Strong - McLemore History and Ancestry
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# Person ID Last Name First Name Birth Date Death Date Living note Tree
15601 I28588  McLemore  Christopher Columbus  Abt 1848  Yes, date unknown  He is listed as John C. in the Coffee County, Tennessee biography of his father.  STR06 
15602 I28835  McLemore  Christopher Columbus  Mar 1854  19 Dec 1933
Name: C. C. Mclemore
Death Date: 19 Dec 1933
Death Place: Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas
Gender: Male
Death Age: 78 years 9 months 1 day
Estimated Birth Date: 1855
Birth Date:
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Louise Mclemore
Father's Name: Jesse Mclemore
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Bettie Blissard
Mother's Birthplace:
Place of Residence:
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2115947
Digital Film Number: 4165957
Image Number: 1085
Reference Number: 57482
Collection: Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976 
15603 I28835  McLemore  Christopher Columbus  Mar 1854  19 Dec 1933  (Research):

Census Listings:

1900 Census
Texas, Ellis County, JP 4
Enumerated 2 Jun 1900
SD 6 ED 26 Sheet 2A Stamped 104
McLemore, CC Head W M Mar 1854 46 m 21 Ala Ala Ala Farmer
McLemore, Louesa Wf W F May 1859 41 m 21 8/6 Ga NC NC Homekeeper
McLemore, Bertha C Dtr W F Nov 1881 18 S Ala Ala Ga
McLemore, Agnes Dau W F Feb 1882 18 18 S Tx Ala Ga
McLemore, Syntha J Dtr W F July 1886 13 S Tx Ala Ga
McLemore, John C Son W M Feb 1891 9 S Tx Ala Ga
McLemore, Letha Dtr W F Mar 1894 6 S Tx Ala Ga
McLemore, Esela/Ester? Dtr W F Feb 1898 2 S Tx Ala Ga

1910 Census
Texas, Collin County, JP 2
Enumerated 20 Apr 1910
SD 4 ED 11 Sheet 3B
McLemore, Christopher C Head M W 56 m1 30 Ala Ala Ala Farmer
McLemore, Avaline Wf F W 45 m1 30 9/6 NC NC NC
McLemore, Agnes Dtr F W 20 S Tx Ala NC Laborer Farm
McLemore, John C Son M W 18 S Tx Ala NC Laborer Farm
McLemore, Letha Dtr M W 16 S Tx Ala NC Laborer Farm
McLemore, Essie Dtr F W 10 Tx Ala NC

1920 Census
Texas, Collin County, McKinney, JP 1
Enumerated 15 Jan 1920
SD 4 ED 7 Sheet 9A
McLemore, Christopher C head m W 65 M Ala Ala Ala Farmer
McLemore, Louisa Wf F W 45 M Ala NC NC
McLemore, Essie Dtr F W 19 S Tx Ala Ala Farm Laborer Home Farm

1930 Census
Texas, Tarrant County, Fort Worth, Ward 10C Block 1422
ED 220-41 SD 9 Sheet 35A Stamped 210
E. Main
McLemore, Christopher Head O 1000 M W 76 M@25 Ala Ala Ala Retired
McLemore, Evelyn Wf F W M@21 NC NC NC
Lee, Essie Dtr F W 29 M 27 Tx Ala NC

15604 I34408  McLemore  Christopher Columbus  27 Mar 1888  5 Jul 1950  His death certificate, issued by the State of Missouri, showed that he was a farmer and had lived in Dade County, Missouri his entire life. The informant was his wife, Katie Duffy McLemore of South Greenfield in Dade County. His cause of death was apparently unknown, though it was reported that he had a history of heart trouble, and that there was no evidence of foul play.

15605 I26074               
15606 I27043  McLemore  Claiborne Kinnard  Abt 1872  27 May 1944  Name Claiborne Kennard Mclemore
Event Type Death
Event Date: 27 May 1944
Event Place Franklin, Williamson, Tennessee
Gender Male
Marital Status
Age 72
Birth Year (Estimated) 1872
Birth Date
Spouse's Name Nellie Green
Father's Name Anderson Jefferson Mclemore
Father's Birthplace
Mother's Name Annie Kinnard
Mother's Birthplace
Residence Place
Burial Place
Burial Date
Informant's Name
Additional Relatives
Digital Folder Number 004184889
Image Number 01802
GS Film number 2137347
Reference ID

Citing this Record:
"Tennessee, Death Records, 1914-1955," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 19 Oct 2014), Claiborne Kennard Mclemore, 27 May 1944; citing Cemetery, Franklin, Williamson, Tennessee, , State Library and Archives, Nashville; FHL microfilm 2137347. 
15607 I38344  McLemore  Clarence  Jun 1840  Yes, date unknown  The biography of his father stated that he lived with his family in California. He was on the California Voter Registration list in 1882, 1888, 1890, 1892, 1896, and 1898 as a resident of Sacramento. His bith year was listed as 1841  STR06 
15608 I38344  McLemore  Clarence  Jun 1840  Yes, date unknown  (Research):

Census Listings:

1880 Census
Neveda, Washoe County
Enumerated 16 and 17 Jun 1880
Page 15 SD 81 ED 52
McLemore, Clarence W M 39 Family Carpenter Ill Ky Ky
McLemore, Maria W F 39 Wf Housekeeper Ind NY NY
McLemore, Josephine W F 13 Dtr At Home Ill Ind Ill

1900 Census
California, Sacramento, Ward 1
Enumerated 12 Jun 1900
SD 1 ED 76 Sheet 6A Stamped 130
McLemore, Clarence Head W M Jun 1840 59 m 39 Ill Ill Ill Carpenter
McLemore, Maria Wf W F apr 1841 59 M 39 2/2 Ind NY NY Cook
Scott, Julious Roomer W M Jan 1864 36 S Molder NY Vermont Vermont
Burdick, Frank Roomer W M Feb 1838 62 m 1 Architect Ny Vermont Vermont 
15609 I26354  McLemore  Clarence  Nov 1882  Yes, date unknown  (Research):

Census Information:

1920 Federal Census
Tennessee, Carroll County, Civil District 1
Enumerated 7 & 8 January 1920 by Pattie Stockard
SD 8, ED 17 Sheet 4 A Stamped 4
Charles L and Mamie McLEMORE

HH 62-63
McLemore, Clarence Hd M W 36 S Tn Tn Tn Farmer
McLemore, Alabama Mother F W 62 Wd Tn Al Tn
Gooch, Howard Hired Man M B 17 S Tn Tn Tn Farm Laborer
Barnes, James Head M W 53 M Ill NC NC Farm Laborer
Barners, Eliza Wife F W 53 M Tn Tn Tn 
15610 I46735  McLemore  Clarence Billy  Abt 1931  15 May 1960  McLemore Rites

Fayett-Double funeral services for Clarence Billy McLemore, 29, of Rock City, Ala, and his father, Cannie Lee McLemore, 52, of Eldridge, will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in Fayett County, directed by Vessey's Funeral Home.

The two men were electrocuted Sunday afternoon in Eldridge on top of the older McLemore's tin-roofed house adjusting an aerial when it toppled into a nearby power line carrying 7,800 volts.

Services for Cannie Lee McLemore will be conducted by the Rev. Mr. Simmons with burial in the church cemetery. Serving as active pallbeares will be Odd Fellows.

Cannie Lee McLemore, born in Walker County, was an insurance salesman and a member of the Church of Christ. He was married to the former Beatrice McClesky.

Surviving are his wife, four brothers, Carl, Henry, Joe and Bill McLemore, and three grandchildren.

Services for Clarence Bill McLemore will be conducted by the Rev. Mr. Tucker with burial in the Gregg Cemetery.

Born in Walker County, he was the son of Mrs. Beatrice McLemore and the late Cannie Lee McLemore. A coal miner, he was married to the former Charlotte Norris.

Suriving are his wife, mother, and three children.
15611 I28675  McLemore  Clarence Fred  16 Apr 1902  May 1989  He married Mary WATSON, according to Melba Gene McLemore.  STR06 
15612 I45491  McLemore  Clarence L.  Jun 1888  Yes, date unknown  "A banker of Everton, Missouri..."  STR06 
15613 I30492  McLemore  Clarence R.  4 Sep 1900  12 Sep 1953  Name: Clarence R Mclemore
Gender: Male
Burial Date: 13 Sep 1953
Burial Place: Bladen, Nc
Death Date: 13 Sep 1953
Death Place: Raleigh, Wake, North Carolina
Age: 53
Birth Date: 04 Sep 1900
Birthplace: Bladen, Nc
Occupation: Farmer
Race: White
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Mckeithan Mclemore
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Angelia M Cain
Mother's Birthplace:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: B03742-0
System Origin: North Carolina-EASy
Source Film Number: 1926996
Reference Number: 22744
Collection: North Carolina Deaths and Burials, 1898-1994

Find A Grave links him to a wife, Mae H. (???) McLemore (1 May 1897 - 15 Jan 1987) and daughter, Glynda McLemore Suggs (1938-2013). 
15614 I30492  McLemore  Clarence R.  4 Sep 1900  12 Sep 1953  (Research):

Census Listings:

1930 Census
North Carolina, Bladen County, Abbots Twp
Enumerated 14 Apr 1930
ED 9-2 SD 11 Sheet 4A
McLemore, Clarence Head M W 29 M 24 NC NC Farmer General Crops
McLemore, Mae Wf F W 32 M 26 NC NC
McLemore, Erma M Dtr F W 5 S NC NC
McLemore, Myrtle R Dtr F W 3 11/12 S NC NC
McLemore, Clarence Jr Son M W 9/12 S NC NC

