Strong - McLemore History and Ancestry
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# Person ID Last Name First Name Birth Date Death Date Living note Tree
15701 I36528  McLemore  Dorcus  Abt 1811  Yes, date unknown  Said by Ann and Eldon McLemore to have married first John WHITEHEAD and on May 4, 1862, in Copiah County, MS married second John FOSTER. Ann and Eldon further note that guardianship for Mary Ann Whitehead, a daughter of Dorcus, was probated for Mary Ann to Reuben McLemore, brother of her mother, on 22 Mar 1867.

The parentage of Dorcus and Reuben has not been proven.
15702 I36528  McLemore  Dorcus  Abt 1811  Yes, date unknown  (Research):

Census Listings:

1860 Census
Mississippi, Copiah County
Enumerated 4 Oct 1860
Page 157
Dorcus Whitehead 47 F $--- $200 SC
William Whitehead 18 M Miss
Alice Whitehad 9 F Miss
F. R. Whitehead 27 M Farmer $1500 $600 Miss
Sarah Whitehead 23 F NC
Amelia Whitehead 4 F Miss
Thomas Whitehead 3 M Miss
Lane Whitehead 1 M Miss

not located

Census Listings:

1880 Census
Mississippi, Scott County, Beat 3
Enumerated 9 Jun 1880
Page 18 SD 2 ED 81
McLemore, Henry W M 35 Farm hand Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Alice W F 26 Wf Housekeeping Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, James W M 13 Son Works of Farm Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Ben W M 7 Son Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Martha W F 4 Dtr Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Anne W F 2 Miss Miss Miss
Foster, Darkus W F 69 Mother-in-law Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, John W M 21 Bro Farmhand Miss Miss Miss
15703 I22254  McLemore  Doris Atwood  2 May 1929  5 Oct 2006  DORIS McLEMORE RICH .. CLINTON (NC) - Mrs. Doris [Atwood] McLemore Rich, 77, of 3830 Bass Lake Road, died Thursday, Oct. 5, 2006. Mrs. Rich was an active member of Elizabeth Baptist Church. Services: Funeral, 1 p.m. today in Elizabeth Baptist Church. Burial in church cemetery. Visitation: Following service today at the church. Survived by: Husband, Owen; daughters, Angela Mallette and Audrey Outten; sister, Hazel Bullard; brother, Lynwood McLemore; and four grandchildren. Memorials: Community Home Care & Hospice, 216 Beaman St., Clinton, NC 28328. Royal-Hall Funeral Home of Clinton. From: The Fayetteville (NC) Observer .. 9-7-2006

(Courtesy of Robert McLemore Butler) 
15704 I25155               
15705 I30347  McLemore  Doris Kay  30 Jun 1934  15 Apr 2012  Doris K. Parrish was born in Oklahoma on June 30, 1934 to Cecil E. and Agnes McLemore and passed away on April 15, 2012 at the age of 77 in Oakdale, Ca. The family moved from Oklahoma to Arkansas where they lived before moving to Grayson, Ca. when Doris was nine years old. She attended high school in Modesto. She was married to Milton "Pete" Parrish in 1951 and became a homemaker, farm-wife and , eventually, mother of 3 children, Lynne, David and Ray. She remained happily married until 2007, when Pete passed away after a long illness.

She loved to sew. She made many of her own and her children's clothes. She loved popular music especially Blues, R&B and Country. She was a meticulous house keeper and devoted mother. Later in life she took an interest in, and became very knowledgeable about, politics.

She was preceded in death by her parents, Cecil and Agnes, her husband Pete, brothers, Clyde, Claud, Fred and Bruce and sisters, Audrey, Ruth and Daran. She is survived by her brother Max Mclemore of Temecula, Ca., two sisters, Kerry Duarte of No. Hollywood Ca. and Cathy DeLisle of San Jose, Ca., and her three children, Lynne of Truckee, Ca., David of Fresno, Ca. and Ray of Oakdale, Ca.

Private services are to be held at Oaklawn Memorial Park in Oakdale. In lieu of flowers or other remembrances, a contribution toward the electoral defeat of President Obama, which was her fond hope, would be welcome. Doris also favored the re-election of Gov. Scott Walker of Minnesota and the defeat of Elizabeth Warren in the Mass. Senate race.

Published by Modesto Bee on Apr. 24, 2012.
Copied from her Find A Grave Memorial Page 
15706 I36415  McLemore  Dorothy  10 Jan 1905  13 Oct 1984  California Death Index listing

15707 I28373               
15708 I44884               
15709 I38432  McLemore  Dorothy Jean  Jul 1910  Yes, date unknown  The JAHNKE TREE at WorldConnect shows that she married Elwood PREISING, and that they had one child. Her middle name was listed as JEAN, and she was shown as being born in Jun 1910 in Nantucket.

John Stromberger found the following brief article, presumably about Dorothy, quoted verbatim, from a Washington, Illinois newspaper:

August 9, 1910: "Capt. D. S. Sheppard received a letter from a brand new great-granddaughter this week. The little Miss is a daughter of W. D. McLemore of Nantucket, Mass., and she arrived at their home, Sunday, July 31. She did not exactly write the letter to the captain, but is appeared as if she did."

15710 I27661  McLemore  Dortha Goldyn  3 Mar 1919  13 Aug 1988  She shares a double grave marker with Curtis Carter Haraway, who also has a memorial page. A photo of the couple is shown on their headstone.  STR06 
15711 I3371  McLemore  Dru Sims  1 Feb 1923  19 Aug 1983  Hobbies: Golf.  STR06 
15712 I21766  McLemore  Drury  Between 1735 and 1738  Aft 1790  James McLemore, III notes that he had at least one son, Drury McLemore, Jr. It is not known which of the deeds below related to Drury Sr and which to Drury Jr. Jim also thinks it possible that Drury was the father of Elias McLemore of Bladen County, though Robert McLemore Butler showed Elias a brother of Drury, not a son.

James notes that there was no further proven family for either Drury. He also indicated that Drury and Drury Jr. begin in Edgecombe County, moved to Duplin (later Sampson) and one or both of them finally end up in Bladen County.

From Sampson County History...Under the Cooper family information we find a reference to Druria McLemore as follows: "October 26, 1767. Land Grant of 640 acres in Duplin County (part of which later became Sampson County) to Fleet COOPER Sr.---chain bearers were John FAIRCHILD and Druria MACKLINMORE.

1779-Bladen County, NC Grant #1213 Archibald McDANIEL, October 28, 1779....Archibald McDANIEL enters 100 acres on a great open pond; between his own line and John SMITH and on N. Side of Beaver Dam Swamp; includes his improvements, "this to be" disputed by Drury McLEMORE. An undated Grant #1481 shows Drury McLEMORE entering 100 acres between where Hezekiah JONES lives and South River, includes the improvements made by John MAINS (Courtesy Robert McLemore Butler)

1780 Bladen County NC 17 Sep 1780 Drury McLEMORE enters 100 acres between where Hezekiah JONES lives and South River includes improvements made by John MAINS. (Courtesy Robert McLemore Butler)

1785 Duplin/Sampson County NC 23 Mar 1785 Daniel WILLIAMS enters 110 acres on S side of Little Cohary Creek border; his own line and WILLIAMSON; includes Elias and Drewry McLEMORE's improvements (Courtesy Robert McLemore Butler)

1785 Sampson County, NC Court Order 23 Mar 1785 Public Work road work Elias McLemore Drewry McLemore and others (Courtesy Robert McLemore Butler)

1786 Sampson County NC Court Order Tax delinquents 10 May 1786 Drury McLEMORE plus others (Courtesy Robert McLemore Butler)

1787 Bladen County, NC Grant #791 10 Oct 1781 Drury McLEMORE one hundred acres 50 shillings between McDANIEL's pound and Sussy FISHERS improvements (Courtesy Robert McLemore Butler)

1787 Sampson County NC Court Order Public work 14 May 1787 River Cleaning Duty Drewry McLEMORE, Archibald McLEMORE and others (Courtesy of Robert McLemore Butler)

In the 1790 Census, a Drury MacLemore is listed as living in the Wilmington District, Bladen County...3M, 2F and there is also a Drury MacLemore listed in the Fayette District, Sampson County...I M, 5 F. (If the second Drury is Drury Jr, it appears he may have had four daughters). Ages are not indicated

Daniel Williams b. <1755 d. ca 1811. Grant Bk B pp 151-152 (Patent Bk 66, pg 211) (file 108) and (No. 72) 100 acres on S. Side of Little Cohara North of Reedy Branch including Drewry McLemore's improvements with was recorded 4 May 1793 (Grant Bk A, p 251) (Patent Bk 66 pag 200) (File 86) (Courtesy of Robert McLemore Butler)

1800 Census Drury McLemore 1 male under 5, 1 male 45+, 1 female 5-15, 1 female over 45 Neighbor to Elias McLemore and Peter Smith. This Drury McLemore was born sometime prior to 1755. Note two possible children/grandchildren listed?

1802 Bladen County NC Deed Bk 116, p 39 23 Nov 1802 Grant #2639 Drury McLEMORE 100 acres Fork of Big and Little Turnbull (Courtesy of Robert McLemore Butler)

1802 Bladen County NC #5600 Drury McLEMORE grant #2671 Issued 1802 entry 959 book 116 near Hunting Ford on Turnbull (Courtesy of Robert McLemore Butler)

DEED..GRANT..DRURY McLEMORE..1802 Bladen County, NC, Deed Book 21 page 36

State of North Carolina No 2639. To all whom these presents shall come greeting , Know ye that for and in consideration of the sum of $60 for every hundred acres hereby granted paid unto our treasury by McLEMORE have given and granted and by these presents do give and grant unto the said Drury McLEMORE tract of land containing 100 acres lying and being in the County of Bladen in the fork of big and little Turnbull. Beginning at a pine and runs North 16 degrees East 31 chains and 68 links then South 74 degrees East 31 chains and 68 links then South 16 degrees West 31 chains 68 lks then a direct line to the beginning.

Entered 14th of Nov patent dated 23rd Nov 1802.

(Transcribed by Robert McLemore Butler in Sep 2001)


Bladen County Deed Book 27 page 195/196

This indenture made this 18th day of June in the year of our Lord 1803 and in the 27 & 28 year of our Independence and between Absolom H. Weatherbee of the Co of Bladen & state of No. Carolina of the one part and Drewey [Drury] McLemore of the place aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said Abosolom H. Weatherbee for & in consideration of the sum of 50 pounds specie to him in hand paid by the sd. Drewey McLemore before the sealing and delivering of these presence the receipt. Whereof is hereby confessed & ack'd hath given granted bargained sell alien endoff & confirm unto the sd. Drewey McLemore al & singular the seal & full right & title to a certain land situated lying & being in the afore'sd Co. of Bladen on the West side of little James Creek & NE of the spring pocossin. Beginning at a large pine James Henton's corner tree & runs a said line So 88 deg E 13 ch 55 links to Johnson's corner a pine in said line thence So 2 deg E 17 ch to a stake in a lightwood top thence So 53 deg E 67 ch to a pine thence No 38 deg E 78 ch to sd. McLemore's corner in James Creek Bay thence along his line No 4 deg W 31 ch 63 links to his line to the beginning it being 320 acres of 640 acre survey granted unto sd. Absolom H. Weaterbee by patent bearing date the 30 Aug 1802. To have & to hold unto him the sd. Drewey [Drury] McLemore, his heirs & assigns forever form all persons & the sd. Absolom H. Weatherbee doth warrant & defend the above described premises for him his heirs & assigns unto the sd. Drewey McLemore his heirs & assigns forever. In Witnesseth of the sd. Absolom H. Weatherbee hath hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal the day & year first above written. ..

Signed: A.H. Weatherbee ..

Signed Sealed & delivered in presents of: Edward Reeves, Jerimiah Reeves .. This Deed was proved by Edward Reeves & ordered to be registered March Term 1805. Attest J.S. Purdie CC.

(Transcribed by Robert McLemore Butler in June 1986)

On the 1810 Bladen County, NC census, he is listed in a household with one male over the age of 45 and one female over the age of 45 and with 50 slaves. This Drury McLemore was born sometime prior to 1755.

Also in Bladen County in 1810 were Wm. McLemore, Charles McLemore, and E. McLemore.

