401 |
S1639 | FamilySearch.org, Michigan, Death Certificates, 1921-1952 |
402 |
S1643 | FamilySearch.org, Michigan, Marriages, 1822-1995 |
403 |
S783 | FamilySearch.org, Michigan, Marriages, 1868-1925 |
404 |
S1380 | FamilySearch.org, Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 |
405 |
S1469 | FamilySearch.org, Minnesota, Marriage Index, 1958-2001 |
406 |
S977 | FamilySearch.org, Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995 |
407 |
S1408 | FamilySearch.org, New Mexico, Deaths, 1889-1945 |
408 |
S1684 | FamilySearch.org, New York, County Marriages, 1908-1935 |
409 |
S847 | FamilySearch.org, North Carolina Deaths and Burials, 1898-1994 |
410 |
S1459 | FamilySearch.org, North Carolina Deaths, 1906-1930 |
411 |
S1193 | FamilySearch.org, North Carolina Deaths, 1931-1994 |
412 |
S998 | FamilySearch.org, North Carolina Marriages, 1759-1979 |
413 |
S911 | FamilySearch.org, Ohio Births and Christenings, 1821-1962 |
414 |
S1410 | FamilySearch.org, Ohio Death Index, 1908-1932, 1938-1955, and 1958-2007 |
415 |
S1505 | FamilySearch.org, Ohio Deaths and Burials, 1854-1997 |
416 |
S888 | FamilySearch.org, Ohio Deaths, 1908-1953 |
417 |
S1000 | FamilySearch.org, Ohio Marriages, 1800-1958 |
418 |
S1820 | FamilySearch.org, Ohio, County Births, 1841-2003 |
419 |
S1802 | FamilySearch.org, Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1997 [database online] |
420 |
S1838 | FamilySearch.org, Oklahoma County Marriages, 1890-1995 |
421 |
S1637 | FamilySearch.org, Ontario Births, 1869-1912 |
422 |
S1749 | FamilySearch.org, Ontario Marriages, 1869-1927 |
423 |
S1867 | FamilySearch.org, Oregon Death Index, 1903-1998 |
424 |
S1573 | FamilySearch.org, South Carolina, Deaths, 1915-1943 |
425 |
S871 | FamilySearch.org, Tennessee Deaths and Burials, 1874-1955 |
426 |
S1107 | FamilySearch.org, Tennessee Marriages, 1796-1950 |
427 |
S1855 | FamilySearch.org, Tennessee, Births and Christenings, 1828-1939 |
428 |
S1753 | FamilySearch.org, Tennessee, Death Records, 1914-1955 |
429 |
S1111 | FamilySearch.org, Texas Birth Certificates, 1903-1935 |
430 |
S1195 | FamilySearch.org, Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997 |
431 |
S807 | FamilySearch.org, Texas Births and Christenings, 1840-1981 |
432 |
S1721 | FamilySearch.org, Texas County Marriage Index, 1837-1977 |
433 |
S990 | FamilySearch.org, Texas Death Index, 1903-2000 |
434 |
S1211 | FamilySearch.org, Texas Death Index, 1964-1998 |
435 |
S805 | FamilySearch.org, Texas Deaths and Burials, 1903-1973 |
436 |
S33 | FamilySearch.org, Texas Deaths, 1890-1976 |
437 |
S789 | FamilySearch.org, Texas Marriages, 1837-1973 |
438 |
S1824 | FamilySearch.org, Texas, Deaths, 1977-1986 |
439 |
S1680 | FamilySearch.org, United States Social Security Death Index |
440 |
S1522 | FamilySearch.org, United States, World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 |
441 |
S1285 | FamilySearch.org, United States, World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 |
442 |
S1812 | FamilySearch.org, Virginia, Marriages, 1785-1940 |
443 |
S1024 | FamilySearch.org, Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 |
444 |
S803 | FamilySearch.org, Wisconsin Births and Christenings, 1826-1926 |
445 |
S801 | FamilySearch.org, Wisconsin Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968 |
446 |
S894 | FamilySearch.org, Wisconsin Marriages, 1836-1930 |
447 |
S1559 | FamilySearch.org, Wisconsin, Death Index, 1820-1907 |
448 |
S1136 | FamilyTreeMaker Online "Ancestors of Gail Slater and Rick Newtson" |
449 |
S855 | FamilyTreeMaker.com "Descendants of Robert Oliphant" |
450 |
S67 | Farrar, Randal Alan P. O. Box 815452 Dallas, TX 75381-5452 "The Randal A. and Dena L. Farrar Genealoyg Home Page, Updated 2 Sept 2004" |
451 |
S639 | Farris/McClure-Leamon/Magouirk, "On The Way Home" Sharon Leamon(sharon_leamon@hotmail.com) |
452 |
S1254 | Fawley, Jennifer Platacis--Family Researcher (jennifer@tnbtraffic.com) |
453 |
S1042 | Faytetteville (NC) Observer |
454 |
S88 | Feisenberg, John (johnfeisenberg@juno.com) |
455 |
S89 | Feldman, Lawrence ANGLO-AMERICANS IN SPANISH ARCHIVES (Genealogy Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1991) |
456 |
S873 | Find A Grave [database online]; http://www.findagrave.com/ |
457 |
S660 | Florida Times-Union Online Edition |
458 |
S90 | Floyd, Calvin G. "Thompson Mill History" STRICKLAND SCENE Vo1 2, No 1, First Quarter 1981 |
459 |
S71 | Flynn, Christine Beard--Family Member (Email and correspondence ca 1997) |
