenn
Lamira McLemore 8 F Tenn
Lauria McLemore 6 F Tenn
Henrietta McLemore 4 F Tenn
Unnamed McLemore 1 M Tenn
1870 Census Enumeration
Tennessee, Coffee County,
McLemore, J.S. 49 M W Keeping Livery Stable $4000 $2000 Tenn
McLemore, Margaret 43 F W Keeping House Tenn
McLemore, Columbus 22 M W Trades in Stock Tenn
McLemore, Florence 18 F W Tenn
McLemore, Laura 15 F W Tenn
McLemore, Henrytta 13 F W Tenn
McLemore, John 11 M W Tenn
McLemore, Stereling 3 M W Tenn
1880 Census
Tennessee, Coffee County, Tullahoma
Enumerate 7 and 8 of June, 1880
Page 20, SD 2, ED 19, Stamped D.
McLemore, Sterling W M 58 Ret Grocer Tenn
McLemore, Margaret W F 57 Wf Keepign House
McLemore, John W M 21 Son Clerk in Store
McLemore, Sterling W M 12 Son At Home
1850 Census
Alabama, Marion County, District No 14
Enumerated 24 Nov 1850
Stamped 140
Abner McLemore 65 M Farmer North Carolina
Starling McLamore 24 M Farmer $250 Alabama
Mariah 17 F Alabama
Martha 12 F Alabama
Patrick A. Rector 7 M Alabama
1860 Census
Mississippi, Tishomingo, Iuka P O
Enumerated 13 Sept 1860 by Porter Walker
Series: M653 Roll: 593 Page: 388
Sturling P Mclemore 31 M Farmer 400 Tenn
Malinda Mclemore 31 Tenn
Mary P Mclemore 7 Ala
Anderson L Mclemore 5 Ala
Rebecca A Mclemore 2 Ala
Sarah E Mclemore 1 Ala
Patrick A Mclemore 16 Farm Laborer Tenn
(Is this Patrick Rector?)
1870 Census
Mississippi, Chickasaw County, Township 15, Sparta P.O.
Enumerated 27 July 1870
Page 34, Stamped 193
Series: M593 Roll: 724 Page: 193
McLamore, Sterling 40 M W Farmer $200 $200 Ala
McLamore, Malinda 40 F W K.H. Tenn
McLamore, Mary 16 F W At Home Ala
McLamore, Anderson 14 M W Farm Laboer Ala
McLamore, Sarah 10 F W At Home Ala
McLamore, John 6 M W Miss
Also living in Chickasaw County at the time of the 1870 census was William McLemore, thought to be a brother of Sterling, and a 25 year old Frank McLemore, also born in Alabama, relationship unknown. Additionally, a Moses McLamore, age 42 and born in Georgia, was living near Sterling in 1870 (Mississippi, Chickasaw, Twp 15, Sparta P.O., Page 36). His relationship is not known either. His household was made up of himself, wife Ellen B age 31, Miss, and children Charles, 19, William, 17, John, 15 or 13, and Elizabeth, 10. All the children were born in Mississippi.
1880 Census
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Sterling MCLAMOE Self M Male W 50 AL. Farmer --- ---
Malinda MCLAMOE Wife M Female W 50 MS. Keeps House --- ---
Sarah MCLAMOE Dau S Female W 21 MS. Home AL. ---
John MCLAMOE Other S Male W 16 MS. Farm Work AL. ---
Source Information:
Census Place Beat 5, Calhoun, Mississippi
Family History Library Film 1254642 NA Film Number T9-0642
Page Number 639D
William McLemore, thought to be his brother, was also living in Calhoun County, Mississippi at the time of the 1880 census.
Not located
Mississippi, Calhoun County, Beat 10
Enumerated 26 April 1910
SD 4, ED 26 Sheet 10A
Brown, Elisa J Head M W 31 M1 4 Miss --- --- none
[Blank line]
[Blank line]
April 27th, 1910
[Blank line]
Mclemore Starling J. Father in law M W 83 Wd 7/3 Alabama Tn Unknown English
Golden George W Hd M W 74 M2 26 Ala Ala Ga English none
-------, Martha J Wife F W 63 M1 26 3/2 Ala Ala Ala
-------, John Son M W 28 S Miss Ala Miss English Farmer
And this is the listing 10 years previously for George and Martha GOLDEN.
1900 Census
Mississippi, Calhoun County, Beat 2
Enumerated 4 June 1900
SD 136 ED 18 Sheet 3B
Golden, George Hd W M Nov 1832 67 M 38 Ga Ga Ga
Golden, Martha Wife W F May 1844 56 M 38 3/3 Ala Va Ala
Golden, Johnnie Son W M Oct 1882 17 S Miss Ga Ala
Golden, Walter Son W M Aug 1886 13 S Miss Ga Ala
Golden, Mattie Dtr F W Nov 1888 11 S Miss Ga Ala
and this MAY be Elisha Brown in 1900:
1900 Census
Mississippi, Calhoun County, Beat 5
Enumerated 8 Jun 1900
SD 136 ED 18 Sheet 6A Stamped 279
Brown, John Hd W M Jun 1836 63 M 33 Ala Ala Ala Farmer
Brown, Louann J Wife W F Apr 1845 55 M 33 7/3 Tenn Tenn Tenn
Brown, Emma E Dtr W F Jun 1876 23 S Miss Ala Tn
Brown, Eli?? Son W M Aug 1878 22 S Miss Ala Tn
Brown, Ida Dtr W F Nov 1880 19 S Miss Ala Tn
Both from the February 17, 1910 Montgomery Advertiser
Courtesy of Melba Gene McLemore
S. Price M'Lemore Dies While in Sister's Arms
Calling his sister to his bedside at 3 o'clock Wednesday morning, S. Price McLemore, a prominent and prosperous farmer of Mytilene, died a few moments later in her arms.
Mr. McLemore was 43 [48] years of age. He had been ill for some time, but during the last few days was feeling much better. He was in Montgomery Tuesday morning and in the afternoon he went hunting. Int he evening when he returned to his home at Mytilene he complained of being very tired.
He is survived by his mother, two sisters, Miss Delle McLemore of Mytilene, and Miss Mamie McLemore of Shelbyville, Tenn., and one brother, Moses McLemore of Mytilene.
The funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon a 3 o'clock from the residece at Mytlilene. Burial will follow in the family burying grounds.
Death closed the life of Sterling Price McLemore on February 16, 1910.
His devotoing to his aged mother was beautiful and sacred.
To his sisters, he was ever kind and considerate.
All who knew him in life mourned his passing away in his forty-eighth year.
He had many qualities that endeared him to those who knew him.
He was symphathetic, he was just; he was both gentle and strong.
Altho' he had reached middle life, he had not grown old.
The same qualities that drew us to the boy were to be found in the man.
The home he has left is a monument to his loving providence for his dear ones.
The emptiness of this home yawns for those who leaned on him so confidingly. Little children loved him because in him they had a friend.
Life at its longest is but short. A rosy dawn, a golden moon, then a dusk stealing slowly o'er, or like a black could driven by a wind envelopes all this glory and Life'd Day is closed.
He was a grandson of James McLemore, one of the founders of the First Baptist Church of Montgomery County.
He has passed his life near the ancestral home established in 1813.
One Who Knew Him
McLemore Burying Ground, Montgomery, Alabama
From DAR records 1936
Sterling Price McLemore
Mar 6, 1862
Feb 16, 1910
To my beloved brother
The McLemore Burying Ground is about one mile off the Montgomery -Atlanta
Highway to the right facing east, and is about five miles from Montgomery.
It is on a knoll behind the old James McLemore home built about 1820. In
1936 Mrs. Lizzie Taylor Dickerson occupied it. A low brick wall and
iron fence surrounds the lot. Outside the main cemetery is another smaller
one, also enclosed. There are graves of slaves and faithful servants, mostly
unmarked outside all enclousures. Graves listed begin at the southwest
corner of the plot.
McLEMORE, Sterling Travis from New Site, AL, passed away on April 3, 2009. Sterling was the youngest of ten children and was very much loved by his parents and siblings as the baby of the family. He will be greatly missed for his sweet nature, quick smile and intellect as well as his artistic ability. Sterling is survived by his father, Klenton Tranum McLemore, Jr.; his mother, Victoria Goodall-McLemore; his brothers, Paul Goodall, Scott McLemore, Davis McLemore, Mitchell McLemore, Will McLemore, Lee McLemore, Klenton McLemore III, Tranum McLemore & Richard Smith and his sister, Pam McLemore; uncle, Larry McLemore; aunt, Emily McLemore; uncle, Nick Powell; auntie, Janette and his many nephews, nieces and cousins. Sterling's numerous friends were compelled to be by his side and adored him dearly. A visitation will be held Sunday, April 5, 2009 at the Southern Memorial Funeral Home, 3154 Highland Ave, Montgomery, AL from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. A Graveside Service will be held at the Greenwood Cemetery, Montgomery, AL on April 6, 2009 at 11:00 a.m. In lieu of flowers, a memorial contribution may be made to Palliative Care Unit at University of Alabama of Birmingham Hospital.
A transcription of "The McLemore Family Bible, 1822-1859 owned by Hillis Fry McLemore of Jackson, MS and contributed by Fairy B. McLemore Edwards of Canyon Lake, Texas, shows on page 2:
Sugars McLemore, son
of Abraham McLemore and
Maray (Polly) Nicholson, his wrfe, was born September
22nd 1795.
(The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ translated
out of the original Greek and with the former translations dilligently
compared and revised, and Canne's Marginal References. Stereotyped
by James Conner New York. By J. Emory and R. Waugh for
the Methodist Episcopal Church at the Conference Office, 14 Crosby
Street. J. Collord, Printer. 1829 )
Originally published in The Tennessee Genealogical Magazine, "ANSEARCHIN' " News (The Tennesse Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 111249, Memphis, TN 38111-1249, Vol. 42, No. 2, Summer, 1996), p. 88.
