Paraphrased from "Ole Rosinheels" Moses and brother Richard McLemore were born in SC, and probably moved from Giles Co., TN to Wayne Co., MS at the end of hostilities in the War of 1812. They settled in that part of Wayne County which, in 1819, became Covington County and, still later, in 1826, became Jones County. They were both listed in the 1816 census of Wayne County, but neither was on the 1810 census of the same area. They settled in the Leaf River country of what is now Jones, Perry, Forrest and Covington counties, in south-eastern Mississippi. They lived in close proximity, and John McLemore joined them in 1820. In 1836, Richard moved to Lauderdale County.
The following transcription is courtesy of Melba Gene McLemore, and relates to the military service of Moses during the Creek War:
Know all men by these presents that I Moses Mclemore of the State of Tennessee and Giles County have constetutes ? made and appointed my trusty friend Abraham Byler my true and Lawful attorney for me and in my name and to my use to ask demand ... fore Recover and Receive from the paymaster of the United States all such Sum or Sums of Money which is owing to me from the United States for my services for a tour of duty against the Creek Indians under the command of Gen Andrew Jackson and upon Receiving of such money as fore said to receip for the same in my name in as full and ample a manner as i could do if I were personally present in witness where of I the said Moses McLemore have here unto let my hand and seal this 17th day July 1815
John Huggins Moses McLemore ( Seal )
State of Tennessee Giles County
This day personally appears Moses McLemore before me Jacob Byler one of the Justices of the Peace for said county and acknowledged the above power of attorney for the purpose within mentioned in the presence of John Higggins the subscribing witness given under my hand the 17th Day of July 1815
Jacob Byler JP
1850 Census
Mississippi, Perry County
Enumerated 28 Sept 1850
Moses McLamore 63 M Farmer $500 SC
Nancy McLamore 56 F SC (Color Mulatto) SC
John McLamore 23 M Farmer Miss
Juriah McLamore 17 F Miss
Moses McLemore 15 M Farmer Miss
Richard McLemore 13 M Miss (Son of John T. McLemore)
Sarah McLemore 11 F Miss (Daughter of John T. McLemore)
Keziah McLemore 7 F Miss (Daughter of John T. McLemore)
Craven McLemore 4 M Miss (Son of John T. McLemore)
Amos McLemore 2 F Miss (Appears to be John T. McLemore's daughter Agnes)
MCLEMORE, MOSES 01 07 1845 82.6850 t:15N r:18E s:12 AL
MCLEMORE, MOSES 01 07 1845 82.2500 t:15N r:18E s:13 AL
MCLEMORE, WILLIAM 20 08 1834 39.8750 t:17N r:18E s:22 AL
MCLEMORE, WILLIAM 20 08 1834 40.1000 t:17N r:18E s:26 AL
MCLEMORE, WILLIAM 08 04 1837 80.1500 t:24N r:27E s:12 AL
(Courtesy of James A. Strain)
Melba Gene McLemore found a book titled "Proceedings of the Fifty-Ninth Annual Sessio of the Alabama Baptist Association," which recorded the activities of the delegates from the churches that met at the church at Pine Level, Montgomery county, at 11 o'clock on Friday, October 11, 1878. Eld. McQueen presented the report of the Committee on Documents, and included in this report was that "Elim church (Montgomery county) reports the death of Deacon Moses McLemore." (page 7). A few pages later, in a report on obituaries "Since the last session of this body, four of the faithful workers in the Master's cause-Deacons R. H. Lee, Thomas W. Dunklin, F. L. Ellis, and Moses McLemore-have left our ranks for a purer clime. They have finished the work assigned them to do on the earth, and their light spirits have taken "homeward flight" to the land of rest. These all died in the faith, as they had lived, and haivng "used the office of Deason well," have "purchased to themselves a "good degree and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus." "Blessed are the deat that die in the Lord, yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors."
Resolved, first, that we bow in humble submission to this dispensation of God's providence...
Resolved, second, that we tender our heartfelt sympathies to the families of our lamented brethren, praying that the smiles of Heavan may settle on them.
Respectfully submitted,
B. A. Jackson, Chm'n
(page 12)
1840 Census
Alabama, Montgomery County
Folio 17
Stamped 162
Names of Heads of Families
Elizabeth McLemore
One Male 15 to 20
One Male 20-30
One Female 50-60
William McLemore
One Male Under 5
One Male 20-30
One Male 30-40
One Female 15-20
Andrew J. McLemore
One Male 20-30
One Female under 6
One Female 20-30
Moses McLemore
Two Males under five
One Male 5 to 10
One Male 30-40
One Female under five
One female 20-30
James McLemore
One Male 20-30
1850 Census
Alabama, Montgomery County, The First District
Stamped 80
Wyatt T Harper 40 M Farmer $---- Va
Ann A Harper 49 F $1300 Ga
Mary F Harper 24 F Ala
Benjamin S Harper 37 M MD $3000 Va
Mary C.A. McLemore 14 F Ala
Moses McLemore 41 M Planter 4322 Ga
Mary McLemore 29 F Ala
Rebecca McLemore 12 F Ala
Martha McLemore 9 F Ala
Sarah M McLemore 2 F Ala
John McLemore 4/12 Ala
Adkin Mosely 22 M Manager Ala
Benj Harper
1860 Census
Alabama, Montgomery County, The First Division, P.O. Montgomery
Enumerated 10 September 1860
Page 162
Moses McLemore 50 M Planter $64650 $84,997 Ga
Mary P McLemore 38 F Ala
John P McLemore 10 M Ala Attended School
Elizabeth I C McLemore 7 F Ala Attended School
Andrew H. H. McLemore 5 M Ala
Louisa A. McLemore 4 F Ala
Pleasant R (sic) McLemore 10/12 M Ala
Martha E McLemore 18 F Ala
1860 Census
Mississippi, Perry County, Southern District, P.O. Monroe
Enumerated 10 August 1860
Moses McLemore 25 M Farmer $6-- $300 Mi
Eliza McLemore 30 F Miss
Martha Kerkling 18 F MI Is she Related to Eliza? (based on last name)
1870 Census
Mississippi, Copiah County, Twp 9-10 West of RR, Post Office Hazelhurst
Enumerated 2 August 1870 by O.H. Johnston
Page 113, Stamped 349
HH 810-796
McLemore, Richard & Lucy
McLemore Moses 38 M W Works at Sawmill Miss
McLemore, Eliza 40 F Keeping Houses Miss
McLemore, Mary 7 F Miss
Carter, Carroll Johnson and Juriah (McLemore)
Freeman, John & Kesiah 34 M W Farmer $700 $700 NC
From Memorial Record of Alabama (a book) published in 1893.
