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# Person ID Last Name First Name Birth Date Death Date Living note Tree
10001 I6312  Harpole  Albert Carroll  1818  1889  The 1850 census of Tennessee Index shows four families with the surname Harpole living in Obion Co. They are;

Albert (32) and Martha Harpole (26). They were both born in Tennessee and had no children by the time of the census. Not recorded in 1860. 
10002 I6425  Harpole  John  14 Jan 1792  12 Feb 1861  1792-John Harpole was born in Virginia [Harpole, John Thomas (1887) Recorded by him on the assumed questionaire form from which his "biography" was compiled for inclusion in; Goodspeed, W.A. (1887) HISTORY OF TENNESSEE pub. Goodspeed:Nashville, TN

1797-"John Harpole came from Virginia to Wilson County, Tennessee when a young man..." [Harpole, Andrew J. (1887) Recorded by him on the assumed questionaire form from which his "biography" was compiled for inclusion in Goodspeed]. A suggested hypothetical date might be later than 1797, however, we know that his father Solomon purchased land in Sumner County in 1797---when John would have been five years old

1808-Death of John's father, Solomon Harpole. John was sixteen years of age. John Harpole Sr was guardian of William and Polly, and may also have been named guardian of John. This close relationship indicates that John Sr. might actually have been another son of Solomon's, and not just a nephew.

1812-[The twenty year old John Harpole] was a soldier in the War of 1812. [Harpole, John Thomas (1887) Recoreded by him on the assumed questionaire form from which his "biography" was compiled for inclusion in; Goodspeed, W.A. (1887) HISTORY OF TENNESSEE pub. Goodspeed:Nashville, TN] John Harpole, Trumpeter, Major General Andrew Jackson, Capt. E. Kirkpatrick, Mounted Gunmen [Sistler, Byron & Barbara (1992) ENLISTED MEN, WAR OF 1812]

1813-Allotment to the heirs of Solomon Harpole. Heirs: William Harpole, Polly Patterson, John Harpole. 21 June 1813. Recorded in Deed Book E.

1814-On a receipt dated 25 Nov 1814, "Rec. from Wyatt Bettis the sum of ninety-six cents for the direct tax ont he property of John Harpole. [Harpole, Belma & Agnes TENNESSEE COUSINS]

1815-John Harpole...married Elizabeth Swigley...(of) Wilson County, TN [Harpole, Andrew J. (1887) Recorded by him on the assumed questionaire form from which his "biography" was compiled for inclusion in Goodspeed] This marriage took place on 26 January 1815 and the bondman was [John's first cousin] George Harpole. [Whitley, Edythe Rucker--compiler (1981) MARRIAGES OF WILSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE 1802-1850]

1815-John Harpole was bondsman at the marriage of George Bullard and Elizabeth Spradlin of 2 Mar 1815 in Wilson County, Tennessee

1815-Solomon Wesley Harpole [the oldest child of John and Elizabeth] was born in Wilson [County] Tennessee (later that same year of 1815) [Harpole, John Thomas (1887) Recorded by him on the assumed questionaire form from which his "biography" was compiled for inclusion in Goodspeed]

1816-"This is to certify that I, John Jr., heir of Solomon Harpole deceased do relinquish all claims to a tract of land to Thomas Patterson who conveyed it to Wyatt Bettes, Jr. Dated 30 July 1816." Recorded in Wilson County Deed Book G.

"This is to certify that John Harpole, Sr., guardian for William Harpole and Thomas Patterson, heirs of Solomon Harpole reqlinquish their claims to land on Spring Creek to John Harpole, Jr. dated 30 July 1816." Recorded in Wilson County Deed Book G.

Thomas Patterson and Polly, his wife, formerly Polly Harpole, daughter of Solomon Harpole, deceased, transferred ownership of 56 acres on Spring Creek to Wyatt Bettes on 16 August 1816. Recorded in Wilson County Deed Book F. Presumably this was the land she inherited from her father.

"This is to certify that we John Harpole, Jr. and Thomas Patterson relinquish our claims to land on Spring Creek being a part of the dower of Christina Bettes, formerly the wife of Solomon Harpole to William Harpole. Dated 30 July 1816. Recorded in Wilson County Deed Book G.

1816-John Harpole was a soldier (again under General Jackson) int he Seminole war which was fought from 1816-1818 in the Florida Everglades. [Harpole, Andrew J (1887) Recorded by him on the assumed questionaire form from which his "biography" was compiled for inclusion in; Goodspeed, W.A. (1887) HISTORY OF TENNESSEE pub. Goodspeed:Nashville, TN

1817----Received this 21st day of Feb 1817 from John Harpole the sum of 92 1/2 cents for the direct tax of Wilson County for 1816. [Harpole, Belma & Agnes HARPOLE COUSINS]

1819-The first settler, Elisha Parker, was recorded in the Western District of Tennessee. This was the same area that John, and his brother William, were to settle a few years later. Obion County was eventually created from this Western District in 1832 from the Chickasaw Indian Cession and named after the Obion River.

1820-John Harpole and Jonas Swingley had 314 acres of land on Barton's Creek, Wilson County, transferred to them by Joseph Swingley on 25 May 1820. Recorded in Wilson County, Tennessee Deed book H [Partlow, Thomas E. (1984) WILSON COUNTY TENNESSEE DEED BOOKS C-M, 1793-1829 [An Index] page 252]

1822-Received of John Harpole Jr Four Hundred and Eighteen Dollars Thirty Six cents in full of my estate January 26, 1822. /s/ William Harpole [Harpole, Belma & Agnes HARPOLE COUSINS] William Harpole must have sold his share of their father's estate to John Harpole Jr. If this reference is to sixty acres, as is understood, John paid $7 an acre

1824-John's first wife, Elizabeth, dies in December in Wilson County, Tennessee. This was the same year their daughter, Milly, was born and the two events may well have been connected. [Acklen, Jeannette Tillotson compiler (1976) TENNESSEE TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS Lebanon, Wilson County]. Extant Obion County marriage records start in this year and the first Circuit Court is held there in the home of W.M. Wilson.

1825-John Harpole transfers 200 acres of land in Wilson County to Jonas Swingley on 3 December 1828. Recorded in Wilson County Deed Book L. [Partlow, Thomas E. (1984) WILSON COUNTY TENNESSEE DEED BOOKS C-M, 1793-1829 [An Index] page 198]

1826-John Harpole marries for the second time, in Rutherford County, Tennessee. This county is next door to Wilson County on the southside. His wife, Mary Ann, is probably in ther late thirties based on the 1830 census. She is identified as Mary Ann McMinamy. She is not described as a widow.

1826-[John Harpole's military] services was the [Tennessee State] Government granting him 160 acres of land in what was to become Obion County, Tennessee. [Harpole, John Thomas (1887) Recorded by him on the assumed questionaire form from which his "biography" was compiled for inclusion in Goodspeed]

-John Harpole was listed, among others, as an early settler in the north-east of Obion County (later District No. 1 of Obion County). "Among other early settlers were Obidah Roberts, northwest of Union City; Benjamin Totten at Totten's well, in the northeast part of the county; also in the same locality Jethro L. Byrd, John Harpole and Thomas Sayles." [Goodspeed (1887) THE GOODSPEED HISTORY OF TENNESSEE pub. Goodspeed:Nashville, TN] It is recorded that John's son Solomon Wesley Harpole...."came to Obion County in 1826 (when he would have been eleven years old) and resided on the farm later owned by (his own son) John T(homas Harpole), for two years..." [Harpole, John Thomas (1887) Recorded by him on the assumed questionaire form from which his "biography" was compiled for inclusion in Goodspeed]

"The first wheat planted in Obion County was planted by Lemuel Curlin and John Harpole. They cleared the land together. The forest was so very heavy, clearing land was no easy task." [Curlin, Thomas R. in convesation with his son R.T. Curlin. Extracted from Marshall's OBION COUNTY HISTORY and quoted in "Obion Origins" pub. by Obion County Genealogical Society in August 1986]

1827-Pamelia C. Harpole, the precise spelling varies, was born in March, and almost certainly in Obion County. There is no known contemporaneous record of this event. She appears to have been the first child born to John's second wife, May Ann McMinamy. She was incorrectly thought to have been born seven years earlier to John's first wife. This misunderstanding was recorded in HARPOLE COUSINS but this secondary record (original source unknown) is still an important source and in independant of Kenneth Harvey's family confirmation of her close relationship to John Harpole. Pamelia is listed as the wife of John M. Gentry on the 1850 Obion County, Tennessee census. William Harpole was once considered as her possible father, however he was ruled out because of the existance of a full listing of William's children in both the Obion County History [Obion County History Society (1985) OBION COUNTY HISTORY, VOL II Pub. Union City, Tennessee] and in HARPOLE COUSINS.

-Received of John Harpole 25 cents in full of state and county tax for 1827. /s/ Joel S. Enloe [Harpole, Belma & Agnes HARPOLE COUSINS]

-John Harpole of Obion County, Tennessee transferred 56 acres on Spring Creek, Wilson Co, Tennessee to Thomas Kindred on 23 July 1827. Recorded in Wilson County Deed Book

1828-[John and his family, including Solomon Wesley Harpole] ...then moved two miles north of that [original] farm...[Harpole, John Thomas (1887) Recorded by him on the assumed questionaire form from which his "biography" was compiled for inclusion in Goodspeed] Presumably the homestead was relocated a few miles north. John most likely kept both farms, as a grandson of his was to be born on and inherit the southernmost property. It seems probable he received two land grant of 80 acres each, two miles apart. One of these pioneer log residences, presumably the second, was still standing until 1991, when it burnt down. It was known, at the time, to be the oldest house in north-west Tennessee. [Correspondence of Dr. David Harpole of Richmond, Virginia with Kenneth Harvey]

-Received of John Harpole 37 1/2 cents in full of his state and county tax for the year 1828. [Harpole, Belma & Agnes HARPOLE COUSINS]

1829-John Harpole, J.P. is given as the officiant at the marriage of Joseph Scott to Martha Jackson on 2 September 1829.

1829--"Some Interesting Facts About Early Obion County and Union City, TN" by T.D. Ozment states: Lem Curlin and John Harpole cleared some land in about 1829 and planted the first wheat ever planted in the county. According to Marshall's history this was just a few miles northeast of Union City."

1830-Rec. of John Harpole $3 and 50 cents for Smith work done in the year 1828 and 1829 up to the present date. February 19, 1830 /s/ Jesse Thompson. [Harpole, Belma & Agnes HARPOLE COUSINS]

1830 Federal Census: John was listed in the first Federal census of the county and his household age structure was reported as one male between ages 5/10 (Wilson P, age 8), two males aged between 10/15 (Solomon W, age 14 and Albert C., age 12) One female between 5/10 (Millie, age 6) and one female, presumably Mary Ann, aged circa 45. It is puzzling that Pamelia is not accounted for, who would have been around three years old. Kenneth Harvey does not believe that Millie is a nickname for Pamelia, as both individuals are recorded in different households in the 1850 Obion County census.

--Rec. of John Harpole two dollars and thirty seven and one-half cents in full for State and County tax. [Harpole, Belma & Agnes HARPOLE COUSINS]

1833-Rec. of John Harpole one dollar and 62 and 1/2 cents in full of State & County tax for the year 1832. [Harpole, Belma & Agnes HARPOLE COUSINS]

1834--Both John and James Harpole are summonded by the Sheriff to serve as Grand and Petty Jurors at the Circuit Court meeting in Troy in November 1834. [Minutes of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Obion County 1834-1836. Transcriptions of the County Archives of Tennessee 1941] The identity of James Harpole is unknown. Could this have actually been William?