1830 Bladen County, NC Census 1 Male Under 15-20, 1 male 70-80 Females 1 between 5-10 1 between 15-20. This Drury McLemore was born between 1750 and 1760.

My guess would be that the elder Drury died after 1790, and his son, Drury Jr. was born between 1750 and 1760, and it was his listing on the 1800 through 1830 census.

Jim McLemore speculates that We have occasionally brought up the names of Wright (b. ca. !815) and John (b. ca. 1813/14) McLemore. From the census records you guys have been quoting, it would appear they were Bladen County residents. That leads me to believe that they were quite possibly, if not probably, great-grandsons of Drury Sr. The 1790 Census shows a Drury with a household composed of 3 males and 2 females; that would presumably be father and 2 sons, and mom and 1 daughter. For a variety of reasons (more hunches and intuitions, really), I think this Drury was Drury Jr., while dad Drury Sr. would have been the Drury who was shown in the 1790 census with a household on 1 male (himself - all others had grown up and established themselves outside his home by 1790) and 5 females (his wife and four younger daughters. Unless we accept Elias as a son of Drury Sr. AND we can find him some sons, I think it would have to be one or both of the two unidentified sons of Drury Jr. shown in the 1790 census who would have the best shot at being the father(s) of the Wright and John born in the mid-second decade of the 19th century. 
15713 I27570  McLemore  Duncan J.  Abt 1841  Yes, date unknown  A Duncan J. McLemore enlisted in Company D, North Carolina 26th infantry regiment on 19 May 1861 and mustered out on 29 Nov 1861. He was born ca 1840. He enlisted in Wake County, NC as a private. Source NC Troops 1861-1865, A Roster.

A Duncan J. McLemore married Mary J. NEWSOM in 1864 in Union County, North Carolina. Source, North Carolina, Marriage Index, 1741-2004.

This couple can not be found on the census index for 1870 or 1880.

A 45 year old Duncan McLemore, born ca 1842, was married to Arais McDONALD, age 30, on 9-18-1887 in Cumberland County, North Carolina. It appears the marriage records relates to this Duncan, based on his rather uncommon first name and his age.

This couple can not be found on the census index for 1900.

In 1910, however, a 69 year old Duncan McLemore, born ca 1841 in North Carolina and widowed, is found in the home of Claud [Edward Claudius] and Lena [nee Beard] McLemore of Cumberland County, NC. Ducan was listed as a "Boarder". Claud is a son of Lofton Hayes McLemore, and grandson of Amos McLemore, both of Sampson County, NC.

Finally, A Duncan G. McLemore, age 76 (born ca 1840) Died on 13 Mar 1916 in Cumberland County, NC. This is likely the same Duncan, but not known with certainty. 
15714 I27570  McLemore  Duncan J.  Abt 1841  Yes, date unknown  (Research):
Census Listings:

1910 Federal Census
North Carolina, Cumberland County, Fayetteville
ED 49
16 April 1910
McLemore, Claud E Hd M W 47 m 22 NC NC NC Bookkeeper Lumber Mill
McLemore, Lena Wife F W 42 Md 22 7/5 NC NC NC
McLemore, Ralph C Son M W 21 S NC NC NC Laborer Lumber Mill
McLemore, Sydney Son M W 18 S NC NC NC Wagon Driver Lumber Mill
McLemore, Clebe C Son M W 15 S NC NC NC Laborer Lumber Mill
McLemore, Amos L Son M W 7 S NC NC NC
McLemore, Elizabeth Mother F W 52 NC NC NC
McLemore, Dennis Brother M W 20 S NC NC NC Laborer Lumber Mill
McLemore, Duncan Boarder M W 40 Wd NC NC NC Grading Agent
Gray, Ira Boarder F W 10 S
Danaby, William M M W 33 Wd Kansas Eng Ire Hackdriver Livery Stable 
15715 I36905  McLemore  Durant Hunter  22 Jan 1880  1 Oct 1942  Jeff Loveless shows him as a son of Edward C. McLemore and Ida Manning. Jeff indicated "It looks like Durant's birthday and Edward's [his fathers] wedding were pretty close so I wonder if it might have been a shotgun affair and Durant was sent away to a relative's to avoid a scandal."

However 1880 census shows a Durant McLemore living with an A.M. and Nannie McLemore, and listed as "son." It thereore appears more likely that Durant was instead a son of Dr. Abraham M. and his second wife, Nannie McLemore.

Abraham M. McLemore was not the son of Edward C. McLemore, they were actually second cousins, both descending from Atkins McLemore and Sarah Janes. Dr. Abraham M. McLemore descended from son Abraham and grandson Young, whereas his cousin Edward C. McLemore descended from son Young and grandson Abraham. The similiarity of first names may account for the confusion. 
15716 I27248  McLemore  Earl  28 Jan 1915  Yes, date unknown  While living in warehose hollow near Wheeler Dam, Earl contracted malaria fever which forced him back to Limestone to recover. He resided with friends and relatives helping with their crops. In 1933 Earl entered the Civilian Conservation Corps. His grandparents, Samuel and Rebecca Kendall SMITH, needed financial help. The CCC would give Earl food and lodging and $8 a month and send grandparents $22 a month. (The Heritage of Lauderdale County, Alabama, p. 347).  STR06 
15717 I27245  McLemore  Earl Briggs "Early"  17 Aug 1878  1 Nov 1962  He worked paving roads and building bridges when he wasn't farming. The McLemore's remained in Cartwright until 1932. Due to declining cotton prices and other extreme conditions of the Great Depression, Earl's family was forced to move to Elgin, Alabama. The crop of 1931 was a devasting blow to the family. He had planted 20 acres of cotton and produced 4 bales. The cost of production was higher than the income for the product.

In Elgin, Sammy and Earl Junior began clearing land for William Lee and Risky D. Butler, a prominent family of the period. The Butlers provided work for jobless men to help their families. They employed men lived in tents.

(The Heritage of Lauderdale County, Alabama, p. 347). 
15718 I27245  McLemore  Earl Briggs "Early"  17 Aug 1878  1 Nov 1962  (Research):Census Information:

1910 Census
Alabama, Limestone County, Pr 8 Big Creek
Enumerated 6 May 1910
SD ? ED 103 Sheet 10A
McLemore, Earl B Hd M W 32 M1 7 Ala Ala Ala Farmer
McLemore, Elizabeth Wf F 24 M1 & 3/3 Ala Tn Tn
McLemore, Marvin E. Son M 6 Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Mirel Dtr F 4 Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Otho Son M 2 Ala Ala Ala

1920 Census
Alabama, Limestone County, Athens
Enumerated 27 Jan 1920
SD 8 ED 98 Sheet 25A
McLemore, E V Hd M W 41 M Ala Ala Ala Laborer Street Work
McLemore, Bertha Wf F W 27 M Tn Tn Tn (Second Wife)
McLemore, Marvin Son M W 17 S Ala Ala Tn Laborer Street Work
McLemore, Merle Dtr F W 14 Ala Ala Tn
McLemore, Otha Son M W 11 Ala Ala Tn
McLemore, Earl Son M W 5 Ala Ala Tn
McLemore, Sammuell Son M W 3 Ala Ala Tn

1930 Census
Alabama, Limestone County, Big Creek Precinct 8
Enumerated April 16, 1930
ED 42-17 SD 2 Sheet 13B
McLemore, Earl B Hd M W 50 M 24 ALa Ala Ala Farmer
McLemore, Lucy B Wf F W 38 M 2 Tn Tn Ala
McLemore, Earl B Jr Son M W 16 S Ala Ala Tn
McLemore, Sammie Son M W 14 S Ala Ala Tn
Smith, Sam Father In Law M W 70 M Tn Tn Tn
Smith, Rebecca Mother In Law F W 78 M 35 Tn Tn Tn 
15719 I27743  McLemore  Earl Leonard  Abt 1917  Yes, date unknown  At the time of the 1930 census, he was living with his sister and brother-in-law, Vinnie and Henderson ROBERTS, in Limestone County, Alabama.  STR06 
15720 I27743  McLemore  Earl Leonard  Abt 1917  Yes, date unknown  (Research):
Census Information:

1930 Census
Alabama, Limestone County, Shoulford Twp Pr 2
Enumerated 8 Apr 1930
ED 42-8 SD 2 Sheet 6A Stamped 112
Roberts, Henderson M Hd M W 38 M 28 Farmer Tn Tn Tn
Roberts, Vinnie L Wf F W 31 M 20 Ala Ala Ala
Roberts, Raymond L Son M W 9 Ala Tn Ala
McLemore, Leonard Brother-in-Law M W 13 Ala Ala Ala
McLemore, Grady J Brother-in-Law M W 23 Ala Ala 
15721 I26365  McLemore  Earl M.  30 Dec 1885  17 Aug 1962  (Research):
Census Information:

1910 Federal Census
Tennessee, Carroll County, Civil District 1
Enumerated 12 April 1910 By John Brooks
SD 8, ED 17 Sheet 2A
HH 23-23
McLemore, Albert J Head M W 53 m2 17 Tenn Tenn Tenn Farmer
McLemore, Willie B Wf F W 46 m1 17 0/0 Tenn Mich Tenn
McLemore, Velma E Dtrr F W 18 S Tenn Tenn Tenn

HH 24-24
McLemore, Earl M Hd W W 24 M 3 Tn Tn Tn Farmer
McLemore, Lula A Wife F W 24 M 3 1/1 Tn Tn Tn
McLemore, Mina M Dtr F W 1 11/12 S Tn Tn Tn
McLemore, Lillian A Brother M W 13 S Tn Tn Tn Farm Laborer
McLemore, Ben J Brother M W 11 S Tn Tn Tn Farm Laborer
McLemore, Clayton A Brother M W 8 S Tn Tn Tn
McLemore, Bob R Boarder M W 32 S Tn Tn Tn Farm Laborer

HH 30-30 Jesse J and Ellen McLEMORE 
15722 I45717  McLemore  Earnest  Abt 1922  Yes, date unknown  As there was a five year gap between Earnest and his younger sister, it is ASSUMED he was born in Buford's first wife, Evelene. This may be incorrect, and his mother might actually be Lola, Buford's second wife.

His mother should be verified through a primary record. 
15723 I25587  McLemore  Earnest Eugene  Abt 1868  Yes, date unknown  MaryLynn Santa instead has his place of birth as Spring Hill, Tennessee. She shows he married Sarah Eugenia GOODRIDGE. He is not listed with his family as of the 1880 census, so it might be possible that he instead died young.  STR06 
15724 I42706  McLemore  Eddy Herschel  Feb 1911  Yes, date unknown  At the time he completed his application for a social security account, he was a resident of Nashville, Tennessee, and employed by the Cosmopolitan Insurance Company. This was done in July 1937, when he was 26 years of age.  STR06 
15725 I33182  McLemore  Edgar Fernie  8 Oct 1909  26 Jun 1974  Name: Edgar Fernie Mclemore
Death Date: 28 Jun 1974
Death Place: Dallas, Dallas, Texas
Usual Residence: 5226 Santa Fe Dallas, Texas
Gender: Male
Death Age: 64 years
Estimated Birth Date: 1910
Birth Date:
Marital Status:
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Madison Monroe Mclemore
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Cleo Williams
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Chauffeur Yellow Cab
Informant: Mrs. Pauline McLemore
Place of Residence:
Cemetery: Grove Hill Memorial Park
Burial Place: Dallas, Texas
Burial Date:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2243247
Digital Film Number: 4167848
Image Number: 2811
Reference Number: 2844
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
15726 I33182  McLemore  Edgar Fernie  8 Oct 1909  26 Jun 1974  (Medical):See attached sources.  STR06 
15727 I22283  McLemore  Edgar Lonie  21 Jul 1889  19 Jan 1943 
Name: Edgar Lonnie Mclemore
Gender: Male
Burial Date: 23 Jan 1943
Burial Place: Dunn, N. C.
Death Date: 19 Jan 1943
Death Place: Erwin, Duke, Harnett, North Carolina
Age: 53
Birth Date: 21 Jul 1889
Birthplace: Sampson County, N. C.
Occupation: Textile Worker
Race: White
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Mamie Royal Mclemore
Father's Name: Haywood Mclemore
Father's Birthplace: North Carolina
Mother's Name: Mary Ann Simmons
Mother's Birthplace: North Carolina
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: B01770-4
System Origin: North Carolina-EASy
Source Film Number: 1943223
Reference Number: fn 2393 cn 366
Collection: North Carolina Deaths and Burials, 1898-1994 
15728 I22283  McLemore  Edgar Lonie  21 Jul 1889  19 Jan 1943  (Research):

Census Listings:

1920 Census
North Carolina, Hartnett County, Duke Twp ED #78
McLemore, Edgar L H 30 NC NC NC Weaver Cotton Mill
McLemore, Mamie Wf 28 NC NC NC
McLemore, Elmond W Son 2 NC NC NC 
15729 I21806  McLemore  Edith  Abt 1841  Bef 1868  At the time of the 1860 census, Edith and Samuel lived in close proximity to her father's family, as wall as to her sister and brother-in-law, Louanna and Daniel Carter.

