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# Person ID Last Name First Name Birth Date Death Date Living note Tree
11801 I20675  Kellogg  Joanna  8 Dec 1664  Aft 16 Apr 1727  Daughter of Joseph KELLOGG and Joanna FOOTE. (Chris Bird).  STR06 
11802 I20698  Kellogg  Jonathan  25 Dec 1679  8 Aug 1771  He married Ann NEWTON. (James Albury; Chris Bird).  STR06 
11803 I20648  Kellogg  Joseph  Abt 1626  27 Jun 1708  Notes for JOSEPH KELLOGG: Lieutenant in King Philip's War. Fought at Bloody Battle at Turner Falls on 5/19/1676. Was a Weaver. Ran Ferry at Hatfield MA. for years.

At Farmington,CT in 1651 and joined church there with his wife Oct. 9, 1653. Moved about 1657 to Boston, MA where he purchased property Oct. 16, 1659. Sold Boston property, June 13, 1661 and moved to Hadley. Agreed to keep ferry between Hadley and Northampton in 1661, which he, son John, and grandson James operated until 1758. The Court at Hadley formalized fares and conditions for the ferry in January 1675, June 1677, and in 1687. He was selectman a number of times, and served on various town committees. Joseph was named Sgt. of the military company ('train band') March 1663, Ens. in the Foot Company May 9, 1678, and Lt. of the same company October 7, 1678. He served as Lt. under Capt. Aaron Cook, Jr. until 1692. Was in charge of the Hadley troops at the Turners' Falls Fight on May 18, 1676.

His Will dated June 27, 1707 and proved February 4, 1708. (See Joseph Kellogg's Will)

Lieutenant Joseph Kellogg, son of Martin Kellogg, was baptized at Great Leigh, County Essex, England, April 1, 1626, died in 1707. He was the immigrant ancestor, and settled in Farmington, Connecticut, where he was living in 1651. He and his wife joined the church October 9, 1653. He sold his house lot in 1655 and removed about 1657 to Boston. On October 19, 1659, he bought of Peter Oliver his dwelling house on the street to Roxbury. He sold his property June 13, 1661, to John Witherden. This lot of land is now occupied by the Advertiser Building on Washington Street. He paid ce 700 for it at one time. He removed to Hadley, and the town made an agreement with him in 1661 to keep the ferry between Hadley and Northampton. He built his house on a small home lot, which had been reserved by the town for a ferry lot. He was given leave also to entertain travelers. In 1677, the town voted to pay him ce 40 for the loss of his team, which had been impressed for the country's service, and for ferriage for soldiers. He and his son John and grandson John kept this ferry until 1758, almost a century. Stephen Codman, who married his daughter, kept it still later. The last name of the ferry was Goodman's Ferry.

Joseph Kellogg was selectman of Hadley many years. In 1686, he was on a committee to lay out lands, and for the purchase of Swampfield from the Indians. He and his sons had grants of land in Hadley. He was sergeant of the military company in 1663, and May 9, 1678, was appointed ensign of the foot company. In October 7 of the same year he was made lieutenant, serving until 1692. He was in command as sergeant of the Hadley troops in the famous Turner's Falls fight, May 18, 1675. His will is dated June 7, 1707, and proved February 4, 1708, giving the year of his death. He married (first) probably in England, Joanna (???), who died in Hadley, September 14, 1666; (second) Abigail Terry, born in Windsor, Connecticut, September 21, 1646, daughter of Stephen Terry, the immigrant. Her will was dated May 29, 1717, and proved October 31, 1726. His wife Abigail was before the court in 1673 for wearing silk, contrary to the law, but was acquitted. It was shown at the trial that her husband's estate was below the ce 200 necessary to allow her to wear "gold or silver lace, gold or silver buttons," etc.

Will of Joseph Kellogg - June 27, 1707

Upon the twenty-seventh day of June One Thousand Seven Hundred and seven in the sixth year of the Reign of our Lady Anne by the Grace of God, of England, Scotland, France & Ireland Queen, Defendr of the Faith &c

I Joseph Kellogg of Hadley in ye County of Hampshire within the province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England I hope having a suitable sence of the many infermities, the considerable old age that I am now come to hath exposed me to all which giving me warning that I must shortly when it pleases God to call yield to Death and Lay down this Earthly Tabernacle, Being at Present Through the Great Goodness of God of sound mind and perfect memory and accounting it my Duty to set things In order with Reference to that Portion of Estate God in Goodness hath Given me and Therefore I do make this my Last will & Testamt as followeth Imp. I commit myself soul and body Into the hands of God who made them and my dear Redeemer The Lord Jesus Christ who hath Redeemed them and in whom I Trust & Believe will be my advocate with the Father at the Great day of his Appearing. And in and through his Merits & Satisfaction to obtain acceptation, My Body which I leave to my Executors for a Christianly, Comely Burial in hopes of a Blessed Resurrection when soule and Body Shall by the Mighty Power of God be reunited and be wth him forever in that Place of Everlasting Rest when sorrow and Sighing shall flee away and Joy and Rejoicing Shall be upon the head of the Righteous with Hallelujahs and Praises to God the Father Son and Holy Ghost forever and ever, Even to Never Ending Eternity, Amen.

It. I ordain and my will is that all my Just Debts and Funeral expenses be well and truly paid by my Executors hereafter named. It. I Give and Bequeath unto my Loving Son John Kellogg all that piece of land on which he now lives it being bounded by the Dividing fence East on Land of Sam'll Partride West on an Highway North, and on the River south to be to him with this Proviso that either of his sons Joseph or Samuel after his decease Shall enjoy it to him that posses it to be to him and his heirs forever but in case they both Dye before Either of them Posses it then to revert to my family from whence it came. The Intent of .... that land that lies within the Town Ditch. Also I give to my son John Kellogg abovenamed four acres of my forty acre Alotment lying at the Fort River at the South end of s'd Lot this together with about Ten Pounds I have already given him to be to him and his heirs forever.

It. I give and bequeath to my son Martin Kellogg, four Acres of my forty acre alotment at the Fort River in Hadley next to that I have given to my son John above-said -- Also besides what I have given him already which I account at Sixteen Pounds -- I give him Twnety Shillings in curr't Country Pay, all which to be to him & his heirs forever.

It. I give and bequeath to my loving son Edward Kellogg the full sum of five pounds in Currant Country Pay which together with what I have already given him which I esteen at Sixteen Pounds to be to him and his heirs forever.

It. I give and bequeath to my son Saml Kellogg four acres of my forty acre alotment at Fort River in Hadley next to that I have given to my son Martin Kellogg as abovesaid which together with five pounds I have already given him to be to him and his heirs forever.

It. I give and bequeath to my daughter Joanna Kellogg alias Smith and Sarah Kellogg alias Ashley together with what I have already given them which I esteem to be fifteen pounds a piece I give them forty shillings a piece to be paid them by my Executors in such pay and at such time as it can be made good to them out of my estate.

It. I give and bequeath to my loving sons Stephen Kellogg & Nathaniel Kellogg, considering that I had a considerable estate with their mother out of Father Terry's Estate therefore I give to them all that alotment that was my Father Terry's lying in Hockanum in Hadley bounded by the land of John Smith northeast and the land of Thomas Hovey southwest abutting on the River both North & South to be equally divided to them after my wife's decease, not to have ye use or possession of said land till then and then to be to them and their heirs forever. This together with forty shillings a piece I have already given them I account a full portion for them

It. I give and bequeath to my loving daughters Elizabeth Kellogg, alias Nash, Abigail Kellogg alias Smith, Prudence Kellogg alis Merrill, as an addition to what I have already given them which I esteem fifteen pounds apiece, forty shillings apiece in such pay and at such time as my Executors can make it good to them out of my estate.

It. I give and bequeath to my loving sons Ebenezer Kellogg & Jonathan Kellogg my allotment in the Plain in the Great Meadow in Hadley, bounded by land of Nathaniel White east and land of Timothy Eastman west abutting on Highway South and the adjacent furlong North, as also I give them ten acres of my forty acre allotment at Fort River next unto my son Saml gift there, both lots to be equally divided between them to be to them and their heirs forever. Also I give unto them eight pounds a piece in such time and in such pay out of my estate as my executors hereafter named can do it.

It. I give and bequeath to my loving son Nathaniel Kellogg four acres of my forty acre allotment at Fort River at the North East and it going to the lands of Timothy Eastman to be to him and his heirs forever.

I give and bequeath to my son Joseph Kellogg all that my allotment in the Plain on the East side of the Town in Hadley, containing sixteen acres or thereabouts as also I give him twenty-five pounds out of my estate to be paid to him in or as good country pay, to be paid as my executors can and at such time as they can do it. And Whereas my son Joseph approving himself a loving son in his care and helpfulness to me in my weak condition and to my wife I'll recommend it to my wife to make such further additions out of the Housing land or other estate I have reserved to her dispose as may be encouragement and recompense to him for his care and trouble as aforesaid.

It. I give and bequeath to my Dear and loving wife Abigail who hath born the burthen with me in all my long continued weakness and infirmities my house and homestead with my barn and outhousing, Orchards, Gardens, yards, situate in Hadley aforesaid as also that alotment next to Saml Smiths alotment as we go to the For Meadow in Hadley with all other of my lands in Hadley or elsewhere not given in this my will otherwise with all rights of our Lands or Commons or any lands that may grow to be of right to me within the bounds of the Township of Hadley or elsewhere with all moveable goods or estate within doors or without in Hadley or elsewhere to be for her comfortable livelyhood while she lives, She keeping the Housing and Barns in good repair as also I give her full liberty to remove the Houses Barns or Fences as she shall judge best and most advantagious for her and them that may enjoy it after her demise. As also I hereby give her full liberty and power provided by good advice she see cause to make sale of sd Housing and Homestead, then to do it, provided always all the said estate that she shall leave either for the aforesaid housing and lands and moveable estate when she dies it shall be by her disposed of amongst those children I had by her and to them or any of them as she shall see meet to disposit.