"MOSES McLEMORE, a prominent planter of Montgomery county, was born in this county in 1857. He is a son of Andrew J. and Sarah C. (Smith) McLemore, the former native of Jones county, Ga., the latter of Orangeburgh district, S. C. Andrew J. McLemore came with his parents to Alabama about 1820, received a common school education, and married Margaret Caffey, who died leaving three daughters. In 1854 Mr. Mclemore married again, and spent the rest of his life in the vicinity of Moses McLemore's present home. He owned a fine plantation, and negroes, was never in public life nor performed any military service. He was well read and had a large fund of information. He was for many years a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, and died in 1870, aged fifty-five. His father was the Rev. James McLemore, a Missionary Baptist Minister, who came from Georgia to Alabama about 1820, and followed the ministry in this state for many years. He is said to have built the first church in Montgomery county. He was a Virginian by birth, and died before Moses McLemore was born, greatly loved by his people. His wife survived him by a number of years. She was an energetic woman, and attended the plantation affairs very successfully. They raised a large family of sons and daughters, only two of the daughters now surviving [ca.1893]. The mother of Moses McLemore is still living. She is a daughter of Jacob and Mary Smith, natives of South Carolina, where they lived all their lives. Mrs. McLemore came to Alabama with an uncle, Daniel Rast, who settled in Lowndes. She is the mother of four Children, viz.: Mary, Moses, Laura A. and Sterling Price. Moses was educated at the county schools and at Montgomery, and at the age of seventeen began life for himself as a farmer. He married, in 1890, Annie Benom Tanner, daughter of L. H. and Ophelia A. Tanner, who came from Georgia to Alabama. Mr. Tanner died at Union Springs, and Mrs. Tanner is still living. Mrs. McLemore was born in Tuskegee, Ala. Mr. McLemore is one of the leading farmers in the county, owning 2,900 acres of fine farming land. He has followed farming all his life, and for some years he also carried on merchandising, and ran a cotton gin. When he started in life he had but a few hundred dollars, inherited from his father's estate; now he is worth many thousands of dollars, all of which, with the exception just mentioned, he has aquired by his own industry and economy."
(Courtesy of Robert Morris: Lee, Lencionie and Morris Genealogies at RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project)
Courtesy of Melba Gene McLemore
Pioneer Resident of County is Dead
Moses McLemore of Mitylene, Leading Citizen for Years, Passes Saturday
Moses McLemore, of Mitylene one of the leading citizens of Montgomery county, died Saturday afternoon at ? 30 o'clock at a local infirmary. Mr. McLemore had been in declining health for some months and in February grew rapidly worse, and he was brought to Montgomery for treatment. Saturday an operation was resorted to in a last attempt to prolong his life, but in vain. Members of the family were at his bedside when the end came.
The McLemores were a pioneer Montgomery family. They came to this county and settled on the rich farming lands in the famous old Mount Meigs vicinity 100 years ago. Always they have followed agriculture and with marked success. Moses McLemore, who was 63 years old at his death, had been born and reared on the family plantation on which he resided and which he operated for the whole of his life. He never lived elsewhere. He had long been recognized as one of the most successful planters in Middle Alabama. He was a gentleman of fine personal qualities and universally popular. He was a tender and devoted husband and father and a farmer who found the soil and its products a source of never-ending pleasure. The McLemore residence is one of the prettiest country places in Montgomery county. The numerous Montgomery friends of the family were frequently entertained within its hospitable walls. The dead planter is survived by his wife and three sons: A. J. McLemore, K T McLemore, and Price McLemore, all of Mitylene, and four daughters, Mrs. H. W. Walker of Millstead, Miss Alidah McLemore, Miss Cherita McLemore and Jane McLemore of Mitylene, and by two sisters, Miss Mary McLemore and Miss Adele McLemore, of Montgomery.
Funeral services will take place from the residence on the Mot. Meigs Road Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Dr. Charles A. Blakely of the First Baptist church, officiating. Interment will be at Oakwood.
Date: 1920-04-18 Montgomery Advertiser
McLemore Burying Ground, Montgomery, Alabama
From DAR records 1936
The McLemore Burying Ground is about one mile off the Montgomery -Atlanta
Highway to the right facing east, and is about five miles from Montgomery.
It is on a knoll behind the old James McLemore home built about 1820. In
1936 Mrs. Lizzie Taylor Dickerson occupied it. A low brick wall and
iron fence surrounds the lot. Outside the main cemetery is another smaller
one, also enclosed. There are graves of slaves and faithful servants, mostly
unmarked outside all enclousures. Graves listed begin at the southwest
corner of the plot.
1870 Federal Census
Alabama, Montgomery county, Twp 16 Range 19, Post Office Mo
Enumerated 11 July 1870
Stamped 342
McLemore, S.C. 39 F W Keeping House SC
McLemore, Elizabeth 30 F At Home Ala
McLemore, M.R. 14 F At Home Ala
McLemore, Moses 12 M At Home Ala
McLemore, Adella 10 F At At Home Ala
McLemore, Price 8 M Ala
McLemore, A.L. 4 M Ala
1880 Federal Census
Alabama, Montgomery County, Walkers
FHL # 1254026 NA Film # T9-0026
Page 235B
McLemore, Moses Self M W 23 Ala Farmer Ga SC
McLemore, Sarah C Mother F W 49 SC Keeping House SC SC
McLemore, Laura A Sister F W 21 Ala Ga Ala
McLemore, S.P. Brother M W 18 Ala Ga SC
1900 Census
Alabama, Montgomery County, Beat 3, Montgomery City, Ward 3
Enumerated 4 June 1900
SD 2 ED 99 Sheet 7B
Road South Count(y?)
McLemore, Moses Hd W M Mch 1857 43 M9 Alabama SC SC Landowner
McLemore, Annie Wf W F Dec 1871 28 M9 4/4 Alabama Ga Ga
McLemore, Jackson Son W M Dec 1891 8 S Alabama Alabama Alabama
McLemore, Ophelia Dtr W F Apl 1894 6 S Alabama Alabama Alabama
McLemore, Alida Dtr W F Aug 1897 2 S Alabama Alabama Alabama
McLemore, Klenton Son W M Apl 1900 1/12 S Alabama Alabama Alabama
Simpson, Frank Servant B M May 1882 18 S Alabama Alabama Alabama Waiter
Thomas, Millie Servant B F May 1865 35 M20 1/1 Alabama Alabama Alabama House Girl
Wells, Abbie Servant B F Jan 1860 40 S 2/2 Alabama Alabama Alabama Nurse
Beasley, Rachel Servant B F May 1863 37 Wd 2/2 Alabama Alabama Alabama Nurse
1910 Census
Alabama, Montgomery County, Pr 3, City of Montgomery, Ward 3
Enumerated 18 April 1910
SD 2 ED 90 Sheet 3A
McLemore, Moses Hd M W 52 M1 19 Ala Ala SC Farmer
McLemore, Annie Wf F W 37 M1 19 8/6 Ala Ga Ala
McLemore, Jack Son M W 18 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Ophelia Dtr F W 14 X Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Alidah Dtr F W 12 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Klenton Son M W 9 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Cheridah Dtr F W 6 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Price Son M W 1 S Ala Ala Ala
Beasley, Rachel Servant F B 51 Wd 5/1 Ga Ga Ga Nurse Private Family
1920 Census
Alabama, Montgomery County, Pr 20
Enumerated 11 Feb 1920
SD 2 ED 134 Sheet 19B
McLemore, Moses Hd M W 63 M ala Ala Ala Farmer Home Farm
McLemore, Annie Wf F W 48 M Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Klenton Son M W 20 S Ala Ala
McLemore, Cheritah Dtr F W 18 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Price Dtr F (sic) W 15 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Jane Dtr F W 9 S Ala Ala Ala
1930 Census
Alabama, Montgomery County, Pr 20 Walkers
Enumerated April 17, 1930
ED 51-57 SD 8 Sheet 8B
McLemore, Jack Hd M W 38 M 27 Ala Ala Ala Farmer Genl Farm
McLemore, Mary Wf F W 35 M 24 Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Jack Jr Son M W 9 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Thomas O Son M W 8 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, William H Son M W 11/12 S Ala Ala Ala
Baxter Family
Rumple Family
Robbins, Annie T Wife-Hed F W 53 M 49 Ohio Ohio SC Farmer Genl Farm
Robbins, George Head M W 57 M 43 Ala Ala Ala Manager Genl Farm
McLemore, Jane StepDtr F W 19 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Price StepSon M W 21 S Ala Ala Ala
He appears to have been living with his half-sister and brother-in-law (Kesiah and John T. Freeman) in Copiah County, Mississippi at the time of the 1880 census. He was listed as M.L. McLemore, Brother-in-law, age 18, Mississippi.