It appears she died prior to 1868, because in census enumerations after 1860, her husband was listed with a woman named Millie as his wife. Futhermore, according to the 1900 census, he and Millie had been married for 32 years, which means they would have married circa 1868. Furthermore, Millie was shown as the mother of 9 children total, eight of them still living. However, a total of 12 children were listed with the family in the census reports from 1860 through 1900. Therefore, Edith was the mother of AT least the first three children, Rachel, Raiford and Amos. Incidentally, all three of them were named after her siblings. She was most likely also the mother of Caladonia, born in 1867. Millie would have been the mother of the remaining 8 children listed. 
15730 I26864  McLemore  Edith L.  2 Jul 1903  22 Nov 1984  Census listings have her place of birth as Alabama, but her obituary (below) shows Arkansas.

Edith Lottie (McLemore) Stokes
Contributed by April (Wharton) Makerney
The Hugo Daily News, Hugo, Choctaw, OK; Issue: Unknown Mrs. Edith L. Stokes, 81, of Hugo, died Thursday at Choctaw Memorial Hospital. Born in Jonesboro, Ark. on July 2, 1903, she had been a resident of Choctaw County for 36 years. She was a homemaker and a member of the Clayton Avenue Baptist Church. Survivors include three daughters, Criss Lester and Estelle Cornelison, both of Hugo, and Waunell Rye of Riverside, Calif.: three sons, Roy Haislip and Willard Johnson of Bakersfield and Russel Johnson of Arvin, Calif. Mrs. Stokes is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Mary Henson and Mrs. Edna Everidge, both of Hugo, 25 grandchildren, 24 great grandchildren and one great-great grandchild. The family will receive friends at Criss Lester's home. Services will be Monday at 2 p.m. in the Lampton Mills Chapel. Burial will be in the Springs Chapel Cemetery. Lampton Mills Funeral Home of Hugo is in charge of arrangements.

Listed on the "Choctaw County Obits" website hosted at Rootsweb. Contributed by April Makerney. The date of the paper from which this was transcribed is not listed.

Her double headstone listing at Springs Chapel Cemetery was transcribed as follows:

Stokes, Edith L. Johnson 07-02-1903 11-22-1984 w/o Daniel L.
Stokes, Daniel L 01-10-1904 03-11-1977 PFC US ARMY 
15731 I26866  McLemore  Edna Lela  11 Feb 1907  23 Oct 1987  Her father's 1940 obituary indicates that she first was married to a Mr. ALLEN.

This appears to be her listing on the Texas Death Index at rootsweb:

Everidge Edna Lela 10-23-1987 GRAYSON F

Edna (McLemore) Everidge
contributed by Ron Henson
The Hugo Daily News, p. 2,

Hugo, Choctaw Co., Oklahoma, 26 October 1987 Edna Everidge, a resident of Hugo, died Friday in the Texhoma Medical Center. She was 80. A housewife by occupation, she was a member of the World Wide Church of God. Mrs. Everidge was born February 11, 1907 in Louisiana, the daughter of Albert and Alzada McLemore. She moved to Hugo in 1917 from Seminole, Okla. She married Henry Everidge on March 14, 1942 in Hugo. He survives her. Other survivors include a sister, Mary Henson of Hugo; and two nieces, Criss Lester of Hugo and Estelle Cornelison of Hugo. Services were held today at 10 a.m. in the Lampton-Mills and Coffey Funeral Home Chapel. The Rev. Mutt Wallace officiated. Burial was in the Everidge Family Cemetery. The Lampton-Mills Coffey Funeral Home of Hugo was in charge of arrangements.

Listed on the "Choctaw County Obits" website hosted at Rootsweb. Contributed by Ron Henson.

Her double tombstone at the Everidge Cemetery in Choctaw County, Oklahoma reads:

Thank You Jesus for the Life You Gave Us
Edna L.
Feb 11, 1907
Oct 23, 1987

Married March 14, 1942

Henry W.
Jane 5 1912
April 26 1988 
15732 I37929  McLemore  Edna Louise  22 Sep 1923  20 Dec 2013  Her obituary, as copied from her FindAGrave memorial page, created by BMB<

Graveside services will be held on Monday, December 23, 2013 at 2 p.m. at Centerville Cemetery in Medina, Tennessee. Interment will follow the service.

Mrs. Replogle was born on September 22, 1923 in Oxley, Missouri to the late Lon and Sally Hawks McLamore. She was a member of West Jackson Baptist Church.

In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her loving husband, Leon Replogle; sisters, Verble Graves, Bondell Darby and Jewel Graves.

She is survived by her sons, Jerry Replogle (Barbara) and Don Replogle (Carolyn); daughter, Cindy Levy; two sisters, Violet Pope and Elizabeth Newman; brother, Weldon McLamore; grandsons, Jason, Josh and Daniel Replogle; great grandchildren, Specer, Abigail and Olivia Replogle.

Visitation with the family will be held on Monday, December 23, 2013 beginning at 12 noon going until 1:30 p.m. in the North Chapel of George A. Smith and Sons Funeral Home.

Arrangements are under the direction of George A. Smith and Sons Funeral Home, (731) 427-5555 
15733 I29879  McLemore  Edward  Between 1847 and 1851  Yes, date unknown  Why is he not on the 1860 census with his parents and siblings? Maybe this is actually Haywood, going by a middle or nickname?  STR06 
15734 I25183  McLemore  Edward "Ed" Eugene  3 Jul 1905  9 Jan 1969  Famed wrestling promotor, long associated with the Dallas Sportatorium. Built by the Cox Fence Company on the occasion of the Texas Centennial celebration in 1936 , the original Dallas Sportatorium was constructed in the shape of an octagon and played host to weekly wrestling shows promoted initially by Burt Willoughby, and later by Ed McLemore. Beginning in 1948 , it was also the site of the Big D Jamboree , a weekly country music showcase similar in format to the Grand Ole Opry and Louisiana Hayride; portions of the Jamboree were broadcast nationally on the CBS Radio Network. The Sportatorium was destroyed by fire on May 1 , 1953 , in what was rumored to be an act of arson by a rival wrestling promoter. It was quickly rebuilt at the same location as a rectangular venue (with an octagonal seating configuration similar to the original), and reopened on September 22 of that year, billed at the time as The Million-Dollar Sportatorium. The arena also held boxing events and concerts featuring up-and-coming rock stars (including, most notably, an early performance by Bruce Springsteen in 1974 ) over the years, very much in the same manner as its Los Angeles counterpart, the Grand Olympic Auditorium , did during this time frame. In early 1966 , McLemore's promotion was taken over by wrestler Jack Adkisson, who was known in the ring as Fritz Von Erich. Adkisson's promotion, which became known in the early 1980s as World Class Championship Wrestling and featured his sons as its main stars, was the most famous and successful wrestling federation to run regularly at the Dallas Sportatorium.

The Odessa American Statesman
Friday, January 10, 1969

Heart Attack Kills Promoter

Dallas (AP)-A second heart attack claimed the life of Ed McLemore, long time wrestling promoter Thursday. Rosary was set for tonight in the Crane Funeral Chapel here.

For 30 years, McLemore promoted wrestling in Dallas, which is believed to be the longest period for any one city in the nation.

McLemore also promoted the Saturday night "Big D Jamboree," featuring country and western music. The program originated from the Sportatorium, a wrestling areana he owned.

He booked wrestling talent all over Texas and survived several wrestling wars.

A Dallas native, McLemore suffered a heart attack last February and remained away from his office for more than six months.

Famed singing and movie star Elvis Presley once credited McLemore for providing the impetus for his fame by hiring him for the "Big D Jamboree." Presley once worked for McLemore for about $75 nightly.

Funeral services were scheduled for 10 a.m. Saturday at Holy Trinity Catholic Church. Burial will follow at Calvary Hill Cemetery.

Survivors include his widow, Rose; three daughters, Mrs. William GRIFFITH of Midland; Mrs. Jean BULLINGTON and Mrs. George BAUM of Dallas; two brothers, Robert McLemore of Dallas and Patrick McLemore of San Antonio; and 13 grandchildren.

(Courtesty of Melba Gene McLemore)

Name: Edward Eugene Mclemore, Jr.
Death Date: 09 Jan 1969
Death Place: Dallas, Dallas, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: White
Death Age: 63 years
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 03 Jul 1905
Birthplace: Dallas, Texas
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Edward E. Mclemore, Sr.
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Margaret Butler
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Sports Promoter, Wrest.
Place of Residence: Highland Park, Dallas, Texas
Cemetery: Calvary Hill Cemetery
Burial Place: Dallas, Texas
Burial Date: 11 Jan 1969
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2137258
Digital Film Number: 4030478
Image Number: 1378
Reference Number: cn 1842
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976 
15735 I25183  McLemore  Edward "Ed" Eugene  3 Jul 1905  9 Jan 1969  (Research):Census Information:

Texas, Dallas, Dallas City Block 1012
Enumerated 11 April 1930 by Aloysius W. Galton
ED 57-41 SD 10 Sheet 16A Stamped 41
Reiger Ave
McLemore, Margaret B Hd O $10,000 F W 52 Wd 24 Texas Irelan
d Missouri None
McLemore, Pat J Son M W 22 S Tx Tx Tx Salesman Insurance
Butler, William J Brother M W 50 Brother M W Tx Tx Mo Shipping Clerk Groceries
Butler, Urline A Sister F W 51 S Tx Tx Mo Telephone Operator Hospital
Markum, Clovis Roomer F W 30 S Tx Tx Tx Secretary Chamber of Commerce
Roelscher, Clarence Roomer M W 20 S Tx Tx Tx
Time Keeper Gin Manufacturer
McLemore, Edward E Head Son M W 24 M20 Tx Tx Tx Salesman Fences
McLemore, Rose L Wife F W 24 M20 Ill Ind Ill
McLemore, Rose M Dtr F W 3 S Tx Tx Ill
McLemore, Robert H Son M w 20 S Tx Tx Tx
McLemore, John D Son M W 16 S Tx Tx Tx

The Texas Death Records Index shows him as Single in 1969. If this record is for the same individual, it is either in error, or he was divorced, as Rose didn't die until 1987. 
15736 I242  McLemore  Edward Bruce  28 Nov 1956  16 Mar 2011  Known as Bruce. He was a welder, and also loved to hunt and fish. He killed feral hogs to supplement his income.


Mr. Edward Bruce McLemore, 54, of San Augustine entered into rest Wednesday, March 16, 2011, at his residence in San Augustine County.
Edward Bruce was born to Velta (Rawson) McLemore and Earl McLemore on November 28, 1956, in San Augustine County, Texas. He was a welder for Brown and Root, and was a operator Advanced Aeronautics. He was a member of the Baptist Church.

He is survived by: Daughter: Brandy and her husband, Craig Hutchins of Baytown, Grandchildren: Kendall and Cooper Hutchins of Baytown; Brother: Donald Earl McLemore and his wife, Tora Lea of Madisonville; and Sister: Nina Weimer of Houston.

Funeral services will be held Saturday, March 19, 2011, 10:00 A.M., Wyman Roberts Memorial Chapel with Bro. Randy Mills officiating. Visitation will be Friday evening, 5:00 til 8:00 P.M. in Wyman Roberts Funeral Home. Burial will be in Thomas Cemetery, San Augustine County.

