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# Person ID Last Name First Name Birth Date Death Date Living note Tree
4901 I22050  Christmas  Ann  28 Jan 1766  Abt 1809  According to various sources her middle name is Peoples, Peebles, Pealer, Pealor, or Peealer. LoRetta Hughes shows that she married a PICTLES, so perhaps this was were the "middle" name arose. LoRetta does not show a subsequent marriage to Nathaniel McLemore, and also has an earlier date of birth, that of 1762.

LoRetta Hughes has a transcription of his will, dated 1783 in Orange County, NC on her tree at WorldConnect. This transcription shows that "I give and bequeath to my daughter Ann Pictles my negro girl Ginny and my negro boy Philamon, a feather bed and furniture, a mare, bridle and saddle with two cows and calves, with two bison, two dishes and six plates and should she die without lawful issue that the estate left her be divided amongst my three sons Richard , William and Nathaniel ."

Hughes, LoRetta F. "Treeclimber's Family Treehouse - Roots & Branches" ver. 2009-06-21 ; 
4902 I22231  Christmas  Charles  Abt 1770  Yes, date unknown  Copied from LoRetta Hughes tree on WorldConnect:

Census: 1800, NC, Orange Co.
Christmas, Charles

Orange County, North Carolina: Clerk of Superior Court:
Record of Wills: Volume: D: 1800-1822:
No. 228 - Christmas, Charles

Orange County, North Carolina Will Book

01 September 1811
The last will and testament of me the subscriber
Charles Christmas aspiring confidence in my
Creator to whom I recommend my soul, he having
given it.
I Charles Christmas of the state of North Carolina
make this my last will and testament that is to
say ?
I give and bequeath to my executor herein after
William Moore, my land lying in Orange County
between two and three hundred acres in the acres
between Strudwick's lower and middle tracts
adjoining John Minniss and others also two
hundred acres lying on the south side of Haw River
adjoining lands of Jonathan Seredly and others
also I give my said Executor my Negroes Viz!
Daisy, Simon, Henry, Anderson, Aggie and Ben,
and all movable effects including my stocks of
very kind and also outstanding debts which are
One on my brother Nat Christmas of the Mississippi
Territory accounting at this time principal and
interest upwards of seven hundred dollars,
a note for the principal of which was four hundred
and sixty dollars was given me the ninth of August
1803 and lost by fire when my Mother's house
burnt and the rest of my debts that may be in notes
and book accounts in my chest at my decease
paying there out my past debts, and the expense
of my funeral, interest as to the said lands, Negroes,
movable stocks, debts are for the rising, clothing
and schooling of my six children of Sara Smith's Viz!
John, Charles, Nancy, Bethany, William and Susannah
and the raising, clothing and schooling of a child of
Nancy Wilcox's Viz! Rebeckah my will is that the
property given in trust to my Executors as aforesaid
the survivors of them to make use of it in the way
they think most advisable for profit whereby
leasing the lands hiring the Negroes out, continuing
them on the plantation I now live on which is leases
until the first day of January 1815 or selling the
whole of the property bequeathed or given in trust
as aforesaid and that the moneys arriving from
method they peruse, to put out at interest or any
other way they may think proper and distribute it
equally for the children aforesaid as they may
stand in need and if any surplus should remain
after the youngest comes of age or they, my
Executors, are of the opinion there will be a surplus
they may think proper give to each as they arrive
to lawful age what they think proper so as they
believe as much will remain for each when they
arrive at the same or make as equal divided
when the youngest arrives at age if any property
should remain. I nominate, constitute and appoint
Richard Christmas, Thomas Brewer, and William Moore,
Executors to this my last will and testament requesting
them the said Richard Christmas, Thomas Brewer,
and William Moore that they will give what assistance
they can to Sarah Smith and Nancy Wilcox mothers
of the aforesaid children and see that the children
are well brought up thus placing confidence in their
I hereunto subscribe my name and fix my seal to these
presents as my last will and testament.
Charles Christmas {seal}
September 1st 1811
Test William Moore

Hughes, LoRetta F. "Treeclimber's Family Treehouse - Roots & Branches" ver. 2009-06-21 ; 
4903 I22228  Christmas  Henrietta  Abt 1756  Yes, date unknown  LoRetta Hughes has a transcription of his will, dated 1783 in Orange County, NC on her tree at WorldConnect. This transcription shows that "my sons Thomas and John and my daughters Mary Elizabeth and Henrietta are all married and have moved from me."

Hughes, LoRetta F. "Treeclimber's Family Treehouse - Roots & Branches" ver. 2009-06-21 ; 
4904 I22230  Christmas  James  Abt 1768  Yes, date unknown  LoRetta Hughes shows that he married Elizabeth COURTNEY in 1802 in Orange County, NC, and that they were the parents of John and William CHRISTMAS. She also shows that James can be found in the following census enumerations:

Census: 1800, NC, Orange Co.
Christmas, James

Census: 1810, NC, Orange Co.
Christmas, James 
4905 I22222  Christmas  John  Abt 1720  Bef Aug 1783  He owned a plantation located in the Orange County, North Carolina, on the banks of Cane Creek, Moccasin Branch, and Richland Branch.

In 1763 he was a Captian in the Granville County Colonial Militia. He had five sons and a son-in-law that were captains in the American Revolution.

WARREN CO, NC DEED Christmas, John Sr to John Jr -1771

Transcript below contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Ginger L. Christmas ( original not viewed or verified

Warren County North Carolina Deed Book 3 p-245 This Indenture made this day of may in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-one Between John CHRISTMAS {#32}, Sr of the one part and John CHRISTMAS {#58}, Jr of the other part. Witnesseth that the said John CHRISTMAS, Sr for and in consideration of the sum of ten pounds current money of Virginia to me in hand paid before the ensealing and delivery hereof the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and acquit the said CHRISTMAS Jr of every part thereof I have bargained, sold, alleined and made over a certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Bute County on the south side of the Little Creek and bounded as follows, to wit. Beginning at the mouth of the Planpatch branch and running up the creek to William GREEN's {#509} line and up that to the spring branch and up the branch to the head, form thence along a line of marked trees to the road, thence down the road to Thomas CHRISTMAS's {#30} corner red oak sapling, thence down his line to the head of the Planpatch Branch thence down the said branch to the beginning. Containing two hundred and fifty acres, more or less, being part of the tract whereon John CHRISTMAS Sr now lives on with the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof with the appurtenances unto the said CHRISTMAS Jr his heirs and assigns forever and the said John CHRISTMAS S for himself his heirs, executors and administrators doth covenant, promise and agree to and with the said CHRISTMAS S his heirs executors or assigns that the aforesaid premises are free and clear of all manner of encumbrances and that the said CHRISTMAS Sr committed done or suffered shall and lawful may and even hereafter have , hold, use, occupy, possess and enjoy the same. In witness I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written. John CHRISTMAS [seal] Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of: Thomas CHRISTMAS {#30}, Such KEY and Richard CHRISTMAS {#54} Bute County May Court 1771 John CHRISTMAS acknowledged this deed to John CHRISTMAS Jr and on motion the same is ordered to be registered. Test Benjamin McCULLOCK C.C. The foregoing deed from John CHRISTMAS S to John CHRISTMAS Jr having been acknowledged in Bute Inferior Court of Pleas and Quarterly Session and ordered to be registered the same is truly registered this 26th day of July 1771. By William JOHNSON P.R.

The Will below was copied from LoRetta F. Hughes tree on WorldConnect.
Original not viewed or verified

Orange County, North Carolina:Clerk of Superior
Court: Record of Wills: Volume: A: 1752-1788:
No. 162 - Christmas, John

Orange County North Carolina Will Book A p-261-268:
John CHRISTMAS {#32}
Dated: 11 August 1783
Recorded Orange County NC
Probated in November Court 1783.
In the name of God Amen. I John CHRISTMAS of the
County of Orange in the state of North Carolina planter
being sick and weak in body but in perfect mind and
memory thanks be to God for the same and calling
to mind the uncertainty of this transitory life and
being willing to settle my worldly affairs in order to
make this my last will and testament in manner and
form following:

FIRST I commend my soul to God who gave it hoping
through the death and merits of Jesus Christ my Savior
to be made partaker of the fading joys of immorality
and as for that temporal estate it hath been pleased
God to bestow on me I give and bequeath in the manner
and form following that is to say whereas my sons
Thomas and John and my daughters Mary Elizabeth
and Henrietta are all married and have moved from me,
such estates as I judge equal proportions of my
substance and I do hereby give and bequeath each of
them my sons Thomas, my son John, my daughters
Mary Elizabeth and Henrietta the sum of five shillings
Virginia money. Besides that I do hereby confirm to
them and their heirs and assigns an indisputable right
to that I have heretofore given them revoking all manner
of claim to any part or parcel same from any person
or persons whatever.

ITEM: I give and bequeath unto my loving wife
Mary CHRISTMAS during her natural life the plantation
whereon I now live with all the land on the south side
Cane Creek and below the branch known by the name
Moccasin and also my three negroes Harry, Sue and Aggie,
a feather bed and furniture, a horse, bridle and saddle
and to enable her the better to raise her children I lend
her my eight Negroes Charles, Jacob, wife, Iona, Fatt,
Terry, young Charles and Davy together with my other
estate of horses, cattle, sheep and household furniture
except such as I shall hereafter dispose of and it is my
will and desire that my loving wife Mary do keep and
enjoy during her widowhood all such estate lent her,
but should she marry again then my will is that all the
estate be divide among my three sons Robert , James
and Charles and it is also my will that at my wife's decease
that all the estate in her hand be also divided amongst
said three youngest sons by my two
sons Thomas CHRISTMAS and Richard.

ITEM: I give and bequeath to my daughter Ann Pictles
my negro girl Ginny and my negro boy Philamon,
a feather bed and furniture, a mare, bridle and saddle
with two cows and calves, with two bison, two dishes
and six plates and should she die without lawful
issue that the estate left her be divided amongst my
three sons Richard , William and Nathaniel .

ITEM: I give and bequeath unto my son Richard, his
heirs and youngins forever a tract of land lying on the
north side of Cane Creek from a line of marked trees
running from or near the mouth of Richland branch
with land whereon Thomas MASON formally lived
also my will is that my son, Richard, have two negroes
known by the names of Dick and Fanny with a feather
bed and furniture, two cows and calves besides his
own amongst my stock with two bison, two dishes
and six plates.

ITEM: I give and bequeath to my son, William ,
his heirs and youngins, all that tract of land lying on
the north side of Cane Creek below a line of marked
trees running from or near the mouth of Richland Branch,
also two negroes by the name of Will and Nessy.

ITEM: I give and bequeath unto my son, Nathaniel ,
his heirs and youngins, forever two hundred and fifty
pounds Virginia money or stock at thirty-three and a
third percent in gold or silver to be paid him from
my son Thomas CHRISTMAS for my mill and negro
Will within nine months from this date, if not paid
them the said mill and negro named
Tom with a feather bed and furniture.