1850 Census
Tennessee, Haywood County, District 7
Enumerated 2 Sept 1850
Sugars McLemore 54 M Farmer $30,000 North Carolina
Nancy P McLemore 29 F Tenn
Mary E McLemore, 18 F Tenn
Leah A McLemore 16 F Tenn
Margaret B McLemore 14 F Tenn
Nancy D McLemore 12 F Tenn
Virginia McLemore 6 F
Theodora McLemore 3 F Tenn
Eliza A McLemore 8/12 F Tenn
Sarah J. Hannah 19 F Tenn
M. H. McLemore 20 M None Tenn
1860 Census
Tennessee, Madison County, District 9, Post Office Jackson
Enumerated 1 August 1860
Page 153 Stamped 131052-1084
Sugurs McLemore 64 M Farmer $85,300 $80,000 North Carolina
Nancy P McLemore 38 F Tenn
Virginia McLemore 17 F Tenn
Theodora McLemore 12 F Tenn
Eliza J McLemore 10 F Tenn
B.J. McLemore 1 F Tenn
Lucy I Sanders 22 F $---- $1400 Tenn
Nicole Brooks is interested in any photos or information on the slaves of Sugars McLemore. She is asking because her third great grandmother was one of them and with whom he fathered several children who are her direct ancestors. Her ancestors name was Amanda, and Sugars purchased her sometime around the mid to late 1840s in Memphis and took her to Brownsville. She remained in his household until around 1856 when she was then gifted to his daughter Nancy (Nannie) Dabney McLemore after she married Thomas Cole. If you have any information relating to the slaves held by this family, please contact Nicole at the email address below:
Tennessee, Carroll County, ED 1
Enumerated 28 Aug 1850 G. C. Hurt
Stamped 7
At the time of the above referenced census, 22 year old Adkins McLemore, born in Tennessee, was a border in the home of Alfred and Purlney Manning, both age 45, and both born in North Carolina.
Could this be the Sugar Atkins found in Gibson County, TN on later census enumerations? Probably not, as the Sugar Atkin McLmeore, husband of Mary, that was on the 1900 Gibson County, TN census was born July 1863. Perhaps this was instead a namesake a son of Sugars and Mary Jane (Taylor) McLemore?
A transcription of "The McLemore Family Bible, 1822-1859 owned by Hillis Fry McLemore of Jackson, MS and contributed by Fairy B. McLemore Edwards of Canyon Lake, Texas, shows on page 4:
Sugars McLemore son of Sugars McLemore and
Elizabeth his wife was born on 8th of February 1840 at
Sunrise Saturday
Sugars McLemore died 15th August 1844 about 2
o'clock in the evening with hooping cought in 5 yr of his age
(The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ translated
out of the original Greek and with the former translations dilligently
compared and revised, and Canne's Marginal References. Stereotyped
by James Conner New York. By J. Emory and R. Waugh for
the Methodist Episcopal Church at the Conference Office, 14 Crosby
Street. J. Collord, Printer. 1829 )
Originally published in The Tennessee Genealogical Magazine, "ANSEARCHIN' " News (The Tennesse Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 111249, Memphis, TN 38111-1249, Vol. 42, No. 2, Summer, 1996), p. 38.
At the time of the 1880 census, she was living with her brother and sister-in-law, Branson and Sarah McLemore, in Grays Creek Township, Cumberland County, North Carolina.
Her North Carolina marriage record to David M. Pope shows her as a daughter of R. and S. McLemore.
Name Susie Mclemore Frye
Event Type Death
Event Date 06 Apr 1917
Event Place Carroll County, Tennessee
Gender Female
Marital Status Widowed
Age 73
Birth Year (Estimated) 1844
Birth Date
Birthplace Cedar Grove, Tenn.
Spouse's Name
Father's Name Abraham Mclemore
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name Amelia Camp
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation At Home
Residence Place
Burial Place Leach
Burial Date 07 Apr 1917
Informant's Name
Additional Relatives
Digital Folder Number 004183058
Image Number 01961
GS Film number 1299663
Reference ID v 4 cn 262
Citing this Record:
"Tennessee, Death Records, 1914-1955," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/N9G5-S6B : accessed 20 Aug 2014), Susie Mclemore Frye, 06 Apr 1917; citing Cemetery, Carroll County, Tennessee, v 4 cn 262, State Library and Archives, Nashville; FHL microfilm 1299663.
Lawrence Boyd shows her place of birth as Ellis, Harrsion County, Virginia, unlike her siblings, who all were shown as born in Kentucky. Census records also seem to indicate she was actually born in Kentucky. He shows that she married three times. Her first husband was Ollie Clarence MEEK, and their date of marriage was 24 Jan 1914 in New Albany, Floyd County, Indiana. They were the parents of Ruth Olive Meek. She married second Thomas COOMER, on 25 Oct 1919. They were the parents of five children. She married third, sometime after the death of Thomas Coomer in 1934, Alonzo COCHRAN.
1804 Bladen County NC Deed Bk 27 pg 46-47 13 Feb 1804 Andrew SMITH to Susannah "Sooky" McLEMORE Fifty pounds Current money. Beg. N. Side of Cypress Creek, on Samuel BOZMAN's like, to Scarbor's corner. Witnesses: A. SELLERS, Elias McLEMORE J.S PURDUE CC ( (Courtesy of Robert McLemore Butler, who notes that this indicates that Susannah is single when this deed was given).
He may actually have been born as early as 1834, as the 1850 census shows him as age 16, and OLDER than his sister Bethenia, listed as age 14 on the same census.
Betty Pritchett writes that "He was the second Sydney Smith born to A. J. and Bethenia. The first Sidney was born in 1834 and died when he was one year old. Sydney and Eunice had one son named Jerry."
J.W. McLemore said that when he was younger, his big brother Hoy and double first cousin Terry would let him "tag along" with them. Terry would say, "I'm a pretty good guesser for my age." They were called "Terrible Terry" and "Horrible Hoy."
Retired from Mobil Oil, Marine Division, Beaumont, TX. Mason.
Terry Frank McLemore has finished his journey here on earth. This journey began in Beaumont, Texas on July 1, 1940 born to Terry & Evelyn McLemore. The journey ended in Montgomery, Texas on January 9, 2013.
He is survived by his wife Joan; sons, John McLemore, Jeffrey McLemore, Frank McLemore and Stephen Beil. Their wives and children have returned his remains to his creator Jesus Christ.
In respect for Frank's military service , the family is asking that donations be made to the following organization in lieu of sending flowers; The Keesler Fisher House of Mississippi, 509 Fisher Street, Keesler AFB, MS 39534. Please place in the memo section of the check or money order, "In memory of Frank McLemore"
You are invited to leave memorial condolences to the family at www.shmfh.com
Published in Houston Chronicle on January 11, 2013
Terry Lynn McLemore found peace on Wednesday, May 25, 2016 in Iowa Park, Texas. Services will be held at 10 a.m. on Thursday, June 2, 2016 at Highland Cemetery Pavilion with Rev. Paul Kuykendall and Rev. Jarrell Kuykendall officiating. Arrangements are under the direction of Dutton Funeral Home in Iowa Park.
Terry was born to Laurence and Helen McLemore on March 27, 1960 in Wichita Falls, Texas. In his life, Terry liked to fish, camp, enjoyed going to the lake, photography, and spending time with family.
Terry was preceded in death by his parents; grandparents, O.S. and Mildred McLemore, M.C. and Ivalene Kuykendall, along with numerous uncles and aunts.
Surviving relatives include his brothers, Larry and Jerry McLemore, Garry McLemore and wife, LaVonda; nephews, Nathaniel and Jonathan; nieces, Clarah and Audriy; sister, Deborah Nash and husband, Mike; and nieces, Leslie and Chelsea.
Please share your tributes with the family by visiting www.duttonfuneralhome.com.
1900 Census
Indian Territory, Chickasaw Nation, Twp 5
Enumeratd 23 Jun 1900 by Wm J. Clowdens
SD Ind Ter Ed 176 Stamped 263
McLemore, Thad Hd W M Mar 1875 25 M 6 Tx -- -- Farmer
McLemore, Laura R Wife W F Sep 1877 22 M 6 3/2 Ga Vir Ala
McLemore, Morien, Dtr W F Jan 1896 4 S Tx Tx Ga
McLemore, Virgil Son W M Feb 1900 2/12 S Indian Territory T
x Ga
1910 Census
Oklahoma, Grady County, Amber
Enumerated 10 May 1910 David Angell
SD 5, ED 90 Sheet 15 B
Thaddeus McLemore Hd M W 37 M1 14 Tx Al Ga Farmer
Ocia McLemore Wf F W 31 M1 14 6/4 Ga Vir Ala
Virgil McLemore Son M W 10 S Ok Tx Ga
Theodore McLemore Son M W 7 S Ok Tx Ga
Flemmie McLemore Son M W 4 S Ok Tx Ga
Jenkins McLemore Son M W 1 4/12 Ok Tx Ga
1920 Census
Texas, Wichita County, JP 2, ED 128
Enumerated 13 February 1920 by Louise Lyday
SD 12 ED 128 Sheet 13A
McLemore, Thad Hd M W 45 M Tx Tx Tx Teamster Oilfield
McLemore, Oda Wife F W 40 M Tx Ga Ga
McLemore, Virgil Son M W 19 S Ok Tx Ga Teamster Oilfield
McLemore, Theodore Son M W 17 S Ok Tx Ga Teamster Oilfield
McLemore, Clemmons Son M W 14 S Ok Tx Ga
McLemore, J.D. Son M W 10 S Ok Tx Ga
McLemore, Cleo Dtr F W 8 S Ok Tx Ga
McLemore, Woodrow Son M W 4 S Ok Tx Ga
1930 Census
Oklahoma, Pottawatomie County, Earlsboro
Enumerated 14 Apr 1930 by James D. Horst
ED 63-23 SD 10 Sheet 7B
Thad McLemore Hd O 100 M W 57 Wd 22 Tx Ala Ga Retail Salesman Grocery Store
Theodore McLemore Son M W 27 M 24 Ok Tx Ga Day Labor Oil Field
J.A. McLemore Son M W 21 S Ok Tx Ga Retail Salesman Grocery Store
Clas (sic) McLemore Daugh F W 18 S Ok Tx Ga None
Woodrow McLemore Son M W 14 S Ok Tx Ga
The census has his date of birth as Sept 1896, while Melba McLemore instead lists it as 21 Sep 1897 in Lee County. His Texas Death Certificate instead has his date of birth as 21 Sep 1898, in McDade, and his age at death as 37 years, 7 months, and 4 days. His occupation was shown as Farmer.
Appears to have been named in honor of Thaddeus Kosciuszko, the Revolutionary War Patriot from Poland who fought for the American Cause during the Revolution.