1880 Census
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
J. T. FREEMAN Self M Male W 43 NC Farmer NC NC
Kesiah FREEMAN Wife M Female W 34 MS Keeping House MS MS
E. R. FREEMAN Dau S Female W 18 MS At Home NC MS
J. T. FREEMAN Son S Male W 15 MS Farm Hand NC MS
W. J. FREEMAN Son S Male W 14 MS Farm Hand NC MS
E. H. FREEMAN Son S Male W 12 MS Farm Hand NC MS
D. V. FREEMAN Dau S Female W 10 MS At Home NC MS
Josiah FREEMAN Son S Male W 4 MS NC MS
A. E. FREEMAN Dau S Female W 2 MS NC MS
M. L. MC LEMORE BroL Male W 18 MS Farm Laborer MS MS
Source Information: Census Place Rose Hill, Copiah, Mississippi
Family History Library Film 1254645 NA Film Number T9-0645
Page Number 18C
1900 Census
Mississippi, Copiah County, Beat 4 Part of Mount Hope Voting Precinct
Enumerated 5 Jun 1900
SD 7 ED 41 Sheet 3A
Moses L Mclemore Head W M Jan 1863 38 M 18 Miss Miss Miss Farmer
Nancy E Mclemore Wife W F Aug 1866 33 M 18 10/10 Miss Miss Miss
John G Mclemore Son W M Dec 1884 15 S Miss Miss Miss Farm Laborer
Darvel B Mclemore W M Oct 1886 13 S Miss Miss Miss
Moses L Mclemore Son W M Feb 1888 12 S Miss Miss Miss
Anna R Mclemore Dtr W F Feb 1889 11 S Miss Miss Miss
Robert W Mclemore Son W M Aug 1891 8 S Miss Miss Miss
Lena M Mclemore Dtr W F Dec 1892 7 S Miss Miss Miss
Mary L Mclemore Dtr W F July 1894 5 S Miss Miss Miss
Clifton Mclemore Son W M June 1896 3 S Miss Miss Miss
Claud Mclemore Son W M Jun 1896 3 S Miss Miss Miss
Malcolm Mclemore Son W M July 1899 10/12 S Miss Miss Miss
Ada G Mclemore Niece W F Aug 1879 20 S Miss Miss Miss
1910 Census
Mississippi, Copiah County, Dentville
Roll T624_737 Page 9A ED 0055 Image 1137
FHL Microfilm 1374750
Mory L Mclemore Head 48 m1 27 Miss Miss Miss Farmer
( clearly reads Moses on the image )
Lizzie Mclemore Wife 43 m1 27 14/13 Miss Ga SC
Laffastte Mclemore Son 22 Miss Miss Miss
Anna Mclemore Dtr 21 Miss Miss Miss
Lena M Mclemore Dtr 17 Miss Miss Miss
Mary Mclemore Dtr 15 Miss Miss Miss
Claud Mclemore Son 14 Miss Miss Miss
Clifton Mclemore Son 14 Miss Miss Miss
Floy Mclemore Dtr 9 Miss Miss Miss
Rodgers Mclemore Son 6 Miss Miss Miss
Charlie Mclemore Son 3 Miss Miss Miss
Lillian Mclemore Dtr 2/12 Miss Miss Miss
1920 Census
Mississippi, Sunflower County, Beat 4
Enumerated 10 Feb 1920
SD 3 ED 123 Sheet 14A
McLemore, Darville Head m W 33 M Miss Miss Miss Fm
McLemore, Zelma Wf F W 30 M Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Barney Son M W 7 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Moses Head M W 58 M Miss Miss Miss FM
McLemore, Nancy E Wf F W 53 M Miss Ga SC
McLemore, Rodgers Son M W 15 S Miss Miss Miss Laborer Home Farm
McLemore, Charly Son M W 13 S Miss Miss Miss Laborer Home Farm
McLemore, Lillian Dtr F W 9 S Miss Miss Miss
1930 Census
Mississippi, Sharkey County, Beat 2
Enumerated April 19, 1930
ED 63-2 SD 6 Sheet 9B
McLemore, Moses L Head M W 68 M 21 Miss Miss Miss Farmer
McLemore, Nancy E Wf F W 65 M 17 Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Rogers Son M W 25 S Miss Miss Miss Truck Driver County Road
McLemore, Charley Q Son M W 23 S MIss Miss MiSs Farmer
Arnol, Lewis Adopted on M W 15 S MIss Miss Miss
McLemore, Zelma Head F W 38 Wd Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Barney Son M W 17 S Miss Miss Miss
When he registered for the draft during the First World War, he was listed as farming and employed by Glass & White. He was single, of medium heighth and build, with blue eyes and black hair. His home address at the time, Jun 1917, was Stover, Mississippi.
1930 Census
Mississippi, Sunflowr County, Beat 3
Enumerated April 2, 1930
ED 67-13 SD 4 Sheet 1A Stamped 68
McLemore, Moses L Head M W 42 M 30 Moiss Miss Miss Farmer Tenant
McLemore, Mary Wf F W 36 m 26 Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Hazel Dtr F W 9 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Paul Son M W 8 Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, William Son M W 6 S Miss Miss Miss
Partha Hamilton emailed, in October 2011, that Mozelle passed away in California in 2002. I was unable to locate a Mozelle Hill on the SSDI that died in 2002. Possibly she remarried?
Robert Butler lists her as Mettie McLemore and Diane McLemore Harrison instead shows her as Mattie Hall.
Bonnie Adams Seiler, a niece, does not show a marriage to a Mr. HALL. She only lists a marriage to Joseph Forrest ATKINS. As Myrtie would only have been 14 at the time of the purported marriage to M.J. Hall, it appears that it may have actually been someone else who married him in 1904 in Cumberland County.
Name Myrtie Halbert
Event Type Death
Event Date 29 Sep 1974
Event Place Hemphill, Sabine, Texas, United States
Gender Female
Marital Status Widowed
Birth Date 19 May 1893
Birthplace , Texas
Father's Name Tom Mclemore
Mother's Name Sophia Anna Clark
Informant Olan Halbert (Son)
Certificate Number 77705
GS Film number 2243402
Digital Folder Number 005145708
Image Number 02456
Citing this Record:
"Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 01 Apr 2014), Myrtie Halbert, 29 Sep 1974; citing certificate number 77705, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2243402.
Obituary, per her FindAGrave memorial page created by WSalmond.
Myrtle McLemore Dutton
Funeral for Myrtle McLemore Dutton, 90, of Moulton was to be today, June 16, 2004, at 11 a.m. at Elliott Funeral Home with the Rev. Jackie Shelton officiating.
Burial was to be in Moulton Memory Gardens. Visitation was to be today from 10 to 11 a.m. at the funeral home.
Mrs. Dutton died Tuesday, June 15, 2004, at Summerford Nursing Home. She was born Nov. 5, 1913, in Lawrence County to Walter Thad McLemore and Della McCullough McLemore. She was a member of the Eastern Star and Central Park Baptist Church.
Survivors include one son, Maurice Dutton of Hohenwald, Tenn.; one daughter, Glenda Ford of Decatur; three sisters, Katie White of Falkville, Audrey Rogers of Decatur and Dorothy Parvin of Southgate, Mich.; five grandchildren, Fletcher Ford, Lisa Peery, Marion Dutton, Ed Dutton and Rod Dutton; and eight great-grandchildren.