1940 Census
North Carolina, Bladen County, Hollow Twp
Enumerated April 19, 1940
SD 7 ED 9-19S Sheet 14B
209 R 1/5
McLemore, Clarrince R/L Head M W 39 M No 1
McLemore, Mae Wf F W 42 M No 3
McLemore, Erma Mae Dtr F W 15 S Yes 6
McLemore, Myrtle Dtr F W 12 S Yes 6
McLemore, Clarrince Jr Son M W 10 S Yes 3
McLemore, Elvin Son M W 8 S Yes 2
McLemore, Ida Dtr F W 6 S No 0
McLemore, Galinda Dtr F W 1 S No 0
McLemore, Gawinda Dtr F W 1 S No 0
15615 I39889  McLemore  Claude A.  Jun 1896  23 Aug 1962
Name: Claude A. Mclemore
Titles & Terms (Original):
Titles & Terms (Standardized):
Death Date: 23 Aug 1962
Death Place: Mobile, Mobile, Alabama
Gender: Male
Race (Original):
Race (Standardized):
Age at Death: 66y
Estimated Birth Date: 1896
Birth Date:
Marital Status:
Spouse's Name: Isla Mclemore
Spouse's Titles & Terms (Original):
Spouse's Titles & Terms (Standardized):
Father's Name: Moses Mclemore
Father's Titles & Terms (Original):
Father's Titles & Terms (Standardized):
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Elizabeth Rotch
Mother's Titles & Terms (Original):
Mother's Titles & Terms (Standardized):
Mother's Birthplace:
Street Address:
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Funeral Home:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 1908975
Reference Number: 19102
Collection: Alabama, Deaths, 1908-1974 
15616 I39960  McLemore  Claude Finis  13 Sep 1896  26 Jul 1972  From FindAGrave:

Oklahoma Pvt. Co B 80th Inf. 15th Div World War I 
15617 I30246  McLemore  Claude Reginald  5 Mar 1921  19 Feb 1954  Teri Stuart writes that he was killed when he was hit by a train.  STR06 
15618 I26248  McLemore  Clayborne Tolliver "Clabe"  31 Jul 1873  May 1963  In his father's obituary, he is listed as C. T., of Statesboro, Georgia. He was said to have had a namesake son, who married a woman named Margaret, and lived in Franklin, Tennessee.  STR06 
15619 I26369  McLemore  Clayton Andrews  10 Dec 1900  16 Mar 1977  Lillian, Ben and Clayton were living with their older half-brother, Earl, as of the 1910 US Census of Carroll County, Tennessee.

His Tennessee Delayed Birth Record shows him as Clayton Andrews McLemore, born 10 Dec 1900 in Lavinia to Abraham McLemore and Disie Fewell. Proof for the registration included affidavits from Mr. E. M. McLEmore and D.W. Ward, as well as family Bible Records. 
15620 I26369  McLemore  Clayton Andrews  10 Dec 1900  16 Mar 1977  (Research):

Census Listings:

1930 Census
Tennessee, Carroll County, Civil District 1
Enumerated April 16, 1930
ED 9-1 SD 2 Sheet 9A
BY and Esther McLemore and Family
McLemore, C. A. Head M W 29 M 24 Tenn Tenn Tenn Farmer
McLemore, Mary L Wf F W 23 M 17 Tenn Tenn Tenn 
15621 I30295  McLemore  Cleo  6 Jan 1898  10 Oct 1901  Her tombstone is engraved with a baby angel and flowers, and the along with her name and dates of birth and death, the inscription "Daughter of Josiah and Laura McLemore."  STR06 
15622 I31473  McLemore  Clifford E.  Abt 1912  Yes, date unknown  "...of Vinton, LA."  STR06 
15623 I25785  McLemore  Clifford Roland  17 Feb 1928  12 May 2012  His father, on the Texas Birth Index, was listed as Daliel E. McLemore, presumably in error.

Clifford Roland McLemore

Clifford Roland McLemore, of Clever, Missouri, passed away Saturday, May 12, 2012 in Springfield, Missouri, at the age of 84. Cliff was born on February 17, 1928, in Brady, Texas, to Ellen Jacobson McLemore and John Wallace McLemore.

He joined the Navy at age 17 to proudly serve in the South Pacific during World War II. After the war he served with the Texas National Guard for several years.

Cliff married Blanche Maxine Richardson in 1954 and together they had one son. They lived many years in New Mexico, California, and finally in Missouri. Cliff was a painter by profession.

Cliff was preceded in death by his parents; his wife of 50 years; one sister and two brothers.

He is survived by a son, Darrell McLemore, Clever; a granddaughter, Kori McLemore, Clever; a grandson, Marshall McLemore, Kalispell, MT; a stepson, Michael Henderson, state of New Mexico; a step daughter, Sue Kirichenko, Benicia, CA; and a step grandson, Casey Kirichenko, San Diego, CA.

Memorial services will be held at 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Friday, May 18, 2012, in Meadors Funeral Home, Clever, MO. Burial will be at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, May 21, 2012, in the Rochelle Cemetery, in Rochelle, TX. Online condolences and pictures may be shared at

Published in the News-Leader on May 16, 2012, and copied online from
15624 I45487  McLemore  Clyde G.  29 Mar 1883  4 Dec 1960  Biography below from Volume III of "Montana, Its Story and Biography: A History of Aboriginal and Territorial Montan and Three Decades of Statehood" Under the Editorial Supervision of Tom Stout, The American Historical Society, Chicago and New York, 1921, pps. 1365 and 1366 (courtesy of Melba Gene McLemore):

Clyde McLemore, junion member of the firm of Booth and McLemore of Baker, is an able lawyer, a strong debator and brillant orator. Possessed of a strong and commanding mind, unusual ability and admirable personal quailities, he has become a well-known figure of the Montana bar, rendering conspicuous service in his able conduct of the cases entrursted to him, discharging what he believes to be his duty with independence and without bias. He will never permit fear of political punishment or hope of reward to change his attitude on a matter of public concern, and is recognized as one of the forceful ment of his profession.

Clyde McLemore was born near Everton, Dade County, Missouri, on March 29, 1883, a son of William Y. and grandson of Archibald McLemore. The McLemore family came originally from Scotland through the north of Irelan to the United States during the Colonial period of this country's history, settlement being made first in North Carolina and later in Tennessee. During 1849, Archibald McLemore with several of his brothers left Tennessee for Missouri, and there became interested in farming. When the war broke out between the states the McLemore brothers adhered to the Union, and continued to support it, several of them entering the army in its defense. Archibald McLemore married Mary Brown, and they had five children.

William Y. McLemore was born in Missouri, where he spent his life, being engaged in merchandising. He married Claranette Wheeler, a daughter of Calvin and Asenith (Carlock) Wheeler. Mrs. McLemore was born in Dade County, Missouri, and she and her husband became the parents of the following children: Clyde, whose name heads this review; Clarence, who is a banker of Everton, Missouri; Forest, who is wife of Boyd Campbell, of Warner, Oklahoma; Ray, who served in the Eighty-ninth Division during the Great war, is now engaged in merchandising at Everton, Missouri; Carl, who is also a resident of Everton; and Dewey and Gretta, who are both residents of Everton.

Growing up in a country town, Clyde McLemore attended the village schools, the Everton High School and the academic department of Missouri State University, spending 18 months in the last-named institution. Following that he took a law course in the university, from which he graduated in 1911, with the degree of Doctor of Law. His fraternity work was done as a member of the Sigma Chi and Phi Delta Phi Greek letter societies. An athlete, he was a member of the university baseball team, with which he played for an entire season.

Having completed his legal training Mr. McLemore took the examinations at Guthrie, Oklahoma, and was admitted to practice before the Supreme County, and he was also admiited to the bar in Missouri. His first lawsuit was tried in Oklahoma, and it was an ordinary civil case. As long as he remained in Oklahoma he confied himself to a civil practice, being at Muskogee, that state, from 1911 to 1912, when he moved to Billings, Montana, there forming a partnership with E. E. Collins under the firm name of Collins and McLemore. For some years this was one of the strong legal firms of Billings, but then it dissolved and Mrs. McLemore became title examiner for the Bankers Loan & Mortgage Company of Billings, with which he remained until his retirement from that position in the early part of 1919 in order to locate permanently at Baker as an associate of Senator Booth. The first of Booth & McLemore was formed in May, 1919. In addition to his other work Mr. McLemore has contributed a number of articles to some ofhte leading law journals of the country. In his politics he has always been a republican and he cast his first presidential vote for Colonel Roosevelt in 1904, but has never taken an active part in the public affairs. For some years he has been a member of the Odd Fellows. Brought up ina strong Presbyterian home atmosphere he is naturally a member of that denomination.

On August 7, 1907, Mr. McLemore was united in marriage in his native county to Lucy Talbutt, a daughter of Mason and Clara (Kimber) Talbutt. Mrs. McLemore was born in Dade County, Missouri on March 28, 1888, and attended its public schools. Mr. and Mrs. McLemore have two children, Felicia, who was born in 1910; and Claranette, who was born in 1913.

15625 I45487  McLemore  Clyde G.  29 Mar 1883  4 Dec 1960  (Research):

Census Listings:

1930 Census
Montana, Lewis and Clark County, Helena City, School District 1
Enumerated 2 Apr 1930
ED 25-13 SD 5 Sheet 1B
McLemore, Clyde head R 40 M W 47 M Mo Mo Mo Lawyer State
McLemore, Lucy T Wf F W 42 M Mo Mo Ill
McLemore, Felicia Dtr F W 19 S Montana Missouri Missouri
McLemore, Claranette Dtr F W 16 S Montana Missouri Missouri
McLemore, Richard M Son M W 8 S Montana Missouri Missouri
McLemore, William M Son M W 7 S Montana Missouri Missouri
15626 I34160  McLemore  Colby Fugate  11 Jul 1935  17 Nov 2005  The "U. S. Veterans Gravesites" database shows he was a Major in the U.S. Air Force.  STR06 
15627 I26289  McLemore  Coma Pearl  2 Mar 1921  15 Aug 1965  Biography, below, was copied from the FindAGrave memorial page created by Carolyn Andrews:

Coma was the daughter of James Perry McLemore and Thurzer (Barker)McLemore. She was raised in Trenton,TN and spent most of her adult life in the Cicero, IL area.

Coma was married to Clarence A. Haugh in 1939. After Clarence passed away in 1957, she married James Phillip Kearney in 1958. She worked at Hotpoint in Cicero for many years. Coma was the loving mother of two daughters; Carolyn Andrews and Pauline Mitchell; and grandmother of 5.

