Strong - McLemore History and Ancestry
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# Person ID Last Name First Name Birth Date Death Date Living note Tree
16001 I21817  McLemore  Hezekiah M.  Abt 1844  Aft 1900  NOT the same Hezekiah McLemore that died during the Civil War.

Bonnie Seiler shows he married second Matilda CAMPBELL. I believe this is incorrect, and that she may be confusing him with his cousin, also Hezekiah McLemore. 
16002 I21817  McLemore  Hezekiah M.  Abt 1844  Aft 1900  (Research):Census Information:

1880 Census
E. MCLEMOORE Self M Male W 36 NC Work In Forest
Cornelia S. MCLEMOORE Wife M Female W 21 NC Housekeeping NC NC
Washington J. MCLEMOORE Son S Male W 2M NC NC NC
Source Information: Census Place Mcdaniels, Sampson, North Carolina
Family History Library Film 1254981 NA Film Number T9-0981 Page Number 44C

1900 Federal Census
North Carolina, Sampson County, McDaniel, ED 97
(Indexed by as McLemon)
McLemore, ----- Head W M Sept 1858* 41 M 21 NC NC NC Day Laborer
McLemore, Carnlia Wife W F Feb 1844* Wife M 21 8/7 NC NC NC *It appears they transposed the dates of birth for Hezekiah and Cornelia
McLemore, Daniel Son W M Apr 1882 18 S NC NC NC Day Laborer
McLemore, David Son W M Jun 1885 14 S NC NC NC Day Laborer
McLemore, Mary M Dtr W F Apr 1887 18 S NC NC NC
McLemore, George F Son W M Oct 1888 11 S NC NC NC Day Laborer
McLemore, Docia E Dtr W F Feb 1898 7 S NC NC NC
McLemore, Wade H Son W M Mar 1895 5 S NC NC NC
McLemore, Rollie S Son W M Feb 1899 1 S NC NC NC 
16003 I26629  McLemore  Hiram  19 Jul 1816  5 Jan 1861  He appears to have been married twice, based on the ages of his eldest children at the time of the 1850 Federal Census.  STR06 
16004 I26629  McLemore  Hiram  19 Jul 1816  5 Jan 1861  (Research):

Census Listings:

1850 Census
Alabama, Lowndes County, Lowndes District
Enumerated 9 Dec 1850
Stamped 165
Hiram McLemore 34 M Planter $4000 Ga
Achsah A McLemore 22 F Ala
Julia C. McLemore 11 F Ala
Amy McLemore 9 F Ala
Hugh J. McLemore 2 M Ala

1860 Census
Alabama, Lowndes County, Northern Division, P. O. Haynesville
Enumerated 13 Jun 1860
Page 12
H McLemore 43 M Farmer $70,600 $70,320 Ga
A.A. McLemore 31 F Ala
J. C. McLemore 20 F Ala
H. J. McLemore 11 M Ala
E. L. McLemore 8 F Ala
M. R. McLemore 6 F Ala
M. A. McLemore 4 F Ala
Louis McLemore 1 F Ala

16005 I31504  McLemore  Hiram D.  Abt 1843  Yes, date unknown  It appears that as of the 1860 census, he was living in the home of J.W. Lamb, a farmer in Russellville, Logan County, Kentucky. He was listed as H.D. McLemore, age 17, born in Kentucky. No occupation was shown.  STR06 
16006 I28815  McLemore  Hiram D.  Jul 1867  Yes, date unknown  (Research):
Census Information:

1900 Census
Tennessee, Sumner County, Civil District 16
Enumerated 15 June 1900
SD 4, ED 127 Sheet 7B
Macklamore, D.J. Hd W M June 1833 6 M Ky Ky Ky
Macklamore, Eliza Wife F Mar 1821 M 5/3 Ky Ky Ky
Macklamore, John Son W M Dec 1857 S Ky Ky Ky
Bean, Josie Servant W F Apr 1878 2 Wd 1/1 Tn Tn Tn
Bean, Mary Servant W F Dec 1891 S Tn Tn Tn
Macklamore, Hiram Hd W M July 1867 32 M6 Ky Ky Ky
Macklamore, Etta Wf W F Jan 1876 35 M6 2/2 Tn Tn Tn
Macklamore, Eunice Dtr W F July 1895 4 S Ky Tn Tn
Macklamore, Erline Dtr W F Oct 1897 2 S Ky Tn Tn

1910 Federal Census
Tennessee, Dickson County, Civil District 9
Enumerated 23 Apr 1910
SD 7, ED 10, Sheet 6A, Stamped 149
McLemore, Hiram D Hd M W 43 M1 16 Ky Ky Ky
McLemore, Ara E Wf F W 53 M1 16 6/3 Tn Tn Tn
McLemore, Eunice A Dtr F W 14 Ky Ky Tn
McLemore, Erby B Dtr F 12 Ky Ky Tn
McLemore, Cecil D Son M W 9 Tn Tn Tn 
16007 I33983  McLemore  Hiram Greene  Jul 1844  22 Sep 1926  Shown on the "Harrison-Wineland Connection" tree at WorldConnect as a child of John Alexander McLemore and Eliza Ellen Carson. On this same tree, John Alexander McLemore is shown as a son of John K. McLemore and Ruth Steelman, and grandson of Ephraim McLemore and Hannah Hudspeth. Eliza Carson is shown as a daughter of Charles Campbell Carson and Elizabeth Dysart of Washington County, Virginia. shows Eliza as being buried at the Samuel Denny Cemetery, Salem, Washington County, Indiana

Alternate DOB, according to, is July 1846. There was not a photo of the tombstone, however, to verify this. 
16008 I33983  McLemore  Hiram Greene  Jul 1844  22 Sep 1926  (Research):

Census Listings:

1880 Census
Indiana, Washington County, Washington Twp
Enumerated 23 Jun 1880
Page 26 SD 2 ED 185
McLemore, Hiram G W m 36 Farm Laborer Ky Ky Ky
McLemore, Nancy E W F 27 W Keeping House Ky Ky Ky
McLemore, Andrew N W M 4 Son Ind Ky Ky
McLemore, Howard M W M 3 Son Ind Ky Ky
McLemore, Samuel W M 44 Farm Laborer Ky Ky Ky
McLemore, Julia W F 34 Wife Keeping House Ky Ky Ky
McLemore, Hiram L W M 16 Son Farm labor Ky Ky Ky
McLemore, William N W M 15 Son Ky Ky Ky
McLemore, Campbell W M 13 Ky Ky Ky
McLemore, John M W M 10 Ind Ky Ky
McLemore, Willard S W M 8 Son Ind Ky Ky
McLemore, Benjamin B W M 6 Son Ind Ky Ky
McLemore, Mansford W M 10/12 July Son Ind Ky KY

1900 Census
Indiana, Washington County, Washington Twp
Enumerated 27 and 28 June 1900
SD 2 ED 140 Sheet 11A
McLemore, Hiram Head W M Jly 1846 53 M 23 Ky Ky Ky Kay Laborer
McLemore, Nancy L Wf W F Aug 1862 37 M 23 6/6 Ky Ky Ky
McLemore, Andrew Son W M Mar 1878 22 S Ky Ky Ky Day Laborer
McLemore, Howard M Son W M May 1881 18 S Ky Ky Ky Day Laborer
McLemore, Elmer F Son W M Oct 1881 S Ky Ky Ky Day Laborer
McLemore, Leanord Son W M Nov 1882 17 S Day Laborer
McLemore, Lizzie Dtr W F Nov 1884 15 S Ky Ky Ky At School
Ostin, Mary Lodger W F July 1896 3 S Ind Germany Germany
Woods, Mary S Sister W F Feb 1835 65 Wd Ky Ky Ky 
16009 I21999  McLemore  Hiram Y.  Between 1817 and 1820  Yes, date unknown  His middle name has been speculated to be Young.

Duane Hansen ( shows he was born ca 1817 in Lee County, Virginia, and died on 22 April 1887 in Breathitt County, Kentucky.

Colby Fugate McLemore writes that "Hiram Y. McLemore served in the Union Army. His son Benjamin F. McLemore served in the Confederate Army. They were on leave at the same time on several occasions. They would leave their arms with local Confederate or northern supporters during the time of their mutual leave at home. Hiram Y. McLemore, from other records, apparently reared his family in Perry County (Hazard area), Kentucky."

Both Duane Hansen and Colby McLemore believe that Hiram McLemore is a son of John McLemore and Ruth Steelman of North Carolina and Kentucky, making him a grandson of Ephraim McLemore and Hannah Hudspeth. This has not been proven, however.

Please email if you know more about Hiram Y. McLemore, or his parents. 
16010 I21999  McLemore  Hiram Y.  Between 1817 and 1820  Yes, date unknown  (Research):
Census Information:

1850 Census
Kentucky, Perry County, District No. 1
Enumerated 29 August 1850
Hiram McLemore 30 F (sic) Farmer Kentucky
Margaret McLemore 22 F Virginia
Harrett (?) McLemore 7 M Ten
Benjamin McLemore, 5 M Tenn
Josiah McLemore 4 M Tenn
John McLemore 11/12 M Tenn

1860 Census
Kentucky, Perry County, First District, P.O. Hazard
Enumerated 3 July 1860
Page 53
Hiram Y. McLemore 40 M Farmer $150 $200 Ky
Marg. McLemore 38 F Ky
Benj. McLemore 16 M Laborer Ky
Jos. McLemore 13 M Ky
John McLemore 11 M Ky
Hiram McLemore 9 M Ky
James McLemore 4 M Ky

1870 Census
Kentucky, Perry County, Lost Creek Precinct, Post Office Hazard
Enumerated 9 August 1870
Page 7, Stamped 575
Mclemore, Margt 37 F W Farmer $80 $150 Kentucky Cannot read or write
McLemore, John 18 M W at home Kentucky Attended school, cannot read or write
McLemore, Hiram 16 M W at home Kentucky Attended school, cannot read or write
McLemore, Samuel 9 M W Kentucky
McLemore, James 8 M W Kentucky [Is this a second son named James, or is this the James born ca 1856, and actually closer in age to 14 than 8?]
McLemore, Susan 6 F W Kentucky

Could this be the same Hiram McLemore, below? His age is consistent. If so, why did his wife and children remain in Perry County. Also, what was Hiram's connection to the Baker family of Lee County?

1870 Census
Kentucky, Lee County, Thomas Precinct, P.O. Beattyville
Enumerated 18 July 1870
Page 9, Stamped 344
McLemore, Hiram 49 M W Minister of Gospel $--- $175 Kentucy
Baker, Sarah 45 F W Keeping House Kentucky
Baker, Hannah 25 F W Kentucky
Baker, William 20 M W Farm Laborer Ky
Baker, Daniel 18 M W at home Ky
Baker, Wilson 14 M W At home Ky
Baker, Mahaley 12 F W Ky
Everable, Abner 3 M W Ky
Baker, Dorcas 27 F W Ky 
16011 I21999  McLemore  Hiram Y.  Between 1817 and 1820  Yes, date unknown  (Medical):A direct male descendant, still bearing the McLemore surname, was part of the Morrision DNA study (FTDNA kit #93948). He did not match either of the two McLemore subgroups also enrolled in this study.

His Y-DNA values follow



He is part of the R1b1b2 Haplogroup. He is four steps removed, however, from the other R1b McLemore's in the study, clustered in group O. Nor does he have matches with the other 5 members with the McLemore surname in the study. It is possible that there were several founding McLemore lines, instead of just one as has been long assumed. Or another possibility could be that undisclosed adoptions have occurred through the generations of descendants of both James and/or Abraham.

