The son of Joseph HROMADKA and Katirna HLAVOTA. He was orphaned at the age of six, and cared for by relatives. He was conscripted into the Austrian-Hungarian army, and moved to America 1902 to avoid further service in that army. He worked in the coal mines in Moravia. (Milligan, p 311).
Sluka-- Mayme, 92, rural Fairmont, widow of Gus J., died Wednesday (11/3/ 99) in Geneva. Born, Milligan (9/28/07) to Charles and Marie (Cudly) Hromadka.
Survivors: sons, daughters-in-law, Donald and Lorene, Fairmont, James and Annabelle, Milligan; seven grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren.
Services: 10 a.m. Saturday, Farmer and Son Funeral Home, Kotas Chapel, Milligan. The Rev. Brian Kottas. Bohemian National Cemetery, Milligan. Visitation beginning 1 p.m. Friday, funeral home. Memorials to Milligan Rescue Unit.
Being the youngest son, Milo was home during the War to help his parents on the farm. (Milligan, p 307).
Milo J. Hromadka
Milo J. Hromadka 83, Milligan, Neb., died Thursday (6/19/08) in Exeter. Born to Frank & Anna (Herynk) Hromadka on September 28, 1924 at Milligan.
Survivors: wife, Lorene, Milligan; daughter & son-in-law, Jane & Sam Antholz, York; brother-in-law & sister-in-law, Felix Bedlan & Jean, Fairbury; granddaughters, Jessica Antholz & fiancee, Tucker Reed, Lincoln; Jenna Antholz & fiancee, Zack Adamson, Lincoln; nieces and nephews.
Funeral Service 10:30 a.m. Tuesday (6/24/08) at St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church, Milligan. Father David Bourek officiating. Graveside services Bohemian National Cemetery, Milligan. Visitation beginning Monday (6/23/08) from 1 p.m. - 8 p.m. at Farmer & Son Funeral Home - Kotas Chapel, Milligan. Memorials to family in lieu of flowers. Farmer & Son Funeral Home is handling arrangements.
Published in the Lincoln Journal Star on 6/21/2008. Courtesy of Dennis Belohlavy.
Ralph was a hospital administrator. He was also a veteran of World War II, being involved in the Normandy Invasion and the Battle of the Bulge. He had two sons: Robert and William. (Milligan, p 307).
Graduated from Milligan Public School in 1940, after which he was employed by James SIMKOVSKY and Ernest CHUDLEY at their service station. He was inducted into the military service, and trained as a radio and telephone repairman. He served in North Africa and the European theatre during the war. After the war, Ralph worked for the Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company in Hastings, Nebraska for some 40 years. (Milligan, p 307, 312).
Sandra K. Wood, 69 of Lincoln, passed away June 14, 2024.
Sandy was born on October 22, 1954 in Lincoln to Wayne and Neola (Linden) Hromadka. She graduated from Lincoln Southeast High School. She worked for the Department of Motor Vehicles for nearly 40 years.
Sandy is survived by her mother Neola Hromadka; daughter Jamie (Larry Cushing) Wood; son Jason (wife Laurie) Wood; three grandchildren: Jameson Cushing, Damien Anngello and Easton Wood; sister Jackie (husband Jim) Sturm; nephew Justin (wife Heather) Harris and their son Reece.
She is preceded in death by her father Wayne Hromadka, grandparents James and Rose Hromadka and Orville and Florence "Gram" Linden.
There will be a Memorial Service held at 11 AM on Saturday, June 29, 2024 at Butherus Maser and Love funeral home, 4040 A St, Lincoln.
From Butherus, Maser & Love Funeral Home website, courtesy of Dennis Belohlavy
1860 Wisconsin Census, Outagamie County, Dale 957-929 Wm A HUBBARD 32 M Farmer NY Susan HUBBARD 31 F Pa Ellen HUBBARD 10 F Wisc Anne E HUBBARD 8 F Wisc Frank HUBBARD 7 M Wisc Delia 5 F Wisc
1930 Census
Texas, Karnes County, Kenedy town
Enumerated April 5, 1930
ED 128-8 SD 23 Sheet 6B
Huckman, R.E. Head M W 40 M 21 Tx England Tx Brakeman Railroad
Huckman, Letty Wife F W 36 M 18 Tx Tx Tx
Huckman, Edward Son M W 17 S Tx Tx Tx
Huckman, Florence Dtr F W 15 S Tx Tx Tx
Huckman, Margarite Dtr F W 12 S Tx Tx Tx
Huckman, John Son M W 10 S Tx Tx Tx
Huckman, Josephine Dtr F W 7 S Tx Tx Tx
Huckman, Cassie Dtr F W 7 S Tx Tx Tx
Huckman, Ruthven Son M W 3 7/12 S Tx Tx Tx
1920 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 7
Enumerated 8 and 9 Jan 1920
SD 326 ED 169 Sheets 6A and 6B
Hemphill and Yellowpine
Low, Jaco G Head M W 40 M Tx Tx La Farmer
Low, Hattie F F W 39 M Tx La Tx
Low, J. Herbert Son m W 17 S Tx Tx Tx
Low, H. Odis Son M W 15 S Tx Tx Tx
Low, Novie Dtr F W 12 S Tx Tx Tx
Low, Verdis Dtr F W 9 S Tx Tx Tx
Low, Madie Dtr F W 7 S Tx Tx Tx
Low, Doris Dtr F W 1 6/12 S Tx Tx Tx
Low, Vessie Son M W 18 S Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Low, Susan A Head F W 76 Wd La La La Farmer
Low, Myrtie Grdtr F W 19 S Tx Tx Tx
Low, Bradie Grdtr F W 17 S Tx Tx Tx
Low, Sudie Grdtr F W 12 S Tx Tx Tx
Low, Drucilla Dtr F W 52 S Tx Tx Tx
According to her application for a social security number, she was the daughter of Tempie BAKER and Charlie HUDSON. At the time of her application, in November 1963, she was living at Route 3, Athens, Alabama.
1850 Census
Texas, Sabine County, Sabine District
Enumerated 20 and 21 Nov 1850
Stamped 327
Jackson Hudson 31 M Farmer 160 Tn
Sarah A A Hudson 26 F Miss
Lucinda E Hudson 7 F Tx
Thomas Hudson 5 M Tx
Eliza J Hudson 3 F Tx
Salina Hudson 1 F Tx
Surry County, NC Court Minutes Vol I & II 1768-1789 - 13 Aug 1785 - page 74 - 1785 - Ordered James Sanders, Junr., John Wright, Airs Hudspeth, John Williams (l.T.), Valentine Reese, Peter Sprinkle, Thomas Callion, little John Williams, Thomas Williams, Nicholas Hutchins view road from James Sanders on Hunting Creek to Yellow Bank Ford on Yadkin River near Richmond.
1799 May 10 Bk(I-336) Sheriff, Surry Co, to Richard Gentry 80 ac S. side Deep Creek. Deed for sale by Marmaduke Kimbrough, sheriff, on behalf of the County of Surry to satisfy a judgment in Superior Court against Airs Hudspeth and wife Sarah and William Meredith of 36 pounds 16 seized 2 March by the sheriff, bought at public sale by Richard Gentry for sum of 10 pounds 10 shillings
1801 Sep 5 Bk(K-223)Richard Gentry formerly of Surry County to John Martin 80 ac S. side Deep Creek ... being part of 400 acres surveyed for Gibson Wooldridge and conveyed to Airs Hudspeth, then to Richard Gentry by sheriff's deed. Wit: L. H. Holcomb, Nicholas Jacks.
Washington Ancestry Vol. 2 page 230 "Isaac Elsberry and his family remained in Surry Co.until after the 1800 census was taken. What happened to his sister and brother in law Hudspeth has never been traced. Elizabeth Elsberry and her husband Alexander Latham went with or followed her father to Ashe County"
Vol. 2 page 239 "It would seem that every man not a Tory in the State capable of bearing arms was at one time or another called into active service, although it might be for one tour of duty" "Zachariah Riley son of Gerard and Frances ( Wright) Riley was born 1791 on a farm adjoining Isaac's in Surry Co." "Zachariah Riley was a son of Gerard and Frances ( Wright) Riley of Surry County, North Carolina. Frances was a daughter of Capt.John Wright and Ann ( Williams) Wright and a sister to Isaac Elsberrys's wife, Agatha Wright. Both of these Riley and Elsberry families moved to the immediate vicinity of Bethel in Clermont County, Ohio where Zachariah was a wheelwright and died March 1877- so states Rockey and Bancroft's Hitory of Clermont Co. on page 316."
