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Richard Pace

Male Abt 1585 - Aft 1623  (39 years)

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  • Name Richard Pace  [1, 2
    Birth Abt 1585  England, United Kingdom Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    Gender Male 
    Death Aft 1623  Jamestown, James City County, Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    • In his book, OUR COLONIAL ANCESTORS 1619 TO 1799, Bruce Howard writes that although the exact time that Richard and Isabell came to Jamestown is not recorded, he believes they came in April 1619 with Sir George Yeardly, with around 2000 other settlers. Both Richard and Isabell had purchased shares in the Virginia Company. Richard chose land on high ground above the river on the opposite side from the settlement. This was known as "Tappahama over against James's Cittie" at the time, and later was known as the Surry side. He called his plantation "Pace's Paines." An historical marker near his plantation shows that Richard Pace was immortalized when "on the night before the Indian Massacre of March 22, 1622 an Indian, Chanco, revealed the plot to Pace, who reached Jamestown in time to save the settlers in that vicinity." In a letter George Sands, a witness to these events, wrote to Captain John Smith, he said that "the slaughter (would) had been universal, if God had not put it into the heart of an Indian, who lying in the house of one Pace, was urged by another Indian his brother that lay with him the night before to kill Pace....telling him also how the next day the execution should be finished...(he) reveales it to Pace, that used him as his sonne; and thuse them that escaped was saved by this converted infidell. And though three hundred fortie seven were slaine, yet thousands of ours were by the means of this alone thus preserved...Pace upon this, securing his house, before day rowed to James Towne, and told the Governor of it......"

      Months after the great Indian Massacre Pace drew up a petition which reads as follows: "The humble petition of Richard pace humbly showeth, whereas ye petitioner hath enjoyed a plantation of the other side of the water and hath bestowed great cost and charges upon it, building there and cleering of ground, but at length was enforced to leave ye same by ye savage cruelty of ye Indians, yett now purposing, by God's assistance, to fortifie and strengthen ye place with a good company of able men, he doth desire to inhabit there again and by yr leave freely to enjoy his plantation promising to doe all such things as by yr worships' directions he shall either put over or in whatever ye shall please to command him. In tender consideration whereof may it please yr worships to grant him his request and hee shall be bound to pray for yr health and happiness in this worlde and in the worlde to come." This petition was granted in January 1623.

      Howard cites Hotten's book THE ORIGINAL LISTS OF PERSONS OF QUALITY as stating that by 1626, Richard was shown as having "planted" 200 acres. Howard also noted that Isabella's second husband, William Perry "was appointed commander at the Plantation of Pace's Paines and Smith's Mount ...his commisssion as commander was renewed by court order on the 7th of March, 1628 and continued from year to year for some time....(Howard believes that) When Richard was alive he was in command of a certain district, or militia beat so to speak, after the Indian raid of 1622. After his death William Perry was made commander of the same district, and the muster ground was at Pace's Paines.

      Mr. Howard's outstanding book was published in 1998 in Quitman, Miss by Specialty Publishing and Printing, Box 414.
    Person ID I8182  Strong Family Tree
    Last Modified 17 Aug 2014 

    Family Isabella Smyth,   b. Abt 1589, England, United Kingdom Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Aft 1637, Charles City County, Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 49 years) 
    Marriage 5 Oct 1608  St. Dunstan's, Stepney, London, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
     1. George Pace,   b. Abt 1609, Wapping, Middlesex, England Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Between 1651 and 1652, Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 42 years)
    Family ID F3874  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 9 Dec 2006 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - 5 Oct 1608 - St. Dunstan's, Stepney, London, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - Aft 1623 - Jamestown, James City County, Virginia Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 

  • Sources 
    1. [S191] Matkin, Marianne--Family Researcher (correspondence).

    2. [S134] Howard, Bruce A. PACE A SKETCH AND HISTORY OF OUR COLONIAL ANCESTORS FROM 1619 to 1799 (1998).