"Description","Mediia_type","Person ID","Last Name","First Name","Living","Tree"
"A Strong Story : The Tale of Two Ralphs","histories","","","","",""
"Ancestral Region in England ","histories","","","","",""
"Ancestral Region in France","histories","","","","",""
"Ancestral Region in Germany","histories","","","","",""
"Benkelman Family Sod Hut (Ben and Minnie Family), Cheyenne County, Kansas
ca 1902","photos","","","","",""
"Benkelman, Bonnie ca 1956, Western Michigan University, Sigma Kappa Sorority","documents","","","","",""
"Benkelman, Bonnie Jean ca 1942, and friends","photos","","","","",""
"Benkelman, Bonnie Jean ca 1947 at Girl Scout Camp in Fenton, Michigan","photos","","","","",""
"Benkelman, Bonnie Jean ca 1948 at Girl Scout Camp in Fenton, Michigan","photos","","","","",""
"Benkelman, Bonnie Jean ca 1950 or 1951, Cass City High School Clarinet Quartet","photos","","","","",""
"Benkelman, Bonnie Jean ca 1968 Sigma Kappa Fundraiser, Houston, Texas","photos","","","","",""
"Benkelman, Bonnie-Margaret and Mary Barbara, ca mid-1940's","photos","","","","",""
"Benkelman, Bonnie-Margaret, Mary Barbara and Robert Fletcher, mid 1940's","photos","","","","",""
"Benkelman, BonnieMargaret ca 1998 with cousins","photos","","","","",""
"Benkelman, Lois ca 1930's with her young cousins Bonnie and Barbara Benkelman of Colorado, and her sister-in-law, Isabel Benkelman and nephew Bill","photos","","","","",""
"Benkelman, Lynn with her new father-in-law Ralph (l) and husband Allan Biddlecomb (r)","photos","","","","",""
"Benkelman, Mary Barbara, Robert and Bonnie-Margaret","photos","","","","",""
"Benton, Mary Ethel ca 1940","photos","","","","",""
"Bien, Dolly and Sally ","photos","","","","",""
"Blue, Eva Leona ca 1957","photos","","","","",""
"Bures, Agnes ca 1930's -1940's ","photos","","","","",""
"Bures, Frank and Anna (Ruzicka) ca 1930's","photos","","","","",""
"Bures, Josephine ca 1930's","photos","","","","",""
"Burkett, Alricks and Ruby Ray (Boyett) of Beaumont, ca 1992 or later","photos","","","","",""
"Cass City (Michigan) High School Band, ca 1950","photos","","","","",""
"Cass City (Michigan) High School, 1927-1997","documents","","","","",""
"Church of God Congregants-1949, Rosevine, Sabine County, Texas","photos","","","","",""
"Clark, Sudie ca 1920's, Sabine County","photos","","","","",""
"Cummings, Adeline (Krapf)","headstones","","","","",""
"Cutting, Alberta Strong ca 1924","photos","","","","",""
"Cutting, Glenn David Jr. ca 1930","photos","","","","",""
"Cutting, Glenn David Jr. ca 1957 giving away his daughter Elinore in marriage","photos","","","","",""
"Cutting, Glenn David Jr. ca 1981","photos","","","","",""
"Fuller, Alice (Holland) Pointer with her daughter and step-children, 1956","photos","","","","",""
"Fuller, Herman and Ruth Children, ca 2005","photos","","","","",""
"Gentry Women in Sundresses, Sunday at Granny's, 1947","photos","","","","",""
"Gentry, Bessie Bird ca 1930 with her daughters","photos","","","","",""
"Gentry, Bessie ca 1940, with son Thomas Hardrick Payne and daughter Fay Payne Pierce","photos","","","","",""
"Gentry, Betty Jean","photos","","","","",""
"Gentry, Delbert ""Bud"" and wife Eva","photos","","","","",""
"Gentry, Delbert ""Bud"" at Halliburton","photos","","","","",""
"Gentry, Harold 1943 letter from his teacher, Gladys Payne,
Arthur School, Stephens County, Oklahoma ","documents","","","","",""
"Gentry, James Edwin Farm House, Stephens County, Oklahoma","photos","","","","",""
"Gentry, Jess Newton WWI Photo","photos","","","","",""
"Gentry, John Melton and wife Pamelia (nee Harpole) ","photos","","","","",""
"Gentry, Lloyd Raymond and wife, Esther ","photos","","","","",""
"Gentry, Ruth Cleo","photos","","","","",""
"Goodwin, Tolbert","photos","","","","",""
"History of Oil and Gas in the Los Angeles area including Signal Hill.","histories","","","","",""
"Krapf Family of Oklahoma","photos","","","","",""
"Krapf Siblings and Spouses; Children of Jake Krapf and Hazel Williams","photos","","","","",""
