Shown as born in Tennessee on the 1850 census, but Mississippi in 1880.
She is listed on the Mississippi, State and Territorial census for 1853, in Copiah county, as the head of a household consisting of 5 males and 5 females. Roll v229_1, Line 42.
Name Ara Anna Mcdaniel
Event Type Death
Event Date 10 Aug 1976
Event Place Tyler, Smith, Texas, United States
Gender Female
Marital Status Widowed
Birth Date 18 Aug 1903
Birthplace , Texas
Father's Name Tom Mclemore
Mother's Name (first name unavailable) Clark
Informant B H McDaniel (son)
Certificate Number 63304
GS Film number 2243977
Digital Folder Number 005165870
Image Number 00722
Citing this Record:
"Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 01 Apr 2014), Ara Anna Mcdaniel, 10 Aug 1976; citing certificate number 63304, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2243977.
James L. McLemore, III author of THE EARLY HISTORY OF THE McLEMORE FAMILY OF VIRGINIA AND THE CAROLINAS, notes on the diagram titled "Family Tree of James Macklemore" that Archibald was the progenitor of the Sampson County, N.C. family. James puts his date of birth as circa 1760-1762. has an Index only record showing that Archibald McLemore State NC County Duplin County was on an Early Tax List in 1783, and also on a Sampson County Early Tax List in 1784
Source: North Carolina, Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1790-1890 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 1999.
The following was excerpted from "The Heritage of Sampson County, North Carolina" Oscar Bizell, Editor c. 1983
"Archibald McLemore-rec'd land grant in 1779 in Duplin Co for 100 acres on the east side of the Great Cohera. Purchased adjacent land.
First Sampson County Tax List Sept 1784 Arch'd McLemore 100 acres-1 Free Polls-0 Black Polls Drew McLemore 0 acres-1 Free Polls-O Black Polls Drew McLemore Jr. 0 acres-1 Free Polls-O Black Polls West McLemore 0 acres-1 Free Polls-O Black Polls William McLemore 0 acres-1 Free Polls-O Black Polls
1784 Sampson County, NC Court Order 22 Jun 1784 Public Work Archilus [Archibald] McLEMORE, Drury McLEMORE plus others to clear Little Coharie... (Courtesy of Robert McLemore Butler)
1787 Sampson County, NC Court Order Public Work 14 May 1787 River clearing duty Drewry McLEMORE Archibald McLEMORE plus others (Courtesy of Robert McLemore Butler)
1803 Sampson County NC Court Order 7 Feb 1803 Jury duty to lay off dowry lands Archibald McLEMORE plus others (Courtesy of Robert McLemore Butler)
Beginning in 1804, Archibald gave his land to his sons: to Hezekiah in 1804 he gave 100 acres; to Henry in 1810 he gave 150 acres; to Tobias in 1810 he gave 300 (sic) acres; and to Raiford in 1812 he gave his remaining land & Dwelling. Raiford b bet 1785-1790. Raiford had a son named Hezekiah born ca 1827"
These transfers are on file with the Sampson County Clerk, P.O. Box 256, Clinton, NC 28328. Abstractions from the four deeds transferring land from Archibald to his sons are included with the notes for each son.
Other land transactions involving Archibald McLemore are abstracted below. These deeds were located with the use of an index of Sampson County McLemore Deeds prepared by the Rev. William McLemore. It is not known if the index was exhaustive.
Sampson County Deeds Book 7, pages 128-129 Abstract of Deed from Archabald McLEMORE to John WRIGHT State of North Carolina, Duplin County
This indenture made the twenty fourth day of March in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty 1780 between Archabald McLEMORE and John WRIGHT of the County and province aforesaid...Archabald McLEMORE for and in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred pounds paid by John WRIGHT do the said John WRIGHT a survey of land containing One Hundred Acres of land on the north side of Great Coheary on both sides of the Cannady branch.... In witness whereof I the said Archabald McLEMORE have herewith set my hand and seal affixed the day and year first above written Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us Fleet COOPER and Drury McLEMORE, Arch'd McLEMORE State of North Carolina, Duplin County October Court One Thousand seven Hundred an Eighty...proved in Open Court by the Oath of Fleet Cooper...William DECKLAN C.C.
(Abstracted from the original by Melinda McLemore Strong 26 May 2005)
Sampson County Deed Book Book 9, Page 195 Abstract of Deed
Archabald McLAMORE to Nathan PETERSON
Archabald McLemore, County of Sampson, State of North Carolina for consideration of 100 pounds?(received from) Nathan PETERSON of the County and State aforesaid? convey?one certain tract?.of land ?lying and being in the County of Sampson and on the West side of the great Cohary creek?containing by estimate thirty two acres of land?more of less being a part of a tract of land of Two Hundred acres of land granted by patent to Cade WEATHERSBEE ?date the 25 day of November 1761?also one other tract of land?in Sampson in the fork of the great Cohary and Little Cohary ?containing in the Whole One Hundred acres of land which was granted unto Archabald McLAMORE ?.8 day of October 1787?.
In witness whereof I the said Archabald McLAMORE have ?set my hand?.this 10th day of January 1793?.Signed?in the presence of Moses? PETERSON and Thomas SEALE (?) Sampson County February Court 1793 Hardy HOLMES Clk
Registered in the County aforesaid 21st May 1793 O. HOLMES Regt
(Abstracted from the original by Melinda McLemore Strong 6 July 2005)
Sampson County Deed Book Book 11, Page 424 Abstract of Deed
Archabald McLAMORE to Nathan PETERSON
Archabald McLEMORE, State of North Carolina, County of Sampson, for consideration of 15 pounds Current money?(received from) Nathan PETERSON of the State and County aforesaid? convey?one tract?.of land ?lying and being in the County of Sampson and on the West side of the great Cohara and the Est. side of the Marsh Branch?beginning at ?.Thomas PAGES Corner?East along PAGES line and?.then South West along Archabald McLAMORES line?.on the Marsh branch?Byins BAYKINS line?.containing by estimation Eighty Two acres of land be the same more or less the aforesaid land was granted to Jesse PEACOCK by Patent bearing dated the 20th day of December 1791 and conveyed by Jesse PEACOCK to me Archabald McLAMORE by deed of law and being dated the 9th day of January 1793.
In witness whereof I the said Archabald McLAMORE have ?set my hand?.5th day of May 1801?.Signed?in the presence of Willis MAGEE and Hezekiah McLAMORE State of North Carolina, Sampson County May Term 1801?. proved on the Oath of Willis MAGEE Hardy HOLMES Clk
Registered the 11th day of June A.D. 1801 O HOLMES Regt
(Abstracted from the original by Melinda McLemore Strong 6 July 2005)
1801 Sampson County NC Court Order Public work 10 Aug 1801 Little Coharie Ezekiah McLEMORE and Archibald McLEMORE plus others work on river (Courtesy of Robert McLemore Butler)
1807 Sampson County NC Court Order Deed 13 May 1807 James ROBINSON to Archibald McLEMORE 400 acres proved by Hezekiah McLEMORE
1812 Sampson County NC Will 17 Nov 1812 Wm. ROBINSON Esquire produced to this court the last will and testament of Alice ROBINSON Dec'd which was admitted to probate by the oath of Archibald McLEMORE (Courtesy of Robert McLemore Butler)
1815 Sampson County NC Deed 22 Feb 1815 Larry FREEMAN to Archibald McLEMORE for 100 acres proved by Ebnezer Bass (Courtesy of Robert McLemore Butler)
1820 Sampson County Census Robinson's 280 McLemore Archibald 10 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 (Male under 10, Male over 45, female 20 to 45)
1862-Duplin County, NC #1862 Archibald McLEMORE 100 acres, grant #133, issued 1 Jul 1779, entry #36, entered May 11, 1778 book #32 pg 133, on west side of Great Cohara
A photo of a double tombstone for Archibald and Sarah Plumlee can be seen on FindAGrave, in the Click Cemetery, Madisonville, Monroe, Tennessee. However, it appears to be a comtemporary marker, probably placed sometime well after their deaths. Additionally, the dates of birth and death, at least for Archibald, are not correct. A photo of this marker can be seen here:
The dates on this headstone for Archibald are listed as 1767-1829.
1767 is the approximate date of birth of another Archibald McLemore, the progenitor of the Sampson/Duplin line, and not the Archibald McLemore that lived in Knox County, Tennessee. A biography of a A. J. McLemore, a son of Archibald McLemore of Knox County, states that his father Archibald was born "on March 11, 1787."
Additionally, it appears that Archibald was alive in 1829, most likely dying in the mid 1830's.
Tom Heseltine, who is descended from Archibald McLEMORE and Sarah PLUMLEY of Knox Co emailed, in June, 2009 that "Most available information, including the 1917 Dade Co MO book, the 1889 Goodspeed book, and the obituary of Archibald McLEMORE jr., all state that Archibald McLEMORE and wife Sarah PLUMLEY died ca 1824/1825. This is curious since their son Wesley was born 1827 and the youngest son Andrew Jackson was born 1828. And, the 1830 Knox Co TN census lists one Archibald McLEMORE with the correct number of young sons and a female the correct age to be his wife. I strongly suspect that the family story about their deaths has been miscalculated by at least 5 years and, most probably, 10 years."
Eddie Maynard agrees with Tom, but has a more specific estimate of the date of death, putting it about 1832: "If you combine the two Bios for his sons Andrew Jackson and for Archibald Jr, it sort of make sense for Archibald Sr's death date. Since Andrew knew his father's birth date, he must have had a Bible or source to have known the complete date....very often people would just say the year or he was about 45 when he died. BUT, since Andrew knew the complete date, I think he really did know. Next, I do think that Archibald Jr knew the age of his father's death of 45. So, if you take the date of 1787 and add 45...Archibald Sr died in 1832...which does make more sense. Archibald Jr says his father died in 1825 which we know had to be wrong since Andrew was born in 1829 and Archibald is on the 1830 Monroe County, TN census. Also, Archibald Jr says that he went to live with his brother Abram as a young man and in 1827 was part of the "posse" to gather the Cherokee for the Trail of couldn't be 1827, it was 1837-38. Now, if Archibald J r(B.1817) is a young man when he went to live with his brother...he would have been - 20 at that time he went on the "posse". If his father died in 1832, Archibald Jr would have been only 15 and probably did live with his brother Abram. Archibald Sr couldn't have lived much later than 1832 because then Archibald Jr would have been an adult and probably wouldn't have needed to live with his brother since the children inherited land in Monroe."