She passed away, much too young, at the age of 44. 
15628 I9234               
15629 I38566  McLemore  Cordelia Elizabeth "Lizzie"  Sep 1862  28 Nov 1940  Shown by Ken Oliver at Find A Grave as "Cordelia Elizabeth "Lizzie" McLemore was the daughter of James Perd "Purdy" McLemore and Margaret Elizabeth (Cowley) McLemore and granddaughter of Mr. & Mrs. James McLemore and Henry Drury Hamby and Elizabeth (Renegar) Hamby." 
15630 I22256  McLemore  Corless F.  3 Jul 1904  2 Jan 1972  His FindAGrave memorial page, created by Sue Johnson, links him to a wife, Luvenia D. McLemore, 1911-1985, also buried at Centuries Memorial Park.  STR06 
15631 I22256  McLemore  Corless F.  3 Jul 1904  2 Jan 1972  (Research):

Census Listings:

1940 Census
Texas, Victoria County, JP #4
Enumerated 26 Apr 1940
SD 9 ED 235-11 Sheet 5B
100 R 15
McLemore, Corless M Head M W 36 M No H-4 Tx 1935 Residence Overton, Rusk, TX Occup Fireman Oil Drilling
McLemore, Lubenia Wf F W 29 M No 7 La Overton, Rusk, TX
McLemore, Ora E Dtr F W 5 S No 0 Tx
McLemore, Barbara A Dtr F W 1 S No 0 La 
15632 I26855  McLemore  Cornelius Andrew Jackson  Abt 1859  Yes, date unknown  (Research):
Census Information:

Mississippi, Lauderdale County, Beat 1
Enumerated 19 Jun 1900
SD 5, ED 11, Sheet 17A
McLemore, Andrew J Hd W M Feb 1860 40 m3 Miss Ala Ala Carpenter (Foreman)
McLemore, Lula E Wife W F Jan 1877 23 M 3 1/1 Miss Fl Ala
McLemore, Amos J Son W M Sep 1885 14 S Miss Miss Ala
McLemore, Lela C Dtr W F July 1887 12 S Miss Miss Ala
McLemore, Everette Son W M July 1899 10/12 S Miss Miss Miss
Wimbley, Anna A Mother W F July 1830 69 Wd 2/0 NC Scotland NC 
15633 I24682  McLemore  Corrie Etta  30 Apr 1901  20 Mar 1973  The informant on her Texas Death Certificate was O. S. McElmore (sic) by (w).  STR06 
15634 I26004  McLemore  Craven  30 Aug 1846  Abt 1875  Mark Freeman and Larry Kingsley show he married Marye VAN.  STR06 
15635 I25860  McLemore  Craven Purline  Abt 1826  Yes, date unknown  (Research):Census Information:

1850 Census
Mississippi, Lauderdale County
Enumerated 27 Nov 1850 by Wm White
Craven McLemore 24 Farmer Mississippi
Elizabeth McLemore 24 Mississippi
Nancy McLemore 9 Mississippi
Mary McLemore 6 Mississippi
William McLemore 2 Mississippi
Allen Hood 20 Farmer Mississippi

1860 Census
Mississippi, Scott County, District 2, P.O. Homewood
Enumerated 2 Aug 1860
Craven McLemore 36 M Farmer $2,000 $500 Miss
Elizabeth McLemore 36 F Miss
Nancy McLemore 18 F Miss
Mary McLemore 16 F Miss
Wm. McLemore 11 M Miss 
15636 I31758  McLemore  Cynthia  21 Jan 1818  6 Jan 1911  Her Kentucky death certificate, provided by Paul Williams, shows her as a daughter of Gill McLemore, mother not listed. Her cause of death was simply noted as "old age." The informant was W. V. Kirby.  STR06 
15637 I33529               
15638 I34256  McLemore  Cynthia Caroline  26 Dec 1839  16 Feb 1923  (Research):Census Listings:

1860 Census
Missouri, Dade County, Smith Township
Enumerated 7 and 9 of June 1860
Page 17
William D. Spain 22 M Farmer $---- $250 Missouri
Cynthia C. Spain 21 F Tenn
John L. Spain 4/12 M Missouri

1870 Census
Missouri, Dade County, Smith Township, P. O. Box Greenfield
Enumerated 6 Jul 1870
Page 1, Stamped 98
Lewis and Martha Spain
Spain, William D. 32 M W Farmer $1200 $580 Mo
Spain, Cynthis A. 31 F W Keeping House Tenn
Spain, John Lewis 10 M W At Home Mo
Spain, Robert L 3 M W Mo
Spain, Finis 1 M W Mo
John and Mary Spain

1880 Census
Missouri, Dade County, Smith Township
Enumerated 15 and 19 June 1880
Page 26 SD 4 ED 14 Stamped 149
Lewis and Martha Spain
Spain, W. David W M 42 Farmer Mo Tenn Tenn
Spain, Cynthia C W F 41 Wife Keeping House Tenn Tenn Tenn
Spain, Lewis W M 20 Son Farmer Mo Mo Tenn
Spain, Robt L W M 13 Son Works on Farm Mo Mo Tenn
Spain, Finis W M 10 Son Works on Farm Mo Mo Tenn
Spain, Ida F W F 4 Dtr Mo Mo Tenn
Spain, Walter W M 1 Son Mo Mo Tenn
John and Mary Spain

1900 Census
Missouri, Dade County, Lockwood Twp
Enumerated 26 Jun 1900
SD 6 ED 62 Sheet 13B
Spain, William Hd W M Feb 1838 62 M 42 Mo Tn Tn Farmer
Spain, Cyntha C Wf W F Dec 1838 61 M 42 7/5 Tn Tn Tn
Spain, Robert Son W M Jan 1868 S Mo Mo Tn Farm Laborer
Spain, Walter P Son M W Oct 1889 (sic) 20 S Mo Mo Tn Farm L

1910 Census
Missouri, Dade County, Lockwood Twp
Enumerated 6 May 1910
SD 6 Ed 68 Sheet 17B
Spain, Robert Lee Hd M W 41 S Mo MO Tenn Farmer
Spain, Caroline C Mother F W 72 Wd 7/5 Tenn Tenn Tenn
Spain, Walter Brother M W 32 S Mo Mo Tenn Farmer
Warren and Fannie Spain

1920 Census
Missouri, Dade County, Lockwood Twp
Enumerated 17 and 19 January 1920
SD 6 ED 71 Sheet 5B
Spain Warren Hd 42 M Mo Mo Tn Farmer General Farm
Spain Fannie Wf F W 42 M Mo Mo Mo
PLUS their six children
Spain Lee Head M W 52 S Mo Mo Tn Farmer General Farm
Spain, Walter Brother M W 40 S Mo Mo Tn
Spain, Syntha Mother F W 80 Wd Tn Tn Tn 
15639 I31701  McLemore  Cynthia Jane  23 Apr 1892  Feb 1967  The 1900 census indicates she was born in April 1892 instead of April 1890, as shown by Lawrence Boyd.  STR06 
15640 I47424  McLemore  Cynthia Louise  4 Jun 1939  28 May 2012  On her Find A Grave memorial page, she is referenced as Cynthia Louise McLemore Taylor. Her tombstone is engraved "Daughter, Mother, Granny"  STR06 
15641 I31470  McLemore  Cyrus Guy  27 Apr 1883  16 Feb 1969  (Research):
Census Records:

1910 Census
Kentucky, Logan County, Magisterial District #5, Auburn
21 April 1910
SD 3 ED 59 Sheet 7B
McLemore, Guy Head M W 26 M 5 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky
McLemore, Nettie Wf F W 21 M 5 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky
McLemore, James E Son M W 4 S Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky
McLemore, Earnest Son M W 2 S Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky
McLemore, Ervin Son M W 1/12 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky

1920 Census
Louisiana, Jefferson Davis Parish, Welsh Town
Enumerated 29 January 1920
SD 7 ED 80 Sheets 8B and 9A Stamped 157
McLemore, Guy S Head M 2 37 M Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Laborer
McLemore, Nettie M Wf F W 31 M Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Domestic
McLemore, Earl J Son M W 12 S Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky
McLemore, Ernest M Son M W 11 S Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky
McLemore, Henry J/G Son M W 9 S Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky
McLemore, Clifford E Son M W 7 S Indiana Kentucky Kentucky
McLemore, Annie M Dtr F W 5 S Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky
McLemore, Ruth J Dtr F W 3 S Kansas Kentucky Kentucky
McLemore, Cyrus G Son M W 1 S Louisiana Kentucky Kentucky

1930 Census
Louisiana, Jefferson Davis Parish, Jennings town, Police Jury Ward 2
Enumerated April 16, 1930
ED 27-4 SD 6th Sheet 16B
McLemore, Cyrus G Hd M W 47 M@22 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Repairman Shoe Shop
McLemore, Nettie Wf F W 41 M @16 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky
McLemore, Ernest Son M W 22 S Louisiana Kentucky Kentucky Carpenter Building
McLemore, Ervin Son M W 20 S Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Truck Driver Transfer
McLemore, Clifford Son M W 18 S Indiana Kentucky Kentucky Carpenter Building
McLemore, Anna M Dtr F W 16 S Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky
McLemore, Ruth Dtr F W 14 S Kansas Kentucky Kentucky
McLemore, Cyrus Guy Jr Son M W 12 S Louisiana Kentucky Kentucky
McLemore, Nobia Dtr F W 8 S Louisiana Kentucky Kentucky
McLemore, Elizabeth Dtr F W 6 S Louisiana Kentucky Kentucky
McLemore, Jeanette Dtr F W 2 6/12 S Louisiana Kentucky Kentucky
McLemore, John M Father M W 85 Wd Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky 
15642 I31476  McLemore  Cyrus Guy  Abt 1910  13 Feb 1987  Obituary, copied from his FindAGrave memorial page maintained by Gwen Bergeron McMillin

The Daily News. Jennings, LA, Friday Feb. 13 , 1987

JENNINGS------- Funeral services for Cyrus Guy McLemore, Jr. 68, will be held at 3 p.m. Saturday, Feb .14, from Miguez Funeral Home North Chapel with Jack Harris, pastor of First Church of Christ, officiating. Burial will follow in Greenwood Cemetery. Friends may. call at the funeral home from 4:30-10 p.m. Today, Friday , and from 8 a.m. Until time of services Saturday. Mr. Mc Lemore died at 4 a.m. today in a Jennings nursing home.