He is preceded in death by his parents, Earl and Velta McLemore; Sister: Wanda Kay McLemore

Pallbearers will be Brad Stewart, Tim Sowell, Ken Lee, William Whitton and Robert Cartwright

Wyman Roberts Funeral Home
San Augustine, Texas

A nearly identical obituary was in the March 23, 2011 issue of the Sabine County Reporter, Page 14.

15737 I25457  McLemore  Edward C.  15 Aug 1860  18 Aug 1898  Mark Freeman has his date of birth as 1865, however family members instead show him as being born late in 1860. Jeff Loveless also show he and Ida as being the parents of his ancestor, Durant McLemore, born in Bells, Crockett County, Tennessee. It appears that Durant was more likely the son of Edward's second cousin, Dr. A. M. McLemore.  STR06 
15738 I22202  McLemore  Edward Claudius  6 Mar 1867  24 Jun 1930  Lived with his grandparents, Amos and Jemima McLemore, at the time of the 1880 census. Listed as Edward C on the 1900 census, and Claud E in 1910.

He was listed in the 1909-1910 Fayetteville NC City Directory as Edward C. McLEMORE, Clerk, A. J. BULLARD & Son....Home, 233 Davis Street

He was listed in the 1915-1916 Fayetteville NC City Directory as Edward C. McLEMORE, Agent, Life Insurance Co. of Virginia Res. 907 Person Street Wife: Lena

It appears they moved to Virginia prior to 1930.

Bonnie Seiler writes that his death was reported in the Virginia Pilot Newspaper on June 24, 1930. He apparently jumped from the upstairs window of his home and committed suicide. 
15739 I22202  McLemore  Edward Claudius  6 Mar 1867  24 Jun 1930  (Research):
Census Information:

1900 Federal Census
North Carolina, Cumberland County, Cedar Creek
Enumerated 21 Jun 1900 By Duncan Dowering
SD 4 ED 20 Sheet 19A Stamped 71
McLemore, Edward C Head W M Mch 1867 33 M NC NC NC Farmer
McLemore, Rena A Wife W F Nov 1868 31 M 12 6/4 NC NC NC
McLemore, Ralph C Son W M May 1888 12 S NC NC NC Farm Laborer
McLemore, Mettie A Dtr W F Nov 1890 9 S NC NC NC
McLemore, Sidney L Son W M Sept 1891 8 S NC NC NC
McLemore, Clebe N Son W M July 1894 5 S NC NC NC
McLemore, Annie Aunt W F Nov 1845 54 s NC NC NC

1910 Federal Census
North Carolina, Cumberland County, Fayetteville
ED 49
16 April 1910
McLemore, Claud E Hd M W 47 m 22 NC NC NC Bookkeeper Lumber Mill
McLemore, Lena Wife F W 42 Md 22 7/5 NC NC NC
McLemore, Ralph C Son M W 21 S NC NC NC Laborer Lumber Mill
McLemore, Sydney Son M W 18 S NC NC NC Wagon Driver Lumber Mill
McLemore, Clebe C Son M W 15 S NC NC NC Laborer Lumber Mill
McLemore, Amos L Son M W 7 S NC NC NC
McLemore, Elizabeth Mother F W 52 NC NC NC
McLemore, Dennis Brother M W 20 S NC NC NC Laborer Lumber Mill
McLemore, Duncan Boarder M W 40 We NC NC NC Grading Agent
Gray, Ira Boarder F W 10 S
Danaby, William M M W 33 Wd Kansas Eng Ire Hackdriver Livery Stable

1920 Census
Virginia, Norfolk, South Norfolk Town
Commerce Street 172-108-110
Enumerated 9 and 10 January 1920
SD 2 ED 150 Sheet 6B
McLemore, Edward Head W M 52 NC NC NC Carpenter House
McLemore, Lena Wife W F 51 NC NC NC
McLemore, Sidney Son W M 24 NC NC NC Salesman Pepsicola
McLemore, Lesley A. Son W M 16 NC NC NC Laborer Kicking Horses?
McLemore, Kathleen Dau W F 9 NC NC NC
Johnson, William Boarder W M 37 VA VA VA Carpenter Dry Dock

1930 Census
Virginia, Norfolk County, South Norfolk, ED 9
McLemore, Edward C 63 W M M @ 20 NC NC NC Watchman Lumber Mill
McLemore, Lena R 61 W F M @19 NC NC NC
McLemore, Ralph C 40 M @ 21 Carpenter House
McLemore, Sidney L 36 W M NC NC NC Watchman Boat
McLemore, Amos L 26 W M Wd NC NC NC Bookkeeper Wholesale House
McLemore, Kathleen 18 W F NC NC NC Machine Operator Laundry
McLemore, Ludonia 40 W F M @ 21 NC NC NC <---Ralph's wife
McLemore, Amos 11 months W M Virginia NC NC 
15740 I25248  McLemore  Edward Eugene  16 Sep 1874  10 Jan 1914  (Research):
Census Information:

1910 Census
Texas, Dallas, Dallas Ward 6, ED 50
Justice Precinct 1
Enumerated 23 Apr 1910 by Stephen Benson
SD 5 ED 50 Sheet 13A Stamped 248
Reiger Ave
McLemore, Edward E Hd M W 35 M7 Tx Miss La Bookeeper Cotton Gin Machinery
McLemore, Margaret B Wife F W 31 M7 3/3 Tx Ireland-English Mo
McLemore, Edward E Son M w 4 S Tx Tx Tx
McLemore, Patrick J Son M W 2 S Tx Tx Tx
McLemore, Robert H Son M W 1/12 S Tx Tx Tx
Zweig, Mary Boarder/Servant F W 22 S Ind Germany Indiana Stenographer Insurance 
15741 I26290  McLemore  Edward Eugene  28 Apr 1924  22 Feb 2014  Biography, copied from the FindAGrave memorial page created by Carolyn Andrews:

Eugene was the son of James Perry McLemore and Thurzer (Barker) McLemore. He enlisted in the Army during WWII and was in the Corp of Engineers, 163rd Combat Engineer Battalion. He married Mary Edna Harrison and they had one daughter who died at the age of 5 months and 19 days. Eugene was overseas and never got to see his daughter.

After his first wife died in 1973, he married Mary McAlexander McLemore in 1975. Mary McAlexander had 3 children with her first husband, Alvis Neil McLemore; Cathy McLemore, Larry Neil (Frances) McLemore, and Beth (Tom) Stultz and Eugene loved them dearly.

Eugene was a great family man and helped raise many of his nieces and nephews. He was especially fond of his grand nephews John (Mary Ann) Andrews, Corey (Maureen) Andrews and Troy (Kathy) Andrews. He will be greatly missed in our family. We loved him dearly. 
15742 I39252  McLemore  Edwin  Abt 1921  Yes, date unknown  May have been born either to the wife named A???ine, born in Kentucky, whom Elbert was shown as married to at the time of the 1920 census, or the Clersie, to whom he was shown as married at the time of the 1930 census. It is most likely he was born to Clersie, however, as she was born in Tennessee and his mother was shown as being born in Tennessee.  STR06 
15743 I38497  McLemore  Edwin Lutrell  Jan 1876  5 May 1952  Said to have married Ida Augusta WILLIAMS on 27 Oct 1897 in Knox County, TN.
Not verified.
Name: Edwin Luttrell Mclemore
Event: Death
Event Date: 05 May 1952
Event Place: Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee
Gender: Male
Marital Status:
Race or Color:
Age: 76
Estimated Birth Year: 1876
Birth Date:
Father: T.B. Mclemore
Father's Birthplace:
Mother: Louisa Murphy
Mother's Birthplace:
Street Address:
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Additional Relatives:
Digital Folder Number: 4181476
Image Number: 2848
Film Number: 2372462
Volume/Page/Certificate Number: cn 52-10719
Collection: Tennessee, Death Records, 1914-1955 
15744 I38497  McLemore  Edwin Lutrell  Jan 1876  5 May 1952  (Research):

Census Listings:

1900 Census
Tennessee, Knox County, Knoxville, Ward 11
Enuerated 4 Jun 1900
SD 2 ED 72 Sheet 28B
Third Ave
McLemore, Edwin Head W M Jan 1876 24 m2 Tenn Tenn Tenn Clerk
McLemore, August Wf W F Mar 1875 25 m 2 0 Tenn Tenn Tenn 
15745 I3375  McLemore  Edythe Evelyn  15 Oct 1915  17 Nov 1996  "Edythe Evelyn McLemore McCoy died in Jasper, Texas on Sunday, November 17th at age 81 years, 1 month and 2 days. A Jasper County native, Mrs. McCoy grew up in Beaumont where she married Tell V. McCoy, Jr. and lived until her retirement from Baptist Hospital, where she was employed as an LVN.

After retirement, Mrs. McCoy became interested in genealogy and proved relationships to various patriots which allowed her membership in The Colonial Dames, The Daughters of the Republic, The Daughters of the War of 1812, The Daughters of the Confederacy, and the Daughters of the Republic of Texas.

She was a member of the First Baptist Church in Jasper, a charter member of Calder Baptist Church of Beaumont and a member of the Eastern Star in Jasper.

She was preceded in death by her parents Frank and Nannie Sims McLemore, five brothers and husband. Mrs. McCoy is survived by her only child, daughter Nan McCoy Kittell, two brothers Terry and Max McLemore seven grandchildren: Holly and Michael Stafford, Charles, Paul, Reagan, Winn and Camille Kittell; two greatgrandsons; Travis and Keith Kittell, many nephews, nieces, cousins and friends.

Interment is at 10:30 am today at Zion Hill cemetery in Jasper where she joins her husband, parents, brothers, both sets of grandparents, one set of great grandparents and numerous aunts, uncles, and cousins.

Persons wishing to make a memorial gift in Mrs. McCoy's name are asked to donate to their favorite charity."

(Undated, unreferenced newspaper obituary) 
15746 I27738  McLemore  Effie B.  13 Nov 1907  18 Nov 1992  In the 1949 obituary of her father, she was listed as "Mrs. Louis Elledge of Tuscumbia." Her mother's obituary, published about eight weeks earlier, instead show her as "Mrs. Louis Elledge, Tuscaloosa."

15747 I39963  McLemore  Effie M.  27 Oct 1891  23 Oct 1893  Shown on FindAGrave as a daughter of J.F. and A. F. McLemore.  STR06 
15748 I25546  McLemore  Egbert  30 Dec 1842  1 Sep 1914  They appear to have been living with daughter, Jennie, at the time of the 1910 Federal Census, in Kiowa County, Oklahoma. Mark Freeman indicates this was their only child, which matches Martha's response to the 1900 and 1910 census.

From 20th Tennessee Cavalry, CSA Biographical Information Website
Revised 13 Aug 1999

Egbert McLemore
Company D. Enlisted April 1, 1864 in Gibson Co., TN, by Capt. Shane. Present on roll for Mar/April 1864. On roll for May/June 1864, "Deserted near Guntown June 18th".
On roll of prisoners surrendered at Citronelle, AL, May 4, 1865. Residence Hope Hill, TN.
The Index to Tennessee Confederate Pension Applications shows that Tennessee pension application #1656 was filed by Egbert McLemore of Gibson County for service with the 20th Cavalry.
Source: Compiled Service Records 
15749 I25546  McLemore  Egbert  30 Dec 1842  1 Sep 1914  (Research):

Census Listings:

1880 Census
Not located

1900 Census
Tennessee, Gibson County, Civil District 13
Enumerated 6 Jun 1900
SD 9 ED 47 Sheet 4A Stamped 53
McLemore, E Head W M Dec 1841 58 N 35 Tenn NC NC Farmer
McLemore, Martha Wf W F June 1844 55 M 35 1/1 Tenn Tenn Tenn
McLemore, J. B. Son-in-law W M Oct 1866 33 m 9 Tenn Tenn Tenn Farmer
McLemore, Jennie Dtr W F Sept 1874 25 M 9 4/4 Tenn Tenn Tenn
Thompson, John A Grandson W M Feb 1891 8 S Tenn Tenn Tenn
Thompson, Robert S. Grandson W M Nov 1894 5 S Tenn Tenn Tenn
Thompson, Georgia Grandson M W Jun 1895 5 S Tenn Tenn Tenn
Thompson, James Grandson M W Dec 1897 2 S Tenn Tenn Tenn
Debman, W. R. Servant W M Feb 1858 42 S Tenn Tene Tenn Farm Laborer

1910 Census
Oklahoma, Kiowa County, Otter Creek,
Enumerated 9 May 1910
SD ??? ED 181 Sheet 19A Stamped 169
Thompson, John B. Head M W 43 m1 18 Tn Tn Tn Farmer
Thompson, Jennie Wf F W 34 m1 18 6/6 Tn Tn Tn
Thompson, John A Son M W 18 S Tn Tn Tn
Thompson, Robert Son M W 16 S Tn Tn Tn
Thompson, Georgie Son M W 13 S Tn Tn TN
Thompson, Jimmie Son M W 11 S Tn Tn Tn
Thompson, Mattie Pearl Dtr F W 5 S Tx Tn Tn
Thompson, Eugene Son M W 1 5/12 S Ok Tn Tn
McLemore, Egbert Father in Law M W 68 M1 45 Tn Tn Tn
McLemore, Marther Mother in Law F W 65 m1 45 1/1 Tn Tn Tn
15750 I38440  McLemore  Elbert Henderson  Between 1870 and 1878  Yes, date unknown  Said to be a son of William McLemore and Rebecca Gentry.