ITEM: I give and bequeath unto my son, Robert,
his heirs and youngins, forever one negro named

ITEM: I give and bequeath unto my son, James,
his heirs and youngins, forever all my land that
lying on the south side of Cane Creek and above
the Moccasin branch with the addition of all the
land lying on the same side if creek belonging
to the land whereon Thomas MASON formally

ITEM: I give and bequeath unto my son, Charles,
his heirs and assigns, forever all my land on the
south side Cane Creek and below the Moccasin
branch and it is my will that if either of my three
youngest sons Robert, James and Charles die
before they come of age leaving no issue then
it is my will that their estate so left shall fall into
the estate to be divided by my two sons, Thomas
and Richard, with the remains of the estate to the
two youngest sons it is also my will that if the
land I have left to my four sons, Richard,
William, James and Charles be lost and they
fall on the estate of Michael WHATLEY
that what is recovered be divided amongst said
four sons, Richard, William, James and

ITEM: I give and bequeath unto my Grandson
Henry CHRISTMAS, son of John
CHRISTMAS, deceased, my land lying in
Warren County on the south side of the road
adjoining the land formally Charles ALLEN's.
And also my will is that if either of my three
youngest sons, Robert, James and Charles
come to age before my wife decease wanting
their estate it is then my will and desire that
my said two sons, Thomas and Richard divide
the estate I lent my wife and give them what they
see cause to as not to exceed a third, and should
there be any remainder at my wife's decease its
my desire that it be divided with the estate of my
wife at her decease to my three youngest sons,
Robert, James and Charles by my two sons
aforesaid Thomas and Richard and safely I do
hereby constitute and appoint my loving wife,
Mary CHRISTMAS, my sons Richard and Robert
Executors of this my last will and testament
hereby revoking and making void and null all
former will or wills hereafter made and confirming
this and none but this to be my last will and
testament in the testimony whereof I have
hereunto with my hand and seal this eleventh day
of August one thousand seven hundred and

Signed, sealed and acknowledged by the
testor to be his last will and testament in presence
of us: Richard CHRISTMAS, William RICHARDS and

Orange County, November Court 1783
The Execution of the within will and testament of
John CHRISTMAS , deceased, was duly proven in
open court by the oaths of William RICHARDS and
James I. PICKARD two of the subscribing witness
thereto and ordered to be recorded.

Hughes, LoRetta F. "Treeclimber's Family Treehouse - Roots & Branches" ver. 2009-06-21 ; 
4906 I22224  Christmas  John  Abt 1750  Yes, date unknown  LoRetta Hughes has a transcription of his will, dated 1783 in Orange County, NC on her tree at WorldConnect. This transcription shows that "my sons Thomas and John and my daughters Mary Elizabeth and Henrietta are all married and have moved from me."

LoRetta also shows that he was the father of Henry Christmas, born ca 1778. Spouses name not known.

Hughes, LoRetta F. "Treeclimber's Family Treehouse - Roots & Branches" ver. 2009-06-21 ; 
4907 I22226  Christmas  Mary Elizabeth  Abt 1752  Yes, date unknown  Several unsourced internet trees have an earlier date of birth for her, 14 Jul 1745.

LoRetta Hughes has a transcription of his will, dated 1783 in Orange County, NC on her tree at WorldConnect. This transcription shows that "my sons Thomas and John and my daughters Mary Elizabeth and Henrietta are all married and have moved from me."

Hughes, LoRetta F. "Treeclimber's Family Treehouse - Roots & Branches" ver. 2009-06-21 ;

4908 I22017  Christmas  Nathaniel  Abt 1754  Abt 1820  Ginger Christmas writes that: "He was a Captain in the American Rev. War. In 1781 he and his brother Richard were paroled by Cornwallis (British General) from capture and later moved to the Mississippi Territory. After the war he (Nathaniel) settled with his younger brother Robert in the Wilkes County area of Georgia where they were district judges. He moved to the Louisiana area to settle down with Mary McLemore, his wife.He Petitioned the new government for pension from the Revolutionary war but was rejected. He reached his rank of Major as a First Major Surveyor."

This is from the National Archives, Rev. War Records.

"To the honorable Lieutenant General Leslie, or to the commanding officer of the British forces in the state of South Carolina.

Captain Nathaniel Christmas has permission to pass from hence to the British garrison at Charles Town, for the purpose of effecting the exchange, Captain Richard Christmas, who is a prisoner of war to the British arms, for Captain James Osborn, who is a prisoner of war to the American arms, which said exchange is hereby proposed. This being agreed to, the said Captain Osborn is relieved and exchanged, the said Captain Nathaniel Christmas is to pass under the sanction of the flag.

Given at Point Pleasant, this______day of June, 1782. 
4909 I22227  Christmas  Richard  4 Jan 1764  Yes, date unknown  Several unsourced internet trees have an earlier date of birth for him, 3 Apr 1752.

LoRetta Hughes instead has his birth date as 4 Jan 1764, and shows that he married Anne BUTLER on 22 Dec 1788 in Orange County, NC. She adds that he can be found on the following census records:

Census: 1790, NC, Orange Co.
Christmas, Richard

Census: 1800, NC, Orange Co.
Christmas, Richard

Census: 1810, NC, Orange Co.
Christmas, Ricd 
4910 I22225  Christmas  Thomas  Abt 1758  Yes, date unknown  LoRetta Hughes has a transcription of his will, dated 1783 in Orange County, NC on her tree at WorldConnect. This transcription shows that "my sons Thomas and John and my daughters Mary Elizabeth and Henrietta are all married and have moved from me."

Hughes, LoRetta F. "Treeclimber's Family Treehouse - Roots & Branches" ver. 2009-06-21 ; 
4911 I2053  Christmas  William  Abt 1760  16 Dec 1811  According to Ginger Christmas, Captain William Christmas, Sergeant Richard Christmas and young Robert Christmas were in the battle near Guilford Courthouse under the Leadership of Brig. Gen. Nathaniel Greene. First Major William Christmas was busy with his new wife, Abigail McLemore. He surveyed the new lands in Tennessee, Kentucky and the Mississippi Territory. In 1791 he was one of the men working on the First map of North Carolina with Price and Strothers, served in the North Carolina House of Representatives and the Senate. He resigned his post as a Colonel and then took a party of settlers into the Tennessee area in 1800. Nathaniel and Richard Christmas joined him and opened a land office in the Knoxville area in 1801.

Mark Freeman instead shows him as a son of Thomas and Temperance Christmas.

866. Smith and Owsley, eds., "The Papers of Andrew Jackson" , vol. I: 1770-1803, p..125. .. (Courtesy of Robert McLemore Butler)

William Christmas was employed as surveyor by the Commissioners who laid off the city of Raleigh, North Carolina, in 1792. Later he was appointed Surveyor-General of Tennessee and in this capacity made surveys of the Military Reservation on which the North Carolina land grants were based. With his office located in Nashville, he also laid off ranges and sections for presumably the First, Second, and Third Surveyor's Districts in 1807. It was decided these maps were inaccurate and subsequently John Drake, among others, corrected them. 
4912 I14127               
4913 I18355  Christy  Marie Aimee  16 Sep 1820  21 Feb 1871  Shown by some researchers as Marie Aimee CHRISTY or Polly CHRISTY. William Scott shows her as a daughter of Remy Jacques CHRISTY and Lolette OFENEAU, born 16 Sept 1820 in Natchitoches and christened 12 Oct 1820 in Immaculate Conception Church, Natchitoches. He further shows that she died 21 Feb 1871 in Zwolle, and was buried in the Old Catholic Cemetery in Zwolle.  STR06 
4914 I46014  Chromy  Bernice Anne "Bing"  6 Jun 1943  18 Nov 2014  Bernice Anne "Bing" (Chromy) Blatny, of Lincoln, passed away peacefully at home on November 18, 2014. She was born on June 6, 1943 to Joseph and Alice (Nesladek) Chromy in North Bend, Neb., where she grew up along with two sisters and a brother. She graduated from North Bend High School and later attended Southeast Community College. She was married to Dr. Richard Blatny from 1967 to 1987, and to this union, five children were born.

Bing had an artistic side which could be seen in her oil paintings, and a sense of style which could be seen in everything from her clothing to home decor. Working in the floral business, she created beautiful and imaginative arrangements while living in Fairbury, Neb., and later Lincoln. She also held a couple of people-oriented positions, including receptionist, while living in Lincoln.

She was an excellent cook and hostess who made all feel like they belonged, with a warm and welcoming personality. She was an avid reader (never starting a book she didn't finish), and had a knack for solving crosswords and other puzzles. Fall was her favorite time of year, and November in particular. She loved to join her brother and son (and her father in earlier years) on their hunting trips and deer drives, where she was especially good at spotting the deer. She enjoyed traveling and sightseeing, and looked forward to the "sister trips" that were planned on a regular basis.

Bing's greatest pride and joy, by far, was her family. She was a devoted mother and grandmother, and rarely missed a special event if it was within reach. She attended so many performances, sporting events, school programs, ceremonies, birthday parties and other milestones, and had a special way of making each of her 14 grandchildren feel like they were her favorite.

Bing was preceded in death by her parents and brother, Joseph Jr., who was born into heaven. She is survived by her children, Angie Boohar of Overland Park, Kan., Dr. Rick (Darcy) Blatny of Fairbury, Neb., Pamela (Doug) Hund of Spring, Texas, Paige (Eric) Dragoo of Frisco, Texas, and Brooke (Scott) Nelson of Lincoln; grandchildren, Reed, Erika and Wade Boohar, Josephine, Rorik and Adeline Blatny, Avary, Audrey and Addison Hund, Gage and Isabella Dragoo, and Eve, Jules and Van Nelson; siblings, Janice (Scott) Boyd of Waverly, Neb., Margaret Nelson of Blair, Neb., and Ken (Kathy) Chromy of Ohiowa, Neb.; as well as many nieces, nephews, other relatives, and friends. She will be dearly missed by all who knew and loved her.

Special thanks to the staffs of Nebraska Hematology-Oncology, P.C., Saint Elizabeth Regional Medical Center, and HoriSun Hospice for the wonderful care she received this past year.

A Celebration of Life/Open House will be held at Lincoln Family Funeral Care, 5844 Fremont Street, Lincoln, NE 68507, on Saturday, November 29th, from 2-5 p.m. Memorial contributions may be made to donor's choice. 
4915 I35370  Chromy  Joseph Frank  22 Sep 1916  7 Jan 1996  (Research):

Census Listings:

1940 Census
Nebraska, Saunders County, Center Precinct
Enumerated April 11, 1940
SD 1 ED 78-7 Sheet 2B
40 R O Yes
Chromy, Joseph Head M W 23 M No 8 Neb R Saunders NE Laborer
Chromy, Alice W F W 26 N No 8 Neb R Saunders NE 
4916 I35346  Chromy  Kenneth George  19 Feb 1947  26 Mar 2020  The son of Joseph Frank CHROMY and Alice NESLADEK.

(Courtesy of Dennis Belohlavy)

Obituary for Kenneth G. "Ken" Chromy
A Celebration of Life Service for Ken will be held on Friday, October 30, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. at Farmer & Son Funeral Home in Geneva.