1835-Rec. of Douglas and Ward by the hand of John Harpole five dollars and sixty two and a half cents in full of the state and county tax on 1,000 acres of land in Obion County for the year 1835. [Harpole, Belma & Agnes HARPOLE COUSINS]

1837-John Harpole was assessed as "W(hite) Poll 1" like all other 94 taxpayers in Obion County, District 1. He was recorded as owning 250 acres and no slaves.

1850-The 1850 census index for Obion County, Tennessee shows: John Harpole (59), born in Virginia, and those of his children at home; (Wilson) Page (28), Millie (26) and William (Alexander) (18). John's mother, the elderly (Anna) Christianna Bettes, born in 1770, was living in their home.

1857-John Harpole is recorded as possessing no slaves, three horses, one mule, eleven cattle, fifteen sheep, thirty five swine, 72 bushels of wheat and 250 bushels of corn. [Agricultural Wealth of the County of Obion 1857 (extracted from a book containing the statistics in the Registry of Deeds Office in Obion County]

1860-Not located in the 1860 census.

1861-Date of death cited in HARPOLE COUSINS was 12 February 1861. May actually have died prior to the 1860 census.

The Harpole cemetery is located on land belonging to Tom Elam (as of 1986), east of Jordan Highway on the old Hickman-Dresden Road. No tombstones have been found but John Harpole and his two wives are buried to the east of the Log House, according to CEMETERIES OF OBION COUNTY, TENNESSEE VOL. ONE. This reference to John Harpole, and his two wives by a non-family source, confirms that John was known locally to have married a second time. The "second wife" referred to in this case was probably actually his mother, Anna Christina Dice. His real first wife, Elizabeth Swingley, was buried in Wilson County. 
10003 I6308  Harpole  Milli(Cent)  1824  Aft 1850  1824-John's first wife, Elizabeth, dies in December in Wilson County, Tennessee. This was the same year their daughter, Milly, was born and the two events may well have been connected. [Acklen, Jeannette Tillotson compiler (1976) TENNESSEE TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS Lebanon, Wilson County].  STR06 
10004 I163  Harpole  Pamelia C  20 Mar 1827  19 Jul 1903  The following biographical details were compiled by Ken Harvey:

1827-Pamelia was born in March, possibly in Obion County, although her mother may have returned to the family home in Rutherford County for the birth of her first child. No record has been found of the event. The Obion County organization was created in 1832, and it is possible that early records were lost or never created in the first place. Pamelia's birthdate is recorded on her tombstone. The following is in HARPOLE COUSINS "Permelia E. Harpole (dau. of John and Elizabeth Swingley Harpole, page 368) b. March 20, 1820; d. May 13, 1847 m July 18, 1846 to James H. Chandler, Madison County, Tennessee." The date of birth appears to be incorrect, seven years to the day too early, and Pamela was born following the death of Elizabeth Swingley. Additionally, it was her first husband, James Chandler who probably died circa 1847. Lynell Cordell wrote to the authors of "Harpole Cousins" to ask about this and they could not tell her where they obtained the original information.The birth date in the book and the birth date on Pamelia's grave stone both show March 20, so they could very well be the same person, but that still leaves the year in doubt.

The 1830 and 1840 census records for the John Harpole family:

1830 census, Obion Co. TN pg. 159 Schedule: Male-Females, 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20, then in increments of 10. Harpole, John, 012001-0100001 (The youngest female was 5-10 years old, born between 1820 and 1825)

1840 census, Obion Co. TN Schedule: Given and Surname of head of household and number of male/female. Males: 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, etc until 13th number, which is over 100. Females are the 2nd group of numbers. 133. John Harpole, 0101201-00001001 (Youngest female was between 20-30, born between 1820 and 1830)

1846 - James H. Chandler married Permilia (sic) Harpool on July 19, 1846, Obion Co., Tennessee. Bond: J. H. Chandler and Thomas G. Jenkins. Officiant: Cage Hale, J.P. The marriage license was issued the previous day. [Gary, Grace D. & Stricklin, Carolyn W. (1978) OBION COUNTY TENNESSEE MARRIAGE RECORDS 1824-1877]. "Our" Pamelia would have been aged 19 at this time. It is probable that her husband James died a short time afterwards without children and Pamelia remarried soon after. James H. Chandler died in 1849, and his estate sold the following items to Albert C. Harpole, Pamelia's brother: "table cloth, 2 peased quilts & linens, chest, bedstead & cord, 3 bed quilts, cover lid, and blanket," for a total amount of $27.25. These items may have been bough for Pamelia. At that time, if there was no will, the wife did not inherit even the necessities. According to the book, Harpole Cousins, Albert's sister Permelia was already dead by this time.

Sometime prior to 1849, Pamelia married John Melton Gentry. The marriage was probably conducted by John's father, the Baptist preacher and J.P., William Gentry. He may well have forgotten to record the ceremony in the Obion Courthouse. No marriage record for John M. Gentry and Pamelia Harpool, or Chandler, has every been found. The early death of Pamelia's full brother, William Harpole, would not have helped in perpetuating her memory with the Harpole family who remained in Tennessee after Pamelia moved to Texas with the Gentry's.

1850-Pamelia was living in the Gentry household with John and his mother, Polly, and his siblings. Pamelia and John are both shown as age 23. The rest of the census records in Texas and Indian Territory shows Pamelia only 2 to 3 years older than John, or the same age.

Lynell contends that the supposition that Pamela is the daughter of John Harpole and Mary Ann McMimany is still far from proven. Her contention is that we are ignoring some things in "Harpole Cousins," such as the books dates for John and Elizabeth McSwigley Harpole's daughter, Permelia and yet take as a fact that *our* Pamelia is the daughter of John Harpole. And until the date of birth can be proven or disproven, we don't know whether her mother is Elizabeth Swigley or Mary Ann McMinamy.

1860 - It is very noticable that there are no Harpoles in this census of Tennessee. There are however quite a lot of Harpools. Had the name undergone further anglisation? None of the 1850 Harpoles can be identified in 1860.

1903 - Transcription of Pamela's Tombstone:


The name was pronounced Pa-meal-ya but spelled like Pamela or Pamelia.


Pamilia Harpole

Pamelia C Gentry

Permelia C. Gentry

E. Gentry

Pamela Harpool

Permelia Gentry

P. C. Gentry Could the middle initial "C", used in the census and tombstone inscription, have, in fact, been a poorly written "G" for Gertrude? A granddaughter of Pamelia was named Permelia Gertrude in 1877; presumably named after her. The strong argument against this is that the "C" does occur three times.

Puzzlingly, Permelia name was represented by the initial "E." in the 1870 census of Johnson County, Texas. Was this simply an enumerator's error? It certainly looks like it.

Ruth Pearl Gentry had (1980) a picture of Pamelia C. Harpole which is presumably now [1996] in the possession of one of her children. Scott Philip Hall is thought to have inherited the family photographs including the portrait of Pamelia Harpole. He left Pampa, Texas, and is living (1997) in either New Mexico or Arizona. Lynell Gentry has a large portrait of Pamelia with her husband.

In 1900 Permelia recorded on the census that she had had seven children of whom two were now dead. The children who did not survive were presumably Ellen and Sallie. They may have died without issue but we cannot be certain of this.

1903-Photographed in a family group photo in her home in Alma with her husband John and two children.

Fay Payne Yeager thinks that our Pamelia [Harpole] was Cherokee Indian but I (Kenneth Harvey) have never asked her why she thinks so. This is certainly not correct. 
10005 I1626  Harpole  Solomon  11 Jan 1769  Between 1807 and 1808  "Solomon Harpole and [Anna] Christiana, his wife, whose maiden name was Dice. Solomon Harpole came to the United States from Germany. locating in Pennsylvania some time prior to 1790, and moved from there to Virginia, where he resided until his death." [Harpole, Andrew J. (1887) Recorded by him on the assumed questionaire form from which his "biography" was compile for inclusion in; Goodspeed, W.A. (1887) HISTORY OF TENNESSE. pub. Goodspeed:Nashville, TN] It is significant that only one of the two great-grandsons quoted by Goodspeed, Andrew Harpole, recalls that Solomon died in Virginia and that her personally came from Germany. This places of Solomon's origin and death as given by Andrew Harpole are incorrect. The Harpole family did come from Germany, but it was the generation before Solomon in 1737. The informant, Andrew, who was age 30 at the time, was eleven years younger than the other descendant Goodspeed quoted, great grandson John Harpole. John was age 41 at the time. John never mentioned the German birth or Virginia death. It is clear from this that the family origins were beginning to be obscured by the passage of time even in 1887.

1769-Solomon Harpole was born in Virginia. [Harpole, Belma Carroll & Agnes S. (1986) HARPOLE COUSINS]

1790--Solomon and Christina Harpole moved to Sumner County, TN from Virginia in the 1790's with their young family. [Obion County Historical Society (1985) Obion County History, Vol Two. Pub. Union City, TN] Solomon, along with his brothers Adam and Paul, presumably followed their probable cousins John and Martin. The newcomers cannot have been unaware of John and Martin's earlier exploits in the area of Wilson County. John was to become the guardian of Solomon's children following his death. Adam was in Wilson County from at least early 1792.

1797-Solomon purchased 480 acres of land in Sumner County, Tennessee, from Ephraim Payton in January 1797. [Sumner County Deed Books] Sumner was the parent county of Wilson County.

1799--On December 23rd, Wilson County, Tennessee, was founded in the [John] Harpole [Sr.--cousin of Solomon] home. [Merritt, Dixon Edit. (1961) THE HISTORY OF WILSON COUNTY---ITS LAND AND ITS LIFE History Associates of Wilson County] Dr. David Harold Harpole of Richmond, Virginia, in his correspondence with Kenneth C. Harvey noted that the Wilson County Court met there for its first five sessions until the courthouse was built. That building in turn later proved inadequate.

1800-Governor Sevier issued captain's commisions in the new militia regiment created for Wilson County on May 30, 1800. Solomon Harpole was one of the five men named. [Merritt, pg 41] He appears to have relinquished this role of Captain a few years later.