Memorials may be made to Central Park Baptist Church of Decatur or to a favorite charity.
Said by Tom Heseltine to have been "born about 1793, married William PLUMLEE." The 1850 census, on which she was shown as 63, puts her date of birth earlier, circa 1787."
Nancy was married, according to the marriage bond issued on January 4, 1827 (Southampton Marriage Register, p. 367), to another McLemore, her cousin Joel (or perhaps John) McLemore, who was probably Joel the son of Howell McLemore, and neither subsequently appear in the records of the Southside clerk's office. (James L. McLemore, III, p. 67).
Married a Lockamy. There were numerous "Loccamy" families in Sampson County at the time of the 1860 census, but I could not find one indexed with a Nancy. There was a household in McDaniels Township consisting of Nathan and Martha I. Loccamy, with Martha being around the same age (28) as Nancy would have been.
At the time of the 1870 North Carolina Census, Sampson County, McDaniels Twp the following family is listed:
LOCKEMY Nancy 38 F W Keeping House $200 North Carolina Can't read/write
" George 4 M W at home North Carolina
McLEMORE David 18 M W Works on Farm North Carolina <---Appears to be her nephew, the orphaned son of Hezekiah McLemore
Bonnie Seiler shows that she married Daniel Lockemy, and that they were the parents of Etom, Anna, Moses, Needom, Anglelia, Robert and George.
Immediately following her household were Thomas and Rachel (McLemore) Smith.
According to Robert McLemore Butler, there was a Nancy McLEMORE of Sampson County who married, on 8 Feb 1858, Mr.Henry HALL. Marriage performed by Rev. Miles P. OWEN. It appears this was a different Nancy McLemore.
She and her brother Rufus were both very ill as young children. Rufus died young, but Addie grew into adulthood and married. She was never able to have children of her own, however.
She was living with her sister, Sarah WILLIAMS, in Luling, Texas, at the time of the 1880 census.
1900 Census
Texas, Caldwell, JP 4, ED 123
Enumerated 12 Jun 1900 by W.C. McKeon
SD 12 ED 123 Sheet 7B
Cadena, E.C. Hd W M Aug 1859 40 M11 Mexico Mexico Mexico Emig. 1876 School Teacher
Cadena, Addie Wf W F Nov 1864 35 M 11 0/0 Tx Ky Tn
1910 Census
Texas, Caldwell, JP 4, ED 32
Enumerated 7 May 1910
SD 10, ED 32, Sheet 23A
Cadna, Elias Hd M 52 M? 21 Mexico/Spanish Mexico/Spanish Mexico/Spanish School Teacher
Cadna, Addie W F 45 M1 21 0/0 Tx Ky Tn
1920 Census
Texas, Bexar, San Antonio Ward 7
Stampted page 122
E. C Cadina Hd 55 Teacher Public School Tx Mexico Mexico
Addie Cadina Wife 55 Tx Ky Tn
A transcription of "The McLemore Family Bible, 1822-1859 owned by Hillis Fry McLemore of Jackson, MS and contributed by Fairy B. McLemore Edwards of Canyon Lake, Texas, shows on page 4:
Nancy Dabney McLemore daughter of Sugars McLemore
and Elizabeth his wife was born on Saturday 17th of
December 1836 - Maried 10th May 1856 Theo Cole
(The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ translated
out of the original Greek and with the former translations dilligently
compared and revised, and Canne's Marginal References. Stereotyped
by James Conner New York. By J. Emory and R. Waugh for
the Methodist Episcopal Church at the Conference Office, 14 Crosby
Street. J. Collord, Printer. 1829 )
Originally published in The Tennessee Genealogical Magazine, "ANSEARCHIN' " News (The Tennesse Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 111249, Memphis, TN 38111-1249, Vol. 42, No. 2, Summer, 1996), p. 38.
Nicole Brooks is interested in any photos or information on the slaves of Nancy's father, Sugars McLemore. She is asking because her third great grandmother was one of them and with whom he fathered several children who are her direct ancestors. Her ancestors name was Amanda, and Sugars purchased her sometime around the mid to late 1840s in Memphis and took her to Brownsville. She remained in his household until around 1856 when she was then gifted to his daughter Nancy (Nannie) Dabney McLemore after she married Thomas Cole. If you have any information relating to the slaves held by this family, please contact Nicole at the email address below:
At the time of the 1880 census, she was living with her sister and brother-in-law, Louisa and Mial ABERNATHY.
She is shown by some researchers as having married either David HOBBS or David HOBBS LAUDERDALE. His correct last name was Lauderdale, per the Social Security application of her daughter, Whitten Lauderdale Cowart.
1900 Census
Alabama, Colbert County, Leighton Beat
Enumerated 2 June 1900 by Thomas Lile
SD 8 ED 11 Sheet 3B
Lauderdale, David H Hd W M Nov 1849 50 M 18 Tn Ireland Germany Blacksmith
Lauderdale, Josephine Wife W F Apr 1862 38 M 18 3/2 Ala Ala Ala
Lauderdale, Whitten Dtr F W May 1886 14 S Tn Tn Ala At School
Some researchers show her date of death as early as 1873. Henry Lee of McComb, Mississippi instead lists it as May 21, 1909, with her burial in the Green Creek Cemetery in Perry County, Mississippi. As this is the date that her husband's death was reported in a Covington County newspaper, he might be confusing the two.
Mississippi, Perry County, Southern District
Enumerated 15 Sep 1860 by Henry E. Lee
Henry E. Lee 28 M Teacher of Common School $--- $200 Mi
Nancy Lee 29 F Mi
Rachel Lee 6 F Mi
[Why were sons Fate and John Thomas not listed??]
Joseph & Marth McLemore
Londy & Luvinia Fairchild
Josiah & Sarah McLemore
A Transcription of the Rachel Dodd McLemore Bible, originally owned by Mrs. Rachel P. (Dodd) McLemore, Route 3, Humboldt, Tenn., is now in possession of her granddaughter, Fairy Bell (McLemore) Edwards, Canyon Lake, Tex., who has contributed a copy of the records to TGS.
Nannie Pearle McLemore was born August 31st, 1880
(International Series, The Holy Bible containing the Old and New
Testaments translated out of the original tongues: and with the former
translations diligently compared and revised. International. Small Pica
Octavo. Clear Type Edition. The John C. Winston Co., Publishers of the
International Series.)
Originally published in The Tennessee Genealogical Magazine, "ANSEARCHIN' " News (The Tennesse Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 111249, Memphis, TN 38111-1249, Vol. 42, No. 2, Summer, 1996), p. 89.
Not mentioned in the transcription of his father's will. However, he was listed as the oldest son of Atkins on Mark Freeman's webpage. He was a member of the Milita in Bute County.
He served as a bondsman at the Orange County, North Carolina weddings of John SARKSTON to Margaret ARMSTRONG (21 March 1800) and William SMITH to Tabitha CATE (15 December 1800).
ORANGE COUNTY, NC - DEEDS - Richard Christmas to Nathaniel McLemore, 14 Nov 1791File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:Ginger L. Christmas-Beattie
Orange County North Carolina Deed Book 4 p.692
This indenture made the fourteenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one. Between Richard Christmas of the county of Orange and state of North Carolina of the one part and Nathaniel McLemoreof the state and county of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Richard Christmas for and in consideration of one hundred pounds current money paid to him in hand by the said Nathaniel McLemorethe receipt thereof the said Richard Christmas doth hereby acknowledge, hath granted, bargained and sold and by these presence doth grant, bargain and sell unto the said Nathaniel McLemorehis heirs and assigns all that tract of land lying and being in the county of Orange on the waters of Little Cain Creek
(Deed courtesy of Joe Pruitt on 10/4/2006)
January 26, 1924
Departed this life at his residence in Davidson county, on the 4th inst., Mr. Nathaniel McLemore, late of North Carolina. With those to whom he was best known, he ever sustained the character of an honest man and a good neighbor.