It. I hereby order and it is my will that as to those gifts I have given in this will in moveable goods to several of my children if any moveable goods, chattels, credits will not reach to the payment of my debts, funeral expenses and other charges and uses I may have for it while I yet live and for so much reserve for my wife's necessity while she lives a widow that each legatee in proportion to their gifts the sum of them all shall abate accordingly.

It. I ordain, constitute & appoint my dear & loving wife Abigail Kellogg and my loving frind Capt. Samuel Partridge to be joint executors of this my last will and testament andulling and making void all former or other will or wills, testaments by me formerly or otherwise made, and this to be taken unproved and holden to all intents and purposes my last will and testament to which I subscribe and seal this 27th June, 1707, the day and year above written.

Wit.-- Joseph X Kellogg Nathaniel White Mark John Goodman Elizabeth Lane 
11804 I20700  Kellogg  Joseph  12 May 1684  9 Sep 1724  He married Elizabeth COLTON on 5 Jul 1710. (James Albury).  STR06 
11805 I21263  Kellogg  Martin  23 Nov 1595  20 Sep 1661  Notes for MARTIN KELLOGG: A weaver or cloth worker residing at Great Leighs and Braintree, where he obtained property May 22, 1632. Will dated May 20, 1671 and proved September 20, 1671 at Braintree, England, mentions children Sarah, Joseph, Daniel, Samuel, Nathaniel, and Martin, and grandson John Kellogg. 
11806 I45648  Kellogg  Mary "Polly"  Aft 1749  Abt 1822  "dau. of Daniel Kellog of Bolton, Ct."  STR06 
11807 I20678  Kellogg  Nathaniel  8 Oct 1669  Yes, date unknown  Married Sarah BOLTWOOD. (James Albury; Chris Bird).  STR06 
11808 I20696  Kellogg  Prudence  14 Oct 1675  21 Sep 1747  She married Abraham MERRILL on 18 Apr 1699. (James Albury;Chris Bird).  STR06 
11809 I20679  Kellogg  Stephen  9 Apr 1668  Yes, date unknown  Married Lydia BELDEN. (James Albury; Chris Bird).  STR06 
11810 I36220  Kelly  Alfred  Abt 1889  Yes, date unknown  (Research):

Census Listings:

1930 Census
Texas, Jefferson County, Beaumont, Ward 3
ED 123-34 SD 27 Sheet 9A Stamped 123
Van Buren
Kelly, Alfred Head M W 41 M 24 Tx US US Laborer Oil Refinery
Kelly, Lona W F W 51 M 21 Tx Tx Tx
Kelly, James P Son M W 16 S Tx Tx Tx Supply boy Grocery store
Kelly, Willard J Son M W 14 S Tx Tx Tx
Willis, Vera L Roomer F W 33 Wd La Ala La Cashier Dry Goods Store
Willis, Jon W Roomer M W 4 8/12 S Tx Minn La 
11811 I19564               
11812 I27492  Kelly  Arthur Gilbert  27 May 1900  8 Dec 1933  Name: Arthur Kelly
Death Date: 08 Dec 1933
Death Place: Palestine, Anderson, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: White
Death Age: 33 years 6 months 11 days
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 27 May 1900
Birthplace: Anderson Co., Texas
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Georgia Kelly
Father's Name: G.A. Kelly
Father's Birthplace: Louisiana
Mother's Name: Ella Redwine
Mother's Birthplace: Anderson Co., Texas
Occupation: Saw Mill - Labor
Place of Residence:
Cemetery: Concord
Burial Place:
Burial Date: 09 Dec 1933
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2115946
Digital Film Number: 4166540
Image Number: 132
Reference Number: 53264
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
11813 I27492  Kelly  Arthur Gilbert  27 May 1900  8 Dec 1933  (Research):

Census Listings:

1930 Census
Texas, Anderson County, Pr. 4
Enumerated 7 Apr 1930
ED 1-20 SD 18 Sheet 4A Stamped 273
Kelley, George A Hd M W 62 M 22 La La La Farmer
Kelley, Mary E Wf F W 56 M 17 Tx Tx Tx
Kelley, John T Son m W 20 S Tx La Tx Laborer Saw Mill
Quick, John A and Family
Black, J E and Family
Kelley A G Head M W 29 M 19 Tx Tx Tx Laborer Saw Mill
Kelley, Georgia Wf F W 27 M 17 Tx Tx Tx
Kelley, Murell Dtr F W 7 S Tx Tx Tx
Kelley, Cleutis SOn M W 5 S Tx Tx Tx
Kelley, Oney Son M W 1 S Tx Tx Tx
11814 I19563               
11815 I36688  Kelly  Elizabeth "Betsy"  Abt 1811  17 Aug 1892  Her FindAGrave Memorial page links her to her parents, Sims Kelly (1774-1860) and Mary Camp (1776-1864). This also shows her location of birth as North Carolina vs. Tennesse, as shown on Census Records.  STR06 
11816 I39555  Kelly  Nelda Mae  13 Dec 1928  20 Sep 2018  In her annotated transcription of the Gravel Hill Cemetery, Kay Parker McCary shows her as a daughter of J. D. Kelley and Lola Chavis.

Nelda Mae Chance, 89, passed away Thursday, September 20, 2018 at her residence in Hemphill, Texas.

She was born December 13, 1928 in Florida to J. D. Kelly and Isabelle Chaves Kelly. She was a loving wife, mother and grandmother.

Nelda had moved to Sabine County in 1955 and shortly thereafter became a member of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church where she remained an active member for the rest of her life. She enjoyed working and over the years she could often be found plowing fields behind a mule or later, on a tractor. When she wasn't working, she enjoyed gardening, quilting, and sewing.

Nelda was preceded in death by her husband, J. D. Chance and daughters, Nelly V. and Jenny Conn.

She is survived by her daughters, Peggy Diane Brown and husband, Truett; Gladystine Randolph and husband, Butch; Betty Sue Stabbs and husband, Mike; andMary Frances Perimon and husband, Billy; brother, P. Joe Kelly; sisters, Daisy Pond and Dorothy Germann; 11 grandchildren and numerous great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren.

Visitation will be from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Friday, September 21, 2018 at Starr Funeral Home, 510 Starr St., Hemphill, Texas.

Funeral services will be held at 2:00 p.m. Saturday, September 22, 2018 at Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, 4984 Gravel Hill Rd., Hemphill, Texas under the direction of Starr Funeral Home with Bro. Don Snider officiating.

Burial will follow services in Gravel Hill Cemetery.

Serving as pallbearers are Heath Perimon, Brian Brown, Jason Conn, Chris Wagstaff, Michael Wagstaff, Chad Randolph, and Justin Randolph.

Online condolences can be made at
Downloaded from Starr Funeral Home website
Also published in the Sabine County Reporter 
11817 I19555  Kelly  Thomas Joseph  Oct 1869  Aft 1930  (Research):
Census Listings:

1910 Federal census
New York New York 12 Wd Manhattan
ED 663 Eighth Avenue
Kelly, Thomas J Hd M w 39 M 9/yrs NY Ireland Ireland England Mason Building
Kelly, Mary V Wife F W 32 M 9 4/4 NY NY NY English
Kelly, Margaret W (sic) Dtr F W 8 S NY NY NY (s/b Violet Margaret Kelly)
Kelly, Helen Dtr F W 7 S NY NY NY
Kelly, Kathleen Dtr F W 5 S NY NY NY
Kelly, Thomas J Son M W 2 S NY NY NY
Sheenahan, John Brdr M W 65 S Eng. Ireland Eng. Ireland Eng. Ireland 1850 Lather
McKenna, Thomas H Brother in Law M W 30 S NY NY NY Mason Building

1920 Federal census
New York, New York, Manhattan, District 1457
Kelly, Thomas J age 47 NY Ireland Ireland Bricklayer Building
Kelly, Mary V age 46 NY NY NY
Kelly, Margaret V(iolet) age 18 NY NY NY Operator Telephone Company
Kelly, Helen age 16 NY NY NY Stenographer Office
Kelly, Kathleen age 14 NY NY NY
Kelly, Thomas age 11 NY NY NY
Kelly, Muriel age 9 NY NY NY
Kelly, Beatrice age 7 NY NY NY
Kelly, Edna age 5 NY NY NY
Kelly, Arnold age 3 9/12 NY NY NY

(They lived next door to 32 year old Daniel McKenna, born in Ireland. Could he have been a relative of Mary's?)

