m. 14 Jul 1934
Birth |
Bef 1916 |
Death |
Burial |
Father |
Mother |
Notes |
- Jack, age 20 (underage) was signed for by his guardian, Clyde E. Neil. Both Jack and Alma lived in Vinson, Harmon County, Oklahoma. They were married by C.L. Brooks, Pastor, First Methodist E.C., South Church in Mangum with witnesses Wm. H. Hawkins and Mrs. Wm. H. Hawkins. They were divorced in Harmon County. Alma alleged "after the marriage on July 14, Jack left the following November 1. She further alleged that Jack did not support her and refused request for support. The divorce was granted. There were no children. (Dist. Court Case 3234).
Sources |
- [S117] State of Oklahoma, Greer County Marriage License.