The members of R1b are believed to be the descendants of the first modern humans who entered Europe about 35,000-40,000 years ago. Those R1b forebearers were the people who painted the beautiful art in the caves in Spain and France. They were the contemporaries (and perhaps exterminators) of the European Neanderthals. R1b is the most common Y haplogroup in Europe - more than half of men of European descent belong to R1b. Fourteen of the 30 most common haplotypes in the database are typical of R1b.

More about the Morrison/McLemore DNA study can be found at the following website: 
16012 I26971  McLemore  Hollis Dale  Abt 1936  16 Nov 2006  The Herald (online edition)
Rock Hill, SC
November 17, 2006

INDIAN LAND -- Mr. Hollis Dale McLemore, 70, died Thursday, Nov. 16,
2006, at home.

The funeral will be 2 p.m. Monday at Pleasant Hill United Methodist
Church, with the Rev. Michael Ritter officiating. Burial will be at the
church cemetery.

A native of Clinton, N.C., Mr. McLemore was a son of the late George
Franklin McLemore and Elsie Myrtle Braford McLemore. He was a U.S. Air
Force veteran, having served in the Korean War with the military police.
He was a former employee of Monkey Grip Rubber Co. and of Carolina
Transfer and Storage and was a member of Pleasant Hill United Methodist

Surviving are his wife, Jeanette Blackwelder McLemore; four daughters,
Sheila M. Hayes of Greensboro, N.C., Hollie M. Parrish of Belmont, N.C.,
and Kathie M. Kennerly and Karen M. Turbeville, both of Indian Land;
three brothers, Pete McLemore of Clinton, N.C., Fletcher McLemore of
Kennesaw, Ga., and Keith McLemore of Mineral Springs, N.C.; three
sisters, Judy Sessoms of Kinston, N.C., Janice McLemore of Kernersville,
N.C., and Annie Ruth Casian of Clinton; and 15 grandchildren.
The family will receive friends from 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday at Wolfe Funeral
Home in Fort Mill and at other times at home.

In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Pleasant Hill United
Methodist Church, Ministerial Discretionary Fund, 238 Fort Mill Highway,
Fort Mill, SC 29715.
(Courtesy of Wanda Rabb, transcriber of the Obituary Daily Times) 
16013 I27360  McLemore  Homer  28 Jan 1903  Feb 1980  (Research):

Census Listings:

1940 Census
Alabama, Limestone County, Precinct 2, Shoalford
Enumerated Apr 24-25, 1940
Sheet 11-A
County Section Road
McLemore, Homer Head M W 37 M Ala Same House Road Surveyor
McLemore, Alma Wf F W 37 M Ala Same House Teacher Public School
McLemore, Emogene Dtr F W 11 S Ala Same House
McLemore, Ila Dean Dtr F W 8 S Ala Same House 
16014 I38410  McLemore  Homer Sheppard  21 Jul 1891  1 Mar 1915  When his mother died in 1910, he was listed as Homer McLemore of Seattle, Wash. However, on the time of the 1910 census, he was a Roomer at a rooming house in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon. He was listed as Single, age 18, and born in Illinois. His occupation was shown as Helper, Telephone company.  STR06 
16015 I27729  McLemore  Horace Matthew  8 Nov 1929  23 Apr 1972  The Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index, 1881-1974 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015 shows him as Horace Matthew McLemore, son of Erdie McLemore and Mae Lee ROSE. No spouse was listed. His FindAGrave memorial page, created by David Woody, has a photo of his military marker, engraved with a cross and "Horace M. McLemore Alabama PFC Army Air Corps World War II No. 8, 1928 April 23 1972."  STR06 
16016 I45887  McLemore  Howard Armon  8 Dec 1923  29 Jun 1945  Military inscription, from his FindAGrave memorial page created by Robert E. Lee:

16017 I24719  McLemore  Howell  Abt 1762  16 Feb 1807  There was a sufficient interval in between these two [Sally and Mary] for the birth of at least one other child (probably Howell), and the others followed along thereafter.... (James L. McLemore, III, p. 71).

Howell married Lucy HARRIS, marriage bond issued 13 Feb 1786 from Sussex County Court Clerk's office (Sussex Marriage Register, p 42), but the officiating minister filed his return showing the marriage was celebrated on 28 Feb 1785. No other McLemore marriages record appears in any Southside Virginia clerk's office dated earlier than this.

First US Census of 1790 shows Howell McLemore as living in Halifax County, NC, which had been formed earlier from the northern portions (along Roanoke River, where the early McLemore land holdings had been) of Edgecombe County. That census listing showed his home consisted of 2 males over the age of 16, one male under 16, and 3 females.

Apparently, however, Howell kept a foot in each location, so to speak; in 1880 he was involved in the probate of the estate of Thomas Parker in Northampton CO, NC. By 1804, apparently his wife Lucy had died for back in Southhampton Co, VA Howell McLemore was "by the Court appointed guardian to Joel, Polly, Lewis and Burwell McLemore, children of sd McLemore" on Oct 15, 1804 (Southhampton Order Book 10, p 312), indicating his wife had died owning sufficient estate that passed to them to necessitate their father's appointment as their legal guardian. On 16 Feb 1807, a new guardian had to be appointed for these same four children, who were still minors, indicating that Howell himself was now probably dead, he would have been abour 50 years old, more or less, at about that time. (James L. McLemore, III, p. 75). Jim White ( indicates that Howell's date of birth was around 1762.

The book "The Heritage of Lauderdale County, Alabama" does not list a Howell as a child of Burwell and Amy (Gilliam) McLemore, listing in his place a son named James.

Eldon and Ann McLemore of Derby, Kansas, also show that Howell married Lucy HARRIS, and that they were the parents of Joel (who married cousin Nancy McLemore, daughter of Joel McLemore and Elizabeth Thomas), Polly, Lewis and Burwell.

Melba Gene McLemore found the following mention of Howell, on

Howell witnessed a Will in Northampton County, NC in 1797.

Description: "Will 444 pg 162 Thomas PARKER 26 September 1797 December Court 1797 To my sons Richard PARKER and my friends John M. BINFORD, James BRADLEY and James EXUM 1 Negro girl and her increase on the condition that they hold said Negro and increase to the sole and separate use and benefit of my Grand Daughter Mason HALL and deliver same to her when said Mason is of age or marries to son Richard (and friends as listed above) Negroes to the use of daughter Mason HALL without interference of control of her husband Leonard HALL, the said Negroes not be subject to payment of said Leonard
HALL'S debts at death of said daughter, trustees to hold said Negroes for use of benefit of all said daughter's children (names not given) until eldest is of age or children marry to my son Richard all and every part
and parcel of my estate not above disposed of, both real and personal after my just debts are paid. Extrs: my son Richard and friends John M. BINFORD,James BRADLEY and James EXUM. Wits: Josias CRUMP, Benjamin DANCY, Howell MCLEMORE, James DANCY."

Hall Family Wills
Northampton County, NC
Submitted by Audrey Pool
Source Northampton Co, NC Will Book One, 1759-1792

16018 I24789  McLemore  Howell  Aft 1804  Bef Jun 1844  Within only a short time after his marriage Howell McLemore died intestate, and Alexander McLemore qualified as administrator of his estate on June 17, 1844 (Southampton Order Book 20, p. 173), and on December 15, 1845, William GOODWYN was appointed special commissioner to examine and settle Alexander's account of Howell's estate (Southampton Order Book 20, p 333). This is the last mention of either of them in the Court records. (James L. McLemore, III, p. 79).  STR06 
16019 I22252  McLemore  Hubert Dale  31 Jul 1924  14 Jan 1971  At the time of his application for a Social Security number, Hubert was 18 years old and working at the Post Exchange in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. He listed his address as Route 1, Roseboro. He listed his parents as Alvin McLemore and Lillie Porter.

Hubert Dale Mclemore Gender: Male Race: White Age: 45 Birth Date: 31 Jul 1925
Birth Place: North Carolina, United States Death Date:14 Jan 1971 Death Location: Fayetteville, Cumberland Spouse's name: Brenda Underwood Father's name: Alvin H Mclemore Mother's name:Lillie Porter Residence: Clinton, Sampson, North Carolina 
16020 I22252  McLemore  Hubert Dale  31 Jul 1924  14 Jan 1971  (Medical):See attached sources.  STR06 
16021 I293  McLemore  Hugh Rufus "Mr. Mack"  9 Sep 1918  25 Dec 1999  Per "Citizen Soldiers of Sabine County, Texas" by Robert Cecil McDaniel Texian Press (Waco), 1992: World War II veteran, serving from Oct 4, 1940 through September 10, 1945.

Sabine County Reporter
December 29, 1999, Page 14

"Hugh 'Mr. Mack' McLemore, 81, of Beaumont died Saturday, December 25, 1999, at a Beaumont hospital. McLemore, a native of Hemphill, had lived in Beaumont 54 years and was a retired postman. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. Survivors: Bell McLemore of Beaumont; daughter Carolyn McCormick of Plano; three grandchildren; and one great granddaughter. Funeral services were held December 27 at Cathedral in the Pines, Beaumont. Interment followed at Forest Lawn Memorial Cemetery, Beaumont. Kelley & Watkins Funeral Home of Beaumont, directors.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong) 
16022 I27175  McLemore  Ida  Jan 1870  Yes, date unknown  Merritt Mullen shows that she married Joseph Jarvis LEE.  STR06 
16023 I46241  McLemore  Ida  25 Mar 1934  13 Aug 2009  Shown as Ida McLemore Meares on her headstone, and on the same stone with James Scott Hardee and Katherine Hardee  STR06 
16024 I26753  McLemore  Ida Bell  22 Sep 1911  27 Feb 1988  ]Name: Ida Mcphail Byrd
Gender: Female
Burial Date:
Burial Place: Wade, North Carolina
Death Date: 27 Feb 1988
Death Place: Fayetteville, Cumberland, North Carolina
Age: 76
Birth Date: 22 Sep 1911
Birthplace: Wade, North Carolina
Occupation: Nurses Aid
Race: White
Marital Status: Widowed
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Dallas Mclemore
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Minnie Norris
Mother's Birthplace:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: B06311-2
System Origin: North Carolina-EASy
Source Film Number: 1991365
Reference Number: v 05B cn 5922
Collection: North Carolina Deaths and Burials, 1898-1994
16025 I38586  McLemore  Ida Dorthula  14 Apr 1877  20 Aug 1935  She married Burr Alexander Cranford in Albrook, Arkansas on 8-28-1895.  STR06 
16026 I47114  McLemore  Ida May  25 Jul 1895  12 Nov 1987  Her Find A Grave memorial page indicates shw married an unkown WEAVER after the death of John.  STR06 
16027 I42315  McLemore  Iladean  10 May 1931  21 Mar 2005  Thursday, The News Courier asked if anyone knew the identity of an attractive young woman in a recently unearthed photo.

Friday, family members called identifying the woman as Ila Dean McLemore Tribble.
The photo was among a stack of photos delivered to Doris Estes by Johnny Allfrey, which he discovered while sorting his late father's belongings.

Allfrey's father, Horace Allfrey, operated a photography business in Athens in the 1950s and 1960s.

Horace Allfrey processed and printed the photo, which is believed to have been shot by a member of a photography club that met in the basement of First United Methodist Church. Mrs. Tribble died five years ago this coming week, according to her granddaughter, Kristy Tribble. Another granddaughter, Mandi McCown of Decatur, also called to identify the woman in the photo.

According to Kristy Tribble, her grandmother was the daughter of Homer McLemore, who at one time served on the Limestone County Commission, and Alma McLemore, who taught school at East Limestone.

The women said that their grandmother did some modeling in her younger years, but they did not know of the existence of this photo.

The News Courier is happy to get this photo to its rightful owners.