1803-Solomon Harpole acquired 840 acres of land on Main Spring Creek, Wilson County form William and Gideon Pillow of Davidson County, Tennessee on 7 Nov 1803. Deed Book A. [Partlow, Thomas E. (1987) WILSON COUNTY, TENNESSE DEEDS, MARRIAGES, & WILLS 1800-1902, p. 412]

1803/4-Solomon Harpole to Zebedie Hicks 200 acres on the south side of the Cumberland River in Wilson County. Witnesses: James Hicks, Benjamin Clarke, and William Reynolds. Deed Book A. [Partlow, p. 396]

1804-Solomon Harpole is listed as #662 in Capt. Wilee Charry's (William Cherry) Company for the payment of tax in Wilson Co. He is recorded as owning 400 acres on Spring Creek. [Partlow, Thomas E. (1974) WILSON CO., TENNESSEE, TAX LISTS]

1805-Solomon Harpole is listed as #791 in Capt. Mann's Company for the payment of tax in Wilson County. He is recorded as owning 400 acres in Spring Creek. [Partlow, Thomas E. (1974) WILSON CO., TENNESSEE, TAX LISTS]

1805-Solomon Harpole transferred a building lot in the town of Lebanon to Samuel Hinkle of Pennelton, Co., Virginia on 23 September 1805. Deed Book B. [Partlow, Thomas E. (1987) WILSON COUNTY, TENNESSE DEEDS, MARRIAGES, & WILLS 1800-1902, p. 50]

1806-Solomon Harpole (along with cousin/brother John Harpole) signed, with sixteen other Justices of the Peace of Wilson County, a Petition, on 15 April 1806, on behalf of Edward Mitchell. Mitchell was commissioned to "complete the public building Courthouse etc" Due to "unforeseen difficulties" the funds allowed to Mitchell were insufficient and the petitioners requested that a County tax may be levied to relieve the situation. [Tennessee Legislative Petitions (1805-1812) in microfilm roll #3]

1806-Solomon Harpole was recorded as the bondsman at the marriage in Wilson County of George Allin & Sally Johnson on 28 August 1806. [Whitley, Edythe Rucker--compiler (1981) MARRIAGES OF WILSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE 1802-1850]

1806-Solomon Harpole is listed as #1070 in Capt. Carruth's District for the purpose of tax collection in Wilson County, Tennessee. He is recorded as owning 400 acres of land in Spring Creek. [Partlow, Thomas E. (1974) WILSON CO., TENNESSEE, TAX LISTS]

1807-Solomon Harpole is listed as #347 in Capt. Mann'sDistrict for the purpose of tax collection in Wilson County, Tennessee. He is recorded as owning 400 acres of land in Spring Creek. [Partlow, Thomas E. (1974) WILSON CO., TENNESSEE, TAX LISTS]

1807-Solomon Harpole and John Harpole are created administrators of the Vinson Crumpton Inventory on 21 March 1807 [Partlow, Thomas E. (1981) WILSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE WILLS, BOOKS 1-13 (1802-50) Lebenon, TN page 132]

1807/1808-Solomon Harpole dies. Probate is granted in the will. A copy of this will should be obtained and examined. [Partlow, Thomas E. (1981) WILSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE WILLS, BOOKS 1-13 (1802-50) Lebenon, TN page 6]

According to Partlow's WILSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE WILLS and to his index to WILSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE DEED BOOKS, the following transactions took place as a part of the settlement of Solomon Harpole's estate:

1808-Solomon Harpole sale on 20 Feb 1808. Among buyers are Mrs. Harpole and John Harpole. John Harpole administrator. Recorded 16 May 1808.

1813-Allotment to the heirs of Solomon Harpole. Heirs: William Harpole, Polly Patterson, John Harpole. 21 June 1813. Recorded in Deed Book E.

1816-"This is to certify that I, John Jr., heir of Solomon Harpole deceased do relinquish all claims to a tract of land to Thomas Patterson who conveyed it to Wyatt Bettes, Jr. Dated 30 July 1816." Recorded in Wilson County Deed Book G.

"This is to certify that John Harpole, Sr., guardian for William Harpole and Thomas Patterson, heirs of Solomon Harpole reqlinquish their claims to land on Spring Creek to John Harpole, Jr. dated 30 July 1816." Recorded in Wilson County Deed Book G.

Thomas Patterson and Polly, his wife, formerly Polly Harpole, daughter of Solomon Harpole, deceased, transferred ownership of 56 acres on Spring Creek to Wyatt Bettes on 16 August 1816. Recorded in Wilson County Deed Book F. Presumably this was the land she inherited from her father.

"This is to certify that we John Harpole, Jr. and Thomas Patterson relinquish our claims to land on Spring Creek being a part of the dower of Christina Bettes, formerly the wife of Solomon Harpole to William Harpole. Dated 30 July 1816. Recorded in Wilson County Deed Book G.

1823-William Harpole transferred 56 acres of land on Spring Creek, it being part of the dower of Christina Bettes, formerly the wife of Solomon Harpole to John Cowger on 24 March 1823. Recorded in Wilson County Deed Book I. 
10006 I6313  Harpole  Solomon Wesley  1815  1880  The 1850 census of Tennessee Index shows four families with the surname Harpole living in Obion Co. They are;

Solomon (34) and Malinda Harpole (33) and their young family Mary (6), John (4), Robert (2) and a one month old newborn. Not recorded in 1860. 
10007 I6303  Harpole  William  1800  1881  The 1850 census of Tennessee Index shows four families with the surname Harpole living in Obion Co. They are;

William and Sarah Harpole with their presumed children John (19), Mary (18), Arrebella (15), Solomon (12), Jacob (11), Nancy (8), Catherine (6) and Tennessee (3). All born in Tennessee. Not recorded in 1860. 
10008 I48721  Harre  Doris  9 Jan 1938  26 Jun 2024  Obituary for Doris Nicholas

A Mass of Christian of Burial for Doris will be on Saturday, June 29, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at St. Stephen Catholic Church in Exeter. Father Brendan Kelly will preside over the Mass.

A Graveside Service will be in the Exeter Cemetery immediately following the Mass.

Public visitation will be Friday, June 28, 2024 from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. with family present from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Farmer Funeral Home in Exeter. A Rosary will be prayed at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, June 28, 2024 at Farmer Funeral Home in Exeter.

Memorials are suggested to the St. Stephen Catholic Church or to the family to be designated later.

Doris Elizabeth Harre was born January 9, 1938, the twelfth of 15 children to John and Theresa (Leif) Harre at the family farm north of Exeter, Nebraska. Doris passed away at the age of 86 on June 26, 2024 at Fairview Manor in Fairmont, Nebraska.

Doris graduated from Exeter High School in 1955. She was wed to United States Air Force Airman Richard (Nick) Nicholas on February 16, 1957, at St. Stephen's Catholic Church in Exeter. The couple resided in Lincoln and began a family with the birth of Shari (Michl) in 1959 and Timothy in 1960. The family relocated to MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida and later to Tucson, Arizona, where Nick was stationed at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. In 1971, a third addition to the family, Hope (Strate) was born at Holloman Air Force Base near Alamogordo, New Mexico. After Nick completed his 20-year term in the military, the family made a final move to Exeter, where Nick and Doris settled into the family home they shared for 50 years. Nick and Doris shared 65 years together before Nick's passing in 2022. Doris spent her final year at Fairview Manor in Fairmont.

As an Air Force wife, Doris found herself in both parent roles at times, and managed the household with patience, love and a little discipline. She held down jobs ranging from Arizona dog groomer to Exeter daycare provider to waitress at Sweetwater tavern in Exeter, and was known by her brothers for her raisin cream pie. She loved to play cards, with pinochle, euchre and pitch her games of choice, and made a few trips to casinos just for fun. Her grandchildren and great grands were the lights of her life, and she was always most excited when another baby joined the family.

Doris was preceded in death by her parents, John & Theresa; sisters, Reta Mae Coffey, Evelyn Coffey, Gladys Coffey, Patricia Hansen, and Joan Kuska; brothers, Lawrence Harre, Kenneth Harre, Jerome Harre, Gene Harre, Paul Harre, and Aloysius Harre.

Doris is survived by her three children, Shari (Alan) Michl of Exeter, Tim (Marie) Nicholas of Central City and Hope (Ken) Strate of Exeter, grandchildren Allison (Jeb) Bitz and Nathan (Abby) Michl; Matthew (Jennifer) Nicholas and Angela (Noah) Broekemier; Victoria Androyna and Deidre (Kevin) Boyle; her beloved great grandchildren: Evie, Jonah, Leo, Layne, Cason, Avery, Oliver, and Amelia; sisters, Jeanette Paulus of Loveland, Colorado and Leona Smith of New Braunfels, Texas; and brother, Frank Harre of York, Nebraska.

From Farmer & Son Funeral Home website, courtesy of Dennis Belohlavy 
10009 I48465  Harre  Thomas Glen  2 Jan 1941  14 May 2021  Thomas G. Harre, 80, of Lincoln, passed away peacefully at his home on May 14, 2021. Born on January 2, 1941 to Bernard & Marie (Ries) Harre on their farm near Exeter, NE. Tom married Marilyn Loukota on February 4, 1961 in Exeter.

Tom graduated from Exeter High School, attended the Lincoln School of Commerce and graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1963 a member of Beta Gamma Sigma. He worked as an accountant and finance manager in the manufacturing industry. He worked for more than 20 years as vice president/controller in a savings and loan business. He was the financial manager for the first 10 years of the Nebraska Lottery. As a lifelong Catholic Tom served as parish financial committee chairman, parish council chairman and parish DDP chairman for several years. He also was a member of the Knights of Columbus, Sertoma Club, and St. Vincent DePaul Society. Tom was a devoted husband, father and grandfather exhibiting quiet strength and patience.

Tom is survived by his wife of 60 years Marilyn; daughters Linda (David) Westermann, Lisa (Dan) Meyer, Janice (Bob) Swanson; 12 grandchildren, and 1 great grandchild.

Rosary at 12:30 pm followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 1:00 pm on Friday, May 21st at St. Teresa Catholic Church, 735 S 36th Street, Lincoln. Burial in Calvary Cemetery, Lincoln. Honorary pallbearers are his grandchildren: Thomas Swanson, Jacob Swanson, Benjamin Swanson, Joseph Meyer, Rebecca Meyer, Julia Swanson, Steve Meyer, Laura Meyer, John Swanson, Anthony Meyer, Elizabeth Swanson and David Swanson.

Memorials to St. Teresa School or Catholic Social Services.

(Courtesy of Dennis Belohlavy) 
10010 I26908  Harrell  Doris  12 Jan 1926  15 Mar 2005  McLEMORE, DORIS (HARRELL) Transcribed by Bessie Meredith BORN: JANUARY 12, 1926 DIED: MARCH 15, 2005 Graveside services for Doris McLemore will be held Friday, March 18, 2005 at 10 a.m. in the Fort Towson Cemetery. Doris died March 15, 2005 in Paris, Texas. She was 79. Doris was born January 12, 1926 in Sulphur Springs, Texas and had lived in this area since 1985. She married T. Harold McLemore on June 17, 1955 in Odessa, Texas. Doris was a legal secretary and had worked in the U.S. Embassy in Brazil. She was preceded in death by her husband, T. Harold McLemore on August 15, 2000, and one brother, Delbert Harrell. Surviving relatives include: one son, Phil McLemore of Odessa, Texas; one brother, Bill Harrell, of Shreveport, Louisiana; and several nieces and nephews. The family will receive friends from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m., Thursday, March 17, 2005 at the funeral home. Officiating the services will be Bro. Troy Ruffin under the direction of Miller & Miller Funeral Home of Hugo.  STR06 
10011 I29443  Harrell  James Reuben  30 Dec 1894  25 Dec 1986  Both the 1900 Census and his tombstone gives date of birth as 30 December 1893, though other sources show 1894 as his year of birth.  STR06 
10012 I29431  Harrell  Jenny  Abt 1871  Yes, date unknown  Linda Davenport writes that Jenny Harrell born about 1871 in TX married to J. T. Jones on 31 May 1893 in Sabine Co, TX by H. F. Killen according to White & Toole.  STR06 
10013 I46235  Harrell  Lillie Mae  1 May 1897  15 Jan 1987  Maiden name from the obituary of her daughter, Glynda McLemore Suggs, as posted on FindAGrave.  STR06 
10014 I11180  Harrell  Nancy  6 Nov 1834  9 Mar 1897  The daughter of William HARRELL and Olive FOWLER. Sandra Meier notes that at the time of the 1840 census, Nancy would have been living in Jackson County, Florida Territory, with her mother Olive.  STR06 
10015 I29428  Harrell  Reuben  Abt 1827  Yes, date unknown  In June, 2010, Garland Lively emailed "I am a descendant of William Harrell of Wythe County, Virginia and belong to a group of dedicated researchers who have been attempting for years to find connections among the various Harrell families. I am most interested in determining the ancestry of Reuben Harrell who settled in Sabine County, Texas about 1860. My interest is in determining his ancestry and possible connections to the other North Carolina Harrell families who migrated to Georgia and then onward to Texas."