Page 240 excerpts from an interview with Zach Riley "John Elsberry located on a farm in Surry Co. N.C....he had but one son Isaac and two daughters . One of these married a man named Hedspath who became a Tory Captain" "KInship had to be disregarded in those trying times. Isaac was a patriot and on hearing on that Capt. Hedspath had returned from his command to viist his family, Isaac planned to capture or kill him. Hedspath was warned of his damger and fled for refuge into one of those dismal swamps, being hard pressed one moonlight night by Isaac and his little squad of patriots, he law down on his back in shallow wateer simply leaving his nose above the water.After the war was over he told of the night of terror and his narrow escape. He said he saw Isaac and his party pass within a few feet of him and he was so frightened that his black hair turned gray" "Isaac Elsberry married Agaha Wright( dau. of John Wright who had married Ann Williams"
Page 244 Isaac Elsberry's father died prior to 1803. " The two deeds are of gemealogical interest in that when Isaac sold the land in Ashe County, North Carolina they were signed by John Elsberry's two son in laws in behalf of their wives". Ayres Hudsepth being one of the son in laws. Page 245
(Collections of Dubie Hudspeth:
DAVID HUDSPETH born Feb 7th 1762 Granville Co NC married Sarah Wooldrid
1800 Dec 25th Deed Book 1 A Warren Co. Ky. "Thomas Highsmith and wife Sally to William Herndon of Green County, Ky. for 250 pounds, 223 acres on the south side of Green River adjoining the lands of Jesse Adkinson and Littlebury Sublett, dec'd, Menoah Laskey and Martin Frazer deceased. Wits: David Hudsepth, George Hudspeth Senior and George Hudspeth"
THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF ELBERT CO. GA. by John H.McIntosh pages 551 and 552
"William Wooldrige Sr. was accompanied to Elbert his son Gibson and his son in law Hudspeth. They arrived in Elbert Co in the winter of 1783 as records in Book C-P 103 in the ofice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Elbert show" "Sarah Flourney Wooldrige daughter of William Sr. married David Hudspeth in Surry Co. North Carolina"
Historical Collections of Ga. Vol.3
Page 11-William Wooldrige to wife Sarah, 100 acres where we did live and five slaves Jack, Jenny,Rachel, Lucy and Isby, all stock, furniture for life. To son Richard slaves Cate, Ceasar,and Pheby in his possession.To son William, slaves Frank, Sam and Nelly. To son Thomas slaves Chas, Abel,and Nancy. To son Gibson slaves James, Cain, and Sucky. To son Edward slaves Winny, Sarah and a wagon. To daughter Sally Hidspeth, slaves Ceasar, Joan, and Nancy for her life and then at her death to her children. To daughter Patty Davis slaves Isaac and Peg for her life and then to her children. Mentions debts owed by Phillip Ryon and Blassingame Harvey. Exors: sons Thomas and Gibson and wife Sarah. Sogned Dec.6, 1797 recorded July 25, 1798 Elbert Co.Ga.
Sarah Wooldrige's will to grandson Thomas W.Davis a colt Jolly. The rest of the estate to be sold and divided into five equal parts one to each of my beloved children, Thomas, Gibson, Edward and Sally Hudspeth. The fifth part to be divided between my grandchildren, Thomas W. Absolom, William, Sarah F.,minors lawful heirs of Joseph T.Davis. Signed Feb.24, 1804 recorded May 27, 1806
From Through the Years With the Hudspeths, Anna G. Ford Pg 72-76 and 99
David witnessed deeds in Wilkes Co., GA; abt 1787 - Married Sarah; 1790 Wilkes Co tax list/census - 3 polls, 4 slaves, 60 acres; 1798 - 200-acre land grant in Warren Co KY 1799 - member of House of Representatives, Warren Co KY; 1799 - Major of 2nd Battalion Regt., Warren Co.; 1802 - Colonel of 25th Regt.; 1800/01 - David on Warren Co. KY census; 1801-04 - Land and other recorded transactions in Warren Co..
Spartanburg County/District Deed Abstracts 1785-1827 by Albert Pruitt, page 319. Book K-page 332:
Feb 6 1804... Rachel Hendrix (Warren Co Ky) to Hudspath and William Milton, JP's of Warren Co. Ky, dower renounced for 400 acres in Spartanburg on Two mile Creek of Enoree River, renouncement to Thomas Hendrix(now in Warren Co. Ky). Wit: none. Signed David Hudspath and Wm Milton. Recorded june 2 1806. Feb 2 1804 (Warren Co. Ky) William Chaplin, clerk of county, certifys David Hudspath and William Milton were justices when they signed.
1808 - David sold land in Warren Co; 1810 - David not show on Warren Co census. It's possible, but not likely, that he was the David in Surry Co., NC. That David and his wife were ages 26 to 45, a son under 10, a daughter under 10, and another daughter 10 to 16. Suggests that the family moved to Louisiana about 1812, and that David was killed enroute.
Dec 1812 - David's estate recorded in St. Landry Parish, LA. Net value of estate $2,895.75, including 8 slaves, $2,680. 1812 Probate #49. Heirs: Widow Sarah, sons Green, George, John & David Hudspeth Witnesses (or heirs?): Jos. Elah Andus, Henry Raper, James Coe
Kentucky Land Grants Part 1 Chap 4 South of Green River Pg 339
Hudspeth David 200 ac 7-7-1798 Hudspeth Davis 200 ac 10-25-1805
1800 HUDSEPTH DAVID Warren Co KY Tax List
1807 Nov 11th Warren Co KY David Hudspeth, William McWilliams and Karak Wilkinson wittnesses the Will of Calloway Bunch Warren Co KY Wills Bo
1810 HUDSPETH DAVID Indian Lands AL (No Page Number Given) 1820 HUDSPETH SALLY St Landry Parish LA 112 00024-011001 1830 HUDSPETH MRS DAVID St Landry Parish LA 54 0002-000001 1840 HUDSPETH GREEN St Landry Parish LA 251 01200001-000000001
1850 Mortality Schedule Hudspetts, Sara State: Louisiana Year: 1850 County: St. Landry Roll: Age: 83 Birth State: NC Month: Sept Cause of Death: Fever
Marriages Sally Hudspeth married Levi Morris Aug 22 1826 Elizabeth Hudspeth married Thomas M Watkins Feb 23 1846
- Green Hudspeth born 1789 KY
- George Hudspeth
- John D Hudspeth born 1800 KY
- David Hudspeth
- Male Hudspeth
- Male Hudspeth
- Sarah Hudspeth Morris
- Patsey Hudspeth Coe
(Collections of Dubie Hudspeth:
Early Records of Georgia page 52 Vols. 1&2 by Grace Davidson page 52 "John Blalock Sr. to wife Mary the home place of 170 acres on Soap Creek and all other property for live, the minor children to receive their proportion at majority or marrriage to corespond to those already married. To Caide Blalock 20 shillings, Catey Wallow, David Blalock, John Blalock Jr., Elizabeth, Gibson Blalock, Mary Blalock, Patsey, Lucy " the nine survivors to share equally. David and John Blalock Jr and John Wallow execs. signed Feb.3, 1795 probated Dec.14, 1795. Attest: Samuel Crawley, Abel Tatom, Milly Tatom, Elizabeth Wells." Page 203 John Blalock dec'd warrant of appraisement dec.14, 1795 David Blalock and John Wallace sworn executors. Returns for 1800, paid John Hamilton for a bond due Geo. Alston, Dec.25, 1788, for 45 pound Va.currency. The bond says "I John Blalock of Surry Co. N.C. oblige myself to pay George Alston of Granville Co."John Brown attest.This note was settled with a slave boy Harry. Receipt of Kimbro Standard, John Blalock, Gibson Blalock March 7, 1803 and of Thomas Barrett Jan. 28, 1803 in full of their legacies. John Wallace exector.
-Caide Blalock
-Catey Blalock
-David Blalock
- John Blalock Jr.
-Elizabeth Blalock
-Gibson Blalock
-Mary Blalock
-Patsey Blalock
-Lucy Blalock
(Collections of Dubie Hudspeth:
Robert McLemore Butler notes that the information on the Ralph HUDSPETH family came from the Surry County (NC) Heritage Book, Section 353, page 294.
Ralph Hudspeth's will, Henrico County, Virginia 1719
I Ralph Hudspeth being sick and weak in body but sound and perfect memory thanks be to God make this my last will and testament hereby making all former wills void.
Item I give and bequeath my soul unto the hand of God the maker hoping to find remission and pardon to all my sins through the mercies and of my Savour Jesus Christ and my body to be decently buried according to thedecision of my Executrix.