Published March 12, 2010

The following article was published in the Sumpter (S. C.) Dailey Item on April 19, 1976, page 10B

Mrs. Tribble Not Mrs. Presley

Athens, Ala (AP) Iladean Tribble, a widow with four children, was still single today after saying she would marry Elvis Presley during the weekend.

Mrs. Tribble said Sunday the wedding she had said would take place on Saturday didn't occur. When asked why not, she replied, "This is the sabbath day and I don't talk about things liek this on the Lord's day."

Throughout the weekend, Dr. George Nicholoupus, a frequent Presley spokesman, said reports of the wedding were not true. Mrs. Tribble had said Friday night "I am going to marry him" on Saturday.

When the alleged wedding day rolled around, the Athens Police Department estimated that about 150 persons milled around First Baptist Chruch here hoping to get a glimpse of the popular singer.

16028 I26873  McLemore  Inez  Abt 1861  Yes, date unknown  Rueben McLemore wrote, in his "McLemore History" that "In the possession of Mrs. Oscar Yarbrough of Meridian is the first "store bought" cradle ever used in this section of the state. It was brought here by ox cart from Mobile by Richard McLemore for his daughter (sic) Ines (Mrs. Ines McLemore Parker), who was Mrs. Yarbrough's mother. The cradle, finished in simple spooled effect with a canopied cover, was quite a novelty and attracted visitors from miles around. Mrs. Yarbrough presently has it stored at Hickory." Lauderdale County, Mississippi show that Inez McLemore married S. A. PARKS on 7 Jan 1886. 
16029 I24706  McLemore  Infant Son  Abt 1888  Abt 1888  Melba Gene notes that, as inscribed on Clarissa Batey McLemore's headstone, Clarissa died along with her infant son who lived only 9 days.  STR06 
16030 I46716  McLemore  Infant Son  Abt 1917  Abt 1917  Grave marker inscribed "Infant Son of Erdie & Mae McLemore, 1917"  STR06 
16031 I196  McLemore  Ira Henry Strickland White  29 Jan 1896  18 Jul 1970  Excerpted from an undated, unreferenced obituary:

Lifelong resident of Sabine County. Justice of the Peace, Precinct One, for eight years.

Services at First Baptist Church of Hemphill. Rev. Jim Turner, officiated. Buried at Gravel Hill. Graveside Masonic rites conducted by Littleton Fowler Lodge. 
16032 I31679  McLemore  Ira Jones  31 Aug 1882  Jun 1905  MaryLynn Santa shows his date of death as 14 Jun 1905.

A census of the Green's Creek Church cemetery shows, in error, his date of death to be 26 June 2005, which would have made him 120 years old. 
16033 I57  McLemore  Ira Ray  1 Dec 1918  14 Feb 1991  As with his older brother, Ray was simply called Baby after he was born. Eventually, his siblings began calling him "Baby Ray" after their primers, and the name stuck.

San Augustine Tribune
Thursday, May 26, 1932, Vol. XXIV, Number 9

School Term Brought to Successful Close

May, 1932: The San Augustine Grammar School had 36 students graduate: Johnny Alford, Jesse Gene Fussell, Carmen Fussell, Billy Partin, Kenneth Woods, Vernon Mills, Cade Downs, Ray McLEMORE, Clifton Mathews, Charles Allredge, R.E. Epps, J.B. Miler, Carl Fussell, Charles Haley, Thomas Ramsey, Herman Bates, Phil Greer, Raymond McEachern, Allen Coon, Nina Sheffield, Catherine Childers, Frances Stripling, Bernice Stevenson, Odelle Moore, Vera Helen Westbrook, Louise Miller, Dorothy Adams, Ruby Taylor, Maxine Cox, Virginia Greer, Fay Renfroe, Elouise Sossaman, Helen Harris, Alice Joy Ellington, Nell Greer and Maxine Hays (San Augustine Tribune, Thursday, April 27, 2006 "Decade of the Great Depression 1932" by Harry P. Noble)

Ray served in the Phillipines during World War II. His gravesite has a military marker, embossed with a cross and with the inscription Pvt US Army World War II

He made his living as a rancher, and he also owned and operated laundrymats in and around Sabine and San Augustine Counties. He retired to Nacogdoches.

His obituary, dated February 21, 1991 from an unreferenced newspaper reads as follows:


Ira Ray McLemore, 72, of Nacogdoches died Thursday at Memorial Medical Center in Lufkin.

Funeral services were held at 2:00 p.m. Saturday at San Augustine Church of Christ with burial at Liberty Hill Memorial Garden in San Augustine under the direction of Wyman Robert Funeral Home in San Augustine.

Services were conducted by Bro. Don Skipper and Bro. Mark White.

A native of Sabine County, he lived in Nacogdoches a number of years. He lived in San Augustine until a few years ago. He was retired owner of McLemore Laundries in San Augustine and Nacogdoches and was a U.S. Army veteren.

Survivors include his wife, Opal McLemore of Nacogdoches; a son Vernon McLemore of Nacogdoches, as sister, Evon Tisdale of Lufkin, brothers Percy McLemore and Earl McLemore, both of San Augustine, Tommy McLemore of Houston and Lynn McLemore of San Augustine; three grandchildren; and two great grandchildren.

Pallbearers were Dr. Henry McLemore, Dutch Murray, James Roland Fuller, Gilbert Garrett, Arley Hensarling, and Tom Smith.

Honorary Pallbearers were Charles Bryan, Travis Price, Dr. Sam Gandy and Jessie Millard. 
16034 I3380  McLemore  Irma Mae  12 Feb 1916  Sep 2006  Jeannie McWilliams emailed that her husband's grandmother, Irma McLemore Parker Brauninger, passed away in September, 2006.  STR06 
16035 I26013  McLemore  Isaac  Abt 1863  Yes, date unknown  He was not listed with his mother and stepfather at the time of the 1870 census. He may have died young. However, Mark Freeman shows him as surviving to adulthood and marrying a woman named Nancy.  STR06 
16036 I31765  McLemore  Isaac  Abt 1887  Yes, date unknown  His parents divorced sometime prior to 1900.  STR06 
16037 I26791  McLemore  Isaac Matthew "Ivy"  Abt 1872    April Makerney shows that he and Affie were the parents of one son, Isaac Judson McLemore, born 13 May 1894 in Tupelo, Mississippi.

Steve Wayne McLemore emailed in December, 2009 that "Issac (Ivy) M. McLemore" was also the father of William A. McLemore, from whom Steve descended. The extended family, all descendants of George Hiram McLemore, used to have a reunion every Father's day in Ft. Towsen, OK."

The 1900 and 1910 census shows that Isaac and Affie actually had at least 10 children, nine of them still living in 1910.

It is POSSIBLE that he was a boarder in the home of Cynthia Duval of Dublin, Erath, Texas in 1920. A lodger, simply listed as McLemore, age 49, Married, and born in Mississippi was in her home at the time. His occupation was that of carpenter, house. Earlier census records indicated he was born ca 1872 in Mississippi, so this is a possible fit.

His brother's 1940 obituary referred to him as being "...of Santa Rosa, Texas." His great-grandson, Steve McLemore, states that Ivy died in Paris, Texas in 1945. 
16038 I26791  McLemore  Isaac Matthew "Ivy"  Abt 1872    (Research):

Census Listings:

1900 Census
Mississippi, Clarke County, Beat 4
Enumerated 11 Jun 1900 by Heziek McLemore
SD 6 ED 8 Sheets 7B and 8A
(Image faint, indexed by as Mcleveny)
McLemore, Isaac Head W M Dec 1872 27 M 11 Miss Miss Miss Farmer
McLemore, Affie H Wf W F Aug/Nov? 1873 26 M 11 6/6 Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Floid H Son W M May 1892 8 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Andr J [indexed as Judia I] Son W May 894 6 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Florra M Dtr W F Nov 1895 4 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Minnie V Dtr W F Jan 1898 2 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Carrie A Dtr W F May 1900 0/12 S Miss Miss Miss

1910 Census
Mississippi, Clarke County, Beat 4 Energy
Enumerated 23 Apr 1910
SD 5 ED 9 Sheet 6A
McLemor, Isaac Head M W 38 m1 20 10/9 Miss Miss Miss Farmer
McLemor, Affie Wf F W 36 m1 20 10/9 Miss Miss Miss
McLemor, Floyd Son M W 17 S Miss Miss Miss Home Farm
McLemor, Judson Son M W 15 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemor, Flora Dtr F W 11 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemor, Minnie Dtr F W 11 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemor, Ada Dtr F W 9 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemor, Willis Son M W 4 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemor, Johnie Son M W 2 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemor, Lela Dtr F W 2/12 S Miss Miss Miss
McDonal, Clinton Hired Man M W 18 S Miss Miss Miss Laborer Gen Farm

1920 Census

1930 Census
Arkansas, Pulaski County, Big Rock Twp, Little Rock City Ward 8
Enumerated 9 Apr 1930
SD 60-36 SD 6 Sheets 11A and 11B Stamped 131
McLemore, William A.Head R 22.50 R M W 26 M 20 Miss Tx Miss
McLemore, Etta Wf F W 23 M 19 Tx Tx Tx
McLemore, Clayton Son M W 6 S Ark Miss Tx
McLemore, Joy Dtr F W 7 S Ok Miss Tx
McLemore, Floyd H Brother M W 34 M 26 Miss Tx Miss
McLemore, Minnie Sister-in-law F W 33 M 17 Ala Ok Miss
McLemore, Paul Nephew M W 15 M W Miss Miss Ala
McLemore, Austin Nephew M W 13 S W Miss Miss Ala
McLemore, Clifton Nephew M W 11 S Oka Miss Ala
McLemore, Lorene Niece F W 8 S Ok Miss Miss Ala
McLemore, Vivian Niece F W 7 S Ok Miss Miss Ala
McLemore, Isaac W Father M W 57 M 18 Tx Tx Tx
McLemore, Affie Mother F W 56 M 17 Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Lela M Sister F W 20 S Miss Tx Miss 
16039 I35283  McLemore  Isabelle "Bell"  Abt 1864  Yes, date unknown  Penny Thorpe instead shows her as born in Miller County, Arkansas.  STR06 
16040 I26032  McLemore  Isadorah  3 Jul 1862  Bef 1870  She is assumed to have died prior to the 1870 census. This has not been verified.  STR06 
16041 I32435  McLemore  Isise J.  Abt 1896  Yes, date unknown  Who are his parents? Please email us if you know more about Isise.  STR06 
16042 I32435  McLemore  Isise J.  Abt 1896  Yes, date unknown  (Research):Census Listings:

1930 Censusx
Florida, Brevard County, P. 16, Mims
Enumerated April 15 and 16, 1930
ED 5-22 SD 5 Sheet 2B
County Road
McLemore, Isise J Hd M W 34 M21 MS MS MS Laborer Orange Fie
McLemore, Bertie E Wf F W 30 M17 MS MS MS
McLemore, Irene E Dtr F W 12 Ga MS MS
McLemore, George H Son M W 9 MS MS MS
McLemore, Isise J. Jr Son M W 4 GA MS MS
McLemore, Jack Son M W 1 Fl MS MS
Ethridge, George W Father-in-Law M W 76 Wd 26 MS MS MS 
16043 I27648  McLemore  Itasca  11 Sep 1913  26 Mar 1980  Copied from her FindAGrave Memorial page created by Mary Jo:

Note: s/s with Otis P. Pyron 
16044 I31492  McLemore  Iva C.  22 Jun 1893  26 Apr 1982  (Research):Census Listings:

1910 Census
Kentucky, Logan County, Magisterial District No. 5, Auburn
Enumerated 19 April 1910
SD 3 ED 59 Sheet 5A Stamped 203
McLemore, John F. Hd M W 65 m1 29 Kentucky Kentucky Kentuck
y Farmer General Farm
McLemore, Mary Wf F W 57 m1 29 5/5 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky
McLemore, Ivy Dtr F W 16 S Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky

1920 Census
Louisiana, Jefferson Davis Parish, Police Jury Ward Six
7 March 1920
SD 7 ED 79 Sheet 7B
Robertson, Cullie U Head 38 M Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Laborer Rice Farm
Robertson, Iva Wf F W 26 M Kentucky Kentucky
Robertson, Hazel M Dtr F W 7 S Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky
Robertson, Oleta R Dtr F W 6 S Louisiana Kentucky Kentucky
Robertson, Beatrice Dtr F W 3 Indiana Kentucky Kentucky
McLemore, John F Farther in Law M W 74 M Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky
McLemore, Mary Mother in Law F W 68 M Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky 
16045 I27706  McLemore  Ivan Nolan  25 Dec 1888  8 Oct 1975  From the SSDI:

IVON MCLEMORE 25 Dec 1888 Oct 1975 79763 (Odessa, Ector, TX ) (none specified) 457-10-0164 Texas

From the Texas Death Index:

Mclemore Ivon N 10-08-1975 ECTOR M

Name: Ivon Nolen Mclemore
Death Date: 08 Oct 1975
Death Place: Odessa, Ector, Texas
Gender: Male
Death Age: 86 years
Estimated Birth Date: 1889
Birth Date:
Birthplace: Wills Point, Texas
Marital Status:
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Alonzo Mclemore
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Leona Johnson
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Retired Fireman, Fire
Place of Residence:
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2243831
Digital Film Number: 4167879
Image Number: 3158
Reference Number: 3194
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976 
16046 I8923               
16047 I3381  McLemore  Ivy Earl  15 Mar 1918  12 Mar 2003  McLemore, Teletype operator for AP with keen eye for detail by Lynwood Abram Houston Chronicle

Ivy Earl McLemore, a Teletype operator, traffic manager and proofreader for the Associated Press for 42 years, died Wednesday in a Jasper convalescent home after a 35-year battle with cancer. He was 84.

In 1968, McLemore was diagnosed with colon cancer. Over the ensuing years, he underwent three operations, but ultimately the cancer spread, said his son Ivy Bernard McLemore of Houston, former executive sports editor of the Houston Post.

An AP official once called Ivy Earl McLemore "the quickest and most accurate Teletype operator the AP had ever come across," his son said.

Although he was never a reporter or editor, McLemore had a keen eye for errors and omissions in news stories, and often helped the reporters improve their writing.

"He didn't write himself, but he knew excellent copy, and he was a great one for factual detail," his son said.

Born in Jasper, McLemore grew up in the family home which dated from 1888.

After graduating from Jasper High School in 1936, McLemore landed a job in the mail room of the Beaumont Enterprise. Shortly thereafter the AP hired him as a Teletype operator and wire clerk.

In 1940 he began working for the AP in Houston, where he served in the AP office in the Houston Chronicle newsroom.

He was there on Dec. 7, 1941, when Japanese planes bombed Pearl Harbor. During World War II, he served in the U.S. Army Air Corps as an air traffic controller. While stationed in Pampa, McLemore survived the crash of an Air Corps training plane. He later served in France and Italy.

McLemore witnessed the transformation of news writing from manual typewriters to electric typewriters and ultimately to computers.

Beginning in the 1950s, McLemore serviced AP Teletypes in offices of newspapers and radio and TV stations and other clients in the Houston area.

After he retired in 1979, McLemore returned to Jasper, where he lived on and farmed on 12 acres, known as Azalea Forest, growing tomatoes, okra, sugar cane, strawberries and other crops.

A talented gardener, he won prizes and awards at county and state fairs for his tomatoes, his son said.

His former wife, Carmen Albacete McLemore died in 1995.

Besides his son, McLemore is survived by two sisters, Irma Brauninger of Beaumont and Marie Hicks of Jasper; three brothers, John D. McLemore of Kemp, Tommie McLemore of Bartlett, Tenn, and Bobbie McLemore of Jasper.

Visitation will be from 10 am until noon Saturday, McLemore's birthday, at Stringer and Griffin Funeral Home in Jasper. The funeral will be at 2 pm Saturday at Zion Hill Missionary Baptist Church in Jasper. 
16048 I26883  McLemore  J. C.  Abt 1869  Yes, date unknown  Shown by the Rev. William P. McLemore as Joshua Edgard McLemore, husband of Sallie Dearman on 28 Jan 1893.  STR06 
16049 I43942  McLemore  J. Wade  Sep 1893  28 Jun 1968  Obituary, copied from FindAGrave:

Funeral services for Wade McLemore, 74, Decatur 3, who died Friday at his residence, will be 3:30 p.m. today from Guntharp Funeral Home Chapel, Dr. A.H. Nabors and the Rev. Jessie Wright officiating.

Burial will be in Decatur Cemetery, Guntharp Funeral Home directing.

Survivors include a son, Coy McLemore, Decatur; two sisters, Mrs. Carrie Smith and Mrs. Mattie Sparks, both of Moulton; five brothers, Thad and Tom, both of Decatur; Gaynom and Ernest, both of Danville; and Jay of Moulton.

Nephews will serve as pallbearers.

DECATUR DAILY - June 28, 1968 
16050 I31766  McLemore  Jacob  Abt 1888  Yes, date unknown  His parents divorced sometime prior to 1900.  STR06 
16051 I21767  McLemore  James  Abt 1738  Yes, date unknown  James McLemore, III is not certain that he even existed. There are two possible children attributed to him, Jones and Pleasant.

Could this be the James McLemoore, Sr. who took an Oath of Allegiance in the Dutch District of Granville County, NC during the revolutionary war?

From the blogspot of Eddie Maynard:
16052 I21651  McLemore  James  Between 1739 and 1740  Abt 1811  In 1769 we find a James McLemore and three taxable whites listed in Granville County, North Carolina. This was probably James III, his wife Elizabeth, and their two oldest children. A year later (1770) "James McLemore Sr." (James Jr.) took an oath in Granville, and the use of the Sr. indicated the presence of a namesake son (James III), who was probably the subject of the above mentioned tax list reference the year before. James III would have been about thirty at this point. Then, in 1772 a James is mentioned in the will of Robert WALLACE, but it is unclear which one of the two is meant. However, the James McLemore who signed the (subsequent?) Granville County Oath of Allegience on May 30, 1778, was most probably James III, then about age 39.

James McLemore, Jr. (III) bought land from Benjamin McCULLOH in Granville County in 1779. The use of "Jr." indicates that his father may still have been living.

Futher references to James McLemore in Granville County probably refer to this James McLemore, or to his son, the Rev. James McLemore (1782-1834). Father and son moved to Hancock County, Georgia, after 1803, where the elder James died in 1811. His children were subsequently named in the will of his brother, Charles McLemore who died in Georgia as well in 1815. Charles had no children and named as his heirs James's children: John, William, James Jr. (IV), Rebecca Jones, Pleasant and Jesse. James' widow, Elizabeth, was named as executrix.

(James L. McLemore, III, pp 49, 50). 
16053 I24555  McLemore  James  Between 1752 and 1770  Yes, date unknown  Of this James little is known. A single reference entered on March 21, 1805, in Southampton County (Order Book 10, p. 446) provided that "on motion of James McLemore a witness for John HARRIS against Joseph HARRISON it is ordered that the said John HARRIS pay him fifty-three cents for on day's attendance on this court according to the law." It is probably that this refers to James, son of John Jr., rather than James the son of John III (who was too young), or James, the son of Burwell of Sussex County, even though the latter (and/or his son James) moved across the line into Southampton County sometime afterwards.

According to information on his will provided by Dorothy McLEMORE, James had a wife named Lucinda, but was survived by no children. (James L. McLemore, III, p. 65). Eldon and Ann McLemore of Derby, Kansas, also show he married a Lucinda. 
16054 I14794  McLemore  James  Aft 1755  Abt 1796  He died just about a year after his father. In 1790, James appeared as a separate entry in the first U.S. Census, apart from his father, living in Richland County with two sons over 16 and two daughters. These children were named in James' will probated August 4, 1796; sons John and Joel, and daughters Mary and Sarah, both of whom by the time of their father's death were living in Virginia (Mary, it will be recalled, was the wife of Harrison McLemore of Southhampton County). (James L. McLemore, III, p. 60).  STR06 
16055 I24727  McLemore  James  Abt 1778  Aft 1825  "The last (and probably youngest) son of Burwell and Amy Maclemore was James. Born just before the outbreak of the American Revolution, he was devised the final third of his father's "Pine Log" plantation. Twenty years after his father's death he sol most of his inheritance from his father to Edward REESE by deed dated May 24, 1817, and recorded April 2, 1818 (Sussex Deed Book M, p. 313). He then sold the balance of his inherited lands by deed, in which his wife Rebecca joined, to Joel HAILES dated February 26, 1825, and recorded March 3, 1825 (Sussex Deed Book O, p. 264). By this time, James was probably at least fifty years old, perhaps more. He thereafter disappears from the records without further trace, but is presumed to have died intestate sometime during the next decade or so, rather than moved away, because of his age and because of his children who remained in the area will into the 1840's or longer. (James L. McLemore, III, pp. 78-79).  STR06 
16056 I22005  McLemore  James  9 Feb 1782  20 Nov 1834  The younger James (IV), a minister, died in 1834 in Alabama, leaving a widow Mary Elizabeth (Harper) and ten children. (James L. McLemore, III, p 50).

"Born in North Carolina and for more than 30 years was a leading divine of the Baptist persuasion. He had finished his pilgrimage on earth and nothing of him now remains but the memory of his virtue."

Melba Gene McLemore notes that the "Alabama Genealogical Register, V. 6, No. 3.4, Sept-Dec 1964 cites a Will for a James McLemore, will dated 31 July 1832, probated 26 Jan 1835.

McLemore Burying Ground, Montgomery, Alabama

From DAR records 1936

The McLemore Burying Ground is about one mile off the Montgomery -Atlanta
Highway to the right facing east, and is about five miles from Montgomery.
It is on a knoll behind the old James McLemore home built about 1820. In
1936 Mrs. Lizzie Taylor Dickerson occupied it. A low brick wall and
iron fence surrounds the lot. Outside the main cemetery is another smaller
one, also enclosed. There are graves of slaves and faithful servants, mostly
unmarked outside all enclousures. Graves listed begin at the southwest
corner of the plot.

16057 I24639  McLemore  James  Between 1799 and 1801  Abt 1877  Probably their oldest son, even though he was not born for nearly five years after their marriage. According to the marriage records for his last marriage, he was 55 years old at the time of the marriage, June 6, 1855, thereby placing his birth between June 7, 1799, and June 6, 1800; family records and tradition on the other hand give his birth date as 1801...His first appearance in the court records, however, was while serving as trustee on a deed of trust dated January 1, 1827 (Southampton Deed Book 20, p. 128), although it is possible that this reference could be to his father.

Meanwhile earlier in that same year James purchased a large tract of 484 1/4 acres by deed from Fielding ROSE and wife dated December 29, 1838, and recorded January 21, 1839. This land was described as bounded by Rose's Swamp, Fitzhugh and the Public Path, Capt. Newt. HARRIS (dec'd), Peter EDWARDS and Nathaniel FRANCIS (Southampton Deed Book 24, p. 301). He thereupon gave a purchase money deed of trust on the property of $1,281.12 on a note. After only seven years, however, James found he could not pay this indebtedness off, and he and his wife Martha conveyed his equity in the property to WILLIAMSON by deed dated December 27, 1845, and recorded April 20, 1846 (Southampton Deed Book 26, p. 529), thereby ending his days as a landowner. Thereafter he continued to farm, either on rented land or for others, on his 1855 marriage license he listed his occupation as "overseer."