Hung, along with his brother Wright, by vigilantes in McDade, Texas on Christmas Eve, 1883. The following story about the event was published in the Austin Statesman Newspaper:
Texas, 25 Dec 1883.
Three Men Hung, Three Shot and Several Others Wounded McDade - Dec. 25-"Last night about 7:30 o'clock Henry Pfeiffer, Wright McLemore and Thad McLemore were taken out of the saloon here, by masked men, and carried about a mile into the brush and hanged to a tree. Thad McLemore had been arrested late in the evening on a charge of burglary made by S. E Walker of McDade. He was under arrest at the time the masked men took him, while the other two parties happened to be present. Pfeiffer was charged with horse theft in this County. The party who did the hanging was about 40 or 50 men well armed. Today a party of six men, friends and relatives of the men hung, came in town and raised trouble with Tom Bishop and George Milton, a fight with shot guns and pistols took place, in which Jack Batey and Az Batey were killed, Hayward Batey badly wounded, but who escaped. Willie Griffin a very estimable young man of our town, was shot though the head and mortally wounded by Hayward. Griffin was assisting Milton and Bishop in defending themselves.
The five dead bodies of the McLemores, Bateys and Pfeiffer are lying in the Market house, none of their friends having come for them, and it is thought the town will have serious trouble tonight when they do come. It will be several days before the jury of inquest will get through.
Further details can be found in "I'LL DIE BEFORE I"LL RUN: The Story of the Great Feuds of Texas" by C.L. Sonnichsen (University of Nebraska Press, c. 1951, 1961), (pp. 178-187).
1880 Federal Census
T.R. McLemon Self M M W 33 La Laborer --- MS
Texaner G. McLemon Wife M F W 26 Tx Keeping House Tn Tn
Wm. McLemon Son S M W 8 Tx La Tx
Felix D. McLemon Son S M W 6 Tx La Tx
Keetin J. McLemon Son S M W 4 Tx La Tx
Margaret McLemon Dau S F W 2 Tx La Tx
Precinct 8, Bastrop, TX
FHL Film 1255290 Na Film T9-1290 Page 214A
At the time of the 1900 Census, he was living with his older brother Felix in Lee County, Texas. He was listed as Rome T. McLemore.
On his FindAGrave memorial page, createdf by Patricia Kemper, he is listed as Thaddus E McLemore. However the photo of his footstone is inscribed as Thaddus R. McLemore.
1920 Census
Texas, Parker County, Garner, Precinct 4
Enumerated 23 and 24 Jan 1920
SD 12 ED 71 Sheets 7B and 8A
McLemore, Thadeus R Head M W 39 M Tx Tx Tx Farmer
McLemore, Mamie A Wf F W 30 M Ala Ga Ga
McLemore, Audelia M F W 9 S Tx Tx Ala
McLemore, Virgil R Son m W 5 S Tx Tx Ala
McLemore, Cecil J Son M W 3 5/12 S Tx Tx Ala
1900 Federal Census
Mississippi, Lauderdale County, Beat 1
Enumerated 6 June 1900
SD 5 ED 14 Sheet 9A
16th Street
McLemore, Theodore J Head W M Aug 1858 41 M Miss Miss Miss Salesman
McLemore, Emma C Wife W F Apr 1860 40 M Miss Miss Tex
McLemore, Florene E W F Dtr Mar 1887 13 S Miss Miss Miss At School
1910 Federal Census
Mississippi, Lauderdale County, Meridian
Enumerated 21 Apr 1910
SD 5 ED 40 Sheet 14B
11th Avenue
McLemore, Theodore J Head M W 50 M1 24 Miss Miss Miss Salesman Dry Goods
McLemore, Emma H?Wife F W Apr 50 M1 24 1/1 Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Florene E Dtr F W 22 S Miss Miss Miss
A transcription of "The McLemore Family Bible, 1822-1859 owned by Hillis Fry McLemore of Jackson, MS and contributed by Fairy B. McLemore Edwards of Canyon Lake, Texas, shows on page 4:
Theodoria McLemore was born 30th September 1847
ten minutes after 7 in the morning
(The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ translated
out of the original Greek and with the former translations dilligently
compared and revised, and Canne's Marginal References. Stereotyped
by James Conner New York. By J. Emory and R. Waugh for
the Methodist Episcopal Church at the Conference Office, 14 Crosby
Street. J. Collord, Printer. 1829 )
Originally published in The Tennessee Genealogical Magazine, "ANSEARCHIN' " News (The Tennesse Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 111249, Memphis, TN 38111-1249, Vol. 42, No. 2, Summer, 1996), p. 38.
The only mention of Tracy or Theresa in the records was when she served as witness at the wedding of her sister, Sarah Elizabeth McLemore, to Lewis HARRIS in 1843. She supposedly died without every marrying or having issue. (James L. McLemore, III, p 80).
As of the 1880 census, she was living with her nephew and his wife, Benjamin and Rosa McLemore of Southampton, Virigina.
Mr. Thomas Larry "Tommy" McLemore, age 63, of Griffin, passed away on Saturday, Oct. 13, 2007.
Mr. McLemore was born in Huntsville, Ala., on Aug. 19, 1944 to the late Brice McLemore, Jr., and the late Mary Elizabeth Parvin Durand. He was preceded in death by wife, Frances Sanderson McLemore.
Mr. McLemore was a retired Maintenance Superintendent with the Clayton County Water Authority and was a member of the Griffin Moose Lodge. He is survived by sons and daughters-in-law, Chris and Sonia McLemore, Shannon and Kristy McLemore, Larry and Holly McLemore; grandchildren, Tyler McLemore, Sierra McLemore, Logan McLemore, Slade Bailey, Darian Adams, Alex McLemore and Lanie McLemore; sisters, Faye Smartt, Sharon Neal, Linda Johnson and Karen McNeal; father-in-law, John Sanderson; several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services for Mr. Thomas McLemore will be conducted on Wednesday, Oct. 17, at 1 p.m., in the Chapel of Conner-Westbury Funeral Home. The Rev. Thomas Powell and the Rev. Mark Davenport will officiate. Interment will follow in Oak Hill Cemetery. Friends may visit the family Tuesday evening from 7-9 p.m., at the funeral home. Conner-Westbury Funeral Home, 1891 West McIntosh Road, Griffin, is in charge of the arrangements, www.conner-westburyfuneralhome.com
1870 Census
Alabama, Lawrence County, Twp 7 Range 6 W, P.O. Danville
Enumerated 18 Aug 1870
Page 8
58-59 Jesse and Caroline (2nd wife) McLemore and family
McLamore, Thos 24 M W Farmer $--- $100 Ala
McLamore, Mary 21 F W Keeps House Ala
McLamore, James 4/12 M W April Ala
1880 Census
Alabama, Lawrence County, T 7 R 6 Beat No. 9
Enumerated 15 Jun 1880
Page 22B SD1 ED 171
McLamore, Thomas M W 34 Farmer Ala Ala Ala
McLamore, Mary W F 26 Wf Keeping House Ala Ala Ala
McLamore, James W W M 10 Son farmer Ala Ala Ala
McLamore, Mary W F 8 Dtr At home Ala Ala Ala
McLamore, Dora W F 6 Dtr At home Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Willie W M 11/12 Jun Son Ala Ala Ala
1900 Census
Alabama, Lawrence County, Pin Hook Beat No. 8
Sheet 4A Stamped 291
McLemore, Thos Hd W M Aug 1844 55 M 34 Ala Ala Ala Farmer
McLemore, Mary Wf W F --- 1848 51 M 34 9/4 Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Dora Dtr W F Apr 1877 22 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Travis Son W M Nov 1888 11 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Ab Boarder W M Mch 1880 20 m 11/12 Ala Ala Ala Laborer
McLemore, Mary Boarder W F May 1885 15 M 1/0 Ala Ala Ala
1910 Census
Not located
1920 Census
Thomas was desceased, and the widowed Mary, along with daughter Dora, were living in the Lawrence County, Alabama with son Travis
According to an email from John David McLemore, his grandfather, Thomas Barksdale McLemore " ----migrated to New York after graduating from Southwestern University at Memphis and receiving a scholarship for his masters degree at Columbia University in Manhattan. He was in WW2 as a lieutenant of a supply transport ship in the Pacific. When he came home he found work as an accountant at Metro Media, the precursor of Fox TV. My dad says that he was well liked there because he knew about computers, which in the 50s and 60s was an extremely new and intimidating technology. He died of a heart attack at his desk in 1990. He loved the outdoors and was an Adirondack 46er, which means he climbed all 46 of the Adirondack Mountains in upper NY. My dad is also a 46er. One day I'll get around to it too I hope. My dad doesn't really know much about the family history as my grandfather was a very quiet man. I think it runs in the family.
Thomas B. McLemore Married 2 times, but I'm not sure of his first wife's name. His second wife was Barbara June Wilson b. 1918 in Oakland,CA (a distant relation to Edna Wilson).
From the Knoxville Weekley Chronicle
Wednesday, April 30, 1873, page 4
(Courtesy of Melba Gene McLemore)
Messrs. Nathaniel Williams and Robert Berry have each just completed a small neat residence. Mr. W. B. Wright has two neat dwellings nearly completed. Mr. James Cooper has completed with the last two months a very fine residence. Mr. Charles Jones, Ticket Agent a the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railroad is having a good dwelling erected. Mr. Bartley McLEMORE is also erecting a dwelling opposite of Mr. Jones'.
From Knoxville Sentinel
May 8, 1919
(Courtesy of Eddie Maynard)
Thomas B. McLemore, aged 75 years, died at the Lincoln Memorial Hospital Thursday morning at 12:30 o'clock....He is survived by his widow and one son, Mrs. Edwin L. McLemore, and one brother, Mr. James McLemore....Interment will be in the National cemetery...Mr. McLemore was born in Knox County, near the confluence of the French Broad and Holston Rivers, on September 25, 1844, the youngest son of William and Elizabeth Luttrell McLemore. He was the grandson of John and Annie (Jackson) Luttrell, early pioneers of Knox County.
His youth and young manhood were spent on the farm at the place of his birth. when he was only 17 years of age he joined a part of union men and journeyed across the mountains to Williamsburg, Kentucky, where, on April 14, 1862, he enlisted in the union army in Capt. James M. Amstrong's comapny B, sixth Tennessee infantry. He served creditably in this organization throughout the war, and was engaged in battles on numerous occasions. he was mustered out at the close of the war at Nashville, on April 27, 1865.