A life long resident of Jennings, he was an artist . He attended McCready Art Institute in New Orleans. He worked at the Jennings Zigler Museum and taught art classes. He was a World War II veteran.

Survivors include five sisters, Mrs. Ruth Burson of Jennings, Mrs. Annie Mae Henderson and Mrs Bettie Crowl, both of Welsh, Mrs Nobia Suckow of Phoenix, Ariz and Mrs. Jeanette Williams of Beaument, Texas and one brother, Clifford McLemore of Vinton.
15643 I46726  McLemore  D. C.  26 Sep 1914  24 May 1915  On his FindAGrave memorial page, maintained by Angela Short Hudson, there is a photo of his headstone, which is engraved "D. C." Son of D. C. & Beulah F. McLemore, Sept 16, 1914-May 24, 1915, Our Darling Baby."  STR06 
15644 I36122  McLemore  Dale Thomas "Pops"  29 Oct 1928  9 Aug 2011  Clinton-Dale "Pops" McLemore, 82, of Clinton formerly of Decatur, passed away Tuesday, August 9, 2011 at his home with his loving wife at his bedside.

Per Dale's wishes cremation rites will take place at Graceland/Fairlawn Cremation Center. A private family service will take place at a later date. Memorial contributions are requested to the family.

Dale was born October 29, 1928, in Decatur, Illinois the son of Melvin and Louise (Stogsdale) McLemore. Dale proudly served his country in the US Navy during WWII. He was a die hard Cub fan, loved his bible family and church, and was an avid cross word puzzle and trivia buff. One of his greatest joys was to be fishing in Tennessee with his son Bob. Dale was a member of the First Church of the Nazarene in Clinton. He married Betty Fenton in Alcoa, TN on April 2, 1981.

He is survived by his wife of 30 years, sons, Mark McLemore and Shari of Seattle, Washington; Matt And wife Diane of Taylorville, and Bob Fenton and wife Sandra of Cookeville, TN; daughter, LeeAnn Pollock and husband Ron of Clinton; son, Kenny Fenton and wife Kathy of Decatur; sister, Beverly Heger of Decatur; best friend Ray Rooney of Decatur, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Dale was preceded in death by his parents, one brother, and two sisters.

The family of Dale is being served by Graceland/Fairlawn Funeral Home a provider of Veterans Care Funerals. Online condolences and memories may be shared with the family at 
15645 I26632  McLemore  Dallas O.  8 Jul 1873  11 Nov 1943  Name: Dallas O. Mclemore
Gender: Male
Burial Date: 13 Nov 1943
Burial Place: Near Wade, N.C.
Death Date: 11 Nov 1943
Death Place: Black River, Cumberland Co., North Carolina
Age: 70
Birth Date: 08 Jul 1873
Birthplace: Cumberland Co., N.C.
Occupation: Farmer
Race: White
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Ludie Clyde Mclemore
Father's Name: Haywood Mclemore
Father's Birthplace: N.C.
Mother's Name: Mary Branch
Mother's Birthplace: N.C.
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: B01789-3
System Origin: North Carolina-EASy
Source Film Number: 1943234
Reference Number: fn 2458 cn 370
Collection: North Carolina Deaths and Burials, 1898-1994 
15646 I26632  McLemore  Dallas O.  8 Jul 1873  11 Nov 1943  (Research):
Census Information:

1910 Federal Census
North Carolina, Cumberland County, Black River Twp
Enumerated 2 May 1910
SD 6, ED 43, Sheet 7A
McLemore, Dallas O Hd M W 34 M/3 4 NC NC NC Farmer
McLemore, Minnie J Wife F W 19 M/1 4 NC NC NC
McLemore, Roy B Son M W 9 S NC NC NC

1920 Federal Census
North Carolina, Cumberland County, Black River Twp
Enumerated 14 Feb 1920 by W. M. Pope
SD 239 ED 48 Sheet 20A
McLemore, Roy Hd M W 20 M NC NC NC Farmer
McLemore, Meta Wife F W 18 M NC NC NC
McLemore, Louise Dtr F W 1 7/12 S NC NC NC
McLemore, D O Hd M W 46 M NC NC NC Farmer
McLemore, Minnie J Wife F W 31 M NC NC NC
McLemore, Ida B Dtr F W 8 S NC NC NC
McLemore, Haywood Son M W 1 1/12 S NC NC NC

1930 Federal Census
North Carolina, Cumberland County, Black River Twp
Enumerated 22 Apr 1930 Mrs. John M. Graham
ED 26-4 SD 11 Sheet 13B
McLemore, Dallas O Hd M W 54 M 22 NC NC NC Farmer
McLemore, Luda Wife F W 18 M 18 NC NC NC
McLemore, Ida Bell Dtr F W 17 S NC NC NC

Old Bluff Presbyterian Church (Cemetery Records?)
Section VIII

1. Dallas O. McLemore 8 Jul 1873-11 Nov 1943

2. McLemore, Roy B. 22 Aug 1899-16 Jun 1957

11. Warren G., son of R. B. & Meta McLemore 27 Mar 1921-8 Dec 1927

12. Amos Haywood, son of D.O. & M. J. McLemore 24 Jan 1919 -30 Apr 1920

13. Minnie J. Norris, wife of D.O. McLemore 10 Jan 1886-9 Jun 1928

16. Infant of Mr. and Mrs. D.O. McLemore

17. Infant of Mr. and Mrs. D.O. McLemore 
15647 I36687  McLemore  Daniel  Between 1807 and 1808  Jun 1873

I'm seeking information on four daughters of Daniel McLEMORE living in and around Gonzales Co., TX. They were: Minerva m. William Anthony BURROWS (of Belmont, Leesville); Mary m. James NEWTON (also of Wilson and Guadalupe Cos.); Pernicia m. John McNEMAR; Nancy m. Henry DeBERRY. Parents of these four were Daniel and Elizabeth KELLY McLEMORE. Daniel and other family settled in Medina Co. I have more information on this family and would be happy to share with anyone interested. Thanks, Tim Wilson

419. Elizabeth Kelly, born 24 FEB 1811, FRANKLIN COUNTY, TENNESSEE. She married Daniel McLemore, 11 FEB 1830, in FRANKLIN COUNTY, TENNESSEE, born ABT 1807, FRANKLIN COUNTY, TENNESSEE. Elizabeth died 17 AUG 1892, Medina County, Texas.
962. i Minerva Jane McLemore, born 25 DEC 1830, FRANKLIN COUNTY, TENNESSEE. She married William Anthony Burrows, 10 JUN 1847, in Tishomingo County, Mississippi, born 1825, Tennessee.
963. ii Mary McLemore, born 24 AUG 1832, Benton County, Mississippi. She married James Newton.
964. iii Pernecia Motes McLemore, born 10 MAR 1834, Benton County, Mississippi. She married John Gardner McNemar, 21 MAY 1857, in Medina County, Texas. Pernecia died 28 OCT 1916, Gonzales, Texas.
965. iv Nancy McLemore, born 12 SEP 1838, Benton County, Mississippi. She married Henry DeBerry, 10 OCT 1854, in Gonzales County, Texas. Nancy died 23 MAR 1917, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, buried: City Cemetery #3, San Antonio, Texas.
+ 966. v Sarah "Sallie" McLemore born 11 DEC 1839.
967. vi James B. McLemore, born 10 MAR 1842, Benton County, Mississippi. He married Mary A. Elam, 01 JUL 1869.
968. vii Amy McLemore, born 1845, Mississippi.
+ 969. viii Annie Kie McLemore born 02 FEB 1847.

Annie Kie McLemore and George Washington Redus

GEORGE WASHINGTON4 REDUS (AARON3, JAMES2, JAMES1) was born July 05, 1837 in Athens Alabama, and died April 09, 1870 in Hondo, Texas. He married ANNIE KIE MCLEMORE December 24, 1865 in Medina City, Texas, daughter of DANIEL MCLEMORE and ELIZABETH KELLY. She was born February 02, 1847 in Meridian Mississippi.

George W. Redus is buried in the Masonic Cemetery in San Antonio, Texas. His wife carried his bones in a box by buggy from his original grave near Hondo, Texas to San Antonio. She made the 70 mile round trip in 3 days and nights by herself.

George Washington Redus, born July 05, 1837 in Athens, Limestone County, Alabama40; died April 09, 1873 in Rio Hondo, Medina County, Texas41; married Annie Kie McLemore December 25, 1865 in Daniel McLemore Ranch, Medina County, Texas; born February 02, 1847 in Meridian, Lauderdale County, Mississippi; died July 26, 1918 in San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas.

Notes for George Washington Redus:
Military Service: George W. Redus enlisted in the Confederate States Army and served in Captain Duff's Company of Dragoons or Rangers. Captain Taylor's Texas Partisan Corps, and Company A, 33rd Texas Calvary. He joined at San Antonio, Texas May 4, 1862, and was paroled August 15, 1865, as a corporal.

George W. Redus came to Texas with his brothers and settled in Medina County, Texas in the late 1850's. After the Civil War was over George returned to Medina County and married Miss Annie Kie McLemore. Annie was a sister of Sallie McLemore who married George's brother John Redus. George Redus became a Master Mason and received his rites at the Hondo Valley Lodge Number 252. He died when he was less than 36 years old and was buried in the Masonic Cemetery near New Fountain, Texas.

George widow Annie was visiting with her sister in San Antonio, when on a spur of the moment decision drove her buggy back to the old cemetery near Hondo Creek; exhumed the caskets of her deceased husband and parents and returned to San Antonio. She was gone for several days and her sister thought she may have been kidnapped or murdered as she failed to tell anyone where she was going. A few days later she pulled into her sister's yard in San Antonio with three caskets in the back of the buggy. Her sister asked her if she made the trip all the way out to Hondo Creek alone? Annie told her that her husband and mother and father kept her company on the way back. Annie Kie Redus then had her loved ones reinterred in the Masonic Cemetery in San Antonio, Texas and placed very expensive tombstones over each grave.