1930 Federal census:
New York, New York, Bronx, District 169
Kelly, Thomas J Head M W age 58 Rents $60 Married @28 NY NY NY Occupation: Mason Industry: Building
Kelly, Mary V Wife F W age 52 Married @22 NY NY NY
Kelly, Thomas J, Jr. Son M W age 21 NY NY NY Occupation: Mason Industry: Building
Kelly, Muriel V. Daug F W age 19 NY NY NY Occupation: Saleslady Industry: Dept Store
Kelly, Beatrice Daug F W age 17 NY NY NY Occupation: Saleslady Industry: Dept Store 
11818 I19560  Kelly  Thomas Joseph  Abt 1909    One of these records might be his:

THOMAS J KELLY SSN: 105-36-8105 Last Residence: 11429 Queens Village, Queens, NY Born: 15 Jul 1907 Last Benefit: Died: 31 May 1990 State (Year) SSN issued: NY (1962)

THOMAS J KELLY SSN: 051-03-6183 Last Residence: 10308 Staten Island, Richmond, NY Born: 22 May 1908 Last Benefit: Died: 1 May 1991 State (Year) SSN issued: NY (Before 195)

THOMAS J KELLY SSN: 100-03-3510 Last Residence: Born: 7 Dec 1910 Last Benefit: Died: 27 Jan 1991 State (Year) SSN issued: NY (Before 195)

THOMAS J KELLY SSN: 075-01-0715 Last Residence: 12139 Piseco, Hamilton, NY Born: 27 Nov 1910 Last Benefit: Died: 6 Jan 1990 State (Year) SSN issued: NY (Before 195) 
11819 I14365  Kelly  Violet Margaret  12 Jul 1901  14 Sep 1994  VIOLET M BRAMHALL 12 Jul 1901 14 Sep 1994 10590 (South Salem, Westchester, NY) (none specified) 110-03-3093 New York

According to her Form SS-5, Violet Kelly Bramhall was born on July 12, 1901 in New York City, New York to Thomas Joseph KELLY and Mary Veronica McKENNY. In December of 1936, at the age of 16, she applied for her social security number, and was living at 175 W. 188 Street in the Bronx, and working at the Whitehall Lunch Club at 17 Battery Place. 
11820 I17824  Kemp  Caroline Matilda  Abt 1817  Yes, date unknown  Kathy Casagranda lists her as the daughter of John Bradford KEMP and Druscilla CAMPBELL.Jim Cooper also shows them as her parents. Kay Parker McCary shows her as Matilda G Kemp vs. Caroline Matilda.  STR06 
11821 I26779  Kemp  Drucilla  Abt 1832  Yes, date unknown  Kathy Casagranda shows her as a daughter of John Bradford Kemp and Mary Druscilla Campbell. Her husband Andrew died during the Civil War and she is listed in the 1870 census for Sabine County, Texas.

Sometimes shown as CAMP. 
11822 I9936               
11823 I13638  Kemp  John Bradford  5 Sep 1764  15 Apr 1838  Also shown as CAMP. Ronnie Owens shows that he was Justice of the Peace in 1833 at Little Silver Creek, Washington, Parish, Louisiana. Ronnie's source was:

11824 I36735  Kemp  Mary Drucilla  Abt 1805  Yes, date unknown  At the time of the 1850 Sabine County Census, she was living with her daughter and son-in-law, Mary and Amon Morris. Next door was daughter Drucilla with her husband, James White.  STR06 
11825 I46788  Kempkes  Evelyn Ann  26 Jul 1921  22 May 2016  Obituary for Evelyn A. Vavra

A Funeral Mass for Evelyn will be held on Friday, May 27, 2016 at 10:30 a.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Geneva. Father Tom Walsh will officiate the service.

Graveside services will follow the funeral and be held in the St. Joseph Catholic Church in Geneva.

Visitation will be Thursday from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Farmer & Son Funeral Home in Geneva.

A Rosary will be prayed at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the St. Joseph Catholic Church in Geneva.

Evelyn Ann Kempkes Vavra was born to Henry N. Kempkes and Ann Kotmel Kempkes on July 26, 1921 at Crete, Nebraska and died May 22, 2016 at Fairview Manor, Fairmont, Nebraska. One of six children, she grew up as a farmer's daughter in the Crete, Friend and Fairmont, Nebraska communities. She attended grade school at District 18 in Crete and District 100 in Friend. She completed her freshman year at Friend High School in 1934 and graduated from Fairmont High School with the class of 1938.

On May 15, 1939, she married Leslie D.Vavra of Friend, Nebraska at St. Stephen's Catholic Church in Exeter, Nebraska. To this union six children were born. A baby granddaughter, Paula, was taken into their home in 1963 after the accidental death of Paula's mother, Barbara Corallo Vavra. Paula was raised and loved as the family's seventh child.

Evelyn loved children? especially, her grandchildren! She will not only be remembered by her family as a loving homemaker, mother and grandmother, but also as a C.C.D. & C.Y.O. teacher for the children of St. Stephen's, Exeter and St. Joseph's, Geneva parishes for many years.

Evelyn was employed as a dental assistant for Dr. G. H. Liggett for 6 years. After moving to Geneva from their farm in Exeter in 1974 with her husband, Leslie and daughter, Paula, she was employed by the Fillmore County Hospital. She served as a Certified Nursing Assistant and Certified Social Services Designee for 13 years before retiring in 1986 to care for her husband who was suffering from Parkinson's disease. In 1992, she once again worked as Social Service Designee at Fairview Manor in Fairmont, where Leslie then resided.

Evelyn's service to her community was extensive. She served as an officer on St. Stephen's Altar Society for 6 years. During the periods when her four sons were serving their country (three in Vietnam) she was a member of the American Legion and V. F. W., serving as president of the American Legion Auxiliary in Exeter. After her own experience of caring for her ill husband, she was led in March of 1990 to form a support group for other family caregivers. With the help of others, she organized and coordinated, "Friends of Family Caregivers," which proved very supportive for people caring for loved ones in their homes. During this time, she was also a member of the St. Joseph's Catholic Church Council, serving 7 years on the Evangelization Committee. In addition, she volunteered in prison ministry and spent several years visiting and counseling youth at the Geneva Youth Development Center.

Evelyn was preceded in death by her husband, Leslie D. Vavra; her parents, Henry N. Kempkes and Ann Kotmel Kempkes; her brothers, Franklin Kempkes, Carleton Kempkes and Henry Kempkes, Jr.; her sister, Darlene Kempkes Jowers; her brother-in-law, Leonard Swiercinsky; her sister-in-law, Jayne King Kempkes; her daughters-in-law, Barbara Corallo Vavra and Sherry Zimmerman Vavra; her son-in-law, Max Rhoads; her grandsons, Neal Christopher Koenig and Christopher D. Gooch; and great-grandchildren, twins, Megan & Bradley Koenig and Alexander Slechinger's twin sister, Emily.

Evelyn is survived by her three daughters: Connie Vavra Koenig and husband, Alfred of Brunswick, Maryland; Ann Vavra Gooch Rhoads of Goddard, Kansas; and Paula Vavra Anderson and husband, Darrell of Geneva, Nebraska; four sons: Jerry Vavra and wife, Marty of Gates, Oregon; Paul Vavra of Cheyenne, Wyoming; Michael Vavra and wife, Charlotte of Wichita, Kansas; and Joel Vavra and wife, Elaine of Crete, Nebraska; her sister, Kathryn Kempkes Swiercinsky of Savannah, Georgia; her sister-in-law, Marge Glazier Kempkes of Wichita, Kansas and her many grandchildren. During her lifetime, Evelyn took great pride and joy in her 21 grandchildren, 32 great-grandchildren and 2 great-great-grandchildren. Many times she remarked, "how richly blessed I am in grandchildren? I'm leaving my mark in descendants? there's no doubt about it, I've been here!" Her final legacy for her descendants was the writing of her family history book, "Ninety Years of Life" in 2011. Her book has been donated to several Nebraska libraries.

(Courtesy of Dennis Belohlavy) 
11826 I6153               
11827 I31965               
11828 I31268  Kendall  Walter Emery  10 Sep 1913  22 May 2001  Volume 17 of the STRIFFLER-BENKELMAN BROADCAST, published on September 6, 1954, reported that Emery Kendall, husband of Dorothy Striffler, was promoted to Counselor in the Detroit Schools. Volume 19, September 3, 1956 issue of the STRIFFLER-BENKELMAN BROADCAST reported that the Kendall's attended the National Education Association conference in Portland, Oregon, where Emery was one of the delegates representing the Detroit Teachers Association.  STR06 
11829 I30663  Kendrick  Eliza Ann  20 Nov 1820  Yes, date unknown  Said to have married George Hubbell BRADLEY on 19 Aug 1841. They were the parents of Caroline, Charles and Kate.  STR06 
11830 I30560  Kendrick  Gideon  8 May 1787  17 May 1844  In 1824 they removed to Western New York and in 1840 to Wisconsin.  STR06 
11831 I30946  Kendrick  Helen Sanford  21 Oct 1867  8 Jul 1938  Name Helen K Zinn
Titles and Terms:
Event Type Death
Event Date 08 Jul 1938
Event Place Canton, Stark, Ohio
Residence Place:
Address 916 25th St. N.E.
Gender Female
Age 70
Marital Status Widowed
Race white
Occupation retired
Birth Date 21 Oct 1867
Birthplace Waukesha, [Genessee County], Wisconsin
Birth Year (Estimated) 1868
Burial Date 11 Jul 1938
Burial Place Goshen, Ind.
Father's Name William H. Kendrick
Father's Titles and Terms:
Father's Birthplace New York
Mother's Name Janet B. Mcallister
Mother's Titles and Terms:
Mother's Birthplace Scotland
Spouse's Name Dr. Frank H. Zinn
Spouse's Titles and Terms:
File Number fn 42883
GS Film number 2023611
Digital Folder Number 004121804
Image Number 01274

Citing this Record:
"Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 01 Feb 2014), Helen K Zinn, 08 Jul 1938; citing Canton, Stark, Ohio, reference fn 42883; FHL microfilm 2023611. 
11832 I41347  Kendrick  Marcia Lynne  27 Oct 1943  25 Jun 1987  The Texas Birth Index shows her as a daughter of Vivianne KINNE  STR06 
11833 I30661  Kendrick  Newton Samuel  15 Oct 1812  7 Sep 1880  Did he marry later in life to an Emeline [Unknown], a few years his senior?  STR06 
11834 I30661  Kendrick  Newton Samuel  15 Oct 1812  7 Sep 1880  (Research):

Census Listings:

1860 Census
Wisconsin, Genesee County, Waukesha, PO South Genesee
Enumerated 20 Jun 1860
Page 70
Wm. Kendrick 31 M Farmer 5500 1400 New York
Jennie Kendrick 26 F Scotland
Willie Kendrick 6 M Wisconsin
Agnes Kendrick 2 F Wisconsin
Granville McFarland 14 M Maine
Abigail Kendrick 69 F New York
George Spencer 18 M Farm laborer New York
Newton Kendrick 47 N Farmer 9000 2000 New Hampshire
Emeline Kendrick 50 F New York
Mary Stringer F New York
George Bradley 14 M Wisconsin 
11835 I45179  Kendrick  R. O.  20 Dec 1915  31 Aug 1983  His FindAGrave memorial page, created by Carmelita Andrews Rhodes, shows he was a son of Hill Henry Kendrick (FAG # 83195282) and Ela Frances Holcombe (# 83195207). The following biographical information is copied from FindAGrave as well:

Service: September 1, 1983, Gipson Funeral Home Chapel
Officiate: Dr Charles McIlveene
Buril: Garden of Memories Memorial Park
Age: 67
Residence: Lufkin, Texas, since 1931
Occupation: Structural foreman for Lufkin Industries for 38 years
Military: U S Army during WW II
Member: First Baptist Church

Wife, Kathryn
Son and daughter-in-law, Johnny and Jean
Daughter and son-in-law, Kathie and Jerry Duty
Brother, Troy
Sisters, Vera Adams and Hazel Duke
Three grandchildren

Gipson Funeral Home, directors 
11836 I30664  Kendrick  William Henry  27 Aug 1828  Yes, date unknown  (Research):

Census Listings:

1860 Census
Wisconsin, Genesee County, Waukesha, PO South Genesee
Enumerated 20 Jun 1860
Page 70
Wm. Kendrick 31 M Farmer 5500 1400 New York
Jennie Kendrick 26 F Scotland
Willie Kendrick 6 M Wisconsin
Agnes Kendrick 2 F Wisconsin
Granville McFarland 14 M Maine
Abigail Kendrick 69 F New York
George Spencer 18 M Farm laborer New York
Newton Kendrick 47 N Farmer 9000 2000 New Hampshire
Emeline Kendrick 50 F New York
Mary Stringer F New York
George Bradley 14 M Wisconsin 
11837 I24002               
11838 I13013  Kennedy  Edward Milner  10 Oct 1879    Said to be a son of Edward Moore KENNEDY and Idella J. ROLAND.

When he registered for the draft during the First World War, he was shown as farming from himself. He was of medium heigth and slender, with brown hair and eyes. He was living in Kerr County, Texas. His nearest relative was listed as daughter, Idella Kennedy.
11839 I13013  Kennedy  Edward Milner  10 Oct 1879    (Research):

Census Listings:

1910 Census
Texas, Angelina, JP 6
Enumerated 10 and 11 May 1910
SD 2 ED 8 Sheet 19B
Kennedy, Edwar M Head M W 29 m1 5 Ala Ala Ga Farmer
Kennedy, Willie M Wf F W 28 m1 5 3/3 Tx Tx Tx
Kennedy, Eddie O Dtr F W 4 S Tx Tx Tx
Kennedy, Gracie J Dtr F W 2 S Tx Tx Tx
Kennedy, Idella Dtr F W 0/12 S Tx Tx Tx
Kennedy, Edward M Head M W 77 m2 30 Tn NC NC Farmer
Kennedy, Idella Wf F W 47 m1 30 8/8 Ga US US
Kennedy, Lena Dtr F W 19 S Tx Tn Ga Farm Laborer
Kennedy, Mamie Dtr F W 16 S Tx Tn Ga Farm Laborer
Kennedy, Benton Son M W 13 S Tx Tn Ga Farm laborer
Kennedy, Etta Dtr F W 11 S Tx Tn Ga Farm Laborer
Kennedy, Cooper Son M W 8 S Tx Tn Ga Farm Laborer

1920 Census
Texas, Hidalgo County, Pr. 1
Enumerated 10 and 12 Feb 1920
SD 15 ED 61 Sheet 5A
Kennedy, Edward Head M W 39 Wd Ala USA Ga
Kennedy, Eddie Dtr F W 13 Tx Ala Tx
Kennedy, Gracie Dtr F W 12 Tx Ala Tx
Kennedy, Della Dtr F W 9 Tx Ala Tx
Kennedy, Millie Dtr F W 6 Tx Ala Tx
Kennedy, Edella Mother F W 46 Md Ga Ga Ga
Kennedy, Lena Sister F W 26 S Tx Ga Ga
Kennedy, Benton Brother M W 24 S Tx Gas Ga Farm Laborer

11840 I30325  Kennedy  Elizabeth  21 Oct 1860  6 Nov 1940  Judy Willis writes that "After Pierce H's death in 1899, I believe Elizabeth (Kennedy) married Pierce's brother Charles (3/6/1855 New York, NY to 1/14/1907 Little Rock, AR). This scenario is based on the 1900 census - Little Rock, AR, ED 71 - which lists a Charles Paudert, wife Bolt, son Eddie, and daughter Annie M. By the 1910 census, Elizabeth is a widow.

Let me know if you locate anything different on these marriages. This is the only scenario that makes sense based on what I've found during my research. I can only guess that "Bolt" was a nickname since her DOB and Elizabeth's match.

Not to add confusion to this BUT Pierce H. was first married to Ada Florine Crenshaw (10/22/1865 TN to 3/15/1934 TN). They had a daughter: Henrice D. Paudert "Hennie" (1/28/1899 to 12/3/1966). I know Hennie was born in TN and died in Memphis." 
11841 I47649  Kennedy  George Ernest  7 Sep 1897  23 Jul 1980  (Research):

Census Listings:

1940 Federal census
Texas, Nacogdoches County, Nacogdoches, JP 1
SD 7 ED 174-1 Sheet 22B
Enumerated May 3, 1940
Tucker Street
438 R 27.5
Kennedy, George E Head M W 40 M Graduated Sixth Grade Owner Retail Jewelry
Kennedy, Lucy Wf F W 34 M High School-4 years
Kennedy, Louis H Son M W 12 S In Sixth Grade
Kennedy, Lucy Marie Dtr F W 9 S Tx In Fourth Grade
Kennedy, Georg Son M W 5 S not in School
(All of the above family members reported having lived in rural San Augustine, TX in 1935)Haden, Maiden Sister-in-law F W 43 S Gread 4 Tx Longview Rural
11842 I39254  Kennedy  John Marcus  Abt 1870  Yes, date unknown  "It was stated in a book written by Genelle McDaniel that Mary Bell Dyer the young widow of John Marcus Kennedy was on the way to texas when a young man named Elbert McLemore (?) Metand (?)married Her so it looks like John Kennedy Died in Tennessee and Mary Bell Dyer Kennedy McLemore went on to texas "


This appears to be supported by the 1880 census, in which Bell Kennedy is listed as widowed, and living with Vola and Oley in the home of her in-laws in Monroe County, Tennessee. In 1900, she is remarried to Elbert McLemore and they are living in Fisher County, Texas, again with Vola and Oley.

It is possible, however, that Bell and John Marcus Kennedy simply divorced, as some researchers believe this listing, shown on FindAGrave, could be attributable to John Marcus Kennedy. The dates are Oct 4, 1869 to 6 Jan 1899.

11843 I39254  Kennedy  John Marcus  Abt 1870  Yes, date unknown  (Research):Said to be the son of William Marcus Kennedy II and Chelnessy Barnett of Tennessee.  STR06 
11844 I18815  Kennedy  Mary H.  Abt 1847  Yes, date unknown  Likely the daughter of Hugh S. and Agnes A. Kennedy first listed int he 1860 census for the Parish. (Casagranda, 1850 Census, 100).  STR06 
11845 I39255  Kennedy  Vola F.  5 Aug 1895  7 Dec 1980  Said to have married James Author WIGGINS.  STR06 
11846 I27318  Kennedy  Vona Ailene  Aft 1915  Abt 1945  The daughter of Willis Pinkney KENNEDY and Ella Ophelia LOVELL. (The Heritage of Lauderdale County, Alabama, p. 346). Willis was a son of Simpson KENNEDY and Georgiana Pearl LEATHERWOOD, for whom a more complete biography can be found in the same book, pages 291 and 292.  STR06 
11847 I42121               
11848 I7756  Kenny  Elender  1802  Aft 1880  On Brenda Eliott's webpage, (http://www/, Joseph's wife is shown as Eleanor McKenny(Kenny). It is noted that she was born in 1802. On the Rootsweb WorldConnect Project: Latest family tree update prepared by Yvonne Ramsell Simonson (, it is shown and Eleanor McKenney was born in the USA to Irish parents.

The only other family with the surname Kenny listed on the 1850 Rappahannock County, VA census was 48 year old Sylvanus Kenny, who was married to a 37 year old woman named Ann. This apparently was a second marriage, as his oldest child was 27 year old George W Kenny. There are 10 other children listed in his family. (Family 170). Living two homes away is 26 year old George W. Kenny with his 26 year old wife Susan. Was George W. listed in both households? Or were there two George W. Kenny's approximately the same age? Could Sylvanus have been Ellen's brother, perhaps even her twin as their ages are shown as the same? I noted that Sylvanus himself had twin sons, 16 year old John and Robert.

Becky Asif found the following database online: It shows Andrew Kenney having 2 daughters Eliza(1802) and Elender(1807).

She also found a marriage record of Sylvanus and Ann KENNY, as follows: SALVANUS KENNY ANN HEFLIN 12 January 1825 Fauquier

Other KENNY's that were married in Fauquier:

DANIEL BERRYMAN RUTHA KENNY 24 November 1821 Fauquier

Becky Asif also found the following, posted by George V. Hilburn to the Kenny Family Genealogy Forum. She speculates Eloiza and Ellender might be the same person.

Kenny-Stadler Connection

The following is meant to show the connection between the three KENNY children (Eloiza, Sylvanus, & Richard) and Jacob STADLER. In the first part, monies were to be collected from the sale of slaves with the proceeds to be divided between the complainants and the defendants. The second is the actual appraisal to the court of the slaves. The third is the carrying out of the dispersal of some of the monies to the defendants (the minor children). In the third part is the phrase "grandfather's estate" instead of the name "Jacob STADLER."