An excerpt from my file on the Texas Harrells: Reuben Harrell was born 1825 in Pulaski County, Georgia and married Charity W. Lampkin 8 Jul 1857 in Pulaski County, Georgia. Reuben migrated to Sabine County, Texas by 1860 and married second, Permelia Jane Mason, widow of George W. Neal. He had three children born between 1866 and 1871 in Sabine County, Texas. Nothing further is known of this family but it is suspected that he is a descendant of Levi Harrell 1750 of Anson County, North Carolina as Levi had numerous descendants who settled in Pulaski County, Georgia."

If you have any further informaton about Reuben Harrell, please contact Garland Lively at:

Garland Lively
193 HCR 2201
Aquilla TX 76622
Ph: 254-694-6719

10016 I29428  Harrell  Reuben  Abt 1827  Yes, date unknown  (Research):

Census Listings:

1850 United States Federal Census 1850 United States Federal Census
Name: Reuben Harrell
Age: 24
Estimated birth year: abt 1826
Birth Place: Georgia
Gender: Male
Home in 1850 (City,County,State): Division 69, Pulaski, Georgia
Family Number: 373
Household Members: Name Age
Reuben Harrell 24
Charity W Harrell 26
Eugenius Harrell 1
Mary Bohannon 65

Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: Division 69, Pulaski, Georgia; Roll M432_80; Page: 253A; Image: 519.

1860 United States Federal Census 1860 United States Federal Census
Name: Reubin Harrell
Age in 1860: 33
Birth Year: abt 1827
Birthplace: Georgia
Home in 1860: Patroon, Sabine, Texas
Gender: Male
Post Office: Milam
Value of real estate: View image
Household Members: Name Age
Reubin Harrell 33

Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Patroon, Sabine, Texas; Roll M653_1304; Page: 332; Image: 294; Family History Library Film: 805304

1870 United States Federal Census
Rubin Harrell 45 M W Farmer $800 $300 Ga
Permelia G Harrell 30 F W Tx
Robert Harrell 4 4 M W Tx
Mary Harrell 3 F W Tx
William Neal 16 M W Tx
Joel Neal 12 M W Tx

Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Beat 5, Sabine, Texas; Roll M593_1604; Page: 40B; Image: 86; Family History Library Film: 553103.
10017 I29427  Harrell  Robert W. H.  Abt 1866  Yes, date unknown  The son of Reuben HARRELL and Permelia MASON.  STR06 
10018 I29445  Harrell  Sallie Bell C.  Jun 1898  Yes, date unknown  Laura Buckmaster instead shows her as Lola Bell.  STR06 
10019 I24458  Harrelson  Rebecca Jane  Abt 1820  Between 1852 and 1853  Rosa McLemore wrote that her father first wife was "Isabell Harrison" the daughter of a wealthy plantation owner in Virginia. She was probably assuming her name was Isabella based on the middle name of Keton's daughter Rebecca, apparently named for her mother.

She was actually the daughter of Solomon J. HARRELSON. It is believed that she died in childbirth, along with her eighth child, around 1853, probably in Jefferson County Texas. When son Felix Harrelson McLemore applied for an insurance policy, he listed his mother's cause of death as dysentery, after an illness of six weeks.



FILED JAN . 23, 1838

(Courtesy of Melba Gene McLemore) 
10020 I32516  Harris  Abigail  26 Mar 1720  Abt 1785  Melba Allen, on her DANIEL ALDERMAN website, writes that "About 1740 Daniel Alderman married Abigail, third child of Nathaniel Harris, and his first wife, Miriam Brooks. Abigail was born 26 March, 1720."  STR06 
10021 I7029  Harris  Alexander  Abt 1810  Yes, date unknown  In the book "Sabine County Historical Sketches and Genealogical Records" by Edna McDaniel White and Blanche Findley (sic) Toole, it was stated that "Theophilus Alexander Harris, b. 1810, m Elizabeth Reeves, b. 1817 in S. C., and came to Texas prior to 1837. He was Justice of Peace in Milam in 1837. He was interested in civic improvement, and when New Hope Baptist Church was organized, the meetings were held in his home. He received a third class land grant in Sabine County." (p. 26).

However, a direct descendant, Elizabeth Pate,, cautions that it might be possible that Theophilus Harris and Alexander Harris were actually two different men, but likely related in some fashion. Theophilus was said by some to be named William Theophilus. Census records for the family of Alexander and Elizabeth consistently show his name simply as Alex, Alexander or A. Elizabeth also noted that the Alexander and Elizabeth, along with their children, can be found in Talladega County, Alabama at the time of both the 1840 and 1850 federal census enumerations, and that their youngest daughter, Nancy, is also shown on the 1860 Sabine County, Texas census as being born in Alabama ca 1854.

Please email and/or if you have more information that could help us determine the exact nature of the relationship between Theophilius Harris and Alexander Harris.
10022 I7029  Harris  Alexander  Abt 1810  Yes, date unknown  (Research):

Census Listings:

1850 Census
Alabama, Talladega County, Talladega District
Enumerated 30 Apr 1850
1393 1427
Alex Harris 40 M @500 Va
Elizabeth Harris 32 F S. Carolina
Gilbert Harris 16 M Ga
Martha Harris 14 F Ga
Arletha Harris 12 F Ala
Joseph Harris 10 m Ala
Robert Harris 8 M Ala
Henry Harris 6 M Ala

1860 Census
Texas, Sabine County, Milam
Enumerated 18 Jun 1860
Page 7 Stamped 321
Hebron and Emily Harris and family
A. Harris 50 M Farmer 2000 5209 Va
Elizabeth Harris 43 F SC
Joseph L. Harris 21 M Ala
Robert V. Harris 18 M Ala
Henry E. (sic) Harris 14 M Ala
Nancy Harris F 6 Ala
10023 I46835  Harris  Angela Marnette  1 Oct 1971  28 Nov 2021  Miss Angela Marnette "Marnie" Harris left the mortal constraints of this earth on November 28, 2021, in Geneva, Texas. Marnie was born on October 1, 1971, in Lufkin Texas.

Marnie is now with her father, and the only person who had his bluff in on her, Robert N. Harris Sr. Moreover, she has now reassumed the copilot position with her mother, LaVerne Droddy Harris. At their peak, it was not uncommon to have a Marnie and LaVerne sighting ? even in New York City!

Marnie is survived by: Robert N. Harris Jr.(brother) and wife Stacy Archer Harris and Roy Joseph Harris (brother) and wife Mary Brackin Harris. She leaves behind nephews and nieces: Holli Harris King, Hannah Harris Johnson, Robert N. Harris III, Virginia Harris Standley, Sarah Harris Nichols, and Roy Joseph Harris Jr. Additionally, Marnie was the proud great aunt for six great-nieces and three great-nephews.

Visitation will be held from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 1, 2021, at Wyman Roberts Funeral Home, located at 316 W. Columbia Street in San Augustine, Texas.

Funeral services will be held at 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 1, 2021, at the Wyman Roberts Memorial Chapel with Dr. Karen Jones officiating. Interment will follow at McMahans Chapel Cemetery, Geneva.

Pallbearers: Robert N. Harris III, Roy Joe Harris, Justin King, Rex Johnson, J.D. Standley, and Jared Nichols.

Visit for memories and condolences.

Services are under the direction of Wyman Roberts Funeral Home in San Augustine, Texas.

Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, December 1, 2021, page 7 
10024 I16932  Harris  Arletha L. "Lethia"  23 Apr 1837  2 Jan 1904  Not listed as a daughter in White and Toole's "Genealogical Sketches of Sabine County, Texas."

Said by Barbara Yancey Dore to have married Britton Alford, and to be the mother of Aletha "Lethia" Alford, who married Alfred A. Halbert. Some researchers show that is was she that married Alfred Vickers. 
10025 I5627  Harris  Bena Norine  24 Jul 1901  5 Jan 2000  THE SABINE COUNTY REPORTER January 12, 2000

Bena Harris Gellatly, 98, of Milam died Wednesday, Jan 5, 2000, in San Augustine. Mrs. Gellatly was born July 24, 1901 and had been a lifelong resident of the Milam area. She was a homemaker and a member of New Hope Baptist Church. Survivors; daughters and sons-in-law, Claudia and Dan Polley of Sexton, Merle and Oscar Huff of Milam, and Bonnie and Larry Mobbs of Odessa, a sister, Elaine Brown of San Augustine; eight grandchildren a step-granddaughter; nine great-grandchildren; and four step great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband D.C. Gellatly, and a son, Robert Gellatly. Funeral services were held Jan 7 at New Hope Baptist Church near Milam with Bro. Jim Moss and Bro. Lou Dane officiating. Interment followed at New Hope Cemetery. Starr Funeral Home Inc of Hemphill, Directors. 
10026 I20083               
10027 I12342  Harris  Catherine "Kate" P.  Dec 1862  Abt 1953  A daughter of Elijah and Ann Harris of Van Wert County, Ohio.  STR06 
10028 I44122  Harris  Faye  26 Jul 1885  23 Nov 1964  A newspaper clipping about her death is posted on her memorial on FindAGrave. It is titled "Collision of Car and Truck Takes Life Mrs. Mason, 79.'

The article stated that Mrs. Faye Harris Mason was dead on arrival at Rusk Memorial Hospital after turning in front of a Milk Truck. The article also noted that she had been a resident of Rusk for 45 years, and member of the First Baptist Church and in the T. E. L. Class. Survivors were sons Byron Mason, Dallas; G. T. Mason, New London and Col. W. H. Mason, Jr. of Pope AFB, North Carolina; daughters, Mrs. E. S. Caldwell, Angleton and Mrs. F. D. Dickey, Fort Worth, sister, Mrs. A. A. Wilson, Hemphill; 17 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. Pallbearers were Lonnie Spivey, Russell Gilman, Carl Rogers, Walter Courtney, Mayo Starkey and Frank Merriweather.

Name Faye Harris Mason
Event Type Death
Event Date 23 Nov 1964
Event Place Rusk, Cherokee, Texas, United States
Gender Female
Marital Status Widowed
Birth Date 26 Jul 1885
Birthplace , Texas
Father's Name Judd Harris
Mother's Name Syrenthia Collier
Certificate Number: 68669
GS Film number 2117651
Digital Folder Number 005144700
Image Number 00079

Citing this Record:
"Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 26 Nov 2013), Faye Harris Mason, 23 Nov 1964; citing certificate number 68669, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2117651. 
10029 I7178  Harris  Henry Clay  4 Feb 1844  16 Oct 1907  His headstone is inscribed H. C. Harris Born Feb. 4, 1844 Died Oct. 16, 1097, "On that bright immortal shore, We shall meet to part no more."  STR06 
10030 I703  Harris  Kathleen Edith  1 Jul 1929  16 Jan 2016  Teaches in the Hemphill ISD and is a member of the James Frederick Gomer Chapter of the Daughters of Republic of Texas.

The in BACK IN TIME column of the May 3, 2000 issue of the Sabine County Reporter it was noted that in 1965, "Mrs. Tommy White, Hemphill High School Teacher, was elected president of the Sabine County Chapter of the Texas State Teachers Association."

Sabine County Reporter 8 May 2002

Class of 1947 Members of the class of 1947 attending the (Hemphill High School) reunion included, from left, front; Norman Ener, Alice Procell, Elouise (Armstrong) McLemore, Nan Carol (Harvey) Kirbow, Joyce (Davidson) Winkle and Lillie Faye (Horne) Bennefield; (center): Frances (Woods) Trapp, Kathleen (Harris) White, Ann (Maund) McClain and La Vern (Halbert) Roberts; and back; Paul Beauchamp, Conald Glover, Curtis Killion, Joe Lynn Whittlesey, King Davidson, Millard Jordan, John Parker and J.C. Click. Not pictured: Bessie Lou (Coussons) Neal and Earline (Polk) Brown.