Item I give and bequeath unto my loving son George Hudspeth all my land purchases of James Powell cook to him and his heirs forever.
Item I give and bequeath unto my above son. Item I give also to my said son one feather bed and furniture there to belonging.
Item I give and bequeath unto my four daughters Hannah, Elizabeth, Mary,and Margaret each of them a heifer and my broadcloth coat.
Item I give unto my son George Hudspeth all the broadcloth remaining from my coat.
Item I give and bequeath unto my wife Margaret (Eyers) Hudspeth all the remainder of my movable estate both within and without. Item I make my above wife hole and Sole Executrix to this my last will and Testament in witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this 19th day of February. Ralph Hudspeth Witness Robert Woodson William Fuqua (his mark) Joseph Fuqua (his mark)
At a court held for Henrico County the 6th day of April 1719 the will was proved by the oaths of William Fuqua and Joseph Fuqua two of the witnesses thereto and was thereupon admitted. Test. William Randolph
Ralph Hudspeth Jr was born abt 1695 Henrico Co VA.It is thought that Ralph married first Mary Carter, daughter of Giles and Mary (Provall) Carter abt 1728.By 1737 Ralph had married a second time to a Catherine. Her maiden name is unknown at this time. Ralph Hudspeth Jr died in Surry Co NC Nov 1777. Ralph's will was written June 11 1776.
1718 July 12 Ralph HUDSPITH, Junr., 370 acs. (N.L.), Henrico Co; on N.side of James Riv; beg at Thomas Pleasants' on Woolfpitt Br., parting sd. Pleasants & Francis Sampson. 40 Shill. p.203 (Patent Book 10, p 377)
1724 July 9 Ralph HUDSPIT, apparently still owned the above land. p.263 (Patent Book 12, p 2)368 acres on the north side of James River begg. &c. standing in Ralph Hudspits line parting said Hudspit; Amos Lad, and said Addams
1725 October 16 Ralph Hudspeth II, indenture with Jospeh Fuqua, October 16, 1725. Goochland Co., deed bk I pg. 39, VA.
1728 16th Ralph HUDSPETH to sd Joseph FUQUA, 100 ac., part of 370 acres granted to Ralph HUDSPETH 12 July 1718, joining to 270 acres sold of ye aforesaid patent to ye above said Joseph FUQUA and his brother William FUQUA. (Goochland Co. Deed Book 1, p 38) (June C. Cottrell's 30 Sep 1996 e-mail)
1728 November Henrico Co., VA November 1728, Ralph Hudspeth and wife, Mary, acknowledge of land to William Willis. Henrico Court Order Book 1717-17?, p. 219.
1728 Goochland County VA Order Book 1 Page 37 Ralph Hudsepth acknowledges a deed he made to Joseph Fuqua and it is ordered to be recorded Nov.Court 1728
1730 September 28 Ralph HUDSPITH, 400 acs. (N.L.), Goochland Co; on N. side of Appomattocks Riv; on Col. William Randolph's line. 40 Shill. p. 371 (Patent Book 13, p 482)
1732 April 11 Ralph HUDSPEATH apparently still owned land in Goochland Co. per the patent of Thomas WILLIAMSON. [Note: A Thomas WILLIAMSON was married to Susan CARTER, daughter of Giles CARTER I before 1701] p.416 (Patent Book 14, p 436)
1737 Goochland County VA Order Book 4 page 261 Ralph Hudpith acknowledges a deed from himself to John Davis to be his act and deed and it is ordered to be recorded. Katherine, wife of said Ralph ( she being firs privately examined) relinguishes her rights of dower in the land by said deed which is ordered to be recorded. March Court 1737
Benjamin Weisgler 111--Goochland Records page 14 March 1, 1737 Ralph Hudspeath of Goochland Co, carpenter, to John Davis of same planter, for 12 pound land on north side of Appomattox River next to Col.,Wm.Randolf, Henry Brezeel, and Cutbirt Williams. Signed Ralph ( R) Headspith Recorded 21 March 1737, Catherine wife of Ralph relingusihes her dower right.
1744 June 1744 Ralph HUDSPETH of Henrico sold John DAVIS for 10 pounds 100 acres on other land of John DAVIS. Witnesses Giles X HUDSPETH, Robert DAVIS, and Wm. ARTHUR (Goochland Deed Book 4, p 358)
Ralph Jr. left VA for NC. Between 1739 and 1745. The last deed of land Transaction is in Goochland C., VA. (Taken from Henrico Co., 1727-28).
1742 Ralph is listed in Colonial Census in Edgecomb Co., NC
1745 April 11 Ralph Hudspeth Land Grant, Edgecomb Co., NC. North Carolina ColonialRecords vol. 4, pg. 766, 640 acres. Council held at Newbern, April 11, 1745. Petitions for land grants, warrants
1745 Jan 8th 600 acres granted to Ralph HUDSPETH
1745 Feb 7th Ralph (X) HUTSPETH, Witness p 202 (DB 5, p 376)
1745 April 18th 640 acres granted to Ralph HUDSPETH
1746 Jan 26th Ralph (X) HUDPETH, Witness P 210 (DB 5, p 470)
1750 Jan 22 Ralph deed land Granville Co., NC. on Jan. 22, 1750. buys land for 100 proclamation money, 220 acres from William Stevens. Deed Bk A pl. 365. Buys land in Granville Co., NC from William Stevens, for 100 pounds, March 5, 1750.
1750 Jan 1st Ralph HEDGEPETH of Edge. Co. to Robert TUCKER of Edge. Co., 20 pounds current money of VA, 320 acres, joining Giles HEDGEPETH, part of 600 acres granted the sd. Ralph 8 Jan 1745. Wit: Thomas GOOD, Gilbert HAY, William HORLOCK, Art HARRIS, Wm. TURNER. p 120 (DB 3, p 527)
1750 Jan 22nd Ralph HEDGEPETH of Edge. Co. to William REVES of Edge. Co., 100 pounds proclamation money, 320 acres, the plantation Ralph HEDGEPETH now lives on, all gardens, orchards, etc. Wit: W. TURNER, Thomas GOOD. p 126 (DB 4, p 83)
1750 May 13th Ralph HODSPETH of Edge. Co. to Giles HODSPETH of Edge. Co, 10 pounds current money of VA, 320 acres more or less on the north side of Great Creek, all houses, orchards, etc., the plantation the sd. Giles now lives on and is 1/2 of a grant to Ralph HODSPETH 15 Apr 1745. Wit: Thomas GOOD, Gilbert HAY, William HORLOCK, Art HARRIS. p 120 (DB 3, p 527)
1750 Nov 20th Thomas GOOD for 150 pounds current money of VA, 320 acres on both sides of Great Creek, all houses, orchards, gardens, etc., the SW half of a grant to Ralph HEDGEPETH 11 Apr 1745. Wit: Arthur HARRIS, Joseph BRADLEY, Harris GILLUM. p 167 (DB 4, p 80)
1751 August 1751 Giles HODSPETH sold this 320 acres to William REVES for 60 pounds current money of VA. Wit: Thamas GOOD, W. TURNER p 138 (DB 4, p 223)
1758 Jun 28 Ralph HEDGSPETH had land in Edgecombe Co., adjoining William REEVES, Philemon BRADFORD, and Thomas JACKSON p 244 (DB 6, p 335)
1762 Ralph HUDSPETH/Rafe HUGPETH, Senr. on Granville Co., N.C. Tax List, Fishing Creek Dist. He declared 5 polls - 1 for himself and 4 for slaves (Flood, Dice, Janny & Nanny). Next to him were Carter HEDGPETH/HUGPATH/HEDGPETH and Aris HEDGPETH/Ares HUGPETH. Nearby, in Oxford District, were Ghiles/Giles HUDSPETH, Ralph HUDSPETH, Jr. (and a negro woman Agg), and Osbourne HEDGPETH/ Ozborn HUDSPETH.
I don't know whose son Osbourne is. All of the above (except the two Ralphs) declared just l poll. It appears that "taxables" were white males over 16 and all negroes and mulattoes, male and female, free and slave. The various spellings reflect the way the names were written by the original tally-takers and the changes made after their lists were submitted to the court.] Other family names on this list are William MOORE, Ephriam McLEMORE, Philemon BRADFORD, Giles CARTER, & Joseph LUNSFORD. "Dubie"
Ralph Hedgepeth aged about 73 and Catherine his wife aged about 48 entered the birth of their son David born Feb.7, 1762" Pg 124 Granville Co. North Carolina Deeds 1746 -1765 by Zae Gwynn
1774& 1775 Surry Co NC Tax List 1774 Ralph HUDSPETH, Airs HUDSPETH (his son or grandson?), Anthony FLOOD & negroes Ned, Jane, old Nan, young Nan & Bess on Surry Co., NC tax list. 8 Polls.