It is believed that Jacob STADLER is not a blood grandfather, but one by marriage. A HORTON was probably the actual grandfather, but was dead by this time. Here is the reason why.
In the will of William KERNES, one of his daughters is referred to Elizabeth STADLER, wife of Jacob STADLER. There is also a reference in the KERNES will to his grandson, Benjamin HORTON. As the mother of the KENNY children was a HORTON (marriage lisence), and STADLER is referred to as a grandfather, it is safe to assume that Elizabeth KERNES STADLER was previously married to a HORTON. An unconfirmed source has this HORTON as Benjamin HORTON, born 1750 in Stafford Co, VA.

1818-1819, LDS FILM #0,031,622
(handwritten, no index, & no page nos.)

This day came the complainants by this(?) attorney & filed their bill and also the defendants Benjamin, Eliza, and Mary HORTON, and filed their answer ? and on the Mo: of the compls the defendant Benjamin HORTON is appointed guardian of the defendant Eloiza KENNY, and Mary HORTON is appointed guardian to the Defts Sylvanus and Richard KENNY to defend them in this suit-who thereupon by their said guardians filed their answers-and by consent of parties the cause came (?) to be heard upon the bill. Answers the will of Jacob STADLER dec'd upon consideration. Whereof the court doth assign, order, and decree that the commissioners herein named sell upon a credit of twelve months the slaves in the bill mentioned upon advertising the time and place of sale at least thirty days previous thereto in the Palladium of Liberty presented in the town Warrenton-taking bond with approved slaves from the purchases and divide the proceeds thereof between the compls & defts according to the will of the dec'd Jacob STADLER in the proceedings mentioned upon the compts & defendants-giving bond with satisfactory security to the defendant Benjamin HORTON-??? ??? with the wife ??? of the said Jacob STADLER dec'd conditioned to save his ???? from all ???? of money which may hereafter be recovered against lien as ??? aforesaid-and Joseph D. SMITH, Benjamin GEORGE, Augustine SMITH Sr?-or any two of them are appointed commissioners to carry this decree into effect and make report thereof to this court in order to a final decree.

II. Virginia, Fauquier Co, Will Book 7, pg 305
LDS Film #0,031,568

Fauquier County, 8th June 1819
We, Augustine SMITH, Ja's D SMITH, and Benjamin GEORGE, being first sworn, have proceeded ???? to an order of court to us directed to appraise the estate of Jacob STADLER, dec'd shown to us by Benjamin HORTON, the adm. Viz

One negro woman named Fanny? $350
One negro boy named George 500
One negro girl named Susan 200
Total: $1050

Given from under our hands & seals this the day above written
Augustine SMITH, James D SMITH, Benjamin GEORGE
At a court held for Fauquier County the 26th day of July 1819
This inventory and appraisement of the estate of Jacob STADLER, dec'd, was return into court and ordered to be recorded. Teste Daniel WITHERS

VOL 8-10
FILM #0,031,569
VOL 10, page 247

Eloiza? KENNY infant of Andrew KENNY on acct with Mary HORTON her guardian
February payment made as received?
By her proportion of her grandfather's estate agreeable to his will due
16th Oct 1820 13th Dec 1823 Sylvanus KENNY infant as aforesaid on acct with Mary HORTON his guardian
March 16
By his proportion of his grandfather's estate
16 Oct 1820 to 16 Mar 1824

Aug 2 Sylvanus KENNY
Richard KENNY infant as aforesaid to Mary Horton his guardian
Oct 16
By his proportion of grandfather's estate due 16th Oct 1820
Pursuant to the annexed order of Fauquier County Court and the
Annexed notices to the parties we the undersigned commissioners
Have stated and settled the accounts of Mary HORTON guardian of
Eloiza KENNY, Sylvanus KENNY, and Richard KENNY find her charges
By proper vouchers given under our hands at ???? this 15th Sep 1827
A Blackwell
Rodham ????
Wm Thompson

At a court held for Fauquier County on the 22nd day of Oct 1827
This account and ???? was returned and ordered to be sixty days
For ???? options---and a court held for said county on the 24th day
Of Dec 1827. The same was confirmed and ordered to be recorded.
John AW Smith, (title) 
11849 I39872  Kenny  Lloyd Charles  24 May 1917  11 May 1964
Name: Lloyd Charles Kenny
Death Date: 11 May 1964
Death Place: Houston, Harris, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: White
Death Age: 46 years
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 24 May 1917
Birthplace: Houston, Texas
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Doris V. Kenny
Father's Name: Walter Irving Kenny
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Henrietta Sohmer
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Telephone Repairman
Place of Residence: Houston, Harris, Texas
Cemetery: Woodlawn Garden of Memories
Burial Place: Houston, Texas
Burial Date: 13 May 1964
Additional Relatives: X
Film Number: 2117486
Digital Film Number: 4028427
Image Number: 1847
Reference Number: v X cn 30290
Collection: Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976 
11850 I31511  Kenny  Walter Irving  19 Nov 1892  5 May 1958
Name: Walter Irving Kenny
Death Date: 05 May 1958
Death Place: Houston, Harris, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: White
Death Age: 65 years
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 19 Nov 1892
Birthplace: Nebraska
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Lloyd Kenny
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Mondana Mallory
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Cable Tester Phone
Place of Residence: Houston, Harris, Texas
Cemetery: Woodlawn
Burial Place: Houston, Texas
Burial Date: 07 May 1958
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2115363
Digital Film Number: 4163853
Image Number: 1962
Reference Number: 27799
Collection: Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976 
11851 I31451               
11852 I44611  Kensler  E. Neil  Abt 1925  Abt 1945  His FindAGrave memorial, created by Jim Cox, shows that he was a "TM 3/c USNR -- Lost at Sea" These notations are also inscribed on the headstone he shares with his mother and brother.  STR06 
11853 I12579  Kensler  Fred Barton  25 Apr 1887  28 Jun 1964  Dean Cramer shows that he died in Mathews, Mathews County, Virginia.  STR06 
11854 I44612  Kensler  John Thomas  11 Dec 1922  15 Dec 1922  His FindAGrave memorial, created by Jim Cox, shows that he was a "son of Ray Kensler and Alma Maxwell." Source: Whitley County, IN Death Records  STR06 
11855 I6765  Kensler  John Wesley  8 Aug 1859  19 Apr 1929  (Research):

Census Listings:

1900 Census
Ohio, Van Wert County, Ridge Township
Enumerated 27 Jun 1900
SD 4 ED 30 Sheet 14B
Kensler, Thomas Head W M Mar 1828 72 Wd Oh Pa Oh Farm Manager
Kensler, John Son W M Aug 1859 M 15 Oh Oh NY Farmer
Kensler, Irene Dtr-in-law W F May 1857 43 m 14 5/5 Oh Pa Oh
Kensler, Fred B Son W M Apr 1887 13 S Oh Oh Oh Farm Laborer
Kensler, Ray L Son M W Mug 1888 12 S Oh Oh Oh Farm Laborer
Kensler, Wilber C Son W M Feb 1890 10 S Oh Oh Oh
Kensler, Thomas T Son W M Mar 1892 8 S Oh Oh Oh
Kensler, Hassie/Harrie Son Jun 1894 S Oh Oh Oh
11856 I42635  Kensler  Ray Lawrence  22 May 1888  16 Dec 1955  His FindAGrave memorial page, created by "corgilover" notes that he was a "Pvt, US Army" and buried in the Dayton National Cemetery.  STR06 
11857 I42635  Kensler  Ray Lawrence  22 May 1888  16 Dec 1955  (Research):
Census Listings:

1940 Census
Indiana, Allen County, Wayne Township, Fort Wayne, Block 611-618
Enumerated April 7, 1940
SD 4 ED 94-104 Sheet # B
Kensler, Ray L Head M W 51 M No H-4 Ind (sic) Same House Laborer Road Construction
Kensler, Alma Wf F W 52 M No X Ind Same House
Kensler, Leanor Dtr F W 16 S Yes H-2 Ind Same House
Kensler, Neil Son M W 14 S Yes 8 Ind Same House 
11858 I48068  Kent  James  22 Oct 1917  24 Nov 2001  He was living with his wife and her parents, and younger sister, at the time of the 1950 Federal Census for Franklin County, Mississippi. His occupation was listed as Operator Helper, Cycling plant.

His obituary was published in The Sun Herald, Biloxi, Mississippi on Sunday, November 25, 2021

James C. Kent, 84, died Saturday, Nov. 24, 2021, in Pascagoula.

Mr. Kent was born Oct. 22, 1917, in Meadville and had lived in Pascagoula since 1963. He retired from Chevron after 33 years and was a charter member and deacon at Ingalls Avenue Baptist Church in Pascagoula.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Hiram and Annie Kent; and three brothers, David Kent, Winfield Kent, and Willie Lee Kent.

Surivors include his wife, Bernice Kent of Pascagoula; a daughter, Kay Jones of Pascagoula; a son, Ronnie Kent of Hattiesburg; five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Serives will be at 3 pm today at O'Bryant-O'Keefe Funeral Home in Pascagoula where friends may cal two hours before service time. Burial will be in Jackson County Memorial Park. 
11859 I39709  Kent  Sarah  Abt 1849  10 Oct 1914  #: 0351087
Name: Strong, Sarah Kent
Date: October 10, 1914
Source: Source unknown; Cleveland Necrology File, Reel #078.
Notes: Strong-Sarah Kent, 74 Bender ave., East Cleveland. Funeral at residence Saturday, Oct. 10, at 1:30 p. m. Burial private. 
11860 I30410               
11861 I29795               
11862 I35230               
11863 I29790  Kercher  Charles Russell  1 Feb 1910  6 Oct 1996  At the time of the 1930 Federal census, he was a lodger in Marvin & Lamont, Carbon County, Wyoming, working as a Gas Man in the Oil Fields (ED 4-7, SD 5, Sheet 2A, Line 3).