The October 8, 2008 issue of the Sabine County Reported noted that she had been the director of the Vergie Speights Memorial Jailhouse Library and Musuem for the past five years. She had taught English and Spanish for 33 years at Hemphill High School prior to her retirement.

Kathleen Edith White, 86, of the Gravelhill Community, Sabine County, Texas, passed away Saturday morning in her home. She was born in Sabine County to Judge Noble and Nettie Arthur Harris. Mrs. White held a Masters Degree from Stephen F. Austin University, and spent her life teaching. She taught in the Hemphill Independent School District for over 50 years, and held classes in several other schools and colleges. Mrs. White was a lifetime member of the Gravelhill Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, holding several offices in the Church, a member of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas, and the National Honor Society.

Mrs. White is survived by her sons: Michael A. White of Killeen, Drew N. White and wife Vicky of Hemphill, Keven White and wife Veronica of Hemphill, seven grandchildren, three great grandchildren, her brother Robert "Bobby" Harris and wife Laverne of Geneva. She is preceded in death by her husband Tommy White, her brother Jackie Harris, her grandson J.T. White and great grandson Ryder Griffin.

Visitation will be from 5:00 pm until 8:00 pm, Monday, January 18, 2016, in the Starr Funeral Home, 510 Starr St., Hemphill, Texas. Funeral services will be at 4:00 pm, Tuesday, January 19, 2016, in the Gravelhill Antioch Missionary Baptist Church. Burial will follow in the Gravelhill Cemetery.

Copied from the Starr Funeral Home Website
Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, January 20, 2016, Page 10 
10031 I6288  Harris  Lena L.  Abt 1871  Yes, date unknown  In her sketch about Sudie Halbert Wilson of Sabine County, Virgie Speights notes that her teachers, at a little one-room log school called Fox Hill, included Volney Vickers, Brittain Allen and Miss Lena Harris. (Speights, Old Timers of Sabine County, p. 26).  STR06 
10032 I24795  Harris  Lewis  Bef 1820  Yes, date unknown  Probably a namesake of Lewis Harris, father of the first Howell McLemore's wife Lucy Harris. (James L. McLemore, III, p. 79).  STR06 
10033 I19196  Harris  Mary  Abt 1740  1 Jan 1822  The daughter of Dr. Benjamin and Esther HARRIS of Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts. (Dwight, p 174).  STR06 
10034 I42846  Harris  Mary A.  28 Apr 1866  12 Jul 1924  In her annotated transcription of the Myrtle Springs cemetery, Kay Parker McCary shows her as a daughter of Samuel HARRIS and Susan F. PICKARD, and wife of Joseph E. Meeks. Her headstone is inscribed "The Lord is my Shepherd-Rest Mother rest in quiet sleep whiel friends in sorro over thee weep."  STR06 
10035 I7066  Harris  Melinda Francis "Fannie"  Jun 1853  Yes, date unknown  Said to be a daughter of Samuel Harris and Susan Pickard.  STR06 
10036 I13845               
10037 I24982  Harris  Michael Jason  25 Jun 1975  Yes, date unknown  (Research):The Sabine County Reporter
July 16, 1997, Page 7

Mr. and Mrs. Ozro Pratt recently enjoyed a visit from their great-great-granddaughter, Jessica Ann Harris. [Present] were Frances and Ozro Pratt, great-great-grandparents, Ann and J. C. Click, great-grandparents, Berverly and Bonnie Harris, grandparents, all of Geneva; Kathy and Michael Harris, parents, and Jessica Harris, all of Colorado Springs. CO.

(Transcrbed by Melinda McLemore Strong, March 2011) 
10038 I4943  Harris  Noleete Daisy  1914    Member of the James Gomer Chapter of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas.  STR06 
10039 I6282  Harris  Robert Earl  11 Aug 1868  29 Dec 1934  (Research):
Census Information:

1910 Census
Texas, Sabine County
Enumerated 26 April 1910
SD 2 ED 134 Sheet 134 Sheet 5B
Harris, Robert E 42 m1 20 Tx Ala Miss
Harris, Sudie L 38 M1 20 8/7 Tx Al Tx (First Wife)
Harris, Earl P 19 S Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Harris, Mabel V 17 S Tx Tx Tx
Harris, Wallace D 11 S Tx Tx Tx
Harris, Bena A 8 S Tx Tx Tx
Harris, Daisy L 5 S Tx Tx Tx
Harris, Marie 3 S Tx Tx Tx
Harris, Robert W 1 S Tx Tx Tx

1920 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 4
Enumerated 21 through 26 January 1920
SD 326 ED 171 Sheet 14B
Harris, Robert E Hd 52 Wd Tx Alabama Mississippi Merchant Dry Goods
Harris, Mabel Dtr 27 S Tx Tx Tx
Harris, Wallis Son 20 S Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Harris, Lucille Dtr 15 S Tx Tx Tx
Harris, Marie Dtr 13 S Tx Tx Tx
Harris, Windell Son 11 S Tx Tx Tx
Harris, Elaine Dtr 2 6/12 Tx Tx Tx 
10040 I46831  Harris  Robert Noble  22 Dec 1932  29 Jul 2016  Robert Noble Harris, Sr., 83, passed away in the Nacogdoches Medical Center, Friday, July 29, 2016. Robert was born to Judge and Nettie Harris on December 22, 1932 in Sabine County. A lifetime member of the Geneva area, he was teacher, farmer, and rancher. Robert served his country in the Army during the Korean Conflict, and he was a member of the Sexton Masonic Lodge, a Shriner, and was active in various other organizations and committees.

Robert is survived by his wife, LaVerne Harris of Geneva; his two sons, Robert Harris Jr. and wife Stacy of Geneva, and Roy Joe Harris and wife Mary of Geneva; one daughter, Angela Marnette Harris of Geneva; six grandchildren, Holli Lynn Harris, Hannah Lean Johnson, Robert Harris III, Virginia LaVerne Harris, Sarah Elizabeth Harris, and Roy Joe Harris Jr.; and two great grandchildren, Makenna Len Harris-Wallace and Scarlett Jane Harris.

Visitation will be from 5:00P.M. until 8:00P.M., Monday, August 1, 2016 in the Starr Funeral Home, 510 Starr St. Hemphill, Texas. Funeral Services will be at 2:00PM, Tuesday, August 2, 2016 in the Starr Funeral Home Chapel. Burial will follow in McMahon Chapel Cemetery in Geneva.

Copied from website
Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, August 3, 2016, Page 12 
10041 I153  Harris  Robert Wendell "Buck"  14 Dec 1908  11 Oct 1974  His FindAGrave memorial page shows he was a MSgt. US Army, and includes a photo of his military marker.  STR06 
10042 I46832  Harris  Roy Arthur "Jack"  25 Oct 1930  16 Feb 2007  Jack passed away at the Silsbee Convalescent Center.

A native of Geneva he was a longtime resident of Evadale. He was a tour boss on #1 and #2 paper machines at Eastex Pulp and Paper. He was a member of Evadale Masonic Lodge and proudly served his country in the Army Air Force during WWII in Greenland.

Survivors include his wife Joyce Stewart Harris; son David Harris, daughter Lyn Terry and husband Jim; grandsons Joshua Terry and Jordan Terry; brother Bobby Harris and sister Kathleen White. 
10043 I1602  Harris  Ruby Elaine  30 Jul 1917  1 Oct 2007  Shown in the 1963 obituary of her half sister, Abbie Thelma Nethery, as "sister....Mrs Elaine Brown, Bronson."

Elaine Brown

Funeral services for Elaine Brown, 90, of San Augustine were held at 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, October 3, 2007 at Liberty Hill Baptist Church in San Augustine. Rev. Mike Hunter and Rev. Buddy Pratt officiated.

Elaine Brown was born July 30, 1917 in the Isla Community in Sabine County to Robert and Abby Ola Mason Harris. She entered into rest October 1, 2007 in Lufkin. Mrs. Brown was the youngest of 11 children and the last surviving member. She was a retired health care giver as well as beloved wife, mother, grandmother, sister and aunt. She was a member of Liberty Hill Baptist Church and had resided in San Augustine since 1964.

Mrs. Brown leaves a wonderful legacy of dedication to family, caring for everyone else, and her love of God. She enjoyed cooking, flowers, football and gospel music. Elaine was a beautiful, loving and giving person. Her radiating smile and presence will leave an irreplaceable void in our lives.

The family wishes to extend a special thanks to all of Mrs. Brown's nurses and caregivers at El Camino House in San Augustine. The love and compassion shown for their mother has been beyond reproach these past three years.

She is survived by her her son, Charles Dale Brown and wife, Wanda of Longview; daughter, Ann Brown Watson of Lufkin; daughter-in-law, Nancy Brown Metteauer and husband Richard of Nacogdoches; nine grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her husband of 61 years, Hoy Brown; sons, Arlis Ray Brown and Ricky Paul Brown, and son-in-law, Dr. William E. Watson.

Wyman Roberts Funeral Home in San Augustine was in charge of arrangements.

Published in the San Augustine Tribune, Thursday, October 4, 2007

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, Fall 2007) 
10044 I45821  Harris  Vincent  6 Oct 1912  Yes, date unknown  His marriage license shows him as a son of John Harris and Minnie Spruell.
10045 I4298  Harrison  James Franklin  1 Jul 1918  6 Aug 1986  His last residence, per the SSDI, was in Pineland, Sabine County, Texas.

US World War II Army Enlistment Records:

James R Harrison Jr
Birth Year 1917
Race White, citizen (White)
Nativity State or Country Texas
State of Residence Texas
County or City Harris

Enlistment Date 5 Oct 1942
Enlistment State Texas
Enlistment City Houston
Branch Air Corps
Branch Code Air Corps
Grade Private
Grade Code Private
Term of Enlistment Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law

Component Army of the United States - includes the following: Voluntary enlistments effective December 8, 1941 and thereafter; One year enlistments of National Guardsman whose State enlistment expires while in the Federal Service; Officers appointed in the Army of
Source: Civil Life

Education 4 years of high school
Civil Occupation Clerks, general office
Marital Status Married
Height 67
Weight 192

At the time of the 1930 census enumeration, he was living two households away from his future wife, Bertie McClelland. They both lived on Lanier Hemphill and Bronon Public Road in the first precinct of Sabine County, Texas. She was in household 103-107, with her parents Archie and Clara McClelland. He was in household 105-109, with his parents, Robert L and Belle Harrison.

10046 I16263  Harrison  Judah "Judith"  Bef 1759  Yes, date unknown  Richard Stauff supplied the following information about Judah Harrison, sometimes mistakenly shown as Judith.

Father: Joseph Lovell Harrison
Mother: Margaret "Peggy" Richardson

Husband: William B. Graves m: 29 DEC 1779 in Louisa Co., VA

Son: Joseph Harrison Graves

"Lick Creek Beckoned" by Barbara Biggers Vaughn has info on the Harrisons and others. William B. Graves and Judah Harrison's marriage date and names are shown there, with Judah's lineage.

I'm still trying to find parentage of William's daugher-in-law, Margaret Selby. If you come across anything please let me know!

Margaret (Selby) Graves and her daughter Nancy H are listed in the Nicholas Co., KY 1850 census as 38 and 15 years old, respectively. They are my GGG-Grandmother and GGGG-Grandmother. Nancy Harrison Graves married Henry Thomas Moore. All three are laid to rest in Pleasant Hill Cemetery in Pleasant Hill, Cass Co., MO.