A public visitation with family present will be held from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 29, 2020 at Farmer & Son Funeral Home in Geneva.

It was Ken's wish to be cremated and his ashes will be interred in the Bohemian National Cemetery at a later date.

Memorials are suggested to the family.

We will be following all Covid 19 protocols.

Kenneth George Chromy was born to Joseph F. & Alice A. (Nesladek) Chromy at Iva Liles Nursing Home in North Bend, Nebraska on February 19, 1947. He passed away at Heritage Crossings Nursing Home in Geneva, Nebraska on Thursday, March 26, 2020 after a courageous battle with cancer at the age of 73 years, 1 month and 7 days.

Ken was baptized and confirmed at St. Charles Catholic Church in North Bend, Nebraska.

Ken grew up on two different farms north of North Bend. He did field work and milked cows.

Ken attended country school at District 13. He later attended North Bend High School graduating with the class of 1965. He lettered in football and won many medals in track. Ken was a member of the National Honor Society and received many honors for his achievements in math. Ken attended the University of Nebraska in Lincoln for 2.5 years. He volunteered for the Army but was deferred due to high blood pressure.

Ken married Linda Halm on October 4, 1969 and they later divorced. They had two children: Jeffrey & Michelle.

Ken later married Kathryn Bernasek who was originally from Ohiowa, Nebraska, on June 13, 1981 at the United Methodist Church in Geneva, Nebraska. They made their home in Lincoln.

In 1968, Ken started working for Gooch Feed Mill in Lincoln, Nebraska. He worked in the Feed Division for 23 years. Gooch later changed to ADM Feeds & Ag Processing. His work included salesman, production manager, foreman, and plant manager. As a salesman, he worked on the road living in Humboldt and then later Syracuse. When Ken got tired of traveling, he took the position of plant manager in the Pet Foods Division. He retired in December of 1992.

Wanting a slower pace, In the winter of 1992, Ken & Kathy moved to Kathy's family farm northwest of Ohiowa that she inherited from her parents. For several years they bought and sold collectibles.

In 1994, Ken worked for a soil amendment company selling soil conditioners to farmers in Nebraska, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Kansas. This work expanded into the golf course industry and lawn services which enabled Ken to work from home. He continued in this line of work for 10-11 years. Ken also worked for a swine facility near Daykin, Nebraska for 3-4 years raising purebred hogs. When hog prices crashed, Ken was laid off from this job. He then worked part time for the Geneva Home Center until health problems forced him to retire in October of 2017.

Ken was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia and had many radiation and chemotherapy treatments. He received a stem cell transplant from his sister, Margaret, in May of 2018. During this time, Ken and Kathy had to live in Omaha for 100 days to be near the University of Nebraska Medical Center. In 2018 and 2019, the doctors said that Ken was in remission. In October of 2019, he was diagnosed with Myeloid Sarcoma.

Ken was a fun, hardworking, kind, and generous man, and he always had a big smile. He loved to cook and enjoyed gardening. Everyone who tried them, enjoyed his spicy dill pickles, horse radish, and jellies. He liked fishing at the lakes and deer hunting in the fall on the farm. For many years, his sister Bernice Blatny accompanied him deer hunting.

Ken was proud of his Czech heritage and was an avid genealogist. He also collected stamps, coins, and sports cards. Since 1988, Ken enjoyed Husker Women's Volleyball and he attended many games over the years including two national championships. He also enjoyed Nebraska Football and Nascar Winston Cup car racing. His favorite pro teams included the Kansas City Chiefs, Denver Broncos, and the Kansas City Royals. Ken also liked to sing 60's songs, dancing, doing puzzles and playing Sequence with friends, Barbara & Bill Hanson. Ken and the kids always played Monopoly and their games lasted for hours.

Ken was preceded in death by his parents; brother Joseph Chromy, Jr.; sisters Janice Stieren Boyd, Bernice Blatny; sisters-in-law Carol Raye Bernasek and Carolyn Erickson; brothers-in-law Hilburt Stieren, Don Nelson, Rod Bernasek and Jerry Erickson.

He leaves to mourn his wife Kathryn; son Jeffrey Chromy; daughter Michelle Herold and husband Tom; grandsons Collin Johnson and Andrew Johnson; sister Margaret Nelson and special friend Elmer Huffman; sister-in-law Jo Anne Bernasek; brother-in-law Scott Boyd; and many nieces and nephews.

4917 I43907               
4918 I3306  Chudly  Edward E.  5 May 1893  1977  Changed the spelling of his family name from Cudly to Chudly.

Born in a soddie, Edward graduated from Exeter High School and taught country school for one year. After that, he worked in the Milligan lumber yard.

During the First World War, he served in France. General John J. Pershing was reviewing the troops and paused in front of Edward, asking him where he was from. Edward replied, "Nebraska, Sir." "They grow them tall in Nebraska, don't they?" said General Pershing and walked on. Edward was 6'5 inches, and stood out among the rest of the doughboys. (Milligan, pps 251-252).

He was a former school teacher, and worked for the Elgin Watch company and later for the Nebraska State Library. 
4919 I3306  Chudly  Edward E.  5 May 1893  1977  (Research):

Census Listings:

1930 Census
Nebraska, Fillmore County, Milligan Village
Enumerated April 19, 1930
ED 30-16 SD 11 Sheet 4B
Cudly, Edward Head ) 3600 R N W 36 N 27 Neb Czech Neb Manager Farmer Electric?
Cudly, Anna Wf F W 27 M 18 Neb Czech Czech
Cudly, Edward Jr Son M W 7 S Neb Neb Neb
Cudly, Goldie Dtr F W 6 S Neb Neb Neb
Cudly, Sylvia Dtr F W 4 S Neb Neb Neb 
4920 I2325  Chudly  Edward J.  15 Jun 1922  2 Jul 2001  Edward graduated from Milligan High School in May, 1940, and joined the U.S. Navy in June. He was stationed at the Naval Receiving Station, Pearl Harbor, T.H., on December 7, 1941.

After completing six years in the Navy, he joined Wright and Wilhemy Wholesale Hardware in Omaha. He was in their employ for 40 years, traveling southeast Nebraska as a salesman for the company and making his home in Beatrice, Nebraska.


Chudly -- Edward J., 79, Lincoln, died Monday (7/2/01). Born, Milligan (6/15/22) to Edward E. and Anna (Hromadka). Beatrice resident, 47 years; Lincoln resident, past nine years. Retired wholesale hardware sales representative. Navy veteran, WWII. Life member, Pearl Harbor Survivors Association, Beatrice VFW Post 1077, Fairbury Elks Lodge 1203, Milligan American Legion Post 240, U.S. Navy Memorial Foundation.

Survivors: wife, June Lee Chudly; daughter, son-in-law, Zoe A. and Michael Boynton, Lincoln; grandchildren, spouse, Kelly and Eric Bjorkman, Seth E. Boynton, all Lincoln; stepchildren and grandchildren, Allen Lee, Diane Lockwood, Steven and Stacy Lee, John and Lori Lee, Joshua Lee, Alexandria Lee, Eric and Mary Lee, Elizabeth Lee; sisters, Goldie Adami, San Marino, Calif., Sylvia Butcher, Grace Delaney, both Lincoln. Preceded in death by first wife, Ruth O. Chudly; parents; granddaughter, Emily Boynton.

Memorial Services: 1 p.m. Thursday, Lincoln Memorial Funeral Home, 6800 S. 14th St. The Rev. Robert F. Edwards. Burial at later date, Bohemian National Cemetery, Milligan. Memorials to Lincoln Police K-9 Corps, 575 S. 10th St., Attn.: Capt. Soukup, Lincoln, NE 68508; or American Cancer Society, 7441 O St., Suite 104, Lincoln, 68510.

(Courtesy of Dennis Belohlavy, Lincoln Journal Star archives) 
4921 I2325  Chudly  Edward J.  15 Jun 1922  2 Jul 2001  (Research):He married second June Lee Sattler. Her obituary, courtesy of Dennis Belohlavy, follows:

une Lee Chudly, age 86, was born 06/2/1934 to Frank and Amelia Sattler in Zion, Illinois. She passed away 8/05/2020 peacefully at her home in Lincoln where she has resided since 1960. June attended Zion-Benton Township Highschool in Zion, Illinois. She went on to become an Executive Secretary at the Naval base in Green Bay, Wisconsin where she met her future husband Lt. Commander Ornsby Lee. The two were married 28 years until his passing in 1988. Together they raised six children. In 1992, June married Edward J. Chudly and they spent nine years together traveling and enjoying life. June was an active member of the Nebraska Chapter of Pearl Harbor Survivors Association, along with both of her husbands. She spent her days gardening, bird watching, reading & golfing.

She is survived by her children, Allen Lee, Diane Lockwood, Nancy (Bill) Barclay, Steven (Stacy) Lee, John (Lori) Lee, Eric (Mary) Lee; grandchildren Joshua Lee, Elizabeth (Steven) Sydzyik, Alexandra Lee; brother Gerald (Carol) Sattler, and many nieces & nephews.

Preceded in death by her parents, husbands Ornsby Lee and Edward J. Chudly, sisters Rachel (Dick) Greidanus, Mildred (Paul) Anderson; brothers Harold (Crystal) Sattler, Wilbur (LaVern) Sattler, Edward (Chris) Sattler.

Private family services will be held at the Lincoln Memorial Park Cemetery. Livestreaming of the service will be held on Lincoln Memorial Funeral Home & Cemetery's Facebook page on Tuesday, Aug. 11 at 1:00 pm.

In lieu of flowers, memorials are suggested to NET (TV/radio) or The Salvation Army. 
4922 I2324  Chudly  Goldie May  19 Nov 1923  19 Nov 2017  She was in the Milligan School Band, in 1937, along with her sister Sylvia. Goldie played the clarinet. (Milligan, 1988-2008, p. 5).

Former Director of Nursing for the Pasedena Community Hospital. (Milligan, p 252). She was a school teacher and also served six months as a Army Nurse during World War II.
4923 I2675               
4924 I3564  Chudly  Robert Paul  17 Oct 1920  20 Aug 1994  ROBERT P CHUDLY 17 Oct 1920 20 Aug 1994 68406 (Milligan, Fillmore, NE ) (none specified) 506-16-1189 Nebraska

4925 I10706  Chudly  Stanley  16 Feb 1889  8 Jan 1958  He was a business man in Milligan, Nebrasks.  STR06 
4926 I10706  Chudly  Stanley  16 Feb 1889  8 Jan 1958  (Research):
Census Listings:

1920 Census
Nebraska, Fillmore County, Milligan Village
Enumerated 16 Apr 1930
ED 30-16 SD 11 Sheet 1A Stamped 92
Chudly, Stanley Head M W 41 m 20 Neb Czechslovakia Neb Manager Retail Lumber
Chudly, Elsie Wf F W 36 m 23 Kansas Czechslovakia Wisc
Chudly, Robert Son M W 9 S Neb Neb Neb 
4927 I2323  Chudly  Sylvia "Sibbie" Ruth  16 Jul 1925  1 Dec 2017  Nicknamed Sibbie. (Milligan, p 252). She was in the Milligan School Band, in 1937, along with her sister Goldie. Sybil played the saxophone. (Milligan, 1988-2008, p. 5).