This is his listing on the SSDI:

CHARLES R KERCHER 01 Feb 1910 06 Oct 1996 (V) 48634 (Linwood, Bay, MI ) (none specified) 443-01-3496 Oklahoma

11864 I29697  Kercher  Erwin W.  5 Sep 1888  14 Nov 1955  Cass City Chronicle, 30 Aug 1907

Local Items

Ervin W. Kaercher, who has been employed in the Chronicle office for nearly a year, left Monday morning for Detroit, where he has secured employment. Ervln has made a large number of friends during his stay in Cass City and all join in wishing him success in his new venture. Wm. Schwain of Pigeon is now employed in the Chronicle office.

Robert Carlson writes that "In the 1910 census, Erwin was recorded as Ervin Karecher, and I suspect his birth name was probably Ervin Kaercher or Karecher. The spelling Karecher was used in a lot of documents of the family in Canada, but on the gravestones the spelling is Kaercher. "

According to his obituary, he worked at the Cass City Chronicle for 43 years, starting in 1909, leaving the paper in 1952 when his wife became ill. After her death, he worked part time in various Thumb newspaper plants, helping out during peak periods, in addition to maintaining his own printing establishment in the village of Cass City. He was survived by son Charles of Linwood, Lt. Col. Ferris Kercher in Japan and Capt. Gerald Kercher in Germany; a brother Clarence Kercher of Owosso; nine grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. 
11865 I29698  Kercher  Ferris A.  30 Apr 1916  5 Oct 2007  Volume 5 of the Striffler-Benkelman Broadcast, dated September 1, 1941, noted that Lt. Ferris Kercher of the 10th infantry spent six weeks this summer on manuevers in Tennessee. At that time he was as an instructor in classes at Fort Custer, Michigan.

Cass City Chronicle
Friday, May 4, 1945
Local Happenings, Page Four

Captain Ferris Kercher, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Kercher arrived home Saturday and on Monday evening a group of relatives helped him celebrate his birthday at a dinner given in his honor. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham and son, Ferris, of Caro, Mr. and Mrs. William Joos, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jezewski and two children, and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Joos and son, all of Cass City.

In the STRIFFLER-BENKELMAN BROADCAST, Volume 9, September 2, 1946, in a column titled "Still in the Service of the U.S.A.", it was noted that Capt. Ferris A. Kercher has been commissioned in the regular army and is located at Fort Sam Houston Camp, San Antonio, Texas. Volume 10 of the same periodical reports that Capt. and Mrs. Kercher had moved to Fort Benning where the Captain will attend Officers' Training School for ten months. Volume 11 reported he was an instructor in the Army School at Fort Benning.

In Volume 14 of the same periodical, dated September 1951, it was noted that he had been transferred from Fort Benning to Leavenworth, Kansas, where he would be attending school for a year. Volume 15, published in September 1952, noted he had graduated from Fort Leavenworth in June, and that he and his family spent a week in July with his parents in Cass City. They were on their way to their new home in Presidio, Monterey, California, where they would reside for a year while Major Kercher would attend school to learn the Japanese language. In Volume 16 of the Broadcast, it was reported that he had left of Toyko in August, with his family living in Grand Rapids, planning to join him at a later date. As of the 1959 publication date of Volume 22, he was stationed in Turkey.

Volume 26 of the STIFFLER-BENKELMAN BROADCAST, published on September 5, 1966, reported that he was working for the State Employment office in Sacramento, California. 
11866 I29699  Kercher  Gerald Frederick  9 Jan 1924  21 Aug 2011  In the STRIFFLER-BENKELMAN BROADCAST, Volume 9, September 2, 1946, in a column titled "Still in the Service of the U.S.A.", it was noted that Lt. Gerald Kercher went to Germany in the middle of July. He recently was transferred to Naples, Italy. His wife expects to go as soon as possible. As of the publication date of Volume 18, on September 5, 1955, he and his family were located in Wiesbaden, Germany. As of the 1959 publication date of Volume 22, he was being transfered to Stewart Field, West Point, Annapolis. In Volume 26 it was reported that he had retired from the Air Force after 23 years of service and was associated with the brokerage firm of Goodbody and Company in New London, Conn.

Waterford - On Sunday afternoon, Aug. 21, 2011, Gerald Frederick Kercher slipped the surly bonds of earth, put out his hand, and touched the face of God. He died at home in Quaker Hill as he wished.

Gerald, the third of three sons of Erwin W. and Amanda (Muck) Kercher, was born on June 9, 1924, in Cass City, Mich. He graduated from Cass City High School in 1942 and married his high school sweetheart, Frances Elizabeth Koepfgen, in 1945 at the "Little Church Around the Corner" in New York City. She died in 1993.

Gerald's interests were many and varied. From his first job after high school as a coal passer on the Great Lakes Steamship Cygnus to enlisting in the U.S. Army Air Corps, Gerald's love of his country was surpassed only by the love for his family.

During World War II, Gerald flew the B26 Martin Marauder In European and North African campaigns, as a member of the 320th Bomb Group. He was especially proud of his service during the Berlin Air Lift when he dropped thousands of pounds of food and medical supplies to the German people.

Following World War II, Gerald served as the base legal officer in Munich, Germany. Over the next 20 years, the Air Force took Gerald to Texas, Saudi Arabia, Pennsylvania, and back to Germany where he served as an agent in the Office of Special Investigation, working with Belgium and Luxemburg police. He completed his careerat bases inMassachusetts and New York. Just prior to his retirement from the Air Force in 1965, Gerald flew C-123 cargo planes, ferrying personnel and cargo to Vietnam. He retired as a major and began a very different 20-year career as a commodities broker in New London, working for Goodbody & Co., which later merged with Merrill Lynch.

In his retirement, Gerald volunteered enthusiastically for Southeastern Hospice for 18 years, stopping only in the past few weeks. He was also a tutor for Literacy Volunteers and volunteered his driving services for the American Red Cross and the local food pantry. He served as a delightful toastmaster for the First Wednesday Club and was known for his recitations and spirited singing. He was an enthusiastic member of Shortwave Radio International, attending their many conferences with special friends around the world. He was a life long Detroit Tigers fan and died happily knowing that his team was in first place. Devoted to his faith, Gerald was a member of the Safe Harbor Assembly of God Church in Uncasville.

Left behind to cherish his memory are his six children and their families, Susan and Abraham Chamie, Philip and Jet Kercher, Andrew and Wendy Kercher, Matthew Kercher, Amanda Kercher and David Weinraub, and Caroline and Craig Thurston. He was very proud of his 13 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. He joins in heaven a dear granddaughter, Kathryn Frances Kercher.

Visitation hours will be from 4 to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 24, at the Thomas L. Neilan & Sons Funeral Home, 12 Ocean Ave., New London. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. on Thursday, Aug. 25, at Harkness Chapel, Connecticut College.

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Hospice Southestern Connecticut, 227 Dunham St., Norwich CT 06360. 
11867 I30450               
11868 I30426  Kercher  John Henry  2 Nov 1859  28 Mar 1948  Cass City Chronicle
Friday, April 2, 1948
Volume 42, Number 49.
Page One.

John H. Kercher Died Sunday at Age of 88 Years

John H. Kercher, 88, passed away in an Owosso hospital on Sunday night where he had been a patient for four days. he had been in failing health for several weeks.

Funeral services were held int he Douglas Funeral Home on Thursday afternoon. Rev. Stanley P. Kirn, pastor of the Evangelical United Brethren Church of Cass City, of which Mr. Kercher was a member, was the officiating clergyman. Interment was made in the Colfax cemetery at Bad Axe.

John Henry Kercher was born November 2, 1859, at Sebringville, Ontario, and married Miss Louisa MERKLINGRE at Milverton, Ontario, March 9, 1886. In 1887, they came to Elkton, Michigan, which at that time only had two houses, both roughly hewn. He built a residence there in the fall of '87, and engaged in carpenter work, erecting many houses and large barns in and around Elkton and Pigeon.

After nine years, he returned to make Canada his home where he lived for five years and worked in a large furniture factory. In 1901, he again decided to make Michigan his home and came back to Elkton. He built seven different residences in and near Elkton which he sold.

He constructed the first Evangelical Church in Elkton in 1888, and rebuilt it it 1898. In 1918, it was destroyed by fire and he again helped to rebuild it as it now stands. He served as usher in the church for many years.

On August 25, 1929, Mrs. Kercher died after 4 1/2 years of illness from a stroke. Mr. Kercher came to Cass City that fall and has since made his home with his son Erwin W., here and with another son, C.G. Kercher, at Owosso.

Mr. Kercher carried on this trade as carpenter and cabinet maker well past his 80th birthday and spent many hours each day in a shop at the rear of his son's residence in Cass City.