15648 I36687  McLemore  Daniel  Between 1807 and 1808  Jun 1873  (Research):

Census Listings:

1860 Census
Texas, Medina County, Precinct No. 4, Post Office Castroville
Page 34
Daniel McLemore 52 M Farmer $3000 $5610 North Carolina
Elizabeth McLemore 40 F Tennessee
James McLemore 17 M Stockraiser $--- $200 Miss
Anne McLemore 12 F Miss
Laura McLemore 8 F Miss
Wm A Pierce [???] 34 M Farmer $--- $2095 Tenn
Minerva Pierce [???] 29 F Tenn
John Pierce [???] 11 m Miss
Benton Pierce [???] 9 M Tx
James Pierce [???] 6 M Tx
Mary Pierce [???] 4 F Tx
Charles Pierce [???] 3 M Texas 
15649 I22186  McLemore  Daniel "Dan" Garfield  Apr 1882  29 Sep 1948  Age, as noted on death certificate, may be incorrect as he does not appear to have been listed on the 1880 census. His headstone states that he died on 28 Sep 1948, at the age of 68.

When he registered for the draft during World War I, his occupation was shown as Saw milling for T. E. Owen in Minton, Sampson County, North Carolina. His nearest relative was Cornelia McLemore, his mother. He was listed as age 36, of medium heighth and build, and he had blue eyes and light hair. 
15650 I46724  McLemore  Daniel Columbus  18 Jul 1883  2 Feb 1957  (Research):

Census Listings:

1930 Census
North Carolina, Mecklenburg County, Charlotte Township, Charlotte City
Enumerated 15 Apr 1930
ED 60-.6 SD 7 Sheet 18B
Pryor Street
McLemore, Daniel C Head O 2300 M W 46 M 26 NoSchool Can Read/Write NC NC NC 2nd Hand Card Room Cotton Mill
McLemore, Beaulah F Wf F W 36 M 16 NoSchool Can Read/Write NC NC NC Nond
McLemore, Edward Son M W 18 S NoSchool Can Read/Write SC NC NC Knitting Silk Hoisiery
McLemore, John W Son M W 12 S NoSchool Can Read/Write SC NC NC None
McLemore, Vernon Son M W 11 S Attended School Can Read/Write SC NC NC None
McLemore, Harrell Son M W 7 S SC NC NC None
McLemore, Ferris Son M W 4 3/12 S NC NC NC None
McLemore, Foy Son M W 2 S NC NC NC
McLemore, Hays L Father M W 86 Wd NC NC NC None 
15651 I24589  McLemore  Daniel Elmo  17 May 1902  6 Dec 1974  In a 1944 letter, Pleasant McLemore wrote that his son Dan was a probation officer, and that he has a boy 15 years old Thad (Clifford Walter McLemore), a daughter 17, and a daughter 7." Pleasant also noted that both Dan and his wife and divorced and were remarried to other spouses.  STR06 
15652 I24589  McLemore  Daniel Elmo  17 May 1902  6 Dec 1974  (Research):Census Information:

1930 Census
Texas, Harris County, Houston, JP 1 (Part), ED 142
Enumerated April 10, 1930 by J. Marshall Pittman
ED 101-142 SD 26 Sheet 27B
3610 Edison Street
Daniel McLemore Hd M W 27 M@22 tx Tx Tx Engraver Concrete C
Aletia M McLemore Wife F W 23 M@18 Tx Tx Tx
Dorothy E McLemore Dtr F W 32 S Tx Tx Tx
Clifford W McLemore Son M W 1 4/12 S Tx Tx Tx 
15653 I1992  McLemore  Daniel F  Abt 1856  Aft 1880  Edythe McLemore McCoy indicates he "died young." He can be found living with his parents at the time of the 1860 through 1880 census enumerations, but not thereafter.  STR06 
15654 I47168  McLemore  Daniel Harrell "Mac"  19 Jun 1922  27 Aug 1990 U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. show he served in the Navy.

His Headstone is inscribed D. H. "Mac" McLemore. He shares a marker with Kathryn Lowery, 8 Sept 1925-1 Dec 2004. Also referenced as Harold on both census records and by his family. 
15655 I25515  McLemore  Daniel Jefferson  2 Dec 1827  Yes, date unknown  A transcription of "The McLemore Family Bible, 1822-1859 owned by Hillis Fry McLemore of Jackson, MS and contributed by Fairy B. McLemore Edwards of Canyon Lake, Texas, shows on page 2:

Daniel Jefferson McLemore was born 2nd day of
December 1827

(The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ translated
out of the original Greek and with the former translations dilligently
compared and revised, and Canne's Marginal References. Stereotyped
by James Conner New York. By J. Emory and R. Waugh for
the Methodist Episcopal Church at the Conference Office, 14 Crosby
Street. J. Collord, Printer. 1829 )

Originally published in The Tennessee Genealogical Magazine, "ANSEARCHIN' " News (The Tennesse Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 111249, Memphis, TN 38111-1249, Vol. 42, No. 2, Summer, 1996), p. 38.

15656 I31683  McLemore  Daniel Sidney  May 1889  Yes, date unknown  (Research):

Census Listings:

1920 Census
Mississippi, Forrest, Beat 2
Enumerated 16 Jan 1920
SD 6 ED 15 Sheet 8A
McLemore, Daniel S Hd M W 30 M Ms Ms Ms Expressman Express office
McLemore, Bertie E Wf F W 26 M Ms Ms Ms
McLemore, Myra L Dtr F W 3 2/12 Ms Ms MS
Lee, Washington L Father-in-law m W 67 Wd Ms Ms Ms Physican Medicine
Lee, Ethel E Niece F W 16 S Ms Ms Ms
Lee, Stuart L Nephew m W 9 S Ms Ms Ms
Lee, John H Brother-in-law M W 31 S Ms Ms Ms Section Foreman RR co

1930 Census
Mississippi, Forrest, Beat 2, Petal Village
Enumerated April 5, 1930
ED 18-9 SD 11 Sheet 4B
McKinnon St
McLemore, Dan S Hd O $3000 M W 40 M/25 Ms Ms Ms Truck Driver
McLemore, Birdie E Wf F W 36 M 21 Ms Ms Ms
McLemore, Myra L Dtr f W 13 S Ms Ms Ms

15657 I27327               
15658 I30252  McLemore  Daran Irene  4 Apr 1931  18 Oct 1974  She married James Calvin CRAVEN, and they were the parents of James Grant, Melvin Gil, and Theresa Evelyn CRAVEN.  STR06 
15659 I39883  McLemore  Darville Brown  Oct 1886  Yes, date unknown  In the - World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 database, he is instead shown as being born 7 May 1887 in Copiah County  STR06 
15660 I39883  McLemore  Darville Brown  Oct 1886  Yes, date unknown  (Research):

Census Listings:

1920 Census
Mississippi, Sunflower County, Beat 4
Enumerated 10 Feb 1920
SD 3 ED 123 Sheet 14A
McLemore, Darville Head m W 33 M Miss Miss Miss Fm
McLemore, Zelma Wf F W 30 M Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Barney Son M W 7 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Moses Head M W 58 M Miss Miss Miss FM
McLemore, Nancy E Wf F W 53 M Miss Ga SC
McLemore, Rodgers Son M W 15 S Miss Miss Miss Laborer Home Farm
McLemore, Charly Son M W 13 S Miss Miss Miss Laborer Home Farm
McLemore, Lillian Dtr F W 9 S Miss Miss Miss

1930 Census
Mississippi, Sharkey County, Beat 2
Enumerated April 19, 1930
ED 63-2 SD 6 Sheet 9B
McLemore, Moses L Head M W 68 M 21 Miss Miss Miss Farmer
McLemore, Nancy E Wf F W 65 M 17 Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Rogers Son M W 25 S Miss Miss Miss Truck Driver County Road
McLemore, Charley Q Son M W 23 S MIss Miss MiSs Farmer
Arnol, Lewis Adopted on M W 15 S MIss Miss Miss
McLemore, Zelma Head F W 38 Wd Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Barney Son M W 17 S Miss Miss Miss
15661 I21762  McLemore  Daughter  Aft 1732  Yes, date unknown  Married James WIGGINS. (James L. McLemore, III, p 50).  STR06 
15662 I28641  McLemore  Daughter  Between 1835 and 1840  Yes, date unknown  Might this have actually been a son, as the age would fit for Tobias McLemore, born ca 1838 in North Carolina?  STR06 
15663 I32553  McLemore  David  Aft 1948  31 Aug 2008  His spiritual mentor, friend, and Brother in arms, has departed this Earth...

Chaplain David McLemore
Chaplain "Col." David McLemore was carried from the field of battle, having gained his final victory shortly after midnight Sunday, Aug. 31, 2008. He was surrounded by his loving family his body was draped with the flag which he loved and under which he served for more than 24 years. He is walking the streets of gold with his Heavenly Father whom he served faithfully since he accepted Christ at the age of 9 at the Baptist Church in Wilmar, Ark.
David grew up in Wilmar, the oldest of four children and graduated from Wilmar High School in 1966. He received his BS in mathematics from the University of Arkansas at Monticello and a master's in divinity from Southwestern Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. He served as a pastor for 36 years including 21 years as senior pastor at Second Baptist Church in Russellville.
He served as a military chaplain with the Arkansas National Guard's 39th Infantry Brigade, retiring in 2008 with the honorary rank of general. He attended the Army's War College in Pennsylvania in 2000 and was promoted to the rank of colonel in 2004. His first deployment was in 1990 in support of Operation Desert Storm. His second deployment with the 39th was from 2003-05 in which he served as senior chaplain for the entire 39th Brigade.
He was preceded in death by his parents, P.D. and Ellen Zirlene McLemore.
He is survived by his wife, Margie McLemore, Russellville; his son, Jared McLemore, London; his daughter, Sarah Reel, Russellville; two grandchildren, Meredith and Chase Reel, Russellville; a brother, Jerry McLemore, Monticello; two sisters, Linda Sawyer, Russellville and Karen Cherry, Summersville, W.V.; his stepmother, Janie McLe-more, Wilmar.
Funeral will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 3, 2008, at Second Baptist Church. Rev. Bob Parsley will officiate. Burial will be at Hudson Cemetery at Moreland by Humphrey Funeral Service. Visitation will be 6-7:30 p.m. today at the funeral home. Memorials may be made to Arkansas Baptist Children's Home, 16502 Lawson Road, Little Rock, AR 72210.
Internet obituary and online guest book are available at

15664 I22187  McLemore  David "Dave"  Jun 1885  18 Feb 1953  Died Clinton, NC 18 Feb 1853 David McLemore (b. 1881/82) F: Hezekiah McLemore M: Cornelia Sloan McMillian Informant George McLemore Bk 42, p 316

When he registered for the draft during World War I, he was working as a farmer for T. E. Owen in Minton, Sampson County, North Carolina. His nearest relative was Cornelia McLemore, his mother. He was listed as age 34, Tall, Slender, and he had blue eyes and light hair. 
15665 I21809  McLemore  David Alderman  13 Dec 1851  3 Oct 1914  At the time of the 1860 census, he appeared to have been living with his grandfather, Raiford McLemore.