Could this be the E. H. McLemore, born May 1870 in Tennessee, and married 9 years, who was working as a Hotel Clerk Ward 2 of Chattanooga at the time of the 1900 Federal census? He was shown as married for 9 years to 30 year old Olivine, born in France, as were her parents. She was shown as emigrating in 1880, and the mother of no children. Nor were any children listed with them in the boarding home where they were residing.

If this is Elbert Henderson McLemore, then Olivine died or they were otherwise separated shortly after the 1900 census (taken 29 Jun 1900), as by April 1910, he was shown as married (second? [maybe third?]) to the Mary Bell Dyer, said to be the widow of John Marcus Kennedy. They were living in Fisher County, Texas, and said to have been married 8 years. Elbert and Bell also had two older children with him, Vola age 14 and Ola C, age 12...who would have been born ca 1896 and 1898. They appear to have been born in Belle during her previous marriage.

15751 I38440  McLemore  Elbert Henderson  Between 1870 and 1878  Yes, date unknown  (Research):

Census Listings:

1910 Census
Texas, Fisher County, JP 1
Enumerated 26 Apr 1910
SD 16 ED 91 Sheets 6A and 6B
McLemore, Elbert H Head M W 38 (born ca 1872) M2 8 Tn Tn Tn Farmer
McLemore, Bell Wf F W 38 M2 8 5/5 Tn Tn Tn
McLemore, Vola Dtr F W 14 S Tn Tn Tn
McLemore, Ola C Dtr (sic) F (sic) W 12 S Tn Tn Tn
McLemore, Chester H Son M W 5 S Tx Tn Tn
McLemore, Iva L Son M W 3 S Tx Tn Tn
McLemore, Hoit W Son M W 1 11/12 Tx Tn Tn

1920 Census
Texas, Hill County, JP 2
Enumerated 9 and 10 Jan 1920
SD 6 ED 45 Sheet 6B
McLemore, Elbert Hd M W 42 (born ca 1878) M Tn Tn Tn Farmer
McLemroe, A??? ne Wf F W 39 M Ky Ky KY (Third/Fourth Wife?)
McLemore, Chester Son M W 15 S Tx Tn Tn
McLemore, Iva Son M W 13 Tx Tn Tn
McLemore, Hait Son M W 11 Tx Tn Tn
McLemore, Lettie Dtr F W 7 Tx Tn Tn
McLemore, Lily Dtr F W 7 S Tx Tn Tn
McLemore, Ernest Son M W 5 S Tx Tn Tn

1930 Census
Texas, Bosque County, JP 7
Enumerated April 16, 1930
ED 18-16 SD 15 Sheet 6B
McLemore, Elbert Hd M W 54 (born ca 1876) M 30 Tn Tn Tn Farmer
McLemore, Clersie Wf W F W 56 M 25 Tx Tn Tn (Fourth/Fifth Wife?)
McLemore, Hoyt Son M W 22 S Tx Tn Tx
McLemore, Ernest Son M W 16 Tx Tn Tx
McLemore, Edwin Son M W 9 Tx Tn Tx 
15752 I37954  McLemore  Eldon Monroe  4 Mar 1936  29 Dec 2015  Parts store manager and licensed preacher for the Assembly of God Church (2004)


Eldon M. McLemore, Went to be with Jesus, Dec.29th 2015. Born 3-4-1936 Perry, OK to Silvester A. and Nina Boyd McLemore. Survivors by wife Anna(Daugherty) McLemore of 55 years and four children: Eldonna Deer, Melissa Day, Dana Minson, Timothy McLemore, and sister Vesta Axtell and brother Verl David McLemore. Services Jan 5th at 2pm at Bethel Life Center Wichita, KS. With Interment at Resthaven Cemetery, Wichita, KS.

(Posted on the McLemores and their Heritage" group on Facebook. 
15753 I38316  McLemore  Eleanor A. "Helen" "Ellen"  20 Mar 1820  15 Jan 1864  (Research):

Census Listings:

1850 Census
Illinois, Lee County, Palmyra Township
Enumerated 6 Aug 1850
David P. Cantral 32 M Farmer 1200 Ohio
Eleanor A Cantral 29 F Tenn
Young M. Cantrall 9 M Ill
Erastus D Cantral 2 M Ill
Nancy A. McLemore 65 F $500 N. Carolina

1860 Census
Illinois, Carroll County, Wysox
Enumerated 6 July 1860
Page 979
Post Office Milledgville
David P. Cantrall 42 M Farmer $000 1400 Ohio
Helen Cantrall 40 F Tenn
Young Cantrall 18 M Farm Laborer Ill
Erastus Cantrall 11 M Ill
Catherine Cantrall 7 F Ill
Harvey Brink 18 M Farm Laborer Ill
Chris Gaylord 28 M Farm Laborer NY
Sabina Myers 18 F Servant Pa
15754 I33972  McLemore  Eleanor Rose  11 Aug 1925  Yes, date unknown  She was listed simply as born August 11, 1920 (?) to Albert McLemore of Kentucky and Dollie Mae Stricking of Daviss County, Indiana. However, the  STR06 
15755 I21882  McLemore  Elias  Between 1740 and 1766  Aft 1810  Not listed as one of Wright's sons by James McLemore, III or Mark Freeman, but shown as a son of Wright McLemore by Robert McLemore Butler, presumably based on the following deeds and census information. James McLemore, III believes he was another generation down from Wright, a son of William McLemore, born 1734, or a son of Drury, whom he is closely associated with in Bladen County. Jim puts the birth date of Elias ca 1758-59.

1785 Duplin/Sampson County NC 23 Mar 1785 Daniel WILLIAMS enters 110 acres on S side of Little Cohary Creek border; his own line and WILLIAMSON; includes Elias and Drewry McLEMORE's improvements (Courtesy Robert McLemore Butler)

1785 Sampson County, NC Court Order 23 Mar 1785 Public Work road work Elias McLEMORE Drewry McLEMORE and others (Courtesy Robert McLemore Butler)

1785 Sampson County NC Court Order Public Work road work 19 Sep 1785 Elias McLEMORE plus others (Courtesy of Robert McLemore Butler)

1788 Sampson County NC Court Order Public Work 12 Feb 1788 Elias McLEMORE an infirm man, be exempt from public work (Courtesy of Robert McLemore Butler)

1790 Duplin/Sampson County NC 10 Jan 1790 Elias McLEMORE enters 100 acres on W side of Great Swamp, includes Island March (Courtesy of Robert McLemore Butler)

1795 Sampson County NC Deed Book 10 pg 484 4 Dec 1795 Daniel WILLIAMS to Jonathan JENKINS....100 acres "On the South Side of little Cohara and on the dreans of the Great Branch including the Improvements Beginning a the Run of the great Branch at the mouth of a branch being second branch above Elias McLEMORE's old field......" Land was "part of a tract...granted to Daniel WILLIAMS by patent bearing date (8 Oct 1787) Signed by his Excellency Richard Caswell, Governor Wit Tho. PETERSON and Joseph SESSUMS (Courtesy of Robert McLemore Butler)

Sampson County Deed Book Book 10, Page 261 Abstract of Deed Elias McLEMORE to Lewis LUCAS This indenture made this ____ day of June One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety six (1796) Between Elias McLAMORE ...and Lewis LUCAN Each of the County of Sampson and State of North Carolina ....Elias McLAMORE for....the sum of Twenty Five convey and confirm unto the said Lewis LUCAS One...tract of land in the County and State aforementioned On the North side of the great Swamp....Containing One Hundred acres of land more or less... In Witness Whereof I the said Elias McLAMORE have Hereunto set my hand....Elias (his Mark) McLAMORE the presence of Moses HALL and Nicholas S?? Sampson County February Term One thousand Seven Hundred And Ninety Seven then was the..deed from Elias McLAMORE to Lewis LUCAS was proved in Open Court and Ordered to be Registered Hardy HOLMES Clk Sampson County Registered in the Registers office of the aforesaid County this Thirteenth day of January A.D. 1798 Owen HOLMES Regr

(Abstracted by Melinda McLemore Strong in 2005)

1800 Bladen County, NC Census Elias McLemore 1 male 45+ , 2 females 10-16 (one could be Susannah), 1 female 45+ Drury McLemore and Peter Smith were neighbors Peter Smith listing 1 male 15-30, 1 female 15-30

1800 Bladen County NC #5811 Bk 119 pg 176 12 Dec 1800 Elias McLEMORE Bladen County Grant #3041 Nov 22, 1805 entry 261 Little Turnbull (Courtesy of Robert McLemore Butler)


Bladen County, NC....Deed Book 34 Page 52

This Indenture made the 26th of Feby 1803 Between Elias McLEMORE of the County of Bladen & State of North Carolina of the first part and James HUSTON of the place aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Elias McLEMORE in consideration of the sum of Fifty pounds specie to the said Elias McLEMORE in hand paid by the said James HUSTON the rect (receipt). is hereby ack (acknowledge) & confessed hath granted bargained sold aliened enfeoffed conveyed and confirmed to James HUSTON his heirs and assigns forever the No. half of a two hundred acre survey of land on the No. Et. side of Little Turnbull patented by James WEST- Sen. Beginning at the No corner of said survey and runs So. 18 ch & 8 lks to a gum thence Et. 63 ch & 26 lks then No. 15 ch & 81 lks thence a direct line to the beginning. To Have and to Hold to the said James HUSTON his heirs and assigns forever the said bargained premises together with all and singular the privileges there unto belonging or in any wise appertaining to his and their own purpose use behalf forever to the said James HUSTON his heirs & assigns forever & the said Elias McLEMORE for himself his heirs exc (excutor) admin (administrator) and assigns doth warrant and forever defend unto the said James HUSTON his heirs and assigns forever & against all lawful claims or demands whatsoever. Whereby the above mentioned premises might or may be affected or encumbered contrary to the true meaning and intent of these presents & the said Elias [McLemore] doth further convenant & agree with the said James HUSTON at any time to execute any other deed or deed for a more safe write to said land. In witness where of I have hereunto set my hand & offered my seal the day first above written.

Elias X McLEMORE his mark

Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of


March Term 1807 This deed was proved by the oath of John McMILLAN and ordered registered.