(James L. McLemore, III, p 80).

Sometime between 1846 and 1855 Martha Barkley McLemore died, and James took a second wife, a Miss FELTS, according to family tradition. However, no marriage license for this union was ever found. This second wife apparently died, without issue, not too long after that, and in 1855 James married Elizabeth RAMSEY, the daughter of Jacob and Sarah RAMSEY, who was then twenty years his junior. Their marriage took place in Southampton County on June 6, 1855, the Rev. M.A. Longhorn presiding.

The last record involving this James McLemore is an 1873 chattel mortgage given to Dr. Thomas B. POWELL (Southampton Deed Book 31, p. 612), so it is known that he survived the Civil War. Family records and tradition give his date of death as 1877, but not record of his death appears in the Southampton County court records. Neither he nor his father left wills, nor were their estates administered, which has made the identification of all their children difficult. If he had had a will, however, it may not have helped much, as several of his children died in infancy. The identity of the true mother is not known with respect to several of James' children, much less the correct order of their births, but since only three of his children apparently survived to become married, only their mothers' identities are important and in each case theirs are known.

(James L. McLemore, III, p. 81). 
16058 I24639  McLemore  James  Between 1799 and 1801  Abt 1877  (Research):

Census Listings:

1850 Census
not located

1860 Census
Virginia, Southampton County, West Side Nottoway River, P.O. Jerusalem
Enumerated 25 July 1860
Page 22
James McLemore 58 M Farmer $1000 Southampton
B.F. McLemore 22 M Southampton
L.J. McLemore 17 M Southampton
Rebecca McLemore 15 F Southampton
Sarah McLemore 13 F Southampton
Howell McLemore 4 M Southampton
Alace McLemore 4 F Southampton
Joseph McLemore 1 M Southhampton
Elizabeth McLemore 40 F Southampton
Zebulon McLemore 60? M Southampton

1870 Census
Virginia, Southampton County, Drewryville Twp, P.O. Jersalem
Enumerated 27 Jun 1870
Page 28
McLemore, Jas 68 M W Farmer Va
McLemore, Elizabeth 49 F W Keeping House Va
McLemore, Benj F 31 M W Farmer Va
[Where is his wife, Rosa?]
McLemore, S.E. 21 F W Va
McLemore, Alace 14 F W Va
McLemore, L. J. 3 M W Va (Appears to be James Latinus?)
McLemore, E/L? Francis 2 F W Va (Appears to be Lila F?)
McLemore, Gilliam Clanison 53 F W Va
Rivers, Wm 46 M WE Farm Laborer Va 
16059 I38310  McLemore  James  Abt 1805  Yes, date unknown  Tom Heseltine writes of James "born about 1805, married Hettie McDonald, moved to Alabama." He appears to have been one of the two males under the age of 10 on the 1810 Burke County, North Carolina census, which would put his birth sometime between 1800 and 1810. As he was married in 1829, it is logical that he would have been somewhere between 19 and 29 years of age.

Could this be the James McLemore found as a Head of Household in Marshall County, Alabama in 1840 and in adjacent Jackson County, Alabama thereafter?

For more information, SEE ALSO in these files, James McLemore, born ca 1805 in Tennesse. 
16060 I38310  McLemore  James  Abt 1805  Yes, date unknown  (Research):

Census Listings:

1830 Census
Tennessee, Knox County
126 (, 384 (handwritten on the top left of page)
Also enumerated on the same sheet were several Crawford families, Murphy families, and a Samuel Sterling
James McLemore
1 Free White Male under 5
1 Free White Male between 10-15*
1 Free White Male between 20 and 30 (James, born bet. 1800 and 1810)
1 Free White Female between 20 and 30 (Hetty)

*If James married in 1829, maybe this was a younger brother, brother in law, or stepson?

16061 I24558  McLemore  James  Abt 1817  Yes, date unknown  Shown on the 1850 U.S. Census in Nansemond County, Virginia. Apparently Eliza died within a few years of the census, and this Nansemond County James remarried, as in 1858 he gave a deed (later destroyed in the 1866 Nansemond County Court House fire), and in 1870 he gave a certificate confirming title, to Daniel BROTHERS (in which James's wife Virginia joined) for 153 acres in or near Dismal Swamp (Nansemond Deed Book 5, p. 310; recorded February 28, 1876). (James L. McLemore, III, p. 65).  STR06 
16062 I24558  McLemore  James  Abt 1817  Yes, date unknown  (Research):Census Information:

1850 Census
Virginia, Nansemond County
Enumerated 9 Sept 1850 by Banja Reddick
HH 606-606
William W. and Frances WRIGHT

HH 607-607
James McLemore 33 M Isle of Wight Co. Laborer
Eliza McLemore 32 F Isle of Wight Co.
Mary McLemore 12 F Isle of Wight Co.
James McLemore 10 M Isle of Wight Co.

Not located

Virginia, Nansemond County, Post Office Suffolk
Enumerated 29 June 1870 bt Ribert N Darden
Page No. 5, Stamped 199
McLimon, James 55 M W Farmer Virginia
McLimon, Virginia 45 F W Keeping House Va
McLimon, James W Jr. 17 M W Works of Farm Va 
16063 I38376  McLemore  James  Between 1821 and 1826  Yes, date unknown  Assumed to be the son listed on the 1830 census as Free White Males 5 thru 9 1 or on 1840 census as Free White Males 10 to 14  STR06 
16064 I38396  McLemore  James  Abt 1835  Yes, date unknown  (Research):

Census Listings:

1870 Census
Tennessee, Knox County, PO Box Knoxville, 17 Civil District
Enumerated 30 July 1870
Page 16
Mackleymon, James 22 m W Farmer Tenn
Mackleymon, Evaline 25 F W Keeping House Tenn
Mackleymon, Viola 9 F W Tenn (From Previous marriage?)
Mackleymon, William B 7 M W Tenn (From Previous marriage?)
Mackleymon, Sarah E. 5 F W Tenn
16065 I38416  McLemore  James  Abt 1837  18 Sep 1922
Name: James Mclemore
Event: Death
Event Date: 18 Sep 1922
Event Place: Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Widowed
Race or Color: White
Age: 85
Estimated Birth Year: 1837
Birth Date:
Birthplace: Tenn.
Father: William Mclemore
Father's Birthplace: Tenn.
Mother: Elizabeth Luttrell
Mother's Birthplace: Tenn.
Street Address:
Cemetery: Piney Grove
Burial Place:
Burial Date: 19 Sep 1922
Additional Relatives: X
Digital Folder Number: 4184086
Image Number: 1351
Film Number: 1299746
Volume/Page/Certificate Number: v 34 cn 52
Collection: Tennessee, Death Records, 1914-1955 
16066 I38416  McLemore  James  Abt 1837  18 Sep 1922  (Research):

Census Listings:

1900 Census
Tenessee, Knox County, 23rd District
Enumerated 1 and 2 June 1900
SD 2 ED 89 Sheet 1B
McLemore, James Head W M July 1839 60 M 40 Tenn SC Tenn
McLemore, Elizabeth Wf W F Feb 1837 63 M 40 2/2 Tenn Tenn Tenn
McLemore, George W Son W M Dec 1870 29 S Tenn Tenn Tenn
McLimore, Millard Head W M Aug 1868 31 M1 Tenn Tenn Tenn
McLimore, Mary E Wf W F Dec 1877 22 M1 Tenn Tenn Tenn

16067 I26210  McLemore  James  Abt 1845  Yes, date unknown  He may have married a Parvin in Colbert County, Alabama. (The Heritage of Lauderdale County, Alabama, p. 346).

He might also have died young, as he is not listed with his family on the 1860 census. 
16068 I32094  McLemore  James  Abt 1850  Yes, date unknown  His middle initial appears to be shown as "A" on the 1860 census and as "H" on the 1870 census.

Rosemary Hollis shows that he married Minnie Dodd, and that they were the paretns of Gaymun and Chamles.

It may be, however, another James McLemore that she is confusing him with. According to the census record below, the James McLemore whom was married to Minnie, and the father of Gainum, was born much March 1872. Perhaps the James that married Minnie was actually a son of James McLemore?

Alabama, Lawrence, Oakville Preinct No 9
Enumerated June 1900
SD 8 ED 80 Sheet 8A Stamped 322

McLamore, Jim Hd W M Mar 1872 38 M 10 Ala Ala Ala Farmer
McLemore, Minnie Wf W F Jun 1874 M 10 4/4 Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Thadius S Son W M Dec 1891 8 Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Wade Son W M Sept 1893 6 Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Mattie Dtr W F Oct 1894 5 Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Gainum Son W M Aug 1897 3 Ala Ala Ala
Nelson, George Boarder W M Apr 1885 15 Ala Ala Ala Farm Laborer 
16069 I29157  McLemore  James  Abt 1856  Yes, date unknown  His date of birth per the 1860 census would be around 1856, but on the 1870 census, he was only shown as 8, not 14. This may just be an enumeration error. Or maybe their were two James McLemore born to Hiram and Margaret, and the first one died before his younger brother, named in his honor, was born?  STR06 
16070 I27347  McLemore  James "Henry" "Henery"  Abt 1805    Patricia Mills notes that his first wife, currently unknown, she was said to have died ca 1848 in Jackson County, Alabama. He later married Nancy Coburn (nee Dunham).

In a note dictated by his grandson, Thomas Dickerson McLemore, to his great-grandson, Arthur McLemore, in the 1950's , he is listed as "Henery Mc.....originally from Ireland." The 1850 census shows him as James McLemore, born in Tennessee. However, those same notes of Thomas Dickerson McLemore show that Tom's father, John was of Knoxville, Tennessee. Perhaps he was confusing the places of birth of his father and grandfather. Also, Thomas Dickerson lists his brother James as Henery, and also his grandfather James as Henery. Perhaps the two names were used interchangeably.