Mr. Kercher is survived by two sons, Erwin W. Kercher of Cass City and Clarence G. Kercher of Owosso; six grandsons, Charles Kercher of Bay City, Capt. Ferris Kercher of Columbus, Ga., Lt. Gerald Kercher stationed at Munich, Germany, Harold and Richard Kercher of Owosso, and Robert Kercher of Flint; six great grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Andrew Eckmeyer, and three, nephews, Wesley, George and Gordon Strasser, and a niece, Hilda Strasser, of Stratford, Ont.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, February 15) 
11869 I30426  Kercher  John Henry  2 Nov 1859  28 Mar 1948  (Research):Census Information:

Name: John Karercher
[John Karescher]
Age in 1910: 48 [49]
Estimated birth year: abt 1862 [abt 1861]
Birthplace: Canada
Relation to Head of House: Head
Father's Birth Place: Canada
Mother's Birth Place: Canada
Spouse's name: Louise {birthplace Canada}
Home in 1910: Oliver, Huron, Michigan {Village of Elkton}
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Male
Year of Immigration: 1885
{Occupation: Carpenter}
Household Members: Name Age
John Karercher 48
Louise Karercher 43
Clarence Karercher 15

(Courtesy of Robert Carlson) 
11870 I35216               
11871 I31520               
11872 I30404               
11873 I29792               
11874 I46625  Kern  Arthur E.  2 Dec 1900  12 Aug 1982  His FindAGrave memorial page, created by Carmian, links him to his parents William Jacob Kern and Alice Emiline Peacock.  STR06 
11875 I3452  Kerr  Charlie Denton  4 Apr 1903  19 Mar 1976  In the book "A Pictorial History of Sabine County, Texas," Denton Kerr is pictured as a teacher at the Rosevine School circa 1925 through 1929. A fellow teacher was Bertha Fuller, step sister to his future wife, Alice Pointer. Joe S. Fuller, Alice's stepbrother appeared to be a student in the class. Joe was also in a carpentry shop class with Denton and his brother S.A. Kerr.

His Texas Death Certificate, viewable online at, Texs Deaths, 1890-1976, shows that he was married at the time of his death, and that the informant was Mrs. Denton Kerr. This is apparently a second wife, as Edna Alice Pointer preceded him in deaht by three years. He was listed as a Physician, and a veteran serving during the World War II. His residence, at the time of his death, was 4730 Creekbend.

Sharon Haynes emailed, in July 2013, that CHARLES Denton Kerr served in the Army 9 Nov 1942 to 23 April 1946; separated as a Major; served as Medical Officer General Surgery; last stationed SAD AAFPDC San Antonio, TX. He married MILDRED MARY MARQUES on 12 Feb 1975 in Alvin, Brazoria County, TX.
11876 I1193  Kerr  Eunice  5 May 1899  5 Nov 1965  Married to Louvenia, born ca 1898 in Texas. The trasncription of the Rosevine Cemetery instead shows his wife as Lavenure, 7 May 1897-23 Oct 1973.  STR06 
11877 I1197  Kerr  Jewel  20 Aug 1904  9 May 2004  Appears to be listed as daughter Jessie born circa 1905 according to the 1920 Sabine County Census? Jewel married to a Drawhorn. There were two Drawhorn families living next to the family of Stephen Austin Kerr on the 1920 Sabine County census. The Kerr's were household #280. Household #279 were James and Mary Drawhorn, parents of three sons, Elva, Otha and Casey, and one daughter, Florence. Additionally, Household #282 consisted of newleyweds, Ira B and Rosa L Drawhorn, with their newborn son Ira B. Drawhorn, Jr.

San Augustine Tribune
Thursday, May 13, 2004

Sabine County Reporter
May 12, 2004

Jewel Drawhorn, of Rosevine, beloved wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, passed away in San Augustine at Twin Lakes Care Center on May 9, 2004. Jewel spent her life as a devoted wife and homemaker for her family she loved so much. Jewel was born in Rosevine on August 20, 1904 as the daughter of Stephen Austin Kerr, Sr. and Florence Kerr. She attended public school in Rosevine where she met her husband of fifty-eight years, Elvie E. Drawhorn. Elvie died on August 5, 1978.

Jewel was a member of the Rosevine Baptist Church. She was a longtime member of the Church Sewing Circle which was recognized for their devotion to supporting the church by designing and making quilts for sale to the public. She truly enjoyed her membership in this group and served as chairwoman for many years.

Survivors include daughters: Jaunice WARE and husband, Billy Ray, of Huntsville; and Geraldine BLACKSTOCK and husband, Clifton of Lumberton, and their children, John BLACKSTOCK of Lumberton and Marianne DIVELY of Houston; son Paul D. DRAWHORN, and wife Aline of Nacogdoches and their children, Donna KASZYNSKI of Houston and Danny DRAWHORN of WInnie and Ricky K. DRAWHORN of Scotts Mills, Oregon; seven great-grandchildren; and three step great-grandchildren.

Her dedication to her friends, her church and her family will be fondly remembered by those who knew her. Services were held at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 1, 2004 in the Rosevine Baptist Church with Bro. Cliff Durham officiating. Interment followed at Rosevine Cemetery.

Pallbearers were G.W. PEOPLES, Danny DRAWHORN, Michael DIVELY, John BLACKSTOCK, Jimmy WESTMORELAND and Gary DAVIDSON. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Rosevine Cemetery in care of Becky Michalec, Rt. 2, Box 343, San Augustine, Texas 75972. 
11878 I1194  Kerr  Lessie Leola  3 Sep 1906  27 Sep 1973  Name: Lessie Leola Birdwell
Death Date: 27 Sep 1973
Death Place: Texas
Gender: Female
Death Age: 67 years
Estimated Birth Date: 1906
Birth Date:
Marital Status:
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Stephen Austin Kerr
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Florence Page
Mother's Birthplace:
Informant: Estes J. Birdwell (by phone)
Occupation: Housewife
Place of Residence: 13649 Reeveston Road, Houston
Cemetery: Rosevine Cemetery
Burial Place: Rosevine Texas
Burial Date:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2242914
Digital Film Number: 4168751
Image Number: 1837
Reference Number: 1849
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
11879 I1194  Kerr  Lessie Leola  3 Sep 1906  27 Sep 1973  (Medical):See attached sources.  STR06 
11880 I1195  Kerr  Lou T.  15 Oct 1908  2 Nov 1997  The Sabine County Reporter
November 5, 1997, Page 14

Lou T. Baldree

Lou T. Kerr Baldree, 89, of San Augustine died Sunday, Nov. 2, 1997, at Memorial Medical Center in San Augustine.

She was born Nov. (sic?) 15, 1908, in Sabine County as a daughter of the late S. A. and Florence (Page) Kerr and was a member of the Rosevine Church of God. Mrs. Baldree was a homemaker.

Survivors: three daughters and sons-in-law, Wilma and Jack Hinson and Lucene and Jimmy Westmoreland, all of Groves, and Jeanette and Gary Davidson of San Augustine; a sister, Jewel Drawhorn of San Augustine; nine granchildren; and 21 great-grandchildren.

Funeral services were held at 3 p.m. Monday, Nov. 3, at Rosevine Church of God in Rosevine with Bro. Floyd Wright officiating. Interment was a Rosevine Cemetery with Tom Bowser, Greg Hinson, David Davidson, Frank Breuer, Danny Breaus, and Steve Noble serving as pallbearers.

Arrangements were handled by Wyman Roberts Funeral Directors in San Augustine.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, March 2011) 
11881 I1191  Kerr  Oscar Drayton  19 Jan 1913  20 Jun 1963  Little Hope Cemetery, Jasper Co. TX complied by Norman Stewart Martindale and Bernice Marshall Byerly Martindale Submitted with permission by John Johnson

(f) Stephen Austin Kerr
(m) Florence Paige
(s) Laura Lanier

His Texas Death Certificate, viewable online at, Texs Deaths, 1890-1976, shows that he was married at the time of his death, and that the informant was Mrs. O. D. Kerr. His usual occupation was shown as Insurance Agent. 
11882 I1191  Kerr  Oscar Drayton  19 Jan 1913  20 Jun 1963  (Medical):See attached sources.  STR06 
11883 I23628  Kerr  Robert Denton  15 Jan 1941  22 Sep 1991  U. S. Veterans Gravesites on shows that he served: AX2 US Navy, Vietnam, with his service start date being 8 Oct 1964, and was buried at the Houston National Cemetery. Sharon Haynes instead shows he was interred at the Earthman Resthaven Cemetery, Houston, TX.

11884 I1192  Kerr  Roy C.  13 Feb 1897  28 Jan 1946  His Texas Death Certificate, viewable online at, Texs Deaths, 1890-1976, shows that he was married at the time of his death, and that the informant was Mrs. Grace Kerr. His usual occupation was listed as that of a Minister of the Gospel. He was buried at West Hill.  STR06 
11885 I1192  Kerr  Roy C.  13 Feb 1897  28 Jan 1946  (Medical):See attached sources.  STR06 
11886 I46798  Kerr  Stephanie  4 May 1941  11 Jun 2016  Stephanie Kerr Smither, "Nana" will be remembered for her beautiful smile, loving her family, the marriage to her childhood sweetheart, inventive cooking, and always being the last to leave the party! She surrounded herself friends and beautiful objects, was wildly adventurous, fun loving, gracious and a courageous lady. Nana will be remembered for her big hugs, which she gave generously. Nana passed away June 11, 2016 at home surrounded by family and wearing her favorite turquoise rings.

Stephanie was born in Jacksonville, Texas, to Frankie Zou Gaston and Stephen Austin ("S.A.") Kerr, May 4, 1941. Raised in Huntsville, Texas where her parents founded Kerr's Department Store; she spent her days helping to run the store with the daddy she loved. As a young girl she learned the piano, enjoyed baseball and fell in love with her childhood sweetheart - John Henderson Smither. Their favorite place to "park" was Pritchett Pasture, now Interstate 45, where she helped John feed his cattle. Her sister Zou said, "it is hard to remember her before John!" They married while students at the University of Texas at Austin. John was in law school while Stephanie taught at the Texas School for the Deaf. Upon graduation, they moved to Stuttgart, Germany with their two children where John served in the Army. These were fond memories traveling Europe, in their VW bug with kids in the back. They settled in Houston and raised three children. Stephanie was active in the Blue Bird Circle, The Houston Garden Club and Westminster United Methodist Church, though what she enjoyed most was staying at home supporting John and her children with their endeavors.

