Strong - McLemore History and Ancestry
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# Person ID Last Name First Name Birth Date Death Date Living note Tree
13601 I43873  Martindale  George W.  22 Oct 1896  29 Jan 1983  When he registered for the draft during the First World War, he was working for himself in Rogersville, Alabama. He was described as having blue eyes and red hair.  STR06 
13602 I43873  Martindale  George W.  22 Oct 1896  29 Jan 1983  (Research):

Census Listings:

1940 Census
Alabama, Lauderdale County, Pr 4 Crossroads
Enumerated 18 Apr 1940
SD 6 ED 39-8 Sheet 12A
Lock One Road
Martindale, George Head M W 43 S No 6 Ala Same House Laborer Road Construction
Martindale, Jessie Sisster F W 45 S No 7 Ala Same House 
13603 I43866  Martindale  Gladys R.  Abt 1906  Yes, date unknown links Gladys Martindale Smithson to a SSDI listing for Ruby Smithson, born 8 Sept 1905 and died 14 Feb 1994 in Fort Smith, Arkansas. This could very likely be the same person, but should be verified agains other records.  STR06 
13604 I27304  Martindale  John B.  22 Feb 1862  18 Jun 1935  He appears to be the son of George and Sidney Martindale, based on the 1880 Lauderdale County, Alabama census. Not proven.

In the B. Sutton "McLemore Family Tree" on, John Martindale's middle name is shown as Breckenridge. 
13605 I27304  Martindale  John B.  22 Feb 1862  18 Jun 1935  (Research):

Census Listings:

1880 Census
Alabama, Lauderdale County, Crittenden Cross Roads
Enumerated 4 and 5 Jun 1880
Page 9D SD 1 ED 152
Martindale, George W M 43 Farmer Tenn SC SC
Martindale, Sidney W F 56 Wf Keeping House Tenn ___ ____
Martindale, Josephine W F 21 Dtr At Home Ala Tenn Tenn
Martindale, John B W M 178 Son At Home Ala Tenn Tenn
GrisgsBy, Willis W M 13 Nephew At Home Ala Ala Ala
Grigsby, Aaron W M 11 Nephew At Home Ala Ala Ala

1900 Census
Alabama, Lauderdale County, Beat No. 2, Rogersville
Enumerated 16 Jun 1900 SD 8 ED 48 Shhet 17A
Martindale, John B Head W M Feb 1863 37 M 13 Ala Tn Ala Preacher
Martindale, Alta Z Wf W F May 1865 35 M 13 6/6 Ala Ala Ala
Martindale, Edidith (sic) Dtr W F Sept 1889 10 S Ala Ala Ala
Martindale, Allious Son W M Spet 1891 8 S Ala Ala Ala
Martindale, Inez Dtr W F Jany 1894 6 S Ala Ala Ala
Martindale, Thomas Son M W Apr 1897 3 S Ala Ala Ala
Martindale, Josie M Dtr W F Spet 1899 8/12 S Ala Ala Ala

Note: only five children listed in the household even though Alta indicated she was the mother of 6 living children. The missing child appears to ber her eldest son, Mason.

1910 Census
Alabama, Lauderdale County, Pr. 6 Center Star
Enumerated 29 Spr 1910
SD 8 ED 54 Sheet 10A Stamped 105
Martindale, John B Head M W 47 m1 24 Ala Ala Ala Farmer
Martindale, Alta Lee Wf F W 45 m1 34 8/8 Ala Ala Ala
Martindale, Pate Son M W 22 S Ala Ala Ala Farm Laborer home farm
Martindale, Allious Son M W 18 S Ala Ala Ala Farm Laborer home farm
Martindale, Inez Dtr F W 16 S Ala Ala Ala Farm Laborer home farm
Martindale, Tommy Son M W 13 S Ala Ala Ala Farm Laborer home farm
Martindale, Josie Dtr F W 10 S Ala Ala Ala
Martindale, Gladys Dtr F W 4 S Ala Ala Ala
Martindale Mellie Dtr F W 1 6/12 S Ala Ala Ala

1920 Census
Arkansas, Sebastian County, Big Creek Twp
Enumerated 28 Jan 1920
SD 4 ED 129 Sheet 19B
Martindale, Jhon (sic) B Head M W 56 M Ala Ala Tenn none
Martindale, Alta Z Wf F W 54 M Ala Ala Ala
Martindale, Jossie M Dtr F W 20 S Ala Ala Farm Hand
Martindale, Gladis R Dt F W 14 S Ala Ala Ala
Martindale, Nellie E Dtr F W 11 S Ala Ala Ala

1930 Census
Arkansas, Sebastian County, Fort Smith City
Enumerated April 9, 1930
ED 66-38 SD 5 Sheet 5B
Martindale, John Head M W 67 M 24 Ala Tenn Tenn Retired
Martindale, Alta Wf F W 64 m 22 Ala Ala Ala
Martindale, Jocie Dtr F W 30 S Ala Ala Ala CommLabore Factory
Smithson, Ernest Head M W 32 M 22 Okla Ark US Foreman Factory
Smithson, Gladis Wf W F W 24 M 14 S Ark Ark Ark
Smithson, May Dtr F W 6 Ark Ok Ala
Smithson, William Son M W S 3 Ark Ok Ala

13606 I17658  Martindale  John Thomas "Tom"  1 Apr 1897  26 Dec 1976  He shares a burial plot with Mary Martindale (27 Jan 1898-1 July 1976).  STR06 
13607 I17659  Martindale  Josie M.  8 Sep 1899  Sep 1979  (Research):

Census Listings:

1940 Census
Arkansas, Sebastian County, Fort Smith
SD 4 ED 66-42 Sheet 13A
SO? "R"
1709-295-R 10 No
Martindale, Josie M Head M W 40 S No H-4 Ala Same Place Seamstress Pants Factory
Martindale, Alta (X) Mother F W 74 Wd No 8 Ala Sam Place
13608 I16375  Martindale  Mason Pate  14 Feb 1888  6 May 1962  My Grandfathers name was Mason Pate Martindale and his mother name was Alta McLemore his fathers name was John B Martindale from Alabama. I belielve this true since you list the other names of her children which I know 3 of those names as my great aunts and uncle.

Thank you for your time and listing the names I have been looking for.


13609 I16375  Martindale  Mason Pate  14 Feb 1888  6 May 1962  (Research):

Census Listings:

1920 Census
Arkansas, Sebastian County, Big Creek Township
Enumerated 23 Jan 1920
SD 4 ED 129 Sheet 17A
Martindale, Mason P Head M W 31 M Ala Ala Ala Farmer
Martindale, Nannie E Wf F W M 24 Ala Ala Ala
Martindale, Alta E Dtr F W 2 M (sic) Ala Ala Ala
Martindale, Mildred C Dtr F W 2/12 S Ark Ala Ala

1930 Census
Arkansas, Sebastian County, Big Creek Township
Enumerated 8 Apr 1930
ED 66-5 SD 5 Sheet 2B
Martindale, Mason P Head M W 42 M 28 Ala Ala Alal Farming
Martindale, Nannie E Wf F W 33 M 20 Ala Ala Ala
Martindale, Alta E Dtr F W 12 S Ala Ala Ala
Martindale, Midred C Dtr F W 10 S Ark Ark Ala
Martindale, James P Son M W 9 S Ark Ala Ala
Martindale, Lillian B Dtr F W 7 S Ark Ala Ala
Martindale, Betty J Dtr F W 5 S Ark Ark Ark
Martindale, Robert E Son M W 2 1/12 S Ark Ark Ark

13610 I23192               
13611 I15311  Martindale  Virgil  17 Jul 1919  19 Aug 1992  (Research):

Census Listings:

1920 Census
Texas, Jasper County, Justice Pr 2
Enumerated 3 Feb 1920
SD 326 ED 74 Sheets 8A and 8B
Walker, William Anna Head F W 58 W Tx Tx Tx Farmer Own Farm
Martindale, George Son-in-law M W 26 M Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Martindale Alma Dtr F W 23 M Tx Tx Tx
Martindale, Milburn Grandson M W 6 S Tx Tx Tx
Martindale, Reba Grandtr F W 4 8/12 S Tx Tx Tx
Martindale, Virgil Grandson M W 6/12 S Tx Tx Tx
13612 I31906               
13613 I31792               
13614 I32535               
13615 I31998  Martus  Lynn Marie  14 Jul 1965  29 Mar 2011  Cass City Chronicle
Thursday, July 22, 1965
Cass City Social and Personal Items
Page Two

Mr. and Mrs. William Martus went to Flint Sunday to see their new granddaughter, Lynn Marie, born July 14 in McLaren hospital in Flint to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martus. She weighed seven pounds, nine ounces. Mrs. Martus and baby went to their home in Flint Monday. The other grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Girard McCormick of Flint.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, Spring 2007)

RUSSELL, Lynn Marie (Martus) - Flushing, MI age 45 passed away peacefully, Tuesday, March 29, 2011 surrounded by family and friends after a courageous battle with brain cancer. Funeral mass will be celebrated 11 AM Friday, April 1, 2011 at St. Robert Bellarmine Catholic Church , 310 N. Cherry St., Flushing with Fr. Robert Klein
celebrant. Interment will follow at Flushing Cemetery. Visitation will be held 5-9 PM Wednesday and 1-3 and 5-9 PM Thursday at Sharp Funeral Homes, Miller Road Chapel, 8138 Miller Rd., Swartz Creek. Those desiring may make memorial contributions to St. Robert School Library.