On his FindAGrave memorial page, created by Angela Short Hudson, he was listed as having married (1) Emma Black and (2) Annie J. Williamson, with Annie also being buried at Beaver Dam Cemetery.
In 1940, Nella was a Lodger in the home of Ralph and Gail Willis of Louisville, Kentucy. They were the parents of her sister-in-law, Maxine, who was married to her brother Aubrey. Her occupation was Beautician.
Obituary, as copied from her FindAGrave memorial page, created by Robin Blackshear:
LUNSFORD, NELLA RAY, 96, passed away May 1, 2008 at The Richwood Nursing Home in LaGrange, KY.
She was the former Nella McLemore and a member of the Church of Christ.
She is survived by her son, William B. Younger Jr; daughter, Doris J. Smith; sister, Lois Robison; seven grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren.
Funeral service will be 1 p.m. Monday at Owen Funeral Home Jeffersontown, 9318 Taylorsville Road, with a private burial in Louisville Memorial Gardens West. Visitation is 2-5 p.m. Sunday.
Published in The Courier-Journal on 5/3/2008.
Brought to you by: Louisville Memorial Gardens West
Thought, but not proven, to be a brother of Keton J. McLemore, whom he lived next door to in Sabine Parish, Louisiana at the time of the 1850 Federal Census. It ia ASSUMED, but not proven, that both are sons of Sterling McLEMORE of Kentucky, and grandson of Ephraim McLEMORE and Hannah HUDSPETH. He appears to have been born in either Tennessee or Kentucky.
Melba Gene McLemore notes that on 26 Jun 1851, Nicholas H. McLemore, in consideration of the sum of $150 sold to a third party property that had formerly been owned by K.J. McLemore, in the State of Louisiana, Parish of Sabine.
In Kathy Casagranda's 1850 Sabine Parish (Louisiana) Census Transcription, she has the family listed as follows:
620 McLemore, Nicholas 39 M Farmer Tennessee
620 McLemore, Jane 31 F Tennessee
620 McLemore, Sterling 14 M Mississippi
620 McLemore, Evaline 11 F Tennessee
620 McLemore, William 10 M Tennessee
620 McLemore, Jas 8 M Tennessee
620 McLemore, Laura 5 F Mississippi
620 McLemore, Robt 4 M Mississippi
620 McLemore, Chas 1 M Mississippi
Casagranda notes that the Nicholas McLemore family was still living in Sabine Parish at the time of the 1860 census with children James, Robert, Richard and Martha. After 1860, there were no further records for this family in the Parish. However, she noted that a large number of individuals named McLemore lived in Union Parish.
Listed immediately prior to the Nicholas McLemore's family in 1850 was that of K.J. and Rebecca McLemore. The relationship between the two families is not known with certainty, but they appear to be related based on their migration patterns and proximity.
In 1860, the family is transcribed by Casagranda as follows:
689 McLemore N.H. 47 M Minister-Meth $450 Ohio
689 McLemore Mrs. 42 F Tennessee
689 McLemore James 19 M Farm Laborer Tennessee
689 McLemore, Laura 17 F Tennessee
689 McLemore, Robert 13 M Tennessee
689 McLemore, Richard 11 M Tennessee
689 McLemore, Martha 9 F Louisiana
1870 Census
Louisiana, New Orleans, 11-Wd
Series: M593 Roll: 524 Page: 570
Nicholas McLemore 56 Ky W M Flour Inspector
Eliza G. McLemore 50 Tenn W F
Robert McLemore 22 Miss W M
Felix McLemore 16 La W M
Alice McLemore 10 La W F
Vandorne McLemore 7 Miss W M
1930 Census
Texas, Van Zandt County, JP 7
Enumerated April 8, 1930
ED 234-25 SD 11 Sheet 4B
McLemore, Norman C. Hd M W 23 M 23 Ok US US Farmer
McLemore, Zelma L Wf F W 21 M 21 Tx Tx Tx
Sides, James F Lodger M W 25 S Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Rozella Payne Coggin writes that the fourth child of McLin Able and Lora Alexander McLemore was Obadiah Nephi, 4 October 1923 to 20 October 1995. My uncle Obbie never had any children although he did marry late in life to his cousin Inez Alexander Morrison McLemore. He is buried in Barker Cemetery in Western Limestone County, Alabama.
Octavia is often a name given to the eighth daughter, however it appears that Octavia may have actually been the ninth or tenth child born in Maclin and Nancy.
His Texas Death certificate listed his father as John McLemore and his mother as unknown. Occupation was shown as Retired Farmer. The informant was Arvel McLemore, a son, and burial place was simply shown as Ovilla, Texas, the same city he died in.
1910 Census
Alabama, Limestone County, Precinct 4 Big Creek
Enumerated 8 May 1910
SD 8 ED 103 Sheet 9B
McLemore, John W Hd M W 58 M1 42 Ala Ala Ala Farmer
McLemore, Angeline M Wf F W 58 M1 42 11/6 Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, John C Son M W 19 Ala Ala Ala Farm Labor
McLemore, Buford Hd M W 21 M1 1 Ala Ala Ala Miller ?? Mill
McLemore, Mary Wf F W 23 M1 1 Tn Unk Unk
McLemore, Tessie Dtr F W 2/12 S Ala Ala Tn
McLemore, Ottie L Hd M W 30 M9 Ala Ala Ala Farmer
McLemore, Sallie E Wf F W 22 Mi 3/3 Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Lavada A Dtr F W 7 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Arvel H Son M W 5 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Bessie Dtr F W 3 S Ala Ala Ala
1920 Census
Texas, Ellis County, Precinct No 7
Enumerated 7 Jan 1920
SD 5 ED 146 Sheet 2A
McLemore, Oda L Hd M W 40 M Tn Ala Ala Farmer
McLemore, Sallie Wf F W 34 M Ala Ala ALa
McLemore, Lavada Dtr F W 17 S Ala Tn Ala Farm Laborer
McLemore, Arvell Son M W 15 S Ala Tn Ala Farm Laborer
McLemore, Bessie Dtr F W 12 S Ala Tn TAla Farm Laborer
McLemore, Ruby Dtr F W 7 S Ala Tn Ala
McLemore, Horace Son M W 1 4/12 S Tx Tn Ala
1930 Census
Texas, Ellis County, JP 7 West of MK RR
Enumerated April 15, 1930
ED 70-41 SD 16 Sheet 8A Stamped 255
McLamore, O.L. Head M W 50 M 22 Tn Ala Ala Farmer
McLamore, Sallie Wife F W 45 M 16 Ala Tn Ala
McLamore, Bessie Str F W 22 S Ala Tn Ala
McLamore, Horace Son M W 11 S Tx Tn Al
McLamore, Elizabeth Dtr F W 9 S Tx Tn Ala
Name: Ola M. Roark
Death Date: 11 Nov 1971
Death Place: Graham, Young, Texas
Gender: Female
Death Age: 74 years
Estimated Birth Date: 1897
Birth Date:
Marital Status:
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: J. H. Mclemore
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Frances Smith
Mother's Birthplace:
Place of Residence:
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2223415
Digital Film Number: 4169942
Image Number: 2883
Reference Number: 83826
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
1930 Federal Census
Alabama, Limestone County, Slough Twp, Precinct 10
Enumerated April 23, 1930
ED 19 SD 2 Sheet 10B
McLemore, Oliver D Hd M W 31 M 25 Ala Ala Ala Farmer General Farming
McLemore, Ada W. Wife F W 25 M 19 Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Oliver D Jr. Son M W 5 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Katherine O Dtr F W 4 4/12 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Alvis M Son M W 1 3/12 S Ala Ala Ala
Oliver Dempsey md. Virginia Dare CHRISTOPHER and had Ginger, Michael and Dusty. (The Lure and Lore of Limestone County, p. 147). His nephew, Carl Alvis McLemore writes that "Uncle Demp went into the service at 18, and was dropped behind enemy lines on D-Day. Only 6 of out of the 50 in his squadron survived, being captured by the Germans. He was a POW for close to a year."Oliver Dempsey McLemore, 89, passed away on Saturday, May 10, 2014, at the Athens-Limestone Hospital, Athens, Alabama.
