1101 |
S485 | Walton, Irene Email Transcription of Affadavit of Sarah A. HARVEY dated 24 Jan 1913 |
1102 |
S454 | Washington Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Certificate of Death |
1103 |
S455 | Weaver, Leroy and Viola Family Bible presented by Walter and Stella Strong on August 1950 |
1104 |
S330 | Webb, Edward C. "North Florida Webbs and Others" Ver. 2008-10-03 14:29:24 http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=ewebb |
1105 |
S562 | Webb, Pam--Family Researcher (standstall48@yahoo.com) |
1106 |
S638 | webGED: Walter Palmer Society Data Page www.walterpalmer.com |
1107 |
S520 | Website "Ancestors of Stuart David Childress" http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~pearidger/families/childress/stuartn.htm |
1108 |
S1007 | Website "Beaumont (TX) Enterprise" ; www.beaumontenterprise.com |
1109 |
S1713 | Website "Billiongraves.com" |
1110 |
S1050 | Website "Carter-Cousin.org" "Descendants of Allen Alexander Carter" ; http://www.carter-cousins.org/kits/21320.htm |
1111 |
S1691 | Website "Cemeteries-of-tx.com" East Texas, Denton, Krum |
1112 |
S1277 | Website "Cemeteries-of-tx.com" East Texas, Jasper, Byerly |
1113 |
S1055 | Website "Cemeteries-of-tx.com" East Texas, Nacogdoches,Chireno Lower |
1114 |
S1319 | Website "Cemeteries-of-tx.com" East Texas, Newton, Burkeville Cemetery - Burkeville 1950 |
1115 |
S1516 | Website "Cemeteries-of-tx.com" East Texas, San Augustine, Antioch Cemetery |
1116 |
S1548 | Website "Cemeteries-of-tx.com" East Texas, San Augustine, Liberty Hill Cemetery |
1117 |
S1455 | Website "Cemeteries-of-tx.com" East Texas, San Augustine, Magnolia Springs Cemetery |
1118 |
S1716 | Website "Cemeteries-of-tx.com" East Texas, San Augustine, Thomas Cemetery |
1119 |
S1064 | Website "Cemeteries-of-tx.com" West Texas, Lampasas County, Oak Hill Cemetery |
1120 |
S1028 | Website "Choctaw County (OK) Obits" ; http://www.rootsweb.com/~okchocta/ |
1121 |
S967 | Website "Dade County (MO) Biographies by Goodspeed" ; http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~modade/bio_p4.htm |
1122 |
S1158 | Website "durhamheritage.com" ; http://durhamheritage.com/SarahDurham1786/b255.html |
1123 |
S1182 | Website "Family of William Carter" ; http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~genworld/wmcarter.html |
1124 |
S892 | Website "Freedom Remembered: Remembering Our Troops" |
1125 |
S951 | Website "Genealogy Buff.com" |
1126 |
S959 | Website "Georgia, Pike County, National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Lineage Book" |
1127 |
S1830 | Website "himelfarb.org (Genealogy website)" |
1128 |
S994 | Website "Interment.net" |
1129 |
S971 | Website "LEBO Surname & Families of Interest" Updated 2010-10-21 |
1130 |
S1346 | Website "McClanahanhistory.com" Surname: Loring |
1131 |
S1243 | Website "Michigan GenWeb" Ionia County Lakeside Cemetery |
1132 |
S1209 | Website "Montgomery and Rowntree Families and Genealogy" |
1133 |
S1005 | Website "North County Times, Serving North San Diego and SW Riverside" ; www.nctimes.com |
1134 |
S979 | Website "Pea Ridge Relations Family Archives" Database Owner John W. Childress (pearidge@hotmail.com) |
1135 |
S1081 | Website "Poplar Springs - Crystal Springs 2=2007" |
1136 |
S1079 | Website "Poplar Springs Cemetery #2, Copiah, Mississippi" |
1137 |
S1103 | Website "Rootsweb Freepages" B. Clayton Family Groups |
1138 |
S953 | Website "Sarah Bowman Hann's Family Connections" Updated Sept 5, 2000 |
1139 |
S1584 | Website "Shelbycountytexashistory.org" Marriages |
1140 |
S942 | Website "Shelbycountytexashistory.org" Shelby Cemeteries, East Hamilton |
1141 |
S924 | Website "TexasObits Blog Spot" ; http://txobits.blogspot.com/2009/02/texas-obituaries-22409.html |
1142 |
S1012 | Website "TXGenWeb, Gregg County, Fisher Cemetery" ; http://txgenes.com/TxGregg/Cemeteries/Fisher.html |
1143 |
S987 | Website "Union County, MS Genealogy Forum" ; http://genforum.genealogy.com/ms/union/all.html// |
1144 |
S1240 | Website "US Genweb" DeWitt Cemetery, DeWitt, Clinton County, Michigan |
1145 |
S1070 | Website "US Genweb" Freeman Cemetery, Jackson County, Alabama |
1146 |
S1256 | Website "US Genweb" Greenwood Cemetery, Garrison, Nacogdoches County, Texas" |
1147 |
S1178 | Website "US Genweb" Natchitoches, LA Biographies |
1148 |
S1131 | Website "Warren County MSGHN" Warren County Marriages - "M" Surnames |
1149 |
S1150 | Website "William Addams Reitwiesner Genealogical Services "Ancestry of Britney Spears" |
1150 |
S1197 | Website "www.jerrywrightfamily.com" |