J S PURDIE CC (Transcribed by Robert McLemore Butler on 3 Jun 1999)

1805 Bladen County NC Deed Bk 119 p 176 Grant #304 22 Nov 1805 Elias McLEMORE #261 13 Dec 1800 100 acres Little Turnbull (Courtesy of Robert McLemore Butler)


Year 1809...........February Bladen County Deed --- Book 29 Page 34/35

Elias McLAMORE to John SMITH

State of North Carolina Bladen County. Know all men by these presents that this Indenture was made this 10 th of February A.D. 1809 Between Elias McLAMORE of one part and John SMITH Jun of the last part of this county & State aforesaid Witnesseth the said Elias McLAMORE for & in consideration of the sum of forty five dollars to him in hand paid by the said John SMITH Jun at & before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge myself whereby fully satisfied & paid hath given granted & by these presents hath give grant bargain sell alien enfeoff convey & confirm with the said John SMITH Jun his heirs Excs Admns & assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land situated in & being in the state & county aforesaid Beginning at a pine A.H. Weatherby's corner & runs So 78 E 31 Chs & 63 links to a pine, then So 12 W 31 Chs & 63 links to a stake. Then No 78 W 31 Chs & 63 lks to a stake, then to the beginning for 100 acres patented by the said Elias McLAMORE bearing date the 23 rd of Nov in the year of our Lord 1805. To give & to hold the said bargain premises with all & singular the privileges & edifices & appurtenances there unto belonging or in any wise appertaining unto him the Said John SMITH Jun his heirs Excs Admns & assigns forever & be the said Elias McLAMORE do hereby warrant & defend the above described 100 acres of land be the same more or less free & clear from all manner of persons whatever unto the said John SMITH Jun his heirs & assigns Excs Admns & the Elias McLAMORE do further consent and agree to make sign & deliver unto the said John SMITH Jun any other instrument of writing that shall be absolutely necessary for the more sure conveyance of the above described land. For as true performance I do find myself my heirs Excs & Admns assigns to warrant & forever defend the above 100 acres of land. To be the same more or less with all its improvements & every thing therewith belonging unto the said John SMITH Jun his heirs Excs Admns & assigns to his or their only use benefit & behalf. In witness where of I have here unto set my hand & seal the day & year above written signed Elias McLAMORE Seal

Sealed & delivered in the presence of us.

Z G WOVILS Drury McLAMORE This deed was ak'd & ordered to be registered May Term 1809 J S PURDIE C C

[Note: In 1811, John Smith sold this same land to Windsor Fort. Bladen Deed Book 12 Pages 285/286. RMB]

[Note: Another copy of this deed is also recorded in Bladen County Deed Book 12, Page 34/35. RMB]

(Transcribed by Robert McLemore Butler 23 February 1999)

A 1805 Land patent by Elias McLEMORE, adjacent to Absolom H. WEATHERSBY is referenced in 1822 Bladen County NC Deed Bk 11, pg 85, relating to a transfer from Daniel MELVIN Jr to Robert MELVIN for $600 for 467 1/2 acres on N. Side of Little Turnbull (Courtesty of Robert McLemore Butler from NC Abstracts of Wills 1734-1900)

1810 Bladen County, NC Census Listed as E. McLemore in the 1810 Census. Drury and William were also enumerated.

His household at that time consisted of 1 male under 10, one male 26-44 (?), one female under 10, one female 26-44 (?) No slaves

Next door was John Smith 1 M under 10, 1 M 16-20 1 F under 10, 1 F 16-26 Seven houses before John Smith was Peter Smith

1844 Bladen County Will of Robert MELVIN mentions lands boght of Cade WEATHERSBEE, Ezekiel SUGGS, William T. JESSUP, Owen SMITH, Arthur FORT, Elias McLEMORE, Peter McLEAN, Isham CAIN, Wm. ATKINSON

A 1854 land transfer from John CULBREATH for 300 acres on S. side of Big Br and E. side of Bareskin Swamp, border; his own line, E(lias) McLEMORE & "others" (Courtesy of Robert McLemore Butler) 
15756 I26615  McLemore  Elijah  Abt 1841  Yes, date unknown  From SHELBY COUNTY, TEXAS IN THE CIVIL WAR by Kathryn Hooper Davis and Carolyn Reeves Ericson:

E. McLemore
B. ca 1841, Texas
Service: Private in Capt. D.M. Short's 4th Brigade Texas Infantry. Enlisted 23 May 1861 at Shelbyville, Texas. Listed in Nix's Confederate Soldiers. 
15757 I22315  McLemore  Elijah Franklin  19 Jul 1879  16 Sep 1943  1904 Sampson County, NC Voter Records Little Coharie Twp E.F. McLEMORE age 25 Ancestor: Joel McLemore (Courtesy Robert McLemore Butler)

At the time he completed his registration for the draft for World War I, he was a farmer in Roseboro County, North Carolina. His nearest relative was his wife, Mary Victoria McLemore. He was described as Medium Heighth, Stout, with blue eyes and black hair.

15758 I22315  McLemore  Elijah Franklin  19 Jul 1879  16 Sep 1943  (Research):

Census Listings:

1920 Federal Census
North Carolina, Sampson, Little Coharie, ED 90
McLemore, Frank Head M W 40 M NC NC NC Lumbering Saw Mill
McLemore, Mary V Wife F W 35 M NC NC NC
McLemore, Lottie M Dtr F W 14 S NC NC NC
McLemore, Joel Father M W 68 M NC NC NC
McLemore, A.A. Mother F W 52 NC NC NC
McLemore, W. Perry Brother M W 19 S NC NC NC
Horn, J.W. Brother in Law M W 53 S NC NC NC
Johnson, B.L. Boarder M W 37 S NC NC NC 
15759 I31836  McLemore  Elisha Anderson  11 May 1900  8 Jan 1986  When he completed his registration for the draft for World War I, he was shown as a teamster for Fred Simpson in Roseboro, North Carolina. His nearest relative was Maggie McLemore, presumably his mother. His date of birth was shown as May 11, 1900. He was shown as being of medium heighth, slender, with brown eyes and brown hair.

At the time of his Social Security Application, in February, 1956, he was living in Roseboro, N.C. and was a self employed farmer.

He listed his parents as William Oscar McLemore and Margaret Emma Sessoms.

This matches Robert McLemore Butler's information, Sampson County, NC .. Died .. 8 Jan 1986 .. Elisha Anderson McLemore [b. 11 May 1900] ..F: Oscar McLemore M: Maggie Sessoms .. Bk 74 p 243. .. buried at Williams Cemetery, Sampson County, NC 
15760 I28666  McLemore  Elisha Right  12 Jan 1860  27 Sep 1922  Dolores McKee writes that Elisha was orphaned at a young age, his mother dying in childbirth and his father dying in the Civil War when Elisha was still a toddler. He was raised in the Star City area with the children of his Uncle Sterling, who had also died in the Civil War. Dolores McLemore McKee writes: "Elisha was raised by a black lady. The story is told of his returning to Arkansas in the late 1800's and a black lady standing on the porch waving her apron and shouting that her baby had come home. It is believed that this may have been a lady working for the Heflin family. One of Elisha's sisters had married into the Heflin family and it is reported that they had several slaves. Our aunts, Ida, Maybelle and Rosie, stepchildren of Elisha, were witness to this occasion.

Elisha had left Arkansas earlier. When he reached the age of 18 - 20, he packed his saddle bags and headed for Texas. Whether by chance or by plans he ended up in Rains County Texas. There he married 3 times. His first two wives died very soon after their marriages. The brides were Alice Lowery and Sarah Simpkins. One of these ladies had a son that they named Luther. Elisha turned him over to a Smith family and he was raised there in East Texas. By his 3rd wife, Susan Byrum,he fathered 8 more children, two of whom died as toddlers. He died in 1922 and is buried in Colony Cemetery in Alba, Tx. Susan died in Fresno, CA. in 1947 while visiting her children, all of whom had moved there in the mid 1930s. She is buried in Fresno. All of these brothers and sisters were facing very hard times in East Texas so they headed to the land of Plenty = California. They were able to improve their living conditions greatly. Only the two brothers left California for their native Texas. The rest of the(Elisha) McLemore bunch is scattered to the four corners of the world." 
15761 I28666  McLemore  Elisha Right  12 Jan 1860  27 Sep 1922  (Research):

Census Information:

1880 Census
Columbus McLemore Self M Male W 24 Ar Farming
Emmie McLemore Wife M Female W 20 Ar Keeping House
Ellie McLemore Dtr S Female W 2 months Ark Ark Ark
Stephen McLemore Brother S Male W 26 Ar Farm Hand
Elishie McLemore Cousin S Male W 20 Ar Farm Hand
Source Information:
Choctaw, Lincoln County, Arkansas
Family History Library Film 1254049
NA Film Number T9-0049
Page 32C

1900 Census
Texas, Rains County, Justice Precinct No. 5
Enumerated 22 June 1900
SD 7 ED 76 Sheet 8B
McLimore, Elisha Hd W M Jun 1861 39 M 13 Ark Ark Ark Farmer
McLimore, J.A. Wife W F May 1869 31 m 13 6/6 Tx Tx Tx
Reed, Ida D D-in-Law W F Aug 1885 14 S Tx Tx Tx
Reed, Mabel D-in-law W F Jun 1887 12 S Tx Tx Tx
Reed, Rosie D-in-law W F Aug 1889 10 S Tx Tx Tx
McLimore, Lillie B Dtr W F March 1893 7 S Tx Ark Tx
McLimore, Emmett Dtr W F Nov 1896 3 S Tx Ark Tx
McLimore, Varnettie Dtr W F Aug 1898 1 S Tx ARk Tx

1910 Census
Texas, Rains County, Precinct #5
Enumerated 14 April 1910
SD 4 ED 139 Sheet 3 B (Bottom) and 4A (Top) Stamped 36
McLemore, Lish Hd M W 50 M2 18 Ark Ark Ark Farmer
McLemore, Anna Wif F W 39 M2 18 9/7 Tx Tx Tx
McLemore, Lillie Dtr F W 17 S Tx Ark Tx Farm Laborer
McLemore, Emily Dtr F W 14 S Tx Ark Tx Farm Laborer
McLemore, Angelo Son M W 7 S Tx Ark Tx
McLemore, Eufala Dtr F W 4 S Tx Ark Tx

1920 Census
Texas, Rains County, Justice Precinct 5
Enumerated 13 Jan 1920
SD 4 ED 151 Sheet 7A
McLemore, E.R. Head M W 64 M Ark Ark Ark Farmer
McLemore, Anner Wf F W 49 M Tx Tx Tx
McLemore, Am Son M W 17 S Tx Ark Tx
McLemore, Follie Dtr F W 14 S Tx Ark Tx
McLemore, Robert Son M W 6 S Tx Ark Tx
McLemore, Mosel Dtr F W 7 S Tx Ark Tx

1930 Census
Texas, Rains County, Precinct 5
Enumerated April 7, 1930
ED 190-7 SD 11 Sheet 5A
McLemore, Annie Hd M (sic) W 60 Tx Tx Tx
McLemore, Angelo Son M W 27 Tx Tx Tx
McLemore, Robert Son M W 19 Tx Tx Tx
McLemore (sic), Rosey Dtr F W 38 Tx Tx Tx

15762 I31718  McLemore  Eliza  16 Sep 1897  Yes, date unknown  Paul Williams found records that indicates she married, on 24 Jun 1915 in Lafayette, Tippecanoe County, Indiana Mr. John LOCKARD.  STR06 
15763 I37983  McLemore  Eliza C.  Feb 1850  Yes, date unknown  Her date of birth is shown by Ann and Eldon McLemore as Feb 1847, however on the 1850 Scott County, MS census (enumerated in June 1850), she was shown as being 5 months old, so she is more likely to have been born in February 1850.  STR06 
15764 I28465  McLemore  Eliza Jane  6 Dec 1819  23 May 1883  In Betty Via's book about the Mt. Hermon Baptist Church of Lincoln County, Tennesse, an Eliza Wright, member 1840, joined by letter, June 1844, is listed. Betty notes that this Eliza is believed to be the wife of James Wright.

Douglas Wright shows that after James died, she married second, around 1860, Jack Thompson (1815-1870). Melba Gene McLemore reports that Jack was also said to be buried in Honey Creek Cemetery, but if so his headstone is long gone as it can not be seen in this cemetery.