Stephanie, a "sophisticated hoarder" or (consummate collector), was always on the hunt for handmade and one-of-a-kind objects. She was known for her bright orange lipstick and big jewelry, without which she felt underdressed. She was also known for her creative tablescapes, beautiful penmanship, and famous Smither Salsa. With her East Texas accent, someone said, "Stephanie was the only person she knew who said 'hush' in four syllables". At Christmas her house was filled with carved Santas, her tree covered in her handmade needlepoint angels and the smells of homemade fudge and peanut brittle on the stove. Nana stayed busy all year making the grandchildren's Christmas stockings and their annual needlepoint ornaments.

She and John loved hosting dinner parties and she delighted in cooking scrumptious gourmet meals. They always ended the evening with Stephanie playing the piano barefoot while John and their beloved supper club of 50 years sang into the wee hours. Stephanie thought if people left her house before midnight it was a bad party!

Her favorite activities included cheering for her grandchildren at sporting events, being a "mean" liar's dice player, taking her grandchildren to exotic places, playing Mah Jongg, and spending time with family and friends at Sunset Lake in Huntsville, Texas.
The family wishes to express their gratitude to her generous lung donor and his family, Houston Methodist Hospital, Dr. Scott Scheinin, Dr. Osama Gaber, Dr. Thomas Kaleekal, Sydney Bridges and the staff for their heroic effort over the last 2 ? years. She was able to fulfill her lifetime dream of overseeing the creation of Smither Park, gifting her art to The Menil Collection and completing a documentary about her years as a collector of Visionary Art. In addition, she was honored as one of Houston's 50 Most Influential Women of 2015 by Houston Woman Magazine and as the 2014 Texas Patron of the Year by Art League Houston.

We know Stephanie would also like to thank all the sweet supporters of Smither Park and the artists who were so dear to her. Thank you also to the staff at The Menil Collection who were so wonderful to work with on the current exhibition.

Stephanie felt blessed to spend her last two evenings at the celebration dinner and opening of her collection at The Menil. She was radiant and so touched by the public outpouring of support. Afterwards, family and friends returned to her home for her famous SmitherRitas. She had one last toast, retired to her room, and eased into her final slumber surrounded by family and friends with the joyous sounds of the party below.

She treasured her children and their spouses, John Kerr Smither, Ashley and Curt Langley, Paige and Todd Johnson, and her grandchildren who affectionately called her Nana: Amon Smither; Austin, Madison and Jack Langley; Wells, John David, Pierce, Hill and Blake Johnson; her sister and brother-in-law Zou Kerr and Boyd F. Cherry; sisters-in-law, Martha Smither and Trudie Smither, nieces and nephews, Robert Smither, III, Sallie Crotty, John J. Smither and Mary Kate Jefferies; great grand nieces and nephews Kate and Stephen Crotty and Cole Smither. She was preceded in death by her parents S.A. and Frankie Zou Kerr, her husband John H. Smither and two brothers-in-law Robert B. Smither, Jr. and Wilbur L. Smither, III.

The memorial service celebrating her life is Thursday, June 16th at 10 a.m. at St. Luke's United Methodist Church, 3471 Westheimer Rd, Houston, Texas. The graveside service will be held at 5:00 p.m. in Oakwood Cemetery located at 9th Street and Martin Luther King Drive in Huntsville, Texas. It was Stephanie's wish that everyone celebrate her life by wearing a bit of her favorite color, orange.

For those desiring, contributions in Stephanie's memory may be made to: Houston Methodist Hospital Foundation, P. O. Box 4384, Houston, TX 77210-4384 (in honor of Dr. Scott Scheinin for transplant research; Nora's Home for transplant patients and their families, 8300 El Rio St., Houston 77054, Smither Park, 2402 Munger, Houston, Texas 77004

Published in Houston Chronicle from June 15 to June 16, 2016
- See more at: 
11887 I1189  Kerr  Stephen Austin  Abt 1867  Abt 1944  Names of the children of Stephen Kerr are from a Family Photo in the Pictorial History of Sabine County, Texas, and from the 1920 Sabine County Census. There is one daughter listed in the photo that is not identified on the 1920 census, Viola. She was probably already married, or may have died young.  STR06 
11888 I1189  Kerr  Stephen Austin  Abt 1867  Abt 1944  (Research):Census Information:

1920 Federal Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 6
Enumerated 14 and 15 January 1920, Jesse L. Mosley
SD 326, ED 173, Sheet 14 B
Kerr, Stephonson Head M W 52 M Farmer Tx Tx Tx
Kerr, Florence E Wife F W 42 M Tx Tx Tx
Kerr, Charley D. Son M W 16 S Farm Laborer Tx Tx Tx
Kerr, Roy Son M W 22 S Carpenter House Tx Tx Tx
Kerr, Jewel Dtr F W 15 S Tx Tx Tx
Kerr, Lessie L. Dtr F W 13 S Tx Tx Tx
Kerr, Lou T. Dtr F W 11 S Tx Tx Tx
Kerr, Stephen A Son M W 9 S Tx Tx Tx
Kerr, Oscar D. Son M W 8 S Tx Tx Tx
Kerr, Therman Son M W 5 S Tx Tx Tx
McClure, Gall Boarder M W 22 S Tx Tx Tx 
11889 I1196  Kerr  Viola  Aft 1898    Might this be the 18 year old Rosie V (Viola?) Jones, married to William J Jones and living next door to the Kerr family at the time of the 1920 census?  STR06 
11890 I5342  Kerr  William Rupert  8 May 1924  6 Apr 1968  The "William Rupert Kerr Lecture in Obstetrics and Gynecology" was established at the University of Texas Medical Branch by Dr. and Mrs. Charles Denton Kerr in memory of their son, Dr. William Rupert Kerr, who practiced obstetrics and gynecology with his father in Houston until he died unexpectedly of a heart attack in 1968. His Texas Death Certificate, viewable online at, Texs Deaths, 1890-1976, shows that he was married at the time of his death, contradicting the Texas Death Index on which he was shown as single. He was listed as a Physician, and a veteran serving during the Korean conflict. His cause of death was listed as Ischemic heart disease and coronary artery disease, both of which he suffered from for 9 1/3 years. The informant was Denton Kerr, his father.  STR06 
11891 I5342  Kerr  William Rupert  8 May 1924  6 Apr 1968  (Medical):See attached sources.  STR06 
11892 I43416  Kessler  Anna Catharina  8 Apr 1745    Kathy Bonnell shows her as a daughter of Johannes Kessler and Catharina Wolf.  STR06 
11893 I34763  Key  Billie Sue  31 Jul 1929  13 Nov 2009  The Sabine County Reporter
December 9, 2009, Page 14

Billie Sue Raymond

Billie Sue Raymond, 80, of Geneva, died Friday, Nov. 13, 2009 at Lufkin Memorial Hospital in Lufkin.

Raymond was born July 31, 2009 (sic) and was a lifetime member of the Geneva community. She was a housewfe, mother and member of the Methodist church.

Funeral services were held on Monday, Nove. 16, at Starr Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Earnie Eddings officiating. Burial was held at Myrtle Springs in Geneva.

Survivors; sons, Kendall Raymond and Donny Glenn Raymond, both of Geneva; daughters, Wanda Sue Bragg of Brazoria, Vickie Lynn Mathis of Florida, LA, Frances Raymond of Geneva, and Mary Kay Twine of Hemphill.

(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, December 2009) 
11894 I37372  Key  Eugene "Little Gene"  7 Nov 1923  14 Sep 1928  Name: Eugene Jr Key
Death Date: 14 Sep 1928
Death Place: Dallas, Dallas, Texas
Gender: Male
Death Age: 4 years 10 months 7 days
Estimated Birth Date: 1924
Birth Date:
Marital Status:
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Eugene Key
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Bessie Allen
Mother's Birthplace:
Place of Residence:
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2114623
Digital Film Number: 4165511
Image Number: 767
Reference Number: item 2 cn 38736
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
11895 I37371  Key  Eugene Littlefield  20 Apr 1887  13 Apr 1963  His World War I draft registration, completed in June 1917, showed he was a grocer, employed by Kay Brothers. He was supporting a wife and one child. He was short, slender, had blue eyes and light hair.

Name: Eugene Littlefield Key
Death Date: 13 Apr 1963
Death Place: Lampasas, Lampasas, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: white
Death Age: 75 years 11 months 23 days
Estimated Birth Date:
Birth Date: 20 Apr 1887
Birthplace: Lampasas, Tex.
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Mrs. Eugene Key
Father's Name: J. R. Key
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Lula Harral
Mother's Birthplace:
Occupation: Merchant, Grocery
Place of Residence: Lampasas, Lampasas, Texas
Cemetery: Oak Hill
Burial Place: Lampasas, Texas
Burial Date: 15 Apr 1963
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 2117272
Digital Film Number: 4028589
Image Number: 1886
Reference Number: CN 26169
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
11896 I29216               
11897 I29217               
11898 I38404  Keyhill  Sarah O.  Abt 1852  12 Mar 1889  Could she have also married his brother Samuel?

Daily Journal and Journal and Tribune, page 8, vol. V, iss. 14
Publication Date:
March 13, 1889
Published as:
The Knoxville Journal
Knoxville, Tennessee
[No Headline]
Article Type:
Death Notice

Died, Sarah O. McLemore, wife of Green B McLemore, died yesterday morning at 3:30 o'clock, at residence No. 1, Nelson street; funeral today at 1:30 o'clock, interment at Gray cemetery. Friends of the family invited.

(Courtesy of Melba Gene McLemore) 
11899 I924               
11900 I17721  Kilburn  Elna  Abt 1914  Yes, date unknown  At the time of the 1930 census, Elna and her sister Abilene Kilburn were living in Shelby County with their mother, Bessie Kilburn, and step-grandmother, Martha McKinzie. Also living in the home were 26 year old Carmina Alford and 16 year old Tommie Chambless.  STR06 

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