SEE ALSO in these files James McLemore, born ca 1805 in North Carolina. It appears that this James could be one and the same as the James McLemore who was a son of the Revolutionary Solider John McLemore of North Carolina and Knox County, Tennessee. John's son James was said to have married Hetty McDonald ca 1829 and "moved to Alabama." Perhaps Hetty McDonald is his unknown first wife. 
16071 I27347  McLemore  James "Henry" "Henery"  Abt 1805    (Research):

Census Listings:

1840 Census
Alabama, Marshall County
(Possible the James that was the son of John McLemore, Revolutionary Soldier?)
Indexed on as Mclemon, corrected by Thomas Heseltine
Also enumerated on the same sheet was a Murphy family, and Cunningham family
1 Free White Male under 5
2 Free White Male between 5 and 9
1 Free White Male between 30 and 39
2 Free White Females under 5
1 Free White Females 20-29
Total persons 7
Persons employed in agriculture 1

1850 Census
Alabama, Jackson County, Twp 5 Range 5 Precinct No. 20
Enumerated 1 Nov 1850
James Macklimore 45 M Farmer $300 Tenn
James Macklimore 18 M Laborer Ala
Sarah Macklimore 15 F Ala
John Macklimore 12 M Ala
Eliza Macklimore 7 F Ala
Andrew Macklimore 5 M Ala
Thomas Macklimore 3 M Ala
Jane Macklimore 2 F Ala

(If this is the same family as the household headed by James McLemore in Marshall county in 1840, then it appears one daughter listed in 1840 that was under the age of 5 at that time either married or died)

1860 Census
Alabama, Jackson County, District No. 3, P.O. Box Paint Rock
Enumerated 21 Jun 1860
Page 51
(Families on the Prior page include a Cunningham family and Perry Family)
Wm. McLemore 29 M Farmer 600 Tenn
Luraney McLemore 30 F Tenn
J. R. McLemore 7 M Ala
Ellender Betheny 27 F Ala
J. R. Cawbern 14 M Ala (Indexed as COWBERN)
N. C. Dunham 2 F Ala
Jas. McLemore 54 M Farmer 300 Tenn
Nancy McLemore 36 F Tenn
M. L. McLemore 2 F Ala
Thos. McLemore 14 M Ala
M. J. Caubern 13 F Ala (Indexed by as COUBERN)
B. F. McLemore 9/12 M Ala
Jessee French 18 M Farm Laborer 
16072 I27344  McLemore  James "Henry" "Henery"  Dec 1869  11 Feb 1933  Called James on both his death record, below, and on the 1870 and 1880 census enumerations. However, in notes dictated (ca the 1950's) by his older brother, Thomas Dickerson McLemore, he is referred to by the name "Henery." All of the other siblings are shown as having the same names as referred to on the census enumerations. On the 1950 dictation of his family makeup, the only sibling Thomas Dickerson McLemore omitted was James, instead listing a brother "Henery." Interestingly enough, Thomas Dickerson McLemore also named his grandfather as "Henery McLemore"...whereas other records also show his grandfather as James McLemore. Perhaps their full names were James Henery or Henery James, both being called by James.
Name: James C. Mclemore
Titles & Terms (Original):
Titles & Terms (Standardized):
Death Date: 11 Feb 1933
Death Place: Scottsboro, Jackson, Alabama
Gender: Male
Race (Original): W
Race (Standardized): White
Age at Death: 63y
Estimated Birth Date: 1870
Birth Date:
Birthplace: Scottsboro, Ala.
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Jimmie Mclemore
Spouse's Titles & Terms (Original):
Spouse's Titles & Terms (Standardized):
Father's Name: Jno. Mclemore
Father's Titles & Terms (Original):
Father's Titles & Terms (Standardized):
Father's Birthplace: Scottsboro, Ala.
Mother's Name: Mckinney
Mother's Titles & Terms (Original):
Mother's Titles & Terms (Standardized):
Mother's Birthplace: Scottsboro, Ala.
Occupation: Farmer
Street Address:
Cemetery: Grass Cemetery
Burial Place:
Burial Date: 12 Feb 1933
Funeral Home:
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 1908506
Reference Number: cn 2759
Collection: Alabama Deaths, 1908-1974 
16073 I38014  McLemore  James A.  Sep 1867  Yes, date unknown  (Research):
Census Listings:

1900 Census
Mississippi, Scott County, Beat 3
Enumerated 7 Jun 1900
SD 5 ED 90 Sheet 4A
McLemore, Henry R Head W M Nov 1843 56 M 33 Miss Sc Miss Farmer
McLemore, Allice J Wf W F Jun 1853 47 M 33 11/9 Miss Miss SC
McLemore, John J Son W M Apr 1881 19 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, George R Son W M Jan 1884 15 Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Lewis F. Son W N aug 1886 13 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Maggie M Dtr W F July 1889 10 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Rosie E Dtr W F Jan 1893 6 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, James A Head M W Sept 1867 32 M 8 Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Mary E. Wf W F Aug 1872 27 M 8 --/-- Miss SC SC 
16074 I26050  McLemore  James Alfred  6 Dec 1852  19 Apr 1938  In 1880 he was single and working on the WATTS farm in Heaths, Gibson County, TN. On the census he was shown as age 57, when he was actually 27, and furthermore mistranscribed as Mcseviore versus McLemore.

He appears to have married first and second:

McLemore, J. A. m. Hogan, Louisa in 1877 Gibson County, TN

McLemore, J. A. m. Howell, Mary Jane in 1884 in Gibson County, TN (nee Langford, as she was said to have been previously married to Charles Howell)

Third marriage to Louella McCaslin.

The Rev. William P. McLemore shows that James died on 19 Apr 1938, and is buried in Medina, Gibson County, Tennessee. This matches the scan of his death certificate on his FindAGrave memorial page. His occupation was shown as "farmer" and his father as Charles McLemore, with mother not known. Informant was H. N. McLemor of Jackson, Tennessee. 
16075 I26050  McLemore  James Alfred  6 Dec 1852  19 Apr 1938  (Research):

Census Listings:

1900 Census
Tennessee, Gibson County, District 1
Enumerated 28 and 29 Jun 1900
SD 9 ED 30 Sheet 13B
McLemore, James A Head W M Dec 1852 47 M2 Tn Tn Tn Farmer
McLemore, Louella Wf W F May 1861 39 m2 1/1 Tn TN TN
McLemore, Newman Son W M Jun 1884 15 Tn Tn Tn Farm Laborer
McLemore, Hessie P Dtr W F Aug 1889 10 Tn Tn Tn
McLemore, Nettie Dtr W F Jan 1891 8 Tn Tn Tn
McLemore, Allie Dtr W F Jun 1894 65 Tn Tn Tn
McLemore, Ben Son W M Mar 1899 1 Tn Tn Tn

1910 Census
Tennessee, Gibson County, Civil District 1
Enumerated 22 Apr 1910
SD 9 ED 22 Sheet 6B
McLemore, Jim A Head M W 56 m2 11 Tn Tn Tn Farmer
McLemore, Jessie L Wf F W 42 m1 11 4/3 Tn Tn Tn
McLemore, Nettie Dtr F W 13 S Tn Tn Tn
McLemore, Allie Dtr F W 15 S Tn Tn Tn
McLemore, Shannon Son M W 9 S Tn Tn Tn
McLemore, Wallace/Hollace? Son M W 7 S Tn Tn TN
McLemore, Gladis M F W 3 S Tn Tn Tn
McCaslin, Mary Mother-in-law F W 82 Wd 9/3 Tn US US
McCaslin, Sherman Brother-in-law M W 44 S Tn Tn Tn

1920 Census
Tennessee, Gibson County, District 1
Enumerated 16 Jan 1920
SD 9 ED 40 Sheet 9A
McLemore, Jim A Head M W 67 M Tn Tn Tn Farm
McLemore, Louella Wf F W 58 M Tn Tn Tn
McLemore, Shannon Son M W 18 S Tn Tn Tn
McLemore, Hollis SOn M W 17 S Tn Tn Tn
McLemore, Gladis Dtr F W 13 S Tn Tn Tn

1930 Census
Tennessee, Gibson County, District 1
Enumerated April 3 and 4, 1930
ED 27-2 SD 2 Sheet 2A Stamped 7
McLemore, James A Head M W 76 M 21 Tn Tn TN None
McLemore, Loueler Wf F W 69 M 31 Tn Tn Tn
McLemore, Shannon Son m W 28 S Tn Tn Tn Farmer 
16076 I27726  McLemore  James Archie  5 May 1923  19 Dec 1974  The Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index, 1881-1974 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015 shows him as James Archie McLemore, son of Erdie B. McLemore and Nora Mae Lee. His wife was listed as Nadine McLemore.  STR06 
16077 I47744  McLemore  James Burross  19 Mar 1842  12 Feb 1899  His FindAGrave memorial page links him to wife, Mary McLemore (6 Mar 1850-16 May 1926) and children, Mattie E. McLemore and Perle McLemore Grube, the wife of A. G. Grube.  STR06 
16078 I30017  McLemore  James C.  6 Dec 1869  11 Feb 1933  (Research):

Census Listings:

1900 Census
Alabama, Jackson County, Pr 15 Hunts Store
Enumerated 5 Jun 1900
SD 8 ED 22 Sheet 2B
McLemore, James C Head W M Dec 1868 31 M 10 Ala Ala Ala Farmer
McLemore, Hannah E Wf W F Feb 1859 41 M 10 3/3 Ala Ky Ga
McLemore, Stella M Dtr W F Mar 1895 5 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Harvey Son W M Oct 1897 2 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, John W Son W M May 1900 0/12 S Ala Ala Ala

1910 Census
Alabama, Jackson County, Hunts Store (Precinct) 15
Enumerated 20 Apr 1910
SD 8 ED 34 Sheet 13? B
McLemore, James Head m W Age illegible (indexed as 41) M1 20 Ala Ala Unk Farmer
McLemore, Bettie Wf F W 5(?) (indexed as 54) M1 20 3/3 Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Steller Dtr F W 14 S Ala Ala Ala Housework Home
McLemore, Harvey Son M W 13 S Ala Ala Ala Laborer Farm
McLemore, Willie CC Son M W 9 S Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, John Head M W 77 M1 Ed Ala Tenn Tenn Farmer Home Farm
McLemore, Rebecca J Dtr F W 46 S Ala Ala Tenn Keeps House 
16079 I27174  McLemore  James Cadwell L. "J. C."  6 Apr 1867  8 Jul 1934  (Research):
Census Information:

1910 Census
Mississippi, Forrest County, Beat 2
Enumerated 21 May 1910 by Luther M. Cox
SD 6 ED 15 Sheet 24B

HH 452-454 McLemore, Joseph and his mother, Martha (Page)

[Joseph and James Cadwell were first cousin, their fathers being brothers]

HH 454-456
McLemore, [Abram] Napolean and Josephine

HH 455-457
McLemore, J.C.L. Head M W 40 M1 17 Miss Miss Miss Farmer
McLemore, A.E. Wf F W 35 m1 17 9/8 Miss SC Miss
McLemore, Gertrude Dtr F W 14 S Miss Miss Miss Farm Laborer
McLemore, Nora Dtr F W 12 S Miss Miss Miss Farm Laborer
McLemore, Lula Dtr F W 10 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Pauline Dtr F W 9 Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Alec Son M W 7 Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Ruby Dtr F W 5 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Homer Son M W 3 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Pascal Son M W 1 S Miss Miss Miss

1920 Census
Mississippi, Jones County, Beat 2 Laurel
Enumerated 3 Jan 1920 by Homer C. Groves
SD 6 ED 84 Sheet 7A Stamped 59
McLemore, Cadwell J Hd M W 53 Miss Miss Miss Farmer
McLemore, Annie E Wf F W 46 Miss NC Miss
McLemore, Lula A Dtr F W 17 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Poline F Dtr F W 16 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Alic K Son M W 14 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Ruby Dtr F W 13 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Homa Son M W 12 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Pascal Son M W 10 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Harris Son M W 7 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Bert Son M 4 9/12 Miss Miss Miss

1930 Census
Louisiana, Madison Parish, Police Jury Ward 2
Enumerated 14 April 1930 by Helen J. Foster
SD 3 Sheet 6A Stamped 163
McLemore, James C. Hd M W 63 M23 Miss Miss Miss Farmer
McLemore, Anna Wf F W 58 M18 Miss SC Miss
McLemore, Ruby Dtr F W 21 Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Homer Son M W 19 S Miss Miss Miss Laborer
McLemore, Pascal Son M W 17 S Miss Miss Miss Laborer
McLemore, Harris Son M W 15 S Miss Miss Miss
16080 I36645  McLemore  James Elree  1 Mar 1920  23 Sep 1936  His Texas death certificate shows he was only 16 and still a student when he died of a ruptured appendix. The family were residing in Leonard, Texas as the tiem of his death.  STR06 
16081 I27540  McLemore  James Gordon  20 Nov 1907  10 Sep 1945  A copy of his actual Texas Death certificate can be viewed online at, Texas Deaths, 1890-1976. He was listed as a son of James M. McLemore, born La. and Kattie Klutte, born Ill. His usual occupation was that of a truck driver, and he was a resident of Magnolia Street in Athens, Texas at the time of his death. He was married, and the informant was Bonnie McLemore, presumably his wife.