Next door was John HUDSPETH, Charles PERSIAN & negro Quamner. 3
1775 Joseph Williams along with "Ralph Hudspeth, son Airs Hudspeth, , Negroes Flood, Ned, Nan, Jenn and Nan." One John Hudspeth was captain of a Surry Co. tax/militia district and a justice in 1775.
1776 May 14 John Hudspeth sold Ralph Rhudspeth, R., for L50, 250 A on the E. side of the Yadkin R at the head of Reed Creek, it being part of a Granville grant to the John Howard who sold it to Elijah Skidmore who conveyed it to John Hudspeth, wit: Giles (X) Hudspeth, Richard (X) Blalock (SCDB A:220);
The will of Ralph Hudspeth Jr June 11th 1776
In the Name of God, Amen This eleventh day of June in the year of our Lord Christ, One thousand, Seven Hundred and Seventy Six, I Ralph Hudspeth, of the County of Surry and province of North Carolina, being of perfect mind and memory, thanks be unto God, calling unto mind the mortality of my Body and, too, knowing that is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, that is to say. First, I give and recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it. And my Body to be buried in a Christian like manner at the descretion of my Executors, hereinafter names, not doubting but at the Resurection I shall receive the same by the mighty Power of God. And as to my Worldly Estate, I dispose of them in the following manner.
In primary I give and bequeath to my son Ralph, A Negro woman named Agg, the same I lent to him some time ago to him and his heirs forever.
Item I give and bequeath to my son Carter a Negro man names Bob, the same that has had in possession some time to him and his heirs forever.
Item I give and bequeath to my son Jiles a negro man named Dick that he has now in possession to him and his heirs forever.
Item I give and bequeath to my daughter, Margrate Moore Ten Shillings proclamation money.
Item I give and bequeath to my son David all that tract of land whereon I now live to take possession thereof after the marriage or decease of his mother to him and his heirs forever.
Nevertheless if my son David should die before he arrives at the age of twenty one years or without a lawful heir of his body then and in that case it is my desire that the said land should be sold and the money arriving there from to be equally divided between the surviving children that I have my wife Catharine.
Item I also give and bequeath to my son David thirty pounds proclamation money.
Item I lend to my beloved wife Catharine the Land and Plantation whereon I now live; also the following Negroes (to wit) Flood, Nedd, Nan, Jenny, and Young Nan together with all my stock and household furniture during her natural life of widowhood and after her decease or marriage, I give and bequeath the aforesaid Negroes (to wit, Flood, Nedd, Nanm, Jenny, and Young Nan, together with their increase. Also, all my stock and household to my following children (to wit, George Hudspeth, Airs Hudspeth, John Hudspeth, David Hudspeth, Hannah McLemore, Mary Blalock, Martha Wooldridge, and Lucy Wooldridge to be Equally divided between them and their heirs forever.
Item I give and bequeath to my son Jiles Hudspeth Ten Shiling proclamation money.
Lastly I do appoint my beloved wife, Catharine, Executrix and George Hudspeth and John Hudspeth Executors of this my Last Will and Testament. In Testimony whereof, I have unto set my Hand and affiexed my seal the day and date above written. Signed & Sealed & Acknowledged his In the Presence of Ralph R. Hudspeth mark Tho. Johnson J. Williams Thomas Johnson, Jun.
Prvd by William Rec. Nov. Ct. 1777 Inv. of est. of Ralph returned by Catherine Hudspeth and John Hudspeth Rec. Aug. CT 1778.
1777 Aug 20th Granville County Deed Book L 431-(179) Giles Hudspeth of Surry Co, NC to Abel Tatom of Granville Co, NC, 20 August 1777, for 150 pounds proclamation money of NC, one certain tract dividend & parcel of land lying and being the northside of Tar River in the county above mentioned, containing by estimation 300 acres.beginning at Aquila Snellings line at a Pine, running west 240 poles to a white oak, thence sounth 200 poles to a Pine, then east by a course of marked trees to a beech, 240 poles then to Snellings line, 200 poles to the first station, taking in the plantation where on Rody Brumit now lives, the same being a part of a tract of land purchased by the said Gibbe Chavis of John Metesick JilesHudspeth. Wit: Ralph Hudspeth, John (4) Hudspeth.Granville County Court Nov 1777. Proved by the oath of Ralph and John Hudspeth. Reubin Searcy, Clerk of Court.
Granville County Deed Book L 433-(181) Giles Hudspeth of Surry Co, NC to his son John Hudspeth of Granville Co, NC, 21 Aug 1777, for 75 pounds currant money of NC, one certain parcel and tract of land lying and being in the said county of Granville on the southside of Fishing Creek, by estimation 200 acres, by the Spring Branch which divides it from the land of William Douglass, formerly a part of the same tract and all other parts by the marked trees, the Creek, & soon as mentioned in the original deed. Giles (X) Hudspeth. Wit: Isiah Cox,Ralph Hudspeth. Granville County NC Nov Court 1777. Proved by the oath of Ralph Hudspeth. Reubin Searcy CC
1782 Surry Co NC Tax list Catherine Hudspeth as holding 333 acres,7 slaves, & 4 horses. Valuation 470 pounds 10 shillings.
Son David is nearby with 200 acres, 2 slaves, 3 horses/mules, & 3 cattle. Valuation 201 pounds.
1785 Tax list of Capt. Wright Ayres Hudspeth with 1,440 A. and 1 wp, John Hudspeth with 400 A and 1 wp Mary Hudspeth with 600 A., and no polls.
1788 Feb 11th Catherine (X) Hudspeth who wittnessed a deed along with Aires Hudspeth on 11 Feb 1788 (Surry Co NC deed book D pg 412
Neither Catharine nor David are listed in the 1784/87 NC State census or the 1790 Federal Census for NC.
1920 Census
Wisconsin, Winnebago County, Oshkosh Ward 10, Algoma Twp
Enumerated 6 Jan 1920
SD 5 ED 180 Sheet 4A
Binckelman, Myrle Partners (head) F W 30 S Wisc Wisc Vermont Partners Grocery Store
Binckelman, Luella Partners F W 40 S Wis Wis Vermont Partners Grocery Store
Huebotter, William Nephew M W 10 S Tx Tx Wisc
Huebotter, Dale Nephew M W 6 S Tx Tx Wisc
Huebotter, Keith Nephew M W 5 S Tx Tx Wisc
1930 Census
Wisconsin, Winnebago County, Oshkosh
Enumerated April 7, 1930
ED 70-23 SD 8 Sheet 7B
Binkelman, Luella Hd F w 55 S Wis Wis Wis None
Binkelman, Myrle Sister F W 46 S Wis Wis Wis Saleslady grocery
Huebotter, William J Nephew M W 20 Tx Tx Wisc Stock Man Notion Store
Huebotter, Richard K Nephew M W 16 S Tx Tx Tx Pin Setter Bowling Alley
Huebotter, Dale V Nephew M W 15 S Tx Tx Wisc Stock Man Dry Goods Store
In a March 4, 1959 letter from Myrl Binkelman to Cora Striffler, she wrote that Keith had sold his home in Wisconsin and was moving to St. Louis, MO, after being promoted by Kresge's.
1920 Census
Wisconsin, Winnebago County, Oshkosh Ward 10, Algoma Twp
Enumerated 6 Jan 1920
SD 5 ED 180 Sheet 4A
Binckelman, Myrle Partners (head) F W 30 S Wisc Wisc Vermont Partners Grocery Store
Binckelman, Luella Partners F W 40 S Wis Wis Vermont Partners Grocery Store
Huebotter, William Nephew M W 10 S Tx Tx Wisc
Huebotter, Dale Nephew M W 6 S Tx Tx Wisc
Huebotter, Keith Nephew M W 5 S Tx Tx Wisc
1930 Census
Wisconsin, Winnebago County, Oshkosh
Enumerated April 7, 1930
ED 70-23 SD 8 Sheet 7B
Binkelman, Luella Hd F w 55 S Wis Wis Wis None
Binkelman, Myrle Sister F W 46 S Wis Wis Wis Saleslady grocery
Huebotter, William J Nephew M W 20 Tx Tx Wisc Stock Man Notion Store
Huebotter, Richard K Nephew M W 16 S Tx Tx Tx Pin Setter Bowling Alley
Huebotter, Dale V Nephew M W 15 S Tx Tx Wisc Stock Man Dry Goods Store
At the time of the 1900 Federal Census, a 29 year old William A. Huebotter, born March 1871 in Texas to German parents, was a student at Valparaiso College and Northern Indiana Normal School in Valparaiso City, Porter County, Indiana.