Sylvia Ruth Butcher, age 92, of Lincoln, passed away on December 1, 2017. She was born on July 16, 1925, in Milligan, to Edward and Anna (Hromadka) Chudly. Sylvia is survived by her sons, Michael Butcher of Lincoln; Mark (Eileen) Butcher of Seal Beach, California, daughter, Pam Butcher of Omaha; six grandchildren and great-grandchildren; sister, Grace Delaney of Lincoln. She was preceded in death by her husband Paul, son David, granddaughter Juli-Ann, parents, brother, Edward, and sister, Goldie.

Sylvia's wishes were to be cremated and a private graveside service will be held at a later date. Interment will be in Lincoln Memorial Park Cemetery. Memorials may be directed to the Lincoln Food Bank.

(From 03 Dec 2017 Lincoln Journal Star, courtesy Dennis Belohlavy) 
4928 I2684               
4929 I33782               
4930 I771  Chvatal  Mayme Martina  11 Nov 1911  5 Jun 2003  A daughter of Charle CHVATAL and Mary ODVODY.


The funeral for Mayme M. Racek, 91, of Morse Bluff will be 2 p.m. Saturday at Moser Memorial Chapel in North Bend.

She died Thursday, June 5, 2003, at Fremont Area Medical Center.

Mayme Chvatal was born Nov. 11, 1911, on a farm near Morse Bluff. She attended elementary school at District 77 and then attended school at Malmo for three years. She was a 1929 graduate of Wahoo High School. She lived most of her life in rural Morse Bluff. She was a member of ZCBJ (Western Fraternal Life Association) Lodge 9 at Morse Bluff for 65 years and she served as an officer for most of those years.

She married Raymond J. Racek on Jan. 30, 1934, at Fremont. He died Aug. 17, 1994.
Survivors include: a son, Keith (and wife, Gilberta) Racek of Morse Bluff; a daughter-in-law, Wilma Racek of Morse Bluff; a brother, Francis (and wife, Agnes) Chvatal of Fremont; three grandchildren; four stepgrandchildren; five great-grandchildren and two step great-grandchildren.

She also was preceded in death by a son and grandson.

The Rev. Don Botic of United Presbyterian Church in North Bend will officiate Saturday's service. Visitation will be 5-9 p.m. today and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, all at Moser Memorial Chapel in North Bend. Burial will be in Killian Cemetery near Morse Bluff.

Copyright 2012 All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Posted in Obituaries on Friday, June 6, 2003 12:00 am 
4931 I5649  Cihacek  Larry Eugene  6 Dec 1945  24 Nov 2017  He maried Cecelia HANKS.

Cihacek, Larry Eugene Dec 6, 1945 - Nov 24, 2017 Age 71 of Honey Creek, IA. Larry was born in Modale, IA to the late Leonard W. and Wilma I. (Peters) Cihacek. He was united in marriage to Cecelia Hanks on March 27, 1971. Larry farmed for most of his life, and worked for the Iowa Department of Transportation for 40 years, retiring in December of 2008. Larry was preceded in death by his parents; brother, Norman; and daughter-in-law, Kristi J. (Ward) Cihacek. Survivors include wife of 46-1/2 years, Cecelia; sons, Eric (Shawna) of Logan IA, Duane (Kristen), and Brian (Alicia) of Council Bluffs; daughter, Crista (Tim) Mahoney of Missouri Valley, IA; 8 grandchildren; 4 step-grandchildren; 3 great grandchildren; brother, Ron (Susan) Cihacek of Arvada, CO; sisters, Nancy Cihacek of Council Bluffs, and Loretta Cihacek (Dan Ilko) of Boulder, CO; numerous cousins and nephews. ROSARY RECITATION: Tuesday 6pm, followed by VISITATION until 8pm at Cutler-O'Neill-Meyer-Woodring Bayliss Park Chapel. FUNERAL MASS: Wednesday 10 am, Corpus Christi-Holy Family Church, followed by Luncheon in Church Hall. Interment: Branson Cemetery to follow Luncheon. Memorials to St. Albert Schools, and St. Patrick's Church Building Fund. CUTLER-O'NEILL-MEYER-WOODRING Bayliss Park Chapel 545 Willow Ave. Council Bluffs, IA 712-322-7779 
4932 I14781               
4933 I2275  Cihacek  Norman  3 Dec 1944  Yes, date unknown  He married Sharon RAES.  STR06 
4934 I14780               
4935 I14974  Cihacek  William Frank  12 Oct 1889  27 Jan 1941  When he registered for the draft during World War I, he was a resident of Morse Bluff, NE, and in the employ of Joseph Shanahan, working as a Farm Laborer. He was listed as Single, of Medium heighth and build, with light blue eyes and light brown hair.  STR06 
4936 I14974  Cihacek  William Frank  12 Oct 1889  27 Jan 1941  (Research):

Census Listings:

1930 Census
(Indexed as Tihacek on
Nebraska, Saunders County, Morse Bluff Twp
Enumerated 9 Apr 1930
ED 78-25 SD 6 Sheet 3A Stamped 130
Cihacek, Will F. He m W 40 m 30 M Neb Moravia Moravia Farmer
Cihacek, Millie Wf F W 29 m 19 Neb Neb Neb
Cihacek, Leonard Son M W 6 S Neb Neb Neb
Cihacek, Richard Son M W 5 S Neb Neb Neb 
4937 I45950  Cipra  Bertha  29 Aug 1872  13 Mar 1941  Kay Rybak supplied the following obituary for Bertha:

Jirousek: Bertha (nee Cipra), age 68 years, beloved wife of John S., mother of Leonard A.; sister of the late Frank V. Cipra, Thursday a.m., residence, 15026 Merimeade Rd. Friends may call at The Henry J. Dress Co. Colonial Funeral Home, 15408 Triskett Rd., near Lorain Ave., where services will be held Saturday, March 15, at 2 p.m. Interment, Evergreen Cemetery, Westlake (Dover), O.

Kay also shows Bertha as a daughter of Peter CIPRA and Anna MASEK, both of whom have memorials on FindAGrave, and a sister of Frank CIPRA, said to be the Mayor of Dover Village. 
4938 I20161  Cizek  Alzbeta "Elizabeth"  28 Jan 1840  1 Sep 1888  In the book, HISTORY OF MILLIGAN, NEBRASKA 1888-1988, it was noted that when she was married to John Kasak, Elizabeth was widow with two small children, born January 28, 1840 to George Cizek and Katherina Havlinek. Her children were Vaclav, who married Anna KOPOVA and Anna, who married Vaclav KREJCI. These children were born in Bohemia. Her first husband was said to be either Joseph or Anton Cizek [apparently a cousin, based on their identical last names]. (Milligan, p. 323).  STR06 
4939 I20161  Cizek  Alzbeta "Elizabeth"  28 Jan 1840  1 Sep 1888  (Research):Census Information:

1880 Census


Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Oc
cupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Elisabeth KASAK Self W Female W 39 BOHEMIA Farmer BOHEMIA BOHEMIA

Source Information:
Census Place Liberty, Fillmore, Nebraska
Family History Library Film 1254748
NA Film Number T9-0748
Page Number 499A 
4940 I20166  Cizek  Joseph\Anton  Bef 1840  Aft 1871  Dennis Belohlavy writes that he was the son of George (Jiri in Czech) Cizek and Katerina Havlinek.  STR06 
4941 I12673  Clancey  Mary Jane  8 Feb 1852  3 Jul 1916  Census records show she was born in Wisconsin, however Jane Zimmerman writes that her actual place of birth was Chicago.

Mary's first marriage was to a HORNE, and she and two children, Cora and William Horn, can be found on the 1880 Manitowoc census.

It is likely she was the widow of John E. Horne, a civil war veteran who was some twenty years her senior. Perhaps she was his second wife? This appears to be the most likely scenario, as John E. Horne, her son, William, and her stepfather and mother, Leonard and Jane Benkelman, all share a common burial plot and grave marker. It might also be possible that she was instead the widow/divorced wife of John's son, Daniel, who was a few years her junior.

John E. Horne's tombstone is marked "Co. D., Twentieth Wisconsin Infantry."

The Manitowoc County Civil War Round Table has the following information posted about John E. Horne. It is not known with certainty, however, if the 1870 census transcription they include below, is for the same John Horne. If it is for him, his marriage to Mary Clancey Benkelman must have occurred soon after this census enumeration, as her daughter, Cora Horne, was born early in 1871.

John E. Horne

Born: ca 1829 Enlisted: July 23, 1862 as a Private from Raymond, WI Absent, sick: July 14, 1865 (absent at Muster Out of Regiment) ?i?
1875-76 Manitowoc City Directory: John Horne, Ship Caulker, res State east of 5th

John Horn bur May 7, 1876
Buried: Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc, WI
Gravesite: @2-150-3: "John E. Horne/Co. D/20th Wis. Inf."

At the time of the 1870 census, Mary, age 18 was no longer living with her parents. It is possible that she moved to Brown County, Wisconsin, as this is where her daughter, Cora Horn, was born in 1871. On the 1870 Brown County, Wisconsin census, a 19 year old Mary HORAN, House Servant, born in Wisconsin, can be found. Living two households away is a 25 year old George McCormick, a teamster from Ireland. McCORMICK is the maiden name of Mary's mother. It is not certain, however, that Mary HORAN and Mary Jane are the same individual, however. Additionally, John Horne is found in the 1870 Fond du Lac census, but with a wife and 14 year old son.

1870 Census, WI, Fond du Lac, Ward 5:
John Horne, 41, Male, White, Carpenter, RE 800, PE 200, born Scotland
Julia, 38, Female, White, Keeping House, born Scotland
Chd: Daniel, 14, born NY

Therefore, further research should be done to determine the exact nature of the connection between John E. Horne and the Benkelman family of Manitowoc; who Mary Clancey Benkelman's first husband was; and if the 1870 census transcriptions above even relate to John E. Horne or to Mary Clancey Benkelman Horne buried in Evergreen Cemetery.

Mary Jane remained close to her stepfather, Leonard Benkelman, and Art Peck writes that she took care of her step-father in his declining years. He was listed in her home at the time of the 1900 census.

She also visited her stepfather's extended family in Cass City, Michigan, were her daughter resided, as can be seen from the follow brief mention:

Cass City Chronicle
October 30, 1908

Local Mentions

Mr. and Mrs. Clark returned to their home in Manitowac, Wis., Monday after spending several weeks with their daughter, Mrs. G. A. Striffler.

4942 I12673  Clancey  Mary Jane  8 Feb 1852  3 Jul 1916  (Research):
Census Listings:

1880 Census
Wisconsin, Manitowac, 3rd Ward
Mary Horn Self F W 29 Manitowoc County, Wisc KH Prussia Ireland
Cora Horn Daught F W 9 Brown County, Wisc Canada Wisconsin
William Horn Son M W 6 Mantiowoc County, Wisc NY Wisc
Mary Malhal Other F W 16 Mantiwoc County, Wisc Servant Ireland Scotland 
4943 I12672  Clancey Binkelman  William Richard  2 Mar 1848  Yes, date unknown  Took his step-fathers last name, however he spelled it Binkelman. Art Peck shows his place of birth as Joliet, Jane Zimmerman instead writes that he was born in Chicago.