Name: James Gordon Mclemore
Death Date: 10 Sep 1945
Death Place: Athens, Henderson, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: white
Death Age: 37 years 9 months 20 days
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 20 Nov 1907
Birthplace: Van Zandt Co, Tx
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: James M. Mclemore
Father's Birthplace: La
Mother's Name: Kattie Klutte
Mother's Birthplace: Il
Occupation: Truck Driver
Place of Residence: Athens, Henderson, TX
Cemetery: City
Burial Place: Athens, Tx
Burial Date: 12 Sep 1945
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2137964
Digital Film Number: 4029643
Image Number: 1988
Reference Number: cn40033
Collection: null
16082 I27540  McLemore  James Gordon  20 Nov 1907  10 Sep 1945  (Research):

Census Listings:

1920 Census
Texas, Van Zandt County, JP 2
Enumerated 14 Jan 1920
SD 3 ED 126 Sheet 15B
Fm 33-33
McClemore, Kate Hd F W 44 Wd Ill Ill Ill
McClemore, Winnie Dtr F W 18 S Tx La Ill Farm Laborer
McClemore, Gertie Dtr F W 16 S Tx La Ill Farm Laborer
McClemore, Gordan Son M W 13 S Tx La Ill Farm Laborer
McClemore, Lumon Son M W 10 S Tx La Ill Farm Laborer
McClemore, George Son M W 8 S Tx La Ill

1930 Census
Texas, Henderson County, JP 1, Athens Town
Enumerated April 4, 1930
ED 107-1 SD 11 Sheet 7A Stamped 183
McLemore, K. K. Hd A 12 M W 55 Wd Ill US US
McLemore, Gordon Son M W 22 S Tx Ill US Laborer Lumber Yard
McLemore, Georgia (sic) Dtr (sic) F (sic) W 19 S Tx Ill US Laborer Lumber Yard

16083 I27540  McLemore  James Gordon  20 Nov 1907  10 Sep 1945  (Medical):See attached sources.  STR06 
16084 I38567  McLemore  James H.  9 Jan 1867  18 Apr 1954  Shown by Ken Oliver at Find A Grave as James Henry McLemore, born 9 Jan 1867 in Jackson County, Alabama, date of death being April 18, 1954 in Salinas, California, burial in the Mixon Cemetery, Logan County, Arkansas. He was shown to have married Martha "Mattie" Elzora WALL.  STR06 
16085 I26787  McLemore  James H. "Jim"  7 Oct 1872  22 Aug 1941  Not listed with his siblings and grandparents at the time of the 1880 census in Clarke County, Mississippi, however, he is referenced in his brother's 1940 obituary referred to as being "...of Santa Rosa, Texas." Perhaps he was incorrectly shown as John in 1880?

Name: J. H. Mclemore
Death Date: 22 Aug 1941
Death Place: Cameron County, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: white
Death Age: 68 years 10 months 15 days
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 07 Oct 1872
Birthplace: Clark Co., Miss.
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: George Mclemore
Father's Birthplace: Clark Co., Miss.
Mother's Name: Luiza Moore
Mother's Birthplace: Clark Co., Miss
Occupation: Farmer
Place of Residence: Harlingen, Cameron, Texas
Burial Place: Combes, Texas
Burial Date: 24 Aug 1941
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2138744
Digital Film Number: 4030526
Image Number: 813
Reference Number: cn 35989
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976 
16086 I26787  McLemore  James H. "Jim"  7 Oct 1872  22 Aug 1941  (Research):

Census Listings:

1900 Census
Mississippi, Clarke County, Beat 4
Enumerated 11 Jun 1900 by Heziek McLemore
SD 6 ED 8 Sheet 7B
McLemore, James Head W M Oct 1873 26 M 6 Miss Miss Miss Farmer
McLemore, Frances Wf W F Feb 1873 27 M 6 3/3 Ark Miss Miss
McLemore, Ola Dtr FW F Apr 1898 3 S Ark Miss Miss
McLemore, Della Dtr W F Mar 1899 1 S Ark Miss Miss

1910 Census
Oklahoma, Seminole County, Red Mound Twp
Enumerated 28 Apr 1910 by William T. Shavely
SD 3, ED 190, Sheet 10B and 11A
McLemore, James H. Hd M W 36 M1 17 Miss Miss Miss Farmer
McLemore, Francis Wife F W 36 M117 9/8 Ark Ark Akr
McLemore, Ola Dtr F W 12 S Ark Miss Ark
McLemore, Dela Dtr F W 11 S Ark Miss Ark
McLemore, Charlie Son M W 9 Ala Miss Ark
McLemore, Essie Dtr F W 7 S Ark Miss Ark
McLemore, Clarance Son M W 5 S Ark Miss Ark
McLemore, Effie Dtr F W 3 S Ark Miss Ark
McLemore, J. M. Son M W 12/12 S Ark Miss Ark
McLemore, Marshall Son M W 1/12 Okl Miss Ark
Sapp, John W. Hired Hand M W 17 S La Unk La Farm Hand
Riley, William Hired Hand M W 13 S La Miss Miss Farm Hand
They were living near his brothers Albert and Charley, also enumerated in Seminole County. 
16087 I43950  McLemore  James Hansel  9 Aug 1914  25 Nov 1982  Obituary, from FindAGrave:

Decatur Daily - November 26, 1982

Funeral for James Hansel McLemore, 68, of 607 E. Court St., Moulton, will be Saturday at 2 p.m. at Moulton Church of Christ, Hoyt Nelson officiating.

Burial will be in Moulton Memory Garden with Elliott Funeral Home directing. The body will be taken to the church one hour prior to service. The family will receive friends at the funeral home from 6 until 9 tonight.

Mr. McLemore died Thursday at Lawrence County Hospital. The family requests any memorials be made to the American Lung Association.

He is survived by his wife, Tott McLemore of Moulton; three daughters, Wanda Reed of Huntsville, Priscilla Myers of Pensacola and Bunny Cheatham of Moulton; his mother, Annie McLemore of Moulton; two brothers, Roy McLemore of Michigan and Frank McLemore of Moulton; one sister, Christine Looney of Decatur; 12 grandchildren.

Pallbearers will include Rick Reed, Scott Reed, Shane Cheatham, Kenny Myers, Allen Mills, David Young, Jeff Jones and Wesley Cheatham. 
16088 I46328  McLemore  James Hennen  11 Oct 1910  21 Jan 1973  He married second Louisa Davis.  STR06 
16089 I32107  McLemore  James Henry  Abt 1826  Yes, date unknown  James H. McLemore's birth occurred in Halifax County, N. C., in 1826, and he came to Tennessee in 1844, with his mother and step-father. His own father, Joel H. McLemore, was a tailor by trade, and followed that occupation for many years. He died on a farm to which he had retired in 1835. His widow, Betsey (Pullen) McLemore, then married John Whitaker, and after coming to Tennessee died in 1858. Our subject was married February 1, 1849, to Sallie A. Whitaker, daughter James C. and Delphia (Lyon)Whitaker. She was born in North Carolina in 1828, and came to Tennessee with her parents in 1844, and is the mother of ten children: Virginia W., Richard M., James W. (who died September 13, 1858), Mary E. (who died June 11, 1886), Delphia D., Anna, Sallie H., Robert L. (who died October 14, 1867), John Pullen and Nora. Our subject lived with his father in North Carolina until the later's death. He acquired a good education, and after his mother's second marriage continued to reside with her until 1849, when he began life for himself. He purchased his present farm in 1849 and has ever since been a tiller of the soil. His farm consists of 412 acres of well improved and exceptionally fertile land in a good state of cultivation. He and his wife are church members, and he is a Mason and a stanch Democrat.

Biographies From Goodspeeds 1886 History of Wayne County, Tennessee; as transcribed by Fred Murtishaw 
16090 I32107  McLemore  James Henry  Abt 1826  Yes, date unknown  (Research):
Census Listings:

Unable to Locate

Tennessee, Wayne County, District 3, Post Office Whitakers Bluff
Enumerated 13 Aug 1860
Page 136
James H. McLimore 34 M Farmer $3000 $4000 NC
Sarah McLimore 32 F NC
Virginia McLimore 10 F Tenn
Richard McLimore 8 M Tenn
Mary McLimore 4 F Tenn
Delpha McLemore 1 F Tenn

1870 Census
Tennessee, Wayne County, The Third District, Post office Waynesboro
Enumerated 18 Aug 1870
Page 7
McLamire Jas H 43 M W Farmer $5000 $2000 NC
McLamire, Sallie 42 F W Keeping House NC
McLamire, Richard M. 18 M W At School Tenn
McLamire, Mary E. 14 F W At School Tenn
McLamire, Delphia D 11 F W At School Tenn
McLamire, Anna 9 F W At School Tenn
McLamire, Sallie H 6 F W Tenn
Carter, Jas. W. 22 M W NC
Carter, Virginia W. 20 F W Assists in House Tenn

1880 Census
Tennessee, Wayne County, District 3
Enumerated 8 June 1880
Page 1, SD 4, ED 163, Stamped 24 A.
McLemore, Ja's H. W M 54 Farmer NC NC NC
McLemore, Sallie A W F 51 Keeping House NC NC NC
McLemore, Mary L W F 24 Dtr At Home Tenn NC NC
McLemore, Delphia W F 21 Dtr At Home Tenn NC NC
McLemore, Anna W F 19 Dtr At Home Tenn NC NC
McLemore, Sally W F 16 Dtr At Home Tenn NC NC
McLemore, John W M 9 Son At Home Tenn NC NC
McLemore, Nora W F 5 Dtr Tenn NC NC
Carter, Virginia W F 30 Dtr Tenn NC NC
Carter, Fred W M 9 Son Tenn NC NC
Carter, James W M 6 Son Tenn Tenn Tenn
McLemore, Wash B M 27 Tenn NC NC
McLemore, Elizabeth Mul F 25 W Tenn Tenn Tenn 
16091 I26233  McLemore  James Howell  Abt 1797  Oct 1869  Assumed to be part of the "large family" raised by Joel and Temperence McLemore based on his age and census location. Not proven.