Lynn was born July 14, 1965 to Robert Martus and the late Miriam Martus. She was a resident of Flushing for most of her life, graduating from Flushing High School in 1983. She married David Russell, on July 29, 1988 and they were blessed with a beautiful daughter, Samantha. Lynn attended the University of Michigan Flint and worked for RB Management, a franchisee of the McDonalds Corporation for more than twenty years. She was an avid reader and trivia enthusiast. In the last few years, she volunteered her time as library assistant and tutor for students at St. Robert School where she fostered a love of reading in many children. Lynn loved to laugh and enjoyed spending time with family and friends. She was especially beloved by her daughter, Samantha and her nieces and nephews with whom she spent much time playing, teaching, laughing and reading with over the years.

She is survived by her wonderful and devoted husband, David and daughter Samantha of Flushing, her father Robert Martus of Flushing, sister and brother-in-law Lisa and Ted Sawicki of Erin, Ontario and nieces; Phoebe and Charlotte, brother and sister-in-law David and Karianne Martus and nephews; Jasper and Maximilian of Flushing. She also leaves treasured father and mother-in-law; Dave and Carol Russell, sister-in-laws; Sue Russell, Kathy (Jim) Wolfgang and nieces and nephews; Nikki (Lee) Bishop, John Berish, Kayla, Zachary and Noah Wolfgang; many aunts, uncles and cousins. Also close to her heart she leaves cousin, Colin Riley of Reston, VA, "adopted" son, Matthew Keinath; "adopted" daughters; Liz, Teresa, Michelle and their parents Rick and Lanie Valley, Caitlin Gansen and special friend Sheri DeWitt.

Lynn was preceded in death by her mother, Miriam and grandparents; William and Stella Martus and Gerard and Dorothy McCormick. The family wishes to extend many thanks to all of the family and friends who have offered support in the last few months in so many ways. Please know that your prayers and kindness were appreciated more than you know. - See more at:
13616 I30369               
13617 I30370               
13618 I30368               
13619 I19585  Martus  William Edward  26 Jun 1902  29 Mar 1989  Cass City Chronicle
Wednesday, April 5, 1989


William Martus, Sr.

William Edward Martus Sr., 86, of Cass City died Wednesday, March 29, at Hills and Dales General Hospital after a lengthy illness.

He was born June 26, 1902, in Cass City to William J. and Cecilia (Linck) Martus.

He and Miss Stella Mark were married Sept. 24, 1934 in Gagetown and made their home on a farm in Cass City.

He was a member of St. Agatha Catholic Church of Gagetown. Mr. Martus has been the service manager for Auten Motors in Cass City for over 50 years, retiring in 1951.

He is survived by his wife, Stella; 2 sons, William Martus Jr. and his wife Marilyn of Richmond, Ind., and Robert Martus and his wife Miriam of Flushing; one daughter, Mrs. Mary Jean Ziclke of Battle Creek; 8 grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. One brother preceded him in death.

A prayer service was held Friday evening a Little's Funeral Home, Cass City.

Funeral services were conducted Saturday at St. Agatha Catholic Church of Gagetown.

Burial was in St. Agatha Cemetery, Gagetown.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, Fall 2007) 
13620 I4864  Marx  Donald R.  23 Aug 1927  28 Dec 2012  MARX, Donald R. 85, of Seminole, died Thursday, Dec. 28 following a long illness. He was born Aug. 23, 1927, in Madison, WI, the son of Frank and Myrtle Marx. He is survived by his wife of 41 years, Judy; his daughter, Gail Hughes of Webster, NY; two stepsons, John Barker of Granville, OH and Bob Barker of Champaign, IL; 8 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. Don served in the U.S. Army in Japan, and upon his return he began a 40 year career with the J. C. Penney Company. He retired in 1987 in Houghton, MI. He was a member of Calvary Episcopal Church. Don was preceded in death by his parents and one grandchild. Services will be held on Jan. 15 at Calvary Episcopal Church, Indian Rocks Beach beginning at 10 am. Memorial contributions may be made to Calvary Episcopal Church.
Published in the Tampa Bay Times on January 9, 2013 
13621 I4865  Marx  Frank X.  4 May 1898  Feb 1984  This listing on the SSDI is assumed to be his, as the year of birth is correct and as Houghton, MI was also the last residence of his wife, Myrtle:

FRANK MARX 04 May 1898 Feb 1984 49931 (Houghton, Houghton, MI ) 49931 (Houghton, Houghton, MI ) 390-09-0814 Wisconsin
13622 I4865  Marx  Frank X.  4 May 1898  Feb 1984  (Research):

Census Listings:

1930 Census
Wisconsin, Dane County, Madison, 9th Ward
Enumerated 3 Apr 1930
ED 13-89 SD 12 Sheet 2B
Marx, Frank X. O $7000 R M W 31 M 24 Wisc Wisc Wisc Di??? Manager Dry Goods Store
Marx, Myrle A. Wf F W 30 M 23 Wisc Wisc Wisc
Marx, Donald R Son M W 2 6/12 S Wisc Wisc Wisc
13623 I40902  Marze  C. V.  20 Sep 1908  19 Feb 1962
Name: C.V. Marze
Death Date: 19 Feb 1962
Death Place: Orange, Orange, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Death Age: 53 years
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 20 Sep 1908
Birthplace: Kirbyville, Texas
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Elza Marze
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Hattie Claude
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Rigger
Place of Residence: W. Orange, Texas
Cemetery: Manning
Burial Place: Manning, Texas
Burial Date: 21 Feb 1962
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2116932
Digital Film Number: 4028430
Image Number: 3318
Reference Number: CN10901
Collection: Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976 
13624 I40897  Marze  Elzy D.  19 Jul 1877  5 Oct 1953
Name: Elzy D. Marze
Death Date: 05 Oct 1953
Death Place: Orange, Orange, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: white
Death Age: 76 years
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 19 Jul 1877
Birthplace: Warren, Texas
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Sampson Marze
Father's Birthplace: Texas
Mother's Name: Mary Harville
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Logger
Place of Residence: Orange, Orange, Texas
Cemetery: Bean
Burial Place: Kirbyville, Texas
Burial Date: 06 Oct 1953
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2113985
Digital Film Number: 4165744
Image Number: 9
Reference Number: 52846
Collection: Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976 
13625 I40897  Marze  Elzy D.  19 Jul 1877  5 Oct 1953  (Research):

Census Listings:

1920 Census
Texas, Tyler County, JP No 8
Enumerated 19 Jan 1920
SD 326 ED 208 Sheet 4B
Marze, E. D. Head m W 39 M Tx La Tx Foreman Section Gang
Marze, Hattie Wf F W 38 M Tx Miss Tx
Marze, Willie M Dtr F W 16 S Tx Tx Tx
Marze, C. D. Son M W 11 S Tx Tx Tx
Marze, Moody Son M W 9 S Tx Tx Tx
Marze, Hazel Dtr F W 6 S Tx Tx Tx
Ashworth, Mary Mother F W 59 Wd Tx Ala Miss

1930 Census
Texas, Angelina, JP 5, Manning Town
Enumerated May 7, 1930
ED 3-15 SD 19 Sheet 5B
Marze, Elzy D Head m W 50 M 20 Tx La Tx Farmer
Marze, Hattie T Wf F W 49 m 18 Tx Miss Tx
Marze, Moady Son M W 19 S Tx Tx Tx Com Labore Planer Mill
Marze, Hattie H Dtr F W 16 S Tx Tx Tx
Marze, Lissie B Dtr F W 9 S Tx Tx Tx
Claud, William H Father-in-law M W 83 D Miss US US 
13626 I40899  Marze  Hattie Hazel  26 Jul 1913  29 Mar 1999  Shown as Hazel M. ATCHISON on the SSDI and simply as Hazel ATCHISON on the Texas Death Index.  STR06 
13627 I40900  Marze  Lissie Beatrice "Bea"  27 Oct 1910  18 Dec 2008  Obituary, from FindAGrave:

Bea, of Hardin, passed away Thursday, at her home in Hardin.

She was born to Elzy D. Marze and Hattie Teresa Claude Marze.

She was a member of the Hardin Baptist Church, the Dorcus Sunday School Class and a retired School Food Service Specialist with the West Orange ? Cove ISD. She was a member of the West Orange-Cove Food Service Org.

She enjoyed her church family, crocheting, needlepoint, camping, fishing, and playing forty two.

She was preceded in death by her parents, two husbands, Lloyd N. Weaver, and Allen F. Huff, two brothers, C.V. Marze and Moody Marze, and two sisters, Willie Mae Stewart and Hazel Atchison.

Survivors include her sons: Kenneth N. Weaver and wife Cindy and Grover Frank Huff and wife Diane; three Step-sons; Loy G. Huff and wife Shirley, Hollis P. Huff, and Milton P. Huff and wife Mary Lee; grandchildren, Kenneth N. Weaver, Jr., Krissy Weaver Pickney, Kayla Weaver Blake, Joshua F. Huff, Jacob A. Huff; step-Grandchildren: Vonda Mears, Darrell Huffman, and Frank Huffman, Connie Huff Ellis, Larry D. Huff, Terry L. Huff, Randall E. Huff, Carol Lynn Huff, Floyd K. Huff, Milton P. Huff, Jr., Michael D. Huff, Leigh Ann Huff, and Marion A. Huff, and numerous step great-great grandchildren, and a host of other family members and friends.
13628 I40898  Marze  Moody  10 Feb 1910  30 Aug 1996  He shares a double marker with LaVelle Marze (22 Apr 1909-22 Mar 1990) at Whitehouse Cemetery in Lufkin.  STR06 
13629 I40901  Marze  Willie Mae  22 Jul 1903  16 Aug 1947
Name: Willie Mae Stewart
Death Date: 16 Aug 1947
Death Place: Orange, Orange, Texas
Gender: Female
Race: White
Death Age: 44 years
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 22 Jul 1903
Birthplace: Texas
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: E. O. Marze
Father's Birthplace: Texas
Mother's Name: Hattie Claude
Mother's Birthplace: Texas
Occupation: Housewife
Place of Residence: Orange, Orange, Texas
Burial Place: Lufkin, Texas
Burial Date: 17 Aug 1947
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2218651
Digital Film Number: 4031415
Image Number: 3344
Reference Number: cn 35492
Collection: Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976 
13630 I4091               
13631 I32801               
13632 I11024  Masek  Anna  Abt 1871  Yes, date unknown  (Research):From US GenWeb
Saunders County, Nebraska Family Stories
Jiri and Katerina MASEK

Jiri (George), 1827-1914, and Katerina Pokorny Masek, 1831-1915, left Sedlec, Snojmo, Moravia and came to the United States in 1876 with their six children: Anton, Frank, Charles, Katerina, Anna and John. Jiri was a wheelwright in Moravia. Upon arriving in New York, Jiri was told he would make great use of his anvil in Nebraska.