Returning home from Nashville, he entered school at New Market, and later completed his education at Grant University in Athens.
On May 8, 1872, he was married to Miss Mary Lou Murphy, daughter of the late Capt. James M. and Mary Kane Murphy, by Rev. J. B. Ford, then pastor the First M.E. church of this city. To them were born three sons, James, Edwin L., and Burdette, only of of whom survives.
For twenty-four years, Mrs. McLemore taught at the Hampden-Sidney and the North Knoxville schools in the city, and at Ball Ridge, Macedonia, and Middlebrook, in the county.
In 1884 he located on a farm near Ball Camp, where he engaged extensively in farming for a number of years. During this period he was elected and served as president of the East Tennessee Farmers' convention. For six years he represented the old nineteenth civil district in the county court, and was also postmaster at Ball Camp for four years. In 1880 he was elected to represent Knox County in the lower house of the state legislature and served with credit to himself and the county during the sessions of that body. When Knoxville was made a port of entry, Mr. McLemore was made the first collector of the port and served faithfully in that capacity until the expiratoin of his term of office. During the time he was collector of the port it was designated to have charge of the disbursements in connection with the additon of the postoffice building, which was being made at that tiem.
At the close of the Civil War, Mr. McLemore joined the Methodist Episcopal church....for seven years he was superintendant of the Sunday School at Beaver Ridge....For a number of years he was connected with the First M.E. Church in this city, and was a member of the official board as logn as he lived. He was a member of the Beaver Ridge lodge, I.O.O. F., and had been connected for a number of years with the G.A.R., having been a commander of the William McKinley post...
Xerox of correspondence between Laura Luttrell, Head, McClung Historical Collection at the Lawson McGhee Library, Knoxville, Tennessee and Clyde McLemore of Helena, Montans, June 1952
Name: Thomas B. Mclemore
Event: Death
Event Date: 08 May 1919
Event Place: Knox Co., Tennessee
Gender: Male
Marital Status:
Race or Color:
Estimated Birth Year:
Birth Date:
Father: Wm. Mclemore
Father's Birthplace:
Mother: Billie Luttrell
Mother's Birthplace:
Street Address:
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Additional Relatives: X
Digital Folder Number: 4183649
Image Number: 1431
Film Number: 1299704
Volume/Page/Certificate Number: v 30 cn 413
Collection: Tennessee, Death Records, 1914-1955
1880 Census
Tennessee, Knox County, Part of 12th Civil District
Page 40 SD 1 ED 167
Enumerated 24 Jun 1880
McLemore, Bart T. W M 35 Teaches School 2 Tenn Tenn Tenn
McLemore, Louisa W f 28 Wf Keeping House Tenn Tenn Tenn
McLemore, Edward (sci) W M 4 Son Tenn Tenn Tenn
Murphey, Frank W M 30 Brother-in-law Teaches School 2 Tenn Tenn Tenn
(Preceding household was that of his cousin, Green McLemore Jr.)
1900 Census
Tennessee, Knox County, 19th District
Enumerate Jun 1, 1900
SD 2 ED 93 Sheet 1A Stamped 185
McLemore, Thos. B Head W M Sept 1844 57 m 28 Tenn Tenn Tenn Farmer
McLemore, Mary L. Wf W F Jun 1852 47 M 28 3/1 Tenn Tenn Tenn
McLemore, T. Burditt Son W M Jan 1884 16 S Tenn Tenn Tenn At School
As of the 1900 Franklin County, Mississippi census, he was living next to Tilman R. McLemore. Thomas was listed as married to an Avie, age 19, and the parent of one son, Brown, born December 1889. Following his home was that of John and Edna FREEMAN.
1880 Census
Alabama, Jackson County, Township 5 Range 5 Beat 15
Enumerated 1 Jun 1880
Page 1 SD 1 ED 123 Stamped 249A
McLemore, Thomas W M 32 Farmer Ala Tenn Tenn
McLemore, Margret W F 30 Wf Keeping House Ala
McLemore, Sarah Jane W F 9 Dtr At Home Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, James T W M 7 Son Works on Farm Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Chorah W F S Dtr Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Lester W M 1 Son Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, James W M 26 Farmer Ala Ala Tenn
McLemore, Ida W F 3 Dtr Ala Ala Ga
McLemore, Malisia W F 2/12 April Dtr Ala Ala Ga
McLemore, Walter (Twins) W M 2/12 Apr Son Ala Ala Ala
Cox, Mary W F 66 Mother-in-law Keeping House SC
Griffith, Mariah W F 18 Boarder Works of Farm Ala Ala Ga
McLemore, Ellen W F 26 Wf Keeping house Ga SC SC
1900 Census
Texas, Delta County, JP No. 3
Enumerated 15 Jun 1900
SD 1 ED 36 Sheet 12B
McLemore, Thomas Head W M Jan 1849 51 M 30 Ala Tenn Tenn Farmer
McLemore, Margaret Wf W F Feb 1849 51 m 30 8/7 Ala Tenn Tenn
McLemore, Cora E Dtr W F Oct 1877 22 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Geneva A Dtr W F Sept 1884 15 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Zella Dtr W F Jan 1889 11 S Ala Ala Ala
Tarvers, William Boarder W M July 1870 29 S Ala Ala Ala
Art McLemore of Aledo recalls that his grandfather, Thomas,"told me when he was a child he remembered the Yankees coming through Alabama and taking his grandfathers shoes." Thomas also told his grandson, Arthur, that he had been born in 1857 in "Scottsburg, Alabama." He listed his brothers as John, Henery, and Will, and sisters as Jane, Sarah, Nancy and Hattie. He said his father was John McLemore, or Knoxville, Tennessee, and his grandfather Henery McLemore, "originally from Ireland." Art also shows his grandfathers middle name as Dickerson, not Dickeson, as shown on his death certificate below.
Name: Thomas Dickeson Mclemore
Death Date: 24 Apr 1963
Death Place: Abilene, Taylor, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: White
Death Age: 105 years
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 05 Oct 1857 [maybe as late as 1867?]
Birthplace: Alabama
Marital Status: Widowed
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: John Mclemore
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Unknown
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Laborer, Oil Mill
Informant: Dan McLemore
Place of Residence: Stamford, Jones, Texas
Cemetery: Swana Chapel
Burial Place: Jones, Texas
Burial Date: 24 Apr 1963
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2117272
Digital Film Number: 4028589
Image Number: 3394
Reference Number: CN27643
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
1900 Census
Texas, Delta County, Precinct 6
Enumerated 27 Jun 1900
SD 1 ED 39 Sheet 14B
McLemore, Thomas G Head M M Oct 1866 33 m 12 Ala Tn Ga Farmer
McLemore, Mattie Wf W ??? 1876 M 12 5/5 Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Mamie C Dau F W 9 Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Henry W Son W M July 1892 7 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, John A Son W M Oct 1895 4 S Tx Ala Ala
McLemore, Floyd Son W M Dec 1898 1 S Tx Ala Ala
McLemore, Charley Son M M Nov 1899 6/12 S Tx Ala Ala
Thomasson, John Father-in-law W M ??? 1850 50 Wd Ala Ala Ala Farm Laborer
1910 Census
Texas, Delta County
SD 1 ED 44 Sheet 5B
McLemore, Tom Jr Head M W 48 m1 20 Ala Ala Ala Farmer
McLemore, Mattie Wf F W 33 M1 20 5/5 Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Mamie O Dtr F W 19 S Ala ALa Ala Laborer Home Farm
McLemore, John W Son m W 14 S Tx Ala Ala Laborer Home Farm
McLemore, Floyd Son M W 12 S Tx Ala Ala Laborer Home Farm
McLemore, Charlie Son M W 10 S Tx La Ala Laborer Home Farm
He had a military marker on his FindAGrave memorial website, created by Max Shafer. It was embossed with a cross and read "Thomas E. McLemore, Sgt US Army, World War II, Jun 23, 1926 to Dec 29, 1996.
1900 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 1
Enumerated 5 Jun 1900
SD 8 ED 68 Sheets 2B and 3A
Clark, Elias Head m W Jan 1845 57 M 30 Tx Miss Ala Farmer
Clark, Mary Wf W F Feb 1851 49 M 30 11/10 Tx Miss Miss
Clark, Thos F Son W M July 1881 18 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer
Clark, Elijah W Son W M Oct 1884 16 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer
Clark, Ara J Dtr W F Nov 1887 12 S Tx Tx Tx
Clark, Agnes E Dtr W F Nov 1887 12 S Tx Tx Tx
Clark, Minnie S Dtr W F May 1894 6 S Tx Tx Tx
Clark, Edward Nephew W M Jan 1879 21 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer
Clark, Jeff E Head W M Jan 1879 21 S Tx Tx La Farm Laborer
Clark, Allice Wf W F Mar 1879 21 M 1 1/1 Tx --- ---
Clark, Jefferson H Son W M Dec 1899 5/12 S Tx Tx Tx
McLemore, Thos Head W M Jan 1863 37 M 9 Tx Nc Nc Farmer
McLemore, Sopha Wf W F Mar 1876 24 M 9 4/4 Tx Tx Tx
McLemore, John E Son W M aug 1892 9 S Tx Tx Tx
McLemore, Myrtie Dtr W F May 1894 6 S Tx Tx Tx
McLemore, Fannie B Dtr W F Jan 1896 4 S Tx Tx Tx
McLemore, Maggie Dtr W F Nov 1897 2 S Tx Tx Tx
1910 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 1
Enumerated 15 Apr 1910
SD 2 ED 131 Sheet 1A Stamped 85
San Augustine and Hemphill Road
McLemore, Thos. E. Head M W 48 m1 19 Tx Ga Ark Farmer
McLemore, Sophia A Wf F W 34 m1 19 6/5 Tx Tx Tx
McLemore, John E Son M W 17 S Tx Tx Tx Laborer
McLemore, Myrtie J Dtr F W 15 S Tx Tx Tx
McLemore, Fannie B Dtr F W 14 S Tx Tx Tx
McLemore, Maggie L Dtr F W 12 S Tx Tx Tx
McLemore, Aary A Dtr F W 6 S Tx Tx Tx
1920 Census
Texas, San Augustine County, JP 4
Enumerated 18 Apr 1920
ED 203-7 SD 19 Sheet 5A Stamped 234
McLemore, Thomas E Head M W 57 M Tx Tx Tx Farmer
McLemore, Sophia A Wf F W 44 M Tx Tx Miss
McLemore, Maggie L Dtr F W 22 S Tx Tx Tx
McLemore, Ara A Dtr F W 16 S Tx Tx Tx
McLemore, Elvis L Son M W 8 S Tx Tx Tx
McLemore, Gladys M Dtr F W 5 S Tx Tx Tx
Frank McLemore was a traveling salesman. When he made his rounds,one of the first customers he called on were Dale and Evon (McLemore) Tisdale, who had a General Store in Zavalla. He would use a mirror in the back of their store to shave before he called on the rest of his customers. He did this because he rose very early each morning, and didn't want to disturb his wife. He loved anything colored blue. He used unusual expressions, such as "Great Garden Seed" and "an elephant's plenty." He was called "Daddy Mac" by grandchildren. Affiliations: Masonic Lodge, Dewitt Clinton Chapter. Baptist Church. Hobbies: Gospel Music, gardening.
