m. 2 Jun 1918
Birth |
23 Feb 1899 |
Kansas  |
Death |
Burial |
Father |
Mother |
Birth |
24 Mar 1919 |
Osage City, Osage County, Kansas  |
Death |
Yes, date unknown |
Burial |
Sources |
- [S169] Kuykendall, George Benson "History of The Kuykendall Family Since Its Settlement in Dutch New York in 1646 With Genealogy,etc" (Portland, OR, 1919), (http://books.google.com/books?id=SB9ZAAAAMAAJ&printsec=titlepage&source=gbs_summary_r&cad=0#PPP9,M1).
- [S203] McGuire, Keith David, Jr--Family Researcher P.O. Box 1721 Bailey, CO 80421-1721 (303) 838-0255.