1920 Census
Wisconsin, Winnebago County, Oshkosh Ward 10, Algoma Twp
Enumerated 6 Jan 1920
SD 5 ED 180 Sheet 4A
Binckelman, Myrle Partners (head) F W 30 S Wisc Wisc Vermont Partners Grocery Store
Binckelman, Luella Partners F W 40 S Wis Wis Vermont Partners Grocery Store
Huebotter, William Nephew M W 10 S Tx Tx Wisc
Huebotter, Dale Nephew M W 6 S Tx Tx Wisc
Huebotter, Keith Nephew M W 5 S Tx Tx Wisc
1930 Census
Wisconsin, Winnebago County, Oshkosh
Enumerated April 7, 1930
ED 70-23 SD 8 Sheet 7B
Binkelman, Luella Hd F w 55 S Wis Wis Wis None
Binkelman, Myrle Sister F W 46 S Wis Wis Wis Saleslady grocery
Huebotter, William J Nephew M W 20 Tx Tx Wisc Stock Man Notion Store
Huebotter, Richard K Nephew M W 16 S Tx Tx Tx Pin Setter Bowling Alley
Huebotter, Dale V Nephew M W 15 S Tx Tx Wisc Stock Man Dry Goods Store
David Alan Huff, 68, of Milam, Texas passed away Thursday, February 18, 2021 at Sabine County Hospital in Hemphill, Texas.
David was born on July 17, 1952 in Center, Texas to Oscar Thomas Huff and Billie Merle Gellatly Huff. He attended school at Hemphill ISD and later served in the United States Air Force. He worked in the construction business.
He is survived by his son, David Alan Huff, Jr.; daughter, Rachel; brothers, Ted Huff of Mississippi and Tommy Huff of Henderson; and sister, Susan Sheard of Milam.
Cremation arrangements were handled by Starr Funeral Home of Hemphill.
Downloaded from Starr Funeral Home, also published in The Sabine County Reporter, March 3, 2021, page 4
At the time of the 1940 census, he was listed in Bexar County, Texas, JP No. 6, Military Reservation, Kelly Field. He was shown as Male, White, age 22, born in Texas, residence in 1935 Harris County. His occupation was that of a soldier in the US Army.
CMSGT, Jerald C. Huff went to meet his Lord on July 18, 2012 at the age of 94. He was born in Hemphill, TX on January 4, 1918 to Claude and Alpha Huff. Mr. Huff served 30 years in the Air Force and retired in San Antonio. He was an avid fisherman and hunter, followed the Texas Sports Teams, loved music and enjoyed time with family and friends. He was preceded in death by son, Jerald C. Huff, Jr., parents Claude & Alpha Huff, 3 brothers, Rodney, Jack & Kenneth Huff, 1 sister Marjorie Huff. Mr. Huff is survived by his wife of 71 years, Mary Irene Huff, daughter Pamela Boyer, son-in-law Michael Boyer and many loving nieces and nephews and other extended family.
Name Callie Mcbride
Event Type Death
Event Date 13 Apr 1941
Event Place Bronson, Sabine, Texas, United States
Gender Female
Marital Status Widowed
Birth Date 05 Jan 1861
Birthplace Sabine, Texas
Father's Name Kit Huffman
Mother's Name:
Informant Tommie McBride
Certificate Number 19777
GS Film number 2138480
Digital Folder Number 005144986
Image Number 01591
Citing this Record:
"Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 05 Feb 2014), Callie Mcbride, 13 Apr 1941; citing certificate number 19777, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2138480.
"The father of "Kit" Huffman was thought to be John [Huffman]...also the father of Asa (Jasper Co.) Owen Huffman who also came to Sabine Co. and Leah and Penny who remained in N.C. The family emigrated from Germany and spelled their name Hoffman."
Was shown on the muster roll of Captain J.M. Burroughs Company of the Sabine County Volunteer Infantry, CSA, and was enlisted at Hemphill, Texas by Drury Field for 3 months duty on January 15, 1863.
At the time of the 1810 Federal census, he was enumerated with his daughter and son-in-law, Callie and Thomas McBride, in Sabine County, Texas.
Douglas Elwood Huffman Sr. 94, passed away on April 21, 2020 in Humble, Texas. He was born on February 27, 1926 in Hemphill, Texas to Jesse Jones Huffman Sr. and Thelma Odessa Pate. He was a WWII Veteran serving with the 1252nd Combat Battalion Army Engineers. He received the WWII Victory Ribbon, EAMET Service Ribbon and the American Campaign Ribbon. He became a Harris County Deputy Reserve Constable in January 1958. He owned Huffman Construction Company from 1979-1990. He was a Member of the Cleveland VFW and the Northeast Community Center. He enjoyed playing "42" dominoes (which he and his brother Jesse usually always won). He loved to fish. He loved country music and two stepping.
He is preceded in death by his parents, his wife of 59 years, Florence Elizabeth (Camp) Huffman, brothers Jesse Huffman and Wendell Huffman.
Those left to cherish his memory: his daughter, Beverly DeWeese, sons, Doug Huffman Jr (Linda) of Humble, Horlan Huffman of Houston. his sisters: Nell Walker, Ailene Huffman, Nancy Cunningham and sister-in-law Margaret Huffman, all of Hemphill, Texas. his grandsons, Don DeWeese Jr, Robert (Chelsea) and David Huffman (Haylee). granddaughters: Natalie DeWeese (Keith), Renee Jenkins (Mark), Chrystal DeWeese and Raylynn Huffman. his great-grandsons: Justin Dobbs (Bethany), Mark Jenkins, Jeremiah Jenkins, Timothy Jenkins, Dartagnan DeWeese, Ryder Mueller and Sawyer Huffman. great-granddaughters: Emily Dobbs, Kaylee DeWeese, Kaitlyn Browne, Miranda Mueller, Taylor Davis, Ana Davis, Gracie Huffman and Lauren Huffman. great-great-grandson Derek Dobbs. great-great- granddaughters: Delanie DeWeese, Riley Dobbs and many other relatives and friends.
He was a "Gentleman" all of his life. The best husband, dad and grandfather in the world, loved by many and will be greatly missed.
(Downloaded from Dignity Memorial website, also published in The Sabine County Reporter, May 20, 2020, Page 3)
Edwin Aliene Huffman of Hemphill, Texas passed away Thursday, January 13, 2022 at her home at the age of 97 years old.
Aliene was born in Sabine County, Hemphill, Texas on September 25, 1924 to Jesse Jones Huffman and Thelma Pate Huffman. She was the second of six children. Aliene had one son, Kenneth Huffman and one grandson, Allen Cain Huffman of Iowa.
Aliene loved to travel and she visited many countries. She even developed a close friendship with a family in Australia that would often come visit her when she lived in Houston.
She was one of the first female meter maids for the City of Houston. She often referred to herself as "an under-paid street walker" and she loved wearing bright colors and high-heels. She could even be seen wearing her heels on the beat and on the beach and she still wore them, even at the age of 97. She lived in Lufkin for many years so that her grandson could attend Angelina College and was a member of the Methodist church there. As her health declined, she eventually moved closer to her family and settled in Hemphill.
Aliene was a character and loved life and the people in it. She will be missed and she was loved by all who knew her.
The family of Ms. Aliene Huffman would like to thank Harbor Hospice for all the love and care they helped provide during her final days.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Jesse and Thelma Huffman; brothers, Jesse, Douglas, and Wendell Huffman and her son, Kenneth Huffman.
She is survived by her sisters, Nancy Cunningham and Nell Walker, both of Hemphill as well as numerous nieces, nephews, and grandson, Allen Huffman.
Visitation will be held from 10:00 a.m. until 10:45 a.m. Monday, January 17, 2022 at Starr Funeral Home, 510 Starr Street, Hemphill, Texas.
Graveside services will begin at 11:00 a.m. Monday, January 17, 2022 in Hemphill Cemetery under the direction of Starr Funeral Home with Bro. Wesley Pate officiating.
Condolences can be made and guest book may be signed online at
Downloaded from Starr Funeral Home
Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, January 19, 2022, page 8
Name: Eugenia Huffman
Death Date: 15 Feb 1972
Death Place: Houston, Harris, Texas, United States
Gender: Female
Race: White
Death Age: 68 years
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 14 Jan 1904 (Appears to be off by 10 years per census records?)