1830; Census Place: Regiment 98, Monroe, Tennessee; Series: M19; Roll: 175; Page: 121; Family History Library Film: 0024533
Head of Household Archibald McLamore
Free White Males
Under 5: Two
5-9: Two
10-14: Two
15-19: Two
20-29: One
40-49: One
Free White Females
Under 5
5-9: One
Free Whites Under 20: Nine
Frees White 20-49: Three
Total Free Whites: Twelve
Total ALL Persons: Twelve
This is a biography is transcribed from "HISTORY OF HICKORY, POLK, CEDAR, DADE AND BARTON COUNTIES, MISSOURI, 1889"; Published by Goodspeed, and can be found at the following website:
Archibald McLemore, farmer, and an old citizen of Center Township, five miles northeast of Greenfield, is a native of Knox County, Tenn., having been born in 1817. His father was Archibald McLemore, of North Carolina, who went to Knox County, Tenn., when a young man, where he married Sarah Plumley. In 1820 they removed to Monroe County, where he died in 1825, at about at he age of forty-five, his wife dying in 1824. She was the mother of eleven children, the subject of this sketch being the seventh, who, after his parents' death, lived with his brother, Abram, working for him until he was nearly grown. In 1827 he assisted the governor to remove the Cherokees to their reservation in Indian Territory. September 15, 1842, he married Miss Mollie Brown, who was born in South Carolina, in 1817, the daughter of Robert and Jennie (Dennis) Brown, who moved to Monroe County, Tenn., about 1820. In 1842 Mr. McLemore came to Dade County, Mo., and settled two miles from Greenville, on the farm which is now owned by John Higgin. He remained two years, when, owing to ill health, he returned to Tennessee, and, in 1849, again came to Dade County, settling on the farm which he now owns, comprising about 265 acres. Their family consisted of six children: Mary, who died in 1886, aged forty-three; Robert, a merchant at Everton; Sarah Ann, wife of James McConnell; William, merchant at Everton; Paulina, wife of George Wilson, merchant at Everton. Mr. McLemore is a highly respected citizen; in politics he is a Republican, casting his first vote for Van Buren in 1840, being a Democrat before the war. He and his wife belong to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
Obituary of Archibald McLemore from the Greenfield Vadette 5 FEB 1905.
Archibald McLemore
"Born in 1817, Mr. McLemore died at the home of his son Wm. Y. McLemore in this city Sunday, Jan. 29th, 1905, in the 88th year of his age.
Mr. McLemore was born in Knox County, Tennessee, in 1817. His Father, Archibald, a native of North Carolina, died in 1825. His Mother, a native of South Carolina, whose maiden name was Plumley, died in 1824, so that the death of his Father left him an orphan at the age of eight years. Until fifteen years of age, he lived with an older brother, when he and another brother walked 300 miles to the gold mines of Northern Georgia, and began life for themselves. He remained but a short time, going thence to Tennessee, where he engaged in farming until 1837, when at the age of 17, he enlisted in the Tennessee Militia, and was engaged with the troops in the removal of the Cherokee Indians to their reservation in the territory.
In 1842, he was married to Mollie Brown, born in South Carolina in 1817. Sometime after their marriage, they decided to settle in Southwest Missouri. He had a large wagon constructed and came through the swamps of Southeast Missouri, an over Ozarks to Springfield. They subsisted principally on game killed by Mr. McLemore while en route. They stopped near Springfield, which was then but a small settlement, but a short time. Being unsatisfied with the conditions there, they pushed on through the wilderness, stopping near Hoyt's Mill, on Turnback, even two and one-half miles East of Greenfield, in 1842. Here, he began the construction of a cabin, and the preparation of a tract of land for farming, but because of sickness of himself and his wife, which lasted a year, they moved to the mountain districts of East Tennessee.
In 1849 he returned to Missouri and located on the Sac River, about five miles Northeast of Greenfield. By unremitting toil, he made enough rails to enclose his tract of land, entered it for a homestead, and has since resided there, except during the brief period recently in which he made his home with his son, Wm. Y. McLemore, our County Recorder, in this city.
The funeral discourse was preached by Rev. J. E. Johnston, local pastor at the C. P. Church Monday afternoon, from where the burial took place.
Another good man and good citizen has gone to his reward.
He was a consistent Christian gentleman, blessed with as many friends as usually fall to the lot of any man. Cursed with as few enemies as any man of conviction could be. What a pity the world is not full of such."
1850 Federal Census
Missouri, Dade County, ED 25
Enumerated 23 Sept 1850 by James J. Tuck
Arch McLemore 30 M Farmer TN
Mary McLemore 31 F SC
Mary McLemore 5 F Mo
Robert McLemore 4 M TN
Sarah McLemore 1 F TN
1860 Census
Missouri, Dade County, Center Twp, Post Office Greenfield
Enumerated 12 July 1860
Page 79
Archibald McLemore 43 M $2000 $1000 Tn
Mary McLemore 43 F S. Carolina
Mary McLemore 16 F Mo
Robert F. McLemore 13 M Tn
Ann McLemore 11 F Tn
William McLemore 8 M Tn
Pahlina F McLemore 5 F Mo
Jasper McLemore 3 M Mo
At the time of the 1930 census, he was a lodger in a boarding home in Oklahoma City, listed as Arthur C. McLemore, Male, White, 18, Single, born Ala, parents born Miss and Ala, and occupation: Laborer, Odd Jobs. Year: 1930; Census Place: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma; Roll: 1920; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 0117; Image: 730.0; FHL microfilm: 2341654
Obituary, copied from his FindAGrave memorial page, created by MillieBelle:
One of 13 children born to John and Dena McLemore, my grandparents. In the 30's he and Mae moved to Alvin, Texas, a bustling oilfield town on the Gulf Coast south of Houston. He opened a variety store there and A.C. and Mae would keep the store open all hours so the oilfield workers would stop for coffee and to buy something. He and Mae built a business that had stores in several towns of S.E. Texas and employed mostly family members as store managers. A.C. had a head for business and saw the coming of Gibson's and what was to be WalMart so he sold to Wacker's in the mid-60s and retired to build a catfish farm at Albion, Oklahoma on the Kiamichi River. He died from an instantly fatal heart attack there in the cabin with Mae. John Edward McLemore of Talihina, Oklahoma was the only child and he is the namesake of his Grandfather.
(From Contributor #48336476)
1920 Census
Oklahoma, Kingfisher County, Park Twp
Enumerated 13 Feb 1920
SD 6 ED 239 Sheet 3B
Tamm, August W Head M W 57 m 1877 Na 1892 Schnerdemuehl Germ X 3 Farmer
Tamm, Elenora B. Wf F W 52 M Ill Ind Miss
Nelson, Arttie Mother-in-law F W 81 Wd Miss NC NC
Cokendoffer, Louis T Adopted Son M W 8 S Ok US US
His Texas Death Certificate listed his usual occupation as "Glass Company, Glass." Parents were shown as Ody Lee McLemore and Sallie A. Davenport, and it showed, in error, that he was born in Alabama. He was shown as married, and the informant was his wife, Aster McLemore. He was shown as never serving in the Armed Forces.
When he registered for the draft during World War I, he was listed as single, and working in Pooleville, Oklahoma. DOB was 18 Nov 1894 in Wills Point. He was of medium heighth and build, with brown eyes and dark red hair. When he again registered for the World War II draft, his full name was shown as Aryel Alvie McLemore, and his residence was 353 No. Mirage Ave, Lindsay, Tulare, California. His date and location of birth was 18 Nov 1893, Wills Point, Texas. When asked for the name and address of a person who would always know his address, his answer was "none." Employer was shown as Ray Shivers of Lindsay, California.
San Augustine Tribune-Thursday, April 1, 1999, page 9
Broaddus Junior High Cheerleaders
These will be the Broaddus Junior High Cheerleaders for the upcoming 1999-2000 school year: Gena Sadler, Maria Collins, Mandie McLemore, Casi Sharp, Ashley McLemore, Alysia Williams, Kady Tarver, Kassi Holloway, Jessica Bennefield, and LaDonna Sowell. Anna Sharp is the sponsor for the Junior High Cheerleading squad.
Ashley Nicole McLemore
Carroway Funeral Home
Funeral services for Ashley Nicole McLemore, 29, of Lufkin, will be held Wednesday, January 15, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. in the Carroway Funeral Home Chapel with Reverend Paul Mettlen and Dr. Charles L. Williams officiating. Interment will follow in Attoyac Cemetery.
Ashley was born September 10, 1984 in Nacogdoches, Texas, and died Sunday, January 12, 2014 in a Lufkin hospital from injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident.
Ashley was a supervisor with McLemore Sandblasting and had lived in Lufkin most of her life. She loved spending time with her son, Brody. Ashley was a member of the First Apostolic Church of Burke.
Ashley is survived by her son, Brody Lynn Barker of Lufkin; mother, Becky Trinkle of Broaddus; father, Charles McLemore of Lufkin; sister, Amanda Lynn McLemore of Broaddus; nephew, Caysin Hamilton; brothers, Colton Paramore and Logan Paramore, both of Lufkin; uncles and aunts, Robert and Frances Scarber, Quita and Mike Smith, Elaine Vandiver, all of Broaddus, Necy and Mike Spittler of Anacoco, Louisiana, Kenneth Parker of Broaddus, Linda Michaelsky of Texas City, Steve Nash of Marble Falls, David Nash of Texas City, Misty and Bobby Williams of Broaddus, John and Cheryl Taylor of Murphy, North Carolina, and Bill Taylor of Carrollton; as well as numerous cousins and other relatives.