Margaret: 13 SEPT 1812 - 15 DEC 1857

Nancy: 21 JAN 1835 - 17 APR 1900

Henry: 9 JULY 1829 - 4 APR 1909

More information can be found on Richard's website: 
10047 I40112  Harrison  Lillian  19 Nov 1926  26 Aug 2011  From FindAGrave:

Lillian Clark Patrick, 84, of Orange, Texas, passed away Friday, August 26, 2011.

Funeral Services will be at 2:00 p.m., Sunday August 28, 2011, at Claybar Funeral Home in Orange. Officiating will be Reverend David Milner of Calvary Baptist Church. Interment will follow at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens.

A gathering of family and friends will be Saturday from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the funeral home.

Mrs. Patrick was born in Halleyville, AL to Johnny Harrison and Ethel (Pinkard) Harrison Head. She was the manager at Winfree Packing Company and also a private duty nurse. She loved to fish but more than that she loved her family.

She is preceded in death by her father, Johnny Harrison; mother, Ethel (Pinkard) Harrison Head; step-father, Walter C. Head; first husband, Ras Clark and second husband, Jessie Patrick.

Those left to cherish her memory are her daughter and son-in-law, Peggy Clark McCollum and husband, Gene of Warren; four grandchildren, Renee Smith, Shandola Langham, Ras McCollum, Relinda Terrell all of Warren and eight great grandchildren. She is also survived by her brother, Eugene Harrison; sister, Eloise Harvey; brother, Eddie Head and wife, Barbara and numerous nieces, nephews and cousins who will all miss her dearly.

Obituary from Claybar Funeral Home, Orange, Texas; August 26, 2011 
10048 I14722  Harrison  Loria Jean  29 Jan 1945  15 May 2021  Obituary

Jean White, 76, of Bronson, Texas passed away Saturday, May 15, 2021 at her residence.

Jean was born on January 29, 1945 in Sabine County to James H. Harrison and Bertie Mae McClelland. She was a loving mother and housewife.

She is survived by her sons, Curtis White and wife, Brenda of Bronson, and Rocky White and wife, Margaret of Bronson; sisters, Gayla McBride, Jennifer Brit, Joanna Spates and Tempie McCary; grandchildren, Dustin White and wife, Joy of Buna, Bradley White and wife, Chelsea of Hemphill, Tim Forse, and wife Denna of Pineland, LaSha White of Bronson, DeEsta Jones and husband, Tyler of Pineland, Britney Quick and husband, Joey of Pineland; sixteen great grandchildren and one great-great grandchild.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Bobby White; great grandson, Kyren Lane Mobley; parents, James and Bertie Harrison and sister, Shelia Whitton.

Funeral services will begin at 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, May 18, 2021 at Starr Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Glen Middleton officiating.

Visitation will begin one hour prior to service.

Burial will follow services in Plainview Cemetery in Pineland, Texas with Bradley White, Dustin White, Tim Forse, John Nelson, Joey Quick, Tyler Jones, Brandon White and Tommy Jenkins serving as pallbearers.

You are invited to share condolences, memories and sign guest book online at

Downloaded from Starr Funeral Home
Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, May 19, 2021, page 4 
10049 I35235  Harrison  Martha "Mattie" Jane  25 Aug 1876  26 Feb 1941  Name: Mattie Bragg
Death Date: 26 Feb 1941
Death Place: Precinct No. 3, Sabine, Texas
Gender: Female
Race: White
Death Age: 64 years 6 months 1 day
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 25 Aug 1876
Birthplace: Sabine Co., Texas
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: William Harrison
Father's Birthplace: Unknown
Mother's Name: Mary Jane Bennett
Mother's Birthplace: Sabine Co., Texas
Occupation: Hwfe.
Place of Residence: Milam, Sabine, Tex.
Cemetery: Lowes Chaple Cemt.
Burial Place: Texas
Burial Date: 27 Feb 1941
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2138246
Digital Film Number: 4030504
Image Number: 1883
Reference Number: cn 9822
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
10050 I45624  Harrison  Mary Elizabeth  18 Jul 1852  25 Jul 1934  Patsy Bennett Miller shared the following undated clipping from the Brownsville Herald relating to Mary Harrison Bennett's final illness "Judge D. C. Bennett and Mrs. W. E. McCorquodale, son and daughter of Mrs. W. H. Bennett, formerly of Orange county but now of East Bernard, are at the bedside of their aged mother, whose condition remained critical, according to reports here. Judge Bennett and family left Sunday morning for East Bernard.

Name Mary Elizabeth Bennett
Event Type Death
Event Date 25 Jul 1934
Event Place East Bernard, Wharton, Texas, United States
Gender Female
Marital Status Widowed
Birth Date 18 Jul 1852
Birthplace Macon, Georgia
Father's Name Harrison
Mother's Name:
Certificate Number 34734
GS Film number 2116194
Digital Folder Number 005145491
Image Number 00996

Citing this Record:
"Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 14 Aug 2014), Mary Elizabeth Bennett, 25 Jul 1934; citing certificate number 34734, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2116194. 
10051 I16223  Harrison  Mildred "Malinda" "Millie"  20 May 1771  18 Jul 1842  "GENEALOGIES OF KENTUCKY FAMILIES" from the Registrer of the Ky Hist Society Vol O-Y, (Baltimore Gen. Publ.-1981) states she was the sister of Governor Benjamin Harrison, a signer of the Declaration of Independence.  STR06 
10052 I28780  Harrison  Polly Ann  20 Oct 1942  12 Feb 2008  Sabine County Reporter
February 27, 2008

Polly Ann Harrison Karnes

Polly Ann Harrison Karnes, 65, of Silsbee died Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2008, at Harbor Hospice in Beaumont.

She was born Oct. 20, 1942, in Pineland as a daughter of the late Harlis H. and Leila A. Harrison and was a longtime resident of the Silsbee-Beaumont area. She worked for DuPont in Nederland for almost 40 years before retiring.

Survivors: her sister, Mary A. GRIMES of LaPorte; brothers, Howard L. HARRISON and Robert H. HARRISON, both of Silsbee; uncle, Pete Sanford of Buna; and nieces and nephews.

She was preceded in death by her parents, as well as a by a sister, Alice B. EDDINGS.

It was Polly's wish that donations be made to the Southeast Texas Family Service Center, 990 IH 10 North, Suite 140, Beaumont, TX 77702, in lieu of flowers, cards and services.

Arrangements were handled by R.S. Farmer Funeral Home in Silsbee.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, March 2008) 
10053 I7027  Harrison  Rosa Belle  11 Aug 1920  15 Jun 1966  Her death certificated, viewbable online at, Texas Deaths, 1890-1976, showed that she was the daughter of Robert E. Harrison and Belle Oliver, and wife of T. C. Bennett. At the time of her death, the resided at 1185 Skipwith in Beaumont.  STR06 
10054 I18091  Harrison  Shelia Marie  16 Dec 1959  24 Sep 2012  Shelia Marie Whitton, 52, of Pineland died Monday night, in the Sabine County Hospital in Hemphill, Texas. Shelia was born in Hemphill to James and Bertie Mae McClelland Harrison. Shelia worked as office manager for the Texas Department of Transportation in San Augustine, TX. She was a member of the Bethel Chapel Baptist Church in Pineland.

Shelia is survived by her husband Jim D. Whitton of Pineland, her son Joshua Thomas Whitton and his wife Catrina of Pineland, her daughter Rachel Hestran Bennett and her husband Chris of Pineland, her grandchildren Jacob, RaLea, James, and Justus. She is also survived by her mother Bertie Mae Harrison of Plainview and her sisters Gayla McBride of Bronson, Jean White of Bronson, Jennifer Britt of Center, JoAnn Speight of Lufkin and Tempie McCary of Bronson.

Visitation will be from 4:00PM until 9:00PM, Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012, in the Starr Funeral Home, 510 Starr St., Hemphill, Texas. Funeral services will be at 11:00AM, Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012, in the Starr Funeral Home Chapel. Burial will follow in the Whitton Family Cemetery near Pineland.

Courtesy of Starr Funeral Home
Also published in the Sabine County Reporter, October 3, 2012, page 9 
10055 I6843  Harrison  William H.  Mar 1850  Yes, date unknown  (Research):

Census Listings:

1880 Census
William J. Harrison Self M M W 30 Al Farmer GA GA
Sarah J. Harrison W M F W 32 Tcx Keeps House La La
Florence Harrison Dau S F W 6 Tx Al La
Martha J. Harrison Dau S F W 4 Tx Al La
Texas, Sabine County, Precinct 5
FHL Film 1255325 NA Film #T9-1325
Page 250C

1900 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 5
Enumerated 14 Jun 1900
SD 8 ED 72 Sheet 15A Stamped 155
Harrison, William H Head W M Mar 1850 M 27 Ala Ga Ga Farmer
Harrison, Sarah J. Wf W F Oct 1848 51 M 27 3/3 Tx La NC
Harrison, Florence V Dtr W F Sep 1876 23 S Tx Ala Tx
Harrison, Mary A Dtr W F Aug 1884 15 S Tx Ala Tx Attending (school?)
Bennett, Roger and Phoebe

10056 I11924  Harsch  Maria  Aft 1620  Yes, date unknown  BonnieMargaret Benkelman Jacob's only knew of her first name, and date of marriage to Adam. However, on FamilySearch, she is shown as Maria HARSCH, daughter of Augustinus HARSCH and Maria ULMER, both of Aalen, based on their "Deutschland Heiraten, 1558-1929", database.  STR06 
10057 I36057  Hart  Alvania  1 Oct 1847  10 Oct 1884  Barbara Yancey Dore shows her as a daughter of Thomas Micajah HART and Sophia TYSON.  STR06 
10058 I2201  Hart  Julia  Feb 1848  20 Jan 1923  Name Julia Mcgrew
Event Type Death
Event Date 20 Jan 1923
Event Place Blanconia, Refugio, Texas, United States
Gender Female
Marital Status Widowed
Birth Date:
Birthplace , Texas
Father's Name Timothy Hart, b. Ireland
Mother's Name Mary St John, b. Ireland
Informant Mrs. Joe McGuill, Blanconia
Certificate Number 2801
GS Film number 2074698
Digital Folder Number 005145618
Image Number 03258

Citing this Record:
"Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 08 Jul 2014), Julia Mcgrew, 20 Jan 1923; citing certificate number 2801, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2074698. 
10059 I2201  Hart  Julia  Feb 1848  20 Jan 1923  (Research):

Census Listings:

1880 Census
Texas, Refugio county
Enumerated Jun 1880
Page 5 SD 6 ED 128 Stamped 347
McGrew, Juila W F 33 Housekeepign Tx Ireland Ireland
McGrew, Massenia W F 11 Dtr Going to School Tx Miss Tx
McGrew, William W M 9 Son Tx Miss Tx
McGrew, Catherine W F 8 Dtr Tx Miss Tx
McGrew, John W M 6 Son Tx Miss Tx
McGrew, Agnes 2 F 4 Dtr Tx

1900 Census
Texas, Refugio County, JP 3
Enumerated 5 Jun 1900
SD 13 ED 71 Sheet 2B
McGrew, Julia Head W F May 1848 52 Wd 5/4 Tx Ireland Ireland Farmer
McGrew, William Son W M feb 1872 28 S Tx Miss Tx farm laborer
McGrew, Agnes Dtr W F Dec 1877 22 S Tx Miss Tx
Cowan, Edward Nephew W M Aug 1893 16 S Tx Tx Tx At School
Cowan, Joseph B Nephew W M Mar 1893 7 S Tx Tx Tx
Westin, Lewis Servant B M May 1832 68 S Ky Ky Ky Farm Laborer 
10060 I45125  Hart  Mary E.  14 Nov 1843  9 May 1935  Her Texas Death Certificate shows her as a daughter of Clayburn Hart and Susan Holmes. The informant was Bonnie Wilson of Kirbyville. She was shown as the widow of Alexander McDonald, and under her trade or profession it was written "invalid for years."  STR06 
10061 I11497  Hart  Modena Ethel  12 Feb 1876  1963  The daughter of John HART and Clarissa GRIFFITH.  STR06 
10062 I2224  Hart  Timothy  Bef 1829  Yes, date unknown  From the book "The Irish Colony In Texas" (p.186)

Mrs. G.H. Heldenfels of Beeville recalls "Timothy Hart, my grandfather, set out for his sheep ranch in McMullen County. He rode off with the money bags tied to the back of his saddle. With it he was to pay his sheep herders and a Tilden merchant who supplied them with provisions. On the way he stopped at the house of a Mexican friend who asked him to spend the night rather than to continue his journey. He thanked him but declined, saying he must push on as the sheep herders expected him. But his amigo urged him to spend the night, saying that there were two very bad hombres in the area, and he did not think it safe. Again Tim refused to stay. (When) he did not return to Papalote ... the alarm went out. A search was made to no avail. The only clue they had was what the Mexican man had told them. And this led to nowhere."