Birthplace: Texas
Marital Status:
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Riley Huffman
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Laua Buckley
Mother's Birthplace:
Place of Residence:
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2223616
Digital Film Number: 4005468
Image Number: 00149
Reference Number: 11532
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
Joy Huffman Reavis writes that she was a tiny lady with a wicked sense of humor.
The Sabine County Reporter
April 12, 1995, Page 8
Eve Smith
Eve Huffman Smith, 93, of Hemphill died at 2:10 p.m. Sunday, April 9, 1995, at Hemphill Care Center.
Born Dec. 22, 1901, in Hemphill as a daughter of the late Arena (Walker) and Henry Washington Huffman, she was a lifelong resident of Sabine County. She was a member of the Methodist Church and a retired merchant as operator of Eve's Grocery in Hemphill.
Survivors: a son, Carl D. "Wincey" Smith of Hemphill; two granddaughters, Cindy Smith and Whitney Smith; and two grandsons, Shane Smith and Tracy Smith.
Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the chapel of Starr Funeral Home Inc. in Hemphill with Bro. Wendell Ferguson, Bro. D. W. McCaseland, and Bro. Richard Bass officiating.
Interment followed at Hemphill City Cemetery.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, April 2009)
The Sabine County Reporter
September 16, 2009, Page 9
Hazel Huffman Thomas
Hazel Marie "Granny Tom" Huffman Thomas, 87, was called safely home Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2009.
She was born in Hemphill Feb. 17, 1922, the daughter of the late Adam Huffman and Viola McGee Huffman. Mrs. Thomas enjoyed quilting and spending time with her family.
She was preceded in death by her parents; her first husband, Dick Retherford; her second husband, J. C. Thomas; sons, Lane Guy and Calvin Retherford; three grandchildren; and her brothers, Paul, Hal, Clint, John Henry, Chuck, Marcus, and Lewis Huffman.
She leaves behind her beloved children, daughters, Linda Funk of Hemphill, Melba Rice of Milam, Jo Ann Modisette and her husband Robert of Hardin, Sharon Krajewski and her husband Mike of Henderson, Judy Rouse and her husband David of Hot Springs, AR, and son, Terry Retherford and his wife, Becky of Odessa; brothers, Jerry Huffman and wife Robbie of Bronson, Jimmy Huffman and his wife, June of Hemphill; and Bruce Huffman of Milam. In addition she leaves 17 granchildren, 27 great-granchildren, and 10 great-great grandchildren, and a host of nieces, nephews and close friends.
Memorial services were held at the Church of Christ in Hemphill on Saturday, Sept. 12 with Bro. Foy Forehand officiating.
Funeral services were under the direction of Allison's Funeral Home in Liberty.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, September 2009)
Melbaline Beall, 76, of Longview died Saturday, Feb. 11, 1995, in Longview.
She was born Dec. 13, 1916, in Hemphill and had been a resident of Longview since the 1940s. She and her husband operated Beall's TV Service in Longview and she was a member of First Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Beall was also retired from Longview ISD as cafeteria manager for Valley View and G.K. Foster campuses.
Survivors: son, Michael D. Beall of Garland; daughters Patricia Brewton and Susan Craig, both of Longview; brothers Roy E. Huffman of Tucson, Arizona and Norman E. Huffman of Longview; sisters, Maybelle Latimer of Houston and Pat Smith of Sugarland; three grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Whitner C. Beall, and a daughter, Sylvia A. Robb.
Graveside rites were held Tuesday at Memory Park Mausoleum in Longview with Rev. Charles Hughes officiating. Services were handled by LeRoy Rader Funeral Home Inc. in Longview.
Memorial contributions may be made to First Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Longview.
Published in The Sabine County Reporter, February 15, 1995, Page 8
His Texas Death certificate listed his occupation as Seeman 2C US Navy. He died as a result of a car accident that happened December 31, 1947 near Hemphill, Texas.
Jerry Lyle Huffman, Sr. age 76, of Hemphill, Texas passed away Monday, January 1, 2018 at St. Luke's Hospital in Houston, Texas.
Jerry was born in Hemphill on March 31, 1941 to John Riley and Viola McGee Huffman. He attended school in Hemphill and graduated from Hemphill High School in 1959.
He married Carolyn Faye Eddins in 1960 and had three children. Following a divorce, he married Robbie Curry.
Jerry drove a truck for Texaco for 17 years before moving in the Texaco office in Belaire where he stayed until his retirement. He traveled a lot with his work but came back home as much as he could. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Sam Rayburn, Texas.
Jerry loved hunting and was a car enthusiast, having raced cars in his younger years. He was also a member of the Houston Gun Collectors Association.
He is survived by his wife, Robbie Huffman, of Hemphill, Texas; sons, Jerry Lyle Huffman, Jr. and John Lance Huffman, both of Houston; daughter, Joy Lynn Reavis and husband, Philip, of Osawatomie, Kansas; three granddaughters, Aleshia Huffman and Matt Wimpee of Nacogdoches, Texas and Jamie Reavis and Joanna Reavis, both of Osawatomie, Kansas; two great grandsons, Max and Patrick Wimpee of Nacogdoches, Texas; brother, Jimmy Huffman and wife, June, of Hemphill; step-children, Sharon Worsham of Logansport, Louisiana, Ricky Curry, Vernice Green and Theresa Womack and husband Horace, all of Mansfield, Louisiana and Rocky Curry and wife, Kerin, of Logansport, Louisiana, sister-in-law, Melba Caro of Lubbock, Texas, mother of his children, Faye Smith, a host of grandchildren, nieces and nephews and very special friends Bob and Gladys Giddens of Mt. Pleasant, Texas.
He was preceded in death by his parents, ten brothers, four sisters and one step-son.
Visitation will be held from 6~8pm Thursday, January 4, 2018 at Starr Funeral Home, 510 Starr Street in Hemphill, Texas.
Funeral services will be held at 1:00 p.m., Friday, January 5, 2018 in Starr Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Steve Hurst and Rev. Vernese Green officiating.
Burial will follow in Hemphill Cemetery under the direction of Starr Funeral Home.
(Copied from his Find A Grave Memorial Page)
Obituary also published in The Sabine County Reporter, January 10, 2018, Page 5
Jesse Jones Huffman, Jr., 94, was born in Hemphill, Texas, on October 7, 1922 and passed away Monday, March 27. Wife, Margaret, and his son, Jason, with wife were by his side.
Jesse led a dedicated life of service - 65 years with the Masonic Lodges #1155, #1362, #126 and #305 and more than 50 years in the Shriners (lifetime charter member of Deer Park).
He was Boy Scout Troop #268 leader for 15 years and received BSA's Silver Beaver award given only to those who implement the program and perform community service through hard work, self-sacrifice, dedication and years of service.
As a charter member of the Deer Park Jaycees, he received the Citizen of the Year Award, helping to build the Deer Park Masonic Lodge and United Methodist Church Sanctuary.
During WWII, Jesse built Liberty Ships. After the war, he drove City of Houston bus routes. He worked in maintenance/welding for Diamond Alkali Co. for more than 20 years and for Owens-Illinois Paper Mill for 16 years. He welded for Bludworth Shipping Yard in Orange and also for the Houston Shipbuilding Corp.
At retirement, Jesse and Dixie, his wife of 51 years, returned to Hemphill. After her death in 1994, he married Margaret Edwards in 2002. He cherished his life in Hemphill along with his family and many friends.
Preceded in death - parents, Jesse, Sr. and Thelma Huffman; wife, Dixie Flowers Huffman; brother, Wendell Drew Huffman.
Family - wife, Margaret; son, Jason and wife Virginia Huffman; daughter Ramona and husband Fred Arnold; step-daughter, Mary Edwards; step-son, Bobby and wife Cora Edwards; three sisters - Aliene Huffman, Nancy Cunningham and Nell Walker; one brother, Douglas Huffman; nine grandchildren, 26 great-grandchildren and four great great-grandchildren.
Visitation will be held 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., Saturday, April 1, 2017 at Starr Funeral Home, 510 Starr St., Hemphill, Texas.
Funeral services will be held at 2:00 p.m., Sunday, April 2, 2017 in First United Methodist Church, 181 Milam St., Hemphill, Texas with burial to follow in Rosevine Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, the family has requested donations to Hemphill's Huffman Library.
Copied from his FindAGrave memorial page created by "Texas Heart", also published in the Sabine County Reporter, April 5, 2017, Page 5
(Research):The Sabine County Reporter
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Page 1
Jesse Huffman received his blue hat, honoring his 50 years as a Scottish Rite Mason, at the Sabine County Scottish Rite meeting on Monday, April 9, 2012. Presenting Huffman with his honors was Claude Ervin, Personal Representative of the Soverighn Grand Inspector General and Chairman of the Executive Committee for the Valley of Waco. Pictured with him was Margaret Huffman.