He and his wife served consecutive terms as Postmaster in Jasper County early in the century.
POSTMASTERS & POST OFFICES OF JASPER COUNTY, TEXAS 1846 - 1930 http://www.rootsweb.com/~txpost/jasper.html
ERIN Craige, Jas. A., 20 Sep 1847 Discontinued 5 Nov 1866
Faircloth, Jas. B., 31 Oct 1882
Morgan, Malachi, 22 Oct 1883
Aarant, Martin B., 29 Nov 1912
McLEMORE, THOS. F., 6 Nov 1913
McLEMORE, NANNIE O., 3 Oct 1916
Aarant, Martin B., 15 Feb 1918
Discontinued 28 Feb 1923; mail to Magnolia Springs
Paul Williams writes that Thomas was married three times, to Artemecia McCLURE on 21 Aug 1879, to Martha BULLOCK on 29 May 1902 and finally to Mary C. MINK on 9 Apr 1925. Each of the marriages took place in Rockcastle County, Kentucky. At the time of the 1900 census, Thomas, age 38 and divorced, was living with his parents. His children by Artemicia were not living in with him.
Paul added that "an Uncle Tom McLemore---do not know if it was the brother to Sarah Jane. or a brother of her father John D. McLemore--had a son who ran for Senate from the state of Louisiana."
1880 Census
John D. McLemore Self M M W 54 Ky Farmer Ky Ky
Nancy J. McLemore Wife M F W 46 Ky Keeping House Ky Ky
Thomas J. McLemore Son M M W 18 Ky Works of Farm Ky Ky
Artemecia McLemore Dtr Law M F W 20 Ky At Home Ky Ky
Jane McLemore D S F W 15 Ky Ky Ky
John McLemore S S M W 13 Ky Ky Ky
Wright McLemore S S M W 11 Ky Ky Ky
Hackley McLemore S S M W 6 Ky Ky Ky
Census Place E.D. 97, Rockcastle, Kentucky
FHL Film # 1254441 NA Film #T9-0441
Page Number 416C
1900 Census
Kentucky, Rockcastle County, Precinct No. 7
Enumerated 1 June 1900
SD 8 ED 71 Sheet 1 Stamped 168A
McLemore, John D. and Paralee with dtr
McLemore, John D. Hd W M Jan 1822 78 M 45 Ky Ky Ky Farmer
McLemore, Nancy A Wf W F May 1840 60 M 45 Ky Va Va
McLemore, Thomas Son W M Sept 1861 38 D Ky Ky Ky Farm Hand
1910 Census
Kentucky, Rockcastle County, Browns Precinct 9
Enumerated 29 April 1910
SD 8 ED 103 Sheet 8A
McLemon, Thomas Hd M W 49 M2 10 Ky Ky Ky Farmer
McLemon, Martha Wf F W 35 m2 10 7/7 Ky Ky Ky
McLemon, Nellie M Dtr F W 10 S Ky Ky KY
McLemon, Izella (?) Dtr F W 5 S Ky Ky Ky
McLemon, Lula J Dtr KF W 4 S Ky Ky Ky
McLemon, Daisy (?) C Dtr F W 2 S Ky Ky KY
McLemon, Martha Dtr F W 2/12 S Ky Ky Ky
McLemon, Nancy A Mother F W 73 Wd 8/8 Ky KY KY
1920 Census
Kentucky, Rockcastle County, Browns Precinct
Enumerated 16 January 1920
SD 11 ED 247 Sheet 11A Stamped 256
McLemore, Thomas Hd M W 58 Wd Ky Ky KY Farmer General Farm
McLemore, Nellie Dtr F W 18 S Ky Ky KY
McLemore, Stellia Dtr F W 15 S Ky Ky KY
McLemore, Lulia Dtr F W 13 S Ky Ky Ky
McLemore, Hazel Dtr F W S Ky Ky Ky
McLemore, Gillum Son M W 7 S Ky Ky KY
1930 Census
Kentucky, Rockcastle County, MD 2
Enumerated April 16, 1930
ED 102-6 SD 13 Sheet 10B
Mink, Floyd Hd M W 19 M18 Ky Ky Ky Farm Laborer General Farm
Mink, Hazel Wf F W 20 M 19 Ky Ky Ky
Mink, William E Son M W 3/12 S Ky Ky Ky
McLemore, Thomas G Hd M W 69 M 18 Ky Ky Ky Farmer
McLemore, Mary C Wf F W 69 (???) M 15 Ky KY KY
McLemore, Gilliam Son M W 16 S Ky Ky Ky Farm Laborer Home Farm
McLemore, John D Son M W 3 ?/12 S Ky Ky Ky
As of the 1900 census, he had been married for around four years to an "Ednie M.", born May, 1879. They were the parents of one child, who was not still living.
1900 Census
Alabama, Limestone County, Beat No. 8 Pleasant Grove
Enumerated 7 Jun 1900 by Samuel C. Williams
SD 8 ED 88 Sheet 63 A Stamped 118
McLemore, Bu?? M Hd W M Feb 1843 57 M 35 Ala Ala Ala Farmer
McLemore, Martha J WIfe W F May 1846 54 M 35 11/8 Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Eva S Dtr W F Dec 1880 19 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Evar (???) L Dtr W F Feb 1882 18 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Thomas H Son W M May 1877 23 M 4 Ala Ala Ala Farm Labor
McLemore, Ednie M D-in-Law W F May 1878 21 M 4 1/0 Ala Ala Ala
HH 49-49 John and Elizabeth McLemore
1910 Census
Alabama, Limestone, Pr. #7, Pleasant Grove
Enumerated 25 Apr 1910 by Thos. W. Bullington
SD 8 ED 102 Sheet 6B
HH #109-109 Matthew B and Martha E McLemore
HH #110-110 Burwell and Martha McLemore
HH# 111-111 Samuel and Catherine Wakefield
HH # 112-112
McLemore, Thomas H Hd M W 34 M2 3 Ala Ala Ala Farmer
McLemore, Lizzie Wf F 26 M2 3 0/0 Tn Tn Tn
McLemore, Nellie Dtr F 8 W Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Ella Dtr F 6 W Ala Ala Ala
Lee Osborne writes that he has a "copy of a letter of my Great Grandfather Thomas Henry McLemore. He stated he did not know much about the family. He thought his great grandfather was from Highlands of Scotland. His grandfather was Young Lee McLemore and his Father was John Wesley McLemore."
Penny Thorne notes that:
BIOGRAPHY: Served in the Oklahoma State Legislature in 1915 and 1916. Wasa member of the Farmers Union and the Cotton and Broomcorn Growers Associations. Taken from The Carter Express Newspaper, August 12,1910: T.H.McLemore will make his opening campaign speech for the office of County Clerk of Beckham County on the street in Elk City Saturday, August 18, at 3 p.m.
BIRTH: Was born in Texas in 1874, moved to Oklahoma in 1901.
1900 Census
Texas, Somervell, JP 1, SD 4, ED 138 Sheet 5B
Enumerated 26 Jun 1900
McLemore, Tom H Hd W M Oct 1874 25 m3 Tx Tn Ga
McLemore, Minnie Wf W F Jan 1880 20 M3 2/2 Tx Mo Tx
McLemore, Delta Dtr W F Jun 1892 Tx Tx Tx [Born during prior marriage to ???]
McLemore, Bessie DtrW F Dec 1898 Tx Tx Tx
1910 Census
Oklahoma, Beckham County, Elk Twp
Enumerated 18 May 1910
SD 5 WS 6 Sheeet 13A
McLemore, Thomas H Hd M W 36 m1/13 Tx NC US Farmer Truck Farmer
McLemore, Minnie I Wf F W 30 m1/13 6/6 Tx Mo Tx
McLemore, Elmer G Son M W 12 S Tx Tx Tx Laborere <--- Why not listed with the family at the 1900 census?
McLemore, Bessie A Dtr F W 9 S Tx Tx Tx
McLemore, Rudolph Son M W 8 S Ok Tx Tx
McLemore, Eunice Dtr F W 5 S Ok Tx Tx
McLemore, Wilber Son M W 8 S Ok Tx Tx
1920 Census
Oklahoma, Beckham County, Twp 11 and 12 N R 21 W
Enumerated 7 and 8 January 1920
SD 7 Ed 6 Sheet 2B
McLemore, Thomas H Hd M W 45 M Tx NC Ga Farmer
McLemore, Minnie I Wf F W 39 M Tx Mo Tx
McLemore, Rudolph Son M W 17 S Ok Tx Tx
McLemore, Eunice A Dtr F W 15 S Ok Tx Tx
McLemore, Allen D Son m W 8 S Ok Tx Tx
McLemore, Minnie O Dtr F W 4 5/12 S Ok Tx Tx
1930 Census
Oklahoma, Beckham County, Elk Twp
Enumerated 30 Apr 1930
ED 5-12 SD 8 Sheet 16B
McLemore, Thom. H Head O W W 55 M 22 Tx Tenn Ga Farmer
McLemore, Minnie Wf F W 50 M18 Tx Mo Tx
McLemore, Olga Dtr F W 14 S Ok Tx Tx Farming
McLemore, Aplin E Brother M W 51 S Tx Tenn Ga Laborer Gen Farm
1850 Census
Mississippi, Warren County
Enumerated 1 and 2 Nov 1850
Stamped 242
Richd McLemore 66 M Farmer $300 SC
Sally McLemore 54 F Tenn
Preston McLemore 31 M Farmer Tenn
Polly McLemore 26 F Ala
Deborah McLemore 21 F Ill
Rowena McLemore 16 F Miss
Evelina McLemore 14 F Miss
Artimissa McLemore 12 F Miss
Thomas McLemore 34 M Farmer 150 Tenn
Nancy A. McLemore 42 F Tenn
Catherine V. McLemore 16 F Miss (from prior marriage?)