1151 |
S1109 | Website "www.omahanewsstand.com" |
1152 |
S949 | Website "www.osgoodfuneral.com" ; http://miserybay.usanethosting.com/sjindy/obits/2008.shtml |
1153 |
S43 | Website "www.shelbycountytexashistory.org" |
1154 |
S1160 | Website "Youngblood Family Genealogy" (janders981@sbcglobal.net) ; http://www.megjohn.info/genealogy/uncleged/com267.html |
1155 |
S456 | Wedding Annoucement for Lynda Ann McLemore and Larry Thomas Jackson in San Augustine Paper |
1156 |
S457 | Wedding Invitation for Nancy Carol McDaniel to Vernon Earl McLemore |
1157 |
S458 | Wedding Invitation from Mr. and Mrs. James Edward Johnson |
1158 |
S1416 | Wells, Elaine Barrett-Family Researcher via email, November 2012 |
1159 |
S460 | Westerfield, Ed. KENTUCKY GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHY, VOL V (Owensboro, KY: 1975) |
1160 |
S1125 | Western Historical Company, 1883 "History of Greene County, Missouri" |
1161 |
S694 | Westfall, Lewis "Tanner Cemetery, Burkeville, Newton Co., Cemeteries of TX" |
1162 |
S461 | White & Toole, "Sabine County Historical Sketches and Genealogical Records" c. 1972 |
1163 |
S462 | White, Betty Sweat--Family Researcher (Husband is a Descendant of Alfred West and Angeline Cochran) |
1164 |
S463 | White, Charlie-Family Researcher DESCANDANTS OF EDWARD WHITE |
1165 |
S464 | White, Gifford TEXAS SCHOLASTICS 1854-1855 Copied from the Originals in the Archives Division of the Texas State Library |
1166 |
S1189 | White, T. J. "White and Allied Families of the Southeastern U.S." (tjwhite1963@gmail.com) Updated 2008-10-16 |
1167 |
S630 | Wiese, Dean E.--Family Researcher "Wiese Family Tree" http://trees.ancestry.com |
1168 |
S465 | Wiggs, Dorothy-Family Researcher (jimdode@nbnet.nb.ca) |
1169 |
S819 | Wikipedia Article |
1170 |
S466 | Wilham, Kathleen Genealogical Research and Publishing (2 Sharon Way, Shelbina MO 63468) |
1171 |
S467 | Williams, Alvie Paul--Family Researcher (Descendants Report prepared on 4-1-89 for Evon Tisdale) |
1172 |
S468 | Williams, Cova Jean Hurst--Family Researcher (GEDCOM file) |
1173 |
S469 | Williams, Dorothy Ball--Family Researcher (dotwfl@comcast.net) 3331 Southwest Villa Place, Palm City, FL 34990 ; based in part on BonnieMargaret Benkelman Jacob's unpublished typescript, THE FAMILY BENKELMAN |
1174 |
S620 | Williams, Paul--Family Researcher (paulewms@aol.com) |
1175 |
S1066 | Williams, Tricia McNaughten--Family Researcher (pawilliams07@att.net) |
1176 |
S470 | Willis, Diane Marie McLemore--email correspondence with Melinda Strong, 2004 |
1177 |
S118 | Willis, Mike, editor "Truth Magazine" (online) ; http://truthmagazine.com/ |
1178 |
S4 | Wilson, Sam (dalrichcps@yahoo.com) |
1179 |
S472 | Winn, Velma K.--Family Researcher Family History Website |
1180 |
S473 | Winter, Chuck-Family Researcher (bcwinter@aristotle.net) |
1181 |
S474 | Wood, Sue and Howser, Ronnie FAIRVIEW CEMETERY, GAINESVILLE, COOKE COUNTY, TEXAS c. 1983-1984 |
1182 |
1183 |
S601 | Woody, Carie Trawick--Family Member (cariewoody@comcast.net) |
1184 |
S527 | Woolard, Debbie Schnell (debwoolard@gmail.com) "The Families of Jeff and Debbie Woolard " Ver. 2006-11-29 ; http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=dwoolard |
1185 |
S478 | Worley, Patsy Spivey-- Email to Charles Strong dated 10 June 2001 (pworley@pldi.net) |
1186 |
S1089 | Wright, Barbara S. (Byley) "Descendants of Allen Woods" Updated 13 March 2009 (Route 2, Box 318, Bronson, TX 75930) |
1187 |
S569 | Wright, Douglas (pdwright@bresnan.net) Ver. 2007-12-30 ; http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=douglaswright44 |
1188 |
S1205 | Wright, Janet Klinkman-Family Researcher (jkwright@tband.net) "Descendants of Frederick Eldred Wright,; dated 13 June 2011" |
1189 |
S606 | Wright, Kenneth W. Jr--Family Researcher (wrightpaw@gmail.com) |
1190 |
S525 | Wright, Kevin-Family Researcher (kw.stat@gmail.com) |
1191 |
S853 | Wyman Roberts Funeral Home 316 W. Columbia St San Augustine, TX "Time for Memory" Website |
1192 |
S1728 | Yarnovich, Stephanie--Family Researcher (lupogun@yahoo.com) |
1193 |
S1164 | Yost, Marvin (yost3225@cableone.net)-Family Researcher |
1194 |
S561 | Young, Linda--Family Researcher (Young, Linda L [lyoung@southplainscollege.edu] ) |
1195 |
S479 | Zahn, Bennie Jay--The Families Pene Roquevert Morlas (Privately Published; New Orleans, LA 1992), updates and corrections issued periodically |
1196 |
S8 | Zell, Glen 2206 Burning Tree Ct Weatherford, TX 76087 thezells@swbell.net |
1197 |
S690 | Zimmerman, Jane-Family Researcher (zimnero@tm.net) |