Jiri homesteaded in Elk Precinct. His farm was near the Oxbow Trail. He used the anvil while repairing the wagons of settlers who passed by on the trail. This anvil is now in the possession of a great-grandson. The settlers passing did a lot of Jiri's farming in exchange for his blacksmith work. Jiri added to his homestead and became a wealthy farmer.

The oldest son, Anton, married Antonia Novacek. Their first child, Sophia, was born on the ocean voyage to America. The other children were Frank, Mary Ann Novacek, Joseph F., Anna Dudek, Anton J., and George A. Many of his descendants live in the Valparaiso area.

Frank, the second son, died at age 39, unmarried. He was a talented musician.

Charles, the third child, married Rose Dufek and had 12 children. They were Thomas, Agnes Krchnavy, Anton, Emilie, Charles, Mary Chmelka, James, Bessie Birkel, Paul, Emil Frank, Della Navratil, and Helen Sloup. Charles lived in Butler County, and spelled his name "Mashek."

Katerina, the fourth child, married John J. Scholz. She died a month after her only son's birth. The son, John, was raised by his grandparents and John and Emma Masek.

Anna, the fifth child, married John Vachal. They lived in Saunders County. Their children were Mary Phillips, John Jr., Agnes Racek, Charles, 2 infants, names unknown, and Adolph.

John, the sixth son, married Emma Kubik. (See John Masek.)

A grandson remembers that Katerina was a small but spunky woman. She never learned to read or write, Czech or English. But she made the best rye bread he has ever eaten.

George and Katerina, in their extreme old age, moved to Weston to live with their retired son, Anton. George died of old age, complicated by a broken hip, at the age of 87. Katerina died in 1915 at the age of 84. Submitted by Gladys Masek Cajka 
13633 I20459  Masek  Bessie R.  31 Aug 1896  19 Aug 1957  The Milligan Nebraska Centennial History book notes that "She was the daughter of Anton MASEK and Mary HOUDA. She came to the United States with J.V. CHARVAT. They took a boat to New York and then traveled by train to Lincoln, arriving on September 11, 1913. The entire trip cost 439 Korum, or $89 U.S. dollars. She worked first as a housekeeper for Rudy ULDRICHS at two dollars a week. She later moved to Milligan, where she was employed by Louis PLACEK for $3 weekly."  STR06 
13634 I20026  Masek  Charles  19 Jan 1908    Son of John MASEK and Mary LOULA. (Milligan, p 305). He can found with these parents at the time of the 1910 Federal Census, in district 133, Wilber, Saline County, Nebraska. Other children in the home were Edward, 18, Frank, 16, Joe 12, Emma 6, and Mamie, 14. Parents John and Marie were both listed as born in the Austian Empire, with all six children being born in Nebraska. Not located on the SSDI.  STR06 
13635 I16694  Masek  Karel "Charles"  Dec 1830  5 Mar 1901  (Research):

Census Listings:

1880 Census
Nebraska, Fillmore, Glengary Twp
Enumerated 8 Jun 1900
SD 4 ED 26 Sheet 6B
Masek, Karel Head W M Dec 1830 69 W Bohemia Bohemia Bohemia 1874 26 Na Farmer
Masek, Thomas Son W M Jan 1876 24 S Neb Bohemia Bohemia Farm Laborer 
13636 I15163  Masek  Mary  10 Jan 1876  18 Apr 1959  (Research):

Census Listings:

1910 Census
Nebraska, Fillmore County, Liberty Twp
Enumerated 19 Apr 1910
SD 4 ED 32 Sheet 3A
Matejka, Mary Head F W 35 Wd 5/3 Neb Aust/Bohemia Aust/Bohemia Farmer
Matejka, Pauline Dtr F W 12 S Neb Aust/Bohemia Neb
Matejka, James Son M W 8 S Neb Aust/Bohemia Neb
Matejka, Charles Son M W 4 S Neb Aust/Bohemia Neb

1920 Census
not located

1930 Census
Nebraska, Fillmore County, Geneva, First Ward
Enumerated April 7, 1930
ED 30-13 SD 11 Sheet 5B
Matejka, Mary Head F W 55 Wd 21 Ne Bohemia Bohemia Laundress at Home
Matejka, Charles Son M W 24 S Neb Bohemia Neb Truck Driver S/T/Cream Station

1940 Census
Nebraska, Fillmore, Geneva Twp and City
Enumerated April 9, 1940
SD 8 ED 30-13 Sheet 4A
Matejka, Mary Head F W 63 Wd No 2 Neb Same Hosue
Matejka, T. Charles Son M W 33 M No H-4 Neb Same House
Matejka, Marie Dtr-in-law F W 29 M No 8 Neb R Fillmore Neb
Matejka, C. Robert Grandson M W 1 S No Neb
13637 I6611  Mason  Abbie Lola  Oct 1892  Yes, date unknown  Could this be the same Abbie Mason who married George L. WILLIAMS on 21 Dec 1911 in Sabine County, Texas?

"Texas, Marriages, 1837-1973," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 20 Nov 2013), George L. Williams and Abbie Mason, 21 Dec 1911.

Her Great granddaughter, Kena O'Bier, wrote that Abbie's middle name was Lola, and she is sometimes confused with her father's sister, Abbie Ola Mason. Kena adds that Abbie did indeed marry George Ledger Williams on 21 Dec 1911, and has seven children:

Rosa Louise Williams
September 21,1912 - November 15, 1995

Lynous Hampton Williams (my granddad)
May 25, 1916 - February 19, 1996

James Herrell Williams
May 20, 1918 - February 23, 1976

George Paul Williams
September 20,1922 - April 18,2006

Nanna Laura Williams
February 25, 1923 -

Lee Ella "Bonnie" Williams
February 12, 1927 - March 13, 2009

Madeline "Mattie" Williams
January 23, 1929 - May 15, 1974

She later married John Paul McIntyre. 
13638 I4925  Mason  Abbie Ola  28 Nov 1875  4 Jan 1918  (Research):

Census Listings:

1910 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 4
Enumerated 25 Apr 1910
SD 2 ED 134 Sheet 5A Stamped 155
Mason, James G Head m W 71 M1 46 Tx Ala Ala Farmer
Mason, Susanna Wf F W M2 46 11/7 Tx Ala Ala
Mason, Carey H Son M W 22 S Tx Tx Tx Teacher Public School
Gellatly, Abiola Head F W 31 Wd 5/4 Tx Tx Tx
Gellatly, Carl Jr. Son M W 12 S Tx Tx Tx
Gellatly, Don SOn M W 10 S Tx Tx Tx
Gellatly, Thelma Dtr F W 8 S Tx Tx Tx
Gellatly, Mason Son M W 6 S Tx Tx Tx
Neil, Austin J Nephew M W 19 S Tx Tx Tx Laborer 
13639 I44177  Mason  Audrey Faye  18 Jul 1938  16 Apr 1955  Name Audrey Faye Mason
Event Type Death
Event Date 16 Apr 1955
Event Place Hemphill, Sabine, Texas, United States
Gender Female
Marital Status Single
Birth Date 18 Jul 1938
Birthplace , Texas
Father's Name Napoleon Mason
Mother's Name Ethel Rice
Certificate Number 19993
GS Film number 2114388
Digital Folder Number 005145312
Image Number 03448

Citing this Record:
"Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 Nov 2013), Audrey Faye Mason, 16 Apr 1955; citing certificate number 19993, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2114388. 
13640 I13878  Mason  Bert Raymond  19 Mar 1895  16 Jan 1953  Name Bert Raymond Mason
Event Type Draft Registration
Event Date 1942
Event Place Leggett, Polk, Texas
Gender Male
Birth Date 19 Mar 1895
Affiliate Publication Title World War II Draft Cards (4th Registration) for the State of Texas
Affiliate Publication Number:
Affiliate ARC Identifier 576252
GS Film number 4150918
Digital Folder Number 004150918
Image Number 02123

Citing this Record:
"United States World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 22 Nov 2013), Bert Raymond Mason, 1942.

