m. 8 Apr 1931
Birth |
29 Dec 1908 |
Death |
8 Mar 1984 |
Burial |
Bohemian National Cemetery (Milligan South), Milligan, Fillmore County, Nebraska  |
Other Spouse |
John Alfred Korbelik | F12998 |
Marriage |
4 Nov 1964 |
Father |
Mother |
Birth |
23 Jun 1931 |
Milligan, Fillmore County, Nebraska  |
Death |
9 Sep 2013 |
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska  |
Burial |
Wyuka Cemetery, Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska  |
Spouse |
Larry Glen Kroon | F12997 |
Marriage |
Sources |
- [S219] Milligan Centennial History Book Committee HISTORY OF MILLIGAN, NEBRASKA 1888-1988 (Walsworth Publishing, Marceline, MO), pg 232 (Reliability: 3).
- [S873] Find A Grave [database online]; http://www.findagrave.com/, (Thousands of contributors submit new listings, updates, corrections, photographs and virtual flowers every hour to the FIND A GRAVE website. When it comes to administrating, building and maintaining the site, Find A Grave is largely operated by its founder, Jim Tipton.), # 73128951 (Reliability: 3).