He was born to Oliver Delma and Ada Gordon McLemore on June 27, 1924.
He graduated from Tanner High School in 1943 and attended Athens College on the GI Bill. He was drafted in the Army as a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Unit. He was a POW in Germany and was a Purple Heart recipient. He returned to the U.S. in 1945 and married his beloved sweetheart, Virginia Dare Christopher. They were married 68 years. He worked at TVA, Brownsferry Nuclear Planta as a pipefitter and retired in 1988. He was a member of the Pipefitters Local 760. He was a member of the Round Island Baptist Church.
He is survived by his wife, Virginia Dare Christopher McLemore; three children, daughter, Ginger Martin and husband Granville Martin of Athens; sons, Mike McLemore and wife Wanda Casteel McLemore of Birmingham and Dusty McLemore and wife Patsy Holland McLemore of Athens. He has seven grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his parents and brother, Billy Ray McLemore and sisters, Betty Fay McLemore and Catherine Griffin of Athens.
Burial will be in Limestone Memorial Gardens with Military Honors. Spry Funeral Home is assisting the family.
1850 Census
Mississippi, Warren County
Enuermated 2 Nov 1850
William Stout 30 M Farmer Miss
Olivia South 25 F Miss
Matilda Stout 5 F Miss
Sally Stout 3 F Miss
Martha Stout S F Miss
1860 Census
Mississippi, Warren County, P.O. Vicksburg
Enumerated 4 Aug 1860
Page 141
W. Stout 50 M Farmer Miss
Alley Stout 35 F Miss
Matilda Stout 14 F Miss
Martha Stout 12 F Miss
Jackson Stout 7 M Miss
S. McLemore 70 F Ohio
Deborah McLemore 30 F Miss
Evalina McLemore 21 F Miss
Conflicting information is shown as to the exact date and location of death. Both June 5, 1924 in Brady and November 22, 1924 in Erath County are shown.
Obituary, copied from his FindAGrave memorial page, created by Bonnie Goodman:
Funeral for Orville E. McLemore, 67, of Decatur will be Sunday at 2 p.m. at Brown Service Funeral Home with the Rev. Bill Hines, the Rev. George Sawyer and the Rev. Roger White officiating.
Burial will be in Roselawn Cemetery. The family will receive friends tonight from 6 to 9 at the funeral home. Mr. McLemore died Friday at Huntsville Hospital. He was a member of Calvary Assembly of God, a decorated veteran of the U.S. Navy in World War II and a member of American Legion Post 15. He was a construction supervisor who was born November 23, 1925, in Limestone County.
He is survived by his wife, Ella Ree McLemore; one son, Richard Orville McLemore of Trinity; three daughters, Carolyn Hudgins and Glenda Troyer, both of Decatur, and Deborah Roberts of Danville; one sister, Elaine Trousdale of Athens; 14 grandchildren; and 13 great grandchildren.
DECATUR DAILY - April 3, 1993
There is also a photo of his military marker at this Memorial page. He was showsn as "S1 US Navy, World War II."
In his father's obituary, he is listed as of Statesboro, Georgia. He was said to have married Cornelia CARMICHAEL, and they were the parents of Gilbert McLemore and Cornelia Elizabeth McLemore of Atlanta, Georgia.
1900 Federal Census
Mississippi, Copiah County, Hazelhurst West Pr Part of Beat One
Enumerated 1 Jun 1900
SD 7 ED 31 Sheet 10A
McLemore, Oscar A Hd W M Dec 1871 28 M 8 Miss Miss Miss Farmer
McLemore, Mattie E Wf W F July 1868 31 m 8 5/5 Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Leana Dtr W F Oct 1892 7 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Ruth E Dtr W F Mar 1894 6 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, William L. Son W M Nov 1895 4 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Miller A Son W M Feb 1898 2 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Caleb S (Malvin) son W M May 1899 1 S Miss Miss Miss
1910 Federal Census
Mississippi, Copiah County, Hazelhurst West (Beat 1)
Enumerated 22 and 23 of April 1910
SD 7 ED 43 Sheets 5A and 5B (bottom and top)
McLemore, O. A. Hd M W 38 M 19 Miss Miss Miss Farmer General Farm
McLemore, Mattie E Wf F W 41 M 19 9/9 Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Fannie L Dtr F W 17 Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Ruth Dtr F W 15 Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Leon Son M W 14 Miss Miss Miss Farm Laborer
McLemore, Miller Son M W 12 Miss Miss Miss Farm Laborer
McLemore, Malvern Son M W 10 Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Laura Dtr F W 8 Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Mattie Dtr F W 6 Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Roy Son M W 5 Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Bryan I.?/S.? Son M W 3 Miss Miss Miss
1920 Federal Census
Mississippi, Copiah County, Hazelhurst Pr West District 1
Enumerated 13 Jan 1930
SD 7 ED 45 Sheet 9A
McLemore, Oscar A. Hd M W 48 Miss Miss Miss Farmer General
McLemore, Mrs. Martha E Wf F W 50 M Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Leona F Dtr F W 26 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Leon Son M W 24 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Malvin Son M W 20 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Laura M Dtr F W 17 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Mattie E Dtr F W 15 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Roy Son M W 14 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Bryan S Son M W 12 S Miss Miss Miss
1930 Census
Mississippi, Copiah County, Beat 1 West
Enumerated 15 Apr 1930
ED 15-4 SD 8 Sheet 15B
McLemore, O. A Head M W 58 M 29 Miss Miss Miss Farmer General Farm
McLemore, Mattie Wf F W 60 M 22 Miss Miss Miss None
McLemore, Leona Dtr F W 36 S Miss Miss Miss None
McLemore, Leon Son M W 33 S Miss Miss Miss Farm Laborer
McLemore, Bryan Son M W 22 S Miss Miss Miss Farm Laborer
1906 Sampson County, NC Voter Records Little Coharie Twp O.B. McLEMORE age 25 Ancestor: ---------- (Courtesy Robert McLemore Butler)
When he registered for the draft during World War I, he was listed as a farmer in Roseboro, Sampson County, North Carolina. His nearest relative was his mother, Elizabeth McLemore. He was shown as being of medium heighth and build, with Gray eyes and dark hair.