In 1870, he may have been living with his Aunt, Nancy McLemore Lockemy.

1880 Federal Census

David MCLEMOORE Self M Male W 27 NC Farming NC NC
Maggie M. MCLEMOORE Wife M Female W 22 NC House Keeping NC NC
George A. MCLEMOORE Son S Male W 2 NC NC NC
Adda D. MCLEMOORE Dau S Female W 4M NC NC NC Source Information:
Census Place Mcdaniels, Sampson, North Carolina
Family History Library Film 1254981
NA Film Number T9-0981
Page Number 46B 
15666 I42424  McLemore  David Alexander  Abt 1943  22 Jan 2013  David Alexander McLemore, Jr.


Mr. David Alexander McLemore, Jr., 69 of 617 College St., died January 22, 2013 in Wayne Memorial Hospital in Goldsboro.

Funeral service will be held Friday, January 25, 2013 at 2:00 pm at Clinton Pentecostal Holiness Church with Rev. Dwight Dunning and Father John Wall officiating. Burial will follow in the Clinton Cemetery with Military Honors.

Born in 1943 in Sampson County, Mr. McLemore was the son of the late David Alexander McLemore, Sr. and Claudia Ashley McLemore. He graduated from East Carolina University with a Bachelor of Art Degree in History. He was a Veteran of the US Army having served in the Vietnam War. He had been a Certified Public Accountant in North Carolina since 1980. He was a member of the NC Association of CPAs and the AICPA. Mr. David was bestowed the honor of Chief Proctor for the CPA exam given by the NC State CPA Board of Examiners in 1998 and proctored the CPA exam from 1986 to 2003. He was a member of MENSA and a member of the Clinton Rotary Club. He was on the Board of Directors for the Sampson County History Museum, as well as other non-profit county community organizations. Mr. David taught his family how to love thy fellow man through actions. He was a champion for the underdog. He loved to surround himself with good humor and experiences. Life was always about the journey and the lessons to be learned. His life can be defined by unquestioning charity and a great love for the accounting profession.

He is survived by three daughters, Sarah McLemore of Fayetteville, Emily McLemore Darnell and husband, Eric of Garner and Marie McLemore Bengford and husband, Brett of Council Bluffs, Iowa; one son, David A. McLemore, III of Kansas City, Mo; former wife, Nancy H. McLemore of Council Bluffs, Iowa and dear friend, Chris Byrd of Clinton. Three grandchildren: Isaac Braun, Estella Darnell and Eliza Darnell.

The family will receive friends Thursday night from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Royal-Hall Funeral Home and also after the graveside service at 400 Beaver Dam Dr., Clinton, NC.
Online condolences at

Services are entrusted with Royal-Hall Funeral Home.

Published in The News & Observer on January 24, 2013
15667 I39938               
15668 I24902  McLemore  David Felix  21 Feb 1902  14 Feb 1982  David was a member of the Britton Masonic Lodge No. 434 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, being intitiated April 12, 1924. He received the degreees of Masonry in Davenport, OK #260.  STR06 
15669 I24902  McLemore  David Felix  21 Feb 1902  14 Feb 1982  (Research):

Census Information:

1930 Census
Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, Britton Town, ED 3
Enumerated April 19 & 20, 1930 by J.R. Thomas
ED 55-3, SD 5, Sheet 17A, Stamped 56
McLemore, David F. Hd R 25 M W 28 M 21 Ok Tx Tx Druggist General Drug (Store)
McLemore, Ivah E Wife F W M 19 Ok Switzerland Tx
McLemore, Jacqueline B Dtr F W 6 S Ok Ok Ok
McLemore, David F Jr. Son M W 4 2/12 Ok Ok Ok 
15670 I33963  McLemore  David Frank  25 Jul 1871  Mar 1964  His application for a social security card shows him as a son of David Nelson McLemore and Elizabeth Ellen Owens. At the time he completed his application, he was employed as a Passenger Carman for the B & O Railroad company in Washington, Indiana, and age 65.  STR06 
15671 I33963  McLemore  David Frank  25 Jul 1871  Mar 1964  (Research):Census Lisitings:

1880 Census

Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Oc
cupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
David N. MC LEMORE Self M Male W 35 KY Farm Laborer --- ---
Elizabeth MC LEMORE Wife M Female W 31 KY Keeping House KY KY
Samuel MC LEMORE Son Male W 14 KY Farm Laborer KY KY
David F. MC LEMORE Son S Male W 8 IN KY KY
Eliza Ann MC LEMORE Dau S Female W 6 IN KY KY
John R. MC LEMORE Son S Male W 5 IN KY KY
Albert O. MC LEMORE Son S Male W 3 IN KY KY
Claudius B. MC LEMORE Son S Male W 2M IN KY KY
Source Information:
Census Place Washington, Washington, Indiana
Family History Library Film 1254321
NA Film Number T9-0321
Page Number 536D 
15672 I26226  McLemore  David J.  Between 1833 and 1835  Yes, date unknown  (Research):Census Information:

1860 Census
Kentucky, Logan County, District No 1
Post Office Robbitsville
Enumerated 9 August 1860
Page 135
Thos McLemore 27 M Farmer $799 $1015 Ky
Sarah McLemore 25 F Keeping House Ky
W.F. Carter 21 M Farm Labor NC
D.J. McLemore 22 M Farm Laborer KY
Eliza McLemore 18 F Ky
John McLemore 1 M Ky
John F. McLemore 15 M Farm Laborer KY (This appears to b
e the same John F. McLemore that married a Mary and had a family living in Logan County, KY as of the 1900 census)

1870 Census
Kentucky, Simpson County, Post Office Franklin
Enumerated 18 July 1870
Page 38 (Bottom)/Page 39 (Top), Stamped 120
McElmore David J 35 M W Works on Farm Ky
McElmore, Eliza 35 F W Ky
McElmore, John H 11 M W Ky
McElmore, George T 9 M W Ky
McElmore, Hiram D 3 M W Ky

1880 Census
Kentucky, Logan County, Fillmore
FHL Film 1254429 NA T9-0429
Page 566A
D.J. McLemore M 44 Ky Farmer NC Ky
Eliza M. McLemore F 34 Ky Keeping House Va Ky
Jno. H. McLemore M 21 Ky Ky Ky
Geo. T. McLemore M 19 Ky Ky Ky
Hiram D. McLemore M 15 Ky Ky KY
Smith N. McLemore M 6 Ky Ky Ky

1900 Census
Tennessee, Sumner County, Civil District 16
Enumerated 15 June 1900
SD 4, ED 127 Sheet 7B
Macklamore, D.J. Hd W M June 1833 6 M Ky Ky Ky
Macklamore, Eliza Wife F Mar 1821 M 5/3 Ky Ky Ky
Macklamore, John Son W M Dec 1857 S Ky Ky Ky
Bean, Josie Servant W F Apr 1878 2 Wd 1/1 Tn Tn Tn
Bean, Mary Servant W F Dec 1891 S Tn Tn Tn
Macklamore, Hiram Hd W M July 1867 32 M6 Ky Ky Ky
Macklamore, Etta Wf W F Jan 1876 35 M6 2/2 Tn Tn Tn
Macklamore, Eunice Dtr W F July 1895 4 S Ky Tn Tn
Macklamore, Erline Dtr W F Oct 1897 2 S Ky Tn Tn 
15673 I36121  McLemore  David Keith  16 Aug 1924  10 Mar 1974  Retired US Navy.  STR06 
15674 I25673  McLemore  David Mason  Between 1827 and 1829  Yes, date unknown  "....married Lydia Bradley the widow of Dr. Terry Bradley, and Cathrine Weaver." "The Heritage of Lauderdale County Alabama", p. 346.  STR06 
15675 I25673  McLemore  David Mason  Between 1827 and 1829  Yes, date unknown  (Research):
Census Information:

1870 Census Information
Alabama, Lauderdale, Twp 3 Range 7, Post Office Rogersville
Enumerated 7 July 1870 by J. Danforth
McLemore, D.M. 40 M W Farmer $--- $200 Ala
McLemore, Mary C 21 F Keeping House Ala
McLemore, James F 14 M Works on Farm Ala
McLemore, John T 12 M Works on Farm Ala
McLemore, A.L. 5 F Ala

HH 241-241 J.W. and Clarissa McLemore (ages 52 and 34)

1880 Census
Name RelationMarital StatusGenderRaceAgeBirthplaceOccupationFather's BirthplaceMother's Birthplace
David M. MCLEMORE Self M Male W 53 AL Farmer VA VA
Mary C(atherine) MCLEMORE Wife M Female W 30 AL Keeps House --- AL
Altar Zary Lu MCLEMORE Dau S Female W 15 AL At Home AL AL
Zula Asaphine MCLEMORE Dau S Female W 9 AL AL AL
William C. MCLEMORE Son S Male W 6 AL AL AL
Weekly M. MCLEMORE Son S Male W 4 AL AL AL
Oscar B. MCLEMORE Son S Male W 2 AL AL AL
Source Information:
Census PlaceTownship 2, Beat 2, Lauderdale, Alabama
Family History Library Film 1254018 NA Film Number T9-0018
Page Number 192A 
15676 I35465               
15677 I33964  McLemore  David Nelson  5 Jul 1843  2 Oct 1921  Shown on the "Harrison-Wineland Connection" tree at WorldConnect as a child of John Alexander McLemore and Eliza Ellen Carson. On this same tree, John Alexander McLemore is shown as a son of John K. McLemore and Ruth Steelman, and grandson of Ephraim McLemore and Hannah Hudspeth. Eliza Carson is shown as a daughter of Charles Campbell Carson and Elizabeth Dysart of Washington County, Virginia. shows Eliza as being buried at the Samuel Denny Cemetery, Salem, Washington County, Indiana  STR06 
15678 I21867  McLemore  David Warren  26 Aug 1886  6 Dec 1963  1906 Sampson County, NC Voter Records McDaniels Twp D. McLEMORE age 22 Ancestor: H. McLemore (Courtesy Robert McLemore Butler)