She was preceded in death by her maternal grandparents, Laura B. Sublette and Clyde E. Trinkle; paternal grandparents, Lynn McLemore and June Yates; and uncles, Eddie Joe Parker and Gene Taylor.
Pallbearers will be Matthew Williams, Colten Williams, Robert Scarber, Chad Parker, Mike Spittler and Daniel Payne.
Memorial contributions may be made to the First Apostolic Church of Burke, 158 FM 2108, Diboll, Texas 75941.
The family will receive friends from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Tuesday evening at the funeral home.
Memories and condolences may be added at
Carroway Funeral Home, Lufkin, directors
Also published in the Sabine County Reporter, January 22, 2014, Page 13
Info below provided by sources cited, as well as from James L. McLemore III, Mark Freeman, C.L. Hammond and other descendants. Primary sources should be examined to verify.
Bought 320 acres on Lyons Creek, on Roanoke River, from William EATON, by deed dated March 16, 1749/1750, and recorded in the August term of court, 1750 (Northhampton Deed Book 1, p. 443). Later sold this on Edward ROBERTSON on October 24, 1753 with deed recorded November Term, 1753. (Northhampton Deed Book 2, p 130).
Sold 100 acres of his inheritance from his father to his brother Young by deed (witnessed by his cousin James Macklemore, Jr.) dated May 7, 1753 and recorded the May Term, 1753 (Northampton Deed Book 2, p 115).
Sold, along with his brother Young, 100 additional acres to Edward ROBERTSON of Brunswick County, Virginia, who had previously bought land from Atkins.
Bought 610 acres of land on the east side of Lee's Branch in Granville County, North Carolina in 1754. Also joined the Granville County Militia, commanded by Col William EATON (from whom he had bought land) and served in the company commanded by Capt. Sugar JONES. Atkins served as executor of Sugar JONES estate in 1761, and in 1765 he married Sarah JONES, his captain's daughter.
Bought 685 acres in Granville adjoining Linches Creek, Joseph BRANTLEY and Samuel WILLIAMS.
In 1769, BUTE COUNTY cut from Granville, and at least some of Atkins holdings fell within Bute, as he was listed as a gentleman and planter when he signed the Bute County Oath of Allegience on July 8, 1775. In 1779, WARREN County was split off from Bute and Atkin's is found there, acquiring another 18 1/2 acres on Lee's Branch.
1790 Federal Census Warren County, NC Halifax District Atkins McLemore 1 male +16, 3 females, 16 slaves
He died in Warren County in May, 1791, and his will, dated 15 September 1788, named his wife Sarah as executrix and left bequests to children Martha, Abigail, Young, Abraham, Robert, Atkins Jr, Sarah Jane and Priscilla. He devised land on Lynch's Creek in Warren and Franklin Counties, North Carolina. Also named were his brother, Young, and his son-in-law Nathaniel CHRISTMAS (Abigail's husband), and William CHRISTMAS. (James L. McLemore, III, pp 44, 45).
The History of Carroll County, Tennessee, p. 257 notes that "in 4-1776 Atkins was appointed by the Provincial Congress of NC to "receive, procure and purchase fire arms for the use of troops" in preparation for the Revolutionary War. He served in the NC State House of Commons 1778-1779, and was one of six commissioners appointed in 1779 by the NC General Assembly "to lay off and establish a town in Warren Co., NC for the setting the Court House of said County."
Robert McLemore Butler provided this extract from "North Carolina Revolutionary Soldiers, Sailors, and Patriots & Descendants" Vol II
Akins McLemore, Sr. (R-PAT-NC) c 1735 - W/P 1791 (will probated) M. Sarah ? (very possible last name was Young) Children: Abraham, Young, Robert, Akins, Sarah
Martha Hunt, in October 2914, shared the following additional details about the family of Atkins and Sarah McLemore:
The family came from Granville, Warren and Franklin Counties in N.C. They moved to Tennessee in the early 1800's after Tennessee was cut off from N.C. and became a state. Atkins McLemore, Sr. had a large blacksmith's shop in Franklin County, NC, a foundry, where he was paid to make guns and ammunition during the Revolutionary War. He died in Warren County, NC around 1792. His will distributes slaves to his children.
Some of Atkin McLemore's children, especially my 4th great grandfather - Abraham McLemore, moved their households to Tennessee. Following is a list from the will of Atkins McLemore.
Daughter, Martha Nicholson received 2 Negroes - Linda, Joe.
Daughter Abigail Christmas received 2 Negroes - Ollie and Plum. (In 1789 Abigail was married to William Christmas. Later on she married his brother).
Son, Young McLemore received 3 Negroes - Isham, Bott and young Butler.
Son, Nathaniel McLemore received 2 Negroes - Kigh and Dinah.
Son, Abraham received 4 Negroes - Frank, Sarah, Hannah and Judey.
Son, Robert McLemore received 2 Negroes - Essia and Cherry. (Might be Isaiah and Cherry)
Son, Atkins McLemore received 3 Negroes - Stephen, Milley and Hunneyball.
Daughter, Sarah Jones McLemore, 3 Negroes - Poll, Hardy and Green.
Daughter, Priscilla McLemore received 3 Negroes - Winney, Tom and Mingo.
To his wife Sarah, the following Negroes - Butler, Jim, George, Peter, Scot, Sal, Lydde, Sue, Aggy, and Vina.
Abraham, Abigail, Young and Robert Mclemore moved to TN. Abraham lived in Gibson Co.,TN. His sons Sugars and Young Atkins moved to Tennessee also. They purchased slaves, And the women who they married had slaves.
Mark Freeman has the following information posted on his website relating to Atkins Jefferson McLemore:
Williamson County Court Records have numerous entries for land and property transactions for A.J. McLemore. Misc. records Williamson county vol.4: 14 Nov 1823 "Atkins J. McLemore sells to William Dabney for the sum of $1000 a tract of land on the waters of West Harpeth . . ." One dated 1 Jan 1847 reads: "Rec'd of A.J. McLemore three hundred and seventy five dollars in full payment for a certain negro girl name Louisa, said negro we warrant sound body and mind, slave for life, and the right and title of said negro we warrant and defend against the lawful claims of all others this 23rd Dec 1846"
Misc records Williamson county vol 5: "Jesse Taylor, planter, charged with cutting Atkins McLemore, blacksmith, across the abdomen with intent to kill" 17 May 1823
From "Tennessee Tidbits 1778 - 1914, Vol. I" page 256 "McLemore - 14 July 1828 a report was made by Atkins J. McLemore as guardian of John D. McLemore, Polly M. McLemore, Robt. W. McLemore, and Peggy S. McLemore, minor orphans. (Wll TN, Co Ct Min, 10/55)" These would be his half brothers and sisters from his father Robert's marriage to Margaret S. Dabney.
From "The Maury Genealogist" by Jill K. Garrett May 1972 page 57 "State vs J.W. Cheairs, merchant, William Beauford, yeoman, Adkins J. McLemore, yeoman, Anderson McLemore, yeoman, Henry P. Pointer, yeoman, Thomas Pointer, yeoman, riot route and unlawful assembly true bill. On 5 June 1845 in Spring Hill they assaulted Robert C. Giddins". Will on file in Williamson County Will Book 9 page 303 dated Aug 1849.
McLEMORE, Atkins Jefferson, a Representative from Texas; born on a farm near Spring Hill, Maury County, Tenn., March 13, 1857; educated in the rural schools and by private tutors; moved to Texas in 1878; employed as a cowboy, printer, and newspaper reporter, and later as a miner in Colorado and Mexico; returned to Texas and settled in San Antonio and engaged principally in newspaper work; moved to Corpus Christi, Tex., in 1889, to Austin in 1895, and to Houston in 1911, where he engaged in the newspaper publishing business; member of the Texas house of representatives of 1892-1896; member of the board of aldermen of Austin, Tex., 1896-1898; secretary of the Democratic State executive committee 1900-1904; elected as a Democrat to the Sixty-fourth and Sixty-fifth Congresses (March 4, 1915-March 3, 1919); was an unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1918 to the Sixty-sixth Congress; resumed the newspaper publishing business in Hebronville, Jim Hogg County, Tex., and resided in Laredo, Tex.; was an unsuccessful candidate for election to the United States Senate in 1928; died in Laredo, Tex., March 4, 1929; interment in Oakwood Cemetery, Austin, Tex.
McDonald, Timothy G. "The Gore-McLemore Resolutions: Democratic Revolt Against Wilson's Submarine Policy." Historian 26 (November 1963): 50-74.
Source: Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1771-Present
Kerrville Times
Thursday, March 7, 1929
(Courtesy of Melba Gene McLemore)
Jeff McLemore, Pioneer Newspaperman, Is Dead
Jeff McLemore, 71, native of Spring Hill, Tenn., who came to Texas in 1878, was one of the pioneer newspaperman of this state, and a politician of note, died in his quarters in the Robert E. Lee Hotel in Laredo Monday morning following a six-day illness from pneumonia. His wife and daughter and a number of friends were at his bedside.
The 1930 Webb County, Texas census lists a widowed Mary W. McLemore (indexed as Mclemone), born 1886, Female, White, born in England, and working as a Journalist in Laredo. She was a naturalized citizen, and immigrated from England in 1886. She was a lodger in the Robert E. Lee hotel on San Bernardo, Avenue in Laredo.
Name Jeff Mc Lemore
Event Type Death
Event Date 04 Mar 1929
Event Place Laredo, Webb, Texas, United States
Gender Male
Marital Status Married
Birth Date 13 Mar 1858
Birthplace Springhill, Texas
Father's Name Robt Anderson Mc Lemore
Mother's Name Mary Hargood Mc Ewen
Certificate Number 18585
GS Film number 2114764
Digital Folder Number 005145255
Image Number 02680
Citing this Record:
"Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 19 Oct 2014), Jeff Mc Lemore, 04 Mar 1929; citing certificate number 18585, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2114764.