Marion Advertiser - Marion, WI - May 18, 1917
Reminiscences of Old Times - By D. A. Ramsdell
(Courtesy of Lorraine Smith Benkelman)

William R. Binkelman, was born in Chicago, Ill., March 2nd, 1848. From there moved to Manitowoc Wis. Apr. 2nd 1887 (sic) he married Mary M. Ramsdell, daughter of Erastus and Sylvia Ramsdell of this place. Here they resided for several years, doing business in fruit and grocery store. Hoping to better their fortunes they like many others, thought there were more opportunities in a newer country. Disposing of his business in Manitowoc in 1878, they located at Perry's Mill, Dupont.

In writing this early experience of Mr. Binkelman, I desire the reader to take into consideration this fact that from childhood, he had been afflicted with a hip disease that debarred him--or should have done so--from strenuous labor. His education was received in the schools of Manitowoc. That he was qualified to teach a common school; he proved with the discrimination and ambition to understand anything in sight to care for and support his family. His life and expectence one of the early settler and families of Marion; should or ought to be an example, that many a man with a more rugged constitution could follow. That his first few years here were ? ? of hardship and endurances, I can well believe. To illustrate, they had been without flour for some time. He started for Clintonville, and prevailed upon F. M. Guernsey to let him have a 60lb. sack, it being all he had and all there was to be had in Clintonville at that time. With this 60 pounds of flour upon his back, he, a cripple, whom every step was the cause of pain, it must have meant a great deal to them. About half way home he met James H. Churchill and asked him where he was going. He replied, "I am going to Clintonville for flour." Mr. Binkelman told him he had the last to be got in Clintonville. Churchill said, "I have got to have flour and I am going until I find it," which he did at New London. Mr. Binkleman said of that 60 pounds of flour they had one baking of biscuit the balance of it was loaned to their neighbors, this showing the disposition and self sacrifices made for each other.

When in 1873 the Binkelmans came to Perry's Mill they lived in a small frame house built by W. I. Ramsdell and owned by his widow. They had one child, a daughter born at Manitowoc in 1872 Ollie Estelle. She married Eldert G. Vischer, then pastor of the M. E. Church at Marion. Her's was a life of devotion to her husband and friends. She passed from earth life several years ago, with the blessed faith of life eternal.

Ervinin May, the second daughter was born at Marion Nov. 11th 1874. She was educated at Oshkosh and Valparaiso, Ind. Married Wm. D. Huebotter of Texas in 1898. She departed this life a year or so ago, leaving three bright young boys, the eldest being 7 years. They are living with their grand parents at Oshkosh. Mr. Binkelman having legally adopted them.

Luella, the third daughter, was born at Marion Oct. 22nd, 1876. With her father and mother her life has been one of self sacrifice to her two departed sisters.

Frederic Mark, a son was born at Marion in 1877, a promising boy of eight years when he departed this life. The earthly remains of the brother and two sisters are laid to rest in the Dupont Cemetery.

Tilden (sic) J., a second son was born April 14th 1879. He married Edna Cuff of New London. They have three sons, the two eldest being twins, all fine boys. Jay, as we know him, was educated in the Marion schools, finishing up a business course at Racine. Was in business with his father until he sold to L. M. DeVaud & Co. Since then he remained in their employ until six months ago, he accepted a position with a Detroit house as travelling salesman, and two weeks since his family left for Port Huron, Mich. to make their future home.

Muriel, the youngest daughter of the family, was born in this village April 14th 1884. She is with her parents in Oshkosh, the life and joy of the household.

I have no wish or desire to flatter or give honor or respect where it is not due, but in this case, where I can write from a knowledge of what I am writing about I think it no flattery to say that for a family laboring under the conditions that this one did, all honor is due. That he was willing anxious to undertake any kind of labor to support his family he proved. He taught school at Belle Plaine two terms, cooked in the woods, purchased 10 acres of land on the town and county line road 1 1-2 miles west of the Marion Cemetery, and now owned by Wm. Anelam, moved his family there and was living there when we came in 1875. Here with no team, trying to clear up enough to get in a crop to keep them from starving, with his neighbor Aug. Dieck who had an ox team, they would exchange work, Binkelman driving the oxen, while Dieck with his two sons August and Jule would pile up the logs, fine maple logs worth now 40 dollars per thousand feet. Had to burn them up to make room to grow something to eat. That it was a struggle to live I can well believe. In 1876 he sold his farm to Wm. Anelam and came to the village and lived in a house located where Chas. Wiesman now lives and owned by Mrs. M. Timm. On the site or near it now occupied by Joseph Miller's grocery store, Binkelman and a man named Ritter, started a Hardware Store. It was a little frame building and I think built by a man from Royalton, have forgotten his name. Later the same year, Mr. Binkelman bought out Ritter. In 1877 he bought of W. R. Brainard, two lots in Block 8; original plat, and erected the north half of the DeVaud hardware store. In this was the only hall we had for years. In this half our different societies met, here our debating club thrashed out the principal questions of the day. Perhaps the world's war could have been amicably settled by us, had Germany been ready to fight. I believe here is where Louis Bowers did his last playing for our dances. 'Twas good music and faithfuly performed. Just before daylight a hat was passed around for collection. It came back, the hat did, 'this is a fact for I was there as the 2nd Violinist, and was to receive one half and there was no division of that collection, it was mostly pants buttons. Had Louis found out who was ? these buttons he would have returned them but he never did. That Mr. Binkelman prospered and his business grew, is due to his attention and hard work. In a few years he added to his store as it stands today. In 1913 he sold to L. M. DeVaud & Co. and moved to Oshkosh to take a rest. Call on him at 575 Main St. and see if you think he is. Mr. Binkelman has always taken a great interest in Marion. He is still the possessor of two fine residences, one on Garfield Ave., occupied by the Jos. Miller family and the other on Railroad Ave. and Clinton St. now the home of the Kelly family. Was Postmaster one term, Clerk of the Circuit Court at Waupaca, Chairman of the town of Dupont, Treasurer of the School District and also director of High School. Has been prominent in all that pertained to the welfare of the town and village. Their removal from this village to Oshkosh was a loss to the community and more especially the M. E. Church of which I think they are still members. That they received the rest they required by their removal would appear to an onlooker as a question for our old Debating Club. What do you say to it Will?

BonnieMargaret Jacobs wrote that she had received a handwritten copy of his obituary from Mrs. John Arndt, and that it was carried in the Marion Advertiser on September 26, 1969(???). She does not show a date of death, however, and 1969 would make him nearly 120. 
4944 I12672  Clancey Binkelman  William Richard  2 Mar 1848  Yes, date unknown  (Research):
Census Information:

1900 Census
Wisconsin, Waupaca County, Marion
Enumerated 21 Jun 1900
SD 6 ED 124 Sheet 14A
Binkelman, William Head W M Apr 1849 51 M 29 Ill Germany Ireland Hardware Salesman
Binkelman, Mary M Wf W F Sept 1849 6/5 Wisc Vermont Vermont
Binkelman, Zinnia M [Ervenia] Dtr W F Nov 1874 25 S Wisc Ill Wisc Music Teacher
Binkelman, Luella Dtr W F Oct 1876 23 S Wisc Ill Wisc School Teacher
Binkelman, Lindon J Son W M Apr 1880 20 S Wisc Ill Wisc Salesman
Binkelman, Murel Dtr W F Apr 1885 15 S Wisc Ill Wisc At School
Krueger, John Boarder W M Jan 1877 23 S Wisc Germany Germany Tinker

1910 Census
Wisconsin, Waupaca, Dupont
William R. Binkelma 60 Ill England England
Mary M. Binkelma 59
Luella Binkelma 32
Merl Binkelma 25

(Index info only, was unable to open the actual census page on 
4945 I4644  Clancy  Charles Theodore  17 Jul 1935  27 Nov 1955  From FindAGrave:

Son of Lewis T. Clancy and Katherine Vaughan Biggs. Ted was in college in Iowa. Katherine & Arlis did not know that an aunt & uncle had helped him buy a car. He died because of an accident in that car. The accident happened about 12:30am, (early Sunday morning) Nov. 20, 1955. The car hit a bridge at high speed. Ted was thrown through the windshield about 100 feet. It is believed that he fell asleep while driving. He was in a coma for a week, never regained consciousness. 
4946 I6484  Clancy  Lewis Theodore  6 Jan 1907  14 Aug 1968  Son of Lewis A. & Nellie McDonald Clancy. Husband of Katherine Becker Vaughan. Three sons: Lewis Russel, Charles T., and Erin Bruce. Worked in family ice business, delivered coal, drove taxi. Died in the New Mexico State Hospital, now called the Las Vegas Medical Center.  STR06 
4947 I40096  Clapp  Dora Alice  26 Oct 1867  9 Dec 1925  From FindAGrave:

Birth: Oct. 26, 1867
Illinois, USA [1880 Census instead shows Missouri?]
Death Dec. 9, 1925
Grady County
Oklahoma, USA

Dora Alice Clapp was married four times: First and second to brothers Franklin S. and Samuel M. Jackson; Third to Henry Hughes; Fourth to William E. Boone. She is buried in the Norton Family Plot in the space next to her mother, Mary Hoover Clapp Norton.

Family links:
Mary Luanna Hoover Norton (1844 - 1914)

Samuel M Jackson (1854 - 1904)*

*Calculated relationship

Rose Hill Cemetery
Grady County
Oklahoma, USA
Plot: Block 6, Lot 10, Space 5

Created by V.J. Mitchell
Record added Jan 06, 2009
Find A Grave Memorial# 32679157 
4948 I6211  Clapp  Ida L.  Abt 1868  Bef 1895  She was not listed with William Pere McClanahan at the time of the 1900 census. He was shown as married to Betty L, for a period of 5 years, and Betty was shown as the mother of 3 living children, and three children were living in the home with Pere and Betty. However, the eldest, Osa P, a 10 year old girl, was likely born to Ida. The younger children, sons W. P. and Jay, were likely born to Betty during their five year marriage.

Presumably she died before 1895, when Pere was said to have married Betty. However, Ken Harvey shows her date of death ca 1904, so perhaps they were separated prior to her death, or perhaps he was confusing her date of death with that of his second wife, Betty, who died sometime between 1904 and 1907, when Pere married for a third time.
4949 I40094  Clapp  John C.  Abt 1842  Yes, date unknown  Naomi Emmich posted the following about this family:

Wakonda dist, Carrolton Carroll Co MO 1880 census for spouse and children (brother Chesterfield was in Rea twp of Carroll Co; Mary's HOOVER parents were one county east in Saline) Birth of a dau there says they arrived MO in 1870 This is probably the John Clapp who filed for land near George Clapp in Seward Co NE in 1868, but cancelled in 1869.

Coles Co IL Land Records index from Betty Turner shows: John Clapp to John Shields 1 Oct 1869 Book 25, p 483 where did this land come from???