According to "Refugio" by H. Huson, Timothy Hart was among the signers of the Goliad Declaration of Independence. 
10063 I5153  Hartel  Molly  Abt 1887  23 Mar 1952  Striffler-Benkelman Broadcast
Volume 15, Sept. 1, 1952.

Mrs. John Crocker of Saginaw on Mar. 23. 
10064 I6472  Hartgraves  Sylvia  24 May 1922  1 Mar 2000  The U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015. shows that she was named Sylvia May Hartgraves/Sylvia Hartgraves Roe/Sylvia Roe. Her parents were Jesse M. Hartgraves and Cora F. Murrell.  STR06 
10065 I30692  Hartman  Catherine E.  Abt 1841  2 Dec 1885  The Sanford genealogy gives her birth date as 2 December 1885, which is obviously impossible. Probably it is her death date.  STR06 
10066 I5162  Hartman  Ellen Rosine  25 Sep 1920  20 Aug 2022  She was first married to Richard Sayers, and they had a son Richard. On September 17, 1949, she married Lawrence C. Fuller, born 13 Sept 1911 in Burt, Michigan, and they had four sons, Edward, Charles, Dennis and Gerald.

Cass City Chronicle
June 17, 1938
Page 4

Harley DEAN of Caro and Miss Katherine JOOS spent Sunday afternoon and evening in Saginaw and attended the baccalaureate exercises of Saginaw High School held in the First Congregational Church. Miss Ellen HARTMAN, cousin of Miss JOOS, was one of the 385 members of the class.


Fuller, Ellen R.

Saginaw, MI

Ellen, age 101, passed away August 20, 2022. She was born in Saginaw on September 25, 1920 to the late Lawrence and Lizette (Joos) Hartman. No services are planned at this time. To sign online guestbook, visit Arrangements made with Cremation Society of Mid Michigan. 
10067 I37501  Hartman  LaVern "Vern"  Abt 1922  19 Apr 2011  (Research):LaVern "Vern" Hartman, 89, of Davenport, formerly Hastings, passed away April 19th in Hebron.
Survivors: wife, Irene (Becwar) Hartman of Davenport; sons, Tim, Jeff and Mike Hartman of Arizona; step-children: Joyce Chleboun of Missouri Valley, Iowa, Gayle Becwar of Lincoln, Janene Harris of Lincoln, Janis Pierce of Omaha; 18 grandchildren; many relatives and friends.
Memorial services: 2 p.m., Saturday May 14th at First St. Paul Lutheran Church, 501 North Burlington Ave., in Hastings. Cremation, no viewing. Memorials to wife and family's choice. Arrangements by Livingston-Butler-Volland Funeral Home, Hastings.

(Courtesy of Dennis Belohlavy) 
10068 I11541               
10069 I30556  Hartsworth  Reuben  6 Oct 1779  Yes, date unknown  They resided in Sudbury, Vermont, and Batavia, New York.  STR06 
10070 I30654  Hartsworth  Santford  26 Feb 1804  12 Jun 1825  Killed by lightning.  STR06 
10071 I34715  Harvey  Arthur Delaney  24 Nov 1904  6 Jul 1969  Name: Arthur Delaney Harvey
Death date: 06 Jul 1969
Death place: Precinct No. 2, Tom Green, Texas
Gender: Male
Race or color (on document): White
Age at death: 64 years
Estimated birth year:
Birth date: 24 Nov 1904
Birthplace: Texas
Marital status: Married
Spouse's name:
Father's name: Ed Harvey
Father's birthplace:
Mother's name: Minnie Fuller
Mother's birthplace:
Occupation: Rancher
Residence: Precinct No. 2, Tom Green, Texas
Cemetery name: Eldorado Cemetery
Burial place: Eldorado, Schleicher, Texas
Burial date: 07 Jul 1969
Additional relatives: X
Film number: 2137520
Digital GS number: 4030097
Image number: 2370
Reference number: cn 52918
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
(Courtesy of Annette Ditto) 
10072 I17348  Harvey  Blassingame W.  Abt 1792-1795  20 Jul 1867  FIRST GENERATION KNOWN BLASSINGAME W.HARVEY OF SAN AUGUSTINE CO., TEXAS By Joyce P. Hervey

[Editor: The following Harvey family is perhaps related to the family of James Hervey/Harvey of New York ca. early 1800's, (see Vol. 2 No. 2, p. 54 and Vol. 1 No. 2, p. 9). Prior articles of the Bulletin have indicated that Virgil Temple Hervey, descendant of said James Hervey of NY, visited relatives in Texas and was pressed into service in the Confederate Army on one of his trips (ca. 1861-1865). Interestingly, the name Virgil Temple Harvey was given to a child born ca. 1873 to Stephen Prather Harvey of the following family. It seems likely that Virgil T. of New York and Stephen P. of Texas visited and knew, or thought, they were related to each other and that Stephen P. named his young son after his New York "cousin".]

Texas of the 1820's was a region undergoing drastic change. It was a land occupied by Indians, a handful of Spaniards, and growing numbers of American "squatters," with a few Spanish forts and Catholic missions. Texas became part of Mexico when Mexico won independence from Spain in 1821. Being so large and far removed from Mexico's seat of government, and with little manpower, Texas could not be protected from illegal intrusion by American settlers in their push towards the West. Mexico, realizing its problem of protecting Texas from illegal immigration, agreed to allow some colonization of Texas by the Americans, and in 1821 authorized Moses Austin to establish a colony of 300 families in Texas. Much to the Mexican's dismay, this opened a floodgate, which they could not again close to American immigration into Texas. Between 1821 and 1836, 25,000 to 30,000 Americans moved into Texas.

One of these early Texas immigrants was Blassingame W. Harvey, who came to Texas by 1824 and made application for a Mexican land grant.

Who was Blassingame W. Harvey of San Augustine County and where did he come from?

The name "Blassingame" entered the Harvey family as a given name in Charlotte (formerly Lunenburg) County, Virginia when Thomas Harvey (b. ca. 1705, d. 1782) married Elizabeth Blassingame (b. ca. 1709) and they named one of their sons Blassingame Harvey (b. ca. 1736).

From Virginia, the name was carried South by descendants and relatives of this couple. Several persons named Blassingame Harvey lived in Georgia: in Burke Co. in 1790-95, 1820, 1824 ; Jefferson Co.; and Washington Co., ca. 1790.

Blassingame W. Harvey of Texas was born in South Carolina ca. 1792- 1794 and died in San Augustine Co., TX on 20 July 1867. (Your editors have not researched South Carolina records to try to locate him there.) He is said to have arrived in Catahoula Parish, LA in 1802, with his brother John J. Harvey and perhaps other relatives. A Thomas and a Charles B. Harvey are listed on many records of that parish.

When Blassingame W. Harvey left Louisiana, he probably headed toward San Augustine, TX because it was on the only convenient road to the interior of Texas from the landward side. When he reached the Ayish Bayou near San Augustine, where he settled, he found cleared fields, evidence of prior habitation by persons who had moved on. He found some old-timers who had "squatted" their land and established farms. Cotton farms worked by Negro slaves sprang up as the population of the area increased. The rolling hills and valleys covered with hardwood trees, the clear cold streams of water, the fertile soil, abundant wild life and game birds all no doubt helped convince him to put down some roots.

A colonization law passed by Mexico ca. 1823-1824 allowed a married man to be granted by the Mexican government a "league and a labor" of land in Texas, the league (4428 acres) for pastureland and the labor (177 acres) for cultivation. The law required that the colonist be a citizen of Mexico, obey the laws of Mexico, belong to the Roman Catholic Church, and live on the land he was granted. However, there was no provision made for conveyance of titles to the land until about 1834. Meanwhile, the settlers had no claim to their land except their occupancy of it or "squatters rights." Nevertheless, Blassingame W. Harvey received title to his "league" of land on 20 Feb. 1835 and his "labor" of land in Jan. 1838

May not be the same Blassingame Harvey:

Historical Collections of Ga. Vol.3

Page 11-William Wooldrige to wife Sarah, 100 acres where we did live and five slaves Jack, Jenny,Rachel, Lucy and Isby, all stock, furniture for life. To son Richard slaves Cate, Ceasar,and Pheby in his possession.To son William, slaves Frank, Sam and Nelly. To son Thomas slaves Chas, Abel,and Nancy. To son Gibson slaves James, Cain, and Sucky. To son Edward slaves Winny, Sarah and a wagon. To daughter Sally Hidspeth, slaves Ceasar, Joan, and Nancy for her life and then at her death to her children. To daughter Patty Davis slaves Isaac and Peg for her life and then to her children. Mentions debts owed by Phillip Ryon and BLASSINGAME HARVEY. Exors: sons Thomas and Gibson and wife Sarah. Signed Dec.6, 1797 recorded July 25, 1798 Elbert Co.Ga.

(Collections of Dubie Hudspeth: 
10073 I17378  Harvey  Calvin Charles  10 Feb 1825  25 Oct 1906  Living with them at the time of the 1860 San Augustine census was 19 year old Joshua Herring.  STR06 
10074 I14280  Harvey  Calvin Charles  12 Jan 1851  12 Dec 1950  (Research):

Census Listings:

1880 Census

Calvin Harvey Self Wd M W 27 Tx Farmer La ---
H. D. Harvey Son S M W 3 mon Tx At Home La Tx

Census Place San Augustine, Texas
FHL Film #1255325
NA Film $ T9-1325
Page #301C 
10075 I31954               
10076 I44695               
10077 I17326  Harvey  Edward  24 Nov 1851  7 Aug 1940  On the 1860, 1870 census, his name is shown as Edwin. In 1880, it is shown as Edward.