Name Bert R Mason
Event Type Death
Event Date 16 Jan 1953
Event Place Houston, Harris, Texas, United States
Gender Male
Marital Status Widowed
Birth Date 19 Mar 1895
Birthplace Winona, Missouri
Father's Name Samuel D Mason
Mother's Name Louvinna Jones
Certificate Number 2924
GS Film number 2113747
Digital Folder Number 005145276
Image Number 03063

Citing this Record:
"Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 22 Nov 2013), Bert R Mason, 16 Jan 1953; citing certificate number 2924, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2113747. 
13641 I13878  Mason  Bert Raymond  19 Mar 1895  16 Jan 1953  (Research):

Census Listings:

1920 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP One
Enumerated 3 Feb 1920
SD 326 SE 168 Sheet 26A
Drew and Mary EASLEY and family
Clement and Theodisia EASLEY and family
Mason, Bert B/R Headc M W 24 M Mo Ky Ky Farmer
Mason, Theo T Wf F W 24 M Tx Mo La
Toole, James D Stepson M W 5 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Bama (???) E Son M W 9/12 S Tx Mo Tx 
13642 I44115  Mason  Bonnie Sue  13 Jun 1930  22 Jul 1989  Name Bonnie Sue Mason
Event Type Birth
Event Date 13 Jun 1930
Event Place San Augustine, San Augustine, Texas, United States
Gender Female
Father's Name J E Mason
Mother's Name Pearl Smith
Certificate Number 55383
Digital Folder Number 005035092
Image Number 00504

Citing this Record:
"Texas, Birth Certificates, 1903-1935," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 25 Nov 2013), Bonnie Sue Mason, 1930. 
13643 I44120  Mason  Cary Houston  24 Nov 1887  2 Apr 1966  His death certificate showed his usual residence as Dallas, and occupation as Hotel Owner.  STR06 
13644 I44120  Mason  Cary Houston  24 Nov 1887  2 Apr 1966  (Research):

Census Listings:

1920 Census
Texas, Dallas County, JP #1, Dallas City
Enumerated 10 and 12 Jan 1920
SD 5 ED 53 Sheet 9
Rushim Av.
Mason, Carey Head M W 32 M Tx Tx Tx Bookkeeper Lumbr Co
Mason, Pearl Wf F W 27 M Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Theron Son m W 6 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Carey Jr Son M W 4 0/12 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Joseph Son M W 8/12 S Tx Tx Tx
Washington, Hallie Servant F B 24 S Tx Tx La Nursegirl Private family

1930 Census
Texas, Potter County, Amarillo City, JP #1
Enumerated April 16, 1930
ED 188-12 SD 1 Sheet 19A
Mason, Carey H Head O 10,000 R M W 42 M 24 Tx Tx Tx Dealer Automobile
Mason, Pearl Wf F W 38 M 20 Tx Tx Tx
Mason, C H Jr Son M W 15 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Joseph Son M W 10 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Halouise Dtr F W 6 S Tx Tx Tx
13645 I44058  Mason  Cleon N.  10 Dec 1912  8 Apr 2003  Obituary, from FindAGrave:

Cleon N. Mason, 90, Topeka, died Tuesday, April 8, 2003, at a Topeka hospice house. Mr. Mason was a clerk for Santa Fe Railway for more than 27 years and he had operated Mason Greenhouse since 1974. He served in the Army Air Corps 8th Air Force in England during World War II.

He was born Dec. 10, 1912, in Milam, Texas, to Napoleon and Era Nethery Mason. He had lived in Topeka since 1941. Mr. Mason was a member of Disabled American Veterans, Capitol Post No. 1 of the American Legion, and he was a charter member of Bethel Baptist Church. He married Mary E. Lesser on Nov. 4, 1942, in Topeka. She died on Feb. 4, 1999. Survivors include two sons, a brother, a sister, six grandchildren; one great-grandson; and one stepgreat-grandson. Services will be at 11 a.m. Friday at Davidson Funeral Home. Burial will be in Rochester Cemetery. 
13646 I47996  Mason  Darrell  Dec 1941  25 Mar 1991  A scan of his obituary is posted at:

Excerpts below

It shows he was born to Clarence and Marie (nee Helzer) Mason, and married Barb Beck in York. For several years he worked as a carpenter for Don's Construction in York. He was also a member of the American Legion (Bolton Post 19), the Lincoln Sky Knights, and York Thunderbirds Radio Control Flying club.

He was survived by wife Barb of York, sons Tim (of York) and Todd (of Lincoln), father and stepmother (Gertrude), brothers Jim (Jeri) and Don (Eldene), all of York, sister Jane (Lawrence) Kaliff of Coronado, Calif.

Preceded in death by his mother and an infant sisters.

Memorials suggested to Emmanuel Lutheran Church, where his final services were held. 
13647 I44059  Mason  Dollye Louise  Abt 1917  Yes, date unknown  Mrs. Louise Wood was the informant on the 1974 death certificate of her mother.  STR06 
13648 I6644  Mason  Dora  Abt 1870  Yes, date unknown  Could she have also been called Alice? On the 1900 census, James Halbert, the father of Pole Mason, is shown as married to an Alice M. Maybe the is Dora Alice Mason? The ages match, and Dora Mason is said to be the mother of Napoleon Mansely Halbert. Napoleon appears to be named in honor of Dora's father. Also in the home at the time of the 1900 census was four year old William Halbert. Additionally, the 1910 San Augustine County, TX census has a Dora, the same as as Dora Mason would be, listed as the wife of William T. Conner. They have five children in their home, including a 14 year old Clarence Halbert, stepson. The WWI draft registration records shows that Clarence Halbert's full name was William Clarence this might be the same William Halbert that lived with James and Alice Halbert in Sabine County in 1900. Perhaps James Halbert died, or perhaps he and Dora separated and she remarried.  STR06 
13649 I13879  Mason  Dorothy Luvenia  23 Nov 1920  31 Dec 1935  Name Dorothy Luvenia Mason
Event Type Death
Event Date 31 Dec 1935
Event Place , Sabine, Texas, United States
Gender Female
Marital Status Single
Birth Date 23 Nov 1920
Birthplace Sabine, Texas
Father's Name Bert Mason
Mother's Name Theo Pauline Easley
Certificate Number 71641
GS Film number 2116749
Digital Folder Number 005145520
Image Number 02571

Citing this Record:
"Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 22 Nov 2013), Dorothy Luvenia Mason, 31 Dec 1935; citing certificate number 71641, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2116749. 
13650 I44192  Mason  Effie  Sep 1879  Yes, date unknown  Married G. W. Mooney? An Effie and G. W. Mooney were witnesses to the Confederate Pension application that the widowed Sarah Harrison Mason applied for in 1915.  STR06 
13651 I44045  Mason  Eldon Bright  1 Jul 1915  24 Jan 1990  At the time of the 1940 Census, he was living in Dallas with his brother Carvy Mason, along with the Easley family of Sabine County (the family of Carvy's wife, Lillie).

He has a military grave marker, embossed with a cross and the following "Eldon B. Mason, PFC US Army, World War II, 1915-1990" 
13652 I44175               
13653 I17318  Mason  Frances M.  8 Feb 1859  26 May 1935  His Texas Death Certificate indicated he was a retired merchant, and the husband of Emma Mason. His father was shown as S. H. Mason, and mother was listed as unknown.  STR06 
13654 I44118  Mason  George Jefferson  29 May 1881  23 Mar 1963  When he registered for the draft during the First World War, he was a resident of Wilbarger, Texas. Most of the details on the card are difficult to read, but it does show he was 6 feet tall, medium build and had blue eyes and dark brown hair.

He was listed as "Supt. of schools" on the birth certificate of his son, Geo. Jefferson Mason, born in December, 1915, in Vernon, Wilbarger County, Texas.

His Texas Death Certificate shows that at the time of his death he was a resident of 6818 Lorna Lane, Dallss, and Exec. Sect. of the Baptist General Convention. His parents were listed as James G. Mason and Susan Halbert, and the informant was his wife, Mrs. George J. Mason. 
13655 I44118  Mason  George Jefferson  29 May 1881  23 Mar 1963  (Research):

Census Listings:

1910 Census
Texas, Armstrong County, JP 3, Goodnight
Enumerated 20 Apr 1910
SD 13 ED 7 Sheet 3B
Mason, Geo. J. M W 27 M1 9/12 Tx Tx Tx Teacher Baptist Inst
Mason, Janie Wf F W 26 m1 9/12 O/O Tx Tx Tx Teacher Baptist Inst

1920 Census
Texas, Wilbarger County, Vernon City
Enumerated 2 Jan 1920
SD 13 ED 196 Sheet 1A
Wilbarger St
Mason, George J Head M W 38 M Tx Tx Tx Merchant Hardware Store
Mason, Janie Wf F W 36 M Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Olga H Dtr F W 6 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Geo J Jr Son M W 3 S Tx Tx Tx 
13656 I44130  Mason  George Jefferson "Tad"  3 Dec 1915  1 Jan 2012  Obituary, From FindAGrave

George was born December 3, 1915 in Vernon, Texas to Mr. and Mrs. George J Mason and passed away on Sunday, January 1, 2012, at age 96 in Tyler. George attended Baylor University, graduating in 1937 with a BBA degree. He began a career in oil and gas accounting, first working with Standard Oil in Houston, TX. George commuted from Houston to Waco to date his intended bride, and in 1941 married Bobbie McKneely.

George and Bobbie soon moved to Boston, MA where he attended Harvard University and achieved his MBA degree. George was commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army, and after the attack on Pearl Harbor entered his military career in World War II. George spent nearly three years in the South Pacific, island hopping with Gen. Douglas MacArthur's forces, spending time in New Guinea, the Philippines, and Tokyo, Japan at the end of the war.