John?s heirs Ida and Dora named in sale of Sarah?s widows dower 1893

Collet/Browns in 1860 census Hurricane twp, Clapps there 1880- why?

look also in parent county for early records, Collets and Browns

1880 John Clapp, son of George and Eliza White lived there with wife Mary and family. did they stay long enough that they left marriage records or other such??? yes, his heirs Ida and Dora named in sale of Sarah?s widows dower 1893 [except records provided by V. J. Mitchell show Ida had already died, and younger sibling of Dora were not named... the families seem to have lost touch by the time John died.]

Copied from Naomi Emmich's tree at RootsWeb WorldConnect

4950 I40094  Clapp  John C.  Abt 1842  Yes, date unknown  (Research):

Census Listings:

1880 Census
Missouri, Carroll County, Carroll Twp
Page 3 SD 7 ED 155 Stamped 512
Enumerated ____ June, 1880
Clapp, John W M 38 Farmer Ill SC SC
Clapp, Mary S W F 36 Wf Keeping House Mo Ill Va
Clapp, Dora A W F 12 Dtr Going to School Mo Ill Va
Clapp, Ida L W F 10 Dtr Mo Ill Va
Clapp, Lulu E W F 8 Dtr Mo Ill Va
Clapp, Eliza C W F 6 Dtr Mo Ill Va
Clapp, Mattie M W F 2 Dtr Mo Ill Va
4951 I36844               
4952 I11258  Clark  Agnes Elizabeth  25 Nov 1890  17 Aug 1966  Could she and Ara Josephine be twins? The 1910 census shows both of them as age 12, born in November 1887.
Name: Agnes Elizabeth Cole
Death Date: 17 Aug 1966
Death Place: Buna, Jasper, Texas
Gender: Female
Race: W
Death Age: 75 years 8 months 22 days
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 25 Nov 1890
Birthplace: Sabine Co, Tx
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Elias Clark
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Josephine Wallace
Mother's Birthplace:
Place of Residence:
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2118373
Digital Film Number: 4030074
Image Number: 768
Reference Number: cn 53606
Collection: Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976 
4953 I38926  Clark  Albert Austin  9 Mar 1865  12 Sep 1930
Name: Albert Austin Clark
Death Date: 12 Sep 1930
Death Place: Mclennan Co., Texas
Gender: Male
Race: White
Death Age: 65 years 6 months 3 days
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 09 Mar 1865
Birthplace: Texas
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: F.R. Clark
Father's Birthplace: Texas
Mother's Name:
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Merchant
Place of Residence:
Cemetery: Gerald
Burial Place:
Burial Date: 14 Sep 1930
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2135391
Digital Film Number: 4163674
Image Number: 359
Reference Number: 45348
Collection: Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976 
4954 I38926  Clark  Albert Austin  9 Mar 1865  12 Sep 1930  (Research):

Census Listings:

1900 Census
Texas, McLennan County, Pr. 8
Enumerated 25 July 1900
SD 9 ED 93 Sheets 12A and 12B
Clark, Albert Head W M Mar 1865 35 m 18 Tx Tx Ga Farmer
Clark, Ann Wf W F Jan 1862 38 M 18 5/5 Tx Tn Miss
Clark, Nannie Dtr W F Nov 1889 15 S Tx Tx Tx At School
Clark, Lola Dtr W F Oct 1887 12 S Tx Tx Tx At School
Clark, Frank Son W M July 1899 2 S Tx Tx Tx
Clark, Earl Son W M Aug 1899 7/12 S Tx Tx Tx

1910 Census
Texas, McLennan Coun ty, JP 3, West City
Enumerated 23 Apr 1910
SD 11 ED 99 Sheet 12A Stamped 257
Clark, Albert A Head M W 45 M1 24 Tx Tx Ga Farm ???
Clark, Ann O Wf F W 48 Tx Miss Miss
Clark, Lela Dau W F 21 Tx Tx Tx
Clark, France Son W M 12 Tx Tx Tx

1920 Census
Texas, McLannan County, JP 3, West
Enumerated 15 Jan 1920
SD 11 Ed 136 Sheet 11A
Clark, Albert A Head M W 54 M Tx Tx Ga Partner West Bottle works
Clark, Anna Wf F W 57 m Tx Miss Miss

1930 Census
Texas, McLennan County, Pr. 3, West Town
Enumerated April 5, 1930
ED 155-42 SD 17 Sheet 9A Stamped 207
Marshal Street
Clark, Albert A Head M W 65 M 16 Tx Tx Ga None
Clark, Anna O Wf F W 68 M 19 Tx Miss Miss None

4955 I40146  Clark  Albert Lee  3 Aug 1890  9 Sep 1961
Name: Albert Lee Clark
Gender: Male
Baptism/Christening Date:
Baptism/Christening Place:
Birth Date: 03 Aug 1891
Birthplace: Cherokee County, Texas
Death Date:
Name Note:
Father's Name: James Felix Clark
Father's Birthplace:
Father's Age:
Mother's Name: Anna Julia Mitchell
Mother's Birthplace:
Mother's Age:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C00204-3
System Origin: Texas-ODM
Source Film Number: 1517080 V. 53, 59-60
Reference Number:
Collection: Texas, Births and Christenings, 1840-1981
Name: Albert Lee Clark
Death Date: 09 Sep 1961
Death Place: Houston, Harris, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: W
Death Age: 71 years
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 03 Aug 1890
Birthplace: Jacksonville, Texas
Marital Status: Married [to Verna Elizabeth Harris, per John W. Clark}
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: James Felix Clark
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Anna Julia Mitchell
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Ret Plumber
Place of Residence: Houston, Harris, Texas
Cemetery: Brookside Memorial Park
Burial Place: Houston, Harris, Park
Burial Date: 13 Sep 1961
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2116792
Digital Film Number: 4166598
Image Number: 1326
Reference Number: v X cn 52172
Collection: Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976 
4956 I40146  Clark  Albert Lee  3 Aug 1890  9 Sep 1961  (Research):

Census Listings:

1920 Census
Texas, Cherokee County, JP 3, Jacksonville City
Enumerated 7 Jan 1920
SD 326 ED 28 Sheet 6B
Clark, A. L. Head m W 29 M Tx Tx Tn Machinest Round/Railroad ???
Clark, Verna Wf F W 25 M Tx Tx Tx
Clark, Florence Dtr F W 2 6/12 Tx Tx Tx

1930 Census
Texas, Cherokee County, JP 3, Jacksonville City
Enumerated April 4, 1030
ED 39-15 SD 12 Sheet 5A Stamped 46
Clark, Albert Lee Head R $20 M W 38 m 25 Tx US US Foreman Ice Plant
Clark, Verna E Wf F W 35 M 21 Tx Ark Tx
Clark, Florence E Dtr F W 10 S Tx Tx Tx
Clark, Hamon L Son M W 9 S Tx Tx Tx
Clark, James E Son M W 7 S Tx Tx Tx
Clark, Mattie M Dtr F W 4 ?/12 F W S Tx Tx Tx 
4957 I33074               
4958 I21863  Clark  Allen Basil  13 Apr 1927  4 Aug 1994  The Sabine County Reporter
August 10, 1994, Page 6

Allen Basil Clark

Funeral services for Allen Basil Clark, 68, who resided on Barber Street in Hemphill, were held at 2 p.m. Sunday August 7, 1994, at the chapel of Starr Funeral Home Inc in Hemphill with Bro. Richard Bass officiating. Interment followed in the Hemphill City Cemetery.

Born April 13, 1926 (sic), in Sabine County as a son of the late Daniel Clark and Arie (Alford) Clark, he was a longtime resident of Hemphill. He was a U.S. Army veteran and a retired tool and die maker for General Motors.

Survivors: four sons, Tom Clark of Waco, Joe Clark of Arlington, Milton Clark of Pt. Neches, and Allen B. Clark Jr. of Indianapolis, Indiana; a sister, Geraldine McKenely of Arlington; and two brothers, James Clark of Houston and Corbet Clark of Pineland.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, December 2008)

Note: the SSDI instead shows his DOB as 13 Apr 1927. His son, Allen Clark, Jr. verified that 1927 was correct. 
4959 I11266  Clark  Allen J.  22 Apr 1881  11 Nov 1957
Name: Allen J. Clark
Death Date: 11 Nov 1957
Death Place: Beaumont, Jefferson, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: W
Death Age: 76 years 6 months 19 days
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 22 Apr 1881
Birthplace: Cravel Hill, Texas
Marital Status: Widowed
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Paschal Clark
Father's Birthplace: Sabine County, Texas
Mother's Name: Betty Wallace
Mother's Birthplace: Sabine County, Texas
Occupation: Farmer Retired
Place of Residence: Pineland, Sabine, Texas
Cemetery: Pineland (sic), Texas Cemetery
Burial Place: Pineland, Texas
Burial Date: 12 Nov 1957
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2135923
Digital Film Number: 4163661
Image Number: 3316
Reference Number: 62345
Collection: Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976 
4960 I11266  Clark  Allen J.  22 Apr 1881  11 Nov 1957  (Research):
Census Listings:

1910 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 1
Enumerated 4 May 1910
SD 2 ED 131 Sheet 13B
Hemphill and San Augustine Road
Clark, Elias E Head M W 31 S Tx Tx Ms Farmer
Clark, Elizabeth l Mothr F W 63 Wd 11/7 Miss Miss Miss
Clark, Allen J Brother m W 28 S Tx Tx Miss Laborer
Henry P and Frances Conn
Clark, James S Hd M W 49 m2 3 Tx Tx Ga Farmer
Clark, Ruth C Wf F W 33 m1 3 2/2 Tx Tx Miss
Clark, John W Son M W 7 S Tx Tx Tx
Clark, Auresia Son M W 2 S Tx Tx Tx
Clark, Minneloa Dtr F W 6/12 S Tx Tx Tx

1920 Census
Texas, Sabine County, Pr 2
Enumerated 29 Jan 1920
SD 327 ED 169 Shee 24B
Clark, Allen Head m W 38 M Tx Ga Ala Farmer
Clark, Cora Wf F W 25 M Tx La Tx
Clark, Velma Dtr F W 7 S Tx Tx Tx
Clark, Maudie Dtr F W 6 S Tx Tx Tx
Clark, Ora Dtr F W 4 4/12 S Tx Tx Tx
Clark, Evaline Dtr F W 2 11/12 S Tx Tx Tx

1930 Census
Texas, Sabine County, Pr 2
Enumerated April 18, 1930
ED 202-4 SD 19 Sheet 5A
Zeagler, Robert L Hd M W 27 M 26 Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Zeagler, Maudie L Wf F W 16 M 16 Tx Tx La
Clark, Allen J Head M W 48 Tx Tx Miss Farmer
Clark, Cora A Wife F W 35 La La La
Clark, Ora Dtr F W 14 Tx Tx La
Clark, Evelyn M Dtr F W 12 Tx Tx La 
4961 I40207  Clark  Alton Otha  13 Jan 1905  Apr 1980  John W. Clark shows that he married first Dixie MARTIN, "and twice more, but names are unknown."

