Abt 1665 - 1728 (63 years)
Name |
William Strickland |
Birth |
Abt 1665 |
England, United Kingdom |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
6 May 1728 [1] |
Notes |
- Of Isle of Wight, Virginia and Bertie County, North Carolina. Father of John (Bertie & Edgecombe), Joseph, Matthew (Bertie & Edgecombe), Samuel, William of Bertie and wife Martha Brown. (Strickland-L-Rootsweb.com Email from Strick19@aol.com dated 8 Sept 2001)
To all X pian persons whom these present shall come. Matt Strickland and William Strickland, sons of Mathew Strickland, late deceased, have made, concluded, and agreed for a division between them and either of them, and their heirs for ever. Decided and bounded as followeth, I the said Mathew Strickland does give andmake over my whole right and title for me and my heirs unto him and his heirs forever, a piece of land where on my father lived on beginning at the mouth of the horse swamp, SOS running up the horse swamp to the Gum Branch \ ------ running up the said Branch to Coll. Pitts line SOS running the line unto the Plantation whereon the said Matt Stricklnad dec'd dwelt now all the land above the for mentioned Branch joining unto ------------Plantation and also all the land that lieth on the South side of the Horse Swamp. Now I the said Mathew Strickland dose give one hundred and fifty acres of Land at the Old Plantation unto my Brother Jno. Strickland and his heirs for ever never to go out of the name of ye Stricklands. Also ye said Mathew Strickland, does gives one hundred and fifty acres of land unto my brother, SamStrickland and his heirs forever not to go out of the name. ? lying at the head of the Watery Branch joining upon Arthur Whitehead, now all the rest of the land above the formentioned Branch and only the South side of the Horse Swamp --------said Mat Strickland does give unto my brother, William Strickland and his heirs, and also -------Mathew Stricklnad ----give unto my brother Joseph Strickland one hunded and fifty acres of land lying upon Blackwater between my Plantation and the line of ME or Mr. Woodwards being on the ----in my own ---according to the Division Bounds after ------- me and my brother William Stricklnad, ------- ----- to have his -----according to the Division Bounds after ------between me and my brother. William Strickland, ---- ----- to have his ----- according to his ------- ----- to have his ------ according to his ------all ----- and -----of---- ----- if ----- ----- of me Should defraud them or either(any?) of them ---- and defrauded shallforfit his own part according to these articles to him or them that shall be defrauded ----- ----- ----- and the aforesaid 150 acres lands to him or them unto John Strickland, his heirs shall not ----- or defrraud a ----- sails of a piece of land joining upon the Black Pond at the head of the Horse Swamp bargained, and sold from me, Will Strickland unto Arthur Whitehead as a witness of hands and Seal this 9 day Aug. in the year of our Lord God 1699. Signed Mat "M" Strickland Will "W" Strickland Wit. by Barnaby Mackinney, acknowledged at a Levey Case ----for ye Isle of Wiight co., Va. by Mathew Strickland and Wm. Davidson. Wm. Davidson - for 2050 good macht. 150 acres on Blackwater (from a patent 22 Sept. 1682, 10 upon River, 12 upon land of Wm. Mays ----
(Courtesy of Mary B. Curtis, MryBCurtis@aol.com, as posted at Strickland-L@rootsweb.com)
Person ID |
I1349 |
Strong Family Tree |
Last Modified |
17 Aug 2014 |
Father |
Mathew Strickland, b. Between 1627 and 1637, England, United Kingdom d. Between 1696 and 1699, Isle Of Wight County, Virginia (Age 69 years) |
Mother |
Elizabeth ???, b. Bef 1642, England, United Kingdom d. Yes, date unknown |
Marriage |
Abt 1662 |
England, United Kingdom |
Family ID |
F808 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Sources |
- [S404] Strickland, Cicero Odell--Family Researcher, Ancestor Chart prepared Sept 1994.