460 |
S91 | Fobian, Mary Thiele [mailto:metaphor@mbay.net] ; Email dated 30 November 2001 |
461 |
S92 | Foote Family Association of America http://footefamily.org |
462 |
S329 | Foote, Gordon (gorfoote@charter.net) "William Hall Descendants" Ver. Wed Aug 21 12:03)00 2002 http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=whall |
463 |
S93 | Form SS-5, Treasury Department: Application for U.S. Social Security Number |
464 |
S328 | Forrest, Patricia (Patricia Forrest pforrest@jas.net) Ver. Fri Aug 1 12:19:02 2003 "West Family" http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:2615787 |
465 |
S865 | Fort Worth (Texas) Star Telegram Newspaper |
466 |
S18 | Francis, Laurel--Family Researcher, jklm2francis@gmail.com |
467 |
S549 | Franklin, Rachel Kelley-Family Researcher (rach_kelley@yahoo.com) |
468 |
S94 | Frederick, Rhodene--Email Correspondence, Spring 2005 [unique6689@earthlink.net] |
469 |
S1478 | Free BMD. England & Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1915 [database on-line]. |
470 |
S321 | Freeman, Mark (mwfgenealogy@verizon.net) "Mostly Southern" http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=markfreeman ; Ver. 2008-09-19 17:51:13 |
471 |
S95 | Freistat, Katherine (freistat@earthlink.net) "John E. and Mary Smith" Ver. Aug 29 04:05:04 2000 ; http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=freistat |
472 |
S406 | Fullen, Don and Amy "Our Ever Growing Fullen Family Tree" |
473 |
S1396 | Fuller, James R. "The Life Story of James R. Fuller" Privately Published 52 page typed manuscript, Fall 2012 |
474 |
S96 | Fuller, John (Email: jwesfuller@worldnet.att.net) "Descendants of Ezekial Fuller: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~jwfulller |
475 |
S97 | Fuller, Linda Nugent-Family Researcher; Correspondence, Family Group Sheets, Email |
476 |
S710 | Funeraldigest.com (website) |
477 |
S605 | Gallon, Jewel--Descendant (gallon@eohio.net) |
478 |
S1166 | Galveston Daily News |
479 |
S99 | Garcia, Karen Carter (Route 8, Box 824, Jasper, TX 75951: kgarcia@inv.net) |
480 |
S100 | Gartig, Jo Ann Lee--Family Researcher (3924 Timberwood, Nacogdoches, TX 75961) |
481 |
S1317 | Genealogy.com, FamilyTreeMaker Online, "Burnett/Register family history from Lufkin, Tx" Updated 8 Jan 2007 (Owner, Keith Alan Burnett, Lufkin, TX) |
482 |
S1315 | Genealogy.com, FamilyTreeMaker Online, "The Ancestors of Lisa Rhodes: Genealogy Report: Descendants of John Michel Schwanner" Updated 5 Jan 2007 (Owner, Lisa Rhodes, Houston, TX) |
483 |
S1268 | Genealogy.com, FamilyTreeMaker Online, "The Simmer Family Home Page" Updated 18 July 2009 (Owner, David Frank Simmer, Oakland NJ) |
484 |
S845 | Genealogy.com, Surnames, Blackerby Family Genealogy Forum |
485 |
S1127 | Genforum: Cantrall Family Genealogy Forum ; http://genforum.genealogy.com/cantrall/messages/17.html |
486 |
S1156 | Genforum: Carter Family Genealogy Forum ; http://genforum.genealogy.com/carter/messages/11601.html |
487 |
S1223 | Genforum: Chance Family Genealogy Forum ; http://genforum.genealogy.com/chance/messages/629.html |
488 |
S101 | Genforum: Gates Family Genealogy Forum ; http://boards.ancestry.com/surnames.gates/119/mb.ashx |
489 |
S1184 | Genforum: Machen Family Genealogy Forum ; http://genforum.genealogy.com/machen/messages/235.html |
490 |
S1129 | Genforum: McLemore Family Genealogy Forum ; http://genforum.genealogy.com/mclemore/messages/569.html |
491 |
S102 | Gentry, Grace Ellen (1927) Payne/Gentry Reunion Photo, Duncan OK
NAME Gentry, Grace Ellen (1927) Payne & Gentry Family Reunion Group Photograph in Duncan |
492 |
S104 | Gentry, Ruth Pearl (1930) (W.M. and M.E. Gentry) Family (Genealogical) Record Form (probably largely compiled by Ruth Pearl Gentry circa 1911-1930) |
493 |
S849 | Georgia: Greene County: Marriages by Bride 1800-1850 |
494 |
S105 | Getsinger, Caryn--Collins Family Researcher (caryn@nlis.net) |
495 |
S641 | Giannette, Misty (chelleyg@comcast.net) "Lowery plus" Ver. 2009-02-16 05:45:17 ; http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:3197540 |
496 |
S535 | Gill, Elizabeth Box 347 Mont Belvieu TX 77580 |
497 |
S106 | Gillis, Irene & Norman MISSISSIPPI 1830 CENSUS |
498 |
S107 | Girolamo, Kerry--Family Researcher, Ancestor Chart (Courtesy of Yolanda Pepper Miller) |
499 |
S108 | Givens, Robert E., ANCESTORS OF MARY MAGDELANA CRAMER (1997) |
500 |
S109 | Gleason, Grace--Family researcher (Gedcom September, 2002) |