He was one of 16 children of Henry Washington Huffman and Arena Battle Walker. He married Vernon L Boyd and they had five children. Later he married Viola McGee and they had three more children.
Funeral services for John Riley Huffman, 89, of Hemphill were held December 31, 1979 at Starr Funeral Home with burial in Hemphill Cemetery.
He died at 1 a.m. Sunday at his home after an illness.
A lifelong resident of Sabine County, he was a saw sharpener.
Survivors include three daughters, Melbalene Beall of Longview, Maybelle Latimer of Houston and Pat Smith of Sugarland; five sons, Roy E. Huffman of Tucson, AZ, Norman E. Huffman of Longview, Jerry Lyle Huffman of Center and Bruce Huffman and Jimmy Huffman, both of Hemphill; two sisters, Eve Smith of Hemphill and Alice Click of Mobile, AL; a brother, Otis Huffman of Zwolle, LA,; grandchildren; great-grandchildren and great-great grandchildren.
(Information above copied from his Find A Grave Memorial Page)
Name: Millie Blanche Butler
Death Date: 18 Dec 1946
Death Place: Bronson, San Augustine, Texas
Gender: Female
Race: White
Death Age: 57 years 9 months 23 days
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 25 Feb 1889
Birthplace: Sabine Co., Texas
Marital Status: Widowed
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Ashley James Huffmen
Father's Birthplace: Texas
Mother's Name: Nannie E. Buckley
Mother's Birthplace: Texas
Occupation: House Wife
Place of Residence: Brouson
Burial Place: Gravel Hill, Texas
Burial Date: 19 Dec 1946
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2218505
Digital Film Number: 4030561
Image Number: 788
Reference Number: 57053
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
Maybelle H. Latimer, age 97, of Houston, passed away on Friday, the 10th of February 2012.
Friends are cordially invited to a visitation with the family from four o'clock in the afternoon until eight o'clock in the evening on Monday, the 13th of February, in the Drawing Room of Geo. H. Lewis & Sons, 1010 Bering Drive in Houston.
An interment service is to be conducted at three o'clock in the afternoon on Tuesday, the 14th of February, at Memorial Oaks Cemetery, 13001 Katy Freeway in Houston.
Find A Grave links her to spouse, Grady L. Latimer (1908-1976)
A memorial service was held for Norman Earl Huffman on Sunday, February 8, 2004 at Cross Roads United Methodist Church in Kilgore, Texas.
Mr. Huffman died February 4, 2004 at his residence. He was born in Hemphill, Texas on January 27, 1928 to John Riley Huffman and Vernon Boyd Huffman.
He was a lifelong cowboy with a love for horses and a retired welder.
He is preceded in death by his parents; a brother, Roy Huffman; a sister, Melbaline Beall and a daughter, Nena Huffman Fanning.
Among his survivors are three sons, Don Huffman of Dallas, Lucas Huffman of Longview and Tim Smith of Kilgore; a daughter, Judy Smith-Rowe of Longview; brothers, Jerry Huffman of Bronson and Jimmy Huffman and Bruce Huffman of Hemphill; sisters, Pat Smith and Maybelle Latimer, both of Houston and many other relatives and friends.
1910 Federal Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 1
Enumerated 16 Apr 1910
SD 2 ED 131 Sheet 1B
Milam Road
Huffnam, Namie E Head F W 49 Wd 6/3 Tx Ala Miss Farmer
Huffman, Arda M Dtr F W 15 S Tx Tx Tx
Huffman, Ashley J Son M W 14 S Tx Tx Tx Laborer
Buckley, Bubb E Head M W 30 m1 9 Tx Ala Miss Farmer
Buckley, Ida L Wf F W 27 m1 9 4/4 Tx Miss Miss
Buckley, Addie B Dtr F W 7 S Tx Tx Tx
Buckley, Aubrey B Son M W 6 S Tx Tx Tx
Buckley, Virgil H Son M w 4 S Tx Tx Tx
Buckley, Laure N Dtr F W 1 S Tx Tx Tx
Huffman, Riley C Head M W 46 m1 18 Tx Ala Miss Farmer
Huffman, Laura E EWf F W 41 m 18 2/1 Tx Miss Miss
Huffman, Genie E Dtr F W 16 S Tx Tx Tx
Wendell Drew Huffman, 81, died Saturday, July 2, 2011, in the Nacogdoches Memorial Hospital after an illness.
He was born in Hemphill to Jesse J. and Thelma Pate Huffman. He lived all his life in Hemphill.
He is survived by brothers, Jesse Huffman and his wife Margaret of Hemphill and Douglas Elwood Huffman of Houston; sisters, Nell Walker and Aline Huffman, both of Hemphill, and Nancy C. Cunningham of Pasadena.
Funeral services were held Monday, July 4, in the Starr Funeral Home Chapel. Burial followed in the Hemphill Cemetery.
Services were under the direction of Starr Funeral Home in Hemphill.
(Research):At the time of the 1900 census, Charles children by a prior marriage, Marvin and Ida, were living with the family. They were no longer living with their stepmother at the time of the 1910 census. Marvin married Emma's niece, Mamie Williams Donovan, the daughter of Sarah Elizabeth McLemore.
1900 Census
Texas, Bexar, San Antonio Ward 6, ED 102
Enumerated 12 Jun 1900
SD 5 ED 102 Sheet 17A
Burleson Street
Hughes, Chas Hd Feb 1842 46 M Ky Ky Ky Carpenter
Hughes, Emma M Wf Jun 1859 40 M 9 3/3 Tx Tx Tn
Hughes, Chas M Son Sept 1891 8 S Tx Ky Tx
Hughes, Vivian Dtr Jun 1894 5 S Tx Ky Tx
Hughes, Mary R Dtr Nov 1896 3 S Tx Ky Tx
Hughes, Marvin L Son Jan 1877 23 S Ky Ky Ind Sgt US Army
Hughes, Ida B Dtr Nov 1879 20 S Ky Ky Ind Occupation illegible
This appears to be Charles in 1880, with his first wife and children.
1880 Census
Kentucky, Jefferson County, Louisville
Enumerated 7 June 1880
Page 31 SC 2 ED 104 Stamped 373
Chas. S./L. HUGHES Self M M W 34 Ky Car. Builder KY KY
Sallie F. HUGHES Wife M F W 28 In Keeping House KY Oh
Marvin P. HUGHES Son S Male W 4 KY KY IN
Alice B. HUGHES Dau S F W 6/12 Nov Mo KY KY IN
At the time of the 1930 census, he is still living in California, listed as single, and apart from his mother and sisters. He is enumerated on April 5, 1930 in the City of Los Angeles, District 518 (ED 19-518, SD 17, Sheet 6B). He is shown as owning a home valued at $8,500, age 38, born in Texas with his parents born in Kentucky and Texas, and working as a "Carpenter, Houses"
Helen's daughter, Paula Marquis, emailed that Helen was a daughter of Clyde Benton Hughes [Senior] and Leona Hughes (nee Cayard). Leona died shortly after the birth of the youngest of her four children.
Records show that Leona Cayard, wife of C. B. Hughes, was buried at the Lafayette Protestant Cemetery, Lafayette Parish, Louisiana.
Her husband, [Col.] Clyde Benton Hughes Sr., was buried at the Denham Springs Memorial Cemtery, Livingston Parish, Louisiana some years later, as was his namesake son. (Row 84, #2211 and #2212).
In a May 11, 1954 letter to his grandniece, Pleasant McLemore writes that Marvin Hughes "had heart trouble for several years and finally had to take to a wheel chair....(he) passed away about six years since. He married sister Lizzies eldest daughter Mamie...(and was) quite succesful in Cal.----Mamie has two daughters school teachers, one isn't married, she looks after her mother who is not in good health)." He was a step-son of Emma McLemore Bluhm Hughes.
The Sabine County Reporter
March 25, 2009, Page 12
O. B. Hughes
O. B. Hughes, 78, of Center, died peacefully at his home Tuesday, March 17, 2009, after a valiant battle with cancer. He was born Oct. 12, 1930 in the Short community of Shelby County to Druie Hughes and Myrtie Monroe Hughes. O. B. served in the U. S. Army, followed by a 37 year career with Mobile Pipeline. After retiring to his family place in Center, he worked for Martin Resources until the time of his death.
Funeral services were held Friday, March 20, at the First Baptist Church of Center with Rev. Robert Morris and Rev. Michael Hale officiating. Interment followed at Oaklawn Memorial Park in Center.