When he registered for the draft during World War I, he was working as a farmer in Sampson County, North Carolina. His nearest relatives were his wife and one child. He was listed as age Tall, Slender, and he had brown eyes and red hair. His place of birth was shown as Parkersburg, NC. 
15679 I21867  McLemore  David Warren  26 Aug 1886  6 Dec 1963  (Research):

Census Listings:

1930 Census
North Carolina, Sampson County, McDaniels Twp
Enumerated April 2, 1930
ED 82-16 SD 12 Sheet 1A Stamped 2
McLemore, Warren Head M w 43 m 29 NC NC NC Farm Operator
McLemore, Lonnie Wf F W 33 M 20 NC NC NC
McLemore, Florence H Dtr F W 13 S NC NC NC
McLemore, Thomas W Son M W 10 S NC NC NC
McLemore, Lacy W Son M W 5 S NC NC NC
Challie and Ida McLemore and Family
Walter and Maggie Alderman and Family 
15680 I38386  McLemore  Deborah  Abt 1829  Yes, date unknown  At the time of the 1860 Census, Deborah, her sister Evalina, and mother were all living with their sister and brother-in-law, William and Oliva Stout, in Warren, Mississippi.  STR06 
15681 I22265               
15682 I46739  McLemore  Delaris  22 Jul 1932  15 Jan 1971  Headstone shows her name at death was Delaris McLemore Keller.  STR06 
15683 I35270  McLemore  Delbert Allen  30 Aug 1910  21 Aug 1987  Penny Thorne shows him as Delbert Allen McLemore.

Could this be him on the SSDI:

MCLEMORE, DELBERT A 30 Aug 1910 21 Aug 1987 (V) 76-77 80220 (Denver, Denver, CO) (none specified) Colorado

15684 I27311  McLemore  Delbert Lee Howard  20 Sep 1921  16 Oct 1962  ALA AOMI US NAVY WWII

Name: Delbert Mclemore
Titles & Terms (Original):
Titles & Terms (Standardized):
Death Date: 16 Oct 1962
Death Place: Birmingham, Jefferson, Alabama
Gender: Male
Race (Original):
Race (Standardized):
Age at Death: 41y
Estimated Birth Date: 1921
Birth Date:
Marital Status:
Spouse's Name: Fannie Olanger (sic)
Spouse's Titles & Terms (Original):
Spouse's Titles & Terms (Standardized):
Father's Name: Carl Mclemore
Father's Titles & Terms (Original):
Father's Titles & Terms (Standardized):
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Fannie Olanger
Mother's Titles & Terms (Original):
Mother's Titles & Terms (Standardized):
Mother's Birthplace:
Street Address:
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Funeral Home:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 1908978
Reference Number: 25535
Collection: Alabama, Deaths, 1908-1974
15685 I35265  McLemore  Delmer Lee  29 Jun 1897  Yes, date unknown  Not listed with his family at the time of the 1900 census, when he would have been two. Was he simply missed by the enumerator, or might his age have been wrong in 1910? On the 1910 census, he was listed, presumably in error, as Elmer.

Name: Delmer Lee Mclemore
Gender: Male
Baptism/Christening Date:
Baptism/Christening Place:
Birth Date: 29 Jun 1897
Birthplace: Paluxy, Hood, Texas
Death Date:
Name Note:
Race: White
Father's Name: Thomas Hen... Mclemore
Father's Birthplace: Texas
Father's Age:
Mother's Name: Minnie Ida Hudspeth
Mother's Birthplace: Hood Co., Texas
Mother's Age:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C00023-7
System Origin: Texas-EASy
Source Film Number: 1034528
Reference Number: P 26
Collection: Texas Births and Christenings, 1840-1981 
15686 I22208  McLemore  Dennis Lofton  20 Jun 1889  2 Feb 1943  On the 1900 census, he was listed as Lofton D. McLemore. In 1910, he was living with his half-brother Edward C./Claud E. McLemore in Cumberland County. His mother was living with them as well.

When he registered for the draft during World War I, he was working as a farmer in Roseboro, North Carolina. His nearest relative was his wife. He was shown as medium heighth and build, and he had blue eyes and brown hair.

Name: Dennis Lofton Mclemore
Gender: Male
Burial Date: 04 Feb 1943
Burial Place: Sampson Co.
Death Date: 02 Feb 1943
Death Place: Durham, Durham, North Carolina
Age: 53
Birth Date: 20 Jun 1889
Birthplace: Sampson County, N.C.
Occupation: Farmer
Race: White
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Idella Mae Mcmillian
Father's Name: Lofton Hayes Mclemore
Father's Birthplace: North Carolina
Mother's Name: Elizabeth Spell
Mother's Birthplace: North Carolina
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: B01728-5
System Origin: North Carolina-EASy
Source Film Number: 1943225
Reference Number: fn 2404 cn 168
Collection: North Carolina Deaths and Burials, 1898-1994

15687 I37967  McLemore  Dessie Mae  28 Apr 1906  10 Nov 1932  (Research):
Name: Dessie Cochrell
Event: Census
Event Date: 1930
Event Place: Talihina, Le Flore, Oklahoma
Eastern Oklahoma State Tuberculosis Sanitarium
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Marital Status: Widowed
Race: White
Birthplace: Oklahoma
Estimated Birth Year: 1907
Immigration Year:
Relationship to Head of Household: Patient
Father's Birthplace: Mississippi
Mother's Birthplace: Arkansas
Enumeration District Number: 0036
Family Number:
Sheet Number and Letter: 10A
Line Number: 31
NARA Publication: T626, roll 1911
Film Number: 2341645
Digital Folder Number: 4661227
Image Number: 00270
Collection: United States Census, 1930 
15688 I34257  McLemore  Dialtha Jane  May 1843  14 Jan 1926  Her Death Certificate spells the last name FARRIS.

She died on January 14, 1926 in Greenfield, Center, Dade County, MO. She was shown as Female, White, Widowed, born in 5/8-1842, having reached the age of 83 years, 8 months, and 6 days. She was listed as a housewife, born in Tennessee, to John McLemore and ??? Breaden of Tennessee. The casue of death was listed as senility, and she was shown as being buried in Greenfield Cemetery. 
15689 I34257  McLemore  Dialtha Jane  May 1843  14 Jan 1926  (Research):Census Listings:

1870 Census
Missouri, Dade County, South Township, Post Office Greenfield
Page 12, Stamped 111
Enumerated 20 July 1870
Faires, Albert P 32 M W Tanner & Farmer $4500 $1790 Tenn
Faires, Dialtha J 28 F W Keeping House Tenn
Faires, Oliver P 6 M W Ill
Faires, Saml A 2 M W Mo
Faires, Maud 7/12 F W Mo Born Nov
Faires, Wm P 20 m M Farm Laborer Ark

1880 Census
Missouri, Dade County, South Township
Page 4D. SD 4 ED 15
Enumerated 2 and 3 June 1880
Faries, Albert P W M 43 Farmer Tenn NC NC
Faries, Dialtha J W F 38 Wf Housekeeping Tenn Tenn Tenn
Faries, Oliver P W M 15 Son Works on Farm Ill Tenn Tenn
Faries, Samuel A W M 12 Son Works on Farm Mo Tenn Tenn
Faries, Maud W F 10 Dau Housework Mo Tenn Tenn Tenn
Faries. Pearl W F 4 Dtr Mo Tenn Tenn
Faries, Gail W F 2 Dtr Mo Tenn Tenn

1900 Census
Missouri, Dade County, Center Township, Greenfield City, Ward 2
Enumerated 13 June 1900
SD 6 ED 59 Sheet 11A Stamped 173
Faires, Albert D Hd W M Oct 1837 62 M36 Tenn NC NC Salesman Midiline
Faires, Dialtha J Wf W F May 1843 57 M36 5/5 Tenn Unk Unk
Faires, Samuel A Son W M Sept 1867 32 Wd Mo Barber
Faires, Pearl Dtr W F Oct 1875 23 S Mo Music Teacher

Not located

1920 Census
Missouri, Dade County, Center Township, P.O. Greenfield
Enumerated 19 and 20 Jan 1920
SD 6 ED 68 Sheet 9B
Main Street
Faires, Dialtha Hd F W 76 Wd Tenn Tenn Tenn
(Indexed on as FAVIER) 
15690 I22266               
15691 I9086  McLemore  Diane Marie  15 Sep 1949  12 Nov 2005  The Beaumont Enterprise home : news : obituaries Deaths - November 14

Diane Marie Willis

Mrs. Diane Marie Willis, age 56 of Ingram, Texas passed away Saturday, November 12, 2005 at her residence. She was born September 15, 1949 in Jasper, Texas to Robert Lee McLemore and Clarine Blanche Strickland McLemore. She was a homemaker and was a member of the Kerrville Church of Christ. She married Kenneth Lane Willis on December 28, 1968 in Beaumont, Texas. He survives along with her mother, Clarine Cummins of Silsbee, Texas; father, Robert L. McLemore, Sr. & wife, Betty Jo of Jasper, Texas; one daughter, Jo Marie (Jodi) Sekimotto of Cedar Park, Texas; one son, Kenneth Clayton (K.C.) Willis & wife, Mendy of Austin, Texas; a sister, Linda Strawther of Lumberton, Texas; a brother, Robert L. McLemore, Jr. of Jasper, Texas and two grandchildren, Henry Alan Sekimotto of Cedar Park, Texas and Gracy Lane Willis of Austin, Texas. She was preceded in death by her son in law, Robert Alan Sekimotto of Austin, Texas. The family will receive friends from 6:00 to 8:00 P. M., on Monday, November 14, 2005, at Grimes Funeral Chapels. Funeral services for Mrs. Willis will be held on Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 2:15 p.m. at Kerrville Church of Christ with Mr. Greg Cummings officiating. Interment will follow in Garden of Memories Cemetery. Pallbearers will be David Todd, Richard Cole, George Barnard, Fred Cannon, Tom Baird, Gary Jones, Tom Hendrick and Elray Wilson. Memorial remembrances may be made to the Building Fund of the Kerrville Church of Christ, 1900 Loop 534, Kerrville, Texas 78028. The family invites you to send condolences at by selecting the "Send Condolences" link. Grimes Funeral Chapels P.O. Box 290170 Kerrville, Texas 78029 (830) 257-4544 
15692 I26091  McLemore  Dicey  Abt 1862  Yes, date unknown  She was living with her mother, and possibly her daughter, at the time of the 1900 census. Dicey was listed as single, however, although 2 year old Azzel McLemore was listed as Francis's granddaughter.