1880 Census
Colorado, Gunnison County, Ruby City
Enumerated 19 Jun 1880
Page 19 SD --- ED 57 Stamped 167
Anderson, Hilder W M 31 Widowed Saloon Keeper Sweden Sweden Sweden
McLemore, Jeff W M 23 Bookkeeper Tenn Tenn Tenn
(plus seven other single men, apparently all boarding in the saloon/home together)
1900 Census
Texas, Travis County Precint 3, Austin City
Enumerated 5 Jun 1900
SD 10 ED 98 Sheet 6A Ward 10 Page Stamped 184
Congress Ave
McLemore, Jeff Head W M Marc 1857 43 S Tenn Tenn Tenn Painting Co
Zimpperman, Walter BoarderW M Jan 1874 26 S Germany Germany Germany 1898 2 Na Bookkeeper/Bank
1910 Census
Texas, Nueces County, JP 1, Corpus Christi
Enumerated 22 Apr 1910
SD 15 ED 98 Sheet 5B
Jenkins, Emory E Head M W 54 S Ind Ky Mass Capitalist
McLemore, Jeff Lodger M W 50 S Tenn Tenn Tenn Editor Paper
Otis, Arlington B Lodger M W 22 S Ind Ind Ohio Journalist Newspaper
At the time of the 1930 Federal Census, an Atlas & Edna McLemore (ages 26 and 23) were boarding in the home of Walter HOBBS in the Duke Township of Harnett County, North Carolina. Atlas was listed as a weaver and Edna a spinner at a Cotton Mill.
His death certificate showed hims as Attas (sic) Marvin McLemore, born on 11 Aug 1903 to Haywood McLemore and Mary Ann Simmons. He was married, the informant on the certificate being his wife, Mrs. Edna Ivey McLemore. Occupation was listed as Merchant, Retail Grocery.
Aubrey is listed in the U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011, as having enlisted in the Army on 12 Jun 1943 and being released on 19 Feb 1946. The U.S. Veterans Gravesites index shows he was a "Cpl US Army World War II", and is buried at the Resthaven Cemetery in Louisville, KY.
Auburn (Mac) McLemore, 87, of Atlanta, GA, died December 11, 2009. The funeral service will be held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, December 13th, at Crowell Brothers Peachtree Chapel Funeral Home in Norcross. Burial will follow at North Atlanta Memorial Park in Doraville. The family will receive friends Sunday, from 12:30 until time of service at the funeral home. Mr. McLemore was a U.S. Army veteran who received the Purple Heart while serving in W.W. II. He retired from Lowe Engineers in Atlanta after 30 years of service and was a member of Chamblee United Methodist Church. Preceded in death by his wife, Dorothy Hames McLemore, he is survived by a son, Larry W. McLemore of Lawrenceville; three daughters, Denise M. Badore of Stone Mountain, Kaye M. Dempsey of Suwanee, and Lynne M. Shepherd of Grayson; four brothers, Herschel McLemore, Amon McLemore, Raymon McLemore, and Fred McLemore, all of Moulton, AL; two sisters, Lurlene Fuller of Decatur, AL and Murlene Sparks of Jasper, AL; 14 grandchildren; 24 great-grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be sent to: Embracing Hospice, 8013 Majors Road, Cumming, GA 30041, (678) 965-2360, in memory of Mr. McLemore. Online condolences may be expressed at . Arrangements by Crowell Brothers Peachtree Chapel Funeral Home, 5051 Peachtree Ind. Blvd., Norcross, GA 30092, (770) 448-5757.
Published in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Dec. 12, 2009, copied from
Obituary, as copied from her FindAGrave memorial page, created by MissPat:
Funeral for Audrey McLemore Rogers, 84, of Decatur at Westminster Presbyterian Church with the Rev. David Rollins officiating and Roselawn Funeral Home directing.
Burial in Roselawn Cemetery.
Mrs. Rogers, who died Saturday, Jan. 24, 2009, at her residence, under the care of Hospice of the Valley, was born May 1, 1924, to Walter "Thad" and Della McLemore.
She was a loving wife, mother and grandmother. She was a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church, The AGAPE Bible Study Group, and was a member of Mary Lou Dancy Chapter 320 Order of the Eastern Star State of Alabama.
She was preceded in death by her parents, and by siblings, Myrtle Dutton, Lucille Smith, Price McLemore, J.T. McLemore and Katie White.
Survivors include her husband of 62 ? years, Douglas Lee Rogers; two daughters, Elizabeth Dianne Rogers Stephenson and husband, Billy, of Decatur, and Phyllis Leigh Rogers Galen and husband, Clark, of Sarasota, Fla.; sister, Dorothy Elizabeth Parvin of Southgate, Mich.; grandchildren, Jeffrey Shane Stephenson and Chana Michele Stephenson; and great-grandchildren, Peyton Brooke Ste>phenson and Grant Coleman Stephenson.
Pallbearers: Billy Stephenson, Clark Galen, Shane Stephenson, John Ford, Phillip Watkins and Ray Dearman.
The Biography, below, was copied from her FindAGrave memorial page created by Jim Bohn:
She was born on November 13, 1911, in Washington, IN. Her parents were Albert and Jennie Mae (Herrin) McLemore.
She married Frank Black on September 17, 1933.
She was retired from employment with the Loogootee School Corporation as a cook. She was a member of the Loogootee Christian Church.
She died at 7:45 p.m. on April 13, 1998, at the Loogootee Nursing Home.
Survivors included two half-sisters, Betty Jerger, of Jasper, IN and Joyce Foregash, of Pennsylvania, and two half-brothers, Jim McLemore, of Pennsylvania, and Bill McLemore, of Ohio.
She was preceeded in death by a daughter, Lynn, who died in 1973, her husband, Frank, who died in 1977, and three half-sisters.
Obituary, copied from her FindAGrave memorial page created by Judy Murphy:
Graveside services for Barba Herring, age 73, of Rusk are scheduled for 10 a.m. Sat., Sept. 7, at Pleasant Grove Cemetery in Maydelle with Rev. Ken Sommerville officiating. Services are under the direction of Autry Funeral Home.
Mrs. Herring passed away Wed., Sept. 4, 2013 in Rusk.
Barba was born Oct. 3, 1939 in Rusk to Paul and Regina McLemore.
Mrs. Herring retired as a Licensed Vocational Nurse and a past matron of the order of the Eastern Star #79 in Rusk.
She is preceded in death by her husband, Elbert Lee Herring and son, Steven Michael Herring.
Survivors include her mother, Regina McLemore; son, Elbert Lee Herring Jr.; daughter, Paula Smith and husband Jerry; brother, Danny McLemore, all of Rusk; three grandchildren, Jerry Smith Jr., Jeffery Smith, and Jeannie Brooks.
Visitation will be from 5-7 p.m. Fri., Sept. 6, at Autry Funeral Home in Jacksonville.
A Baskerville McLemore was listed as an Omicron Deuteron Brother, Phi Sigma Kappa, Class of '30. He also was listed as a member of the class of 1931 at the University of Alabama, from Greenwood, Mississippi, majoring in Electrical Engineering.
New York Times (23 August 1941, p. 13)
"Vice-President of the Elm City Rubber company (dateline New Haven, CT) died of a heart attack in his office...Former University of Kentucky football player, later moved to the University of Alabama where he graduated."
1940 City Directory, New Haven, CT: B. Y. (Edna O.) Vice-President,
Elm City Rubber Co., 73 Wallace Street, home: 39 Mather Street.
1940 Census
Arkansas, Craighead County, Jonesboro
Enumerated April 3, 1940
SD 9 ED 16-22 Sheert 2B
W. Mathews St
McLemore, Vaskerville Head M W 33 M No College/ 4 Year Miss Res 1935 New Haven, CT Salesman, Machinery
McLemore, Edna Wf F W 32 M No College/4 Year Miss Res 1935 New Haven CT
McLemore, Bonnie F W 4 Miss SIngle
Name Belton Mclemore
Event Date 18 Jan 1926
Event Place Athens, Limestone, Alabama
Gender Male
Race (Original) W
Race White
Age (Original) 17y 3m
Birth Date (Original) 22 Oct 1908
Birthplace Limestone
Marital Status Single
Father's Name Wiley Mclemore
Father's Birthplace Ala
Mother's Name Mary Poteete
Mother's Birthplace Ala
Occupation At School
Residence Place
Burial Place Lebanon
Burial Date 19 Jan 1926
Funeral Home
Informant's Name
Informant's Name (Original) X
GS Film number 1908278
Reference ID cn 1468
Citing this Record:
"Alabama Deaths, 1908-1974," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 31 October 2015), Belton Mclemore, 18 Jan 1926; citing reference cn 1468, Department of Health, Montgomery; FHL microfilm 1,908,278.
Not listed on the 1910 or 1920 census with his parents or siblings. Did he die young? Could he have instead gone by the name Shannon, shown as born ca 1901 in later census enumerations?
Ben McLemore, age 86, of Cedar Hill, Texas, passed away September 16, 2014. He was born August 25, 1928 in Rose Hill, Virginia.
Ben was a vibrant man who adored his family. All his efforts were focused on the absolute success of his five elegant daughters who he was infatuated with on a daily basis. He was the ultimate role model for his 10 grandsons. His 6 granddaughters were amazed in his stature as a man of integrity.
His most impressive virtue was the love of his wife of 57 years. Ben dedicated his every thought and was driven to the ultimate quest of his dear wife's every desire. It was a wonderful love story played out in front of his family daily.
The only regret is 9 great-grandchildren will never understand as I do the contribution Ben made to the McLemore dynasty.
May his legacy live on!
Ben is survived by his wife Delfina; 5 daughters, Mary Sharp & husband Dr. Thomas Sharp, Delfina McLemore, Lois McLemore, Patricia Richardson & husband Gary D. Richardson, Theresa McLemore Everett; 16 grandchildren, Steven Cowsert & wife Halley, Kevin Cowsert & wife Sari, Kristi Cowsert, Mandi Hargrove & husband Kenneth, Michael Buckner, Joshua Brown, Marissa Brown, Robert Smith, Ashley McLemore-Simons & husband Collin, Jordan Goss, Gary D. Richardson II & wife Bayly, Lauren Richardson, Scott Everett & wife Jessica, Marc Everett, Jared Everett, & Ryan Everett; great-grandchildren, Colten, Arslan, Caden, Rayelle, Raley, Striker, Easton, Macklie, & Hudson.