He is survived by: wife of 57 years, Janice Smith Hughes of Center, sons, Billy Hughes and wife, Terri of Winnsboro and Danny Hughes and wife, Kim of Houston; daughter, Penny Vincent and husband, Jody of Groves; grand children Erika Crowser and husband, Craig of Longview, Grady Hughes of Abilene, Reece Vincent and Wesli Vincent of Groves, and Mason Hughes of Houston; great-grandchildren, C. J. Cowser, Caden Cowser, Lexi Cowser, Skyler Cowser and Kennedi Cowser, all of Longview; twin brother, O. D. Hughes and wife, LaRea of Longview; sisters-in-law, June Hughes of Longview and Edna Hughes of Keller; father-in-law Reece Smith of Milam. He also leaves a host of extended family and friends.
Hughes was preceded in death by his paretns, Druie Hughes and Myrtie Monroe Hughes; brothers, Weldon Hughes, Grady Hughes, Billy Ray Hughes and his wife, Melba, and Donald Hughes and his wife, Paulette; and mother-in-law, Ida Smith.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the following: Hospice in the Pines, The Joe Elliott House, 116 Raguet, Lufkin, TX 75902; The First Baptist Church Memorial Fund, 117 Cora Street, Center, Texas 75935; Short Cemetery Fund, c/o John Monk, 531 Walker Streetm Center, TX 75935.
Watson and sons funeral home directed.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, March 2009)
Funeral services for Mrs. Guyann Keene will be held Saturday, August 2, 2008 at 1:00 pm at Louisiana Funeral Care Chapel with Rev. Ray Holman officiating. Interment will follow at Forest Park Cemetery West. The family will receive friends for visitation Saturday from 11:00 am until service time. Casual dress was requested by Mrs. Keene.
The impact that Mrs. Guyann Keene had on lives around her was evident in the wake of joy she left. She was always bessed with the ability to make friends easily and also the ability to remember names. She will be missed by all who knew her.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Guy M. Hughes, DOB-Feb 16, 1920, DOD-Nov 4, 1995 and Johnnie M. Speights Hughes,(DOD:Feb. 2, 2007).
A wonderful, large family survives Mrs. Keene including her husband of 44 years, Wilbur Gayle Keene; daughter, Robin Williamson & husband Chuck; son, Brady Warren Keene and wife Stacy; Robin's children Rachel and Catie; Brady's children, Tyler, Joshua, Jordan Guy and Brittany Hope (dec); brother, Mark M. Hughes and wife Cindy; and numerous other relatives.
Pallbears will be Max Hughes, Andy Hughes, Ben Hughes, Chuck williamson, Randall Elliott, Vicki Nelson and Holly Hobson.
Obituary, copied from his FindAGrave memorial page, created by Tim Hawkins:
Kenneth Hughey, 70, beloved husband, father and PawPaw, departed this life Sunday, April 6, 2008.
Funeral: 11:30 a.m. Thursday in Greenwood Chapel. Burial: Greenwood Memorial Park. Visitation: 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday at Greenwood Funeral Home.
Kenneth was born June 27, 1937, in Mineral Wells to Raymond Oliver Hughey and Audelia McLemore Hughey. He worked for the city of Fort Worth as the chief mechanic for Fort Worth Police Heliport for 23 years. He was honored by the city of Fort Worth and Bell Helicopter for his outstanding flight safety record. After his retirement he worked part time for Texas Aviation Service at Meacham Airport.
Survivors: Wife of 43 years, Mary Hughey; daughter, Janice Shaw and husband, Chris; grandchildren, Alyssa and Christopher; brothers, Raymond and Lynn Hughey; sisters, Mary Gulley and Sharon Masterson; and numerous nieces and nephews.
Published in the Star-Telegram on 4/8/2008.
Obituary, from his FindAGrave memorial page created by Lynn Walden:
Raymond Edward Hughey, 75, of Lipan passed away Friday, Feb. 13, 2009, at a Fort Worth hospital. He was born May 3, 1933, in Millsap to Raymond and Mamie Hughey. Mr. Hughey was a retired postmaster for the U.S. Postal Service, a member of the United States Army, Lions Club, Knights of Pythias and a faithful member of Lipan Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by his parents; first wife of 31 years, Shirley Nell Garrett Hughey; and his brother, Kenneth Hughey. Survivors: His wife, Jo Anne Hughey; daughter, Audie McQuaid and husband, James, of Mineral Wells; son, Raymond Hughey Jr. and wife, Lori, of Syracuse, N.Y.; stepsons, Jay Rasberry and wife, Debby, of Bandera and Wade Rasberry and wife, Tammy, of Perrin; sisters, Mary Gully and husband, Stan, of Mexia and Sharon Masterson of Mineral Wells; brother, Marlin Hughey of Weatherford; eight grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews. Funeral service will be at Noon Tuesday in Galbreaith-Pickard Funeral Chapel with burial in Fairview Cemetery. Visitation: 6 to 8 p.m. Monday at the funeral home.
Name: Raymond O. Hughey
Death Date: 10 Jan 1959
Death Place: Mineral Wells, Palo Pinto, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: White
Death Age: 52 years
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 04 Feb 1906
Birthplace: Parker Co., Tex.
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: J. F. Hughey
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Ammie Wright
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Carpenter-Contractor
Place of Residence: Mineral Wells, Palo Pinto, Texas
Cemetery: Newberry Cemetery
Burial Place: Mineral Wells, Texas
Burial Date: 12 Jan 1959
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2115875
Digital Film Number: 4166793
Image Number: 452
Reference Number: cn 10438
Collection: Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976
1910 Census
Michigan, Ionia County, Orleans Twp
Enumerated 29 Apr 1910
SD 5 ED 29 Sheet 9A Stamped 129
Hulbert, William B Head M W 36 m1 14 Mich Mich Vermont Farmer Farm
Hulbert, Nora M Wf F W 32 m1 14 3/3 Mich Mich Mich
Hulbert, Sarah W Dtr F W 11 S Mich Mich Mich
Hulbert, Lester J Son M W 9 S Mich Mich Mich
Hulbert, Stoel J Son M W 3 S Mich Mich Mich
The Texas Birth index simply shows him as Charles Hulett. His parents were listed as Charlie D. Hulett and Myrtle Matlock.
He shares a double marker at the Cemetery with (second) wife, Maxine. She was born 22 Feb 1932 and died 14 Nov 2003. They were married 31 July 1976. The engraving for Charles does not have a date of death yet listed.
A 1967 graduate of Exeter High School, he attended the University of Nebraska for a year and a half, entering the U.S. Army in July 1969, and being sent to Viet Nam in December. He received a hardship discharge in October 1970 after his father suffered a heart attack and needed him to take over the family business. (Milligan, p 314).
He lives in York, working for many years as a parts person at Stahling Trucking. His life companion now is Janelle Givens, a divorcee, who had served with the military in Viet Nam. (Milligan, 1988-2008, p. 177).
Obituary, courtesy of Dennis Belohlavy
Kenneth L. Hulse, age 71 of York, died Friday, May 29, 2020 at York
He was born on Dec. 21, 1948 to Merlin and Rose Marie (Kotas) Hulse at Friend. Kenn served his country as a member of the United States Army from July 22, 1969 to Oct. 14, 1970.
Kenn was a retired assistant parts manager at Sahling Kenworth in York. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church. Kenn loved to play golf and was a member of the York Country Club. He also enjoyed gardening and sharing his produce with family and friends.
Kenn is survived by Jan Givens of York; daughters, Jennifer (Stephen Stromberg) Martin of Phoenix, Ariz. and Laura (Steve Simon) Tanner of Phoenix, Ariz.; Jan's children: Maegan (Jared Hatra) Lamprecht of Wahoo and Joshua (Penny) Givens of York; grandchildren: Soren, Ashleigh, Avery, Rees, Zain, Zac, Lexi, Cooper, Bailey, and Liam; and his sister Karolyn (Jerry) Andrews of Wichita, Kan.
He was preceded in death by his parents, and Jan's daughter, Holly Givens.
Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday June 3, 2020 at the First United Methodist Church in York with the Reverend Tony Dawson officiating. COVID 19 Funeral Guidelines will be implemented with limited spaced seating and masks encouraged. Military Honors will be performed at the church.
Visitation will be on Tuesday from 1 ? 8 p.m. at the mortuary with masks encouraged.
Kenn's service will also be webcasted live on Metz Mortuary's Facebook page.
Kenn has chosen to donate his body to the Nebraska Anatomical Board for medical education and research following his funeral service.