As of the 1910 census, she was listed as age 48, Single, Servant, and living in the home of Thomas and Bertha Morris? of the First Civil District of Carroll County, Tennessee. 
15693 I36118  McLemore  Dickie  Abt 1905  Yes, date unknown  Douglas McLemore is working to prove he is descended from this line, as follows:

James McLemore (1662-1735) -- Fortain Gilliam (1668-????)
Ephraim McLemore (????-????) -- Unknown (????-????)
Ephraim McLemore (????-????) -- Hannah Hudspeth (1740-1798)
John McLemore (1790-????) -- Ruth Steelman (1790-1850)
John McLemore (1820-????) -- Eliza ? (1816-1897)
Hiram Greene McLemore (1843-1926)----Nancy Ellen Heiffner (1862-????)
Andrew Jackson McLemore (1876-1933) --Rosa Russel (1880-1972)
Dickie McLemore (1904-1993) -- Della Mae Miller (1917-1993)
His Father

Douglas McLemore

He is certain from himself up to Eliza McLemore showing her children including Hiram Greene in both 1860 in KY then IN in 1880. Census data also connects Hiram Greene McLemore to his great grand father Andrew Jackson McLemore in IN and then IL. In KY in 1850 Eliza is shown with her children (including Hiram) and also what is believed to be her mother-in-law Ruth (Steelman) McLemore. What seems to be missing is the husbands of both Eliza and Ruth (which Doug got from hearsay were both widowed). This makes it difficult to connect everything back to James and Abraham Macklamore.

He has also found deed records of the right time (1870s) in Salem, Washington County, Indiana to show both Nancy Ellen Heiffner and an Elizabeth Ellen McLemore buying property there. He suspects Elizabeth Ellen is synonomous with Eliza. He also found the wedding license for Nancy Ellen Heiffner and Hiram Greene McLemore, and has electric photos of all of these records including the plot map from 1878 showing N. McLemore on one of the plots. 
15694 I33355  McLemore  Dillard Edison "D. E. "  12 Nov 1931  Jun 1980  DILLARD MCLEMORE 12 Nov 1931 Jun 1980 35647 (Lester, Limestone, AL ) 35611 (Athens, Limestone, AL ) 418-40-3572 Alabama  STR06 
15695 I22268  McLemore  Dixie Madie  7 Jan 1926  25 Apr 2009  Robert McLemore Butler's notes shows that Dixie Madie McLemore was born to Dennis Lofton McLemore and Odella Mae McMILLIAN on 26 Jan 1826 (sic). She was four years old as of the 1930 census, so it would have been 1926 when she was acutally born. He cites Bk 13, p 491.He later shows the DOB to have been 5 Jan 1926.

He further shows her to have married Forrest Reed WILKERSON III, with the date of marriage being 7 January 1921 in Bladen County. As this could not be the date of marriage (based on their ages), I assume it is actually the date of birth for Forrest.


Dixie McLemore Wilkerson

Mrs. Wilkerson, 83, of Charlotte, NC, died peacefully on April 25, 2009 at her home. She was born on January 7, 1926 in Sampson County, NC, a daughter of the late Dennis Lofton and Idella McMillan McLemore. She was also preceded in death by her beloved husband of 58 years, Forrest Reid Wilkerson, Jr., sister Elizabeth Porter and brother Edgbert McLemore.

Dixie was a graduate of Roseboro High School and Pineland College in Salemburg, NC. She had worked for First Citizens Bank, Parnell-Martin Co. and McClancy Seasoning.
She was a long-time member of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Carmel Country Club and the 18 holer's at the club. Dixie had a passion for both her golf game and playing bridge.
Mrs. Wilkerson is survived by her sons, Reid Wilkerson and wife, Mary Ellen, of Charlotte and their sons, Forrest Wilkerson, IV and David Wilkerson, Mac Wilkerson of Oak Island, NC and his daughter, Mary Wilkerson; step children Bobbie and Joey Beattie; sister-in-law Edna McLemore; and several nieces and nephews.

Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. on Wednesday April 29, 2009 at Carmel Presbyterian Church, 2048 Carmel Road, Charlotte, with the Reverend Dr. Anne Hilborn officiating. Interment will follow at Sharon Memorial Park. The family will receive friends from 6 until 8 p.m. on Tuesday evening at Harry & Bryant Company, 500 Providence Rd., Charlotte.
Memorial contributions may be made to Carmel Presbyterian Church, or to the Alzheimer's Association.
Harry & Bryant Company is serving the family.

(Courtesy of Jim Black, April 2012)
15696 I29278               
15697 I239  McLemore  Donald Earl  26 Jan 1940  7 Sep 2016  The following is excerpted from a cover story in "Services: The Magazine for the Building Service Contracting Industry" Volume XIV, Number 1, January 1999.

PROFILE: BSCAI's New President Donald McLemore, CBSE McLemore Building Maintenance, Inc.

Donald McLemore, CBSE, heads a major Southwest building service company. This year, he will lead the Building Service Contractors Association International. In this interview, McLemore describes his company, his philosophy, and his vision for BSCAI and the industry.

How did McLemore Building Maintenance get started? I first arrived in Houston in 1964 with $35 in my pocket and no automobile. After several types of jobs, sometimes three at the same time, I settled down to the pick up and delivery of laundry and dry cleaning for almost five years. However, I had been raised in an entrepreneurial family, and was continually looking around for something I could do on my own. We looked at a washeteria, a fast food restaurant, a bar, a laundry, and a fishing marina. I told Torah Lee---I got married in 1966--that I could be the fishing guide and she could run the store and take care of the bait. She didn't seem to like that idea or the one about owning a bar. She said I would drink up all the profits. Early one morning I was picking up Dr. Walker's office laundry, and he was complaining about his cleaning service. I told him that I could do what he needed done if he would let me try. He gave me the job and a week later I had bought several other small accounts from another contractor. That was September 1, 1970. The first month's total billing was $513.50 but we did all the work so it was a pretty good profit. Married, two very young children, a brand new home, and on July 3, 1971, I gave up the laundry business and went into the janitorial industry full time. It was one of the hardest decisions I ever had to make but one that I have never regretted.

MBM is a family-owned and run business. What roles or positions do your family members fill? Torah Lea retired after 26 years in January 1997 but still comes in whenever we are short-handed. Keith, our oldest son, started sweeping floors in our warehouse 12 years ago, and has been the Houston Operations Manager for the past five years. Curtis, our youngest son, came on board five years ago in Special Services and is Director of Marketing and Sales today. Stephanie, Curtis's wife, is the MBM Office Manager. Evita, Keith's new wife, started as an assistant to the Human Resources Manager. Then there is Nina, my sister. She is the Executive Secretary and has been with us for 13 years. Of course, there are many others who are just like my kids whom have been here for years.....Last year's BOMA Building of the Year in Houston was cleaned by MBM for Trammel Crow. We clean and cut the yards on several hundred phone company buildings in three states. A chemical plant that is spread out over six thousand acres with 124 buildings...


Graveside services for Donald McLemore, 76 of North Zulch, Texas, will be held at 10:45 A.M., Monday, September 12, 2016 at the Houston National Cemetery in Houston, Texas. A visitation will take place from 6 P.M. to 8 P.M., Friday, September 9th at the Madisonville Funeral Home in Madisonville, Texas. Immediately following the services on Monday, a reception will be held at 110 Fargo, Houston, Texas 77006.

Donald Earl McLemore was born on January 26, 1940 in San Augustine, Texas to Vessie Earl & Velta (Rawson) McLemore. He was the owner of McLemore Building Maintenance, Inc. from 1970 to 2003 and a past president of Building Service Contractors Association International (BSCAI). Although Donald was retired, he continued raising cattle and working on his ranch, the Lazy M Ranch, which looked very much like a state park because of its pristine condition. Donald loved nature and feeding the deer and squirrels that made their home on the ranch. He also enjoyed spending time with his grandson and granddaughter. They each had their very own lake to fish in when they came to visit. Donald had lived in North Zulch for the past fifteen years, coming from The Woodlands, and he was a member of the Bethlehem Lutheran Church.

Donald passed away on September 7, 2016 at his home in North Zulch, Texas. He was preceded in death by both of his parents; brother, Edward Bruce McLemore; sister, Wanda Kay McLemore and daughter-in-law, Elvira McLemore. Surviving family members include wife, Torah Lea McLemore of North Zulch; sons, Keith Alan McLemore of The Woodlands and Curtis Eugene (Stephanie) McLemore of The Woodlands; sister, Nina Weimmer of Spring and grandchildren, Jake Ryan McLemore and Sarah Corinne McLemore.

Madisonville Funeral Home in Madisonville, Texas is in charge of all arrangements.

Copied from 
15698 I8931               
15699 I26540  McLemore  Donelson Walker  10 Jan 1868  26 Jun 1917  (Research):Census Information:

1910 Federal Census
Tennessee, Shelby County, 19 Ward Memphis City
Enumerated 19 Apr 1910
SD 19, ED 239, Sheet 7B
N. Somervilles Street
McLemore, Donelson Hd M W 42 M 16 Tn Tn Al Warehouseman
McLemore, Lena P Wf F W 32 M16 1/1 Tn Tn Tn
McLemore, Donelson Jr Son M W 1 7/12 S Tn Tn Tn 
15700 I8887  McLemore  Donia Dell  12 Jun 1940  25 Feb 1994  Hobbies: Professional Organizations, "Everything!". Nan Kittell writes that she later "married Bill Sparks. Resumed McLemore as her legal name."  STR06 

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