Matilda McLemore 7 F Miss (from prior marriage?)
Title McLemore, Thomasina G.
Publication [1885].
Gen. note
Race White.
Gender Female.
Date of death July 23, 1885.
Place of death District #1.
Cause of death Cancer.
Age at death 75 year(s).
Place of birth Sussex County, Va..
Note Source of information: Southampton County, 1885, page 4, line 112.
Note Part of the Death Records Indexing Project which is sponsored by the Virginia Genealogical Society.
Subject - Personal LinkMcLemore, Thomasina G.
McLemore, James, father.
McLemore, Rebecca, mother.
Mclemore, Benjamin F., informant (Friend).
Subject - Topical Deaths -- Virginia -- Southampton County.
Added Entry LinkDeath Records Indexing Project. Virginia Genealogical Society
System Number 001369599
online catalog library of Virginia
Transcribed by Bessie Meredith
BORN: AUGUST 19, 1927
DIED: AUGUST 15, 2000
Thurman Harold McLemore, 73, of Paris, Texas, a retired employee of Phillips Petroleum Company and Odessa College instructor, died Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2000, at St. Joseph's Hospital in Paris. Services will be at 2 p.m. today at First Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Edwin D. Bernard officiating. Burial will be at Fort Towson Cemetery in Fort Towson, Okla. Arrangements by Miller & Miller Funeral Home. He was born in Rattan (sic) and was a resident of Paris since 1993. He was Presbyterian. SURVIVORS: Wife, Doris McLemore of Paris; son, Phillip N. McLemore of Dallas; sister, Siddie Stewart of Lubbock; and one step-grandson.
THE PARIS NEWS, Monday, August 21, 2000, page 8: 'HUGO, Okla. - T. Harold McLemore, 73, of Paris died Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2000, at Christus St. Joseph's Hospital. Services were at First Presbyterian church in Hugo Friday, Aug. 18, with the Rev. Edwin D. Bernard officiating. Miller and Miller Funeral Home made burial in Fort Towson Cemetery. Surviving are his wife, Doris; a son, Phillip N. McLemore of Dallas; step-grandson, Josh Searcy of Dallas; daughter-in-law, Teresa Bradley Searcy McLemore of Dallas; a sister, Siddie Stewart of Lubbock; sisters-in-law, Marie McLemore of Fort Towson and Helen Harrell of Sulphur Springs; numerous nieces, nephews and great nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by two brothers and a sister, Edward and Riley McLemore and Naomi Allen.'
Rev. William P. McLemore, in a section on his website devoted to notable McLemore's (Website: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/3476/mclem1.htm), has the following biography:
Tilghman Richard McLemore was born October 21, 1940 at West Point, New York, the son of Ephraim Hester and Edith Pearman McLemore. After graduating from Manatee County High School in 1958, he joined the United States Army as an enlisted man and found early duty with the Airborne Infantry in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. It was here that he met Clara Anne Chavis where they were married on January 6, 1960. Their first son, Tilghman Richard III was born May 20, 1960 and their last child, William Terry, was born December 6, 1961. Tim graduated from Florida State University in June 1966, and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the United States Air Force and soon transferred back into the Airborne Infantry where he promptly left for Fort Campbell, Kentucky, to continue his training. He immediately went to Vietnam and was killed by enemy fire in Hue, South Vietnam, May 6, 1968, during the Tet offensive. He was buried from Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Southern Pines, and laid to rest in Mt. Hope Cemetery of the same community."
Name: Tilghman Richar McLemore Birth Date: 21 Oct 1940 Death Date: 6 May 1968 Gender: Male Age: 27 Race: Caucasian (White) Home City: Cedar Key Home State: Florida religion: Episcopal (Anglican) Marital Status: Married (Spouse Listed) SSN/Service #: O3171741 Citizen Status: U.S. Death Date: 6 May 1968 Processed Date: May 1968 Casualty Country: Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) Casualty Type: Hostile - Killed Casualty Reason: Multi-Fragment Wounds Casualty Air: Ground Casualty Body Status: Body Recovered Service Branch: Department of the Army Component: Reserve (USAR, USNR, USAFR, USMCR, USCGR) Military Grade: Captain Pay Grade: Captain (U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Marine Corps) or Lieutenant (U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard) Province: Military Region 1 - Thua Thien Length of Service : 08 Data Source: Combat Area Casualties Current File
1900 Federal Census
Mississippi, Franklin County, Beat 1
Enumerated 14 Jun 1900 By John D. Graves
SD 7, ED 49, Sheet 10 B
McLemore, Tilman R Head W M Sept 1875 25 M 8 Miss Miss Nort
h Carolina Farmer
McLemore, Zula Wife W F April 1880 20 M 8 3/3 Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Lucy Dtr W F Jan 1894 6 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Rubie Dtr W F Feb 1896 4 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Leon Son W M Jan 1898 2 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Richard Father W M ??? 1837 63 Wd Miss South Carolina Miss
Neighboring households included that of Thomas C. McLemore and John and Edna FREEMAN.
1910 Federal Census
Mississippi, Franklin, Beat 1
Enumerated 5 and 6 Day of May 1910 by Chas. P. Wentworth
SD 7, ED 61, Sheet 17B and 18A
329-354 McLemore, Finn R. Head M W 40 M1 17 Miss Miss Miss Farmer General Farm
McLemore, Zula E. Wife F W 36 M1 17 6/6 Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Lucy Dtr F W 15 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Ruby Dtr F W 14 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Leon Son M W 12 S Miss Miss Miss Farm Labor
McLemore, Quitman Son M W 9 S Miss Miss Miss Farm Labor
McLemore, Ephraim Son M W 6 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Garrah Dtr F W 4 S Miss Miss Miss
From North Carolina Birth Index, 1800-2000
Tilghman Richard McLemore Jr
20 May 1960 Moore County, North Carolina
Father: Tilghman Richard McLemore, Sr.
Mother: Clara A. Chavis
Roll # B_C068_66002
Vol 47-B
Page 349
Rev. William McLemore notes that his nephew died in a fire at his mobile home.
Land transfer from Archibald McLemore to Tobias McLemore, Deed Book 15, page 199:
" ... I Archibald Macklamore of the county of the state of North Carolina, Sampson County for the love and affection which I bear to my son Tobias Macklamoore give, grant convey and confirm unto the said Tobias Macklamore a certain parcel of land situated in the County aforesaid on the east side of little Cohara being the lower part of a Tract of land granted by deed from James ROBINSON to said Archibald Macklemoore the 19th day of March 1807 for 300 acres more or less being the upper part of said Tract of Land beginning at a Black Gum at the run of Hollow Branch running then along an agreed line....east to a Bay Tree at the Run of the Govnnor's (???) marsh branch Then up the meander of said Branch to a line in Hezekiah Macklamoore's line...up the meander of the Cohara to the mouth of the Hollow Branch and pu the meander to the beginning containing by estimate 150 acres ..to have and to hold unto him the said Tobias Macklamoore...I the said Archibald Macklamoore bind myself my heirs Ex. and assign firmly by these presents...unto him the said Hezekiah Maclemore his heirs Ex. and or assignees forever...In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this ___ day of ____ 1810. Archibald Macklamoore Sampson County In the presence of Ezekiel SMITH and Bias Macklamoore Registered March 7, 1811, Owen HOLMES Reg.
(Abstracted from the original by Melinda McLemore Strong 26 May 2005)
Sampson County Deed Book
Book 15, page 289 Abstract of Deed Tobias McLEMORE to John HANEY
This indenture made Between Byus MACLEMORE of the State of North Carolina and County of Sampson and John HANEY of the same County...Byus MACLEMORE....for the Consideration of One Hundred and fifty Dollars to me in hand...(does convey) a Certain Tract...of Land lying and being in the County of Sampson, on the Et. Side of Little Cohary beginning at a Black Gum at the run of the Hollow Marsh...(along) John HANEY's line....up the meander of the Cohary to the mouth of the Hollow Branch... In Witness Whereof I have Herewith set my hand and seal this 24th day of March 1812...Byus (his Mark) MACLEMORE Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of John HERRING, Richard HERRING Sampson County May Term 1812 ...proven for Registration H. Holmes EE Registered July 4th, 1812 Owen HOLMES Reg.
(Abstracted by Melinda McLemore Strong 13 July 2005)
Tobias was a Private in the 3 Reg't. (Moore's) North Carolina Militia. The company muster roll shows him present for the dates of:
Oct 12-18, 1814;
Oct 31 - Dec 1814;
Dec 24, 1814 to February 15, 1815;
February 15 - May 11;
Oct 18, 1814 to Mar 11, 1815,
and for Oct 18, 1814 to March 8 1815.
1816 Cumberland County NC Land Grant Bk 28 p 515 Tobias MACLEYMORE 60 acres Black River Twp (Courtesy of Robert McLemore Butler)
1819 Cumberland County NC Land Grant Bk 31 p 438 Tobyan McLEMORE 100 acres Black River Twp (Courtesty of Robert McLemore Butler)
1830 Census (p 186) Tobias MacLemor
Sampson County, NC
2 males under the age of 5 <---Maybe Redden and Tobias, Jr.
1 male between 5-10 <---(Appears to have been the John McLemore b. ca 1822 who married Sarah Morgan of Sampson County and later moved to Texas with the Morgans)
1 male between 15-20<---Could be either Amos (b ca 1813) who married JEMIMA SIMMONS or Raiford (b ca 1815) who married Polly UNDERWOOD
1 male between 40-50 <--Tobias (born between 1780 and 1790)
1 female under 5 <---Sarah?