Mentioned in the Thursday, March 4, 2004 Harry Noble weekly column in the San Augustine Tribune, titled "HARD TIMES: Ayish Bayou at Chinquapin." Edward was a witness in the San Augustine District court case "the State of Texas vs. Ben Albritton" in which Ben Albritton was alleged to have shot three hogs belonging to the widow Mary Harvey 
10078 I17332  Harvey  Edward Prather  Abt 1886  Yes, date unknown  (Research):1920 Census, Texas, San Augustine County, JP 3, ED 178
SD 32 ED 178
Enumerated 12-13 January 1920 by Hugh Fox
Harvey, Edward P Hd M W 31 M Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Harvey, Dorotha Wife F W 26 M Tx Tx Tx
Harvey, Gladys Dtr F W 7 S Tx Tx Tx
Harvey, Travis Son W W 5 S Tx Tx Tx

Families following this listing,
Harvey, Edward age 68
Parker, Floid and Emily ages 28 and 20 
10079 I17383  Harvey  Elizabeth Ann  25 Mar 1855  4 Feb 1948  Elizabeth Ann Harvey was born March 25th 1855 in Texas.She died February 4th 1948 and is buried in Texas at "Little Flock Cemetary" along side her husband Joseph"Joe" N. Erwin.

Elizabeth Pivonka 
10080 I17354  Harvey  Elvira Prather  3 Mar 1839  Yes, date unknown  In 1860, she was living with her father, and shown as age 18. At the time of the 1870 census, she was living with her sister and brother-in-law, Rowena and James Ware.  STR06 
10081 I34717  Harvey  Erma Evelyn  14 Mar 1909  12 Dec 1965  Name: Erma Evelyn Cozart
Death date: 13 Dec 1965
Death place: Santa Anna, Coleman, Texas
Gender: Female
Race or color (on document): White
Age at death: 56 years
Estimated birth year:
Birth date: 14 Mar 1909
Birthplace: Time, Texas
Marital status: Married
Spouse's name:
Father's name: Ed T Harvey
Father's birthplace:
Mother's name: Minnie Fuller
Mother's birthplace:
Occupation: Housewife
Residence: San Angelo, Tom Green, Texas
Cemetery name: Trickham
Burial place:
Burial date: 14 Dec 1965
Additional relatives:
Film number: 2117868
Digital GS number: 4028293
Image number: 2008
Reference number: 75560
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
(Courtesy of Annette Ditto) 
10082 I35206  Harvey  Everett A.  10 Jul 1908  18 May 1928  An actual copy of his Texas Death Certificate can be viewed online at, Texas Deaths, 1890-1976. He was listed as single, a son of Horace Harvey and Ara Fuller, and his usual occupation was shown as Telegraph Operator in the Oil industry. The informant was J. C. Fuller, relationship not indicated. He had been a resident of Alpine for 6 years and 8 months.

Citing this Record:
"Texas, Deaths (New Index, New Images), 1890-1976," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 02 Sep 2013), Everett A Harvey, 1928. 
10083 I35206  Harvey  Everett A.  10 Jul 1908  18 May 1928  (Medical):See attached sources.  STR06 
10084 I17342  Harvey  Gabriel  Aft 1868  Yes, date unknown  Shown on Ronald Laure Harvey's "Harvey" tree at RootsWeb's WorldConnect to have married Sarah Burton WOOD, the daughter of Elias O. H. Wood and Sarah Townsend.  STR06 
10085 I24304  Harvey  Gladys  30 Aug 1910  25 Nov 2002  Sabine County Reporter
December 11, 2002

Gladys Price, 92, of San Augustine died Monday, Nov. 25, 2002 at a San Augustine nursing home. Mrs. Price was born Aug. 30, 1910, in the Macune Community as a daughter of the late Edward Prather and Deotha (Parker) Harvey and was a longtime resident of San Augustine County. She was the retired owner/operator of Gladys Cafe and also worked several years for Stripling Drug in San Augustine. She was a member of Memorial Presbyterian Church. Survivors: cousins, Shirley LEWIS and Virginia DICKERSON, both of San Augustine. She was preceded in death by her husband, Holman PRICE. Graveside rites were held Nov. 26 at Parker Cemetery in San Augustine County with Bro. Rick RUSSELL officiating. Wyman Roberts Memorial Chapel of San Augustine officiating. 
10086 I1216  Harvey  Harriet Louisa  Abt 1828  Yes, date unknown  On the Lemon/Limon Tree at WorldConnect, she is instead shown as Harriett Slaughter.

10087 I1216  Harvey  Harriet Louisa  Abt 1828  Yes, date unknown  (Research):

Census Listings:

1880 Census
Texas, Sabine County, 4th Precinct
Enumerated 15 Jun 1880
Page 4 SD 1 ED 86
Causey, Harriet L W F 52 Farming La NC NC
Causey, George W M 20 Son Works on Farm Tx Miss La
Causey, Margret W F 14 Dtr At Home Tx Miss La
Causey, Alfred D W M 10 Son Works on Farm Tx Miss La 
10088 I12960  Harvey  Jesse  Abt 1856  Yes, date unknown  Could this be the Jesse Perkins HARVEY who married Mary Lousia Vickers as her second husband? She was married first to Richard Green McGOWN.  STR06 
10089 I44595  Harvey  Jewel  11 Oct 1911  7 Dec 1970  Her FindAGrave memorial page, created by R. T. Brandon, links her to parents Jessie Perkins HARVEY (FAG## 82455969) and Dochia HARVILL (FAG## 82456211)/  STR06 
10090 I17380  Harvey  John  Abt 1847  Yes, date unknown  Living with them at the time of the 1870 San Augustine County census were Jane and John Barnes, ages 18 and 19, born in TX and LA

1880 Census San Augustine County, Texas

29-30 Harvey, J.A. W M 35 M Farmer TX -- -- Harvey, L.D. W F 41 Wife M Keeps home MS IL GA Harvey, T.M. W M 9 Son S At home TX TX MS Harvey, J.C. W F 3 Daughter S At home TX TX MS Harvey, E.J. W F 3 Daughter S At home TX TX MS Dickerson, E.S. W F 18 Stepdaughter S At home TX TX GA Cooper, A.A. W F 17 Niece S At home TX -- -- Cooper, F.M. W F 15 Niece S At home TX -- -- 
10091 I17409  Harvey  John Homer  Jun 1866  Yes, date unknown  He married a Julia A. (Source: Joyce Hervey).  STR06 
10092 I17391  Harvey  Julia Ann  4 Oct 1878  26 Jan 1966
Name: John Crouch Crocker
Event Date: 27 Oct 1949
Event Place: San Augustine, San Augustine, Texas
Gender: Male
Race (Original): White
Age (Formatted): 78 years 5 months 3 days
Birth Year (Estimated):
Birth Date: 24 May 1871
Birthplace: San Augustine, Texas
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: George Crocker
Father's Birthplace: Tenn.
Mother's Name: Areza Bullock
Mother's Birthplace: Tenn.
Occupation: Farmer
Residence Place: San Augustine, San Augustine, Texas
Cemetery (Original): Liberty Hill Cemetery
Burial Place: San Augustine, Texas
Burial Date: 28 Oct 1949
Informant's Name (Original):
GS Film number: 2223524
Digital Folder Number: 4031960
Image Number: 02221
Reference ID: cn50137
Collection: John Crouch Crocker, "Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976" 
10093 I17391  Harvey  Julia Ann  4 Oct 1878  26 Jan 1966  (Research):Census Records:

1910 Census
Texas, San Augustine County, JP 4, ED 141

Crocker, John L Hd M W 37 M1 16 Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Crocker, Julia A Wf F W 31 M1 16 7/7 Tx Tx North Carolina
Crocker, Maggie M Dtr F W 15 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer Home Farm
Crocker, Mayona Dtr F W 13 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer Home Farm
Crocker, Leona Dtr F W 11 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer Home Farm
Crocker, Walter S Son M W 9 S Tx Tx Tx
Crocker, Annie D Dtr F W 7 S Tx Tx Tx
Crocker, Lila Dtr F W 4 S Tx Tx Tx
Crocker, Lizie Dtr F W 11/12 -- Tx Tx

1920 Census
Texas, San Augustine County, JP 4, District 179
Crooke, John L Hd M W 49 M Tx Tn Tx General Farm
Crooke, Julia Wf F W 41 M Tx Tx NC
Crooke, Leona Dtr F W 21 S Tx Tx Tx
Crooke, Walter Son W M 19 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Labor
Crooke, Debyie Son (sic) F W 16 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer
Crooke, Lila Dtr F W 14 S Tx Tx Tx
Crooke, Lizie Dtr F W 10 S Tx Tx Tx
Crooke, Carmon Dtr F W 7 S Tx Tx Tx

1930 Census
Texas, San Augustine, Pr 4, ED 7
Crocker, John O Hd M W 58 M 22 Tx Tn Tx Farmer
Crocker, Julia A Wf F W 51 M 15 Tx Tx Nc
Spangler, John J Boarder M W 56 Wd Tx Miss Ga Farmer 
10094 I3244  Harvey  Kindred Jeremiah  29 Jan 1815  8 Dec 1901  Shown on Richard Spotswood Thomson's genealogy website as a son of Peter Ivey HARVEY and Mary Ann DUPREE.  STR06 
10095 I1222  Harvey  Margaret Ann  9 Feb 1829  16 Aug 1909  Bettye Bragg Wagstaff cites "Sabine County cemetery Records to 1964" to show the birthdate of Margaret Ann Harvey Smith Allen Reeves as 9 February 1839. Per Blance Toole, it was 9 February 1829, which corresponds more closely with her age per census records.  STR06 
10096 I1220  Harvey  Mary Jane Elizabeth  17 Dec 1821  8 Mar 1901  Kay Parker McCary, in the transcription of the tombstone, writes that she was Born in Pitt Co., North Carolina, Moved to Texas Dec 1842 (Mary Jane Elizabeth Harvey - Daughter of Seth Harvey & Zelotus Margaret Ann Boyd - Married 1 Aug 1839 h Adam Jackson Bennett, Sr.) The 1880 census shows her state of birth as South Carolina, and early census records instead show her as being born in Louisiana.  STR06 
10097 I1220  Harvey  Mary Jane Elizabeth  17 Dec 1821  8 Mar 1901  (Research):

Census Listings:

1900 Census
Texas, Sabine County, Precinct 5
Enumerated 14 Jun 1900
SD 8 ED 72 Sheet 15B
Bennett, Burtis Head W M Apr 1845 55 Wd Tx La La Farmer
Bennett, Mary J Mother W F Jan 1823 77 Wd La --- NC 
10098 I46571  Harvey  Mary Pauline  22 Dec 1915  17 Aug 2002  Shown on her FindAGrave memorial page, created by Tracey Chelette Strong, as the daughter of Ella Brittain Harvey.  STR06 
10099 I47766  Harvey  Paul Wendell  27 Jun 1940  29 Jun 2017  The Texas Birth Index shows him as a son of Columbia HARVEY and Lennie MORRIS.

Edited) Obituary of Paul W. Harvey, copied from FindAGrave

Paul W. Harvey, 77, of Shelbyville, passed away Thursday, June 29, 2017, in Hemphill. He was born June 27, 1940, in Hemphill, to Columbia Harvey and Lennie Morris Harvey. He was a member of Bronson Masonic Lodge #893, Sharon Shrine in Tyler and Grapevine Missionary Baptist Church.

Graveside service will be held July 1, 2017, at Little Flock Cemetery in San Augustine County.

He is survived by:
- Daughter: Sandy Sparks/husband, Shad
- 2 Grandchildren: Caleigh & Cayden
- Numerous cousins and other relatives

Preceded in death by:
- Parents: Columbia & Lennie (Morris) Harvey
- Sister: Winnie Ruth Harvey
- One Infant Sister

Full obit published by Watson & Sons Funeral Home, 1554 Texas 7, Center, Texas - June 29, 2017. 
10100 I1221  Harvey  Robert S.  Abt 1826  16 Aug 1882  Why is he shown as born in North Carolina, whereas his siblings are all said to be born in Louisiana?  STR06 

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