"Lewis, Cecil and Annabelle (Hanks) ca 1985","photos","","","","",""
"Marshall, Silas and wife Mary Langhorne","photos","","","","",""
"McGuire, Elvis Henry ca 1984","photos","","","","",""
"McGuire, Keith David ca 1945","photos","","","","",""
"McLemore DNA Study Results NOVEMBER 2011 (see spreadsheet PDF at bottom of this page)","documents","","","","",""
"McLemore, Earl","photos","","","","",""
"McLemore, Elisha Right's Children","photos","","","","",""
"McLemore, Ernest and Norma, April 1956","photos","","","","",""
"McLemore, Evon Viola ca 2006","photos","","","","",""
"McLemore, James W. and Letha (Hunt)","headstones","","","","",""
"McLemore, Lelan Ernest ca 1960, Vidor High School","photos","","","","",""
"McLemore, Margaret Elizabeth ca 2005","photos","","","","",""
"McLemore, Nina (Fuller), Quilt Square, ca 1966","documents","","","","",""
"McLemore, Norma Faye ca 1954","photos","","","","",""
"McLemore, Percy ca 1920, with Evon, Earl and Ray","photos","","","","",""
"McLemore, Percy ca 1985 with Evon, Earl, Ray, Tom and Lynn","photos","","","","",""
"McLemore, Sterling Estate Probate Records, Lexington, Kentucky, August 1815 p 1 of 3","documents","","","","",""
"McLemore, Sterling Estate Probate Records, Lexington, Kentucky, August 1815 p 2 of 3","documents","","","","",""
"McLemore, Sterling Estate Probate Records, Lexington, Kentucky, August 1815 p 3 of 3","documents","","","","",""
"McLemore, Terry F and Shirley (Soshee)","headstones","","","","",""
"McLemore, Thomas Eugene ca 1935","photos","","","","",""
"McLemore, Thomas Eugene ca 1943","photos","","","","",""
"McLemore, Thomas Eugene ca 1945
Eighth Grade Commencement
San Augustine, Texas ","documents","","","","",""
"McLemore, Thomas Eugene ca 1950
Taylor Hall, Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas","photos","","","","",""
"McLemore, Thomas Michael","headstones","","","","",""
"McLemore, Tom and Bonnie Family Home (1961-1962), Dallas Duplex","documents","","","","",""
"McLemore, Vessie & Nina McLemore family Home, San Augustine, Texas","documents","","","","",""
"McLemore, Vessie and Nina Family Reunion, October 1985, Broaddus, Texas","photos","","","","",""
"McLemore, Viola Evon, Memorial Service Program","documents","","","","",""
"Mitochodrial DNA (mtDNA), Haplogroup K","documents","","","","",""
"Morgan, Arlis Duward & Eula Mae (McCray)","headstones","","","","",""
"Morgan, Cleo and Merdie (Whitehead)","headstones","","","","",""
"Morgan, Edgar and Zelma (Hawthorne)","headstones","","","","",""
"Morlas Cousins at the St. Alphonsus Convent in 1927","photos","","","","",""
"Morlas Dairy, 2220 Calhoun Street, New Orleans","photos","","","","",""
"Morlas Men, ca 1951","photos","","","","",""
"Morlas Sister Reunion, likely 1951","photos","","","","",""
"Morlas, Eugenia and Josephine","photos","","","","",""
"Morlas, Josephine ca 1916","photos","","","","",""
"Morlas, Josephine ca 1930's","photos","","","","",""
"Morlas, Josephine ca 1965","photos","","","","",""
"Morlas, Lucine and daughters ","photos","","","","",""
"Morlas, Vivian, Sister Cyril, RSM (Juliet), and Eleanor","photos","","","","",""
"O'Neill Home Duncan, Oklahoma","documents","","","","",""
Home of Aunt Annie (O'Neill) Sparks -
303 Hickory, Duncan, Oklahoma
"Payne Thomas H. Selective Service Departure Permit 1943, California to Alaska","documents","","","","",""
"Payne, Anna Laura ca 1916 with her sister Dora Fay","photos","","","","",""
"Payne, Aubrey and Sarah","photos","","","","",""
"Payne, Dora Fay","photos","","","","",""
"Payne, Fay and Roonie","photos","","","","",""
"Payne, Firm, Ray, Bert and Harold (L to R), Arizona, after 1945","photos","","","","",""
"Payne, Fred Lee, probably with two of his sons","photos","","","","",""
"Payne, Patricia Gabriela ca 1934-1936","photos","","","","",""
"Payne, Raymond, Harold and Bert (L to R); ca 1978, Chandler, Arizona","photos","","","","",""
"Payne, Samuel Marshall Family","photos","","","","",""
"Payne, Thomas Bunker","photos","","","","",""
"Payne, Thomas Bunker with his second wife, Lillian (James) Payne and son Marion Clyde","photos","","","","",""