2 females between 5-10
2 females between 10-15
1 female between 15-20
1 female between 40-50 <--his wife (born between 1780 and 1790)
Land Transfer from Tobias McLemore to Benjamin HUSTON, Deed Book 24, Page 537
State of North Carolina, Sampson County Know it by all men presents that I Tobias McLemore of the above mentioned state and county for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty Dollars do bargain, sell and deliver unto Benjamin HUTSON of the same State and county a certain tract of land on the west side of Great Cohara with all the appurtenances thereunton belonging bounded as follows Beginning at a stake on the old road...to Tobias McLemore line, thence S. line to the Beginning, containing one hundred twenty five acres more or less and I Tobias McLemore do warrant and defend the same from the claim of any person or persons whatever to Benjamin HUTSON his heirs administrators and assigns forever In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 20th day of February 1837 Tobias McLemore in presence of Neal CAMPBELL and Joseph PARKER Registered the 6th of April 1837 W. ROYAL Registrar
1840 Census (p 22)
Tobias McIlmore Sampson County, NC
0 male under 5 <---If Tobias (born ca 1836) is his son, he SHOULD be listed here
0 males between 5-10
1 male between 10-15<--Maybe Redden
1 male between 15-20 <---(Could this be John McLemore, husband of Sarah Morgan? It appears he was ALSO listed in the home of Daniel and Mary Morgan at this same time. Could the enumerations have been at differing times)
1 male between 60-70<--Tobias (Born between 1770 and 1780)
1 female under 5
1 female between 5-10 <---Sarah?
1 female between 20-30
1 female between 50-60<--his wife (Born between 1780 and 1790)
It is noted that one additional daughter was born, and four of the six girls listed in 1830 either married or died.
Can't locate this family in 1850.
FamilySearch.org references a North Carolina Estate file for Tobias McLemore, Probate, Sampson County, NC, Year 1852 Number of Names with File 1 First Image 00762 Last Image 00767, Number of Images 6 GS File Number 002194763 Digital File number 007384320
"North Carolina, Estate Files, 1663-1979," Database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:KLYF-NHY : accessed 27 June 2015), Tobias McLemore, 1852; citing Sampson, North Carolina, United States, State Archives, Raleigh; FHL microfilm 2,194,763.
In 1860, in Little Coharie, Sampson County, the following family can be found.
Sarah McLemor 70 F $125 North Carolina
Tobias " 24 M Turpentine Maker North Carolina
Sarah " 30 F North Carolina
It was also indicated that neither Sarah's could read or write. Presumably Tobias was able to. Additionally, in Sampson County on 10 May1862 a Tabitha McLEMORE married Mechack HALES. Might this be one of the missing daughters of Tobias McLemore? If she was his daughter, however, it is not known where she was at the time of the 1850 or 1860 census.
Robert McLemore Butler notes that a Tobias McLEMORE was a Pvt. Co A Regt 30 Inf. Born in 1838 in Sampson County. He was a turpentine distiller. Enlisted September 1, 1861 in Clinton. Hospitalized August 1862 at Lynchburg VA.
In 1860, in Little Coharie, Sampson County, the following family can be found.
Sarah McLemor 70 F $125 North Carolina
Tobias " 24 M Turpentine Maker North Carolina
Sarah " 30 F North Carolina
Based simply on his name, 24 year old Tobias McLemore might be a son of Tobias McLemore, and grandson of Archibald McLemore, both of Sampson County.
The older Tobias McLemore, born between 1780 and 1790, can not be located on the 1850 or 1860 census. It appears he was already dead. However, there was NOT a son under the age of 5 listed in his household in 1840.
It was also indicated that neither Sarah's could read or write. Presumably Tobias was able to.
Robert McLemore Butler notes that a Tobias McLEMORE was a private in Company A, 30th Regiment N.C.T, under the name "Sampson Rangers." He was born in 1838 in Sampson County. He was a turpentine distiller. Enlisted September 1, 1861 in Clinton. Hospitalized August 1862 at Lynchburg Virginia. Never returned to unit and supposed died.
A condensed history of the Rangers, as published in the Fayetteville Observer on Monday, April 4, 1864 follows. In the article, Tobias was listed as "missing since August, 1862"
This article was transcribed by Christine Spencer in August, 2007 and was copied from the following website:
(Research):THE SAMPSON RANGERS COMPANY A, 30th N.C.R. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, April 4, 1864 Messrs Editors: I have been intending for a long time to give you a condensed history of Company A, 30th Regiment N.C.T., the company to which I belong, not with a view of extolling the deeds we have done but to do justice to the "noble dead". The company was organized at Clinton, Sampson Co., N.C. April 20, 1861 under the name Sampson Rangers by electing F.J. Faison as captain, R.A. Moseley as 1st Lt., and J.C. Holmes and G.W. Marsh as 2nd Lts. It was the first company organized in Sampson County. Under this organization we were ordered to Fort Johnson, which post was commanded by Captain Jones. The first three months we spent at this place, during which time the 20th Regiment N.C.T. was being organized by electing A. Iverson colonel and Capt. F.J. Faison as Lt. Colonel and ----- Toon as Major. Under this organization, about the latter part of August, we were sent to Fort Caswell, as an attack on the fort was daily expected. Lt. Col. Faison was in command of the fort. Our captain having been promoted and Lts. Moseley and Marsh having resigned, 2nd Lt. J.C. Holmes was elected captain, W.W. Sillers 1st Lt., C. Patrick and C.T. Stevens as 2nd lieutenants of the company. Here we had a great deal of hard work to do, putting the fort in a better state of defense and mounting heavy guns, etc. We suffered very much at the fort from the hot weather and scarcity of good water. The water in the fort entirely gave out and we were forced to dig wells to get water, which was not good, and consequently created thirst. The men not being accustomed to hardship and privation, considered this very hard. Very soon, we were transferred to the 30th N.C.T., which was organized by electing F.M. Parker as colonel and Walter Draughen as lieutenant colonel and Jas. T. Kell as major. The regiment was then ordered from Raleigh to Wilmington, N.C., and thence to Smithville, at which place our company joined the regiment. After remaining at Smithville about three weeks we were ordered to South Carolina; the order being countermanded, the regiment was sent to Camp Wyatt, where we built winter quarters and remained until the Battle of Newbern came off. The regiment was ordered to Newbern and got as far as Wilmington, but could not get transportation in time to partake in the fight, consequently, the order was countermanded and the regiment went into quarters at Camp Lamb. From there we went to Camp French, thence to Camp Holmes, and thence to Camp Saunders in Onslow County, where, on the 1st May, 1862, the regiment was re-organized, by electing F.M. Parker as colonel, J.T. Kell as lieutenant colonel, and W.W. Sillers as major. The company re-elected J.C. Holmes as captain, G.F. Williams as first lieutenant and S.(?) T. Stevens and L.M. White as 2nd lieutenants. From Camp Saunders we were ordered to Wilmington and about June 11, 1862 we were ordered to Richmond and became one of the regiments of G.B. Anderson's Brigade About the 21st June we had a sharp skirmish with the enemy on picket near Seven Pines in which Private A.A. Lewis was seriously wounded in the left arm. About the 26th June we were under a heavy fire of shot and shell at Mechanicsville. On the 27th we pursued the retreating enemy to Cold Harbor. In this engagement we lost two killed and Sergeants R.M. Crumpler and H.S. Royal and Private Nevil Royal wounded. About the 1st of July at Malvern Hill we again met the enemy in deadly conflict. At this place we lost three killed and Wm. H. Johnson and Privates R.G. Cox and T.M. Howard wounded; also others were slightly wounded and two captured by the enemy. We very soon went back to Richmond to recuperate and rest. August 19, 1862 we were ordered to report, together with our division, D.H. Hill's, to General Jackson. We reached the main army under General Lee near the Potomac and crossed over into Maryland on Sept. 5. Our division fought in the Battle of South Mountain Sept. 14 and then marched to Sharpsburg and engaged on Sept. 17. We lost one killed and Sgt. A. Hobbs and Privates F.H. Howard, J.R. Holland and Willis Lee wounded. The company stood firm and immovable, assisting in repulsing onset after onset of the heavy columns of the enemy. The night of the 18th the Potomac was re-crossed and we remained in the Valley until the middle of November and then marched to Fredericksburg. The 13th (?) December the company was carried into the Fredericksburg fray, but fortunately none were seriously wounded. We had nothing but picket duty to do during the winter and spring until the 27th April, when the enemy came across the Rappahannock and thanks be to God Hooker was defeated. The brigade, headed by the gallant Ramseur, on Sunday morning May 3, attacked the enemy in their entrenchments and drove them from two lines of breastworks and sent them howling into the Wilderness. Our loss was severe. The company went into the fight 38 strong and came out five killed and eighteen wounded. At Chancellorsville the following were wounded: Sgts. R. M. Crumpler, H.S. Royal, H. Williamson, Corp. J.M. Crumpler and Privates J.M. Kelly, Jas. Williamson, W.J. Taylor, J.M. Parker, E.N. Butler, Joseph Butler, G.W. Rackley, A.H. Brewer, H. Butler, J.A. Weeks, mortally, C.W. Duncan, mortally, J.C. Walker, Corp. S. Boon and N. Godwin. After the battle of Chancellorsville, we returned to our old camp near Fredericksburg and remained until the 10th June when the advance into Pennsylvania commenced. The company did its noble duty in the taking of Berrysville and Martinsburg. Our brigade was the first to cross the Potomac and to occupy Williamsport, Maryland. Several places were taken and hard marching done in Maryland and Pennsylvania until at last we reached Gettysburg. The company was in the three days fight and acted well and fortunately none killed and only two wounded'97 Sgt. J.W. Merritt and A.H. Brewer, who were taken prisoners. Soon we re-crossed the Potomac and our march commenced to the Rapidan. At Manassas Gap, we had a sharp skirmish with the enemy. We reached Orange Court House on August 2 and remained near this place until September 8 when we assisted in driving Meade to Centreville. Then we re-crossed the Rappahannock and camped near Kelly's Ford; and on Nov. 7, our regiment being in reserve on picket near Kelly's Ford to support the 2nd Regiment N.C.T., was ordered to the river to reinforce the 2nd N.C.T. The enemy being in strong force and having taken advantage of a strong position poured a deadly fire of musketry into our ranks while we were going into the river. Soon after reaching the river, we were ordered to fall back; the regiment fell back to the woods about a half mile from the river, under a tremendous fire of shot and shell. About that time, Lt. Col. Sillers, commanding the regiment, was ordered by Col. Bennett, commanding the brigade, to deploy the regiment on a hill near by and hold the enemy in check at all hazards, this being done but the position was maintained with difficulty. Late in the evening Lt. Col. Sillers received a mortal wound. At 11:00 that night, we drew off. The company lost one killed and the following wounded: Sgt. R.M. Crumpler, O.B. Cobb, Jas. Williamson, T.J. Warrick, M. Dove, J. Frizeland; also we lost 13 men as prisoners. We soon re-crossed the Rapidan and camped near Morton's Ford. Our regiment was under heavy fire at Mine Run and Morton's Ford. We have been in various skirmished too tedious to tell. A Member List of Deceased of Company A, 30th N.C.T. M.S. Dudley, Wilmington, N.C. November, 1861 Marshall Royal, Sampson County Neil Lewis, Richmond, August, 1862 W.D. Strickland, Guinea Station, Va., Jan. 9, 1863 Corp. L.H. Pipkin and J.W. Baggot, killed, Malvern Hill, July 1, 1962 Corp. Sherman Royal, of wound, Richmond, Va., July 9, 1862 Blackman Taw and Jas. T. Goodrich, killed, Cold Harbor, June 27, 1862 George E. Brown, killed, Sharpsburg, September 17, 1862 Willis Gilbert, Lynchburg, Oct. 15, 1862 George H. Draughton, Clinton, Dec. 26, 1862 Owen Page, Richmond, Dec. 29, 1862 J.W. Jackson, Richmond R.M. Bradshaw, Palmyra, March 17, 1863 W.K. Bradshaw, of wound, May 5, 1863 J.R. Holland, Ransom Naylor and Daniel R. Underwood, killed at Chancellorsville May 3, 1863 H.R. Robinson, Martinsburg, June 19, 1863 Wm. Autry, Gordonville, Dec. 18, 1862 J.R. Butler, Lynchburg, Jan. 2, 1863 C.W. Duncan, of wound, Richmond, May 26, 1863 C.H. Reynolds, Guinea Station, January 11 J.L. Faircloth, Richmond, January 16 Jno. Faircloth, Feb. 10 Henry Mitchell, Feb. 14 E.M. Register, Feb. 15 Sgt. J.M. Thrailkill, Fredericksburg, Feb. 21 Martin Weldon, Royal, March 8 J.A. Weeks, of wound, Richmond, May 16, 1863 Thomas N. Clarkson, Mt. Jackson, November 14, 1862 W.H. Boswell, killed, Kelly's Ford, Nov. 7, 1863 Wiley Tew, Lynchburg Tobias McLemore, missing since August, 1862
When he registered for the World War I draft, he was a resident of Blount County, Alabama, working as a coal miner for Lehigh Coal Co, and supporting his wife and and two children. He was described as Tall, with dark brown eyes and black hair.