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA); Washington, D.C.; Federal Mortality Census Schedules, 1850-1880, and Related Indexes, 1850-1880; Archive Collection: T655; Archive Roll Number: 15; Census Year: 1869; Census Place: Clay, Logan, Kentucky; Page: 937, lists him as Howel Mclemore, age 72, Male, White Married, born in North Carolina and died in Oct, 1869 of a Int. C. Hem. His occupation was Farming. 
16092 I26233  McLemore  James Howell  Abt 1797  Oct 1869  (Research):
Census Information

1830 Census
Kentucky, Logan County, Russellville
Hored/Hwel McLemore
6 people total
One Male 30-39
One Male 15-19
Two Males under 5
One Femail 20-29
One Free Colored Male 10-23

1840 Census
Howell McLemon
Kentucky, Logan
8 people total
Free White males 10-14, Two
Free White males 5-9, One
Free White females 5-9, One
Free White females under 5, Two
Slaves, Male, 36-54, One
Slaves, Male, 55-99, One
Persons employed in Agriculture One
Persons employed in Manufacture, Trade, one
No. of Whites over 20 who cannnot read or write, one
Total Free Whites, 6
Totals Slaves, 2

1850 Census
Kentucky, Logan County
Enumerated 26 Oct 1850
Howell McLemor 52 M Blacksmith 1930 NC
El. McLemor 43 F Ky
Thos. McLemor 21 M Ky
Ben F McLemor 18 M Ky
Mary McLemor 16 F Ky
Harriett McLemor 14 F Ky
America McLemor 12 F Ky
Anna/Qrina? McLemor 10 F Ky

1860 Census
Kentucky, Logan County, District 1
Post Office Hague
Enumerated 24th Day July 1860
Page 105
Indexed as Limer
Howell McLemore 63 M Farmer 2460 687 N.C.
Elizabeth McLemore 58 F Housekeeper Ky
Benjamin McLemore 28 M Farm Laborer Ky
Mary McLemore 26 F Seamstress Ky
Harriet McLemore 24 F Seamstress Ky
America McLemore 22 F Spinster Ky
Carena McLemore 20 F Seamstress Ky
Robert McLemore 8 M Ky
Thomas McLemore 6 M Ky
Wm. Cornwall 40 M Painter England

Note: It appears that Robert and Thomas may actually be grandsons 
16093 I26298  McLemore  James Knox  7 Dec 1874  22 Mar 1929  Name Knox Mclemore
Event Type Death
Event Date 22 Mar 1929
Event Place Medina, Gibson, Tennessee
Gender Male
Marital Status Married
Race White
Age 55
Birth Year (Estimated)
Birth Date 07 Dec 1874
Birthplace , , Tennessee
Spouse's Name
Father's Name Jim Polk Mclemore
Father's Birthplace , , Tn
Mother's Name Margret Jackson
Mother's Birthplace , , Tn
Occupation Farmer
Residence Place
Burial Place Centerville
Burial Date 23 Mar 1929
Informant's Name Bob McLemore
Additional Relatives
Digital Folder Number 004183617
Image Number 00367
GS Film number 1876752
Reference ID cn 10360

Citing this Record:
"Tennessee, Death Records, 1914-1955," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 26 May 2014), Knox Mclemore, 22 Mar 1929; citing Cemetery, Medina, Gibson, Tennessee, cn 10360, State Library and Archives, Nashville; FHL microfilm 1876752. 
16094 I26298  McLemore  James Knox  7 Dec 1874  22 Mar 1929  (Research):Census Information:

1910 Census
Tennessee, Gibson County, Civil District 1
Enumerated 7 May 1910 by Chas. W. Karnes
SD 9, ED 33, Sheet 17B
McLemore, Knox Head M W 35 M1 2 Tn Tn Tn Farmer
McLemore, Ethel Wife F W 24 m1 2 1.1 Tn US US
McLemore, Orchie L Dtr F W 1 4/12 S Tn Tn Tn

1920 Census
Tennessee, Gibson County, Civil District 1
Enumerated 13 January 1920 by John T. Rowlett
SD 9, ED 40, Sheet 6A
Medina and Haley Mill Road
FM 103 113
McLemore, Knox Hd M W 45 Tn Tn Tn Farmer
McLemore, Ethel Wife F W 35 M Tn Tn Tn
McLemore, Raymond Son M W 7 S Tn Tn Tn
McLemore, Maurine Dtr F W 5 S Tn Tn Tn
McLemore, Prentice Son M W 3 7/12 S Tn Tn Tn
McLemore, Milburn Son M W 1 7/12 S Tn Tn Tn
FM 104-114
McLemore, Will G Hd M W 61 M Tn Tn Tn Farmer
McLemore, Annie Wife F W 62 M Tn Tn Tn 
16095 I25548  McLemore  James Knox Polk  30 Apr 1844  22 Mar 1908  "James was with Forrest in the war between the states, and he was somewhat legendary, as I have heard some good stories about him. He was the strongest man in Tennessee, and could lift a bale of cotton. He was about 6'6" which was huge for those times. My grandmother was also 6' tall. I have a nice picture of his family group and also a pic of him and Margaret with him in his uniform. Sherry Connally Murray - Jackson, TN."

From 20th Tennessee Cavalry, CSA Biographical Information Website
Revised 13 Aug 1999

J.K. McLemore
Company D. Enlisted April 1, 1864 in Gibson Co., TN, by Capt. Shane. Bay horse valued at $800. Present on roll for Mar/April 1864. Present on roll for May/June 1864.
Source: Compiled Service Records 
16096 I25548  McLemore  James Knox Polk  30 Apr 1844  22 Mar 1908  (Research):

Census Information:

1900 Census
Tennessee, Gibson, Civil District 1, ED 30
Enumerated 2, 3 and 4th June 1900 by Horace V Suiter
McLemore, ??? Head W M Apr 1844 53 N 29 TN Tn NC Farmer
McLemore, Margaret C Wife W F Mar 1855 45 M 29 12/9 Ala Tn Tn
McLemore, Knox J Son W M Dec 1875 24 S Tn Tn Ala Farm Laborer
McLemore, Ross A Son W M Feb 1879 21 M2 Tn Tn Ala Farm Laborer
McLemore, Jinnie Dtr W F July 1876 23 S Tn Tn Ala
McLemore, Eugene Son W M Arp 1884 16 S Tn Tn Ala Farm Laborer
McLemore, Katy (sic) Son W M Dec 1888 11 Tn Tn AlaFarm Laborer
McLemore, Cecil Son W M Jany 1894 6 Tn Tn Ala
McLemore, Earnest Son W M Jany 1898 2 Tn Tn Ala 
16097 I27696  McLemore  James Latinus  18 Nov 1866  7 Apr 1954  Biography, below, copied from this FindAGrave memorial page:

Judge James L. McLemore, 87, Circuit Court Judge of the Second Judicial Circuit of Virginia, appointed 1907, served for 33 years until his retirement; founder & first president of the National Bank of Suffolk, served as president for over half a century beginning 1899.
16098 I27696  McLemore  James Latinus  18 Nov 1866  7 Apr 1954  (Research):
Census Listings:

1930 Census
Virginia, Suffolk City, First pt
ED 119-2 SD 14 Sheet 12A Stamped 205
McLemore, James L Head $ ??? M W 62 M/30 Va Va Va Judge City and Circuit Court
McLemore, Mary Willis Wife F W 55 M/22 Va Va Va
McLemore, Jame L Jr. Son M W 17 S Va Va Va
Prettain, Annie Sister-in-law F W 51 S Va Va Va 
16099 I33320  McLemore  James Latinus  23 Dec 1912  9 Jun 2003  James Latinus McLemore Jr. 90 passed away on June 9, 2003. He was a Suffolk native and son of the late Judge James L. McLemore and Mary Willis Pretlow McLemore.
He is survived by his wife of over 61 years, Jane Coulbourn McLemore and their three children and seven grandchildren; James L. McLemore III and his wife, Marjorie R. McLemore, of Suffolk; their children, James L. McLemore IV, Lt. Thomas B. McLemore, U.S.N. and Sarah Elizabeth McLemore; Elizabeth McLemore White, and her husband, Albert S. White III of Poquoson and their daughter, Jane Garrett McLemore White; John Coulbourn McLemore, his wife, Lillian R McLemore, of Norfolk, and their daughters, Maria Elizabeth McLemore, Ann Bolling McLemore and Katherine James McLemore; and two nieces, Mary Willis Matthews Park and Margaret Matthews Outland.
Jimmy was a loyal alumnus of Randolph Macon College, where he was a member of Phi Kappa Sigma social fraternity, and served on the college's Board of Trustees. He attended the University of Virginia Law School and received his law degree from the University of Richmond Law School. He was admitted to the Virginia State Bar in 1938 and was a member of the Virginia State Bar, Virginia Bar Association a past president of the Suffolk-Nansemond County Bar Association.
In 1954, he joined the National Bank of Suffolk, a predecessor bank to Bank of America. He enjoyed being a community banker because it enabled him to serve the community, customers and employees of the bank. He retired in 1977 as a Senior Vice President of what was then Virginia National Bank.
To whom much has been given, much is expected. Throughout his life, Jimmy served his nation and community. He was a veteran of the Army and Navy and during World War II, he was stationed in India for 23 months as a Naval Intelligence Officer. His community activities included Scoutmaster of Troop I, Charter Member of the Suffolk Jaycees, Director of Suffolk Nansemond Chamber of Commerce, Board Member of the Salvation Army and, in 1950, chairman of the Community Chest (United Way) Suffolk campaign. For over 57 years, he was a member of the Suffolk Rotary Club, and served as its president in 1962.
Jimmy served on the Suffolk Planning Commission and two terms on the Suffolk City Council (1963-1971), including its Vice Mayor. He served as Suffolk's representative on the Tidewater Virginia Development Council, which was the area's first regional economic development agency.
A lifelong member of Main Street United Methodist Church, Jimmy was also a member and teacher of the James L. McLemore Men's Bible Class, and served several terms on the Church's Administrative Board, serving for a time as its chairman.
Jimmy enjoyed hunting, fishing and particularly golfing. He was a director of the Suffolk Recreational and Charitable Association for over 20 years, and was a member and director of Cedar Point Country Club. He enjoyed the "Jolly Boys" and his coffee at the Crystal. He loved people and lived life to the fullest.
A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, June 11 at Main Street United Methodist Church by the Rev. Robert J. Parks and the Rev. Dr. Robert B. Marr. Visitation will be held from 7:30-8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 10 at the R.W. Baker Funeral Home, 509 W. Washington Street. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Main Street United Methodist Church, 202 N. Main St., Suffolk, Virginia 23434. 
16100 I34525  McLemore  James Latinus  Abt 1945  15 Sep 2009  James L. McLemore, III

Suffolk - James L. McLemore, III, 64, passed away on September 15, 2009. He was a Suffolk native and son of the late James L. McLemore, Jr. and Jane Coulbourn McLemore. He is survived by his wife of 37 years, Mardane R. McLemore, and their three children and three grandchildren: James L. McLemore, IV and his wife, Jennifer M. McLemore and their son, Benjamin Coulbourn McLemore of Richmond; Thomas Briggs McLemore and his wife, Andrea J. McLemore, and their two sons, Thomas Briggs McLemore, Jr. and Andrew Stocker McLemore of Alexandria; and Sarah Elizabeth McLemore of Washington, D.C. He is also survived by his sister, Elizabeth McLemore White of Poquoson, and his brother, John C. McLemore of Norfolk.

Jim graduated from Suffolk High School and from Randolph Macon College where he was a member of Phi Kappa Sigma social fraternity. He received his law degree from the Marshall-Wythe School of Law of the College of William and Mary.

After serving in the United States Naval Reserve, Jim began his legal career in the City of Suffolk. He served as Deputy Clerk of the Nansemond County Circuit Court and also as Clerk of the Circuit Court of the City of Suffolk. In 1975 he opened his law office in Suffolk where he practiced until his retirement in December, 2008.

He loved his native Suffolk and the friends he developed over a lifetime. He was active in many community organizations, including the Ruritan Club, Suffolk-Nansemond Historical Society, and the Suffolk Rotary Club, where he was a past president and a Paul Harris Fellow.

A lifelong member of Main Street United Methodist Church, Jim was also a member of the James L. McLemore Bible Class and he served on the church's administrative board. Having attained the rank of Eagle Scout, Jim actively supported Scouting and was for many years on the Troup I Committee.

Jim had an insatiable appetite for knowledge and was a passionate student of history: ancient, local, and family (genealogy), and had written extensively about his family's Scottish and early American ancestry. He was also a gifted model railroader and enjoyed making his layouts and running his trains with friends and family, particularly his grandchildren. He was instrumental in designing, and with others building, the model train layout in the historic Seaboard Train Station.

A memorial service will be held at Main Street United Methodist Church, on Friday, September 18, 2009 at 11:00 a.m. by the Reverend Robert J. Parks. Visitation will be at the R.W. Baker & Co. Funeral Home, 509 West Washington Street, Suffolk on Thursday, September 17, 2009 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Main Street United Methodist Church, 202 North Main St., Suffolk, VA 23434.

Suffolk News-Herald front-page story "Community Leader Passes Away"

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