Kathie Duty confirmed that his first wife was Dixie Dell MARTIN, who died in 1971. They were divorced and had two children, James Lowell Clark and Annette Clark. His second wife was named "Johnnie Mae" and her maiden name was unknown. They had one son, Kaylan Lee. 
4962 I40148  Clark  Alvin Felix  9 Sep 1915  16 Jan 1976  John W. Clark wrote that Alvin worked for many years for Brown & Root Construction Company, and as of 1970 was living in Houston.
Name: Alvin Felix Clark
Death Date: 16 Jan 1976
Death Place: Kilgore, Gregg, Texas
Gender: Male
Death Age: 60 years
Estimated Birth Date: 1916
Birth Date:
Marital Status:
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: James Felix Clark
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Anna Mitchell
Mother's Birthplace:
Place of Residence:
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2243843
Digital Film Number: 4167928
Image Number: 1294
Reference Number: 2656
Collection: Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976 
4963 I3165  Clark  Amanda  Abt 1832  Yes, date unknown  Said to have married Fields M. Bradshaw (born ca 1828 in Illinois), and they settled in McLennan County, Texas. .  STR06 
4964 I11355  Clark  Amos Artemus "Teemy" "Tim"  1 Nov 1900  10 Jul 1991  (Research):

Census Listings:

1930 Census
Texas, Newton County, JP 3
Enumerated April 22, 1930
ED 176-4 SD 19 Sheet 8A Stamped 49
Clark, William H Head m W 63 m 29 Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Clark, Laura Wf F W 59 M 24 Ark Ala Ala
Clark, Jessie G Son m W 29 S Tx Tx Ark Farm Laborer
Clark, Waldon R Son m W 18 S Tx Tx Ark
Clark, Amos A Head M W 29 M 21 Tx Tx Tx Common Laborer Gen Farming
Clark, Myrtle Wf F W 23 M 16 Tx Tx Tx
Cobb, Ezerdel (Ezekiel) Head m W 70 M 21 Tx Miss Miss
Cobb, Rebecca (nee Eaves) Wf F W 60 M 37 La Miss Al
Clark, William E Son-in-law (lined through) M W 23 M 20 Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Clark, B. D. Hazel* Daughter (lined through) F W 19 M 16 La Tx La
*John W. Clark shows that William married B D COBB, so they likely are son-in-law & dtr of Ezekiel and Rebecca; with Hazel and Mary, in the next household, being sisters
Clarke, Nay Head M W 27 M 24 Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Clark, Mary** Wf F W 23 M 20 Tx La La
**She is a daughter of Ezekial and Rebecca Cobb in HH 175-176

4965 I11193  Clark  Andrew  3 Jul 1839  23 Aug 1913  Larry Crocker writes that Andrew was listed on the Sabine County Voter Registration list for 1867-1869. It was indicated he lived in Sabine County for 28 years and that he was a native Texan. (Yellowed Pages, Vol. XXIII, No. 4, Winter, 1993). He was a private in Captain R.P. Sibley's Company F, 11th Texas Infantry, having enlisted February 19, 1862.
Name: Andrew Clark
Death Date: 23 Aug 1913
Death Place: Yellowpine, Sabine, Texas
Gender: Male
Death Age: 74 years
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 1839
Birthplace: Texas
Marital Status: Widowed
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: William Clark
Father's Birthplace: Mississippi
Mother's Name: Mahaley Graham
Mother's Birthplace: Kentucky
Occupation: Farmer
Place of Residence:
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2050996
Digital Film Number: 4165776
Image Number: 1547
Reference Number: 19015
Collection: Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976 
4966 I11193  Clark  Andrew  3 Jul 1839  23 Aug 1913  (Research):
Census Information:

1870 Census
Texas, Sabine County, Sabine Town Beat 3
Page 16A
HH 460-460
Clark, Andrew 31 M Farmer $1000 $500 Tx
Clark, William A. H. 3 M Tx
Clark, Mahala 60 F Ky

1880 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 2, Dist. 84
Page 211C
HH 60-66
Clark, Andrew M 40 Farmer Tx Ky (sic) Ky
Clark, William Henry 12 S Tx Tx Tx

1900 Census
Texas, Sabine, Dist 69, Pr. 7
Page 117A
HH 180-180
Clark, A Hd M Jul 1839 60 Wd Tx Sc Ky Farmer
Clark, Anderson J Son M Apr 1883 17 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Labor
Clark, Lee R Son M Apr 1885 15 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer

1910 Census
Texas, Sabine County, Pct 2, Dist 132
Page 113B
HH 123-123
Clark, Andrew Hd M 71 Wd Tx Sc Ky Farmer
Williams, Maston Son-in-law 29 M 10 Tx Tx Tx Laborer Odd Jobs
Williams, Sarah Dtr F 28 M 10 5/5 Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer
Williams, Ellen J G/D F 9 Tx Tx Tx
Williams, Elbert G/S M 7 Tx Tx Tx
Williams, James A G/S M 5 Tx Tx Tx
Williams, Lee G/S M 2 Tx Tx Tx
Williams, Ethel E. G/D F 5/12 Tx Tx Tx

(Transcriptions courtesy of Larry Crocker) 
4967 I11366  Clark  Anna B. "A B"  4 Sep 1912  11 Apr 2001  Known simply as "A B" he was shown as Anna B. Clark on the birth index listing for his daughter, Ida Jane Clark, as well as on the Social Security Death Index.  STR06 
4968 I40130  Clark  Anna Beatrice  7 Nov 1909  Yes, date unknown  John W. Clark shows that she married Tommy R. SEELY.  STR06 
4969 I40139  Clark  Anna Grace "Gracie"  24 Sep 1906  6 May 1971
Name: Anna Grace Evans
Death Date: 06 May 1971
Death Place: Jacksonville, Cherokee, Texas
Gender: Female
Death Age: 64 years
Estimated Birth Date: 1907
Birth Date:
Marital Status:
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Felix Clark
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Anna Mitchell
Mother's Birthplace:
Place of Residence:
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2223199
Digital Film Number: 4169857
Image Number: 86
Reference Number:
Collection: Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976 
4970 I46419               
4971 I32672  Clark  Annie Elizabeth  3 Mar 1882  26 Dec 1969
Name: Annie Elizabeth Sunderland
Death Date: 26 Dec 1969
Death Place: Pineland, Sabine, Texas
Gender: Female
Death Age: 88 years
Estimated Birth Date: 1881
Birth Date:
Marital Status:
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Pascal Clark
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Betty Wallace
Mother's Birthplace:
Place of Residence:
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2218604
Digital Film Number: 4168894
Image Number: 277
Reference Number: 90561
Collection: Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976 
4972 I30108  Clark  Ansel  6 Dec 1914  9 Apr 1916  His headstone reads "Our Darling, Baby, A sunbeam from the world has vanished."  STR06 
4973 I30107  Clark  Ara Aliph  26 Apr 1901  3 Mar 1905  Her headstone is inscribed Little Aliph Clark, Only sleeping.  STR06 
4974 I40140  Clark  Ara Jane  20 Apr 1909  8 Oct 1964
Name: Ara Jane Davidson
Death Date: 08 Oct 1964
Death Place: Houston, Harris, Texas
Gender: Female
Race: White
Death Age: 55 years
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 20 Apr 1909
Birthplace: Craft, Texas, Usa
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Felix Clark
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Anna Mitchell
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Homemaker
Place of Residence: Jacksonville, Cherokee, Texas
Cemetery: City Cemetery
Burial Place: Jacksonville, Texas
Burial Date: 08 Oct 1964
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2117649
Digital Film Number: 4028393
Image Number: 1942
Reference Number: CN63792
Collection: Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976 
4975 I5458  Clark  Ara Josephine  4 Nov 1887  2 Dec 1917  Could she and Agnes Elizabeth be twins? The 1910 census shows both of them as age 12, born in November 1887. However, the Texas Death Certificate for Agnes instead lists Agnes as being born in November 1890.

Her tombstone was inscribed "Wife of E.L. Anderson-She was too good too gentle and fair to dwell in this cold world of care." 
4976 I39016  Clark  Arlie Adell  17 Oct 1893  18 Mar 1969
Name: Arlie Clark Lawrence
Death Date: 18 Mar 1969
Death Place: Lufkin, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: White
Death Age: 75 years
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 17 Oct 1893
Birthplace: Texas
Marital Status: Widowed
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: L.T. Clark
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Emma Adell Cartwright
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Housewife
Place of Residence: Lufkin, Angelina, Texas
Cemetery: Garden of Memories
Burial Place: Angelina County, Texas
Burial Date: 19 Mar 1969
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2137325
Digital Film Number: 4029810
Image Number: 1039
Reference Number: CN14505
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976 
4977 I11249  Clark  Artemus  Oct 1879  Yes, date unknown
Name: Artemus Clark
Event: Census
Event Date: 1930
Event Place: Precinct 1, Sabine, Texas
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Marital Status: Single
Race: White
Birthplace: Texas
Estimated Birth Year: 1914
Immigration Year:
Relationship to Head of Household: Nephew
Father's Birthplace: Texas
Mother's Birthplace: Texas
Enumeration District Number: 0003
Family Number: 98
Sheet Number and Letter: 7B
Line Number: 94
NARA Publication: T626, roll 2388
Film Number: 2342122
Digital Folder Number: 4547367
Image Number: 00664
Collection: United States Census, 1930 
4978 I28241  Clark  Audie Inez  17 Nov 1921  28 Dec 2003  The Sabine County Reporter
December 31, 2003, Page 16

Audie Inez Armstrong

Audie Inez Armstrong, 82, of Hemphill died at 8:35 a.m Sunday, Dec. 28, 2003 at Woodland Heights Medical Center in Lufkin.

She was born Nov. 17, 1921, as a daughter of the late Annie Margaret (Presley) and Lee Clark and had been a lifelong resident of Sabine County.* Mrs. Armstrong was a retired grader, working with Temple-Inland Forest Products.

Survivors: a grandson, James Foster, Jr. and wife Rachael of Pineland; a great-grandson, Corbin Foster of Pineland; and a great-granddaughter, Chelsey Nichols of Pineland.

Funeral services were held at 3 p.m. Tuesday at the chapel of Starr Funeral Home Inc. in Hemphill with Bro. Wayne Mote officiating. Interment followed at Harper's Chapel Cemetery, in Sabine County.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, July 2012)

*Virgie Speights, however, noted on April 11, 1963, and "Mrs. Audie Armstrong of Odessa" attended an open house in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Clark. 
4979 I38929  Clark  Auresia  Abt 1907  Yes, date unknown  The 1910 census shows Auresia as Male, and a Son. However, Barbara Yancey Dore show that Auresia was actually female. As Auresia is not listed on the 1920 census with the rest of his or her siblings, it is likely that he/she died or otherwise left home prior to this time.  STR06 
4980 I40625               
4981 I11348  Clark  Barnett "Barney" Onset  4 Aug 1903  30 Jan 1979  He was living with his brother and sister in law, Easuel and Bertie Clark, as the time of the 1920 Sabine County, Texas census.  STR06 
4982 I11367  Clark  Basil Monroe  26 Apr 1915  4 Aug 1985  Basil was shown in the US Department of Veteran Affairs BIRLS Death File, having served in the US Army from 1 May 1945 to 12 Dec 1945.  STR06 
4983 I40129  Clark  Benina Josephine  7 Nov 1909  Yes, date unknown  John W. Clark shows that she married Pat WHEALER (Wheeler?) and they lived in Conroe.  STR06 
4984 I25216  Clark  Bessie Della  9 Mar 1902  26 Dec 1991  Her maiden name appears to be Clark, based on Jessie Clark, sister-in-law, living with Robert and Bessie at the time of the 1920 census, and also based on this 1910 census record from Callahan County, Texas, where sisters, Bessie and Jessie, of the appropriate ages, were living with their parents, James and Betty Clark.