George was a long time member of First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas. Affectionately known as "Tad," George was preceded in death by his wife Bobbie of 61 years and is survived by his daughter Jo Carol Mason Camponeschi and husband, George of Dallas, TX and Racine WI; his son George J Mason III of Dallas and Tyler TX; his son Steven MacArthur Mason and wife Margaret of Tyler; 7 grandchildren, Jeb, Jarrod, Meredith, Carrie, Rachel, Michael and Andrew; 6 great-grandchildren, Luke, Samuel, Audrey, Benjamin, Norah and Neely; and 4 more great-grandchildren to be born this spring. Visitation will be from 6:00-8:00pm, Thursday, January 5th at Restland Funeral Home. Services will be at 12:30pm, Friday, January 6th at Restland Wildwood Chapel. In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts may be made to the Multiple Sclerosis Society or First Baptist Church Dallas.

Published in Dallas Morning News on January 5, 2012 
13657 I8211  Mason  George Rucker  28 Feb 1883  10 Jul 1963  (Research):

Census Listings:

1930 Census
Alabama, Morgan County, Decatur City
Enumerated April 10, 1930
ED 52-3 SD 2 Sheet 10A
Oak Street
Mason, George Head m W 48 M 26 Ga Ga Ga Dealer Real Estate
Mason, Emmie Wf F W 42 M Ga Ga Ga
Mason, Frances Dtr F W 20 S Ga Ga Ga
Mason, Jack Son m W 16 S Ga Ga Ga
Mason, Marianna Dtr F W 5 S Ga Ga Ga 
13658 I8214  Mason  George Wharton  22 Feb 1846  22 Nov 1921  Obituary, from FindAGrave

Mr George W Mason, one of Athens' oldest and most highly respected citizens, died Monday morning at 3 o'clock at his home on Prince avenue. Mr Mason had been in failing health for some time and his death was not entirely unexpected.

At the time of his death, he was 76 years of age and for a number of years had retired from the cotton business in which he had engaged for the greater part of his life.
The Mason family has been prominent in the cotton business for many generations. John Mason, grandfather of the deceased, was one of the larger cotton mill owners in Manchester, England before he came to the United States in 1779. He established, shortly after his arrival, the first calico and cotton print factory in the United States at Belleville, N J.

George Mason's father, William Mason, was the only one of John Mason's twelve children who came to the cotton belt to live although most of them engaged in the cotton business in New York, New Jersey, and in New England. George Mason continued his father's business in Athens.

Mr Mason had lived the greater part of his life in Athens. From the days of his young manhood he was engaged in the cotton business and Athens never had a more expert man in that line of business. In the days of the Athens volunteer fire department, Mr Mason was a member of the famous old blupe (?) company and for a long time was chief of the department.

He was a quiet and unassuming chief, but one of the rarest word and strength of character. He had for many years been a member of the First Baptist church.
During the days of the War Between the State he served with conspicuous bravery and gallantry the cause of the Confederacy and throughout the years that intervened between that war and his death he cherished with devotion the memories of that great struggle.

He was a kind father, a loving husband, a loyal friend and a citizen of great worth to the community. His death comes as a great shock and grief to his many friends.
Mr Mason is survived by his wife and six children, Messrs Rucker Mason, Will Mason and Harry Mason and Misses Katie Mason, Regina Mason and Emily Mason.
Funeral services will be conducted from the residence at 11 o'clock Wednesday morning. Rev Wilkerson of the First Baptist church, of which the deceased was a member, officiating. Interment in Oconee cemetery.

Athens Banner, Nov 23, 1921 ~ page 2 
13659 I8214  Mason  George Wharton  22 Feb 1846  22 Nov 1921  (Research):

Census Listings:

1900 Census
Georgia, Clarke County, District 216 Athens City
Enumerated 1 Jun 1900
SD 8 ED 5 Sheet 1A
Mason, Geo W Head W M Feb 1848 52 N 27 Ga England Ga Cotton Buyer
Mason, Gussie Wf W F Aug 1858 43 m 27 6/6 Tenn Ga Ga
Mason, Katy B Dtr W F Oct 1882 17 S Ga Ga Ga
Mason, Rucker Son W M Feb 1883 17 S Ga Ga Ga At School
Mason, Will Son W M Dce 1888 12 S Ga Ga Ga At School
Mason, John H Son W M Dec 1891 9 S Ga Ga Ga At School
Mason, Emily Dtr W F Dec 1893 7 S Ga Ga Ga At School
Mason, Regina Dtr W F Dec 1894 6 S Ga Ga Ga
Jackson, Andrew Servant B W Aug 1894 5 S Ga Ga Ga Servant 
13660 I35687  Mason  Ima  13 Jan 1906  14 Nov 1995  Ima Mason Lyons

Mrs. Ima Mason Lyons, age 89, of San Augustine, Texas died Tuesday, Nov. 14, 1995, at the Nacogdoches County Memorial Hospital in Nacogdoches.

She was born Jan. 13, 1906, in Sabine County and was a longtime resident of Beaumont and San Augustine. Mrs. Lyons was a retired teacher with Beaumont schools and a member of First Baptist Church.

Survivors: son, James Duke Lyons of Houston; grandchildren, Kimberly Barry of Melbourne, Australia, and James Gregory Lyons of Houston; and a great-granddaughter, Samantha Barry of Melbourne.

Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Thursday at First Baptist Church, San Augustine, with the pastor, Bro. Jim Moss, officiating. Interment was at San Augustine City Cemetery. Arrangements were handled by Wyman Roberts Funeral Chapel in San Augustine.

Published in The Sabine County Reporter, November 22, 1995, page 12 
13661 I35686  Mason  Ira Eugene "Gene"  5 Feb 1899  21 Jan 1980  Ann Ussery notes that he was blinded about 1950, and was San Augustine county judge for a term. He and his wife had three daughters.  STR06 
13662 I35686  Mason  Ira Eugene "Gene"  5 Feb 1899  21 Jan 1980  (Research):

Census Listings:

1930 Census
Texas, San Augustine County, JP 1
Enumerated April 22, 1930
ED 205-2 SD 19 Sheet 12A
Asphalt Ave
Mason, Gene Head M W 31 M 18 Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Mason, Pearl Wf F W 31 m 18 Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Muriel Louise Dtr F W 7 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Jean Marie Dtr F W 7 S Tx Tx Tx

1940 Census
Texas, San Augustine, JP 1
Enumerated May 1, 1940
SD 42-2 ED 203-2 Sheet 17A
Mason, Eugene Head M W 41 M No H-4 Tx SameHouse Foreman Highway Dept
Mason, Pearl Wf F W 41 M No H-4 Tx Same House
Mason, Murrel Dtr F W 19 S Tx Same House
Mason, Jean Marie Dtr F W 17 S Tx Same House
Mason, Bobbie Sue F W 9 S Tx Same House 
13663 I3131  Mason  James  Abt 1799  Abt 1869  Said to be a son of David MASON, Rev. Soldier, and Isabella TEAGUE of South Carolina. David was said to have died on September 11, 1829 in Laurens County, SC. James, John and William, their sons, were all three early pioneers of Sabine County. The brothers (were born in South Carolina and) went to Alabama where they lived for ten years before coming to Coahuila-Texas. (White and Toole, p 40).

James Mason received his headright from the Mexican Government. It was located in the Isla Community, and many of his descendants still live there. (White and Toole, p 40). 
13664 I3131  Mason  James  Abt 1799  Abt 1869  (Research):

Census Listings:

1850 Census
Texas, Sabine County, District of Sabine
Enumerated 1 Oct 1850
Stamped 311
James Mason 51 M Farmer SC
Elizabeth Mason 50 F SC
Thomas Neill 23 M La
Houston Mason 14 M Tx
James Mason 11 M Tx
Elizabeth Neil 19 F Tx

1860 Census
Texas, Sabine County, Patroon Beat No. 5, Post Office Milam
Enumerated 1 July 1860
Page 26
Wm. Mason 54 M Farmer 4000 2737 SC
Judy Mason 44 F SC
Lafayette Mason 15 M Tx
Matilda Mason 11 F Tx
Martha Mason 9 F Tx
Harriet Mason 8 F Tx
Mason 4 M Tx
Hepalian Mason 21 M Farmer $--- $250 Tx
Daniel McLane 22 m Blacksmith $--- $100 Tx
Jane Neal and children
John and Amanda McGuffin and family
S H Mason 23 M Farmer 300 325 Tx
Sarah Mason 22 f Miss
Elizabeth Mason 5 F Tx
James Mason 3 Tx
Francis M Mason 1 M Tx
Thomas T Neal 33 M Farmer 1200 200 La
Elizabeth Neal 30 F Ala
Joseph Neal 9 M Tx
Sam H Neal 7 M Tx
Sarah L Neal 5 F Tx
James G Mason 21 M Farmer $2000 $620 Tx
James Mason 56 M Farmer 800 100 SC
Harris and Sarah Vickers 
13665 I11152  Mason  James Carvy  21 Jan 1919  3 Jan 2004  (Research):

Census Listings:

1940 Census
Texas, Dallas, Dallas City, JP 1, Block 77-78
Enumerated 2 April 1940
SD 5 ED 255-18 Sheet 1B
Halbert, Viola head F W 41 S (M was written and then struck through) No H-4 Tx R Sabine County Texas
Easley, L B Son M W 22 S No H-2 Tx R Sabine County, Tx Grocery Salesman Retail Grocery Store
Easley, Louie Son M W 18 S Yes H-1 Tx R Sabine County, TX Grocery Salesman Retail Grocery Store
Easley, Ernest Son M W 13 S Yeas 4 Tx R Sabine County, TX
Mason, Carvy Son-in-law M W 21 M No H-1 Tx R Sabine County, TX Shoe Salesman Retail Shoe Store
Mason, Lillie Mae Dtr F W 20 M No H-4 Tx R Sabine County, TX
Mason, James C grandson M W 4/12 S Tx
Mason, Eldon Lodger M W 24 S No H-1 Tx R Sabine County, TX Grocery Salesman Retail Grocery Store 
13666 I13936               
13667 I6612  Mason  James Elmer  16 Nov 1894  10 Jan 1981  His Texas Death Certificated shows that he was a retired Baptist Minister, widowed, and resident of Palestine, Texas at his time of death. His father was listed as James Mason, and under mother's name it said "no record." The informant was Elsie Mason Coleman.  STR06 
13668 I6612  Mason  James Elmer  16 Nov 1894  10 Jan 1981  (Research):