Melba Gene McLemore provided the following excerpt of a letter from her ancestor, Keton Jones McLemore, that relates to Eliza Jane McLemore Wright Thompson:

Keton's Letter March 1, 1870 (Partial)
"If you hear from Thad, don't fail to let me know immediately, --- I rec'd. a letter from your cousin Jack yesterday, he was then at your cousin Eliza Thompsons in Travis Co. & I have just answered his letter, directed my letter to Onion Creek, care of Sterling J. Wright, and if Jack should be at your home, as he spoke something in his letter of coming there, you can inform him of that fast." 
15765 I28465  McLemore  Eliza Jane  6 Dec 1819  23 May 1883  (Research):Census Information:

1840 Census
Lincoln County, Tennessee
Page 11, Line 21
Wright, Wm.
One Male 20 to 30, One Female 15 to 20

1850 Census
Tennessee, Lincoln County, Subdivision No. 2
Enumerated 6 Nov 1850 by Alfred Bearden
Stamped 56
Martha Pegrim 56 F $1000 Kent (Eliza Jane's twice widowed m
George A. Pegrim 18 M Tenn
Columbus Pegrim 16 M Tenn Attended School during year
Martha C Pegrim 13 F Tenn Attended School during year
James Wright 34 M Shoemaker Kent
Eliza Wright 29 F Tenn
Martha M Wright 10 F Tenn
Mary J Wright 7 F Tenn
Sterling J Wright 5 M Tenn
Benjamin Wright 2 M Tenn

1860 Federal Census
Texas, Rusk County, Beat No. 9
Enumerated 19 July 1860
P.O. Box New Danville Page 134
E.J. Wright 40 F $900 Tenn
S.J. Wright 14 M Tenn
B.H. Wright 12 M Tenn
Wm. W. Wright 9 M Tenn
P.B. Wright 7 F Tenn
James N Wright 5 M Tex
Columbus Pegrim 25 M $700 Tenn
Josephine Pegrim 16 f Tex (nee Nowlin, according to Melba Gene McLemore)
G.A. Pegram 28 M $500 Tenn
Sarah Pegram 30 F Tenn
William Pegram 8 M Tenn
S.C. Pegram 6 F Tx
C.C. Pegram 4 M Tx
James M Pegram 1 M Tx 
15766 I25526  McLemore  Eliza Jane  18 Feb 1850  Yes, date unknown  A transcription of "The McLemore Family Bible, 1822-1859 owned by Hillis Fry McLemore of Jackson, MS and contributed by Fairy B. McLemore Edwards of Canyon Lake, Texas, shows on page 5:

Eliza Jane McLemore was born 18th February 1850
five minutes after 1 o'clock in the morning

(The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ translated
out of the original Greek and with the former translations dilligently
compared and revised, and Canne's Marginal References. Stereotyped
by James Conner New York. By J. Emory and R. Waugh for
the Methodist Episcopal Church at the Conference Office, 14 Crosby
Street. J. Collord, Printer. 1829 )

Originally published in The Tennessee Genealogical Magazine, "ANSEARCHIN' " News (The Tennesse Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 111249, Memphis, TN 38111-1249, Vol. 42, No. 2, Summer, 1996), p. 38. 
15767 I27316  McLemore  Elizabeth  Abt 1831  Yes, date unknown  Note date and location of birth. Was she a daughter of Briggs from a prior marriage? Said to have married James GREEN and lived in Lincoln County, TN.

"Lincoln County Tennessee Official Marriage Records 1838-1880", by Helen C. Marsh & Timothy R. Marsh, pub. 1974

Elizabeth McLemore to James Green 5 Aug. 1868

(Courtesy of Noveda Metzger) 
15768 I25489  McLemore  Elizabeth  Abt 1836  Aft 1860  Appears to have been living with her brother Young at the time of the 1870 census, in Carroll County, Tennessee. Her husband was not in the household, but three children were. Might they have been hers? The children were Nancy, 14, Elizabeth 12, and Clinton, age 9. No last name is listed, and it is presumed they were McLemore's.  STR06 
15769 I24546  McLemore  Elizabeth "Betsey"  Bef 1792  Yes, date unknown  According to her descendants, she was the daughter of a Judge. Southampton County records reflect that John McLemore Jr. was appointed a constable, for St. Luke's Parish (Southampton Order Book 4, p. 168; Book 7, pp. 95, 101); his duties, as such, however, were not quite those of a trial judge, and their description of him as judge is thus probably somewhat inaccurate. (James L. McLemore, III, p. 63).  STR06 
15770 I31478               
15771 I24705  McLemore  Elizabeth "Eliza" Ann  21 Jan 1877  5 May 1971  (Research):
Census Information:

1900 Census
Texas, Parker County, JP 5, Ed 75
Enumerated 8 Jun 1900 Sam P. Newbery
SD 3, ED 75, Sheet 4B
Byrd, William B. Hd W M Oct 1875 24 M 2 Tx Tenn Tenn (no occupation listed)
Byrd, Eliza A Wife W F Jan 1877 23 M 2 1/1 Tx Ga Ga
Byrd, Leonard W Son W M Feb 1899 1 S Tx Tx Tx
Byrd, Elizabeth A Mother W F Jan 1861 55 Wd 7/3 Tn Missouri Missouri

1910 Census
Texas, Hood County, JP 2
Enumerated 7 and 9 May, 1910 by Claude M. Wilmoth
SD 12, ED 38
Byrd, William B. Hd M W 34 M1 12 Tx Ark Ark Druggist Drug Store
Byrd, Lisa A Wife F W 22 N1 12 5/3 Tx Unk Unk
Byrd, Leonard Son M W 11 S Tx Tx Tx
Bryd, Vivian L Dtr F W 8 S Tx Tx Tx
Byrd, Lottie C Dtr F W 5 S Tx Tx Tx

1920 Census
Texas, Hood County, JP 2
Enumerated 5 January 1920 by Marie Sears
SD 12 ED 25 Sheet 1A
Byrd, William B Hd M W 44 M Tx Mo Mo Pharmacist Drug Store
Byrd, Eliza A Wf F W 42 M Tx Mo MO
Byrd, Virene E Dtr F W 18 S Tx Tx Tx
Byrd, Chrystine L Dtr F W 14 S Tx Tx Tx
Byrd, Margrete R Dtr F W 7 S Tx Tx Tx
Byrd, Pleasant W Son M W 2 2/12 S Tx Tx Tx

1930 Census
Texas, Hood County, JP 2
Enumerated April 24, 1930 by Arly Y Taylor
ED 111-3 SD 15 Sheet 8A
Byrd, William B Hd O $800 M W 54 M22 Tx Tn Tn Postmaster Post Office
Byrd, Eliza A Wif F W 53 M20 Tx La La
Byrd, Virlan E. Dtr F W 28 S Tx Tx Tx Postal Clerk Post Office
Byrd, Margaret R Dtr F W 17 S Tx Tx Tx
Byrd, Pleasant W Son M W 12 S Tx Tx Tx
Bryd, Walter H Son M W 8 S Tx Tx Tx 
15772 I33333  McLemore  Elizabeth Emily Mariah  Abt 1810  Yes, date unknown  Who are her parents? Is she related to Mary/Sally McLemore, her mother-in-law?  STR06 
15773 I22269  McLemore  Elizabeth Grey  1 Feb 1921  29 Jun 2002  Name: Elizabeth Mclemore Porter
Gender: Female
Race White
Hispanic Origin Non-Hispanic
Marital Status Widowed
Father's Last Name McLemore
Age 81 Years
Date of Birth 1 Feb 1921
Birth County Sampson
Birth State North Carolina
Residence City Other
Residence County Sampson
Residence State North Carolina
Residence Zip Code 28382
Education 4 years of college
Date of Death 29 Jun 2002
Death City Fayetteville
Death County Cumberland
Death State North Carolina
Institution Hospital Inpatient
Attendant Physician
Burial Location Burial in-state
Recorded Date 11 Jul 2002
Source Vendor North Carolina State Center for Health Statistics 
15774 I35252  McLemore  Elizabeth S. "Bettie"  Jun 1867  9 Aug 1935  The obituary of her brother, Price P. McLemore, refers to her as Mrs. Smith S. House.
Name: Bettie Mclemore House
Event: Death
Event Date: 09 Aug 1935
Event Place: Franklin, Williamson, Tennessee
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Widowed
Race or Color: White
Age: 68
Estimated Birth Year:
Birth Date: Jun 1867
Birthplace: Wmson., Tn
Father: Price Mclemore
Father's Birthplace: Ms
Mother: Etta Cunningham
Mother's Birthplace: Wmson Co., Tn
Occupation: Domestic
Street Address:
Residence: Franklin, TN
Burial Place: Franklin, Tn
Burial Date: 11 Aug 1935
Additional Relatives: X
Digital Folder Number: 4184437
Image Number: 1672
Film Number: 1876829
Volume/Page/Certificate Number: cn 19154
Collection: Tennessee, Death Records, 1914-1955 
15775 I38419  McLemore  Ella M.  Feb 1881  Yes, date unknown  John Stromberger found the following brief article about Ella quoted verbatim, from a Washington, Illinois newspaper:

August 21, 1903: Miss Ella McLemore of Mason City visited over Sunday with her aunts, Mesdames Lester and Zinser, and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard. She holds an important position as bookkeeper for Schipper & Block and is taking her vacation."

When her mother died in 1910, she was listed as "Mrs. Ella McLemore of Salt Lake City, Utah." 
15776 I35511  McLemore  Ellen  Abt 1860  Yes, date unknown  Or Helen? Dr. Paul McLemore shows that she married Mr. McDonald.  STR06 
15777 I43642  McLemore  Ellen "Elinor" Jane  1 Feb 1834  Yes, date unknown  (Research):

Census Listings:

1880 Census
Arkansas, Union County, Lapile Twp
Enumerated 11 Jun 1880
Page 21 SD 1 ED 242 Stamped 262 A
Martin, Ellen W F 48 Farmer Miss Unk Unk
Martin, Emanuel W M 20 Son Laborer Miss Miss Miss
Martin, Annie A W F 12 Dtr La Miss Miss
McCormack, W.E. and Elizabeth and family 
15778 I29856  McLemore  Ellen F.  Abt 1850  Yes, date unknown  This may be the Ellen F. STEWART, born 11 July 1849 in Carthage, Moore County, NC-died 15 May 1934 in Dillon County, S.C. She was buried at the Beaver Dam Cemetery in McColl, South Carolina.

Ellen F. McLemore's brother, Hayes McLemore, was buried at the same cemetery.

The South Carolina death certificate for Ellen F. STEWART is inconclusive. She was shown as born in Carthage, Moore County, NC. but ca 1860 (based on her age of 74 vs. 84), and parents names were not listed. 
15779 I38402  McLemore  Ellen Jane  Abt 1834  Yes, date unknown  Said to have married F. R. Stewart on 31 May 1854 in Knox County, TN
Not verified.

Name: Francis Ellen Jacobus
Event: Death
Event Date: 01 Apr 1922
Event Place: Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Race or Color: White
Age: 60
Estimated Birth Year:
Birth Date: 22 Aug 1861
Birthplace: Tenn.
Father: Ross Stewart
Father's Birthplace: Tenn.
Mother: Ellen Jane Mclemore
Mother's Birthplace: Tenn.
Street Address:
Cemetery: New Gray
Burial Place:
Burial Date: 02 Apr 1922
Additional Relatives: X
Digital Folder Number: 4184086
Image Number: 731
Film Number: 1299746
Volume/Page/Certificate Number: v 32 cn 311
Collection: Tennessee, Death Records, 1914-1955
Name: Jerlina Stewart
Event: Death
Event Date: 08 Jan 1914
Event Place: Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Race or Color: White
Age: 44
Estimated Birth Year: 1870
Birth Date:
Birthplace: Tennessee
Father: F.R. Stewart
Father's Birthplace: Tennessee
Mother: Ella Mclemore
Mother's Birthplace: Tennessee
Street Address:
Cemetery: New Gray Cemetery
Burial Place: Tennessee
Burial Date: 11 Jan 1914
Additional Relatives:
Digital Folder Number: 4183020
Image Number: 1377
Film Number: 1299624
Volume/Page/Certificate Number: v 30 cn 18
Collection: Tennessee, Death Records, 1914-1955
15780 I38402  McLemore  Ellen Jane  Abt 1834  Yes, date unknown  (Research):

Census Listings:

1880 Census
Tennessee, Knox County, 17 Civil District
Enumerated 14 Jun 1880
Page 27 SD 15 ED 155
James and Catherine PLUMLY
Madison and Harriet PERRY
(Also living in home Anna BOUNS, orphan)
Thomas and Elvia LUTRELL
Plumley, Leander W M 62 School Teacher Tenn NC NC
Plumley, Mariah W F 55 Wf Keeping House Tenn NC SC
Stewart, Fredric B W M 47 Carpenter Tenn
Stewart, Ellen J W F 46 Wf Keeping House Tenn NC NC
Stewart, Elva A W F 22 Dtr At Home Tenn Tenn Tenn
Stewart, Francis W F 19 Dtr At Home Tenn Tenn Tenn
Stewart, Susan W F 17 Dtr At Home Tenn Tenn Tenn
Stewart, Laura W F 14 Dtr At Home Tenn Tenn Tenn
Stewart, Jeralle W F 12 Dtr At Home Tenn Tenn Tenn
Stewart, Andrew W M 8 Son Tenn Tenn Tenn
Stewart, Alice W F 7 Dtr Tenn Tenn Tenn
Stewart, Ida W F 2 Dtr Tenn Tenn Tenn
Stewart, Bruce W M 1/12 May son Tenn Tenn Tenn
15781 I25699  McLemore  Ellender Elvira L.  22 Jul 1834  7 Aug 1894  Also shown as Ellender on the 1850 census?  STR06 
15782 I25699  McLemore  Ellender Elvira L.  22 Jul 1834  7 Aug 1894  (Research):

Census Listings:

1880 Household
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Ruth MC LEMORE Self Female W 66 AL Keeping House --- ---
Elviry KYLE Dau W Female W 46 AL VA AL
Nancy KYLE Dau S Female W 31 AL VA AL
Laura DOWNING Other S Female W 19 TN TN AL
Emily KYLE GDau S Female W 8 TN AL TN
Alfred GARRARD Other S Male W 24 MS Works On Farm AL NC
Source Information:
Census Place District 1, Hardin, Tennessee
Family History Library Film 1255260 NA Film Number T9-1260
Page Number 12D 
15783 I45155  McLemore  Elma J.  Abt 1915  Yes, date unknown  The Delta Democrat-Times (Greenville, Mississippi), in the November 19, 1937 issue, page 8, ran a notice that Miss Elma McLemore was honored on the occasion of her impending marriage to Mr. C. Edgar Harris.  STR06 
15784 I27782  McLemore  Elma Rose  18 Sep 1907  3 Feb 1977  She appears to have been living with her mother at the time of the 1930 census. Although she was listed as married, no husband was present in the home. She was shown as the mother of Jimie F WALLACE, age 3 years 10 months and Harold H. WALLACE, age 2 years 4 months.

She was also the mother of Dr. Rudy LEVERETT, who did extensive research relating to the McLemore family in general, as well as to the role of Maj. Amos McLemore during the Civil War. 
15785 I27782  McLemore  Elma Rose  18 Sep 1907  3 Feb 1977  (Research):Census Information:

1930 Census
Mississippi, Forrest County, Beat 2
April 29, 1930 by Mrs. Clayton Allen
ED 18-9 SD 11 Sheet 24AS Stamped 220
State Highway 11
McLemore, Mary E Hd Own $2000 F W 58 Wd Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Leroy Son M W 26 S Miss Miss Miss Car Inspector Southern RR
Mitchell, Leslie Dtr F W 23 M19 Miss Miss Miss
Mitchell, James E GS M W 0/12 S Miss Miss Miss
Wallace, Elma Dtr-H F W 22 M16 Miss Miss Miss
Wallace, Jimie F GS M W 3 10/12 S Miss Miss Miss
Wallace, Harold H GS M W 2 4/12 S Miss Miss Miss
Moore, Wilma J GD F W 5 S Miss Miss Miss 
15786 I33986  McLemore  Elmira "Emma"  27 Mar 1854  12 Dec 1928  Shown on the "Harrison-Wineland Connection" tree at WorldConnect as a child of John Alexander McLemore and Eliza Ellen Carson. On this same tree, John Alexander McLemore is shown as a son of John K. McLemore and Ruth Steelman, and grandson of Ephraim McLemore and Hannah Hudspeth. Eliza Carson is shown as a daughter of Charles Campbell Carson and Elizabeth Dysart of Washington County, Virginia. shows Eliza as being buried at the Samuel Denny Cemetery, Salem, Washington County, Indiana  STR06 
15787 I22293  McLemore  Elmond Willard  7 Mar 1918  4 Jan 1973  An Elmond W. McLemore served during World War II with the following group:

329 BOMBER SQ 93


It is not known if this is the same Elmond W. McLemore.

This is according to an email received in November, 2008 from Jenn Lees [].

Elmond McLemore and her grandfather, Francis H Schulte, served together in the armed forces.

His Find A Grave Memorial page, created by Jeff Hubbard, notes :Technical Sergeant., Entered service Sept 13, 1940. Forts: Jackson,SC; Sill, OK.; Africa, England, France. WWII air Corps 
15788 I25595  McLemore  Elmyra  Abt 1825  Yes, date unknown  "Elmyra....had one child Catherine McLemore, father unknown. Elmyra later married Asa BYRD and moved to Mobile, Al." (Hammond, Major Amos McLemore, p. 1)  STR06 
15789 I45287  McLemore  Elnora Florence  10 Jan 1880  6 Jun 1953  Name Elnora Florence Mcfarland
Event Type Death
Event Date 06 Jun 1953
Event Place Houston, Harris, Texas, United States
Gender Female
Marital Status Married
Birth Date 10 Jan 1880
Birthplace Gibson, Tennessee
Father's Name James Mclemore
Mother's Name Margaret Jackson
Certificate Number 30490
GS Film number 2113926
Digital Folder Number 005145294
Image Number 00854

Citing this Record:
"Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 25 May 2014), Elnora Florence Mcfarland, 06 Jun 1953; citing certificate number 30490, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2113926. 
15790 I24839  McLemore  Elsie Adelia  14 Mar 1896  1 Apr 1975  Melba shows that she was married to (1) Jim McCORMACK(McCormick) and (2) Ralph WILLETTS.

Her occupation per her Texas Death Certificate was "Seamstress, Drapery Co." Informant was James W. McCormick. Street address at the time of her death was 5410 Santa Fe, Dallas.

Name Elsie Adelia Mccormick
Event Type Death
Event Date 01 Apr 1975
Event Place Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States
Gender Female
Marital Status Married
Birth Date 14 Mar 1896
Birthplace , Texas
Father's Name William T Mclemore
Mother's Name Nancy T Woodruff
Certificate Number 25481
GS Film number 2243947
Digital Folder Number 005145692
Image Number 01662

Citing this Record:
"Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 24 October 2015), Elsie Adelia Mccormick, 01 Apr 1975; citing certificate number 25481, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2,243,947. 
15791 I2027  McLemore  Elvin  31 Dec 1911  19 Jun 1922  It appears that he was listed as Elvis L. McLemore on the 1920 census. J.B. Sanders has him as Alvin, and Kay Parker McCary instead shows Elvin.  STR06 
15792 I46237  McLemore  Elvin  16 Jul 1931  27 Mar 2015  Elvin McLemore, age 83 of White Oak, died Friday, March 27, 2015 at Cape Fear Valley Hospital. He is preceded in death by his parents, Clarence McLemore and Maie Harrell McLemore and seven siblings, Glynda, Gwynda, Irma, Myrtle, Clarence "Son", Evelyn and Ida.

Mr. McLemore retired August 1, 1996 from International Paper Company. He is survived by his wife of 63 years, Shirley McLemore of the home; sons, Randy McLemore and wife Diane and Ricky McLemore and wife Jeannie; three daughters, Brenda Register and husband Kenneth, Deborah Rhodes and husband Sidney and Tammy Singletary and husband Jackie; thirteen grandchildren, Angie, Ken, Cassie, Kevin, Bruce, Samantha, Brandy, Kodey, Kayla, Logan, Landon, Jack and Jeremy and great grandchildren, Connor, Hoytt, Rex, Tara, and Evin.

The family will receive friends on Monday, March 30, 2015 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Bladen-Gaskins Funeral Home. Services will be conducted on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. at Christ Community Baptist Church officiated by Rev. Leon Warren. Burial will follow in Elizabethtown City Cemetery.

Flowers are welcomed or a donation may be made to Christ Community Baptist Church, c/o Mildred Jones, 3933 Dowd Dairy Road, Elizabethtown NC 28337. 
15793 I31703  McLemore  Emaline C.  25 Mar 1895  1 Jul 1952  Said to have married Martin McFaddin.  STR06 
15794 I3373  McLemore  Emile Victor  24 Dec 1912  9 Mar 1992  Emile was married twice, with no issue. His wives were Grace BURNETT and Jo ADAMS. He was a Mason.  STR06 
15795 I28710  McLemore  Emily  25 Oct 1897  28 Oct 1941  The California Death index has her listed as follows:

Emily Spann
Born 10-25-1897 Texas
Died 10-28-1941 Fresno County, California
Mother's Maiden name: Barm
Father's Last name: McLemore

Obituary, copied from her FindAGrave memorial page:

Published in The Fresno Bee / The Republican - Fresno, California; Wednesday, October 29, 1941 - Page 9:

- Mrs. Emily Spann, 44, Summoned By Death
Mrs. Emily Spann, 44, died yesterday in her home at Route 9, Box 641, following a brief illness. She was a native of Texas and came to Fresno nine months ago. She is survived by a son, A, J. Ferris; a daughter, Miss Irene Farris: her mother, Mrs. Ann McLemore; two brothers, Robert McLemore and Angelo McLemore, and six sisters, Madames Mozelle Tippitt, Lillie Hill, Fallie Johnson, (illegible), (illegible) Smith and Mabelle Walker, all of Fresno. Last rites are scheduled for tomorrow at 10 A. M. in the Lisle Funeral Chapel with Rev. Olio Pauls officiating, to be followed by interment in the Belmont Memorial Park.

Find A Grave Memorial# 135621641 
15796 I24488  McLemore  Emily "Emma" Mary  Jun 1859  Aft 1920  Pleasant McLemore, in the mid 1950's, wrote that "Sister Emma has three daughters, namely Vivian-the eldest, Marry the next, Ester last....all Emma daughters are dead but Marry."  STR06 
15797 I24488  McLemore  Emily "Emma" Mary  Jun 1859  Aft 1920  (Research):Census Information:

1910 Federal Census
Texas, Bexar, San Antonio Ward 7, ED 55
Enumerated 21 and 22 of April 1910 by Nettie Hucker
SD 14 ED 55 Ward 7th Sheet 7A
Virginia Street
Hughes, Emily M. Hd F W 50 Wd 4/4 Tx US Tenn Nurse Private
Hughes, Charlie Son M W 17 S Tx Ky Tx Carpenter House
Hughes, Vivian Dtr F w 15 S Tx Ky Tx Operator Telephone
Hughes, Mary Dtr F w 12 S Tx Ky Tx
Hughes, Esther Dtr F w 6 S Tx Ky Tx
McLemore, Nancy Mother F W 75 Wd 8/6 TN TN NC Nurse Private

1920 Census
California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles Assembly District 71
Enumerated 5th of January 1920 by Mrs. Emily Alting
SD 8, ED 298, Ward Precinct 588, Sheet 3A
Hughes, Emma M Had F W 60 Wd Tx Miss La Power ??????
Hughes, Charles M Son M W 27 S Tx Ky Tx Electrical ???
Hughes, Mary N Dtr F W 22 S Tx Ky Tx Telephone Operator
Hughes, Esther E Dtr F W 15 S Tx Ky Tx None
Bargo, Goldie Lodger F W 15 S Bohemia Bohemia Bohemia Telep
hone Operator

Rosa McLemore Dunkerley writes that Emma died in Boerne, Texas. It would therefore appear she left California sometime after this census to return to Texas. She can not be located on a 1920 census index, so she may have died prior to this. 
15798 I1977               
15799 I24830  McLemore  Emma  Between 1834 and 1846  Between 1834 and 1846  Died in infancy. (James L. McLemore, III. p. 81).  STR06 
15800 I26249  McLemore  Emma "Nanny"  25 Aug 1879  10 Jan 1969  The McLemore/Maddox tree indicates that she left for Texas as her 1899 marriage. In her father's obituary, she is listed as of Oklahoma City, Ok.

Name: Emma Maddox
Death Date: 10 Jan 1969
Death Place: El Paso, El Paso, Texas
Gender: Female
Race: Cau.
Death Age: 89 years
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 25 Aug 1879
Birthplace: Kentucky
Marital Status: Widowed
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Henry Mclemore
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Nancy Belle King
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Housewife
Place of Residence: El Paso, El Paso, Texas
Cemetery: Restlawn
Burial Place: El Paso, Texas
Burial Date: 13 Jan 1969
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2137323
Digital Film Number: 4029824
Image Number: 2338
Reference Number: cn 9364
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976

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