A Mass of Christian Burial will be held 10:30 Saturday, September 20, 2014 at Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 1111 W. Danieldale in Duncanville.
Interment will follow at Holy Redeemer Cemetery in DeSoto.
Visitation with family and friends will be 6-8 pm Friday, September 19, with a Rosary beginning at 7:00 pm at Jaynes.
A Benjamin McLemore can be found in the "Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Kentucky," database, ( : n.d.); citing military unit Thirteenth Cavalry, He-Pa, NARA microfilm publication M319 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1961), roll 67. It is not known, however, if this is the same Benjamin McLemore.
1880 Census
Kentucky, Logan County, Schochoh
Enumerated 1 Jun 1880
Page 2 SD 2 ED 175
McLemore, Benjamin W M 45 Farmer Ky NC Ky
McLemore, Harriett W F 41 SIster Keeping house Ky NC Ky
McLemore, M. Jane W F 39 Sister Ky NC Ky
McLemore, Renie W F 37 Sister Ky NC Ky
McLemore, Virginia W F 14 Niece At School Mo Ky Ky
Hardin, James B M 19 Servant Farm Laborer Ky Ky Ky
1900 Census
Kentucky, Simpson Co, 4rth Magisterial District
Enumerated 22 Jun 1900
SD 3 ED 78 Sheet 15B
McLemor, Benjamin Head W M Apr 1831 69 S Ky NC Ky Farmer
McLemor, Harriet Sister W F Mar 1836 S Ky NC Ky
McLemore, Jane Sister W F Mar 1838 62 S Ky NC Ky
Gillispie, Corenia W F Aug 1840 53 Wd 0/0 Ky NC KY Farmer
Gillispie, Eddie Cousin W M Sept 1879 24 M 3 Ky Ky Ky
Gillispie, Maggie Cousin W F Dec 1879 20 M 3 0/0 Ky Ky KY
He fought in the Civil War and was the first of three successive generations of McLemore Clerks of (Circuit) Court. Most McLemores still living in or near the Southside (including the author) are descended from him.
He married Rosa Ann WESTBROOK, sister of his own sister Sarah Elizabeth's husband, James Edwin WESTBROOK.
(James L. McLemore, III, p. 81).
Rev. William P. McLemore, in a section on his website devoted to notable McLemore's (Website:, has the following biography:
Benjamin Franklin McLemore, was born May 3, 1839, the son of James and Martha M. (Barkley) McLemore of southwestern Southampton County. He was apparently one of at least six children born of this union. After completion of his studies, he probably farmed for a while, perhaps with his father, and apparently clerked in a store as well, until the spring of 1861 erupted into this nation's bloodiest conflict, the American Civil War. He survived the entire war with only two slight wounds, was apparently taken with other surrendered southern soldiers to Richmond where he took the amnesty oath on May 18, 1865, and was paroled. He walked home to Southampton County where, by the end of the year he felt secure enough about his future to marry, taking as his wife, Rosa Ann Westbrook, daughter of James David Westbrook and Nancy Lewis (Turner) Westbrook on December 20, 1865, at the bride's home in Drewryville. His wife Rosa, after giving birth to nine children of whom seven survived infancy and six survived to marry and have issue, died on May 26, 1896. B. F. McLemore thereafter married, secondly, Lelia G. Adams, daughter of William T. and Martha P. ("Pullie") Adams of Adams Grove west of Drewryville. This marriage took place on August 3, 1898, in the town of Suffolk in neighboring Nansemond County. Benjamin Franklin McLemore died on January 29, 1911, and was buried between his two wives in the family plot in the cemetery behind the Episcopal Church in Courtland. (B. F. McLemore His Ancestors and Descendants, James L. McLemore, 1991, pp. 337-349)
1870 Census
Virginia, Southampton County, Drewryville Twp, P.O. Jersalem
Enumerated 27 Jun 1870
Page 28
McLemore, Jas 68 M W Farmer Va
McLemore, Elizabeth 49 F W Keeping House Va
McLemore, Benj F 31 M W Farmer Va
[Where is his wife, Rosa?]
McLemore, S.E. 21 F W Va
McLemore, Alace 14 F W Va
McLemore, L. J. 3 M W Va (Appears to be James Latinus?, son of Benj. and Rosa McLemore)
McLemore, E/L? Francis 2 F W Va (Appears to be Lila F?, dtr of Benj. and Rosa McLemore)
McLemore, Gilliam Clanison 53 F W Va
Rivers, Wm 46 M WE Farm Laborer Va
1880 Census
Virginia, Southampton County, Boykins District
Enumerated 3 Jun 1880
Page 8 D. SD 1 ED 101
McLemore, Benj F W M 41 Farmer Va
McLemore, Rosa A W F 34 Wf KH Va
McLemore, Jas. L W M 13 Son Works on Farm Va
McLemore, Lila F W F 11 Dtr At Home Va
McLemore, Mattie L W F 9 Dtr Va
McLemore, Josephine E W F 7 Dtr Va
McLemore, William T W M 6 Son Va
McLemore, Harvey B W M 4 Son Va
McLemore, Olivia P W F 11/12 June Dtr Va
McLemore, Elizabeth L W F 62 Mother Consumptive Va
McLemore, Tracey G W F 65 Aunt Va
West, Samuel E W M 41 Farm Laborer Va
James, George M M 18 Farm Laborer Va
1900 Census
Virginia, Southampton, Jerusalem Majesterial District (part of)
Enumerated 29 Jun 1900 by John N. Schnell
SD 2 ED 62 Sheet 21B
McLemore, Ben F Hd W M May 1842 58 m 35 Va Va Va Clerk Co Court
McLemore, Lelia WfW F Mar 1868 32 M 3 1/1 Va Va Va
McLemore, William T Son W M Jan 1876 24 S Va Va Va Physician
McLemore, Harvey B Son W M aug 1878 29 S Va Va Va Deputy Co. Clerk
McLemore, Pearl O Dtr W F June 1881 18 S Va Va Va
McLemore, Benjamin F Son W M Feb 1900 2/12 S Va Va Va
Lucas, Anna Servant B F Mar 1882 18 S Va Va Va Cook
Epps, Ananias Servant B M Feb 1882 18 S Va Va Va
1910 Census
Virginia, Southampton, Jerusalem District, Courtland Town
Enumerated 10 May 1910
SD 2 ED 121 Sheet 25A Stamped 263
Turner, Jashpie Hd M W 37 M1 12 Va Va Va Sargeant Town
Turner, Annie L Wf F W 33 M1 12 7/3 Va Va Va
Turner, R. Keith Son M W 12 S Va Va Va
Turner, Ellen O Dtr F W 7 S Va Va Va
Turner, Edgar C Son M W 6 S Va Va Va
McLemore, Benjiman F Boarder M W 70 Wd Va Va Va
Colby Fugate McLemore writes that Benjamin F. McLemore, son of Hiram, was born June 16, 1845 in Lee County, Virginia, where his parents lived a few months after his birth, moving into the mountains of Kentucky. The 1850 census instead shows his place of birth as Tennesse, and later records place it in Kentucky.
He notes that he was a Civil War veteran, and received a flesh wound to the temple during a battle. When he first placed his hand on his temple after the mini-ball creased it, he thought he had received a shot through the brains.
Colby McLemore also cites a manuscript of confederate records in the Archives Division of the Virginia State Library which state: "Benjamin Franklin McLemore was a private in Co. G, Third Regiment, Kempers's Brigade--The Rough and Ready Guards (Southhampton County) - commanded by Captains Richard P. Clements, Henry S. Howard, John W. Harrison, Nathaniel T. Francis, enlisting in 1861 and served four years." It appears that this record is being cited erroneously, as it more likely pertains to the Benjamin Franklin McLemore who was a resident of Southhampton County, Virginia...the son of James McLemore and Martha Barkley and husband of Rosa Westbrook. This other Benjamin Franklin McLemore was six years older than Benjamin, the son of Hiram.
Benjamin was said to have had the nicest team of black horses and surry in the county, keeping the harness highly polished and taking great pride and care of his team. Dressed in black with a tall black hat, neighbor Marshall Walker (Wrady) Vicars, Sr. said he "cut quite a figure."
1880 Census
Virginia, Wise County, Gladeville
FHL Film 1255394 NA Film Number T9-1394
Page Number 274B
Benjamin F. McSeamore Self M Male W 35 Va Farmer Ky Va
Caroline McSeamore Wife M Female W 37 Va Keeping House Va Va
William J. McSeamore Son S Male W 10 Va Va Va
Robert L. McSeamore Son S Male W Va Va Va
Sarah Jane McSeamore Dau Female W 2 Va Va Va
1900 Census
Virginia, Wise County, Gladeville Magisterial District
Enumerated 25 June 1900
SD 9 ED 123 Sheet 16B
McLemore, Benjamin F Hd W M Jun 1865 54 M 31 Va
McLemore, Caroline D Wife W F Oct 1843 56 M 31 8/6 Va
McLemore, Robert L Son W M Feb 1876 24 S Va Va Va Farmer
McLemore, Sarah J Dtr W F May 1878 22 S Va Va Va
McLemore, Martha E Dtr W F Oct 1880 19 S Va Va Va Teacher
McLemore, James M Son W M Sept 1883 16 S Va Va Va
McLemore, Litsy S Dtr W F Oct 1888 11 S Va Va Va
HH 277-291
Floyd and Ester DALE
His WW II Draft Card shows he was born in Jackson County, Alabaam. He registered for the draft on 16 Oct 1940, and his occupation was that of a farmer. He was 5'6" and weighed 128 pounds, his complexion was sallow, with brown eyes and black hair. Next of kin was Grace McLemore. U.S. WWII Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011.