Name: Oscar Bernice Mclemore
Gender: Male
Burial Date: 20 May 1949
Burial Place: Rosebaro, N. C. R #1
Death Date: 20 May 1949
Death Place: Fayetteville, Cumberland, North Carolina
Age: 68
Birth Date: 15 Jan 1881
Birthplace: North Carolina
Race: White
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Lofton Mclemore
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Nancy E. Spell
Mother's Birthplace:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: B02032-4
System Origin: North Carolina-EASy
Source Film Number: 1926699
Reference Number: v 9B cn 9830
Collection: North Carolina Deaths and Burials, 1898-1994
Could Oscar have first married Margaret Emaline SESSOMS? Robert McLemore Butler has, in his notes, the following death notice:
Sampson County, NC Died Roseboro, NC 19 Dec 1956 Margaret Emaline McLemore b. 9 Feb 1861 F John Elson Sessoms M Penny Fisher Spouse OSCAR BERNICE McLEMORE Bk 44 p 251.
However, I don't think that the Oscar McLemore that Margaret married was Oscar Bernice McLemore, the son of Lofton. I believe this was another Oscar McLemore.
Oscar Bernice doesn't seem to be a likely fit for at least three reasons three reasons:
1) Oscar Bernice (assuming his date of birth is accurate) would have only been about 14 in 1895, when W. Oscar and Margaret got married.
Marriage record per Robert McLemore Butler:
* 1895 - Sampson County, NC .. Married .. 9 Mar 1895 .. M.O. McLemore (19) to Margaret E. Sessoms (21) .. Wit. J.W. Underwood, J.O. Johnson, S.B. Sessoms .. married at brides home.
2) Oscar Bernice was still listed with his parents in 1900, only five years after the date of the marriage, so it was either another Oscar that married Margaret, or Oscar Bernice had already been married and divorced. However, W.O. and Margarett McLemore executed a deed, referenced below, in 1905, so appear to have remained married.
Sampson County Deed Book Book 139, Page 133 Abstract of Deed W.O. McLEMORE to A. F. FISHER
Made this first day of September 1905 by W.O. McLEMORE wife Margrett McLEMORE of Sampson County and state of North Carolina of the first part to A.F. FISHER of Sampson County and state of North Carolina of the second consideration of the sum of Three Dollars to them paid by A.F. FISHER....convey to said A.F. FISHER....a certain tract or parcel of land in Little Coharie Township....adjoining the lands of J.L. BULLARD A.F. FISHER house tract, and others....containing one acres of land more or less..
...whereof the said W.O. McLEMORE hath hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written W.O. McLEMORE MARGRETT McLEMORE Attest W.J. FAIRCLOTH, J.P.
...North Carolina Sampson County the foregoing certificate of W.J. Faircloth J.P of Sampson County is adjudged to be correct and sufficient Let the instruments with the certificate be registered Witness my hand this 31st day of Oct 1905 W.F. SESSOMS Clerk Superior Court Recorded Oct 31st, 1915 R.A. INGRAM Regr. of Deeds
3) The Oscar that was married to Margarett was usually listed as W.O. or W. Oscar McLemore. Oscar Bernice is usually listed as O.B. or Bernice McLemore.
I could not find a W.O. or Oscar or Margaret or Maggie INDEXED in 1900 or 1910. It is possible that I simply overlooked them.
It appears that W.O. died sometime before 1920, because on the 1920 and 1930 census, I do find Maggie as a widow. In 1920 she was in Little Coharie, and Cordia, Elisha*, Emma May and Ginnie were listed as children. In 1930, she is also in Little Coharie, with only Elisha* and Cordia (the two oldest children) still listed at home PLUS with a 12 year old niece, Mary McLemore.
Sampson County, NC .. Died .. 8 Jan 1986 .. *Elisha Anderson McLemore [b. 11 May 1900] ..F: Oscar McLemore M: Maggie Sessoms .. Bk 74 p 243. .. buried at Williams Cemetery, Sampson County, NC]
"Otis was Sams brother. Otis did marry Annie Neismith, Had 2 children: Craven & Daisy. Annie died And Otis later married my mother, Mamie. Otis had other siblings: Anthony (Tony), George and Elizabeth." Committ submitted by Nealmc9543 on 12/27/2009 to the 1900 Census record of William and Celestia McLemore
1900 Census
Indian Territory, Choctaw Nation, Twp 10 NR 27 East
Enumerated 11 and 12 Jun 1900
SD ??? ED 73 Sheet 225A Stamped 25
McLemore, Samuel Head W M Mar 1873 Miss MIss Miss
McLemore, Annie Wf W F May 1878 22 M 5 2/1 Tx La La
McLemore, Lula F Dtr W F May 1898 Indian Territory Miss Tx
McLemore, Otis Head W M Mar 1880 20 M1 Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Annie Wf W F Jan 1884 16 M 1 2/1 Ark Ark Ark
McLemore, xxx Dtr W F May 1900 S Indian Territory Miss Ark
1910 Census
Oklahoma, LeFlore County, Milton Twp
Enumerated 20 Apr 1910
SD 4 ED 155 Sheet 2B
McLemore, Sam C Head M W 37 m1 15 Miss Miss Miss Farmer
McLemore, Minnie L Wf F W 33 m1 15 6/5 Tx La La
McLemore, Florence L Dtr F W 11 S Ok Miss Tx Farm Laborer
McLemore, Gladis O Dtr F W 8 S Ark Miss Tx
McLemore, Mabel Dtr F W 6 S Ark Miss Tx
McLemore, Denver Son M W 2 S Ok Miss Tx
McLemore, Myrtle Dtr F W 6/12 S Ok Miss Tx
McLemore, Otis Brother M W 29 Wd Miss MIss Miss Farmer
McLemore, Craven W Son M W 8 S Ark Miss Ark
McLemore, Daisy Dtr F W 6 S Ark Miss Ark
1920 Census
Oklahoma, LeFlore County, Bokoshe Twp
Enumerated 27 Feb 1920
SD 3 ED 97 Sheet 29A
McLemore, Otis Head M W 39 M Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Mamie Wf F W 22 M Ark Ark Ark
McLemore, Clarence Son M W 3 11/12 S Ok Miss Ark
McLemore, Craven J Son M W 18 S Ok Miss Ark
McLemore, Daisy Dtr F W 16 S Ark Miss Ark
1930 Census
Oklahoma, Caddo County, Gracemot Town, White Bread(?) Township
ED 8-54 SD 4 Sheets 12B and 13A
McLemore, ??? Head M W 22 m 18 Ok Miss Ok
McLemore, Marie Wf F W 20 M 20 Ok Ark Miss
McLemore, Lee Son M W 11/12 S Ok Ok Ok
McLemore, Otis Head M W 46 m 18 Miss Miss Miss Farmer Cotton
McLemore, Mamie J Wf F W 28 M 16 Ark Ark Ark
McLemore, Clarence H Son M W 14 S Ok Miss Ark
McLemore, Lucille N Dtr F W 9 S Ok Miss Ark
McLemore, Earnesteen Dtr F W 4 2/12 S Ok Miss Ark
McLemore, Delethia Dtr F W 5/12 S Ok Miss Ark
McLemore, Craven J Head M W 24 M 25 Ok Miss Ok Farmer Cotton
McLemore, Delphia Wf F W 20 M 16 Ok Ok Ark
McLemore, William E Son m W 2 S Ok Ok Ok
McLemore, Annie L Dtr F W 12 S Ok Ok Ok
April Makerney initially theorized that Ethel McLemore, age 19, and shows as a daughter-in-law of Albert George McLemore at the time of the 1920 census was the widow of Owen. However, she later concluded that Ethel was actually Amos McLemore's widow.
Census instead shows him as Owen A, born ca 1878? May have died prior to 1910, as his mother indicates at the time of the 1910 census that she was the mother of 4 children, three of them still living.
His given name was P.D., though he used Paul David while in the military as they refused to accept only his initials.