Census Listings:

1920 Census
Texas, Cherokee County, JP 1, Rusk Town
Enumerated 28 Jan 1920
SD 326 SD 19 Sheet 22B
Mason, J. Elmer head M W 25 M Tx Tx Tx Minister Gospel
Mason, Ollie Wf F W 23 M Tx Ga Tx
Mason, Elsie Dtr F W 2 6/12 S Tx Tx Tx

1930 Census
Texas, San Augustine County, San Augustine Precinct, San Augustine Town
Enumerated April 8, 1930
ED 203-1 SD 19 Sheet 12A Stamped 145
Mason, Elmer J Head M W 35 m 19 Tx Tx Tx Clergyman Baptist Church
Mason, Ollie Wf F W 33 M 17 Tx Ga Tx
Mason, Elsie Dtr F W 12 S Tx Tx Tx

1940 Census
Texas, Robertson County, Calvert JP 1
Enumerated April 23, 1940
SD 6 ED 198-1 Sheet 21A
484 R 15
Mason, James E Head M W 45 M No C-2 Tx Same Place Preacher Ministry
Mason, Ollie B (x) F W 43 M No C-1 Tx Same Place 
13669 I6610  Mason  James G.  12 Jan 1869  13 Dec 1946  Name James G Mason
Event Type Death
Event Date 13 Dec 1946
Event Place Alto, Cherokee, Texas, United States
Gender Male
Marital Status Married
Occupation Retired Preacher, minister and farmer
Birth Date 12 Jun 1869
Birthplace Sabine, Texas
Father's Name F G Mason
Mother's Name Susan Halbert
Certificate Number 53780
GS Film number 2218504
Digital Folder Number 005145019
Image Number 00914

Citing this Record:
"Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 26 Nov 2013), James G Mason, 13 Dec 1946; citing certificate number 53780, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2218504. 
13670 I6610  Mason  James G.  12 Jan 1869  13 Dec 1946  (Research):

Census Listings:

1900 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP No 8
Enumerated 6 Jun 1900
SD 8 ED 72 Sheet 7A
Mason, James G Head W M Jan 1869 31 M 12 Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Mason, Nannie R Wf W F Sept 1871 28 M 12 5/5 Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Tommie D Son W M Mar 1889 11 S Tx Tx Tx Farm labor
Mason, Sudie M Dtr W F Nov 1890 9 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Abbie O Dtr W F Oct 1892 7 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, James E Son W M Nov 1894 5 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Vera Dtr W F Sept 1896 3 S Tx Tx Tx

1910 Census
Texas, Sabine County, Pr. 4
Enumerated 5 May 1910
SD 2 ED 134 Sheet 12B
Mason, James G. Head M W 41 M1 24 Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Mason, Nannie R Wf F W 37 m1 24 6/6 Tx Miss Tx
Mason, Abbie L Dtr F W 17 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, James E Son M W 15 S Tx Tx Tx Farm laborer
Mason, Mattie V Dtr F W 13 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Berta (sic) K Dtr F W 7 S Tx Tx Tx
Tabor, George W Hired Hand M W 60 Wd Miss Ga Ga Farm Laborer Working Out 
13671 I3130  Mason  James G. "Governor"  1 Apr 1839  15 Oct 1911  His widow, Susan Halbert Mason, applied for a Confederate Widow's pension. She was a resident of Sabine County, Post Office Isla when she applied, on April 22, 1924. She stated that her husbands full name was James Governor Mason, and that he enlisted in 1861 and served four years, and "was wounded and at home when war ended." He served in Capt. Edwards Company, from San Augustine County and Lane's regiment. Witness were M. W. Fullen and W W Halbert. The Pension commission indicated that there were not muster rolls on file for Edward's Co, Crump's Regiment (formerly Lane's Regiment). Bridgett Kearney, on her "Visiting the Past" tree at RootsWeb's World Connect states that "Headstone lists middle name as Galbreth. Other sources, lists middle name as Galreith: Nickname of "Gov"  STR06 
13672 I3130  Mason  James G. "Governor"  1 Apr 1839  15 Oct 1911  (Research):

Census Listings:

1880 Census
Texas, Sabine County, Fourth Precinct
Enumerated 22 Jun 1880
Page 11 SD 1 ED 86
Mason, James G W M 41 Farmer Tx SC SC
Mason, Susan W F 36 Wf Keeping House Tx Tenn Tenn
Mason, Mary E W F 16 Dtr At School Tx Tx Tx
Mason, James G W M 11 Son At School Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Joe L W M 4 Son Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Abbie O W F 2 Dtr Tx Tx Tx
Wright, James T W M 22 Servant Works on Farm Ala Ala Ala

1900 Census
Texas, Sabine County, Milam Pr. 4
Enumerated 12 and 13 Jun 1900
SD 8 ED 71 Sheet 7A Stamped 135
Mason, James Head W M Apr 1839 61 M 36 Tx SC SC Farmer
Mason, Susan Wf W F Dec 1849 54 M 36 12/7 Tx Ala Ala
Mason, George Son W M May 1871 (???) 19 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer
Mason, Herman Son M W Sept 1873 (???) 16 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer
Mason, Cary Son W M Nov 1887 12 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer
Neal, Jennie GrDtr W F Dec 1888 11 S Tx Tx
Neal, Austin GrSon W M May 1890 9 S Tx Tx
Starkins, Edward Servant B M May 1876 23 S Tx Tx
Giles, Solomon Servant B M July 1878 21 S Tx Tx Tx

1910 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 4
Enumerated 25 Apr 1910
SD 2 ED 134 Sheet 5A Stamped 155
Mason, James G Head m W 71 M1 46 Tx Ala Ala Farmer
Mason, Susanna Wf F W M2 46 11/7 Tx Ala Ala
Mason, Carey H Son M W 22 S Tx Tx Tx Teacher Public School
13673 I44133  Mason  James Marcus  10 Aug 1911  6 Feb 1996  His double headstone, with wife Katherine Petty, has a masonic emblem.  STR06 
13674 I15915  Mason  James Polly  16 Oct 1882  29 Jul 1928  Name: Jim Polly Mason
Death Date: 29 Jul 1928
Death Place: Crockett, Houston, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: w
Death Age: 45 years 9 months 13 days
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 16 Oct 1882
Birthplace: Texas
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: N B Mason
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Mary Terry
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Farmer
Place of Residence:
Cemetery: Belot Cemetery
Burial Place: Houston Co, Texas
Burial Date: 30 Jul 1928
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2114621
Digital Film Number: 4163985
Image Number: 16
Reference Number: 31179
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
13675 I15915  Mason  James Polly  16 Oct 1882  29 Jul 1928  (Research):

Census Listings:

1920 Census
Louisiana, Sabine Parish, Police Jury Ward 2, Toro
Enumerated 14 and 15 Jan 1920
SD 82 ED 82 Sheet 5B
Mason, James P Head M W 38 M Tx Tx Tx Retail Merchant Groceries
Mason, Maud Wf F W 39 M Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Pauline Dtr F W 10 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Marcus Son M W 8 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, M/Naline Dtr F W 1 S Tx Tx Tx

1930 Census
Texas, Houston County, JP 1
Enumerated 12 Apr 1930
ED 113-4 SD 19 Sheet 10A
Mason, Maud Head F W 48 Wd Tx La Sc
Mason, Pauline Dtr F W 20 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Marcus Son m W 18 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Nadine Dtr F W 11 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Audrey Dtr F W 7 S Tx Tx Tx
13676 I35685  Mason  Jo Ella  2 Jan 1891  22 Mar 1977  Her Texas Death Certificates shows that her usual occupation was that of a Cafe Operator, food service.  STR06 
13677 I41202  Mason  Joseph Lambert  12 Aug 1876  23 Jan 1981  His Texas Death certificate shows that he was married at the time of his death, at age 104, to Janie Gertrude Nixon. His occupation was shown as retired merchant and rancher, and his parents were listed as James Governor Mason and Susan Holbert. He may have taught for a while in Isla, the Virgie Speights biography of Pearl Chambers of Sabine County mentions her teacher there was Joe Mason (though he was only 10 years older than Pearl)  STR06 
13678 I41202  Mason  Joseph Lambert  12 Aug 1876  23 Jan 1981  (Research):

Census Listings:

1900 Census
Texas, Sabine County, Milam Pr. 4
Enumerated 12 and 13 Jun 1900
SD 8 ED 71 Sheet 7
Mason, Joseph L Head W M Aug 1876 23 M 4 Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Mason, Kate Wf W F Oct 1876 23 M 4 1/1 Tx NY Tx
Mason, Lexie I Dtr W F Jan 1898 2 S Tx Tx Tx

1910 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 1
Enumerated 9 May 1910
SD 2 ED 131 Sheet 18A
Mason, Joseph L Head M W 33 M2 7 Tx Tx Tx Tax Assesor Assessing Taxes
Mason, Annie Wf F W 31 m1 7 3/3 Tx Scotland Ga
Mason, Lexie I Dtr F W 12 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Odie H Son M W 9 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Sallie E Dtr F W 5 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Joseph C Son M W 2 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Sadie/Sudie M Dtr F W 2/12 S Tx Tx Tx

1920 Census
Texas, Eastland County, NE Part Pr. 8
Enumerated 5 to 7 Mar 1920
SD 17 ED 102 Sheet 1A
Mason, J. L. Head M W 42 M Tx Tx Tx Merchant Genl
Mason, Annie Wf F W 40 M Tx Scotland Ga
Mason, Estelle Dtr F W 15 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Odie Son M W 19 S Tx Tx Tx Laborer Oil
Mason, Cullen Son m W 12 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Wilson Son M W 7 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Margaret Dtr F W 2 S Tx Tx Tx
13679 I44138  Mason  Joseph Truett  29 Apr 1919  20 Feb 2012  Name Joseph Truette Mayson
Event Type Birth
Event Date 29 Apr 1919
Event Place Royse City, Rockwall, Texas, United States
Gender Male
Father's Name Cary H Mayson
Mother's Name Pearl E Adams
Certificate Number 19197
Digital Folder Number 004517993
Image Number 00519

Citing this Record:
"Texas, Birth Certificates, 1903-1935," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 26 Nov 2013), Joseph Truette Mayson, 1919.