He had a military marker engraved with a cross, and inscribed Benjamin F. McLemore, SC 3 US Navy, Mar. 12, 1905-Dec 21, 1965. He also shares a double marker with his wife, Grace Moore McLemore.
Name: Ben F. Mclemore
Titles & Terms (Original):
Titles & Terms (Standardized):
Death Date: 21 Dec 1965
Death Place: Scottsboro, Jackson, Alabama
Gender: Male
Race (Original):
Race (Standardized):
Age at Death: 61
Estimated Birth Date: 1904
Birth Date:
Marital Status:
Spouse's Name: Grace Mclemore
Spouse's Titles & Terms (Original):
Spouse's Titles & Terms (Standardized):
Father's Name: Will Mclemore
Father's Titles & Terms (Original):
Father's Titles & Terms (Standardized):
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Rena Morgan
Mother's Titles & Terms (Original):
Mother's Titles & Terms (Standardized):
Mother's Birthplace:
Street Address:
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Funeral Home:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 1909084
Reference Number: 29507
Collection: Alabama Deaths, 1908-1974
1930 Census
Alabama, Jackson County, Aspel Pr #36
Enumerated April 8, 1930
ED 36-43 SD 2 Sheet 2A
Scottsboro and Larkinville Pike
McLemore, Ben F. Head M W 28 M 22 Ala Ala Ala Farmer
McLemore, Grace Wf F W 24 M 21 Tenn Tenn Tenn
McLemore, Pearl Rena Dtr F W0/12 S Ala Tenn Ala
1940 Census
Alabama, Jackson, Pr. 21 Scottsboro
Enumerated 6 Apr 1940
SD 8 ED 36-28 Sheet 3A
41 O 1000
Woods Cove Road
McLemore, Ben F Head M W 35 M No 8 Ala Same Place Salesman Insurance
McLemore, Grace A Wf F W 34 ZM No 8 Ala Same Place
McLemore, Rena P Dtr F W S Yes 4 Ala Same Place
McLemore, Charles F Son M W 8 S Yes 1 Ala Same Place
Shellow, Mae/Mrs? Nertal Home owner of F W 33 Wd No 8 Tenn Same House
Benjamin J. Franklin McLemore
Dec 29, 1834
Son of James and Elizabeth McLemore,
aged 2 years, 2 months, 18 days
The McLemore Burying Ground is about one mile off the Montgomery -Atlanta
Highway to the right facing east, and is about five miles from Montgomery.
It is on a knoll behind the old James McLemore home built about 1820. In
1936 Mrs. Lizzie Taylor Dickerson occupied it. A low brick wall and
iron fence surrounds the lot. Outside the main cemetery is another smaller
one, also enclosed. There are graves of slaves and faithful servants, mostly
unmarked outside all enclousures. Graves listed begin at the southwest
corner of the plot.
1930 Census
Tennessee, Carroll County, Civil District 1
Enumerated April 16, 1930
ED 9-1 SD 2 Sheet 9A
McLemore, B Y. Head M W 31 M 28 Tenn Tenn Tenn Farmer
McLemore, Esther Wf F W 33 M 18 Tenn Tenn Tenn
Maynard, J. W. StepSon M W 13 S Tenn Tenn Tenn Farm Laborer
McLemore, Lydia Sue Dtr F W 1 3/12 S Tenn Tenn Tenn
1940 Census
Tennessee, Carroll County, First District No. 1
SD 7 ED 9-1 Sheets 16B and 17A
Enumerated May 6, 1940
O 800
McLemore, Clayton Head O M W 39 M No 8 Tenn Same House Farmer
McLemore, Mary Lou Wf F W 32 M No H-4 Tenn Same House
Ed and Betty Rivers/Riveria/Davine
0 2000
McLemore Ben Head M W 42 M No 6 Tenn Same Place Farmer
McLemore, Ester Wf F W 43 M No 8 Tenn Same House
McLemore, Lydia Sue Dtr F W 11 S Yes 5 Tenn
McLemore, Mary Caroline Dtr F W 7 S Yes 1 Tenn
Lieutenant Benton McLemore
Athens Police Department
End of Watch: Friday, March 7, 1969
Biographical Info
Age: Not available
Tour of Duty: Not available
Badge Number: Not available
Incident Details
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Date of Incident: Friday, March 7, 1969
Weapon Used: Shotgun
Suspect Info: Commited Suicide
Lieutenant McLemore was shot and killed after responding to the suspect's house to check on his welfare. The suspect was known to be mentally ill. When Lieutenant McLemore knocked on the suspect's door, the suspect shot and killed him with a shotgun. When back-up officers arrived the exchanged gunfire with the suspect, the suspect killed himself before he could be captured.
1900 Federal Census
Tennessee, Monroe County, Fifteenth Civil District
Enumerated 1 Jun 1900
SD 3 ED 119 Sheet 1A
Allen and Easter WHITE Household
John and Minnie SLOAN Household
Thomas and Mary STEED Household
Arthur and Susan WHITE Household
James and Darcus WHITE Household
??? McLemore Hed M 1860 39 M 19 Tenn Tenn Tenn Farmer Can Neither Read nor write
[added notes show him as Wm.]
Sinthia McLemore Wf W F ---1864 35 M19 10/7 Tenn Tenn Tenn Can Neither Read nor write
McLemore, Marcus Son W M Oct 1883 16 S Tenn Tenn Tenn Farm Laborer Can Neither Read nor write
McLemore, Catherine Dtr W F May 1885 14 S Tenn Tenn Tenn Reads/Writes Attended School
McLemore, Bertha Dtr W F Feb 1887 12 12 S Tenn Tenn Tenn Can't Read/Does Write Attended School
McLemore, Alos Son M W Mar 1889 11 S Tenn Tenn Tenn Farm Laborer
McLemore, Josie Dtr W F Oct 1893 6 S Tenn Tenn Tenn Attended School, does not read or write
McLemore, Ida Dtr WF July 1895 4 S Tenn Tenn Tenn
McLemore, Berry Son M W Jan 1889 1 S Tenn Tenn Tenn
Andrew and Martha BRYSON Household
Elbert and Agnus BRYSON Household
Charlie and Rebecca WHITE Household
1910 Census
Tennessee, Monroe County, Civil District no 12
Enumerated 29 Apr 1910
SD 3 ED 149 Sheet 7B
McLemore, Alis Head M W 19 M 1 Tenn Tenn Tenn Farmer
McLemore, Lassie Wf F W 19 M1 0 0/0 NC Tn NC
McLemore Bed M W 48 M1 25Tenn Tenn Tenn Farmer
McLemore, Syntha W F W 44 TennTenn Tenn
McLemore, Josia DtrW F 14 S Tenn Tenn Tenn
McLemore, Ida Dtr F W 13 S Tenn Tenn Tenn
McLemore, Berry Son M W 12 S Tenn Tenn Tenn
McLemore, Clombus Son W W 9 S Tenn Tenn Tenn
McLemore, Issie Dtr F W 5 S Tenn Tenn Tenn
McLemore, Odd Son M W 2 S Tenn Tenn Tenn
A photo of his headstone can be found on his Find A Grave Memorial page. It shows he was a "PVT U.S. ARMY WORLD WAR II"
Not listed with his family on the 1930 census? Perhaps he left home at a young age?
Name Bert A. Mc Lemore
Titles and Terms
Name Prefix
Event Date 21 Jun 1973
Event Place Atmore, Escambia, Alabama
Gender Male
Race (Original)
Age (Original) 53y
Birth Year (Estimated) 1920
Birth Date (Original)
Marital Status
Spouse's Name Annie Mc Lemore
Spouse's Titles and Terms
Spouse's Name Prefix
Father's Name J. C. Mc Lemore
Father's Titles and Terms
Father's Name Prefix
Father's Birthplace
Mother's Name Annie Black
Mother's Titles and Terms
Mother's Name Prefix
Mother's Birthplace
Residence Place
Burial Place
Burial Date
Funeral Home
Informant's Name:
Informant's Name (Original)
GS Film number 2242019
Reference ID 15111
Citing this Record:
"Alabama, Deaths, 1908-1974," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 17 Sep 2014), Bert A. Mc Lemore, 21 Jun 1973; citing reference 15111, Department of Health, Montgomery; FHL microfilm 2242019.
Name: Bertha C. Adams
Death Date: 06 May 1935
Death Place: Denton, Texas
Gender: Female
Race: White
Death Age: 55 years 6 months 18 days
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 19 Oct 1879 [per tombstone, 1878]
Birthplace: Alabama
Marital Status: Widowed
Spouse's Name: Albert J. Adams
Father's Name: C. C. Mclemore
Father's Birthplace: Alabama
Mother's Name: Caroline (sic) Shelton
Mother's Birthplace: Alabama
Occupation: Home Work
Place of Residence:
Burial Place: Shaw Hill
Burial Date: 06 May 1935
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2116470
Digital Film Number: 4030350
Image Number: 1271
Reference Number: cn 22918
Collection: Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976
The 2008 obituary of her sister, Lilly Odell Gailey, refers to her as "Bertha Nelle Dawson, and her husband, Aron V."
Copied from her Find A Grave memorial page
Mrs. Betha Mae (McClemore) Dawson, age 91 of Huntsville, passed away Monday at a local hospital.
She is survived by her niece, Catherine Nix; nephew, Dale Little; and several great nieces and nephews.
Arrangements have been entrusted to Spry Funeral Home of Huntsville, where the family will receive friends Thursday 1:00 until 3:00pm. A service will follow in Spry's Chapel at 3:00pm with Scott Thackerson officiating. Graveside service will be Friday at 10:00am at Maple Hill Cemetery.
Information provided by Spry Funeral Home, Huntsville
When the family was enumerated at the 1910 Census, in Carroll County, Tennessee, there were two other people listed in their home with Bertha, Thomas and their young daughters, Almer McReynolds, age 30, and listed as "Partner" and "Farmer" and 48 year old Licle/Dicie/Vicie McLemore, listed as a servant and cook.