"Payne, Thomas H. - Info Letter re TH Payne from Mrs Earle W Barry Palmer Alaska PG 1 of 3","documents","","","","",""
"Payne, Thomas H. - Info Letter re TH Payne from Mrs Earle W Barry Palmer Alaska PG 3 of 3","documents","","","","",""
"Payne, Thomas H. - Telegram informing his family of Tom Payne's death","documents","","","","",""
"Payne, Thomas H. Civil Service Card","documents","","","","",""
"Payne, Thomas H. Civil Service Disability Separation, May 1957","documents","","","","",""
"Payne, Thomas H. Letters of Administration 1950 (Based on Presumed Death)","documents","","","","",""
"Payne, Thomas H. Proof of Heirship Chickasaw Tribe 1920 PG 1 0f 6","documents","","","","",""
"Payne, Thomas H. Proof of Heirship Chickasaw Tribe 1920 PG 2 0f 6","documents","","","","",""
"Payne, Thomas H. Proof of Heirship Chickasaw Tribe 1920 PG 3 0f 6","documents","","","","",""
"Payne, Thomas H. Proof of Heirship Chickasaw Tribe 1920 PG 4 0f 6","documents","","","","",""
"Payne, Thomas H. Proof of Heirship Chickasaw Tribe 1920 PG 5 0f 6","documents","","","","",""
"Payne, Thomas H. Proof of Heirship Chickasaw Tribe 1920 PG 6 0f 6","documents","","","","",""
"Payne, Thomas H. Union Card","documents","","","","",""
"Payne, Thomas H. VFW Lifetime Membership ","documents","","","","",""
"Payne, Thomas H.- Alaska Hunting License","documents","","","","",""
"Payne, Thomas H.- Ladd AFB Job Description 1955","documents","","","","",""
"Payne, Thomas Hamilton I","photos","","","","",""
"Payne, Thomas Hamilton II in Alaska, between 1945-1955","photos","","","","",""
"Payne, Thomas Hardrick ca 1933","photos","","","","",""
"Payne, Thomas Hardrick ca 1940's in California","photos","","","","",""
"Payne, William Bertram and Elizabeth (Belter)","photos","","","","",""
"Pierce, Roscoe","photos","","","","",""
"Pineland, Texas Logging Crew ca 1920","photos","","","","",""
"Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (B. 1882 Hyde Park, NY D. 1945 Warm Springs, Georgia)","documents","","","","",""
"Roquevert, Louis Family Picture circa 1879","photos","","","","",""
"Roquevert, Lucine ","photos","","","","",""
"San Augustine (Texas) High School Senior Class Officers, 1948-1949","documents","","","","",""
"Schopf, Philip Craig","photos","","","","",""
"Schopf, Philip Craig ca 1969","photos","","","","",""
"Smith, Avis Augusta Family Bible, p 4 of 4","documents","","","","",""
"Snyder, Amelia, Emily and Allison","photos","","","","",""
"Soukup, Frank and Anna (Beznoska) Family ","photos","","","","",""
"St. Elizabeth's Academy, Established 1888, Purcell, Oklahoma","documents","","","","",""
"St. Elizabeth's Academy, Purcell, Oklahoma, Established 1888; Payne and Rice sisters","photos","","","","",""
"St. Elizabeth's Academy, Purcell, Oklahoma, Established 1888; Students","photos","","","","",""
"St. Elizabeth's Academy, Purcell, Oklahoma, Established 1888; Students","photos","","","","",""
"Striffler-Benkelman Annual Labor Day Family Reunion, 1936 Newspaper article","documents","","","","",""
"Strong Brother Reunion, Medicine Park, Oklahoma, around 1941
"Strong Brother Reunion, Medicine Park, Oklahoma, around 1941","photos","","","","",""
"Strong Brother Reunion, Medicine Park, Oklahoma, around 1941","photos","","","","",""
"Strong Family Home--located at 1806 Birch Street, Duncan, Oklahoma","photos","","","","",""
"Strong Men go to War, 1941-1945, with Jack","photos","","","","",""
"Strong Siblings, Christmas, 1963","photos","","","","",""
"Strong, Alice Mary","photos","","","","",""
"Strong, Anna Laura ca 1964 with her namesake grandaughter, Laura Ann","photos","","","","",""
"Strong, Barney ca 1959, with his children on Easter Sunday","photos","","","","",""
"Strong, Barney ca 1974 with wife, Violet and their children","photos","","","","",""
"Strong, Caroline and Theresa","photos","","","","",""
"Strong, Charles Richard ca 1938, Lee School, Duncan Oklahoma, First Grade Class Picture","photos","","","","",""
"Strong, Charles Richard ca 1947 Graduation from Holy Angels Catholic School in Oklahoma City","photos","","","","",""