Services for Dr. Joseph Truett Mason, "Papa Joe," 92, will be 1:30 p.m. Saturday, February 25, 2012, at First Baptist Church in Marshall. Interment will follow in Colonial Gardens Cemetery. Arrangements are by Sullivan Funeral Home. Dr. Mason was born April 29, 1919, in Royse City, and died February 20, 2012, in Cedar Park. Visitation will be 6-8 p.m. Friday, February 24, 2012, at the funeral home. 
13680 I17316  Mason  Judge F.  Abt 1833  Yes, date unknown  He was said to have married an Ann.  STR06 
13681 I35665  Mason  Lena Gay  19 Aug 1892  9 Dec 1969  Name: Lena Gay Fussell
Death Date: 09 Dec 1969
Death Place: San Augustine, San Augustine, Texas
Gender: Female
Death Age: 77 years
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 19 Aug1892
Birthplace: Sabine County, Texas
Marital Status: Widowed
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: W. C. Mason
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Josephine Deas
Mother's Birthplace:
Informant: Mrs. Bennie Poss (Daughter)
Occupation: Housewife
Place of Residence:
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2218604
Digital Film Number: 4168894
Image Number: 288
Reference Number: 90571
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976 
13682 I35665  Mason  Lena Gay  19 Aug 1892  9 Dec 1969  (Medical):See attached sources.  STR06 
13683 I44186  Mason  Louisa  1 Jun 1866  17 Jul 1938  Name Louisa Wauson
Event Type Death
Event Date 17 Jul 1938
Event Place , Williamson, Texas, United States
Gender Female
Marital Status Widowed
Birth Date 07 Jun 1866
Birthplace Sabine, Texas
Father's Name S H Mason
Mother's Name Sarah Harrison
Certificate Number 35198
GS Film number 2117750
Digital Folder Number 005144938
Image Number 03165

Citing this Record:
"Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 30 Nov 2013), Louisa Wauson, 17 Jul 1938; citing certificate number 35198, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2117750. 
13684 I35666  Mason  Marcus Lafayette "Shad"  13 Apr 1868  8 Nov 1952  Name: Markus Lafayette Mason
Death Date: 08 Nov 1952
Death Place: Bon Ami, Jasper, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: White
Death Age: 84 years
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 13 Apr 1868
Birthplace: Texas
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Napalion B. Mason
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Mary Bethany Tarrey
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Ret. Farmer
Place of Residence: Bon Ami, Jasper, Texas
Cemetery: Friendship Cemetery
Burial Place: Roganville, Tex.
Burial Date: 09 Nov 1952
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2113701
Digital Film Number: 4167259
Image Number: 2781
Reference Number: cn 55246
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976

Obituary, from FindAGrave

Markus Lafayette " Shad " Mason, 84, died in the home of a daughter, Mrs T M Thompson in Kirbyville, about 10:00 Saturday morning, November 8, 1952.
He had been an invalid for many years. A native of Sabine County, he lived in Kirbyville for 38 years. He was a member of the North Bon Ami Baptist Church.

Funeral services will be held at 2:00 PM Sunday in the Thompson Home with Rev Roy Harrell and Rev Herschel Humphrey, Baptist ministers, officiating. Burial will be in the Friendship Cemetery near Roganville under the direction of E E Stringer Funeral Home of Kirbyville. M

Surviving, beside his daughter, are his wife and a son, N J Mason, both of Kirbyville; three brothers, Robert of Clarendon, Poll of Milam and Sam of Yellowpine; four sisters, Mrs Molly Self and Mrs Sally Smith, both of Milam, Mrs Pearl Hulbert of Dallas, Mrs Nannie Smith of Clarendon; 13 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren 
13685 I35666  Mason  Marcus Lafayette "Shad"  13 Apr 1868  8 Nov 1952  (Research):
Census Listings:

1910 Census
Texas, Sabine County, Pr 7
Enumerated 28 Apr 1910
SD 2 ED 132 Sheet 8B
Mason, Shad Head M W 42 M1 22 Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Mason, Jennie Wf F W 36 m1 22 5/4 Tx Tx La
Mason, Ike Son M W 19 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer
Mason, Napolean Son M W 17 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer
Mason, Essie Dtr F W 13 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer
Mason, Lela Dtr F W 9 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Shadie Son M W 6 S Tx Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Sam Head M W 33 m1 15 Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Mason, Dora Wf F W 22 m1 16 5/4 Tx Tx La
Mason, Volney Son M W 14 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer
Mason, Hermon Son M W 7 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer
Mason, Rufus Son M W5 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Arlos Son M W 1 2/12 S Tx Tx Tx
McDonald, James HiredMan M W 22 S La Ala Ala Farm Laborer 
13686 I8212               
13687 I17313  Mason  Marquis de Lafayette "M. L."  Abt 1845  22 Sep 1863  Marquis De Lafayette Mason and his brother Napolean both served in Hood's Brigade, enlisting on April 1, 1862, in San Augustine. L.M. (that's the way he is listed in his war records) died from wounds received at the battle of Chickamauga Sept 19-21"
13688 I35664  Mason  Marvin Deas  14 May 1903  3 Feb 1953  Name: Marvin Deas Mason
Death Date: 1953
Death Place: San Augustine, San Augustine, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: White
Death Age: 49 years 8 months 19 days
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 14 May 1903
Birthplace: Sabine Co., Texas
Marital Status: Divorced [Rubye Belle NEAL]
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: W. C. Mason
Father's Birthplace: Texas
Mother's Name: Josephine Deas
Mother's Birthplace: Texas
Occupation: Stockman
Place of Residence: San Augustine, San Augustine, Texas
Cemetery: City Cemetery
Burial Place: San Augustine, Texas
Burial Date: 1953
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2113848
Digital Film Number: 4167312
Image Number: 454
Reference Number: cn10289
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
13689 I44168  Mason  Marvin O'Neal  25 Aug 1915  Yes, date unknown  Name Marvin Oneal Mason
Event Type Birth
Event Date 25 Aug 1915
Event Place Hemphill, Sabine, Texas, United States
Father's Name Napolean Jackson Mason
Mother's Name Ethel Jane Rice
Certificate Number 34041
Digital Folder Number 004284929
Image Number 00230

Citing this Record:
"Texas, Birth Certificates, 1903-1935," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 Nov 2013), Marvin Oneal Mason, 1915. 
13690 I8541  Mason  Mary "Mollie" E.  2 May 1865  20 Jan 1967  Old Timers of Sabine County
Mrs. Mollie Mason Jones Wright

Mrs. Mollie Wright celebrated her 98th birthday on May 2, 1863, with members of the family present. Last year there was a big celebration with friends and neighbors from far and near wishing her well. This celebration was quiet because of her failing health. A year ago Aunt Molly, as practically everyone calls her, was in excellent health, able to do light housework, and attended church regularly. Now she is still mentally alert, still able to get around and still enjoys having company, but her steps are a wee bit feebler. Sometimes she does not feel quite like attending services and housework is a little bit beyond her capabilities. Her eyesight is failing and when told that her photograph was good, she said, "I wish I could see that."

Name: Mollie E. Wright
Death Date: 20 Jan 1967
Death Place: Precinct 1, Sabine, Texas
Gender: Female
Race: White
Death Age: 101 years
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 02 May 1865
Birthplace: Texas
Marital Status: Widowed
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: J.G. Mason
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Susan Halbert
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Housewife
Place of Residence: Precinct #1, Sabine, Texas
Cemetery: Mason Cemetery
Burial Place: Sabine, Texas
Burial Date: 21 Jan 1967
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2138240
Digital Film Number: 4027223
Image Number: 3217
Reference Number: cn05249
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
13691 I44187  Mason  Mary Jane  Abt 1868  27 Apr 1940  Name Mary Janie Olive Wiley
Titles and Terms:
Name Prefix:
Event Date 27 Apr 1940
Event Place Albuquerque, Bernalillo, New Mexico
Gender Female
Race (Original):
Age 72
Birth Year (Estimated) 1868
Birth Date:
Marital Status:
Spouse's Name Robert Wiley
Spouse's Titles and Terms:
Spouse's Name Prefix:
Father's Name Houston Mason
Father's Titles and Terms:
Father's Name Prefix:
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name Sarah Harrison
Mother's Titles and Terms:
Mother's Name Prefix:
Mother's Birthplace:
Residence Place:
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Funeral Home:
Informant's Name:
Additional Relatives:
GS Film number 1913310
Reference ID cn 317

Citing this Record:
"New Mexico, Deaths, 1889-1945," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 30 Nov 2013), Mary Janie Olive Wiley, 27 Apr 1940. 
13692 I35669  Mason  Mary Pearl  2 Jan 1878  21 May 1977  STR06 
13693 I44113  Mason  Murrel Louise  26 Sep 1920  22 Aug 2014  Name Muerel Louise Mason
Event Type Birth
Event Date 26 Sep 1920
Event Place San Augustine, San Augustine, Texas, United States
Gender Female
Father's Name Ira Eugene Mason
Mother's Name Pearl Smith
Certificate Number 51035
Digital Folder Number 004517691
Image Number 00126

Citing this Record:
"Texas, Birth Certificates, 1903-1935," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 25 Nov 2013), Muerel Louise Mason, 1920.