Monticello, Arkansas25 July 2007
Advance Monticellonian
P.D. McLemore
P.D. McLemore, 86, of Wilmar, died Monday, July 23, 2007 at home.
He was a U.S. Army veteran of WWII, serving with the U.S. forces at Omaha Beach on DDay. He retired after 38 years with the Mississippi River Fuel Company and was a Mason and volunteer fire department chief in Wilmar for many years. He was a member and deacon at Wilmar Baptist Church.
He was preceded in death by his first wife of 41 years, Zirlene McLemore; a brother, Alton McLemore; and a sister, Freddie Mae Taylor.
Survivors included his wife, Janie Bailey McLemore; two sons, David McLemore and wife Margie of Russellville and Jerry McLemore of Monticello; two daughters, Linda Sawyer of Monticello and Karen Cherry and husband Dennis of Summerville, W.V.; two brothers, Felix McLemore of Mineral Wells, Texas and Tommy McLemore of Warren; two sisters, Fay Pattinotte of Yazoo City, Miss, and Betty Kigt of Monticello; ten grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.
Funeral services were held today (Wednesday, July 25) at Stephenson-Dearman Funeral Home with Rev. Terrell Wallace and Rev. Raymond Reed officiating. Burial was at Wilmar Cemetery with military honors.
Pallbearers were Danny McIntyre, Joey McIntrye, Tony Thurman, William McLemore, Clint McLemore, David Bayird and Arron Taylor.
Honorary pallbearers were Billy Haynes, Marshall Baughn, Andy Black, S.T. Roark and Charles Stattford.
Patricia Deann McLemore Polanco, born February 26, 1964, in Pirmasens, Germany, Deann was a resident of Hutto, Texas. She passed away, after a short battle with cancer, at Hospice Austin Christopher House in Austin, Texas. She was a mother, transcriptionist, creator, co-founder and owner of MotivatedMoms. com. She went to be with her Lord on June 5th, 2012. Funeral Services will be 2:00 p.m., Sunday, June 10, 2012, at Zion Hill Baptist Church, with burial following at Zion Hill Cemetery. Visitation will be 6:00 - 8:00 p.m., Saturday, June 9, 2012, at Stringer & Griffin Funeral Home in Jasper. She was preceeded in death by her father, Billy D. McLemore and her sister, Mary Helen McLemore. Deann is survived by her son, Eric Polanco; her mother, Helen Judy McLemore; brother Mike McLemore and wife, Theresa; sister, Debra Hardison and husband, Don; sister, Brenda LaComb and husband, Brian; 4 nieces; 3 nephews; 2 great-nieces; 5 great-nephews; 2 uncles; 4 aunts; and many loving friends. In lieu of flowers, please make donations to Hospice Austin Christopher House, 4107 Spacewood Springs, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78759 or the American Cancer Society , P. O. Box 662, Lufkin, TX 75902-0662
Published in the Beaumont Enterprise on June 9, 2012
1870 Census
Missouri, Dade County, South Township, P.O. Greenfield
Enumerated 15 and 18 July 1870
Pages No. 8 and 9, Stamped 109
Pertle, James W. 24 M W Farmer $360 Tenn
", Martha 25 F W Keeping House Mo
", Missouri A 2 F W Mo
", Mary A 1/12 F W Mo
", Lucinda J 1/12 F W Mo
Stark, Leon 65 M W Farmer $2400 $690 Tn
Stark, Salina L 47 F W Keeping House Tn
Stark, Mary A 18 F W Mo
Stark, Leander M 17 M W Farm Laborer Mo
Stark, Lewis L 13 M W Farm Laborer Mo
Stark, Amanda 11 F W Mo
McLemore, Patrick 34 M W Farmer $12,000 $895 Tn
1880 Census
Missouri, Dade County, South Township
FHL Film # 1254683 NA Film # T9-0683 Page 152C
Patrick McLemore Self M M W 44 Tn Farmer TN TN
Mary A. McLemore W M F W 27 Mo Housekeeping TN TN
Tipton McLemore Son S M W 8 Mo Tn Mo
Metty McLemore Dau S F W 6 Mo Tn Mo
Detroit McLemore Son S M W 5 Mo Tn Mo
Lumany McLemore Dau 2 F W 2 Mo Tn Mo
1900 Census
Missouri, Dade County, Washington Township
Enumerated 11 Jun 1900
SD 6 ED 71 Sheet 7A Stamped 318
McLemore, Patrick Hd W M Aug 1835 64 Wd Tn Tn Tn Farmer
McLemore, Mettie Dtr W F July 1872 26 S Mo Tn Mo
McLemore, Fanny Dtr W F Jun 1880 19 S Mo Tn Mo
McLemore, Lillie Dtr W F July 1884 15 S Mo Tn Mo At School
McLemore, John L. Son W M Jan 1886 14 S Mo Tn Mo At School
Calmer, George Servant W M Dec 1886 18 S Mo Germany Unknow
n Farm Laborer
1910 Census
Missouri, Dade County, Washington Twp
Enumerated 23 Apr 1910
SD 6 ED 71 Sheet 5B
McLemore Patrick Hd M W 74 Wd Tn Tn Tn Own Income
McLemore, John S. Son M W 24 S O Tn Tn Farmer
Name Patsy Ellen Mclemore
Titles and Terms (Original)
Event Date 25 Jun 1937
Event Place Decatur, Macon, Illinois
Gender Female
Marital Status
Age 0
Birth Year (Estimated) 1937
Birth Date 25 Jun 1937
Birthplace Decatur, Macon, Illinois
Father's Name Alden L. Mclemore
Father's Titles and Terms:
Father's Birthplace Niantic, Ill.
Mother's Name Faye Collins
Mother's Titles and Terms
Mother's Birthplace Decatur, Ill.
Residence Place
Spouse's Name
Spouse's Titles and Terms (Original)
Spouse's Birthplace
Burial Date 26 Jun 1937
Burial Place
Cemetery Fanlawn
Informant's Name
Additional Relatives
Digital Folder Number 4008429
Image Number 248
GS Film number 1766276
Reference ID V6cn754
Citing this Record:
"Illinois Deaths and Stillbirths, 1916-1947," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 15 Sep 2014), Patsy Ellen Mclemore, 25 Jun 1937; citing Public Board of Health, Archives, Springfield; FHL microfilm 1766276.
As of the 1940 census, he was living in Cameron County, Texas and working as an Olier on a dragline. He was married to 18 year old R. V., and they were the parents of a daughter, Barby Jane, just 11 months old. The three of them lived with his parents and siblings.
1940 Census
Texas, Cameron County, JP 7
Outside of La Feria City and Santa Rosa Town
Enumerated April 17, 1940
SD 15 ED 31-60 Sheet 15B
Rabb Road
McLemore, Floyd (x) Head M W 48 M No 7 Misss Same Place Farmer Farm
McLemore, Minnie Wf F W 44 M No 2 Ala Same Place
McLemore, Austin Son M W 22 S No H4 Miss Same Place Macanic Radio
McLemore, Clifton Son M W 21 S No H1 Oklahoma Same Place Farm Labor Farm
McLemore, Paul Son M W 25 M No 7 Miss Same Place Oiler Drag Line
McLemore, R. V. Dtr in-law F W 18 M No 6 Tx R
McLemore, Barby Jane Grddtr F W 11/12 S Tx
Said to have died young in an accident. RC Karnes supplied a photo of his tombstone, taken at the Calvary Hill Cemetery in Dallas County, Texas. It reads Paul J. McLemore, 1887-1928.