"Strong, Frederick Adelbert and Alberta (Osborne) Children","photos","","","","",""
"Strong, Homer and Viola 1911 - 1913","photos","","","","",""
"Strong, Homer ca 1923-1925 with Barney and Viola (R to L)","photos","","","","",""
"Strong, Homer ca 1939 with wife, Anna Laura","photos","","","","",""
"Strong, Homer ca 1943","photos","","","","",""
"Strong, Homer ca 1951","photos","","","","",""
"Strong, Homer ca 1962 with family and friends","photos","","","","",""
"Strong, Homer ca 1985 with wife, Anna Laura","photos","","","","",""
"Strong, Mary Caroline and Theresa Marie","photos","","","","",""
"Strong, Mary Caroline ca 1939","photos","","","","",""
"Strong, Mary Pat ca 1968, fishing with her brothers and cousins, Lake Humphreys, Oklahoma","photos","","","","",""
"Strong, Mary Pat ca 1995 with J F Burney","photos","","","","",""
"Strong, Melinda (McLemore) ca 1996, Daughters of the Republic of Texas Membership","documents","","","","",""
"Strong, Ralph Brainerd Family ca.1913","photos","","","","",""
"Strong, Samuel of Pennsylvania","photos","","","","",""
"Strong, Thomas and Melinda McLemore, 2009","documents","","","","",""
"Strong, Thomas Anthony ca 2002, Certificate-yDNA, R1B1","documents","","","","",""
"Strong, Viola Mae ca 1921, Cecil Lewis, Homer Strong, Roy West, and Barney Strong","photos","","","","",""
"Strong, Walter and Tessie (Soukup) Children","photos","","","","",""
"Strong, Walter Winfield ca 1909 with wife and son","photos","","","","",""
"Strong-Weaver-Lewis Reunion, Gainesville, Texas, March 1960
The Cecil and Annabelle Lewis Family","photos","","","","",""
"Strong-Weaver-Lewis Reunion, Gainesville, Texas, March 1960
The Homer and Anna Laura Strong Family","photos","","","","",""
"Texas A&M University, 1950 Pass In Review, College Station, Texas","documents","","","","",""
"TMS Grand Opening","documents","","","","",""
"Travis, William Hardy and Grace (Ener) Family, Sabine County, Texas","photos","","","","",""
"Trawick and Gentry Reunion, ca 1939","photos","","","","",""
"Trawick sisters with their mother Elizabeth","photos","","","","",""
"Tuscaloosa, Alabama Historical Marker","documents","","","","",""
"UARCO 100% Club Summit, Bermuda, 1974","documents","","","","",""
"UARCO 1964 Advanced Management Seminar
Barrington, Illinois","photos","","","","",""
"UARCO beats Moore Business Forms by a Nose","documents","","","","",""
"UARCO Missile Man article","documents","","","","",""
"UARCO Register Ad","documents","","","","",""
"Vejraska Double Wedding","photos","","","","",""
"Weaver, Leroy ""Snip"" and Cecil Lewis","photos","","","","",""
"Weavers and Strongs in Gainesville, 1959","photos","","","","",""
"Weavers and Strongs in Gainesville, 1959","photos","","","","",""
"Western Michigan Sigma Kappa Sorority Sisters, Packed for Miami Beach, June 1954","photos","","","","",""
"Western Michigan University, Davis Hall Exterior, ca 1955","documents","","","","",""
"Western Michigan University, Davis Hall, Mid Century Modern interior, ca 1955 ","documents","","","","",""
"White, Mollie Authula ca 1958 with her mother and her daughter","photos","","","","",""
"Wicket, prior to grooming, in Melinda's arms
1 January 2004 - 17 April 2012","photos","","","","",""
"Wright, Keaton James and Dilla, 50th Annual Family Reunion (1946-1996)","documents","","","","",""
"_Benkelman, Benjamin Sr","photos","","","","",""
"_Cutting, Royal bef 1920 closeup","photos","","","","",""
"_Jesse, Minnie","photos","","","","",""
"_Langhorne, Mary","photos","","","","",""
"_McClanahan, Olivia","photos","","","","",""
"_Morlas, Juliet","photos","","","","",""
"_Morlas, Vivian","photos","","","","",""
"_Payne, Anna Laura ca 1942
"_Payne, Aubrey","photos","","","","",""
"_Payne, Thomas Hamilton","photos","","","","",""
"_Pene, Blazine ca 1879","photos","","","","",""
"_Roquevert, Louis ca 1879","photos","","","","",""
"_Strong, Barney","photos","","","","",""
"_Strong, Ralph Brainerd","photos","","","","",""
"_Williams, Sarah Jane","photos","","","","",""