A Transcription of the Rachel Dodd McLemore Bible, originally owned by Mrs. Rachel P.
(Dodd) McLemore, Route 3, Humboldt, Tenn., is now in possession of her granddaughter, Fairy Bell (McLemore) Edwards, Canyon Lake, Tex., who has contributed a copy of the records to TGS.
Birdie Dodd McLemore was born February 18th, 1882
(International Series, The Holy Bible containing the Old and New
Testaments translated out of the original tongues: and with the former
translations diligently compared and revised. International. Small Pica
Octavo. Clear Type Edition. The John C. Winston Co., Publishers of the
International Series.)
Originally published in The Tennessee Genealogical Magazine, "ANSEARCHIN' " News (The Tennesse Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 111249, Memphis, TN 38111-1249, Vol. 42, No. 2, Summer, 1996), p. 89.
Her mother's Memorial Page on FindAGrave shows that Bertie Dodd McLemore was the wife of Edgar DRYSDALE. suggests she is the same person as the Bessie Mildred McLemore (born 4 Jan 1908 Alabama and died 11 Dec 1998 in Dallas), who was the spouse of Joseph TREES (1904-1995). A copy of her death certificate should be requested to verify this, however. suggests this might be the same person as Bessie Mae Myers, born 15 Sept 1901 and died 27 Jan 1973, the spouse of Thomas Quitman Myers (1906-1956). Their Find A Grave memorial page can be found here:
A copy of their marriage license and her death certificate should be obtained to prove this.
The Barksdale Family History and Genealogy website states that she married Andrew George Crouch of Georgia on 12 Jan 1919, and that they were the parents of Andrew George Crouch Jr (b. 1919) and Mary Virginia Crouch (b. 1921).
The Texas Divorce index shows he was married to a "Virginia" from 31 Dec 1952 to 21 Oct 1969. At the time of their divorce, it was shown they had one child.
His Texas Death Certificate shows he was divorced at the time of his death. His usual occupation was "Inspector, LTV." His status as a veteran of the armed forces was left blank. Informant was C. W. Grantham Jr, relationship, if any, not stated.
Transcriptions of their marriage records show her last name as McLemore, and a transcription of "The McLemore Family Bible, 1822-1859 owned by Hillis Fry McLemore of Jackson, MS and contributed by Fairy B. McLemore Edwards of Canyon Lake, Texas,shows her birth information on page 2:
Bithinia Ann Green McLemore, daughter of Robert
McLemore and Leah Prior Perkins, his wife, was born
19th day of October 1807
And on page 3, her death was recorded as follows:
Bethinia A. G. McLemore died 21th day of Sept. 1835
after 20 days sickness of the congestion fever 15th minits
after 9 in the morning in the faith of Christ.
(The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ translated
out of the original Greek and with the former translations dilligently
compared and revised, and Canne's Marginal References. Stereotyped
by James Conner New York. By J. Emory and R. Waugh for
the Methodist Episcopal Church at the Conference Office, 14 Crosby
Street. J. Collord, Printer. 1829 )
Originally published in The Tennessee Genealogical Magazine, "ANSEARCHIN' " News (The Tennesse Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 111249, Memphis, TN 38111-1249, Vol. 42, No. 2, Summer, 1996), p. 38.
Carl Alvis McLemore of Athens, Alabama writes that Betty Faye was a twin to Billy Ray McLemore, and died at a young age. Her tombstone reads "Budded on Earth to Bloom in Heaven."
GIBBONS -- Betty Grey McLemore, 79, loving wife, mother, grandmother and devoted sister, went home to be with the Lord Friday, July 15, 2005 at her home in Arlington, TX. Funeral: 11 a.m., Monday, July 18, 2005, at Pleasant Ridge Church of Christ, 6102 W. Pleasant Ridge Road, Arlington. Burial: 2 p.m. Tuesday, Oak Hill Cemetery, McAlester, OK. Visitation: 5-8 p.m. Sunday, Moore Funeral Home, 1219 N. Davis Dr., Arlington. Memorials: Donations may be sent in her name to Hope Harbor Children's Home, P.O. Box 1047, Claremore, OK 74018.
Betty Grey Gibbons was born on December 27, 1925 in McAlester, OK, to John Edward and Dena Swindle McLemore. She grew up in McAlester as part of a large, loving family, graduating from McAlester High School in 1944. While working as a Secretary in the county courthouse she met and married William L. Gibbons (Colonel, U.S.A.F. retired) on November 22, 1947. Bill and Betty were residents of Tulsa from 1979 to 1992 and attended Park Plaza Church of Christ.
Betty was a faithful member of The Pleasant Ridge Church of Christ in Arlington, and spent countless hours volunteering at Arlington Memorial Hospital, Mission Printing and the Philbrook Art Museum in Tulsa.
She was preceded in death by her husband and 10 older brothers and sisters. Survivors: sister, Patsy McLemore Weddle, of Sallisaw, OK; daughters, Linda Lee and husband, Ren, of Arlington, Gail Cummins and husband, William, of Fort Worth, TX, Dena Goetz and husband, Matt, of Fort Worth and Alesia Jill Gibbons of Arlington; grandsons, William Lee, John Lee, Reid Goetz, Benjamin Goetz and Michael Goetz; numerous nieces and nephews; loving family and friends. Moore Funeral Home (817) 275-2711
Betty Helen Roberts (McLemore), 96, of Wise, left this Earth on Friday, January 1, 2021, while residing in Fair Oaks, California.
She was preceded in death by her husband of 50 plus years, Wade H. Roberts, also from Wise. She was the last survivor of five siblings being pre-deceased by three brothers, John, Ben Dale and Colby; and her sister, Dolly.
Survived by her three loving children; Wade, Theresa and James Gary; six grandchildren, Kimberly, Kean, Wade III, Wesley, Cassidy and Helen; four great-grandchildren, Alexis, Sydney, James and Quinn, she always had time for each of them. In fact, among her many loves were long periods of time spent watching her children perform. She also doted on her rose garden.
It would not be an exaggeration to call her a "world traveler." At every opportunity, she was prepared to gallivant throughout the country and to many international destinations (e,g. Paris, London, Newfoundland, etc.) Born in Big Stone Gap and graduated from Wise High School, Betty proceeded to live in the states of Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, Colorado, California and Kansas (her husband was in the Air Force). Upon her husband's retirement from the military, they returned to Wise, bought the home of her childhood and resided there for over 25 years. She then crossed the country to live in Fair Oaks to be close to her daughter where she passed peacefully earlier this year.
Celebration of Betty's Life will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, May 22 at the Sturgill Funeral Home chapel in Wise. Burial will follow in the Powell Valley Memorial Gardens in Big Stone Gap. Family will receive friends from 1 p.m. till time of services at 2 p.m.
Please visit to leave online condolences for the family.
Sturgill Funeral Home, in Wise is in charge of arrangements.
Melba Gene McLemore shows she married (1) Billy Clemens and (2) Frank S. McIntyre.
Betty McLemore Kight, age 77 of Monticello, passed away Sunday, July 10, 2016 at Belleview Nursing and Rehab in Monticello. She was born June 11, 1939 in the Glendale Community in Lincoln County, AR to the late Sterling Cornelious McLemore and Elna Ophelia Bass McLemore.
She was the widow of David Kight, a Certified Dietician, restaurant owner/operator and a member of Oak Grove Assembly of God Church. She graduated from Glendale High School in 1957. In addition to her parents and husband, she was also preceded in death by a grandson, Blake Bayird; a granddaughter, Drew Laural McIntyre; four brothers, P. D. McLemore, Alton McLemore, Felix McLemore and Henry Allen McLemore; four sisters, Freddie Mae Taylor, Willie McLemore, Agnes Fay Ridings and an infant sister that was stillborn.
Survivors include three sons, Joseph McIntyre of Orange Beach, AL, Danny McIntyre and wife Leah of Monticello and Tony Thurman and Tara of Cabot; one daughter, Leigh Bayird and husband David of Monticello; one brother, Tommy McLemore and wife Jan of Warren; two grandsons, Drew Bayird and Rhett Thurman; two granddaughters, Ryane Thurman and Abigail McIntyre; along with numerous nieces, nephews other relatives and friends.
Funeral service will be 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at Stephenson-Dearman Funeral Chapel with burial in Oakland Cemetery. Visitation will be from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Tuesday evening at the funeral home. Online guestbook at
The U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015. shows that her name was listed variously as Betty Ruth Shrum, Betty Shrum Harris, Betty Jerger and Betty Ruth McLemore.
Name: Beulah Catherine Blanchard
Gender: Female
Burial Date: 16 Jan 1945
Burial Place: Rt 1, Wade, N.C.
Death Date: 14 Jan 1945
Death Place: North Clinton Twp, Sampson, North Carolina
Age: 48
Birth Date: 22 Jun 1896
Birthplace: Cumberland Co., N.C.
Occupation: Housewife
Race: White
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: J. R. Blanchard
Father's Name: Haywood Mclemore
Father's Birthplace: N.C.
Mother's Name: Mary Ann Simmons
Mother's Birthplace: N.C.
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: B01628-3
System Origin: North Carolina-EASy
Source Film Number: 1943255
Reference Number: v 3B cn 3514
Collection: North Carolina Deaths and Burials, 1898-1994
His obituary, below, was copied from his FindAGrave memorial page, created by Tim Hawkins:
Billy Keaton McLemore, 77, passed away Wednesday, March 26, 2008.
Funeral Mass: 10 a.m. Saturday at St. Maria Goretti Church. Interment: Moore Memorial Gardens in Arlington. Visitation: Mr. McLemore will be available for viewing beginning at 3 p.m. on Friday. Rosary: 7 p.m. Friday at Arlington Funeral Home Chapel.
He was a retired U.S. Navy veteran and Tarrant County jailer and a longtime member of St. Maria Goretti Church of Arlington.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Samuel Donald and Jessie B. McLemore Sr.; and brother, S.D. "Buddy" McLemore.