Sabine County Reporter
August 27, 2014, Page 12

Murrel Williams

Murrel Williams, age 93, died Friday, August 22, 2014, at her residence in San Augustine.

She was born to Ira Eugene and Pearl (Smith) Mason in San Augustine, Sept. 26, 1920.

Those left to cherish her memories are her son, John Mason Williams of San Augustine; daughter, Janis Louise Lorensen of Westerly, Rhode Island; numberous nieces, nephews, cousins, friends; and her very special friends.

Memorial services will be held Wednesday Aug. 27, beginning at 10 a.m. at the First Baptist Church in San Augustine with Rev. Stephen Warren officiating. Burial will follow in Chapel Hill Cemetery.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, September 2014) 
13694 I14398  Mason  Nancy "Nannie" Lorena  19 Feb 1884  27 Jul 1959  Name: Nancy Lorena Smith
Death Date: 27 Jul 1959
Death Place: Cleburne, Johnson, Texas
Gender: Female
Race: White
Death Age: 75 years
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 19 Feb 1884
Birthplace: Hemphill, Texas
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: N.B. Mason
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Mary Terry
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Housewife
Place of Residence: Cleburne, Johnson, Texas
Cemetery: Clarenden Citizens Cemetery
Burial Place: Clarenden, Texas
Burial Date: 29 Jul 1959
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2115951
Digital Film Number: 4162013
Image Number: 1760
Reference Number: cn 45705
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
13695 I7186  Mason  Napolean Bonaparte  Feb 1839  Between Oct and Nov 1917  "He was the son of William and Judith Mason. Was a member of Hood's Brigade in the Civil War and was Sheriff of Sabine County for several years." (White and Toole, p 36). His application for a confederate pension shows that he "was made a prisoner at Chr. Dec 3, 1863, discharged 1865." He further stated that he was born in Sabine County, and had been a resident for all of his life, "except for the war." He showed his P.O. as in Milam, and indicated he was a farmer. He served from 1861-1865 in Company I, 1rst Texas Regiment, Infantry as a private. He made his application on July 9, 1909 before County Judge J. H. McGown and witnesses W R Davidson and T B Davidson. They both testified that they served in the same company.

Billy Fussell and Bobby Wood, great-grandsons write that "N. B. and his brother Marquis De Lafayette Mason both served in Hood's Brigade, enlisting on April 1, 1862, in San Augustine. L.M. (that's the way he is listed in his war records) died from wounds received at the battle of Chickamauga Sept 19-21. N.B. was captured and taken as prisoner of war to Camp Douglas a notorious Prison Camp near Chicago, Illinois. He remained there until the end of the war and was exchanged at New Orleans on May 23,1865. He came home and married his brother's widow, Mary Terry Mason, and together they had 13 children." 
13696 I7186  Mason  Napolean Bonaparte  Feb 1839  Between Oct and Nov 1917  (Research):

Census Listings:

1880 Census
Texas, Sabine County, Fifth Precinct
Enumerated 3 and 5 July 1880
Page 26B SD 1 ED 86
Mason, Napoleon W M 42 Farmer, Sheriff Tx SC SC
Mason, William W M 13 Son Works on Farm Tx Tx Ala
Mason, Mary W F 22 Wf Keeps House Ala Ala Ala
Mason, Lafayette W M 12 Son Works on Farm Tx Tx Ala
Mason, John T. W M 11 Son Works on Farm Tx Tx Ala
Mason, Dora W F 10 Dtr At School Tx Tx Ala
Mason, Sarah W F 7 Dtr Tx Tx Ala
Mason, Pattie W F 5 Dtr Tx Tx Ala
Mason, Tilden W M 4 Son Tx Tx Ala
Mason, Pearl W F 4/12 Feb Dtr Tx Tx Ala
Grice, Elbert B W 25 Servant Works on Farm Tx Tx Tx
Thomas, Henry B M 18 Servant Works on Farm Tx Tx Tx

1900 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 7
Enumerated 13 Jun 1900
SD 8 ED 69 Sheet 8B
Mason, N B Head m M Feb 1839 61 M 35 Tx Sc Ala Farmer
Mason, Mary B Wf W F Jun 1847 52 M 35 13/12 Ga Ga Ark
Mason, James P Son W M Oct 1882 17 S Tx Tx Ga Farm Laborer
Mason, Robt L Son W M May 1888 12 S Tx Tx Ga Farm Laborer
Mason, Mellie Dtr W F Jan 1880 10 S Tx Tx Ga Farm Laborer
Mason, Napolean B Son W M Nov 1893 6 S Tx Tx Ga
Hines, Spence Servant B M may 1836 Wd La La La Farm Laborer

1910 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 4
Enumerated 30 Apr 1910
SD 2 ED 134 Sheet 9A
Mason, Napolean b Head M W 71 m1 44 Tx Sc Ala Farmer
Mason, Mary B Wf F W 63 m2 44 13/12 Ga G a Ga
Mason, Napolean B SOn M W 17 S Tx Tx Ga Farm Laborer 
13697 I44052  Mason  Napolean Jackson "Dick"  21 Nov 1892  23 Aug 1953  Name Nepolian Jackson Mason
Event Type Death
Event Date 23 Aug 1953
Event Place Bon Ami, Jasper, Texas, United States
Gender Male
Marital Status Married
Birth Date 21 Nov 1892
Birthplace , Texas
Father's Name Marcus L Mason
Mother's Name Jennie Lowe
Certificate Number 41975
GS Film number 2113981
Digital Folder Number 005144994
Image Number 02352

Citing this Record:
"Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 Nov 2013), Nepolian Jackson Mason, 23 Aug 1953; citing certificate number 41975, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2113981. 
13698 I44052  Mason  Napolean Jackson "Dick"  21 Nov 1892  23 Aug 1953  (Research):

Census Listings:

1920 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 7
Enumerated 9 Jan 1920
SD 326 ED 169 Sheets 6B and 7A
Mason, Napolean J Head M W 27 M Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Mason, Ethel J Wf F W 20 M Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Marvin Son M W 4 6/12 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Marcus Son M W 1 0/12 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Ferle Dtr F W 0/12 S Tx Tx Tx
SMITH Family
Mason, Sam T Head M W 43 M Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Mason, Dora A Wf F W 42 M Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Volney T Son M W 24 S Tx Tx Tx Teacher Public School'
Mason, Herman Son M W 17 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Rufus Son M W 14 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, William Son m W 10 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Loy Son M W 7 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Eldon Son M W 4 6/12 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, James Son M W 11/12 S Tx Tx Tx

1930 Census
Texas, Jasper County, Temple Pr. 3
Enumerated April 10, 1930
ED 121-8 SD 19 Sheet 2B
Zerath Kirbyville Road
Mason, Napolean J Head M W 36 M 21 Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Mason, Ethel J Wf F W 31 M 16 Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Marvin Son M W 14 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Arthur Son M W 12 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Ferles Dtr F W 10 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Hazel Dtr F W 8 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Robert Son M W 6 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Billie Son M W 3 4/12 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Mary Ola Dtr F W 1 2/12 S Tx Tx Tx 
13699 I13777  Mason  Napoleon Bonaparte "Pole"  25 Nov 1892  3 Apr 1959  When he registered for the draft during the First World War, he was working as a farmer in Milam, Texas, and supporting his wife and three children. He was described as being of medium heighth and slender, with blue eyes and red hair. He also reported that he had kidney, bladder and stomach problems that might impair his ability to serve in the armed services.

Name Napoleon B Mason
Event Type Death
Event Date 03 Apr 1959
Event Place Hemphill, Sabine, Texas, United States
Gender Male
Marital Status Married
Birth Date 25 Nov 1892
Birthplace , Texas
Father's Name Napoleon B Mason
Mother's Name:
Certificate Number 23117
GS Film number 2115910
Digital Folder Number 005145463
Image Number 02998

Citing this Record:
"Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 Nov 2013), Napoleon B Mason, 03 Apr 1959; citing certificate number 23117, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2115910. 
13700 I13777  Mason  Napoleon Bonaparte "Pole"  25 Nov 1892  3 Apr 1959  (Research):

Census Listings:

1920 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 4
Enumerated 17 and 19 Jan 1920, By Napolean B. Mason
SD 326 ED 171 Sheet 11B
Milam Road
Mason, Napolean B Head M W 27 M Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Dra A Wf F W 26 M Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Cleon N Son M W 7 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Charles C Son M W 5 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Dollye L Dtr F W 2 11/12 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Thelma O Dtr F W 1 1/12 S Tx Tx Tx

1930 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 4
Enumerated April 19, 1930
ED 202-6 SD 19 Sheet 6B
Mason, Napolean B Head M W 37 M 20 Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Mason, Era A Wf F W 36 M 19 Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Cleon Son M W 17 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer
Mason, Conrad Son M W 15 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer
Mason, Louise Dtr F W 13 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Thelma Dtr F W 11 S Tx Tx Tx
Mason, Roy Son M W 3 S Tx Tx Tx
Dennis, Knox Laborer M Neg 22 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer 

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