The Alabama, Deaths and Burial Index, shows he was buried in Trafford, Alabama. His parents were listed as Laura Srider (Sic) and Richard McLemore. Wife was shown as Ethel Vaughan McLemore.
1920 Census
Alabama, Trafford Pr 32, Jefferson County
Enumerated 7 Jan 1920
SD 9 ED 139 Sheet 5A
McClemore, Thermon Polly Head M W 29 M Tenn Tenn Tenn Farmer At Home
McClemore, Ethel Wf F W 22 M Ala Ala Ala Farmer At Home
McClemore, William Paul Son M W 5 0/12 S Ala Tenn Ala
McClemore, Richard Hartwell Son M W 3 0/12 S Ala Tenn Ala
McClemore, Ola Dtr F W 2 0/12 S Ala Tenn Ala
1930 Census
Alabama, Jefferson County, Pr 16
Enumerated 7 May 1930
ED 37-149 SD 4 Sheet 24A Stamped 24
Old Warrior and Birmingham Road
McLemore, T. Tollie Head M W 39 M 23 Tenn Tenn Tenn Farmer At Home
McLemore, Ethel Wf F W 33 M 17 Ala Ala Ala Farmer
McLemore, Paul Son M W 15 S Ala Tenn Ala
McLemore, Richard H Son M W 14 Ala Tenn Ala
McLemore, Ola Dtr F W 12 S Ala Tenn Ala
McLemore, Lola B Dtr F W 10 S Ala Tenn Ala
McLemore, Lillian Dtr F W 8 S Ala Tenn Ala
McLemore, Tallie B Son M W 5 S Ala Tenn Ala
McLemore, Curtis Son M W 4 0/12 Ala Tenn Ala
McLemore, Zyla Dtr F W 2 9/12 S Ala Tenn Ala
McLemore, Garland Son M W 10/12 S Ala Tenn Ala
Although Tommie grew up in Jasper, he worked on the East Coast, and says he "married a Yankee from New Jersey." As of 1999, they lived in Memphis, Tennessee. He is a member of MENSA and the American Holly Society.
Tommie D. McLemore
Tommie D. McLemore, 78, of Memphis, Tenn., died Jan. 18 at Methodist North Hospital in Memphis.
Services were held Jan. 21 at Memphis Funeral Home Gerrmantown Parkway Chapel with burial following at memory Hill Gardens.
He was a veteran of the Merchant Marines.
Survivors include his wife, Jean Hillouse McLemore; step-daughters, Alicia Van Gunda and Linda McNee; step-sons, Bill Nichols and Fred Nichols; sisters Marie Hicks of Jasper and Irma Brauniger of Beaumont; brothers, John D. McLemore of Kemp and Bobbie McLemore of Jasper; and six grandchildren. http://www.jaspernewsboy.com 02/01/2006 online edition
Name: Mrs. Thomas J. Easley
Death Date: 20 Dec 1968
Death Place: Temple, Bell, Texas
Gender: Female
Race: White
Death Age: 68 years
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 20 Mar 1900
Birthplace: Texas
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Jim Mclemare
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Katie
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: House Wife
Place of Residence: Waxahachie, Ellis, Texas
Burial Place: Waxahachie, Ellis, Texas
Burial Date:
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2137256
Digital Film Number: 4030475
Image Number: 3310
Reference Number: cn 91343
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
Tranum H. McLemore, 35, of Bristol, passed away Wednesday, April 4, 2012. He was a native of Wewahitchka. Tranum was born Feb. 21, 1977 in Panama City to Klenton and Penny McLemore. He was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Tranum enjoyed hunting, fishing, and baseball. He graduated from Wewahitchka High School in 1996 and Florida State University in 2001. Tranum was a physical ed. teacher for Blountstown Middle School where he coached football, basketball and baseball. He took great pride in impacting the young lives of those he taught and wanted to make a difference. Tranum was a loving husband and father. He is preceded in death by his grandfather, Thomas Howell McDaniel, and brother Sterling McLemore. Tranum is survived by his wife, Winter McLemore and three beautiful daughters, Autumn, AubriAna, and Aubrynn. He is also survived by his father, Klenton McLemore and mother Penny McLemore (Charles Mayhann); his brothers, Robert Knowles, Lee, Will, Davis, Klenton, Mitchell and Scott McLemore; grandmother, Minnie Ola Pridgeon McDaniel; and numerous family members. Funeral service will be held 2 p.m. CST, Saturday, April 7, 2012 at the First United Methodist Church of Wewahitchka with Pastor Jeremy Pridgeon officiating. Interment will follow at Jehu Cemetery. The family will receive friends at the church one hour prior to service. Condolences may be submitted or viewed at www.southerlandfamily.com?u?
Listed as Willie, age 11 months (born June) at the time of the 1880 census?
When he registered for the World War I draft, he was farming and a resident of Moulton, Alabama, which he also indicated was his place of birth. His dependents were listed as his mother, wife and one child. He was described as short and stout, with light blue eyes and sandy hair.
1920 Census
Alabama, Lawrence County, Oakville 9
Enumerated 13 Jan 1920
SD 8 ED 92 Sheet 5B
McLemore, Travis Hd M W 30 M Ala Ala Ala Farmer
McLemore, Annie Wf F W 21 m Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Hansel Son M W 5 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Hasel Dtr F W 1 1/12 Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Mary Mother F W 73 Wd Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Dora Sister F W 45 S Ala Ala Ala
1930 Census
Alabama, Lawrence County, Precinct 8
Enumerated April 2, 1930
ED 40-16 SD 1
Sheet 1A Stamped 189
McLemore, Travis Hd M W 39 M 21 Ala Ala Ala Farmer
McLemore, Annie Wf F W 33 S 15 Ala Ala Ga
McLemore, Hansel Son M W 15 s Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Hazel Dtr F W 11 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Frank Son M W 10 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Dyke Son M W 7 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Constance Dtr F W 3 2/12 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Mary Mother F W 85 Wd Ala NC NC
McLemore, Dora Sister F W 53 S Ala Ala Ala
Mrs. T. A. Adair and family (including Sewell's and Alexander's)
McLemore, W. C. Head M W 29 M 21 Ala Ala Ala Farmer
McLemore, Ninnie Wf F W 30 M 22 Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Auburn Son M W 7 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Murline Dtr F W 4 8/12 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Lulien Dtr F W 1 11/12 S Ala Ala Ala
Smith, Lemmie Head M W 21 M 19 Ala Ala Ala Farmer
Smith, Carrie Wf F W 24 M 22 Ala Ala Ala
Smith, Ninnie dtr F W 1 8/12 Ala Ala Ala
1940 Census
Alabama, Lawrence County, Twp 7
Enumerated 19 Apr 1940
SD 8 ED 40-19 Sheet 10B
McLamore, Travis Head m W 50 M No 8 Ala Same House Farming
McLamore, Annie (x) Wife M (sic) W 42 M No 6 Ala Same House
McLamore, Frank Son M W 20 S Ala Same House Farming
McLamore, ?lyde Son M W 17 S Ala Same House
McLamore, Christine Dtr F W 13 S Ala Same House
McLamore, Roy Son M W 9 S Yes 4 Ala Same House
McLamore, Dora Sister F W 66 S No 3 Ala Same House
Troy Lee McLemore, age 85, passed away November 27, 2010. He was born November 14, 1925 in Leonard, Texas to Marvin and Lillie May McLemore. He is preceded in death by his parents; brothers; James, Bobbie Ray, and Paul; and his daughter Julie. He is survived by his wife of 54 years Yukie; his daughter Peggy; and son-in-law Donald Redmond. Troy served over 20 years in the military, first in the Navy from 1944-1946 during World War II. After leaving the Navy he immediately joined the Air Force where he proudly served until retiring in 1966. He was a farmer, carpenter, handyman, but most of all a good and decent family man with a lively sense of humor who will be greatly missed. A graveside service will be held Tuesday, December 7, 2010 at 11:00 A.M. at Ft. Sam Houston National Cemetery.