Survivors: His wife of 48 years, Fumiko McLemore of Arlington; his children, Sophia McLemore of Redmond, Wash., Donald McLemore and wife, Mary, of Arlington, Anne Jeffery and husband, John, of Godley and Perry McLemore of Arlington; sisters, Bobbie Jo Zinn, Ora Mae Voight and Lavona Lehman of Corpus Christi; seven grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews.
Billy Ray md. Vicki ALLEN and had Leighan. (The Lure and Lore of Limestone County, p. 147)
Madison County, Alabama Obituary Collection 1998-1999
Posted by Genealogy Buff
Date: Thursday, 17 Dec 2009
Billy R. McLemore
ATHENS - Billy Ray McLemore, 59, of 15720 Reid Road died Monday at his home. The funeral was to be today at 2 p.m. at McConnell Funeral Home with Dusty McLemore officiating.
Burial was to be in Dement Cemetery.
Mr. McLemore was a native of Limestone County, retired from Reynolds Metal in Sheffield and was a member of the Army National Guard in Athens.
Survivors include his wife, Vicki Allen McLemore; one daughter, Leigh McLemore Black of Athens; his mother, Ada Gordon McLemore of Athens; three brothers, Dempsey McLemore, Alvis McLemore and Bobby McLemore, all of Athens; three sisters, Catherine Griffin, Marjorie Reece and Jennifer Holmes, all of Athens; and two grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.
Funeral for Billy "Bill" Thomas McLemore, 72, of Moulton will be Monday, Sept. 18, 2006, at 2 p.m. at Parkway Funeral Home.
Burial will be in Roselawn Cemetery. Visitation will be Monday from noon until 2 p.m. at the funeral home.
Mr. McLemore, who died Saturday, Sept. 16, 2006, at Lawrence Medical Center, was born Feb. 20, 1934, in Lawrence County to Thomas McLemore and Lucille Southern McLemore. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and was an avid Nascar racing fan.
Survivors include two sons, Mike McLemore and wife Christina, of Eva, and William "Billy" McLemore and wife Kim, of Auburn; one daughter, Pat Gatlin and husband Larry, of Falkville; one stepdaughter, Debi Newsom of Montgomery; one brother, Bobby Mc Lemore of Decatur; two sisters, Lois Bolan of Moulton, and Sadie Williams of Danville; 11 grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be Whitt Copeland, Seth Copeland, Scott Gatlin, Shane McLemore, Sawyer McLemore and Chad McLemore.
Some sources, including the records of Rev. William P McLemore, show her name as Bethenia. Her brother's obituary instead listed her as Birdine, and her death record shows her simply as Birdie.
Name: Birdie E. Mclemore
Event: Death
Event Date: 02 Jan 1934
Event Place: Williamson Co., Tennessee
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Race or Color: White
Age: 62
Estimated Birth Year: 1872
Birth Date:
Birthplace: Franklin, Tenn
Father: Price P. Mclemore
Father's Birthplace: Miss
Mother: Etta Cunningham Mclemore
Mother's Birthplace: Franklin
Occupation: Domestic
Street Address:
Residence: City
Cemetery: Franklin
Burial Place:
Burial Date: 03 Jan 1934
Additional Relatives:
Digital Folder Number: 4184152
Image Number: 2044
Film Number: 1876809
Volume/Page/Certificate Number: cn 2030
Collection: Tennessee, Death Records, 1914-1955
uneral services for Mrs. Blondell McLemore Darby 86 will be held at 2:00 PM Friday February 22 2002 in Chapel Hill Baptist Church with Rev. Dale Denning officiating. Burial will follow in Centerville Cemetery near Medina. Mrs. Darby a homemaker.
Name: Bobby Ray Mclemore
Death Date: 14 Mar 1970
Death Place: Houston, Harris, Texas
Gender: Male
Death Age: 38 years
Estimated Birth Date: 1932
Birth Date:
Marital Status:
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: M. C. Mclemore
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Lillie Mae Clark
Mother's Birthplace:
Place of Residence:
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2223247
Digital Film Number: 4169896
Image Number: 912
Reference Number: 19392
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
Funeral for Bobby Lee McLemore, 66, of Decatur will be today, March 6, 2009, at 2 p.m. at Roselawn Funeral Home Chapel with Scotty Hogan officiating. Burial will be in Roselawn Cemetery.
Mr. McLemore, who died Monday, March 2, 2009, at UAB Hospital, Birmingham, was born Aug. 6, 1942, in Lawrence County to Thomas and Lucille McLemore. He was a U.S. Army veteran. He retired as a data processing supervisor from Mutual Savings Life Insurance Co. after 40-plus years of service. He was a member of Westmeade Baptist Church. Bobby loved golf and restoring old cars.
His parents; and brother, Billy McLemore, preceded him in death.
He is survived by his wife of 43 years, Margaret "Bucky" McLemore; one son, Chadwick Lee McLemore of Decatur; one daughter, Joey Leighann McLemore Chadha and her husband, Kumar, of Birmingham; two sisters, Lois Bolan of Moulton and Sadie Williams of Danville; and one grandchild, Gabriel Lee McLemore.
Pallbearers will be LaBron Davis, David McAnally, Ronnie Moore, Don Morrison, O'Neal Proctor and James Sparks.
Honorary pallbearers will be Darrell Bolan and Robert Littrell.
This obituary was originally published in the Decatur Daily.
Bonnie McLemore Sanchez died Sunday, September 27, 1998, at Decatur General Hospital.
The funeral was held Tuesday, September 29, 2 p.m., at Moulton Church of Christ with Hoyt Nelson and Tony Willis officiating.
Burial was in the Moulton Memory Gardens with Parkway Funeral Home officiating.
She was born in Moulton to Hansel and Tott Chandler McLemore. Mrs. Sanchez was a member of Calvary Assembly of God.
Survivors include three sons, Shane Cheatham of Madison, Wes Cheatham of Decatur and Dusty Cheatham of Trinity; three daughters, Lane Cheatham Hagood and Summer B. Sanchez, both of Trinity, and Leslie Cheatham Lawrence of Danville; two sisters, Wanda Reed of Huntsville and Priscilla Myers of Pensacola, Fla.
Pallbearers were Alan Mills, Steve Chandler, Bobby Chandler, Lelton Blankenship, Todd Finnerty and Lee Gunter.
Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society.
ROSEBORO -- Mrs. Bonnie McLemore Gilchrist, 89, of 208 Gilchrist Lane, died Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2002, in Sampson Regional Medical Center in Clinton.
Mrs. Gilchrist was a member of Elizabeth Missionary Baptist Church, where she taught Sunday school for more than 30 years and was a charter member of the Women?s Missionary Union. She was a homemaker and formerly worked for Radio Shack.
The funeral will be conducted at 2 p.m. Friday in Elizabeth Missionary Baptist Church by the Revs. Dudley Neal and Ray Smith and Dr. John McBride. Burial will be in the church cemetery.
Mrs. Gilchrist is survived by two daughters, Maxine G. Jackson of Roseboro and Edna G. Dixon of Clinton; two sisters, Hazel Bullard of Autryville and Doris Rich of Clinton; a brother, Lynwood McLemore of Roseboro; five grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; and a stepgreat-granddaughter.
The family will receive friends tonight from 7 to 9 at Royal-Hall Funeral Home in Clinton.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Elizabeth Missionary Baptist Church, 1481 Fleet Cooper Road, Roseboro, NC 28382.
1880 Census
North Carolina, Cumberland County, Grays Creek Township
Enumerated 24 Jun 1880
Page 29, SD 3, ED 61
Maclemor, Branson W M 31 Farmer NC NC NC
Maclemor, Sarah W F 26 W Keeping House NC NC NC
Maclemor, Elizabeth W F 6/12 Dtr NC NC NC
Maclemore, Susanneh W F 17 Sister NC NC NC
Fowler, John W M 41 Boarder Laborer NC NC NC
Maclomor, Reden
Maclomore, Ammi
At the time of his marriage, his place of residence was listed at U.S.S. Dahlqueen, New York, New York, and his occupation was shown as "Navy." His parents were shown as Brice McLemore Sr and Sallie McAnn. His place of birth was listed as Toney, Alabama.
Norma Miller ( emailed, on 9-17-2006: "I descend through Briggs, his son Burl, his grandson John Melvin and my father, Earl Leonard McLemore. My parents live in Athens, Limestone County, AL and I live in Huntsville, Madison County, AL. I'm not sure all the children were mentioned in a will, or even if there was one, but they were mentioned in an estate inventory. Burrell was about 80 years old when they moved to Alabama and his wife had him give all the land and slaves to their children. When he died there wasn't enough money left to settle his debts. I would assume that he had already given property to children of his first marriage. Burrell was probably well-to-do as he was very active in the slave trade in the Nashville area. If there is anything else I can help with just let me know."
1850 Census
Alabama, Lauderdale County, Division 2 East of Military Road
Enumerated 12 and 13 of November 1850 by Hiram Kennedy
Briggs McLamour 47 M Farmer $1,000 TN
Mary McLamour 38 F TN
Elizabeth McLamour 19 F TN
Mclin McLamour 14 M Ala
Richard McLamour 12 M Ala
Ann McLamour 11 F Ala
Barrill McLamour 8 M Ala
Martha McLamour 6 F Ala
James McLamour 4 M Ala
John McLamour 1 M Ala
HH #512 was that of Robert and Ruthia McLemore and HH #52
1 was that of Burwell Jr and Nancy McLemore
1860 Census
Alabama, Lauderdale, District 1, Post Office Rogersville
Enumerated 26 Jun 1860 By E.R. Kennedy
Stamped 217
HH 298-298
Brice McLemore 50 M Farmer $640 $180 Tenn
Elisabeth McLemore 29 F Tenn
Nancy Ann McLemore 21 F Tenn
Burrel McLemore 19 M Farmer Ala
Martha P McLemore 17 F Ala
Josephine McLemore 7 F Ala
John McLemore 12 M Ala
William McLemore 5 M Ala