Name: Bessie D Clark
Age in 1910: 8
Birth Year: 1902
Birthplace: Texas
Home in 1910: Atwell, Callahan, Texas
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Daughter
Marital Status: Single
Father's Name: James J Clark
Father's Birthplace: Georgia
Mother's name: Betty L Clark
Mother's Birthplace: Tennessee

Household Members:
Name Age
James J Clark 51
Betty L Clark 44
Floyd E Clark 22
Ida P Clark 20
Cora Clark 16
Clara Clark 16
Raymond E Clark 14
Olla D Clark 12
Flora V Clark 10
Bessie D Clark 8
Ethel Clark 6
Jessie L Clark 4
Fannie Hughes 66
Dennis Hayes 18

4985 I40133  Clark  Bill Artemis  21 Mar 1914  19 Feb 1936
Name: Bill A. Clark
Death Date: 19 Feb 1936
Death Place: Shelby County, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: White
Death Age: 21 years 10 months 29 days
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 20 Mar 1914
Birthplace: Bronson, Texas
Marital Status: Single
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Elisha Clark
Father's Birthplace: Texas
Mother's Name: Emma Jacks
Mother's Birthplace: Texas
Occupation: Ccc
Place of Residence: Milam, Texas
Burial Place: Bronson, Texas
Burial Date: 21 Feb 1936
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2116784
Digital Film Number: 4166602
Image Number: 3511
Reference Number: CN 10947
Collection: Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976 
4986 I40133  Clark  Bill Artemis  21 Mar 1914  19 Feb 1936  (Research):
Census Listings:

1920 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP One, East Mayfield Town
SD 326 ED 168 Sheet 4A
Oxley, Charles L Head M W 43 m La La La Laborer Lumber Mill
Oxley, Emma A Wf F W 33 M Tx Tx La
Oxley, Billy C Son M W 12 S La La La
Oxley, Edward R Son M W 10 S La La La
Oxley. Elroy A Son M W 8 S La La La
Clark, Artimus Stepson M W 5 S Tx Tx Tx
Clark, Roberta Stepdtr F W 2 11/12 S Tx Tx Tx

1930 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 1
Enumerated April 28, 1930
ED 202-3 SD 19 Sheet 7B
Bronson-Pineland and Hemphill
Eicke, George A Head M W 57 M 28 Hanover Hanover Hanover German 1885 na Farmer
Eicke, Rohoma Wf F W 51 M 22 Tx Tx Tx
Eicke, Willie B Son M W 24 wd 23 Tx Hanover Tx
Clark, Roberta Niece F W 13 S Tx Tx Tx
Clark, Artemus Nephew m W 16 S Tx Tx Tx 
4987 I40365  Clark  Billy Joe  15 Mar 1928  2 Dec 1992
Name: Billy Joe Clark
Event: Birth
Event Date: 15 Mar 1928
Event Place: Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas, United States
Gender: Male
Father: Frank R Clark
Mother: Mallie Montez
Certificate Number:
Digital Folder Number: 004687393
Image Number: 02340
Collection: Texas, Birth Certificates, 1903-1935 
4988 I28338  Clark  Bobbie Murrell  9 Feb 1937  19 Nov 2017  Bobbie Murrell Herrington of Pineland, Texas died Sunday, November 19, 2017 at Hospice in the Pines in Lufkin, TX.

She was born February 9, 1937 in Hemphill, Texas and was 80 years of age. She was a housewife and mother.

There will be visitation Monday 6pm till 8 pm at Starr Funeral Home and her funeral service will be 2:00 PM Tuesday at Starr Funeral Home Chapel with burial to follow in Pineland, Cemetery.

She is survived by her son James Robert Herrington and wife, Mary Ann, and son, Samuel Ray Herrington, both of Pineland; daughter, Linda Dale and husband, Randy, of Alexandria, LA, daughter-in-law Carla Herrington of Lufkin, brother, Paul Clark and wife, Bonnie, of Bossier City, LA, sisters Sue Medley of Jacksonville, TX, Joann Harley of Hemphill and Wanda Hines of San Augustine, Texas; four grandchildren and one great grandchild.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles E. Herrington, son, Ronny Herrington and brother, Keith Clark.

(Downloaded from Starr Funeral Home website)
Also published in the Sabine County Reporter, November 23, 2017, Page 10 
4989 I20051               
4990 I11347  Clark  Bradie Cassie  29 Apr 1902  16 Dec 1997  The Sabine County Reporter
December 24, 1997, Page 12

Bradie C. Smith

Bradie C. Smith, 95, of Jasper died at 5:34 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 16, 1997, at Lakes Regional Medical Center in Jasper.

She was born April 29, 1902, in the Clarktown community as a daughter of the late George B. and Winnie (Low) Clark and was a member of the Friendship Missionary Baptist Church. Mrs. Smith was a former longtime resident of Sabine County and had lived in the Jasper area for 20 years.

Survivors: two sons, Arlis Smith of Jasper and Harold Smith of Newton; eight grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren; and five great-great-grandchildren.

Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. Thursday at the chapel of the Starr Funeral Home Inc. in Hemphill with Mike Smith and Clarence Howell officiating. Interment was in Fairmount Cemetery in Fairmount.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, March 2011) 
4991 I40615               
4992 I11360  Clark  Burleson  27 Oct 1910  11 Jan 1989  Married second a Mildred?  STR06 
4993 I40216  Clark  Buron Elwood  28 Jul 1911  14 Dec 1962  John W. Clark shows that he married Margaret DeLoach, a daughter of Dr. DeLoach, and they were the parents of Tommy Jack Clark and Margaret Ann Clark.  STR06 
4994 I40614               
4995 I37413  Clark  Carolyn Ann  8 May 1944  10 Jan 2013  On Kay Parker McCary's annotated transcription of the Fairmount Cemetery, there is a listing for her as Carolyn Ann Clark, date of birth 8 May 1944, with no date of death listed. The headstone is inscribed "Home at Last" and Kay shows her as a daughter of William Ira Clark and Lexie Olivia McNaughter, and also indicates that her husband was Charles Eugene Womack. There is not a listing for her husband at the Fairmount Cemetery, he instead is buried with a military marker at the Rosevine Cemetery, also in Sabine County.


Carolyn Ann Clark, 68, died Thursday night in the Lufkin Memorial Hospital. She was born in Pt. Neches, Texas, to Ira and Lexie McNaughten Clark. Carolyn was a lifetime resident of Hemphill, Texas.

She is survived by her sister Oweda Boyd of Nacogdoches, her brother Terrel (W.T.) Clark and his wife Rosa Ann of Hemphill, and several grandchildren and great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her son Charles Womack, Jr.

Memorial services will be announced at a later date by the family.

Courtesy of Starr Funeral Home
Also published in THE SABINE COUNTY REPORTER, January 16, 2013, Page 12
4996 I40635               
4997 I40304               
4998 I30178  Clark  Carroll W.  21 Jun 1862  2 May 1931  His marriage license, to Mary Zinnecker, indicates he was a son of Romaine CLARK and Emily YONDAN.

Cass City Chronicle
Thursday, May 12, 1966

Down Memory Lane
Thirty Five Years Ago
May 1931

Dr. Carroll W. Clark, prominent physician in Caro, was stricken with a heart attack while leaving his home to make a call.

His full obituary was on the front page of the May 8, 1931 issue of the Cass City Chronicle. It noted he died early Saturday morning, May 2, as he was backing his car from the garage....born 21 June 1862, at Lake Orion, Michigan. He was a graduate of what is now Michigan State College, East Lansing....received his doctor's degree at the Detroit College of Medicine in 1889. Dr. Clark practiced medicine in Clifford, Michigan for a number of years previous to his moving to Caro.....

Besides his widow, he is survived by two sons, Romaine of Lansing and Carroll of Flint, an adopted daughter, Emily, residing at home, three nieces the Misses Marguerite, June and Geraldine Ross, who have made their home with Dr. and Mrs. Clark for the last ten years, and two brothsr and one sister, all of Orion. Interment was in the Caro mausoleum. Members of Mount Moriah Lodge, F & A. M., conducted the burial service. 
4999 I30178  Clark  Carroll W.  21 Jun 1862  2 May 1931  (Research):

Census Listings:

1920 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Indianfields Twp, Caro Village
Enumerated 27 and 28 Jan 1920
SD 7 ED 190 Sheet 23B
West Lincoln Street
Clark, Carroll W. Head m W 55 M Mich NY NY Physician General Practice
Clark, Mary Z. Wf F W 40 M Mich Germany/German Germany/German
Clark, Carroll H Son M W 15 S Mich Mich Ny
Clark, Emily Dtr F W 1 3/12 S Mich Mich Mich
Bubel, Catherine Nursemaid F W 14 S Mich Mich Mich House Maid Private Family

1930 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Indianfields Twp, Caro Village
Enumerated April 5, 1930
ED 79-22 SD 11 Sheet 4B
Clark, Carroll W Head O 3000 M W 67 M Mich US US Doctor Medical
Clark, Mary Wf F W 50 M 32 Mich Germany Germany
Ross, June E Dtr F W 16 S Mich Mich Mich
Ross. Geraldine C Dtr F W 14 S Mich Mich Mich
Clark, Emily E Dtr F W 11 S Mich Mich Mich
Howarth, Dorthy Niece F W 25 S Mich Mich Mich
Ross, Marguerite F W 19 S Mich Mich Mich
5000 I7337  Clark  Charles Edward  31 May 1941  26 Jan 2004  From FindAGrave:

Charles Edward Clark Sr. 62, of Hemphill, died Monday, January 26, 2004, at Triumph North Hospital in Houston.

He was born May 31,1941, in Hemphill as a son of the late Edward and Arzell (Smith) Clark and had been a lifelong resident of Sabine County. Clark, a machinist with Temple-Inland, was a member of East Mayfield Baptist Church.

Survivors: wife, Mable Clark; son, Charles Clark, Jr., of Hemphill; daughters, Charlene Clark of Katy and Sherri Lynn Jones and husband Bruce of the Plainview community; brothers, Tommy Clark and Willie Earl Clark, both of Hemphill, and Glen Dale Clark of Rosevine; a sister Carolyn Clark of Port Arthur; seven grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.

Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. Thursday January 29, 2004 at the chapel of Starr Funeral Hone Inc. in Hemphill with Bro. Vance Purtell officiating. Interment was at Pinehill Cemetery on FM 2024. 

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